The Untold Secrets of Pullbacks in Forex Trading| Complete Guide to Pullback Trading

The Untold Secrets of Pullbacks in Forex Trading| Complete Guide to Pullback Trading

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you must have heard people saying this  buy the dips and short the reps or buy low   and sell high but how to do  this exactly the answer is the answer is pullbacks hello and welcome to forex  monopoly my name is daksh and in this video i will   tell my secret technique of trading pullbacks  and not only that but i'm also going to share my   secret technique to identify between a pullback  and a reversal so that you don't fall for the   pullback trap so make sure you watch this video  till the end now before revealing the secret of   trading pullbacks i want you to first understand  what a pullback is and how is it formed and this   is going to be the most important part because  you cannot trade pull backs in a better way   if you don't understand at first so let's first  understand what are pullbacks how is it formed   and then i will tell you about my secret technique  that will change the way you trade pullbacks   so what are pullbacks when the price is  in a trend it will never move up or down   in a straight line all the time there will be  instances where it moves away from the trend   if you open any price chart of any currency  pair and observe the trends you will see that   price most often moves along the trend and has a  minor move against the trend from the time to time   and this minor price movement against the trend  is what we know as pullbacks to make things more   clear to you imagine from this level the price  moved up and then the price started a correction   so if the price is trending in any one direction  then this level to which the price moved   is called as pullback and finding out exactly  when the pullback will end and capitalizing on it   is called pullback trading now  that you know what a pullback is   let us understand how are they formed  because it is really going to be helpful   while you trade pullbacks by the way if you  are enjoying this video make sure you hit   that like button so why do these pullbacks occur  when a price is moving in an uptrend it means that   the buyers are outweighing the sellers and they  are heavily buying and taking the price higher now   if the price is in a downtrend then sellers are in  control and actively selling and moving the price   down this activity of buying or selling cannot  keep on going all the time there are times when   buyers and sellers get exhausted and  it seems like they are taking some rest   in the meanwhile the opposite market  participants look to gain control of the market   and try to raise the price in the opposite  direction of the current trend and this is when   the prevailing trend passes participants resumed  the activity and now the price is available at   a lower or a discount price to them and this  further intensifies their activity and price   resumes in its prevailing trend now that you  know what a pullback is and how is it formed   i will tell you my secret technique to trade  pullbacks but before we move to that here is a   really important thing i need to talk to you about  i have always been asked a lot of questions about   trading pullbacks and riding a trend and there  are some most common questions which i always get   and you may have it too like how to know when the  pullbacks will end or where to put the stop loss   and also do you need to really wait for  the confirmation to enter into a trade   i totally understand how you feel and what  your questions are and i know many traders   have a lot of trouble trading pullbacks and  they get frustrated from losing and finally   give up on it they don't succeed because they do  not know the small secret that i'm about to reveal   and this secret is simple yet very powerful and  will solve the majority of the problems related to   pullback trading so make sure you pay attention to  this so the secret is classifying pullbacks into   different types to solve all the problems  associated with pullback trading i developed   a technique and in that technique what i did  is divided pullbacks in three different types   and used three different ways to trade each one  so the three different types of pullbacks are   type 1 type 2 and type 3 pullbacks type 1 being  the small pullback type 2 is the medium pullback   and type 3 is the deeper pullback now let us  first try to understand each one of them and   then i will tell you the ways to trade each one  separately so basically there are three different   types of pullbacks the type one pullback the  type two pullback and the type three pullback   now let us start by understanding the type one  pullback or the short pullbacks the short pull   back represent that the party dominating is highly  active and the most important thing or the most   easy way to understand the type of pullback you  are seeing is using the fibonacci retracement   like if there is a type 1 pullback you will  always see that the pullback is less than   the second level of fibonacci that is less  than 0.382 that is after an impulse the price   will retrace less than 0.382 like if we drop  fibonacci retracement from this point and then   we take it till this point you will see that  we have a pullback over here but the pullback   is very small and this is the type one pullback  because the price have not retraced till 0.382   so anything above 0.382 will be type 1 pull back  now we will see how to trade the type 1 pullback   after we are done understanding the next two types  of fullback so the next type of fullback is the   type 2 pullback now this is also called as  the medium pullback and it tells us that   the party dominating is now facing a counter  trend pressure and the most easiest way to   find out if this is a type to pull back  is by using fibonacci retracement and if   after drawing the fibonacci retracement the price  has retraced or pulled back till 0.382 or let us  

say it is 0.618 level then that will be our type  2 pullback for example let us consider let us draw   a fibonacci retracement from this point to this  high over here this will be our new highest so we   are joining from the start to the new high because  this high is higher than the previous one so now   we have a new higher high so for that we always  drop fibonacci from the lowest point to the new   higher high which will be over here so in this  case you can see after this move the price then   retrace till 0.382 level so anything on z so  anything on 0.382 or till 0.618 will be type   2 pullback now again i will tell you how  to treat these pullback but first let us   go and understand the third type of fullback which  is going to be very very important because these   are where a lot of people lose their money that  is the type three pull back the deep pullbacks   so in type three pullbacks what happens  is the party dominating earlier takes rest   and so we see a huge counter trend  movement in the opposite direction so   in this what will happen the easiest way to  understand the type three pullbacks is by   again drawing fibonacci retracement and this  time the price will retrace more than 0.618   and most of the time till the level from where  you do the fibonacci ratio for example let us say   the price moved from this point and it moved till  this level now most of the times what happens is   like let us say this is one single move and now to  spot the pullback let us say if the price retraces   till 0.382 or 0.618 we have type 2 but then when  it retraces below it then we have type 3 pullback  

and most of the time we see a retracement till  this level from where the initial move begin   which will in this case will be support and in  a downtrend that will be the resistance so along   with the fibonacci retracement you can also you  use the higher high and higher low technique to   understand this and if you haven't watched that  video of higher highs and higher lows you can   check it out by clicking the i button so just to  give you a brief what is the high and high low   technique is let us say when the price moves up it  creates a higher high then a higher low and then   a higher high higher low then a higher high and  this is how the price moves in a trending market   so this will be the pullback then again a  pullback now this time the price should give   a pullback which is higher than this one  but when there is a deeper pullback we see   that this pullback or the retracement goes  to the initial level from which the first   move begin which will be this level so many times  when we try to draw a fibonacci from this level to   the new high and when the price moves down it  will most probably retrace till the start of the   first move which was this in this case so these  are the three different types of pullbacks and   i hope you understood everything now i will tell  you how to trade each one so that you get better   at it now that you know about the three different  types of pullbacks let us quickly go to the chart   where i will tell you how to trade each one with a  different technique now let us learn how to trade   each type of pullback and let us start with  the type 1 pullback now as the type 1 pullback   represent that the party dominating is highly  active and as we get a very short pullback   there is only one efficient way to trade  it and that is using a breakout technique   now if you don't know what a breakout technique  or what a breakout is i've added a video on it   and you can check it out by clicking the i button  so to trade these type of pullback what you have   to do is after a pullback you have to wait for  the price to break out of the previous high or   a previous low and when the price breaks out  of it only then you have to enter a trade   because that confirms that the pullback is over  and now the price can move up and as the priority   dominating is highly active it gives us a good win  rate and we most often end up at the winning side   so to trade these type of pullbacks you can  enter after the breakout or after a new high   is created in bullish market and then we can  keep the stop loss a few pips below this level   because what happens is many times the price will  just move over here then it will again move down   and then it will give a larger short or larger  type one pull back and so to getting stopped out   what we can do is keep a realistic stop loss  below this below the initial pullback level for example let us say if we see this example  here this was the type 1 pullback so to treat   this what we can do is we have to draw or mark  the high and then when the price moves above it   and breaks out of it then we have to enter a trade  over here and then we have to keep the stop loss   below this pullback so that we are on a safer side  so you can see after this pullback and when the   price break out of this the price then retested  the level and then it started moving up now   let us again take a new example so if  you see and take this as an example   you can see that this is a type 1 pullback so  in a type 1 pullback what you have to do is you   have to enter after the breakout of the high so  over here just draw a level and then when the   price moves above it like it happened over here  we will enter a trade over here and then keep   the stop loss few pips below this and you can  see how after this the price started to move up so this is how we trade the level one pullback   now let us see how to trade that level two  pullback now as we get to see a medium pullback   in level two pull back what we have to do is we  can use fibonacci levels plus moving averages and   any type of candlestick patterns to trade level 2  pullback for example let us say this was a level   2 pullback so we will first draw the fibonacci  retracement from this line to this line and after   we get a confirmation that this is a level two  pullback what we have to do is we have to use   fibonacci ratios to enter a trade but using  or taking entries only based on fibonacci   retracement would is not a good idea so always  mix that up with a moving average or let's say   a candlestick patterns so in this case you can  see that we had a bullish engulfing pattern   at 0.382 level and so we could have entered a  trade over here but then again based on how well   you are able to predict the moves or how well  you are at technical analysis you you would   have to set your stop loss so your safe stop  loss would be below this level which is 0.618   and your risk stop loss will be below the candle  that is below the bullish engulfing candle   now again let us take a few more examples  for it so so if we see we again have an level 2 pullback over here so if you can see  after this move the price corrected and then it   gave a pull back till 0.618 level and there we  got to see a bullish doji so we already had two   confirmation that is the fibonacci level 0.618  rejection and also a bullish doji and plus we have   a 50 period moving average and the price  is rejecting it so we could have entered   after the formation of this doji and then we  have to keep our stop loss a few pips below   this level and you can see after that the price  started to move up so this is how you trade   a level 2 pullback now the most important thing  is to understand how to trade a level 3 pullback   so let us now understand how to trade the level 3  pullbacks so as i told you in a level 3 pullback   what happens is the price usually retraces to  the initial level from where the move started   or more than 0.618 so if you can see over here  in this example the price almost retraced to the   same level from which this initial initial big  move started because let us say the price was up   trending and creating high highs and higher lows  so this was the high low then the price created a   higher high then a higher low then again a higher  high and then a high low so from here the new move   begin and it gave a new higher high so after  this high the price then gave a big retracement   and then it retraced almost 100 percent of this  big move so let us say if we draw a fibonacci from   this point till the new high you  can see the price almost retraced to   this level from where the price began so in such  case that is the level 3 pullback what we have   to do is the most important thing to look for is  support and resistance in this case this was our   support level and then the next thing to  look for is a moving average like if there is   a moving average which the price is respecting and  the other things is using the candlestick patterns so we have to see if there is a candlestick  pattern over here and then we have to enter a   trade now if you don't have a candlestick pattern  or let us say a moving average what you have to do   is take the fibonacci retracement and go to the  previous high low which in this case was over   here and then draw a fibonacci retracement from  this low to a new high which will be over here and we only did this because this time after this  move the price retraced hundred percent and so   to draw a new fibonacci what we have to do is we  have to start from the beginning of the big move   which would be over here and to the high which  will be over here and then we got a retracement   0.618 level and then we also have a support so we  could have an entry over here and we can keep the  

stop loss few pips below this level depending upon  the time frame which you are using and also the   volatility of the chart so this is how you trade  three different types of pullbacks and this is how   and this is the best technique to win trades using  pullback technique now here we are at the most   important part of this video my secret technique  of identifying between pull back and reversal so   that you don't fall for the pull back traps so  let's quickly go to the chart to understand this   so the most important thing for understanding this  technique is to understand how trends work and   how highs and lows are formed so there is a very  simple thing in trending markets when the market   is uptrending the price creates higher highs  and high lows and it moves something like this   in which the higher lows will be the  pullback or the levels to which the   pullback ends and in a downtrending market the  price will move like this and create lower low   lower high lower low lower high lower low  lower high and lower low and it will move   like this in which the lower high will be the  pullback to which the price retraces and the new   wave or new impulse begin so to distinguish  between a pullback and a reversal you have to   understand how the highs and lows work properly  so whenever the price is reversing you will see   that when the price was creating higher high  and higher low let us take the example of   a bullish trend so in this uptrend the price was  moving up and the price was creating high high   high low high high high low high high and high low  so whenever the price is doing this and instead of   creating higher highs and higher lows and if goes  on to create a lower low then this tells us that   this is not just a pullback but a reversal  can be now expected and the price can now   start moving in the downward direction and  the same goes on with the downtrending market   like here the price was creating lower low lower  high lower low lower high lower low lower high and   lower low but now instead of creating a lower high  and a lower low the price moved up and moved above   the previous low high and created a new higher  high indicating that the trend has changed and so   this will no longer serve you as a pullback  entry and you will have to change your bias to   find bullish entries and go long from here  like let us say if we take this example   okay consider the price was moving up or was in a  uptrending market the price was in an uptrending   market so you can see the price was moving up then  a low then moving up a low that is a high and a   low then again a high and this time the price  dropped down but when the price dropped down it   did not move below this level so when the price  doesn't move the below the previous higher   low which in this case was this we still know  that the bullish trend or the uptrend is still   there and the price can move up because  the buyer are holding their positions   so again from here the price moved up and then it  gave a new high move down then again a move up so   again this time the price dropped till this level  but the price did not move below the previous   high low which will be over here and that confirms that it is not a reversal  but a pullback a level 3 pullback and if it   would have moved below this then we would have  been we would have got a confirmation that the   prices now change the trend that is the buyers are  out and sellers are in and the price can now move   down and the same thing would have happened over  here if the price would have moved below this and   created a lower low then we would have said that  this is not a pullback but a reversal so this is   how you spot between a reversal and a pullback  i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did   make sure you hit that like button and if you  have any doubts let me know in the comment   section below i will be happy to help you out  also i am soon going to add a amazing scalping   strategy that has a very high win rate so make  sure you subscribe to this channel and turn   on the notification bell so that you don't  miss out on that amazing video see you soon

2021-05-20 04:27

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