The State of Chia from Business and Technical - Recent Announcements + Future

The State of Chia from Business and Technical - Recent Announcements + Future

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all right i hope everybody's having a great  saturday here so i wanted to talk really quick   about a couple of things that i decided it was a  good time to go back and reread the white paper   now i had read the white paper in i guess it  was the end of april uh sometime in that time   frame beginning of may something like that and  i kind of glossed over a lot of it and i think   a lot of people might have or i just forgot what  i had read um i think it's a good time to go back   re-read most of it and now let's use this as  a benchmark for evaluation so we're going to   talk about a couple things today we're going to  talk about where she is at in my opinion with   what they've been announcing currently with the  carbon credit partnerships and the build out of   the technologies for the world bank we're also  going to take a look at what their future vision   that they've stated kind of encompasses we're  also going to talk about what the pre-farm amount   is how the pre-farm by them is envisioned to use  and what kind of aspects of the pre-farm they're   going to be able to leverage in an initial public  offering all right so let's dive deep into this   the first thing that i want to talk about is where  chia is with some of the things that they've been   doing so they kind of set out a road that did  encompass a lot of things that they were going to   be sectors of target let's talk let's call those  areas of interest for a business and that's pretty   good to do for any business because you're not  going to want to win every single person out there   in the world that's kind of an impossible thing  setting some specific niches is really important   now as everybody knows chia is a very well funded  at this point in time startup company that is   maybe in a series a or something like that stage  i'm not exactly sure if they consider themselves   to be in one of those stages but let's just say  they're like a series 8 at this point in time   so they have actually some pretty big vcs backing  them now one thing that you want to do when you're   picking a company that's going to be a vc company  or an investor in you is you want to pick somebody   who has a strong network of connections that  you're able to utilize that align with your value   propositions of your product and also connections  into that industry so say you're developing a   biomedical device you would want to make sure that  you're working and partnering with a vc firm or an   investor who has strong connections in biomedical  because who you know is how you get places in the   world so they know that and they've got a really  good sheet of people that have actually aligned   very heavily in finance uh business fight business  and banking finance uh especially the environment   is one of the major concern groups that is out  there and so i believe that we're seeing the   manifestation right now of the connections that  they are able to utilize from their partners   possibly they even have these own connections on  their self on their own but my guess is that they   have really good introductions that are being  made for them and that's something that your   your your vcs do for you that's something  your investors do for you they introduce   you to people in their network who are interested  in what you're offering or might be interested in   what you're offering those are fun little dinners  and usually involve a lot of drinking by the way   i recommend everybody goes down this path  come up with an idea apply to y combinator   and put it to use because even if you don't get  accepted into y combinator they have a really   killer online program and you'll be able to learn  just a tremendous amount by going through that   so i believe that that is where we are at we are  seeing that manifestation of them exercising the   connections that their either vcs are bringing  out and they have finally you know been able to   publicly announce how long this deal has been  in the works i would guess it's not a short   period of time that they've been talking with  the world bank and even costa rica i would say   that those have been in the works probably for  a good period of time now does this book revenue   for them that's a different question so i would  not be surprised if neither of these book revenue   for them at this point in time because they are  building out a technology that does not exist   and for a company to build out a technology that  does not exist on a one-off basis that would not   align with their core principles or their core  mission goal would be dangerous however these   are along their core mission goals so getting  into carbon market carbon market trading and   the ability of people to transact internationally  cross border through countries in a decentralized   fashion with a trusted pure centralized kind of  database which again when they said decentralized   centralized there was some things that it might  have been a caveat there that people didn't quite   catch on to they have an arbitum that basically is  a ability to synchronize different databases onto   the chia block chain so that i think is what they  were talking about when they said that when gene   said that during that and i know that there were  some people saying that didn't make any sense but   i think actually it does make sense if you have  been following along with like the minutia of   the project on a high level of blockchain that  probably doesn't make sense but on the minutia   that does in my opinion that's what they mean  is the ability to synchronize key value pairs   through their blockchain which is going to be  a centralized location for people to query data   but it is available on a decentralized blockchain  their ability to follow through on this is   impressive because these are big clients now costa  rica probably is not the biggest governmental   client in the carbon credit space i would imagine  the european union has most of the biggest players   in this space uh and i'm not sure who would  be after them but i would imagine that uh the   european countries would be the biggest ones so  by starting with a country as a good test partner   so this is really where you're going to be  uh dog fooding some technology getting some   onboarding getting feedback building a better  product i think learning what the edge cases are   and there are not an insignificant amount  of edge cases in the carbon markets i've   actually done a little bit of research on  this this is one of the most contentious   markets out there as far as what people value how  people value it and what the consensus is on them   accepting that so this is a hard edge case to  develop for costa rica so that's a good place to   start with a smaller yet you know very they've  been doing this for a long time in costa rica   that will give them the ability to refine the  technology before they try to present it to larger   potential revenue booking countries now going  through the world bank this gives them kind of   something they needed this is an ngo they needed  to have a basically big bolster behind them and so   it's really a one-two punch and you have to land  that one-two punch if you're gonna be credible   in this market space chia has done this you've got  to say their ability to execute on market planning   is spot on so that is them following through with  their plans that they've publicly stated that   goes into the plus mark for a check mark as far as  what their capabilities are to execute technically   okay so let's move on to some of their next stated  goals and evaluate where they may or may not be   so they've talked about and the draft standard for  cat one which don't get this commu confused with   your feline friends but cat 1 standard is coming  out this is the chia assisted token this is the   equivalent to the erc20 ecosphere out there so  things that are built on the erc20 ecosphere are   essentially what has in my opinion added so much  value to the ethereum ecosphere as well as having   a huge base of captive miners who have a place to  spend in the ecosphere so by going proof of stake   here whatever the merge or whatever that's going  to be a completely different topic i'll just say   ethereum shooting themselves in the foot if they  do that i can't think that they don't know that   and i can't think that this is not why this is  the i believe now third maybe fourth time that   they've postponed doing this over the many years  so losing credibility because of bad decision   making at the executive level and can being  inconsistent is also another thing that i think   you gotta you gotta peg ethereum as having that  they do have a huge minor base their huge miner   base has huge liquidity and value in what they  mine and they have the impetus to spin that so   fungibility of their tokens on the erc20 network  makes things very easy for people to transact   through now chia with the cat one standard that's  coming out is definitely going to be ahead of a   lot of other competitors in this in this space so  i think you're looking at the cardanos and stuff   like that where we're going to see chia have a  technology that's technically superior to them   now the ability to have this publicly transactable  is something that's really beneficial and that's   because of the bls signatures now the same kind  of pain point that you see with exchange listings   the bl signatures is also a huge security feature  which makes chia on public internet something that   is secure and auditable to be secure and passes  most of the validation checkpoints that you would   see at the most rigorous standards so governments  have different standards like things like dod 5015   i mean there's a lot of different standards  that the government has adhering to those   standards if you want to play with government is  something you must do as a technology provider   it's not like a maybe i'm kind of on the  border it's like you check the box or you don't   so being in the bls 2 camp they actually have  built the technology ahead of where the curve is   for the standardization of cross communication  channels now defy and decentralized exchanges   these are built essentially usually upon this as  well as captive markets like nft marketplaces and   other things as well as other coin offerings so  say you wanted to offer a yoshi coin on top of the   cat one standard and have it all just be about  my cat i mean you could do that because that's   essentially what you're able to do you're able  to through chia lips interact with the chia block   chain and in a smart contract bind the rest of the  the offering out there for the offering value pair   so you don't necessarily have to have the gigantic  everything blockchain yourself now that's really   cool right because that makes it easy to do  because boy launching something from the ground   up like this that's kind of hard to do so i think  that what we're seeing here is that we will have a   rapid adoption of new technology partners i think  that's what's coming on the cat one or future cat   standards now i think that they're kind of going  to be in a beta phase for the cat standards so   i think most developers out there are going to  be a little bit leery about going full force   on what this is but this is really a learning and  exploration phase time for them and it's certainly   going to take time to get some proof of concepts  and get the concepts of how to program this down   in a safe secure manner and also a manner that  you know can pass chia's verification so they're   actually offering a validation point for tokens on  the cat1 standard so this is actually really big   because they're offering a independent set of eyes  to look at this and verify this that right there   is in my opinion a game changer for where you are  going to see security of uh kind of dex and defy   go as well as you know some of the things that are  out there that have kind of been sticking points   as far as security for a lot of other tokens a lot  of other chains i think that chia has got a really   good way to help get extra eyes on that does that  incur extra liability i don't know so that is in   the plus column with possibly a minus minus  column little part which is is there incurred   liability by doing that so next let's talk about  international bank transfers i think this is the   hardest one now if you've seen chia's hire sheet  that they've been putting out you know bringing   people on so many of these people are involved in  in finance and so they have finance backgrounds   and they've worked in finance now oftentimes you  hire in people into a you know from the triangle   if you're going to be working with that kind of  an industry are you able to compete also with the   lobbying aspects of that on a governmental  level is something that's really important   so banks definitely have a huge lobbying interest  and they are very well positioned and i do not   think there is a single startup company that would  ever be able to challenge that uh just based upon   the amount of money spent and most of the laws  are actually kind of written in think tanks not   actually by senators or anything like that and the  think tanks are sponsored heavily by the lobbyists   and these industry groups so those usually are  how laws are adopted it does suck but it is also   the way things roll i don't think that we're going  to see that that's going to be changeable easily   by anybody out there i think banking and attacking  banking or going into the sector of banking   certainly trying to become an alternative to swift  is a huge challenge i don't think that's one of   their like early up goals that they're going to  be able to achieve that's just my perspective on   it of course there's not been any statements about  this but there has been some lofty talk so we'll   see what could happen out there but international  remittances is something that definitely would be   an interesting sphere to get into for a blockchain  uh but i think this is like the top of the pyramid   as far as targeting things i think there's  lower hanging fruit that puts dollars and   cents on the revenue sheet now let's talk okay  so we're talking balance sheets let's talk about   listing of your company on a public exchange let's  tie this into where the pre-farm is so i've been   consistent in saying the pre-farm's not a big deal  because this is a credible potential ipo company   now maybe that kind of this and i think that is  something that let's talk about deeply let's dive   into why that is when you look at your initial  public offering you're going to get a valuation   now this is not something that you're going to  just come up with yourself you're going to have   partners that are you know finance bankers that  are going to be taking you down this this road for   your ipo they're going to be helping you determine  a price and their price that they determine is   going to essentially kind of be where you're going  to be if they're going to go through them now   having a large pre-farm gives them equity equity  is dollars and cents now do you want to take a   company private or public that has essentially you  know xyz number of contracts uh that may be in the   several millions possibly tens of millions even  possibly you know in the low hundreds of millions   at that time it's not going to be a huge offering  that that's one thing that i think when you're   looking at the balance sheet side of it their  ability to chalk up wins on this side that are   going to be replayable like the carbon market that  they are working on right now this is replayable   they can actually take this playbook they're  developing go approach other customers know what   the edge cases are and talk with credibility  to the stakeholders in it and possibly make   transactions and sales i don't know what the  global market space for blockchains providing   technology for arbitrating uh the carbon transfers  is i don't know what that market sizing looks like   that is a very niche kind of market sizing i don't  even know if that market sizing is like available   out there they probably haven't determined their  own internal metrics for it but that playbook   is able to be replicated with bigger and bigger  partners so you know bringing costa rica on   developing a playbook getting them on chain having  good feedback from them are things that when they   walk to their next customer they're going to have  to have those their next bigger customer they're   going to have to have those already done and so  this is a really good important stepping stone   for any company is can we just execute on the  playbook and refine the playbook and grow the   customer base without having to have too many  edges that have to be filed off every single   time for every individual customer because that  takes engineering resources and that is expensive   and every company has a certain amount of runway  and we can see that chia has a certain amount of   runway they have not yet gone and gotten  another round of funding to my knowledge   and they are not spending the pre-farm on any  development cost they're not spending the pre-farm   on anything let's be clear about that so by having  the pre-farm locked up in a smart contract also   they're able to say this is an equity this is an  asset we're going to put this in our balance sheet   now when you're talking about the balance sheet  and you're talking about x amount of coins in   the millions at x dollar whatever the valuation  is that's a long-term asset and that asset is   actually something that will be part of that  evaluation that goes into their initial public   offering because that is essentially them holding  a very large asset that is why they have a prefab   that's so big so i hope that it clears things up  about why i have consistently said throughout this   entire time that the pre-farm is not a big deal  because they are a credible company going for   an ipo and i wish they would actually dive their  messaging way deeper than they do i think they're   too surface level saying things and i think they  need to dive way deep into the technicals except   to say hey you know this is the balance sheet this  is what we think that our balance sheet i mean   maybe they don't have to talk about revenue or  anything like that but the concepts behind that i   think they should do a better job of getting that  message specifically out there to people so that   the pre-farm stops being such a big contentious  point for people that think that they have an idea   of what it's used for when they have zero idea  of what it's used for so one of the things that i   missed about chia and specifically chia lisp early  on was that it has saa ssae 18 sock 1 and sock 2   compliance reporting built into it as a capability  there are other languages out there for this i   believe cobalt is the programming language also  ancient in its origins but completely vetted in   this regard most banks are actually on that kind  of a system uh and for that to be used as gaap   generally accepted accounting principles and ifrs  so that is essentially being looked at for from a   financial standpoint of a financial institution  so those are two capability sets that definitely   having all of the advancements already in the chia  programming itself it's going to be a big big boom   if somebody decides to take them on because the  compliance aspects of it are there so it's still   i think a hard sell but it's not a hard sell from  the technology can't do it it's a hard sell from   you should do this and those are two different  hard sells i would put that in a plus and the   minus because banking industry hard to communicate  with and also plus because you got the technology   stack to do it so it is not an impossible task  it's not like you're walking in and saying i   can fly and jumping off the top of a building  with nothing but a backpack and no parachute   um so i think that's really a good thing i think  that that right there the compliance that's been   built into it i don't know when we would expect to  see the first banking customer brought on but i am   really interested in when we might be able  to see the first banking customer brought on   now let's talk about something that i think is in  the negative column and that is the ability for   people that are interested and capable out there  now maybe it's also in the plus column because   you got to train up a developer base especially  with something like chili's that is kind of new   to everyone uh maybe list programmers have like  a foot in the door that yeah something uh but you   know i would say that there is a big train up  period for people that are entering chia lisp   or going to be writing cheerless but we're going  to be interacting with smart contracts in chilisp   so that is something that when i would approach  a pro project i would say does this level of   understanding really kind of vet out my capability  set and yeah usually my capability set is i'm   learning through a lot of experience and that  experience is something that i'm able to learn   by looking at other people's examples so that's  this kind of level of programmer not this kind   of level of programmer as far as understanding  so that is one thing that i would say is yeah i   don't know if it's by necessity going to have  to be in the negative column because of the   compliance levels that they've been targeting for  things uh i think gls was definitely a hard choice   for somebody to bite into now they have brought  on paul ford and paul ford is working towards   producing more documentation and more information  out there hopefully at a level that is consumable   by the public by people that are even  programmers in other languages like php like me   that can understand things a bit better about  how the chili's aspects of of things work you   know more kind of documentation around this is an  example of a blah so those things would be just   really they're not quite there yet and i think  they're going to get there and i think hiring   somebody who's really focused on documentation  production of a community that is geared towards   bringing up the developer base was a really  brilliant move and i from all can from all   aspects of what i've seen so far paul ford  is doing a great job there at chia in doing   and executing on those now let's start kind of  talking about semi-related but not necessarily   related the forks the chia forks ecospheres out  there are numerous and what you're seeing is a   lot of people that would have that capability  set for programming on chain immediately with   chia have been actually working with forks that's  where a lot of the developer base is actually   kind of at at the moment there are some people  doing some wallet tech and stuff like that but   it's not a huge base of people that i'm aware of  that have chia lisp exposure now people that are   working on some forks are actually writing certain  types of smart contract things themselves into   things right now so that is interesting because  that is a level of understanding of chilisp   that is not necessarily at the moment going to be  applied directly to the chia blockchain because   that developer has an incentivization to stay on  that fork at this moment because forks are doing   well i think there are actually mini forks that  are doing quite well and i think that that was   born out of miscommunication of what the pre-farm  is now i would also say this those forks face   numerous challenges out there if you're looking  at stycoin they just have recently and this is   one that's doing everything right in my opinion  because they are going the compliance route   they're in germany so compliance big thing uh and  they're doing everything really you know they've   set up an svp they've gone and they're looking  at their baffin license they're doing things   like buy the book that is going to be critical  for any chain to be successful out there now i am   thrilled with what hdd coin has pulled off  i think hdd coin has executed on a vision   that is impressive and i think that we're  gonna see that with some of the other coins   that are coming up recently uh i know that the  tribes is going to be on i believe it's elbank   they announced that l bank was going to be  their partner for a listing that is pretty   cool also so the ability for fungibility and  interchange throughout larger exchanges is a   key component of success in that sphere as well  having a developer base who can make something   captive and interesting so you can see some of  the gameplay tech like i think in chain i think   uh chives i think there's a couple others that  are actually working on specific captive games   uh and nfts for their marketplaces so  i think that we're gonna see those be   really big pushers out there in the sphere  for what advances the technology set forward   not necessarily developed on chia's blockchain  but on a fork now why would you want to run a fork   so by controlling the underlying tokenomics  of a chain of a token you're going to see that   people have that capability to really dictate more  things than you would have essentially with chia   so certain aspects of writing something on chia  are actually kind of dictated by their exchange   presence now their exchange presence is not in  my opinion horrible but the big ones the big like   coinbases uh binance we still have not seen them  and apparently we're not going to see them until   bls2 while signature support is supported now i'm  not sure uh exactly everything underlying that but   i have talked to some people that are pretty smart  about that as a matter of fact chris over at the is pretty smart about that and you  know he's indicated that there's hurdles there uh   it's not just something you can even necessarily  create yourself so i'm not even sure that chia   could write their own wallet and give it to one  of these people and then say yeah we're going to   take this and integrate it so that really is  kind of a big stumbling block hurtling block   something block that you have to factor in now  by looking at the forks out there they're not   able to necessarily to get into the big exchanges  but they might not have ever been able to get into   those bigger exchanges at any rate that may not  even be their goal like decks might be their goal   uh and by them being able to you know wrap up  their coin in something and offer it out there   on one of those you would see that they're capable  of actually achieving that now that's controlling   your underlying tokenomics if you're geared  towards game fi or something like that being   able to control the reward structure say you just  get a single xch for certain of them out there   some of them give out more some of them get out  less but those kind of interesting aspects of it   are what we're seeing a lot of people bifurcate  into in the forks so i think there is you know a   maybe the assessment of it early on was accurate  when it was just flax and you know goji and   spare and a couple others that really you  know they they weren't going to necessarily   manifest into huge things but the hdg coins out  there the chives out there those are people that   are taking things seriously those are the people  that are actually moving towards executing things   at a level that you will see uh the capabilities  of developers possibly spent over there on those   resources instead of on the chia blockchain now  at the same time that's not necessarily a negative   you don't necessarily want to dog food and  train up your developers from xero all the time   although maybe you do with a brand new language  like chilis that might actually be a good strategy   i'm not sure but definitely there's people out  there that'll be learning and applying chilis   in these different avenues that could potentially  go out there and write things directly on chain   for chia so a developer's life is not spent  just working on one project usually so hopefully   those people will progress and write things that  are interesting and cool for the chia ecosphere   as well so that's where i think that's where i  think we're at and so i don't know if i chalk   that up in the plus or the negative it's probably  both a little bit as most things are in life so   if we look at where the price of chia is today  we can see that chia's price is in the 163-ish   range we can see buy box is the big trading  partner down here again 24-ish 23-ish percent   of the market volume out there let's recap real  quick on where i'm at i'm hitting blocks on those   forks i am not hitting blocks on chia and that  stinks a lot but at the same time i am well   so well inside the should have won but have not  won on shia that you gotta start thinking is it   something else and i have been thinking  really uh after reading the white paper   it might be something else so i am going to be  endeavoring over the next couple of days here   after i get everything wrapped up in those videos  shot to be doing an interesting little project so   that interesting little project may or may not  increase my capabilities of winning only time   will tell so i hope everybody's having a great  day go back re-read the chia white paper if you   have not read it i think they're actually hitting  their points that they said they were going to hit   i think they're moving and progressing in a way  that they said they were going to so a corporation   being able to actually execute on planning and  strategy and be able to lay that out ahead of   time is impressive they haven't had to have like  large pivot points here yet so those are good   things they're developing a playbook certainly  for carbon markets will they be able to develop   playbooks for other markets and what do those  look like those are things that we were watching   watching with like really big interests certainly  the cats and i mean we got marmot out there so   i guess dog fooding some of this tech out there  in testnet early on but certainly the cat standard   coming out and being available and executable  by people and being able to be run by people on   almost all of the chia clients there is a caveat  that came out about two of the chia clients   so i believe it's point eight and point nine maybe  it's point nine and point ten but basically it   comes down to this update your client uh so  that's always good advice out there because   things are moving and your ability to utilize cats  on network is going to be dependent on that and   somebody asked me some questions that i thought  i would just take a little bit of time and wrap   up some of the questions that i got in a kind  of faster for me than trying to write them down   can og plots be farmed on the latest client yes  og pots can be farmed on the latest client and   they will probably never get rid of the ability to  farm og plots i believe og plots are in the long   term plan out there do you need to update your  client past i believe it was .7 no according to   them if you want to even be able to play with the  cat standard 0.7 may or may not work uh i would   expect that you're gonna have to have an updated  client when actually the real standard comes out   because that would be smart for chia to push  people uh in that direction and make that kind   of a minimum threshold of hurdle to push adoption  of their latest client out there the latest   clients are able to do things that the earlier  clients not so much able to do so another really   good question that came to me was where price  so where price let me get out my crystal ball i see good things so i see price as being  reflected by a company's ability to execute   on plan follow through with things and turn  people into customers and those customers to pay   and them to be able to collect so if they  hit those elements which it appears they're   walking the walk now this is not them running the  run but this is you know the stages of development   of a company i guess you roll around on the ground  learn to stand up learn to walk and learn to run   and you know they they're standing up uh  and they're going to be starting to walk   the walk here very shortly will they be able  to be the market leader in certain things and   run the run that kind of is going to be hard i  mean if they're competing with things like swift   that is a pretty big target set of goals now  there's secondary markets that don't necessarily   utilize swift um do you run into compliance at  issues if like interpol and stuff like that and   the ability for people to choke transactions  governments are kind of weird and there's a lot   of things that surround swift that you know people  like to flex on so the ability to utilize swift to   kind of instrument certain government  policies is something that exists out there   will that be a impetus for change or will that  be something that chia will have to work into   i don't know i mean that's a complex question  but as far as the price i would say this i   see the company executing on things they said  they were going to execute on i see them moving   in stages to incrementally improve and release  things that are new technologies on their chain   that makes me think that the price is going to be  pretty good i mean that is something that makes   me think the price is going to be really good uh  i i don't know if really good is what i meant to   say there but good i i see that as the ability to  execute that's what you want to see in a company   if i saw them floundering i would be like oh i  don't know uh so far not seeing any floundering   so that is something i i maybe maybe in the  misassessment of where or how big the forks would   become uh maybe uh and i think the forks are not  gonna stop either i think the forks are going to   be bigger than chia might have ever expected and i  think that that's to be expected out there because   controlling the underlying tokenomics is a big  impetus to run a fork instead of being unchained   so i think that that one is really hard to answer  nobody can tell you what the price is but i'm not   seeing red flags let me put it that way somebody  said i it seems like you're pretty bullish you're   building a 42 you rack well i guess yeah i mean  i'm not going to say all of it is going to be   chia stuff because all of it will not be chia  stuff although i do have a line on some pretty   sweet net apps oh and they're a good price i hope  that person's watching they sent me a tweet and i   i was like oh my gosh you're wetting my whistle  here maybe i can even give this out as a community   offering so people can get first dibs on them  but the price was good they have the trays and   they have it looks like dual i o m sixes and it  looks like they have power supplies out the yazoo   so if we can get those like that's great and the  price was yeah yeah if you're looking for a dish   shelf don't buy it right now wait a couple of days  i'll update you on what the status is whether or   not that's going to be something that we can offer  i didn't see them having a direct storefront so   i'm not sure if you have to like call them on the  phone or something but uh that's something that   we'll see if that happens or not um another thing  whether or not i am bullish i mean i'm looking at   it from like a business standpoint so bullish  hmm would i be investing money like this if i   wasn't thinking that the future was cool i don't  i don't think i would uh and certainly there's an   impetus of evaluation and reevaluation of where my  standing is on a project throughout time does the   fact that i've hit 0xch necessarily dictate where  i think i am no why because i did a thing that was   a little bit crazy and i knew it was a little bit  crazy and risky at the time i decided that 12.5  

was worth the extra reward risk and so i went solo  now at the same time i wanted to vet out and see   if there were problems underlying the structure  and i can say that i don't know what they are but   i believe that there are problems underlying the  structure so i don't believe that i'm on the curve   here at this point i think i'm like way out there  and i i've talked to a lot of people that are way   out there there could be a lot of good reasons  but the ability to troubleshoot and find those   reasons is something that doesn't exist and i have  a sneaking suspicion about peers clearly the dust   storm has shown us that there are very capable  talented programmers out there able to do things   so that does make me wonder and i would love  to see chia talk really in depth about the   networking not surface level stuff as a matter  of fact i don't want any more surface level talk   out of chia like there's a lot of that that i  don't really think is helpful to the community   dive deep chia you guys got it in you and i know  that you can dive deep and still not necessarily   pigeonhole yourself into talking about things  i think that adds credibility and i think the   user base is wildly sophisticated i don't think  for a second the user base is not sophisticated   these people that are mining shia out there  are really actually very smart so those are   some things that i just wanted to answer really  quick that instead of writing out replies i just   i think that you know that's good i will also say  this i already had a ton of the infrastructure   like if i look at actual things i've bought like  some servers here but like i already had a bunch   of servers like i already had a 25u or 24u rack  like i had most of the stuff hard drives i did   acquire quite a bit of hard drives so you know  that is something that i would say is you know   the biggest capital expense that i've had so  far in the business but the ability to you know   transact that into a you know tax friendly kind  of expense is something that works out for me   and structuring this as a business which i've  told a lot of people they should probably consider   is not a bad idea um would i be looking at a  business and saying i need roi in like a month   no six months no a year no i want to see some  good returns on that but by going solo there   might be a higher level of risk than i'm really  comfortable with i could see myself very very   very easily going back to pooling is that fair for  pools if if i'm never going to block is it fair   for me to go back to pools that's a good question  like am i just dead waiting the pool that's a   really good question and i hope that i can get  an answer to that i think that there should be   a lot more deep diving on that specific topic  not necessarily even from chia official but   pool operators should be concerned about this  for sure i don't know how many other people are   i mean in my audience i can say that there's  not an insignificant amount of them that have   done the same thing i'm doing uh and they have  communicated with me some of them privately some   of them publicly in the comments section and it  doesn't seem like it's a phenomenon that is uh   within the realm of predictability so there there  could be something there could be nothing there's   unfortunately no really good way to definitively  tell that aspect of it that not knowing is really   hard and you don't necessarily get that with  other cryptos out there now i will say this in   other cryptos out there you're not going to be  going solo you're going to be hitting on with   where everybody else is on a pool so that kind of  is uh another thing that as a crypto grows you're   going to be on a pool if we saw the net space  growing if we were at like 60 i would be like   no there's absolutely no reason for us to ever  consider going solo i think that that's insane   but we're not at 60 we're still hanging around the  30-ish range so i think that it's not unreasonable   at the size that i am to be solo but i feel  like ouch i really wish that i would have hit   really wish that i would have hit how long do  i have left on my quest here let's go over that   really quick got 12 days 16 hours and four minutes  and i still as you can see on the board behind me   do not have any chia i still am loving the mcnairs  interface and the ability to bring in farmer is   coming soon to that and so i am excited so i've  been working on a tutorial and that is probably   going to get postponed just a little bit but a few  days we'll have that next tutorial out and that's   going to cover the basics of maintenance through  a pertainer of your mcnair's instance so i've done   a portainer for windows a pertainer for ubuntu so  you're covered on getting portainer up and getting   mcnairs running in it in a baseline configuration  so we're going to go through things like adding   a fork updating to the latest version and adding  storage to your to your container those things i   think are the common ones that people will need  to encompass in their overall strategy for how   they're growing also i've been working on editing  the flora interview it was like a four and a half   hour interview and man we just jumped around it  was like friends talking and like trying to get an   interview out of it it's really hard but there's  so much good stuff in it uh and flora really does   have great team a great dev team great devops  team uh really insightful things that they've   done being able to bring the nft recovery tool  to forks again that built into mcnairs right now   so i don't gotta do anything it just shows back  up uh that's really cool so definitely if you're   not on mcnair's i think it's a great platform to  be on i think it looks great works great and with   the future impending farmer integration coming  very shortly to it it's going to like offer so   much like so much and i can't see any reason not  to be on it all right everybody i hope you are   having a great rest of your weekend here and we  will check you guys out next time be sure to hit   like and subscribe and check out these videos for  more information on your favorite crypto topics

2021-11-15 21:00

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