thinkScript Studies on thinkorswim | Ken Rose CMT MBA | 3-26-21| Trading Custom Columns & Strategies

thinkScript Studies on thinkorswim | Ken Rose CMT MBA | 3-26-21| Trading Custom Columns & Strategies

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hello investors so i've had a couple  requests here over the last week   asking about creating a custom column for  moving average crossovers is that something   that requires a script well we'll take a look  and see let's go ahead and get underway here   so again hello investors and welcome to the think  script studies on thinkorswim my name is ken rose   as always great to be here to discuss investing  the stock mark particularly where we have   this tool that we can use to help enhance our  productivity just remember you can follow me on   twitter my twitter handle's at krosc underscore  tda where i post things related to thinkscript   as well as other areas of investing i want to  thank michael fairborne for being over in the   chat window he is extremely knowledgeable in  this area so do feel free to send any questions   you have over there to mike as well you can  follow mike on twitter as well i encourage   you to do that post some great information over  there particularly from a fundamental analysis   standpoint i'm sure mike would be more than happy  to send over his twitter handle to you over there   in the chat window and wave disclosures here today  just a reminder that in order to demonstrate the   function of the platform we need to use actual  symbols however td ameritrade does not make   recommendations or determine the suitability of  any security or strategy for individual traders   any investment decision you make in your  self-directed account is solely your   responsibility we also use the paper money  software application this is for educational   purposes only any level success we may have in our  paper trading account isn't necessarily indicative   of the success you'd have in your actual live  trading account as market conditions do change   continuously here's a picture of myself i  specialize in blending with fundamental analysis   with technical analysis i really i i really enjoy  what i do because i've always enjoyed learning   and there's always opportunities to learn new  technologies and applying those technologies   to new strategies i also enjoy and love  teaching as well as trading in this area   i'm also a contributor on the td ameritrade  network i'm a charter market technician   and i work with things scripting building  indicators triggers and strategies and the like   so with regards to the steps we usually  take as scripters we usually identify a goal   we'll ask ourselves can think scripting meet  the goal we'll outline the steps to script   we'll apply think script tools we'll write custom  scripts when needed and we'll test what is written   for today's session what we'll do is i'm going  to start off with implementing what's called   a breakout custom column now many of you are  familiar with the breakout custom column but   i have had i have recently had some requests just  to show how to add that as a custom column share   the link and and go through that process once  again as a review so we'll go ahead and we'll   start off with that okay then following that  we'll also look at what i mentioned a little bit   earlier the moving average column you know do you  need to write a script in order to get a moving   average crossover over there in a column and then  after that we'll take a look at strategies i'm   not sure exactly how far we'll get here today  but we do have we do have 35 40 minutes so i   do believe we'll get through most of that with  regards to this then what are we talking about   as far as where we're at in our process here well  basically talking about the goal here right now the goal is can we create a column or implement  a column that's already been created a breakout   column to help us identify stocks that are  breaking above an area of resistance is that   something that can be done i think we can all  agree that it is something could be done you   know how effective it is is is probably more more  open to debate you know sometimes the script that   we write can work out very well sometimes it  it doesn't catch everything let's just say that   okay so we'll go ahead and put a check mark here  yeah we feel like it can meet the goal to what   extent well we'll take a look at some examples on  that as far as outlining the steps to script we   won't we'll we'll hold off on this for now screen  tip tools what we'll do is we'll basically test   what has been written on this breakout then we'll  swing back and we'll take a look at moving average   crossovers so with that then again we'll apply  our breakout script talk about moving average   moving at moving study values over to columns and  primarily we'll take a look take a look at moving   average crossovers then given time we'll also  want to get into strategies we'll talk about what   a strategy is and where you can find strategies on  the thinkorswim platform and how those are related   to things scripting in general okay and i'll  try to i'll try to i'll try to glance over in   the chat windows we're going along perhaps pick  up some questions as we're going along here as   well um that may be directed primarily to me okay  so with that then let's go ahead and pull up the   thinkorswim platform here here's the thinkorswim  platform and here is a breakout column right here   just a quick review on what the breakout column  is supposed to be showing us here i'm going to go   ahead and click on acn right here look at this  a little bit earlier today this is an extreme   example look at that large candle right there  let's look at something a little bit more tame   i think we had some energy stocks up here one  in particular that would look a little bit more   time so this this is more of a tame breakout  so this is what the custom breakout column is   meant to find it's meant to find stocks that  are breaking above a previous resistance level   it doesn't draw the lines in by the way you  need to do that on your own but you can see   the stock came up here created this peak came  down that peak is a resistance level right there   and so this custom script is meant to identify out  of a list of stocks which ones are breaking above   a previous resistance level which is considered by  some traders to be a strong potential entry signal   or possibly a strong radar signal meaning hey  it may be time to put this stock on our radar   maybe look for a pullback then  about something along those lines   another aspect of this particular study i'm just  going to open it up here a little bit so we can   see the complete column you'll notice on this  study that we have a numeral one on some of these   and we have a numeral two on some of these  if you have a numeral 1 that's indicating   the breakout occurred today so on kmi  notice we have a numeral 1 right here   if you have a numeral 2 that indicates that the  breakout occurred the previous trading day so   if i come up here and pull up shw and let's  bring a line across here i'll bring a line   right across there you can see that the breakout  occurred yesterday and we're just getting a follow   through here today that's kind of nice because  it actually just picked up where where it left   off and continued to move higher so how how  could we use this how can how can all of you   have this column available to you for your  trading well and and you could apply this   to any thing script thing that you see it  could be a it could be a study on a chart   it could be a custom column anywhere you just  ask whoever has it if they'll share it with you   and to share with you it's really easy for them  to do they basically just need to create a link   and if it's a custom column over here to  create the link just come up here to the   type and right click on the name of that custom  column and come down here and choose edit formula   now if you're looking if you're if you're in  that boat where you just want to use an applied   you don't have to remember any of this this is  what i need to do in order to share with you   so i do a right click on the heading i choose edit  formula when it comes up here here's the here's   the programming right here by the way this is a  this is one that i wrote okay sometimes i'll get   questions hey is it okay if i go in and make some  adjustments make all the adjustments you want okay   i i i would appreciate if you left here follow  kroc underscore td on twitter for updates   then also if you make a change add a  line put a little pound sign right here   and then just note your change and maybe something  to identify you if you're going to share with   someone else because then they'll get and they'll  say okay well maybe i'd better contact this person   first with regards to potential change but do feel  free to make any changes you want if you're going   to share though if you could note that you made  a change to what i had done that that can save   a little bit of time with regards to potential  things that could creep up in here by the way if   you do follow me on twitter i when i update these  i automatically send out updates over over on   twitter so do keep that in mind as well okay but  over here then i want to share it so i'm going to   come up here remember i did a right click on the  column heading and i chose edit formula i'm going   to come up here and click on share right here and  when i click on share this little box right here   will come up let me go ahead and collapse this one  it says okay do you really want to share this i'm   going to say yeah i really want to share so i'm  going to click on share here again this has copied   this link into the computer's memory that's going  to disappear here shortly and it just disappeared   so what i can do now is i'll do two things i'm  going to send the link over in the chat window   so that you have it i'll also bring it up here  on the chart so if you wanted to you could just   take a picture of the chart let me send it over in  the chat window to begin with with this disclaimer   and the disclaimer is this this link is not  guaranteed with regards to accuracy or time   it's also not a recommendation if you want to use  it fine if you don't want to use it well that is   totally fine as well okay it's it it's over there  for your consideration so i sent that over in the   chat window let me also bring it up here on the  chart to do that i'm going to use by the way   to bring up my drawing tools on the chart  i've got a mouse with a with a with a a a   roller in it don't you call that a roller spinner  i very seldom use it okay but on the chart if you   click on your spinner there it brings up your your  drawing tools right here that's just something i'd   that's something that someone informed  me about just recently i appreciate it so   that's kind of a cool thing to bring up so we're  going to bring this up and what did i want to do   with this i've got this line drawn in right here  so we're good on that i don't think i need to   draw anything on this chart right now oh yes i  do i want to draw a text note so i can bring up   the link up here so i chose the text i'm going to  click up here to bring up a text box i'm going to   paste the link in here i want to make this big  enough so that we can see it because that's not   very big so i'll edit the properties and  let's bring that up to about 48 and bold   okay there it is right there now you can use  the entire link that's fine if you want to   but you don't have to the next step that i'll show  you in applying this you can either use the entire   link which is probably the easiest thing to do if  you copy it over there in the chat window but if   you're copying it from the screen you only  need to copy these seven digits right here and in fact i'll read them out to you okay   they are the numeral five uppercase f is in  frank uppercase b as in benji uppercase r as   in right uppercase p as in pill uppercase  j as in jerry and a lowercase n as in noon so that's how that that's all you need is those  but if you want to use the entire leak you can so   after you have this then in order to bring it  in play and use it on your thinkorswim platform   come up here to where it says setup click on setup  come down here to where it says open shared item   click on open shared item and right here   we want to paste it in so i pasted the entire link  just because i sent it over in the chat window but   for educational purposes i'm going to delete  it now if i do the entire link it's going to   work just fine no problem but just for  educational purposes i'm going to delete   everything except those last seven digits and  we'll see here that this works fine as well   i'm going to click on preview and notice when  i click on preview there's a couple things that   have occurred one is down here it gives me a place  to put in a name now on mine it says okay if you   want to use this you're going to have to replace  something that's because i do a lot of teaching   so if i want to add this custom column i got  to get rid of something that's already in there   you most likely will not have this issue i don't  know what the limit is i think i think it might   be 100 or something but but obviously i basically  have too many you'll probably just get the name   you definitely want to put the name in here okay   so i'm going to put a name in here  for purposes of our class i'll call it   i'll do aaa here just so i can find it easy you  probably want to do something like breakout or or   or or break out um kr or or just something along  those lines let me just put aaa then i'll put um let's see webcast oops we got two b's in there  this keyboard is a little bit tricky webcast um breakout okay i'm not sure which one of these  i'm willing to part with let's see i've got some   other aas in here so let's get rid of one of  our aaa's we'll get rid of that one so we will   replace an a a oh you know what when you choose  your aaa it automatically gives it that same name   let's give it a different name  let's go back with our aaa and webcast breakout keyboard on this computer it's a little  bit sticky okay looks like we're okay here so i'm   just going to click on import right here and i'll  get this little sign right here well you're not   seeing the sign but you'll get assigned this  because i i have two monitors coming up on   the other monitor i'm not able to drag it over but  you'll get a sign that says hey this thing already   if it already exists under that name it'll say it  exists um are you sure you want to override it i'm   just going to say okay because i am now it's gone  think script was successfully imported okay so how   do you find it then when you have a when you have  a watch list how do you bring it up over here on   your gadgets well um come over here to where it's  a symbol do right click choose customize and then   here under available items it's going to be an  alphabetical order under the name that you gave it   so to get a little bit quicker  i'm going to type in three a's   and then if i scroll down here i should have   there it is right there webcast breakout i'm  going to highlight it and i'll bring it over here and highlight let's i'll bring it up um bring  it up just just just under the other one just   for just for educational purposes okay then  i'll say okay and i've got to break out columns come over here see if i get rid of that i'm  not quite able to squeeze them in there am i   now notice here that we have 500 stocks in  this list right here notice here i've got two   custom columns notice here i have custom  expressions if i pull this out it's going   to be custom expressions exceed limit  that's basically saying that we're asking   for too much space on these servers you know when  you use these things you're allocated so much   space on your servers if the complicated nature of  what you're trying to do becomes too great for the   allocation you have received you'll get this error  message so a couple things you can do when you can   actually call and say you know what i'm getting  this error message can you allocate me more space   that's a possibility another thing you could do  is you can decrease the number of watch lists   you have notice i have a sector watch list here  as well as the s p 500 the other thing you can   do this is usually what i try to do first is i  delete unnecessary columns so i'm getting this   error message here and i if i sort by one of these  columns we'll we'll kind of see the extent of it see where where it does some of it but it's  not going to do it it misses a lot of it   so if i get rid of some of these columns if i  come up over here and say customize and say okay   reality is i only need one breakout so i'll  get rid of this one that was there to begin   with we'll go ahead and get rid of that one  i'll get rid of this percent change as well   and and that that percent change was a custom  percent change to find the percent change for   the week so i'll just leave this in here see if  that frees up enough space and now it looks like   it did freed up in a space so now we have all of  our results so that's how you bring this breakout   or some other ones that i that i have that some  of you are aware of is we have blanket breakout   we have flag we have falling knives if you're new  to this session and you'd like some of these we   i may not be able to get into all of them in our  thick scripting class so do feel free to contact   me via twitter and i'd be more happy to send you  out sort of a basket of these that you can use   in your trading again keeping in mind they're  not guaranteed with regards to accuracy or time   keep that in mind with this one as well again  not guaranteed with regards to accuracy or time   okay well let's move on to that to the  question that i got and and this is not   the only time i've received this question i've  actually received this question several times   from different folks and sometimes  you get a question like this because   someone else is teaching moving  average crossovers which is actually   a a nice thing you know moving average crossovers  they tend to be a valuable technical indicator   well if we wanted to have a custom column over  here looking for moving average crossover what   are some things we could do well we could say okay  is that something that we could write with think   scripting i think it's pretty safe to say that  we can and one of the reasons i think it's safe   to say that is because it's because we've done it  in heat well i don't know that we've done moving   average crossovers in here but if i go back a few  years when i was teaching another version of this   class we we did moving average crossovers in there  so we know that we can write our own if we want to   but usually the first thing you  want to do when you're looking at   doing something in a column that is  custom or something you want to do   you want to look to see if it's already been  done and if think or swim is already providing it so let's just check that out i'm going to  come over here here's here's my s p 500 stocks   i'd like to create a custom column that's going to  let me know when there's moving average crossovers   so come up here to where it says  symbol i'll do a right click okay i'll do a right click and then after i  do right click what do i choose let's kind of   go over those steps first step go to the top of  your watch list point to symbol do a right click   second step what do i do i see it over there  customize right there there's customize   then where are the available  items they're right here how do i tell if something is part of the  thinkorswim platform versus something that some   versus something that someone has written notice  these little scrolls right here how they're open what's that telling us any thoughts on that  i'll just i'll just throw that out there for   those of you i'll just throw this out here as  a question what does that open scroll tell us   i'll give you a second to answer  that mull that over a little bit okay sometimes there's a little bit of a delay  before between when answers come in and i ask   the question i'm sure that some answers will come  in but i'll go ahead and address the question now   so over here we've got open scrolls nothing in  them let me show you the opposite of that here   we have lock scrolls and vj is right on target  right there yeah if you've got an open scroll here   that means that is a custom script that either  you've written or someone else has written and   it's been shared with you this little guy right  here this is a lock scroll if you look at these   scrolls and they have locks on them that means  that that is something that thinkorswim has   provided to you isn't that nice i think it's  going to provide something to you i think we'd all   agree it would be easier to use something that's  already written rather than to write it on our own   unfortunately sometimes we're going to find  something that's already been done and is part   of the platform and sometimes we're not another  aspect of this to keep in mind is that if you   use something that's already on the platform it  tends to take up less resources on the servers   that's another advantage of that your you  can usually add more stuff without running   into that custom expression exceeds limits  let's let's let's figure out here then how   would we identify you know we've got all this  stuff to go through there's quite a bit of them   have to kind of cut to the chase  to find moving average crossovers well right here under available items we could  scroll down here in alphabetical order or what   can we do well we can just type in we could  type in moving average that would be something   we could type in we could type in crossover  there's going to be a lot of moving average   stuff in here but maybe not quite so many  crossovers so i'm going to elect to type in   crossover here so we'll do c-r-o-s-s o-v-e-r we  got crossover notice that we've got we actually   have quite a few crossovers in here don't  we here's one that was written crossover two   not sure exactly what that is let's scroll  down because we're looking for moving average   crossover here's an adx crossover a macd histogram  crossover momentum crossover money flow crossover   this looks like moving avg crossover this looks  like this could fill the ticket right here okay let's see we got here folks  right now i've got a ringing phone   and just double check oh i'll have to  catch that a little bit later i thought   that might be related to our session  here today okay so i'm going to click   on this to highlight it moving average  crossover i'm going to choose add item   and then i'm going to come over here and see what  we have here and to do that to see some of the   particulars i can scroll over here and right here  i'll click on this little down arrow right here actually it's more like a down carrot there  it is right there that opens it up so looks   pretty cool to me notice the versatility we  have with this we can change our aggregation   so if we wanted to look at we want to look at  a moving average based on one day candles would   live we'd leave that as at d for day what if we  wanted to pull up a three minute chart where each   candle represents three minutes we could change  that to three minutes let me double check that   yep you got minutes you got days you got weeks  we have a lot of versatility here we'll just   stay with the default of day what about the price  close open high low a lot of good stuff in here   you know these usually come with more versatility  than what you can actually write in script   here's length one and length two that's going  to be you know i'll usually use length one as   my fast and length two as my slow looks like  they do that as well here they have a 15 period   30 period you can choose the average type they  give you a whole in here yep they give you whole   that's that's kind of increasing in popularity  with some investors exponential weighted wilders   and what kind of a cross do you want do you have  it crossing above or do you want it crossing below let's go ahead and put on here crossing above  okay so i guess one question i have right now   is this going to be only those stocks that  are crossing above today this would be one   area where a custom may help you out if this is  just looking for once across today that's fine   there's nothing wrong with that if you wanted to  build one that says okay i'd like something that   crossed either today or within the last three  trading days or possibly within the last week   that's something you could maybe build out with  regards to a custom script let's just leave this   at 15 and 30 and we'll clamp it in there and  we'll say okay got it right here we'll say okay so now we have where is it i'm trying to see  it in here i'm not seeing it sometimes they   get squished in here somewhere oh it's all  the way over here let's bring this guy here   there's our moving average crossover  so let's test it okay let's sort it so these are the ones here where the 15 period  moving average will be crossing and i'm thinking   that this is just finding ones that have  crossed today okay because there's so much   positive action here today i have a hard time  thinking some of these didn't cross within a   week or so but let's double check on our chart  over here i'm going to add a couple studies   a pair of studies edit studies and  let's bring over simple moving averages simple moving average one simple moving  average two and let's set one here for fifteen and i use this this is just me you  don't have to you don't have to do   the way i do but i usually set my  shorter term moving average to a   a color of red to some kind of version or  some type of shade of red and i'll make it rather than have a solid line have that dashed  line and let's make a little bit fatter so we can   see it that's my 15 that's my fast and then we'll  bring up we'll change this one did from 9 to a that was a 30 wasn't it i believe it was a 30. a 30 and i'll leave this at green i'm  okay with leaving that green we'll make   that a three and i'm just going to keep  this one solid say okay we'll say apply   and here we go so there we are  right here okay so this is shw   how about amt did these cross today sure did look  right here you can see they're crossing today   come here and find dpz are they crossing tape sure  are look right here you can see they're crossing   today so this study finds those those that  are crossing here today which is which is nice   if you wanted to play it a little bit you  could find something across within a week   but what would be wrong with just running  this on a daily basis i think one of the   reasons to identify stocks that are crossing above  a moving average today would be just that so that   you could make a determination whether or not you  wanted to take action on that day it's also kind   of interesting to hear you see some of these are  crossing the moving averages crossing while at the   same time we're having a breakout you know here  we have a breakout moving averages are crossing   texas instruments breakout moving averages  crossing monster here i think that's monster   breakout why moving averages are crossing it's  generally considered that if you have more than   one technical indicator that's in concert with  the other that tends to provide a stronger signal   having said that just a word of caution don't get  in the rut of adding a whole bunch of technical   indicators so you're looking for a confluence  of many indicators because it that tends to be   more counterproductive than everything i'd maybe  settle on two maybe three technical indicators at   max on a chart and just look for those to be in  confluence with each other okay all right folks   so that is our discussion there well let's  go ahead and shift gears here a little bit   let's get started on a discussion of strategies  and talk a little bit about what a strategy is   then we'll delve into it further in our next  session we'll see how far along we get here today   so let's let's look at this moving  average crossover right here and let's   look at dollar here and let's come out here  to a chart we'll come out here and we'll go   oh let's go five years i'm going to right click on  this little square i'm going to say remove drawing   and let's just say hypothetically that we had  a a system in place where we entered a position   when the short-term moving average crossed above  the longer term moving average and we exited a   position when the short-term moving average  crossed below the longer term moving average   we could pull up a chart just like this and let me remove let's clear off all our drawings  and just clear the drawings i don't want any   drawings on their drawings are just things that  are done by hand if we want to do a five-year test   we just come over here and highlight this and say  okay right here the moving average crossed below so i'd get out my trusty spreadsheet and say  okay i went short on the stock right here   then as we move forward here and say okay i went  long on the stock right here i come over here okay i went short here and i went long here yeah we just keep moving on down here a little bit okay then i decided to go short right here  and then i decided to go along over here let's zoom back out okay so i made it about this far over okay   this is how far i got i still have a long  ways to go number one number two i've got   to record each time i put one of those  entries here if i'm doing this manually   i need to write in my entry on a spreadsheet  and i need to put in my exit on a spreadsheet i need to go all the way along here  in order to get a five year test   after i've done that i may say you know  in looking at this i kind of noticed that   this system is a little bit too sensitive it's  getting me in and out too often when that occurs   i'm i'm getting chopped up here and giving away a  lot of my profitability so maybe i want to change   and rather than do a 15 and 30 maybe i want to  do a 15 and 40. or we may look at it the other   way and say you know what this system needs to  be a little bit more sensitive to price movement   so rather than do a 15 and 30 maybe i do a 10 and  a 30 or maybe i do a 10 and a 20. each time i make   that change i need to come back here bring out  a new spreadsheet and go through this five years   again so this is what's nice about a strategy is  is that while they have limitations okay right now   we're talking about moving average crossover this  is something you could totally do with a strategy   if on the other hand you said okay i want to enter  in at support and exit resistance that's not going   to work with a strategy because support and  resistance are going to be subjective by nature you may say hey wait a minute can you just  show the breakout thing that shows when you   break above a resistance level that's true  okay but there are several resistance levels   on a chart and different traders are going to  look to see which one they think has has the   greatest validity so keep in mind that strategies  can be very beneficial but the more objective   your entry and exit signals are the less likely  a strategy will perform and function well for you   so if you can tie a strategy to a study and then  price and relax in relationship to that study   those tend to well those tend to work out  well for strategies and many investors find   them to be beneficial now the nice thing about  strategies is just like studies just like custom   columns think or swim has provided us with some  strategies that we can use in other words systems   that for no other reason just to get familiar with  the functionality we can bring them up on charts   i'm not sure if we have a moving average  crossover in there but let's take a look   we can take it we can take a peek for that  so to do that i'm going to come up here to   studies and click on studies i'm going to come  down here and i'm going to choose edit studies   and notice here in my edit studies box this is  the default this is what we're probably using 90   of the time but look what we have right here  we have an entirely different section called   strategies so if i click on strategies  notice i have an entirely different list   notice i have some custom ones here that have  the open scrolls those are ones that have been   written for scripting classes or whatever and  notice all the ones down here where we have   the locked scrolls in other words  these ones are provided to you   and you know i can tell you because i have kicked  around here i haven't gone through all of these   but there's a natural tendency to just kind of  feel like if it's if it has a lock on it and   it's available to everyone it's not going to be as  good as one that's been written as a custom script   that hasn't been my experience at all okay  it just hasn't you know these are these are   these are definitely worth your time as far  as coming in and looking at them analyzing   them using them for paper trading kind of get an  idea so you're comfortable with them if from that   point you want to consider using them for live  trading then that's going to be your decision but   don't automatically make the assumption that  because these are available to everybody   they're not as valuable per se as something  that has been written by a single individual   a lot of these are written by teams and teams  can have a greater impact with regards to the   efficacy of something than that than just a single  individual but let's just scroll down here i don't   know that we're here's a golden debt well that's  a custom one there let's see if we can find it   one that's part of the tos platform that is  based on moving average crossovers to be honest   with you i don't know come up here there's  b cons cons i'm not seeing cross over there   how about moving average if we  come down here to moving average   macd mean reversion moving average strategy  look at that moving average two line strategy   now in order to get the definition we can click  on these little question marks over here okay so   this says moving average strategy so let me quick  click on this see what it says the moving average   strategy adds buy and sell orders upon crossovers  of price with its moving average by default the   simple moving average is used in calculations  nevertheless you're free to use other averages or   moving averages whole or whatever so the key here  to keep in mind is it uses price crossing okay two   modes of trading but it's the primary thing there  is keep in mind it's using price okay so so we   we may want to use that as an example let's come  down here using moving average two line strategy the moving average two-line strategy is based  upon crossovers of fast and slow averages   hey look at that the fast average length is  significantly less than that of the slow one   by default crossovers are found for exponential  moving averages however you're free to use other   averages simple weighted so on and so forth hey  so this this looks like exactly what we want to   do to kind of draw a correlation and also a  contrast with regards to doing this manually   so i'm going to go ahead and highlight this  i'm going to choose add select and here it is   let's set up our moving averages in here so i'm  going to come over here and click on the gear   and for our fast one we wanted to use 15  right 15 and for slow one we wanted to use   30. the average was not exponential we wanted  to use simple and we're okay using close okay and notice that the buy is set to auto and the  sell is set to auto which means we're either going   to be long or short the stock at all times you can  you can work with these so you're not necessarily   short along the stock at all times now when a  when a buy is made it's going to make a little   print here that says it says something about  the buy being made that's going to be in green   we'll be able to see that when the cell is made  that's going to be in pink on the black background   we should be able to see that we have show study  up here let's say okay and let's click on apply   and look what we have we have all these buy  and sell so and we have all this buy and   sell stuff well remember we talked about  entering these into a spreadsheet this is   actually kind of nice because let me zoom  in here just a little bit you can grab one   of these buy and sell signals there's a little  arrow do a right click on the arrow and choose   show report this will come up with a report  and this report is something that you can   move over to a spreadsheet we'll go a  little bit more detail on that next time   this shows it shows your shows your  entries and your exits it comes down here   and shows you your profitability and notice the  profitability down here i've got here minus 7859   so look at that and say okay we probably are going  to want to make some kind of a some kind of an   adjustment to this we did have some profitable  trades the maximum profitable trade was 1846. there's probably going to be some some something  in here probably warrants tweaking it in some way   now in addition to bringing that up for  a spreadsheet we can also come over here   where it says study and choose edit studies and  down here we have this box here called global   strategy settings right here we can click on that  and we can in here we can say display floating p   l study with strategy so i'm going to click on  that i say ok i'm going to click on apply here   and there we have notice the red we come  over here we should have some green at   some point there's green okay so we can look at  different points in time you can see here that   here we're profitable here we're not so what's  going on here so that we're not profitable in   relationship to this we could compare these and we  can do some analysis the nice thing is we can make   little adjustments and then recalculate everything  again and just do it in seconds okay and as i   mentioned last week we'd like to put together a  strategy i don't know if we'll use this would like   to put together a strategy that we can start using  so that paper trading becomes part of our think   script sessions here so we'll have a strategy in  place we'll we'll look to modify it without over   modifying it you can you can over modify these  things so they look perfect under current time   frames but they just totally bomb as you go out in  the future so you got to be careful about mining   the data that's what that's sometimes referred  to as mining the data getting it so it all looks   perfect i could go in here and make this thing so  it's green all the way across but by fitting it   so closely to the current data when you go out in  time it's going to fit less closely and that can   create a huge problem okay all right investors  let's go ahead and wrap everything up here for   today and just a little reminder for those of you  that may be new here today there's some some great   resources over here on the td ameritrade website  including some other webcasts to be aware of   over here on the td ameritrade website if  you come up over here where it says education   come down here where it says webcast right  here you also have some course over here   we don't currently have a course in thing  scripting we have courses in stock options   we have a lot we have a course in futures some  nice courses there to get a background also   these this is where you come in and identify  our webcast so click on webcast right there   it'll bring up the webcast calendar  that should come up here shortly i'm hoping there it is there's our webcast  calendar the webcast calendar is a little   bit choppy here today looks like it looks  like they've already updated it for next   week which is fine because earlier the  wednesday was kind of blocked out because   we had education day this today but just  keep in mind the greens the green boxes   these are the webcasts that are for getting  started if you're feeling a bit shaky about   some of the things we've been discussing here  and it gives you the dates and the times and then   to go ahead to attend them you can either  come in here and attend an upcoming one   click here to register or you come in here and  look at the archives our session here will likely   be archived monday early in the day you can come  back in and catch the archive of this one here if i come in here and click on archive right here   then the way you pick up an archive just  here where it says instructor put in the   instructor's name you come down here and choose  ken rose and these are ones i've done earlier   this week here's the one we did last week on  things scripting we'll have this week's up here   again monday of next week all right well let's  go ahead and wrap everything up here then yeah to do that we want to  bring up our disclosures here we go so what did we talk about  here today well we talked about   using that breakout script we talked about using  moving average and you know you can look in and   oftentimes you can find something that's already  been done for you we talked about strategies kind   of got going with those i didn't really have a  chance to over look over there in the chat window   but i'm sure that mike took great care of you  guys over there in the chat we also want to thank   mike again for helping us out here today just  a reminder you can follow mike and i on twitter   might handle there again it's krosc underscore tda  and mike says m fairborn underscore tda as well   and in wave disclosures here today investors  just reminded that in order to demonstrate   the function of the platform we  need to use actual symbols however   td ameritrade does not make recommendations  or determine the suitability of any security   or strategy for individual traders any investment  decision you make in your self-directed account is   solely your responsibility everybody i hope  you have a fantastic afternoon and a wonderful   weekend best of success in your investing and  you know i showed this in my other session maybe   i can show it here as well let me show you  something that right there can you see that   that's my second covet shot okay so so happy  happy to get that done and and i and i encourage   all of you to be safe if you if you've gotten your  shots then congratulations to you as well let's   keep working on getting on the other side  of this whole culvert thing as happy and   healthy investors bye everybody hope to see you  next time we'll catch you later thanks again you know i just saw a question there from rocky uh  are we off next week if next week is good friday   um yeah the uh we're actually we're actually not  off we're gonna be in training that day but yep   in in because of good friday uh there will not  be a webcast next week so thanks for thanks for   clarifying that rocky anyway guys again we'll  catch you later thanks again we'll see you you

2021-04-05 21:36

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