TI - Trading Studio

TI - Trading Studio

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what's going on hey scott hi there buddy hi jamie  how are you andy que pasa all right all right and   hello to everybody out there in attendance uh  we appreciate your attendance today and and   thank you this is the trading studio my name  is andy and that's jamie and scott and once   again thank you for taking time out of your day  uh let's dive in okay first let's go over some   legal issues here we are a content publisher here  at trade ideas okay even though we're going to   be looking at some nice setups and talking about  stocks and things like that and don't uh construe   it as investment advice that's not where what  we're trying to do here so if you are seeking   investment advice find somebody who's licensed  like a registered advisor or a stock broker   all right the agenda for today i like this one i  i really i get uh people sending me emails when i   talk about this a lot and they like it too so i i  like to like throw make this part of my content at   least every maybe four to six months and it's been  a while so we're going to talk about it some more   uh after we do the market recap and the holley  recap and it's we're going to talk about bottom   fishing and i know there's a lot of uh traders a  lot of great traders out there that would never do   something like this i happen to be pretty good  at it and i think a lot of people could could   do do the same you know uh some very important  uh disciplines to go over and know what to look   for and but like i said these can be uh very  profitable and i'm going to have some examples   of trades that i took recently if i needed jamie  to vouch for me he could because he's actually   and uh and one of the funds a little fun that i  trade so uh and then the price alerts games guys   i sorry i know it's been a couple of weeks but  i accidentally uh cleared i was cleaning out my   price alerts and i think i uh i zapped everybody's  price alerts from two weeks ago but that's okay   if you if you do have one that did very well drop  it in the window and the questions panel we'll   make sure we say something back to highlight it  because i'm sure a couple of you probably had some   good ones out there i apologize for that all right  let's talk about our five star support education   and training for the new people in here uh this is  a very powerful software and we do understand that   and it's our job to help you uh as not only  traders but also as uh people who are very   uh experienced with the software uh and we gotta  change up uh our slide i guess jamie uh because   when they're not every day okay anymore okay  we used to do one every day and after about   five years of doing these guys i'm serious  it's kind of hard to come up with content   each and every week so i'm sorry with the new  schedule but uh you know we are going to have the   daily support webinars and then we're going to be  shuffling these so basically the uh office hours   and uh the q a demo will be one week and then the  following week it'll be the trade of the week and   the trading studio but you'll get an email uh  keep you and keeping you up to date on all that   uh so anyway great uh resources to come and watch  these webinars not only will we talk about the   software we're gonna give you some really ideas  that maybe help you with your trading especially   some of you ones that are that are new and  trying to get a grasp of it i just remember   all the traders here are very experienced been  do most of us been doing it for 20 to 25 years so   uh and not failed traders either  okay very accomplished traders so uh   i just want to make sure we get that across all  right and then like i was mentioning the support   webinar is every day monday through friday i'll  be doing the one tomorrow at 12 eastern time and yeah hit that up if you're in barry's  room or you know in the live stream   we'll just take that over for an hour uh if  you're not in there just be sure to come to   ideas dot com forward slash live best place  to come to ask questions about the software   because we can demonstrate uh not only  verbally but visually so be sure you   come in there guys if you have any questions  a great place to to camp out for an hour all   right i'll save this for scotty on the way out  and let's back out here and let's pull up the   uh spice and talk about the market because we  have had four consecutive down days it's been   a while since we have seen that all you have to do  is look here on the chart and uh even though this   was actually a green bar it was a gap down day so  we have one two three negative days in a row we'll   see what comes of that it's like i said it's been  a while i don't think we'll be able to even see it   uh this was not a negative day even though that  candle is red it was actually up on the day   so haven't seen this too much lately was it  this day right here maybe one two three four   but regardless we haven't seen much even though  it hasn't been much of a dip just a little bit   each day but we have uh pulled back looks like  we could have tomorrow have a date with this uh   uh red line which is the 20 period moving average  might want to keep an eye on that if we go through   that with volume we may want to test this 50.  now we could not make it down there surprisingly   on this day but boy that 50 has been strong boy  that close underneath i guarantee you a lot of   bears were very very happy thought they finally uh  gonna get a decent turn in the market and the next   day we have a big gap and go and that's just uh  that could be painful if you're short but you can   see here uh just continuous uh bouncing off the  50 moving average and that's kind of been the uh the guiding hand if you will and you even when  i go back in history guys you can see it's been   defended again now for several um several  months that's crazy um i don't i'm not sure   i've ever seen that kind of uh stubbornness  just it just will not break that 50. so   uh we'll see we'll see what happens  uh i know it's tomorrow's a friday uh   we'll we'll see what happens so like i said the  market has been so resilient you know i'm not   going to uh you know definitely stand here and say  we we've reached the top that's for sure because   there's not a whole lot of harm in there let's  take a look at the queues and see what they look   like and actually a little bit stronger uh just  hanging on to that uh 10 period moving average   so the queues are holding up very well iwm is  starting to be iwm again uh which means it cannot   get out of this funky little range it's been in  or sometimes just basically in this range and it   continues to be below its tin period but you do  have the 10 i'm sorry the 50 and the 20 pretty   much right at the same spot see if that can hold  up for the iwm but that one has really just has   not done anything all year all right let me uh ask  jamie uh do you have anything that you might add   no dr andy i pretty much concur with your  technical analysis there there you go yeah   not a whole lot and it's still just uh you  know definitely have not had too much to cheer   about to the upside the last four days but uh  nonetheless we are still technically very sound   as far as the bulls are concerned at this point  that can change quickly though jamie oh hey   i can vouch for that you should have seen the  swing in my blotter today from the bottom it was   uh pretty massive without well i mean we did have  a little bit of down draft there but it wasn't   huge but boy just goes to show you how quickly  things can change they risk yes and they can   small time frame big time there's  a few decent trades in holly today   uh yeah we didn't have a little bit to look at as  far as you know conservative moderate spread and   maybe some good add-on opportunities as well so if  you're already i'll go ahead and grab it from you all right let me make sure i'm showing the right  screen okay you should have eyes on my desktop now   i do okay very good all right so here we have the  all trades blotter from holly i had a total of one   two three four five six and lucky number seven as  far as signals go and we can see four longs three   shorts now i'm gonna go ahead and sort by the  moderate column here because when we're looking   to potentially extract some of this spread here  and this is what we like to see let me get my   pen over here a bigger number in this column  as opposed to this column by the end of the day   of course during the market hours we don't know  that it's going to end up like this but we can   size up the trade in the chart and see if it  makes sense to stay in more or less ignore the   conservative exit which holly is producing so i  tell you what let's take a look at the top one   here first we'll take a look at the short the big  c um we can see holly making the entry right here   right here where the little uh purple cell order  is and i like the way that this is setting up what   i've done here is i've marked off the bottom of  the candles of course if you really want to be a   stickler you can mark off the wicks as well  that's really just a personal preference um   but as soon as we make that short get in the money  a little bit right about here then we pop up and   almost get that stop out just had a little bit  of room to go but it did not get us and that's   that's what a stop is for basically took all day  but eventually this thing did break down again   let me just pop an arrow over  here since i can't draw very good right here is where we finally broke down so  regarding the spread here we can see why did holly   get out of the trade reduced risk all this action  right here got it a little bit nervous finally   gives up the ghost way over here which we can see  from the shaded area um but once once this attempt   at the stop had been made and we get back down  into this level here well to me i would just stick   to the to the hard stop of course everybody's a  little bit different but as we gravitated back   down towards the close this would have been an  excellent opportunity to tack on a few shares   usually they don't take this long but sometimes  they do so what's this level here 54-23 and down   here we're down at 53-15 so another point on the  table with an add-on right here ignoring that   reduced risk exit right about this area right here  big difference between losing 20 bucks and making   100. we could call that a 6x difference between  negative 20 and 100 there so not a bad short um   kind of would have thought today that we'd see  a lot more short plays but the strategies that   holly drums up are very specific and just didn't  get a whole lot of signals today and i'd rather   have less than more typically from the ai  so a pretty decent trade some pretty decent   spread on the big c trade and a nice little  ad opportunity coming in towards the close not too shabby on the love sack these what is it  i can't remember how much these couches cost but   they're like wow they're really expensive  but obviously the market loves them so get a nice little buy signal coming  in not too long after the open right   about here in this candle we can see  the blue byline at 57 34. um this one   as soon as that candle is generated right  there my eyes are looking at this prior high   waiting for that add-on opportunity which we  get right here in this candle here all right   so once again a profit save holly didn't spend  much time in this one we get a little uptrend   we get that little pullback and that's more  than likely right here where she got spooked   out but hey we're not even back to break even  we're miles away from the stop right here um so   you know can't say anything's easy when making  a decision in the market but this trade was what   trade was well behaved it was always in the money  of course i'm looking at the five period and you   know from what i've noticed a lot of the times  that 10 period comes into play on the 5 as well   i'm kind of ruling the roost here as far as the  rest of the up move goes could add it on right   here set a little bit of a pullback before you  know the end of the day it was just the grind   higher uh all day so not a bad trade to be in  uh never came close to stopping us out with a   nice ad opportunity here and even we could even  put another line right here you know sometimes   these things repeat themselves so probably a good  time to throw on some more shares as we crossed   this level here as well and that's where the most  of the move came from for the rest of the day   so not quite as good of a multiple uh here but  we could call that about a little over nine times   in moderate mode versus what holly plucked out  in conservative mode and the nice not one but two   nice ad opportunities presenting itself presenting  themselves i should say as well now on this one we   did have a little bit of a tiny bit of spread  here 74 91 pales in comparison to what we saw   in these two let's take a look any good at add  opportunities on envb not really you can see   holly caught it right about the time that it broke  out from that 5 10 15 20 minute opening range   break this one was a little bit tougher to stay in  we go all the way up we come all the way back down   um holly making a pretty timely  exit up in this area up here   on the conservative mode with the profit save and  had we stayed in it all day you can see we'd be   right about the same place that she got out making  about 20 more bucks all based around 100 risk so a   little bit different than the other two not really  any good ad opportunities but a profitable trade   nonetheless but definitely the smallest spread  uh between conservative and moderate there curve okay also not quite a 4x between  conservative and moderate once again   profit save profit save we only had one stop out  today um but presenting a nice ad opportunity on   the curve as well i love it when they follow  through this quickly 5 10 10 minutes later   after holly gives us the signal right here at  23 15. boom we got that opening range break  

uh getting cracked right here of course  it throws a little bit of wiggles but uh   higher before the day's out if we would  have added some shares on there at 24.05   you know you had all the way up to 25 10. so you  had about another point of opportunity there with   a nice add-on i had to sit a little bit of a  wiggle but notice never really even came and   kissed that entry level so a decent spread once  again on curve and a nice opportunity to leverage   that position so all in all didn't knock it out  of the park today andy but some nice opportunity   from holly especially if you decided to leverage  some of those positions on the add-on setups well   yeah i mean anytime you have a day like we had in  the spies today i mean that yeah that's that's not   bad at all and the fact that these three were  all long as well you know and held up pretty   pretty solid um you know for sure i'll take  it all right man my friend i will kick it back hot potato there you go all right got it thank you   appreciate it and uh let's take a look all right  so uh probably my favorite when it comes to bottom   fishing is this one called i know and many of you  guys have heard me talk about this over and over   this is one that i actually uh i'm gonna do that  for us uh in real time so you guys can see what i   did to that one in case you're not getting a lot  of symbols in here i'm going to show you how you   can kind of configure it to to get more symbols  uh all right so revenue growth fishing okay let's   take a look for some of the newer people that  may have not seen me talk about this before   uh what i'm looking for it's just a top list  so there's no alert okay and basically i'm just   looking for stocks over five dollars the quarterly  revenue growth has to be at least 20 percent so   that's pretty decent you know so anything above  that's going to be uh you know good as far as   quarterly revenue growth is concerned position in  three month range i'm looking for a max of 30 okay   so basically it means it needs to be in the lower  portion of its three-month range okay so it's had   a sell-off over the last three months but the  position in 10-day range needs to be a minimum   of 70. so it's getting in the upper portion of  its 10-day range which could be a signal that   hey this thing may be basing and starting to look  uh in other words buyers have stepped in over the   last 10 days and they're starting to push these  things to the upper end of its 10-day range so   maybe there's some accumulation going on  maybe it's about to change direction so   to me this is uh like i said one of my favorites  i love the fact that uh uh you know they do have   revenue growth and a lot of times you can get some  really nice pops out of this now i'm going to give   you an example of three stocks no four stocks that  i've recently played uh three of them were in uh   no two of them were in in this uh uh revenue  growth fishing top list and the other two uh   i'm trying to remember i know i got one from  michael and the other one i'll talk about them   as i go along anyway okay let's talk about the  first one which let's talk about the two that   i know i got from the revenue growth fishing  and this one i actually tweeted on sunday night   this clov look at that beautiful long base it had  for like uh geez almost uh at least two months   there so and then we had a very nice move right  there off of this uh day right here where you just   kind of had a spinning top day uh but it was above  all three of its moving averages you had the 10   crossing to 50. it already crossed the 20 a  while back uh 50 is still declining but still  

it was above it popped above this 50 and just  basically took off on good volume i bought this   one pretty quick that day i can't remember  the exact price i want to say maybe around 9   40 or something like that and had a banner day  now i'm also i'm not just going to talk about uh   how i jumped in and had some great trades okay  i'm gonna also tell you where i messed up uh we're   gonna go over a couple of trades that i tried and  did not work and what i did i think that's how you   learn i mean anybody can sit there and pound their  chest and say oh i did this oh look how great i am   i'm not that way because uh we all make mistakes  and even if somebody has been training as long as   i still make mistakes so uh the important thing is  to learn from those mistakes uh on this day i took   all of it off okay i i did not like the areas  probably no excuse because it was coming up   against almost basically reached my target and  at the close i took it off right before the close   well turned out being pretty decent because the  next day it gapped down and basically came off   would have come in all the way all the way back  to my entry price that kind of stuff happens   that's why when i'm looking for these setups  i know the potential to be explosive is huge   and typically what i'll do is sell maybe 75 i  usually accumulate a pretty decent size for me uh   and then what i'll do is i'll sell 75 percent of  my trade and then i'll usually hang on to 25 and   let it work for me okay and i'm going to show you  the second example of a trade that i got through   raas and this is one i've traded differently where  i did exactly what i just told you i i normally   do on this one right here i was actually pretty  much got my full size on this day right here uh   no i take that back uh i added i added on this  gap and go day okay so uh had probably half   size added here and then these are actually  holley signals i believe jamie yeah uh yeah   which by the way yeah this is this is great  uh instructions okay i ended it on this day   right here two weeks ago i think you probably  mentioned me talking to you about it and saying   keep an eye on this one holly called this  and a lot of the china stocks were moving   i was on it that day look what happened it did  not work okay so what i had to do was basically   cut it the following day okay that's  okay i don't mind taking losses it's not   the losses okay anybody can take a loss and it  not affect them okay it's when you don't get out   of that loss and let it keep running against  you okay that's when you get in trouble and   i have no problem getting out of something  and turning around and trying it again okay   i loved that china was bouncing this thing had  been basically destroyed over the last uh eight   uh months or whatever that is six months and i  felt like you know look at there decent great cash   position versus debt nice revenue growth not quite  making money yet it doesn't look like but that's   okay i mean look how far amazon went before it  made money uh so that doesn't bother me as much as   i really like a good cash to debt ratio and then  the quarterly growth all right so i buy i bought   it back and got a huge move on this day did i  can't remember my exact sales i probably sold half   at the gap field and sold another 25 pretty close  to the top and then i kept i stayed in uh 25   of this position okay and i still in 25 on this  position and look it's potentially setting up   again okay and then what i'll do you see i have an  alert right there i'll probably drag this down a   little bit and then what will happen is if this  thing turns and goes again i'll probably add to   that position i don't know if i'll get a full  position like i had back over here but i would   definitely add to that position if everything  feels right i look at market and things like that   so look at these moves guys i mean this is  basically almost a 50 50 move from you know this   entry here to the top of this bar so you can get  some huge moves and a lot of them you're talking   50 to 100 easy okay so when you think about those  kind of uh performances it's okay to take a few   nicks and scratches along the way before they  go uh the thing about it is when they do go   you you want to be in them because nothing  can be more frustrating to be in something   that doesn't work and then that you wake up  one day and this thing's ripping you're like   so don't if you have to try a couple of times  it's okay the key is you got to be disciplined   when they don't work and they break below  moving averages okay just set your alert   and then hey visit it again and uh kind of uh  re-calculate you know what's going on all right another one is this one is was michael's and i  got to give him the credit for it this is one   that ipo'd and look at the consecutive sell-off  days i think i tweeted this one too as well   on this day and said you know look for a  potential bar reversal because it could get going   surprised it didn't get going more on this  day i actually took an entry probably a half   size on this day right here because it looked  like it was defending kind of that four range   and then i added to it on this day and i had  to sit through a little bit of uh you know   not doing anything okay i didn't get frustrated  because it was still holding up wasn't coming back   anywhere near four you know i had a decent price  and then i got a pop you know on this day right   here you know all the way to 574. same thing  i've saved sold 75 of my position on these uh   moves higher i kept 25 i could this one really  frustrated me because i got out of all of it on   this day my last uh position on this day right  here when it broke down below that and closed   and closed below that 10 period moving average  on decent volume okay when you see things like   that me personally i i you know i don't want to  risk it okay i'm not looking for these things   to break down you know below their you know 10  period moving average um so i got out of that one   and i saw it on this day right here and i did not  enter back into this one i cannot remember the   reason why i think it when when i saw it it just  got away from me too quick and i was frustrated   uh sometimes it could be hard when you get out  you know i think of my last around you know 440   and then you see it coming through back above  five again sometimes it's too hard to chase but   uh if you would have that would have been a nice  one all right one more to go through them and   this one was kind of a little bit of a different  story okay this is one that was just on my radar i   follow a lot of china stocks and it was this day  right here that i entered this trade and um even   even a couple of traders i always we always tell  each other what we're doing in our slack and uh   they kind of laughed at me on this day when  i bought this uh but and i think my average   price is right around four but look at this  look at this chart let me show you something   all right so we basically come from the 30s  all the way down here to the four dollar range   and this right here when i see this kind  of action with stock bases a lot of times   okay and then you see that move  down it's like a shakeout of these   people all these people who thought they  bought right here you see this quite a bit   i'll show you another chart very similar to  this when you see this a lot of times it can   be a shakeout okay so i just played the bar  reversal on this day right here and i did very   well but i'm gonna be honest with you this is  one i told when i say i messed up i messed up first let me let me tell you what i did  like about this look at this cash position   one almost two billion  dollars okay look at this uh   not a lot of revenue growth but look at the  debt position versus the cash uh you know and   and it's making money it's a vape company a china  vape company and i think i got out of my res the   rest on this day right here when it took out  that bar and i can kick myself for not hanging   on because look at the what i left on the table  just uh really frustrating that's me just making   a mistake guys that there's no reason for me not  to be in some of this steel and but that's what   happens a lot of time when you're an active trader  uh sometimes you just don't do what you want to do   and it comes a lot from being a day trader for so  many years okay you're you're on those small time   frames and it's hard to condition yourself  to to be a swing trader to the full extent   and the best way to do it is what i'm doing and  i still get out a lot of times yeah there's no   excuse for me not still be in a quarter of my  position all right a couple that didn't work now from the same revenue growth fishing and that is a ht uh now one this one i'm a little bit  skeptical about getting back to that cash   debt ratio look you know cash is okay but look  at this current debt uh that's pretty hefty   it won't keep me out of a trade as long as  everything's setting up and the volume's   there and there's a nice technical breakout  but not something i really like to see you can   say they're not earning money uh the revenue  growth is just fine that's fine there but uh   i usually like to see a little bit better but  like i said first i'm a technician i'm i'm looking   you know technically this has  been basting for a very long time   and i tried it on this day right here yesterday  a lot of times i like to be a little early i   see some action i look like volume was coming  in in the morning there was some volume there   looked like it was going to take out this range  and i pulled the trigger a little early that's   okay it was probably half a position well i know  it was half position uh but look at that did not   work now i did get out on the same day on this  one right here i just not that's not what i want   to see okay take out a basically a five-day low  this is one i got out but as you can see i have   it marked up again and i would be willing to try  as a matter of fact i kind of want to make sure   if it's really moving i'd like to see these  things early um so that's just one that did   not work that's okay i'm okay with that because  i know if it if i hit it and the volume comes   in that's the key i'm always looking for volume  like you saw in this raas look at that move there   and huge volume as it brown and broke out of this  kind of congestion that's what i'm looking for um another one that wasn't really on uh the revenue  growth fishing at the time it may have been on   there at one time because i see it's close to  my 20 percent but it was this lazr and this is   one that one of the guys had given to me i liked  the way it had moved up and was going sideways   10 across the 20 moving average looked like  it wanted to go and very similar to aht   i did the same thing i bought it i bought it too  early you know i was trying to anticipate and of   course on this day right here i got out because  it broke down it's okay once again i don't mind   these little hen scratches i mean i i can i can  take these as long as i have those moves like   rlx the ones i showed you that hippo raf club  all all four of them you know i made so much more   money on those than i lost on these ones where  they're failing and i'm getting out quick it's   no fun nobody likes to do that but i'm telling  you when you start hitting stocks for 50 or 100 you can make up for a whole bunch of these  hen scratches so uh so with that being said i   wanted to see oh yeah i wanted to go through and  look and maybe find some that may be setting up   or the ones i'm watching and and we can go  through it together and uh take a look and   some see if we can't find something that may be  setting up for some of these moves again and once   again guys there's a lot of people that would  never even think about trading this way and if   it's not your style don't worry i understand  there's a lot of people like to buy highs   so higher i'm right now i'm the highs is not  working for me at all okay a lot of my strategies   these are the ones where that are working for me  right now so i'm gonna stick with them all right   so if you are not getting a lot of data in these  things so like two days ago this thing was full   yesterday morning it was pretty full and now like  we've got seven stocks in there you say well gosh   why is that the case well we've had a little  bit of pull back in the market so a lot of these   have fallen out of their 10-day range filter  okay so they're not in that upper 30 percent   of their 10-day range so we can fix that  just to get a look at things that were there   and may have fallen back so what we're  going to do is we're going to duplicate this i like to duplicate them just in case i  accidentally save my screen i don't like   messing up the one i'm working with and i'm  going to go in here and i'm going to configure   and i'm just going to drop this 10 day range to  50 okay and you know what i mean i meant to change   this this is kind of high for three month average  i think i'm just going to do a uh volume today volume today shares we're going to add  filter and we're going to do 200 000.   all right let's see if we get some more in here yeah we got a lot more so we're going to pull  this right here and we're going to take a look   at some of these and i'll take a look at a  lot of them and show you and tell you what   i don't like and what i do like a lot of times  what i'm looking for is a basing pattern like   that clove that was a beautiful basing pattern  okay uh been basing for basically two months like this asshat uh you know basing okay so let's just go through a couple of  them and see what we're looking for here now see so this scares me  anytime i see a big gap down   okay in most cases when you  get a big gap down not always   in most cases this takes longer to work out  i don't know if it was earnings august 10th uh looks like yeah that was earnings so  when you get a big gap down on earnings   sometimes it takes a couple of months  to two or three months to work out of   so i don't trust things like this  i don't like those big gap downs bongo doesn't look bad you know for basically it's  been for a couple of months almost it's been uh   kind of basing there there there you go remember  how it's said a lot of times you'll get that   shakeout and then that bounce you'll see that  a lot guys keep an eye on that when you do   see those and look for a bar reversal a lot of  times those can just be a shakeout over the last   month it should it just i'm not going  to use the term they will take you out   because i don't know who they are it's just  emotions shaking chasing people out but not bad   i'm not going to mark these up and do price alerts  guys so you might want to just jot them down   uh or uh you know just follow along with me  i'll go ahead and mark this up if it gets back   above the six dollars and back above  that 50 you can just follow along with me this one's not bad but once again there you  go you got that you got that drive down i'm   not sure if that was earnings no they're  saying november 8th i'm not sure what that   was but anytime i see action like this  once again i'm going to let it work out   jetblue uh jetblue both jetblue and save have  been s-a-v-e has been in here i really like   the way save was working but uh i'm  gonna i'm gonna hold off on that one   that was kind of a failed attempt  there so maybe it needs to go sideways okay yala i like this okay an ugly day  here but it wasn't big gap down on news   uh so i'm not sure what that day was and  okay that was earnings but it wasn't a huge   gap down i'll put i got an alert set in there but  gosh i still don't like that earnings day right   there so i'm gonna have to see like big volume to  take a chance on something like that almost almost   have to be some news driving it because uh like  i said typically they take a while after earnings   uh if you have time absolutely you go ahead and  get through that window and then then we'll look   at baba um okay uh i'm not to go through all  i jotted a couple down ones that i like imacs and i had an alert now this one i  didn't buy okay but this is one where   you might want to keep an eye on especially if  someone if if it's amc it's uh gets going again   uh and cnk is another one that's been holding  up very well you know after a move you might   want to keep an eye on this imax could be  explosive you have your revenue growth there   cash the current debt's okay so i set one there  right above 16. big pivot level at 16. so could   get a nice little pop from that one i mentioned  yala and i'll look at a few more and then we'll uh i don't i don't trust these all plays  that i mean that looks decent above eight   but i i just you're you're strapped  to the commodity on those things anyway i'll let you guys uh this one  doesn't look bad look at that revenue   growth 11 000. uh well as i zoom out that's  kind of messy yeah i'm not crazy about that   say this is the one i was saying that looked  pretty good but look at the day you got today   now i didn't buy today uh i just did not want  to buy a whole lot today currently i'm in that   uh diana shipping which you might want to keep  an eye on guys this uh this is like a multi-year   high if it takes out this high over here okay so  keep an eye on the this is the trade of the week   so keep an eye on that i am in that one i'm trying  to remember oh that's right i'm back in i'm still   in raz and actually bought some more today around  this level so i'm adding to my position in raas   not like the size i had over here but i may add  some more if it goes in there all right jamie baba   yeah machio was just asking about what would you  think about baba you know what i've been i i liked   baba on this day right here as a matter of fact  i had a an alert set on that at 150 uh to buy if   it got down there got about two dollars from me i  love the way that put in that nice little you know   hammer uh and then gapped up here look how gappy  it is the problem with something like baba is you   are going to have to basically play the overnight  china markets because just like you know today it   gapped down today you know all the asian markets  were down overnight and that's just something   you have to live with you know and and i don't  like these gappy it's it's too hard for me to   get a good picture of what it's doing  technically when when you have all these gaps   it's below its moving averages now so i would not  be inclined to do anything right here uh it's it's   just to get its guesswork uh you know i would you  know love to see it you know back above this level gets back above that level then you may have  a quick move to the 50 moving average which   would be probably 10 points so uh but right  now yeah i don't uh i'm not crazy about it all right kj says all right we can we  can look at some charts we can do that uh yeah they uh lithium was going earlier today i've  noticed you know tesla's kind of taking the charge   uh wasn't too long ago when tesla would get  running you have neo and then you have all   these small ones get running boy lately  we're not seeing the r the small ones run out let them look like it was going to go again  but it pulled back today a lot of stuff pulled   back with the market which is uh you know  not surprising all right uh so let's do the   uh let's do the price alert game okay and uh  once again sorry guys about what happened uh   last uh me accidentally erasing all of them  sorry about that but we can fire away some more   and now remember we're going to be back every  two weeks so these look for some long-term setups   where's my price alerts there they are all right so here's how you here's  what you guys are going to do   all right you're going to give me kj is that  lac is that your price alert that you're giving me ah okay yeah he's he was ready all right  so see how kj did it well i guess you don't   see but anyway just give me a stock and give me a  price i will assume it's along unless you tell me   otherwise if it's a short just be sure to tell  me it's a short he wants it at 21.60 all righty

and don't everybody give me it at once and that is kj at 2160 long and there  you go so need some more participants yeah we kind of kind of have lower attendance  jamie a little bit today so uh maybe some of the   usuals aren't around for some reason uh but here  we go we got emay i know i count on ebay z s z s scalar at that's a pretty nice  setup there okay long at 288.52 all right and that is emay cara from stephanie cara at 18 long all right going up here 18  for a major break out there kara and let's see amc long at 49. all right oh i didn't oh shoot let  me put the hold on just a minute here   i gotta do some columns here so i can find out okay amc let me edit this one and that was walt all right mrna gonna go with moderna i think it  was looking pretty today i know that that's set up and moderna at 4 54. looking  for a little bit of a pullback

and that is a long correct all right long and not from neo cifr oh playing playing a new issue  there okay i like that 1319 all right it's not trading there so we can do that and that is a long and that is for aja okay just make sure i got that  in there right cliff at 24 15. okay cliff at 24-15 that's stan g bob nugget again you know what bob i traded  that nugget and made some decent money on   it on half of it and then ended up getting out  the other half for a flat uh on this day right   here i bought it and sold it at the half  of it at the 50 i wish i'd have sold it all   uh all right now i get that bob at 50. all right  looking for his little pull back again then okay and that is bob t just in case we  have another bob i don't think we are   all right looks like uh yeah we got it we got an  okay amount going once guys if anybody wants to   play give me a stock and a price and we'll get you  in and this is going to be a two-week game now so   plan these moves for you know when we pull them  up we'll take a look at uh what what could have   been if had we been here you know the week prior  but uh this will be fine since they're uh two   week long ones all right looks like that's all so  i'm gonna save these and share them with you guys copy i'm gonna drop them into the  chat panel so anybody who wants to   grab them will be able to grab them price alerts and there you go all right guys well that's uh that's all i  have for today i hope uh i hope you guys uh   maybe learn something from bottom fishing  like i said it's not for everybody if you   but for some of you who don't mind it can be  like i said a very very prop profitable venture   uh you're welcome debbie all right  thanks everybody i'm gonna bring in   scott he'll walk us out you guys hang  on he'll have a discount code for you yeah thank you um a couple things on the way out  uh grab the new strategy indicators ebook before   we switch over to promoting another one it's  really helpful it's really good um it's got some   advice from our director of software development  dave may just go to trade dash ideas.com   strategy and also grab cloud links from there  and import them into your layouts to use his   indicators and strategies we also have a new  product the strength alerts newsletter if you   like the trade of the week give that a try dollars  a month and you get five ideas every sunday night   to review on monday morning uh trade dash  ideas.com strength to learn more about it   and uh that's a great co that's a great uh  way to go if you're not quite ready to get   a full trade idea subscription but you do  like the trade of the week and our webinars   and if you have any questions email  info tradeidease.com that's inflat trade   ideas.com it goes to our support desk gets you the  help you need and you can find jamie on twitter at  

quantbot you can find our steve gomez at ti steve  g also find us at trade ideas and facebook.com   trade ideas pro is the facebook page to like and  favorite uh thanks everyone the recording will be   up later on and you get an email reminder tomorrow  about how to find it have a nice one and andy and   jamie thank you thank you scott thanks everybody  i'll see some of you tomorrow see you tomorrow

2021-09-12 15:13

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