The Real Business of Network Marketing

The Real Business of Network Marketing

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[Music] hey lady myself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening good evening good evening i hope you can hear me laughing we've got to tell them coming live once again we do this on on thursday evening usually i do hope that you're doing well it's been a while though i'm excited i mean there's a lot that's been going on this challenge this month it's been it's been a tough month no doubt but it's also been exciting because in the chaos there's always opportunity in fact it is because of the chaos that we we we have a chance to actually show forth our true colors our true calling our purpose and become that which we desire and we deserve and so hey when you pray for chaos because it's out of chaos that chaos is one of the best opportunities if there's no chaos there'll be no opportunity for us to be to do to do great things so once there's chaos it is indeed a good thing all right yeah welcome once again to my to my time i call it knowledge revolution because indeed you can learn your way into any and everything out there anything you want to do you can learn your way into it especially in this 21st century we find ourselves in everything is at our fingertips everything is leading within an armed length everything is on your phone so if you are struggling with anything it's probably because you have not committed enough time to actually try and learn and understand that thing that you are struggling with and so this evening well there's one thing that i have been involving i mean if you have been following my page for one i know i've been involved network marketing going on seven years now and so i mean i say i think this is actually a great thing it's it's actually a great industry to belong to especially if you know and understand exactly what you're doing what you're getting yourself involved in and so i mean it is it's always a pleasure to to to to share you know a bit of the knowledge that i've acquired a bit of the experience that i have with you know some of you who are still on the fence or even those of you who are involved in the industry but you are not seeing talk too much well that's why some of us are here you know seven years experience is really a long time i mean if if i was in a regular traditional business i'd probably be a manager by now but network marketing is a whole day a whole nother ball game of course it has it happens um drawbacks it also has its benefits and basically i'm hoping that um at the end of this session somebody is going to have a much better understanding of the industry and then make an informed decision to either be a part of it or take their business to the next level that's my aim here it's going to be short it's going to be straight to the point if you have any questions or any comments feel free to post them in the platform i mean i'm in the comments i mean so that i can address them as we go along but basically this is it we are going to learn about network marketing and and a couple of a few things about how the industrial network marketing you know matters to you and so if you're on if you're online with me i'd like you to drop some heart in the comment section let me know that you are yeah you are live with me and if you are live with me just comment with where you are located so i know indeed that you can hear me loud and clear because some kind of sound check as well for me so do drop your your location in the comment section or drop some heart let me know that you can actually hear me loud and clear all right but we are going to we are going to zoom right in literally zoom because it's a zoom code so what is the real business of network marketing well for starters we must understand what network marketing is to what is network marketing because before you can talk about the real business network market you must know what indeed network marketing is then we zoom in we sort of link it all back in so and yeah it's good to have you joining us benjamin good to have you join us do share do share the language with your people as well so that we can get everybody on and then having a great time together all right so what is network marketing well people have aspired off of definition network marketing but at the core or at the base of it network marketing is simply a payment system that's it i mean it's not complicated at all it's very simple straight to the point it's a payment system you know you you put in some work and the company or the platform you are you are partnering with see the work you are doing and then they pay you the equivalent of the work you've done in fact network marketing is there there is not the only industry where you actually get paid exactly what you what you deserve you know you put in work and you get paid exactly how how much work you put in and net marketing doesn't care whether you are you are you are a world educator you have a degree or you don't have a degree whether you are male or female whether you are an entrepreneur or you are not it does not care all that network marketing is looking for is resolved so once you bring the results it pays you that's it's the payment system you know so once you understand the network marketing the payment system that rewards you based on how much value you bring to the company then you begin to understand why some people are making more money networking and others because some people are obviously bringing in more revenue than others are bringing in and since there is no standard payment nobody i mean there's no standard payment there's a market you get paid what you bring in and so that's why there are so many different levels of of earnings even within the same company only the same teams the people people are earning differently even people at the same level at the same rank don't get paid the same amount of money because they're not bringing the same volume value or volume of work and so you must understand that i simply appreciate them now um the next point that we need to understand is why should anybody be interested in network marketing remember that our original topic is that we are trying to discuss what the real business marketing is but we need to break it down into a couple of steps before we we we dive into the final answer and so the question is what is the real business oh sorry what is that what is that why should anybody be interested in marketing so i'm going to take this one two points of view the first point of view is why should any company opt for network marketing and that's actually that's actually a very easy question to answer that's very easy to answer so why should a company open network marketing very simple number one it is a proven industry if you have a relevant product and you have a product that makes a difference you have a product that's an experiential product when i say creative products i'm talking about a product that makes you feel good or makes you look good or makes you you know makes you want to step out and and show people what you've got and that's an experience for that product but for another one you use you know you notice the difference the difference between your you not using the product and you using the products is quite obvious if you have such a product one of the best ways you can actually market that product is through network marketing it's proving in the sense that if you look at the numbers in 2019 the industry of network marketing generated over 160 billion euros dollars in revenue that's in 2019 that's pre-covered then come check check out the year 2020 during covet the industry of nato markets actually exploded you know there was a lot of chaos a lot of uncertainty you know everybody was trying was trying their best to you know maximize whatever they had and neta marketing was not left out then that she saw a significant boom 2019 160 billion dollars 2020 the interest of network marketing generated over 200 billion dollars now that now if you do that that's approximately 500 million dollars every single day i kid you not the industrial network marketing was generating revenues of 500 million dollars a day in 2018. now that's some serious revenue you know and if you're a company and you see these numbers obviously you're going to want to you know take advantage of of the numbers the international network marketing is projected to generate over 600 billion dollars by the year 2025 and that's that's some serious that's some serious income right then so any company i mean it would be it will be foolish on the part of any company to not consider network marketing you know so on the company side it is proven the second point is that it is also cheaper to push your product to network marketing in the sense that the company is going to leverage on people who are already hungry who already driven who already self-motivated and so the company does not have to spend much money in training their sales force or in motivating their sales because because the people they already have are self-motivated they are already driven and so with little investment or rather if the company focuses all their attention on coming out with a great product there's already some people who are already committed to moving that product from this point to that point and so those are these are the two reasons why most companies would offer network marketing one is proving two is cheaper for the company but more importantly why should you consider getting started with network marketing and if you are joining me live and you are you are you are involved in lesser marketing go ahead and type yes to network marketing if you are not involved network marketing type no so we know i i know how to handle handle this to two different um audiences but indeed um why should you consider network marketing the most important reason why you should consider this marketing especially if you are entrepreneurially minded i mean if you are somebody who has a desire very desire to actually become an entrepreneur you know you're a problem solver but for one of you or another you haven't had it's easy with starting your own business well meta marketing presents a platform where you can actually get started with a low buy-in i mean the cost of getting into the related marketing is actually very significantly lower than a traditional business we get about 100 up to a thousand dollars you can actually start a very pocket i will make a marketing business so that's one reason why people people actually consider that marketing the second reason why people join us marketing is that it gives them access to a free resources resources including a network of people training on how to be to build a such every business you know and you're actually able to leverage on what the company has and add to your skills you know it's it's amazing i mean like i said i have been involved in industry for the past three years and i'll tell you for i'll tell you for free it's really been a blessing and then the knowledge that i've acquired the the network that i've built is really really mind-blowing considering that i started with a fraction of the course it would it would have taken to start a traditional business so these are the reasons why you should probably consider joining automatic marketing if you are not in there yet but now let's come to the meat of the master the reason why we are gathered here this evening what is the real business of network marketing the biggest mistake a lot of us make the biggest thing that pulls a lot of us back the biggest reason why people feel in this industry of network marketing is because they think that they are here to sell products i know this is going to sound controversial but take it from me your role in network marketing is not to sell products listen the company wants you to sell products the company is looking for still people because the company once products are moving they are going to get paid the company has invested has converted their value into a product into a into a commodity into a service and they've given you access to that service so that you can take that service or take that product and give it to your network of people and once your network buys that product the company is going to get paid period and if you again if you follow this my page you realize that we talk a lot about value creation and what's creating and all those things because when you're going to talk about what's creating it it's about it's about creating a tangible something that's a commercially viable product selling those that product or service and and the revenue that comes from that transaction is what begins your journey towards creation and so the company has done all that they have they have a commercially viable product that's probably why you join them you see and the thing is many people join network marketing companies because they they may have benefited from their products or they are benefiting from the complaint now human that we have once we benefit for some with something even if we were not being paid to market that thing we are going to talk about it i mean guess what how did you discover your baba i mean most of us discovered our barbers on the recommendation of a friend who who are patronized that baba and that friend probably also discovered that same baba through the recommendation of another friend you know and if i go to the baba and the power does a good job of my head i'm going to recommend that power to my friend as well and this baba may not may never actually pay me for the referral i'm doing but it's human nature for me to talk about what i feel good about and so when i try a product when i use the product or use a service and the service is good i'm going to talk about it whether i'm paid or not and so the company is making sure that their product is a good product that people are going to talk about you know and so if all you do in network marketing yourself products you've missed it oh you're doing is making the company rich and so the real business in network marketing is not about selling products the business of the marketing is about personal development and i'm sure you've heard this over and over again but you never have you've never and you know paid attention to it but indeed the business owner marketing is in personal development it's about increasing your value becoming more valuable because the company already has a valuable product that's with or without you and this is very very important whether you do business or you don't do business with that company the company will not collapse because other people are going to still engage in business with that company in fact there are people who will purchase products and not even build a business of that company because the product is good and indeed i mean my company as i'm glad i'm partnering at the moment i mean our products are being sold all over the place by people who are not even not related to the company and so it tells you that indeed you are not that important in the grand scheme of things i mean you have to understand you have to know yourself you have to bring your position you are not that important if you left the company right now the company will not pull up and so the best thing you can do for yourself is to increase your value become a more valuable member of the society so that when your value matches the company's value then together you can actually have a serious business component the serious business organization that's going to generate income for you because your value is part of the discussion that we are having anybody who has who is inaudible who should have had it before that people or prospects will join you first before they join the company this is because it is the expectation that when people engage with you people interact with you they are going to see something of value in you because that person wants to be like you that person wants to be associated with you you know so if if before you begin to share about some other countries some companies products or some companies competitive the person you're talking to should already want to be associated with you that's your value and when you have now got that person into your circle then you cannot connect him with the product so here's a typical scenario as i'm talking to you right now somebody wants to be like me somebody speaks what i'm saying and and wants to understand more wants wants to go a bit deeper and so he's going to engage in me at that point it's not about the company it's about me you know but as a business builder so that's a market that i should then be able to to direct the person to let the person understand like if you want to be in my space then you have to come to this platform you have to come to this channel so that now i'm plugging my value and the company's values value together so that we can have a mutually beneficial relationship if all i do from day one is to give the person the company's product the company's value then i don't have anything to leverage myself on because i've already connected that person to the company so if the person if this prospect or this new person needs anything he's not going to come to me he's going to go to the company because it is the company's value that i was marketing so i made the the first the biggest mistake in network marketing which is that i signed the person to the company and not to myself but everybody knows all the books on automatically will tell you that sign the person to yourself first you know have that connection with the person before you find a person to the company because the companies are going to companies have their their bottom line companies have their revenue targets companies have their their hopes and aspirations you know and so they are going to do things that say about the company so for instance if you if your company is operating in africa one of the biggest challenges they're going to have is currency fluctuations if your company needs to show up revenue because currencies they are going to do things to to to show up their bottom line to prevent them from going below a certain mark and those those measures are going to put in place is going to affect you and your business now what's going to happen is that if you have not find the people if you have not you do not have if your team or your person does not consider you as valuable when the company does their thing to stay profitable the ripple effect is that it's going to affect your team because your team is all focused on the company and so you have to begin to build value outside of the company that's what the real business marketing is so that every successful business builder in network marketing you realize that has a a persona that is independent of the company now i have actually spent time and done a lot of research about all the top enders and trust me they are some serious they are people making serious money in network marketing i mean people are earning upwards of a million dollars every single month and that's that that's mad money imagine earning a million dollars every single month wow in fact currently the highest in a national market is paid about 2.8 million dollars a month now it might not sound amazing significant income but think about this neta marketing is actually not a full-time business a part-time people do business marketing part-time i mean this guy's doing that to make it like what two three hours a day and getting paid 2.8 million dollars every

single month now that now now when you put that into perspective you realize that it could be that big deal and that's that's that is amazing i mean that's significant money but you see you you you check out the top hundreds top ends in nether marketing and you hardly see they're talking about the company it does not mean that they don't they don't have a company doesn't mean that they are not part of the company they are but they have understood they have realized that if they themselves need to build value in themselves as people as a people as a person before they attach their value to the company's value and so if you want to discuss the network marketing you have to begin to build value in yourself people must see you as a valuable individual i want to associate with this guy even if there was no company that's what i'm talking about so once they associate with you then you can now add or coin i mean join your value to the company's value and then begin to develop something else altogether easy because company network marketing companies should necessarily leverage on your value not the other way around many of us are leveraging on that company we should be the other way when the company should leverage on us and to begin to build value in you you become more valuable that the company will leverage on you until you become vulnerable until the company needs leverage on you there's no way you can earn significant money and this is my personal target for that for the next the next couple of years i'm going to increase my value so that the company will leverage on me because at that point i call the shot and i definitely want to call the shots and so what what am i going to do knowledge revolution for lack of knowledge my google perry that's what the good book says says and so if you want to you want to do network marketing and do it well you have to be willing to learn just be willing to learn you have to be willing to learn i've been picking it three times because if you are not willing to learn you cannot achieve the structure you are looking for learning is at the base is the foundation that we are going to build everything on and so that's what i came here to share with you this means the real business network marketing is not selling products we are not sales people we are business builders if you want to be a sales person network marketing is not for you because all you're going to do is you're going to enrich the company we came here to build business to build a business and business is anything that solves the problem because when you want to solve a problem you're going to get paid money and so become a problem solver become a solution bringer and that is when you're going to enjoy the significance within your network marketing business all right guys so that's well for me there's a kelvin coming we're live this evening with this brief expose on the real business or network marketing if you agree what i've said go ahead and comment like put your comment in the comment section i agree if you disagree i'd love to hear from you even more so put your comments in the comment section let me know what your opinion is about what you just had and have a discussion let's engage let's focus let's improve the networking industry in ghana and africa and let's leverage and build some significant business links all right guys have a lovely evening peace you

2021-11-29 22:44

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