The History of Fighting Game Guest Characters | Be My Guest

The History of Fighting Game Guest Characters | Be My Guest

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Can you believe this the two of us in the same house is this, a crossover, episode no, it's. Getting around man seriously. Though how, are you. The. Art of the crossover, is one of the oldest, tricks in the media playbook as we know it today from. Alpha and Gilligan's Island to, Uncle Jesse and Steve Urkel and even. Archie, and the Punisher for some reason taking. Two or more, big, franchises, and mashing them together to make one big crossover, piece of media is a surefire, way, to pop interest, in all fan bases and gaming. Is not immune, to this phenomenon, because you see even. In the last couple years we've had some great crossovers. From all over, video games of all types of genres racing. Sports. Simulation. Platforming. And even. More but, when a character crosses, over into fighting games or a fighting game character jumps between games, from, the same genre it feels, ever so, slightly, more special. Game, developers, need to work that much harder to faithfully, translate, characters, to their intricate systems of their, game while still keeping the guests integrity, intact, and separate, from the rest of the cast in this, video I'll analyze a few crossovers, and guest appearances that are good bad, and sometimes. Just plain old weird. I. Don't. Think that I can do a video about fighting, in crossovers, without mentioning what is arguably, the most famous one Super. Smash Brothers was released for the Nintendo 64 in, 1998. After the most exhausted. Man in gaming, Masahiro, Sakurai wanted. To make a four-player fighting, game he, figured that fighting games don't quite sell as well as other video game genres, so, to compensate he, threw in some famous Nintendo, characters in a prototype that he was building and had, them fight it out and the rest as, we know it is history. But. You know I might be a bit of a stickler here but it feels a bit lame to congratulate, Nintendo, on giving the okay to put their own characters, into, their own video, game so instead. I'd like, to focus on the one moment in Smash history that I thought altered the course of the series forever. The. Event was III 2006. At, the time Super, Smash Brothers for the Nintendo 64 was that system's eighth best selling game and super. Smash brothers melee was the GameCubes, number, one seller, moving 7 million. Copies, now. With the Nintendo Wii in its formative years the pressure was on to finally, show hardcore, gamers that Nintendo, had a lot more to offer them than just bowling with the family, and, whatever Red Steel was so. At an after-hours media, only briefing, Nintendo, unveiled a trailer for Super, Smash Brothers, Brawl and. With, this trailer Nintendo, started the slow and gradual. Change of the Smash Brothers series, from, being a simple showcase, of Nintendo's, vast catalog to a celebration of, gaming, as a whole, it. All started, right. Here. Shooting. Them. The. Announcement, of Solid Snake joining, the cast of Super Smash Brothers Brawl set, the internet, on fire. Snakes. Inclusion, in Smash is significant. In a few ways first, snake, was the very first third-party, playable, character announced, for the smash series, he's also the first character in the smash games from a series that's rated mature and his. Appearance is based off of the 2001, game Metal Gear Solid, 2 Sons, of Liberty which, to, this day has. Never been featured on a Nintendo, console, according. To an interview had a Okajima creator, of Metal Gear practically. Begged, for snake to be included in Smash and from, that point on all bets were off and it seemed like any game character, from any series, could join the fight at any moment, and, that was only reinforced, by the announcement, that Sonic, the Hedgehog, the company mascot of one of Nintendo's fiercest.

Former Rivals was joining the game's cast only a few months later when. The game did eventually make it to market fans of these series were delighted, to find that Nintendo did, right by these foreign franchises, giving, the characters varied and well thought-out movesets that emphasized their personalities. For, example snake really likes guns explosives, and weapons and Sonic, it's, gotta go fast. But. It doesn't stop there Nintendo. Threw in a bunch, of tributes, and fanservice for these games between the stickers trophies, stages. And music and even a special treat from Metal Gear Solid, fans on the Shadow Moses Island stage. Snake. You know who that is you're. Kidding, right it's. Mario, Mario. Made his first appearance in 1981. And since, then he's, become a worldwide, phenomenon, there's. Probably not a single person who doesn't know Mario he's. That famous. Good. Thing I survived, these. Days reveal, season, 4 Smash Brothers is one of the most looked forward to events of any, given gaming, generation, and since, snake and Sonic have joined the fight fans from all over the, gaming universe hang, on to each announcement with bated breath wondering, if a character from their favorite non Nintendo, game it's an invitation. To smash, the. Newest title in the series Super Smash Brothers ultimate, has a catchphrase that, is everyone. Is here, and that's more or less true with. More than a half-dozen third-party. Characters growing hands with Mario & Company and even, more cameos, that take the form of assist row fees and spirits with, even more on the way in the form of DLC, who. Knew that a proof of concept without, official approval from Nintendo, would go on to be one of the most ambitious crossovers. In all of videogame history and, when. You get right down to it the smash brothers roster, evolving, to include third parties is basically, analogous, of how, much better Nintendo, has gotten to catering to third parties and indie, Studios, I don't really have much proof for that claim but I'll say that we've come a long way. From the days of we we're. Making. My way back to fighting games without platforms, longtime. Watchers of my channel will remember that I talked about Street Fighter cross Tekken a collaboration. Between the number one 2d and 3d fighting, game franchises, for. Reasons that I laid out in this, video this, crossover, fighter which looked and played like a street fighter game didn't, quite take off the way that Bandai, Namco and Capcom were. Hoping it would one. Victim of the game's failure, was a Tekken team developed, Tekken style game named, you guessed it Tekken, cross, Street Fighter which, would have brought the world warriors into the third dimension for the first time since, the Street Fighter II X series the. Game's development was, put on ice around the time of Street Fighter 5s release but. Don't worry the Tekken team was continuing, work when a major update for the recently released Tekken 7, which will eventually feature, one of the most extensive. Integrations. Of a crossover character, into, another game series that I had ever seen, revealed. At the Tekken World Tour Finals in 2015, street, fighters Akuma. Was, announced as a new addition to Tekken 7 via the fated retribution update. According. To an interview with Tekken is Katsuhiro, Harada this. Crossover was in the works for years and took a lot of coordination with Capcom, in order to pull off as with. All of their characters, Akuma was built from the ground up from his model, costumes, and moveset without outside assistance from Capcom, in, order to keep as much Street, Fighter DNA, in Akuma, as possible, the Tekken team had, to go to the drawing board and figure out how they were going to faithfully.

Remake This character into, their game and here's, how they did it unlike. Most of the Tekken 7 cast Akuma, has a to gauge super, meter of which he can sacrifice half, the, - cancel out of an attack like FA DCs in Street, Fighter 4 but. The similarities, don't end there he has access to all of his special moves his normal, moves look and work the same as if they do in Street Fighter and the, way that Akuma utilizes, jumping, and pressure makes it seem like you're truly, controlling, a 2d character in a 3d space the. Tekken teams track record on the crossover characters that they put into Tekken 7 so far have been hit one, after, another from, piece noctus. And eventually. Negan. Each. Character, has been faithfully, translated into, tech at 7 but, what really pushes Akuma's inclusion, in over-the-top for me is that he, isn't just any regular guest character, because, harada-san, wants, every character in his game to have a real, reason to fight Akuma. Is actually, given a pretty significant. Purpose in the story mode of Tekken 7, here's. A quick spoiler warning so go to this time in the video if you want to steer clear of spoilers, for Tekken 7 story mode so. Accout was purpose in the Tekken universes, to fulfill the tasks given to him by Kazuma, Mishima, after she saved his life probably. Before the events of Tekken 1 that, task to kill, hey Hachi and Kazuya, Mishima the, only reason why he hasn't shown up before the seventh game is because he was quote, waiting. For them to get stronger, and that's. To me because I think Akuma wouldn't, have had any issues taking down the Mishima if they were at a weaker power level or didn't know how to properly, utilize the devil gene so, in a weird way by waiting to confront the me she was until, now Akuma. Is kind of the entire reason why Tekken exists in its current form at all which is wild. Considering, that Akuma, is a guest character from a rival fighting, game and with. The way that the story in Tekken 7 ends, I find, it hard to believe that, they won't mention him if they continue with the Mishima storyline, at Tec 8 all-in-all. Akuma, and Tekken 7 is a really, cool take upon an already, cool character and, I'm happy to highlight him as an example of a really well done crossover, character and as. For second cross Street Fighter Harada, has been keeping the hope alive but he's looking forward to that game's completion, recently. Saying in a recent interview that, the game is quote, 30%. Done and that, they could potentially, find the time to make the game if Tekken, 7 moved units which, it totally. Totally. Did.

Celebrity. Appearances, and fighting games are pretty notable because they have the traits of being number one incredibly, rare and number, two almost always, incredibly. Lame sure. You may get excited, for snake and smash brothers or Akuma in Tekken 7 but nobody ever talked about Fred Durst in a bike club game Bruce. Lee in the UFC games, or even the celebrity deathmatch fighting, game where the cast is made up of nothing but celebrities, the. Use of famous people in the fighting game genre has almost always ended. In disappointment. Except. For the Def Jam series but that's probably another topic for another video. Most. Celebs, really don't understand, or have that much time or respect for the medium of video games leading to less than inspired. Appearances. But, one game that you've probably, forgotten about, actually, has one of the strongest most. Interesting, celebrity casts that I've ever seen in a fighting game. Ready. To rumble boxing isn't your ordinary boxing. Game at least in 1999, this title featured an eclectic, mix out-of-this-world boxers, from the groovy afro, thunder to the intentionally, obnoxious, jr. flurry the. Game reviewed, well enough and garnered, enough support for a sequel just one year after this one launched but, one famous fan was so, enraptured, by the game that they wanted to play a special, role in the development of the next one that fan, none. Other than the King of Pop Michael Jackson. To. Those in the note this shouldn't, be a surprise Michael. Jackson was actually, a big-time. Gamer he, collected, games and consoles, set up his own arcade, at Neverland Ranch had, his own game on the Sega Genesis, helped compose the music for Sonic 3 and personally. Requested, to be put in the 1999. Rhythm games space channel 5 as the story. Goes as told by a manual Valdez, the lead artist for ready to rumble boxing round 2 Jackson, was put into the game as a playable fighter after weeks of discussion with the dev team at Midway he. Did the mocap for his taunts his own voice work and even got dressed in his iconic stage where to help the team with his texture modeling the. Result was a really, neat implementation. Of one of the most iconic and, most popular, famous people of all time when. The gloved one goes into his super powered rumble mode his feet start lighting up the floor he, attacks using all of his iconic dance moves and apparently he really, enjoyed how its participation, in the game turned out but. The celebrity, roster doesn't stop there, Shaquille. O'Neal coming off of his 2000. NBA MVP, winning, season, lint, his voice and appearance for the same game Shaq. Didn't go quite as far as Michael Jackson did in helping Midway but, he still played like what you'd expect Shaq, to play like in a boxing game big. Ol slow powerhouse, who likes to make references, to basketball. President. Bill Clinton, and First Lady Hillary Clinton, were absolutely, not. Featured, and ready to rumble boxing round two instead. Two characters with very similar traits, ages heights and appearances. Named mr. president, and the first lady were. And even. The lovable ring announcer Bruce Buffer gets in on the action as the, final boss of the game has the ever imposing. Rumble. Man ready. To rumble boxing round 2 was my personal, first exposure to crossovers. And video games and while they, may not have made the game any more fun to play I actually went back and played it for this video and man. Game did not age well back. Then these, guest characters, gave me some of my fondest. Memories as a wee, lad. Sticking. With boxing for just a little bit longer did you know that if you enter the code and macman in the character creator of Fight Night Round two for the Gamecube you will unlock a little back from super punch-out as a playable for oh my god. Jesus. Christ that's terrifying. Why does Little Mac look like he was stung by like a thousand, bees, look. At those eyes ah. Geez. Give. Me the heebie-jeebies let's move on. Yeah. Lastly. I wanted, to talk about the series that helped me get this channel it's start, Marvel. Vs., Capcom but. During the writing process of, this script I wondered exactly what. I would write about of, course the NBC series carries, a special place in the fighting game community's heart and it's, one of the most famous crossovers, idols to ever exist but. Both companies, share, top billing and none of these games treat any character, like a special, guest I couldn't. Talk about the history of the series or the games leading up to it like x-men children of the atom which did, feature an Akuma crossover, but I feel like that would be best suited, for another.

Video A topic. Like that seems a bit too broad and I do, eventually, want to make that video but. I'd rather give it the attention it deserves but, then it. Hit me there. Are four, characters, in the entirety, of the Marvel vs. Capcom series. Who, made their first appearances, in these games never, to be seen again outside of some very minor cameos, and because. Of that they somehow managed, to be special, guests, in a series that is basically, made up of special, guests for, the sake of clarity I'm not gonna include sonson, in this list file her nbc-2, incarnation, is technically. The granddaughter, of son son from the NES version of that game I feel like there's enough similarity, there as say that they're functionally, the same character. So. Starting with the weirdest, character exclusive, no tomorrow, is a parody, of Japanese, comedian Noritake, naxi I'm, not all that well-versed in the Japanese comedy, scene but this guy must have been a pretty big deal because. I've come partnered with him and his television show to make his own personal, fighting game character, originally. They were supposed, to slot this creation, in an upcoming Street Fighter game but, instead they fit no tomorrow and the next game Capcom, was set to release which, ended up being Marvel, Super Heroes vs.. Street Fighter, the. Best way that I can describe his playstyle as if you mashed up Phoenix right from Marvel 3 and peacock, from Skullgirls, dude, has some strong, keep-away tools and throws everything, including, the kitchen sink literally. To, keep you out of his personal space if this, is the first time you're seeing this guy there's, probably a good reason for that no, tomorrow was only, available for play in the Japanese, version of the game which makes sense for obvious reasons there's, evidence to suggest that this character was actually in late stages of being localized, for western audiences with translated, wind quotes and some, alterations, to his super combo animations, however. I get the feeling like throwing in a character, who is a take on an obscure, Japanese, comedian wasn't, all that appealing to Western audiences and thus. Nori. Mara was removed, from English versions of the game. Moving. On the next one shot character in the series isn't actually, playable, at all, it's, the final boss of Marvel, vs. Capcom 2, and the only completely, original boss character in the entire vs., series this, I'm. Actually a big fan of a business design, despite. Being an entirely original character, for NBC to every, phase of the abyss fight looks like something you could feasibly see, in a Marvel comic book his, backstory, is also, very Marvel s essentially, being the embodiment of the concept of entropy spurring. Characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes, to action phase. 1 of this fight is a big hulking armored body and phase 2 is this weird slimy, thing and eventually phase 3 is this big honkin, beast to. Me abyss is actually up there with some of the most fun boss fights that I've played in a fighting game abyss. Actually, can't be put into hits done so, he stands, there as you dish out of beating and I played a whole bunch of cable in Marvel, vs. Capcom 2, so being able to just stand there and throw, out a hyper Viper beam with the knowledge that it'll hit and melt the heck out of abyss is health bar is the, equivalent, of getting a nice new piece of technology and peeling, the plastic, off it's so just cool it's so satisfying. Next. Up is a character, that is a bit of an enigma, a mingo, is a sharp dressing, cactus, and has a name that sounds like, amigo. He, can shape-shift had, his home town wrecked by abyss looks, like a distant family member of Ludicolo, and he, kind of sucked in mvc2 despite, having the potential for some incredibly, succulent, pressure but.

Getting To the point this is basically all we know about him there's, a rumor that I found that mentions that a Mingo was supposed to feature in his own game that was eventually canceled but there's no sources leads, or otherwise, any information, on what that game could have been and no, confirmation from officials one way or the other you. Could say that capcom is really sticking, to their guns on that one there's. Talk of a Mingo potentially. Being a rejected Darkstalkers, character, which I actually think is a totally credible guess considering. That his attacks feature him expanding, contracting and, morphing which are all very dark, stock traits, but. Considering, the state of the dark stalkers franchise, that's probably a bit of a prickly, situation to bring up because Capcom. Hasn't even come out and said anything, confirming, or denying even that tiny fan theory a Mingo. Is so obscure, that even, in his official bio and the Marvel, vs. Capcom complete. Works artwork, he's listed as being of a mysterious. Origin, nobody. Knows if a Mingo will ever show up in another game but at, least this'll, be the day that he gets his shine. Lastly. Did you know that Marvel, vs. Capcom 2 had lore. Yeah. I didn't, neither where, as Ryu is the main character of the Street Fighter series and as scorpion, is from Mortal Kombat the, last character I'll talk about in this video the magic wielding Baroness of the seven seas ruby, heart is apparently. The main character, of mvc2, we. Can draw this conclusion from, a few different points of reference she. And cable both get the center spot in the character select screen for Capcom and Marvel respectively, you can see what is possibly, Rudy's ship hitting built in one stage and fighting, on that same ship in another she, appears smack-dab in the middle of this marketing poster alongside cable, and, when you beat the final boss your, reward is a series of images from Marvel and Capcom heroes, in pictures celebrating. And having a good time on Ruby ship but, Ruby Hart no not her, she's holding what is left of abyss and all-powerful, being, in her hand before, she's like nah, I'm sure I'll have chances, to shine another games before chucking, that thing off the ship and riding, off into the sunset it's.

Pretty, Heavily implied that she's actually the one shuttling, all of these fighters around the world to, stop this and his ambiguously, ambiguous, plot as it. Turns out unlike a Mingo, Ruby, Hart is allegedly, confirmed, by, former Capcom employees have Killian to have been a dark stalkers character that was left on the cutting room floor I'd. Love to show you the video but you stream a white, LED at once was. Unfortunately. Father time hasn't been too good to the seafaring, French woman she, was pinned in as one of the main characters, for what was supposed to be a pirate themed social, game in Japan named, Geico Kai Frontier however. That game was canceled after being stuck in development hell for at least three, these. Days ruby heart is still looking for her next big break and she could get it in the, Street Fighter series, ruby. Was given a fighter profile, on the shadow loot combat Research Institute, and. While this isn't exactly the Ruby. Heart the artist says that it's actually, a relative, so it's good to know that ruby hearts character design hasn't completely fallen off of Capcom's radar. So. That does it for this edition of my guest character series there's a ton, of amazing, crossovers, that I didn't come anywhere, close, to touching like the trio of guest characters from Soul Calibur 2 and a whole bunch of others so, expect a part two to this video sometime in the future in the, meantime if there are any great guest characters you'd like to see me cover in this style in that next video let, me know in the comments below subscribe. To me on youtube follow, me on Twitter and twitch and have, some fun in the comments I'll see you again next time.

2019-02-01 23:46

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Who's your favorite guest character to show up in a fighting game? Why were they your favorite?

Honestly MJ because that shit is actually hilarious.

Ezio in the soul series since Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood and Revelation were my fav games and it was cool to see him in a fighting game

Capcom VS SNK series (at least the ones made by CC) is basically King Of Fighters with Street Fighter characters that also have time traveling characters from other games (with no explanation). It always struck me odd that Nakururu and Haoumaru from Samurai Showdown and Hibiki from The Last Blade are there among cameos from the distant future of Star Gladiator. Not sure if guest characters or just part of the cross over. So I go with them because they also shared a special eye candy that when their blades clashed you could hear it. It was well thought out. Also Hibiki is cute

Sonic in Smash Brawl

Mai Shiranui in DOA5 last round

I like Raiden in Injstice 2


Honestly Geese in Tekken is already my new favourite, he looks so damn sick and they translated him so perfectly to Tekken. Tekken and it's 2D turn 3D characters are probably some of the most amazing character translation in any game ever.

Melty Blood's Sion in Under Night In-Birth, she goes by Eltnum and she breaks the 4th wall in her story mode. Fun character to watch in top 8s of tournaments as well.

Kratos in soul calibur and mk.

Top 3 for me were Freddy Krueger in MK9, Hellboy in Injustice 2, and Sonic in Super Smash Bros Brawl

Probably Hellboy in Injustice 2 In college I got really into the Hellboy comics and movies so when he was announced my roommates and I lost it Still tied for my main with Green Lantern Fantastic video btw! I can’t wait to see that Little Mac in the corner of my dark bedroom tonight...the horror...

To me it's Solid Snake and Sonic Smash Bros. Love them since Brawl announced them

Snake, because my dad played the _SHIT_ out of Twin Snakes on the GameCube way back then, on top of playing a lot of MGS2 on the Original XBOX. I even watched gameplay, and fell in love with the whole idea of avoiding enemies and whatnot, and how much of a Badass Snake is. It's why he's one of my favorite guest characters. And then there was Mega Man's announcement in Smash 4. When I saw that, I had a hard time picking my jaw up off the floor. And of course, who can forget the BELMONTS in Ultimate, as well as Ridley and Joker? Ridley for the fact that the Meme about Ridley being "too big" for smash finally became a reality, and less of a meme. The Belmonts because I fell in love with the Castlevania Franchise, and seemed like very unique characters. And Joker? well... I guess you can say that you never saw it coming. I could go on and on, but I'll just list my examples there.

I personally loved the TMNT on Injustice 2! They are so fun and well made...

You gotta cover Mortal Kombat as well as Injustice. And the other Smash Bros games. Smash 4 and Ultimate,

I know this is a little bit off topic, but I love how Project X Zone basically puts Tekken, Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter in the same universe

Do you got a link to the thread at 3:09? I wanna see some genuine reactions to Snake's Brawl reveal.

16:55 a peka from clash but iys green

Shaq fu is the best fighting game with a celeb

We jave a Japanese Marvel vs. Street Fighter Machine at the arcade I work at so I get to play as Norimaru

7:19 . Poor Feng, that's what you get for killing you master.

Wish that SonSon, Ruby Heart and Amingo got more chances to shine

Michael Buffer not Bruce lol

IIIIIITS TIIIIIIIIIIME.... for me to fact check my own scripts before recording them.

I woulda thought Lui kang was the mc of mk

You'd think, but Raiden and the ninja clans have really taken center stage as of the last 10 or so years of MK games. Liu is kinda punked out in the last few.

your little blurb about def jam just got a fuckin INSTANT sub from me

I just liked this. Thank you for it.

Nothing from Capcom Vs SNK?

I'm getting to it. Plan on making this a series and there's a metric fuckton of games with crossovers haha

I did like Rash and Arbiter in Killer instinct

No mention about KOF huh? the first crossover fighting game ever ! or Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting both getting Ryo Sakazaki and Geese Howard as guest characters respectively.

SNK did it first with King of Fighters '94 being like an SNK All-Star, before Nintendo did their All-Star cast.

It's nice seeing 2 SNK Fighters on 2 Seperate fighting games, Mai Shiranui in DOA5, & Geese Howard in Tekken 7.

I've never wanted to kick Michael Jackson's ass more

Exept for games that have their own concept like Marvel vs Capcom or Kof (which is is cross over between Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury.) Adding characters from other licence in a fighting is only possible in non very serious games or mediocre main stream fighting game. Like For VF. You could never see tekken or any franchise character in A virtua Fighter. Neither in Street fighter because they try to respect thei franchise and prefer to do cross overs far awaay from their canon franchise. But some developers have no shame and are only interested by money

4:00 I dunno about you but I don't think 17 months is a few.

No mention of Lars being in Ultimate Ninja Storm 2?

Aside from the obvious targets of Soul Calibur, Killer Instinct, and Mortal Kombat in the next video, I'd like to see mention of the Spartan from Halo in Dead or Alive, who's time-traveling storyline is basically canon to Halo itself. The King of Fighters series was actually among the first games to feature guest fighters, but all of them have been pretty obscure by American standards. It's worth mentioning that Yoshimitsu from Soul Calibur is the Tekken Yoshimitsu's canonical ancestor. Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, and Red XIII from Final Fantasy 7 were included as guest fighters to help sell the NA release of Ergheiz, but Squaresoft made no efforts to effectively balance them.

that Yoshimitsu in Soul Calibur is Right Handed, while the Tekken one is a Leftie.

Jason in MKX

This guy's comb over game is nuts

dying laughing over here

Gonna need you to talk about the Daytona car and Pepsiman

I really appreciated the section you did on Rubyheart, I’ve always been a huge fan of this character. Her ship is where I pulled my screen name from! Lol this really made my day. Keep up the amazing work.

To my knowledge, the first crossover fighter was SNK's The King of Fighters '94. It not only featured characters from other fighting games of the SNK stable, like Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, but from older, non-fighting arcade games by SNK, such as Ikari Warriors and Psycho Soldier. as well.

+Conrado Javier two of rival school characters appear on SFV

+PHANTOM GAMER Speaking of Rival School, that explains are Sakura Kasugano is in the roster.

By Capcom side is 1993 Saturday Night Slam Master and the 1994 sequel Ring Of Destruction:Slam Master 2 featuring Haggar from Final Fight as playable character later started with street fighter with final fight character. Slam Master is also a part of street fighter universe too like rival school and captain commando.

it all Started with Fatal Fury Special, with Art of Fighting's Ryo appeared.


Still no playable Bomberman in Smash. F.

Cloud Strife in Ehrgeiz. I went nuts as a kid.

I love that Mortal Kombat started adding in horror movie characters like Jason and Leatherface. I'm a huge horror movie fan and they just gel so well with that universe

Sonic was one of the main reasons I wanted Brawl

This was a great episode and a great idea for a series. Finally, YouTube recommendations actually recommending something I'd like... except I'm sure this was just a coincidence and it's right back to recommending me stuff I don't care about. Regardless, great work on and I look forward to more. However, I would be lying if I said that this confused me. The title suggest you would go through a brief summary of guest characters in video games but then went into 4 different topics unrelated to the subject. I felt this episode should've just introduced what you were planning on doing and give a brief overview of guest characters and split up these 4 topics into their own episodes. I know it's a pilot and maybe you have plans to actually cover specific topics, but it took me off guard and, even though it was a great video, I was confused because I was expecting a more linear history lesson. Hopefully this was just a fluke and next episode you can just take it easy and just cover one topic at a time. Well, regardless, I do look forward to seeing what you have next.

Thanks for the help! This was a bit of an exploratory thing with a few one-off crossovers I thought were significant. Definitely going to stick to a series-per-episode in the future. And hey, feel free to subscribe to see when I upload another!

I remember playing that japanese character once in MvC. It was a weird version in an arcade, some of the characters were different but the text was in english (or at least it wasn't in kanji, I was 6 and couldn't read english).

You're right, the final boss was Apocalypse and not Onslaught (even though the batte itself was a carbon copy)

He was on Marvel vs Streeet Fighter not MvC

"A fighting game crossover". Talks about smash... LOL

Wait, Scorpion isn't the main character of MK, it's Liu Kang, his endings on the first MK games are the canon ones and he's supposedly the strongest fighter of Earthrealm.

Maybe in the earlier days, but it feels like the Ninjas/Raiden have taken over the main character mantle with the last few games. Especially now that they've punked out Liu with the dumb stuff they've done to him since MK9

little mac nightmare lol

Oh yeah yeah no mk

+Stumblebee epic oh yeah

Not yet. Definitely going to make this a series :)

I always loved Capcom Vs. SNK, that's be a cool one for you to cover.

People forget that the hole king of fighters franchise is one big crossover

Yeah i prefer for snk neo geo battle coliseum over kof, they included characters who wasn't in kof befor.

Insta subbed, guest characters are what got me and probably a ton of other people into fighting games

ruby heart

If I remember correctly, Norimaro got scrapped internationally because hia ending made reference to stealing Chun Li's panties or something like that

ummm wasnt akuma absolutely OP and banned from tourneys.

What about the killer instinct guest characters, mk9- and mkx- injustice soul caliber,. The Daytona car and Pepsi man.

The guest characters in the doa games should get some screen time. I mean a spartan from halo in 4 and VF characters in 5 is pretty damn cool.

Masahiro “The Most Exhausted Man in Gaming” Sakurai.

I very much disagree with Sonic's depiction in smash being varied. Most of his specials look the same. Nearly everything he does turns him into a ball and that's all

Hey Stumblebee, what are your thoughts on MUGEN?

It's great! I've lost so many hours to SaltyBet over the years.

All I know is that I flipped my shiet when I saw that RWBY characters would appear in Blazblue Crosstag Battle, even if the devs were super greedy when it came to the roster. Also, I definitely can’t wait to seen what guest characters we’ll get in Smash Ultimate’s DLC. If we got Persona 5’s Joker as our *very* first choice, then imagine how crazy the other choices must be! Also, including Donkey Kong in Punch-Out for the Wii was pretty cool. A funny story is that originally Little Mac was supposed to duke it out against Peach rather than DK, but Nintendo thought that they’d get into controversy with woman who thought her getting decked in the face would be offensive. So they decided to use the King of Kongs instead. Which’s the better option imo, since Peach would’ve felt pretty out of place due to how non-combative she is, whereas DK is a huge, powerful, 8-foot tall hulking gorilla. But hey, at least all three of them get to square off nowadays in Smash Bros!

Erm so it's only about Smash huh... You talked a bit about MvC but KOf or Capcom v SNK 1 & 2. So much could've been said...

Keep watchin! I intend to make this a series, so definitely gonna give these franchises a spot in a video eventually!

Abyss looks like the magna defender from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

This video was great

PLAY STATION ALL STARS BATTLE ROYALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Seriously mention it, It put Kratos, Dante, Big Daddy and Sir Daneil Frotesque in the same game

Issac in blade strangers

Blade Strangers is a crossover fighting game too

Awesome video

Do def jam

Dead or Alive has had some great ones. A Spartan From Halo, Virtua Fighter Characters, and Mai Shiranui.

Great video, Stumblebee! Really interesting topic for a video and I'm just glad we got another one of your fighting game analysis videos :)

Four words Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Really enjoyed this video, pls do another with Soulcalibur!

god i'd love for you to do a sequel. the first one i'd think to add was link in sc2. yeah its cliche'd but lets be honest over half the fanbase for sc exists because they wanted to play as link

it's a reason whu phoenix wright is in marvel vs capcom 3 because he is a capcom character that doesn't make him a guest character.

Another quality vid thanks for your hard work

Did you know that there was a anime fighter that is a anniversary crossover game celebrating the 20th anniversary of Dengeki Bunko (a light novel publisher) called “Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax” with Akira from Virtual Fighters and Selvaria from Valkyrie Chronicles being the guest characters in that game?

Does Ryu Hayabusa count as a guest fighter in the Dead or Alive games? The first one, at least. He does come from another franchise that at least on the surface doesn't seem to have too much to do with DOA series, but nowadays he's just as closely associated with DOA as he is with Ninja Gaiden. Could probably also mention Freddy Krueger in MK9. To me at least, that seems like such a turning point for guest fighters in modern fighting games (especially as DLC).

We just gonna not mention the TMNT in Injustice 2?

id love to see a video ojn Fighting EX Layer or perhaps mention it in the next video with Terry Bogard being added in

Can you do some vids on injustice 2 You got TMNT, Subzero, Raiden and Hellboy


We need Ultra Instinct Shaggy in Tekken pls

He might be in mortal kombat

The Tekken 7 OST is great

Great video as always, though that first Smash part has me dreaming still, don’t mind me, just here still hoping Grand Theft Auto becomes part of Smash Bros DLC... the series is so popular and critically acclaimed, only beat by Mario and Pokemon in copies sold with GTA V alone being 100 million of those. For me, it’s only right and purposely crazy but fitting to include V’s Michael De Santa with Franklin and Trevor as echoes armed to the teeth, they could even have a final Smash similar to Captain Falcon.

Stumblebee exactly! Isn’t it fucking bonkers?! I love it as much as I love the series. But it’s also technically not actually out of the realm of possibility with what we already have but it is as relatively unexpected as it is fitting. Rockstar and Nintendo respect each other a great deal and has put out plenty of games on Nintendo, Nintendo even revealed a GTA game at E3 2008, 4 of those titles where GTA games so GTA has been on Nintendo more than Persona. GTA is basically the most played and iconic franchise that isn’t in smash. I’d love a spirit or assist, people who are bummed when that happens to their characters are honestly spoiled... Also probably could be the most profitable Nintendo could be with DLC: The few people who haven’t played GTA V since they’re mostly Nintendo fans are exposed to it through Smash and would be interested in an inevitable Switch port, while everyone else would likely buy the character since the crossover is so crazy and interesting. And hey, it doesn’t break the one rule Smash seems to actually have, looking at you Goku...

Out of all the requests for Smash Bros that I've ever seen, this is certainly one of them

I miss Amingo and Ruby Heart man

I'm guessing SoulCalibur will get a dedicated episode.

+ONYX GOLD Yeah, I'm sure Disney would be fine with one of their characters being sliced and torn apart.

I heard kilo ren would be in mk11

Hey dude, honest feedback here. I've enjoyed the video for most part...But it was also very unfocused!! The video was "The History of Fighting Game Guest Characters " but you started already with Snake in Smash, then you jumped right into Akuma on Tekken7, then famous people on fighting games and then you finished with some original Marvel vs Capcom characters. So things felt kinda random you know. The topics were interesting and well written and could make for interesting videos on their own... but as an entire video, I think it could have been more focused you know? If "Be My Guest" is supposed to be series (which I hope it is, because it is an awesome idea) maybe next time pick a smaller topic inside of the guest character subject and focus on that?? One suggestion that I really liked from the comments here was guest characters in Netherealm games. And there is A LOT you can talk about with just that topic! Like, how well the characters translate into the games, how well they were recived by the fans, how some of them even show up on mobile versions of the game, how the community enjoys trying to guess them, how they are chosen, how can Netherealm possibly keep trying to top themselves (I mean after Hellboy and TMNT on Injustice 2, the only way they can top themselves is if Goku and Spider-man shows up on Injustice 3!!) etc...

This could be easily fixed by changing the title to "guest characters in fighting games" or something like that.

+Stumblebee You are welcome!! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the constructive feedback! This gives me a lot to go on :)

Next time I'd like to see a mention of the Virtua Fighter cast jumping into Dead Or Alive 5

I'm surprised you didn't talk more about Soul Calibur 2. I know that wasn't the first fighting game with guest characters, but I feel like it was the one that started the trend of using guest characters as a major selling point, not just a fun bonus. I know I'm not the only one who bought it because of Link.

Next time! :)

Special Shoutout to Urban Reigns. Basically Def Jam from Namco. It even features 3 special guest characters which are Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law from Tekken and they're very well implemented. I wish that they would've make it a full Tekken featured cast and balance it well so every character is viable. Same thing for Def Jam FFNY. The stats ruin those games for fair vs gaming.

Stumbled across that during the making of this video! Seems unique. Will check it out for future installments of this series.

I think I've said it before, but I really love your content dude! I appreciate fighting games so much, and seeing other people talk about specific things in fighting games is great! Have you thought about making a video where you talk about different / creative fighting game mechanics? Some examples could be how Phoenix Wright works in MVC3, or the GRD system in UNIST?

-furiously scribbles notes- I had an idea for this exact video! I think it'll be the next thing I seriously take a look at doing.

A shame Ruby Heart doesn't get any love these days. If only Sakurai-san considered her for SSBU, even for just a support trophy.

Please talk about the guest characters in Mortal Kombat and Injustice, that will be awesome.

Roy Arkon Agreed! I am as well, and I’m glad Mr. Boon did them justice. They haven’t looked that good since the 1990 movie.

+ray ciannello Same here, I'm a big TMNT fan and I was super hyped for them. In fact, that was the hypest I ever was for a fighting character since the reveal of Reptile from Mortal Kombat (my all time favorite fighting character) for MKX.

Roy Arkon that Tmnt reveal trailer blew my mind... I can still get hype even watching it now lol

Can anyone remind me the name of the song atarting at 19:24 please?

Stumblebee Thank you my dude.

That's the Airship Stage theme for MvC2 :)

Think I'd like to see King of Fighters to get a shout out in the next part. KOF 94 combined 2 of fighting game franchises and older arcade games from SNK like Psycho Solider with some new faces. Later on, in KOF 14 featured some more guest characters like Nakoruru and Rock Howard.

2:58 I like how you just skipped smash 4.

+Duperghoul Gaming I meant just that transition from brawl to ultimate.

He showed the Mega Man trailer. He didn't want to spend to much time on smash

Can you do a top 10 Best fighting game bosses I never seen such a list before. People only do most hardest and unfair fighting game bosses

3 bosses I actually liked in fighting games are Heihachi from Tekken 4 , I-no and Order Sol from Guilty Gear

Any bosses I should keep an eye out for?

Does yoshimitsu count as guest in soul calibur? :D

+Conrado Javier also 2 Kumas

+Reshirou Krieger Just like how Tekken's got 2 Kings, 2 Armor Kings, 2 Rogers, & a Legacy of Jacks.

No, I believe they're two entities from the same clan in the same timeline, Tekken is just the future of Soul Calibur.

I'm still waiting for Square and Capcom to do a crossover fighting game.

Im kinda sad you failed to mention *Tatsunoko vs Capcom* , as a nostalgic 80s anime fan, its a delight to play as Doronjo and the Yattermen at the same time, not to mention my JAP version main Hakushon Daimou did not even get to the US version. And now Capcom doesnt have any rights of Tatsunoko anymore, a possible sequel is pretty grim right now

TvC was the best fighting game that the Wii had! Really want a remaster. Also I had NO CLUE that the Samurai Pizza Cats were a Tatsunoko property.

Great video but there's one major detail that was overlooked, not surprising though... Akuma is the most important character for this topic - his inclusion in X-men: CotA was THE Precursor of all things "guest character/versus/cross-over"

For sure! I'm gonna hold off on that topic for when I do a video on the Versus series as a whole.

What is this a crossover episode? I guess it is

Love your channel bro. Do some virtua fighter if possible in the future

yo dog this some good shit keep it up man

No king of fighters? That game was practically the first one back in 1994. To much time wasted in smash that isnt even a fighting game.

Saerch up the best selling fighting game then we'll talk.

+ALongLeggedPissedOffPuertoRican it's a pushing game.

Smash is a game where you fight each other. It is a fighting game.Get off your elitist horse.

Oh, and I'm definitely going to touch on KOF in the next one of these I do. The fact that they threw the dudes from Ikari Warriors in a fighting game is hilarious.

+Stumblebee no king of fighters

I fall under the umbrella of smash being a hybrid 'party/platform fighting game'. Imagine Cricket and Baseball. Both bat and ball sports, but fundamentally different types of game played by almost completely separate communities.

Amazing video. You did Akuma's inclusion in Tekken 7 justice!

Just Put Terry Bogard in everything... please!

Amazigh Gamer yeah but he should be in EVERYTHING

He's in Fighting ex layer

Fr tho

Yes!!! Geese is great but give us Terry!!

I actually consider Son Son III as her own character, she has a lot of uniqueness’ to make her different from the character she was inspired by.

Brooo that MvC2 soundtrack almost made me cry of nostalgia


Amingo is such a fascinatingly bizarre character. My guess is that he was originally designed for a more comedic fighting game, think Waku Waku 7 or something like Darkstalkers Jr, and the decline of arcade fighters at the time led to its cancellation.

Jump Force's potential guest fighters

For me it’s either Kratos from mk 9 or the Tmnt from injustice 2

Snake and Cloud in smash. Hopefully I can add Sora to this list.

Ken. If he never existed I wouldn't be playing these games to this day. Ken is fucking awesome. And sonic was also a really cool announcement too. The belmonts are 10/10 tho, hell yeah castlevania!

Stumblebee Cloud 1000000000% Cloud in Smash

Gotta go with Predator from MKX, Ryu in Smash, Cole in SFXT, the Street Fighters in Power Rangers Legacy Wars and anyone who challenged Capcom in the Vs. Series.

Stumblebee I’m always backing up to Darth Vader, Yoda, and the Apprentice/Galen Marek in Soul Calibur 4

The Female Spartan in Doa 4 really surprised me and was very well done

Has to be sonic in smash bros brawl cause it was so surprising.

I can't wait for the Mortal Kombat episode. There are so many guest characters and r they are all unique!

Tf MJ doing in the thumbnail?

It's not that hard to faithfully translate Negan, or "big guy with baseball bat," at all when you just have to make sure he hits hard.

Mortal Kombat 11 OWES me that Freddy vs Jason Crossover!!! And were getting Walking Dead X Tekken

i still own and use my Street Fighter x Tekken Piggy bank arcade lol

I would totally watch this as a continued series talking about more examples.

I can't believe I never knew Michael Jackson was in a fighting game. Where has this been all my life.

"more or less true" "arguably true" dude come on bro its true dog lol

Doesn't Nintendo technically own Bayonetta at this point?

Damn it, I keep forgetting that Michael Jackson really loved video games.

They need to make a ready to tumble 3, those games were so much fun

Liu Kang is the main character of Mortal Kombat from a plot standpoint

MUSIC AT 16:50????

6:35 "The first time the street fighter universe was in the third dimension"? You literally just mention SFXT which is 3D

As in 3D movement. Not referring to the models

Crossovers in fighting games have always been exciting to me. I guess the reason for this is because the very first video game that really got me into gaming was Super Smash Bros Brawl. The thing was me and my brother are Sonic fans but didn't know anything about other series like Mario, Zelda, or Kirby but our half brothers did showed us the E3 trailer of Brawl and we thought it looked cool and had vivid memories of playing Melee from time to time whenever we visit there house but we oddly kind of didn't really too too much interest in the game (despite thinking that Meta Knight looks like the coolest thing ever) until Sonic was announced in the game, which then changed everything. Once I got Brawl, I then became a new fan of many many series. Kirby, Zelda, Mario, Star Fox, F-Zero, and I explored to many other franchises that were from other companies like Metal Gear (since I though Snake was cool in Brawl), Megaman, Pac-Man, Klonoa, Castlevania, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, soooo many to list. And of course being a sucker to the Crossover kind of games, I of course took a liking to the Capcom vs series. Anyways, I absolutely love this video. Can't wait for a potential part 2.

MGS2 was on GameCube bud.

Stumblebee Oh you’re right I’m wrong lol. I was thinking of Twin Snakes lol.

Link? Are you sure you're not thinking of the MGS1 remake?

3:20 snape lol

I thought it was pretty cool to have Ryo from Art of Fighting be a secret character in Fatal Fury Special!

Little Mac looks like a retarded gargoyle

That's MICHAEL Buffer, Bruce is his brother (and UFC announcer)

Marvel did have a character named Abyss

12:40 So he finds a way to suck at whatever the boxing equivalent is to free-throwing?

Like how this guy pretty much shows all the Smash Game Rosters but doesn't show Smash 4

Pfffft, The best guest character in a fighting games is obviously Obama in Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation.

Does bayo even really count as a third party character anymore

I went back and forth on that, actually. Yeah she's a sega character but with nintendo publishing on the second and third bayonettas. I made sure to tuck her away in the back, just to be safe.

So hyped you mentioned Ready 2 Rumble. I loved that game as a kid!

I feel like you didn't mention some earlier guest characters since you started with snake. Gon in Tekken and Pepsiman in Fighting Vipers come to mind. I thought you'd go over the earliest example of a guest character then go from there. Dreammix TV Fighters could have gotten a mention too. Also Ruby Heart did show up in the cartoon OK KO as a fighting game character which was a nice reference

2:37 Red Steel was a good series, Red Steel 2 mostly, its one of the few third party games that really made use of the motion controls. Hope they'll do a Red Steel 3 on Switch

Norimaru taking selfies before selfies were popular.

Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.


+Stumblebee thanks

Sure thing. Here you go bud:

Parm Mann Turtles in a half shell.

paper mario isnt mario

Liked just because the bojack intro

I just wanted to see why mj was in the thumbnail

There is an X-Men villain named Abyss that was one of Apocalypse's generals in the Age of Apocalypse alternate timeline, but I don't know if there is any correlation between him and the boss from MVC2.

wow I'm amazed MJ was actually involved in Ready 2 rumble

Talk about the Ninja Turtles and Hellboy guesting in Injustice 2 and Boogerman and Earthworm Jim in Clay Fighter.

Snake is the best guest character reveal in smash bros history. Change my mind

That's Michael Buffer... Not Bruce. Great video nonetheless.

A personal favorite crossover fighting game of mine would be BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. It's pretty niche in the gaming community as I've noticed most adult oriented genre audiences like racing, FPS and fighting tend to cater to Western or non-Japanese games.

ICP and other Psychopathic Records people were in Backyard Wrestling

I think it's interesting to mention that the King of Fighters franchise started as a crossover game not unlike Smash originally was.

One thing that should be important to note about Smash guest characters, is that it seems like the guest character needs to be connected to Nintendo in some way, if any at all. Whether it'd be their series originating from a Nintendo console, or having at least one of their games included on one, it seems that's how they are usually accepted for Smash. But it's not to say that this rule could be real and may be meant to be broken at some point, who knows.

+mikejonesnoreally The original series where Persona came from, Shin Megami Tensei, started on the Famicon. Also the Persona Q spin off games on the 3DS.

What link is there between Persona and Nintendo??  Ah.  Wait, scratch that.  Answered my own question.  :)

I'm fond of Ruby Heart. She's one of the few things i still like from MvC2. I'm glad Capcom hasn't forgotten her at least.

I got into fighting games when i bought soul calibur 2 because it had link on the cover. Good times

I like them but they can be slightly depressing like Freddy in one mk and Jason in the next.... LoL

_Better_ be a dedicated Def Jam episode.

Capcom lets some of their greatest characters just fall off

Please do a video on the def jam games!

DOA 5 by the time the final version of the game and all the DLC were released, you had 4 Virtua Fighter characters, 2 Ninja Gaiden characters, Mai from Fatal Fury, and a Dynasty Warriors character as guests.


Those people reacting to their favourite character announced are sad, immature, stupid and CRINGE. Retarded people ruin everything.

I stumbled upon one of your videos from reddit, these are great! I'd be curious your take on whether or not you think the fighting game genre as a whole is a niche genre or not. I have been in a longstanding debate about it among my friends who seem to think that they are. And they're not alone in their thinking!

Huh, interesting. It's definitely not niche. Maybe at the upper level of play, sure. But when I think about niche genres, I think about stuff like Zachtronics or Sim games.

yongyea in witness protection after bethesda sends irl dark brotherhood to his house.

But Smash is a Party Game not a Fighting game

I kind of would like to see a video on the cameos of Akuma And some my favorite guest characters would be the Soul series guests, megaman and zero in onimusha blade warriors, megaman in sfxt, the 3rd party characters of smash, and a couple others that are escaping me at the moment I am personally waiting for the TMNT fighting game with Usagi Yojimbo or a Kamen Rider 2d fighter

loved the video, but i feel you went on a tangent at the end, because the video was a guest characters in fighting games, and it somehow ended about originals characters in mvc2. Which is fine, i really hope you do talk about the grand daddy of all guest characters series, King of Fighters.

2:49 I like how in the montage you just skiped Sm4sh.

wanted to subscribe but you didn't want to include the music used in the video... BIG no no. You should ALWAYS do this, especially if you truly enjoyed your experiences with that music. Music is a large part of why we enjoy much of the media, and it's really disrespectful to the artists as well as the content to just not leave a reference.

Yet you have no issue with someone independently using assets they didn't create without permission to begin with?  Whatever.

All the songs I use are from the soundtracks of the games I cover. On the rare occasion that they're not, I make sure to credit that artist. Check out my GOTY video for a few examples of that. But you're right, I'll do better to add the credits to all the songs in future vids. Thanks!

What's the song playing at 19:00

Airship stage theme , MvC2

Hold up. Did you just say that Scorpion is the main character of the Mortal Kombat series? That's... not even close to how that works. At all. He's often the "face" of the series but as far as "main character"... It took him like 7 games just to figure out who killed his clan.

Maybe talk about Rwby characters appearing in Blazblue cross tag battle.

Talk about psasbr and the wtf choice of Isaac clarke and big daddy :D

smash is a party game... lolz.

Yun Kurayami yeah smash is basically Mario party with a competitive scene with no deep gameplay whatsoever... lolz

Scorpion isn't the main character.

I found it really weird that for a video named the HISTORY of fighting games guest character you missed Gon from Tekken 3, one of the earliest guest characters in a fighting game. Gon is a small trex from a comedy manga and was so obscure here in the west that most people were like "ok, another dino that is an original tekken character makes sense" =P

Thanks for the suggestions! I plan on making this a series, so I'm definitely going to fill in some gaps as I make more.

And Pocket Fighter (Super Gem Fighters Mini Mix) because it is SO CUTE

There are many guest characters from games that I like. Instead I'll just give a shoutout to the first game I played that had a guest character. That being an obscure game on the N64 called ClayFighter 63 1/3 which featured both Earthworm Jim (who would also guest in the PC version of Battle Arena Toshinden) and Boogerman.

Goku, Sora, Steve and Rahman are my Smash choices

This might be a minor nitpick but at the part where you said: “The only completely original boss character in the entire VS Series.” if I’m not mistaken Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom is considered part of the VS Series and it has a completely original boss character. I might be wrong but regardless I enjoyed the video.

Ah! That would make sense. I never played Okami. I’ve heard from a couple of friends that I should play it. Thank you for your response.

Are you talking about Yami? Because he's from Okami.

Ghostbusters the video is my favorite game on the Xbox 360

Smash ain’t a fighting game tho

Did you really just call smash bros the “possible most famous” fighting game over street fighter 2? You know, the game that essentially birthed the fighting game as we know it and is used as the marker for before and after in fighting games the same way we use Jesus to denote BC and AD? I understand you may be a huge Nintendo fan but come on, there are certain things that are objective not subjective, and sf2 is objectively way more influential to the genre than smash bros, which wasn’t even respected as a fighting game by the FGC until maybe 7-8 years ago...over a decade after SSBM started hosting major tourneys.

It's still not respected as a fighting game.  Just having your crowd bum rush a community for it's name recognition does not make you a part of it.  The mechanisms are just way too dissimilar for the two games to be considered the same genre.  Also, one is *obviously* aimed at kids primarily.

kojima will be maining snake until the end of time

Oh God Rumbleman! So many awful rage filled memories. I'd rather fight Onaga from MK Armageddon one-handed in real life then deal with that mutant bastard ever again. Edit: than* Beat you to it again internet.

Mortal Kombat 11 OWES me that Freddy vs Jason Crossover!!! Stupid Netherrealm for thanking their shitty family film was to good for Freddy freaking Krueger to be a guess character twice and were getting Walking Dead X Tekken and I don't even know what to say but I hope its cool.

What have retarded gargoyles ever done to *you??*

I like waffles

Joker in smash I never saw it coming

Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm 2 had Lars from Tekken

Snake.He is the Jesus of my fanning.I played the motherloving SHIT out of the games.

Nema_is_not_here Mp.3 lol greatest/worst cross over in history!

TMNT in power rangers...

cloud in smash

Is... is the snake commander guy Grandpa Max from Ben 10? lol

no mention of kratos, the most cross-overed character in fighting game history? he's in mortal kombat 9, soul calibur broken destiny and playstation all stars battle royale

Snake is the only reason I bought Brawl.

Snake is also the only reason I bought Ultimate.

Micheal Jackson appeared in Battle Arena Toshinden also which was one hell of a 3D fighter on PS1, the urban reign series crossed over Paul Phoenix and Law from Tekken.

Scorpion isn’t the main character in mortal kombat

Isaac Frost and Andre Bishop from Fight Night Champion were put into EA UFC

Tekken X Street Fighter is still happening? I thought they scrapped it years ago.

Calling smash a fighting game. Cute

Disappointed you completely skipped over SC and MK.

Gonna get to it in a later video :)

Ryo Sakasaki in Fatal Fury Special was the best one.

As a kid in the 90s x-men vs street fighter blew my mind

Subbed for the bojack intro and quality vid

“Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” *_i’m sorry who the fuck was that in the thumbnail_*

Scorpion is a iconic character for Mortal Kombat but he was hardly the protagonist for that series. It was usually Liu Kang but from Deadly Alliance onwards, it became a game series with a rotating Protagonist (different one for each game)


"Varied and well-thought-out movesets that emphasized their personalities." Um...50% of Sonic's moveset is just a Spin Dash...


This was less of a history of guest characters and more like “hey look at these guest characters I like” and some of them don’t even belong to any other franchise

Kinda hoped you'd mention Cloud being added to Smash. That sent the whole world on fire! Maybe even more than Snake!

Eltnum and Akatsuki in UNIEL

That’s NOT Little Mac. I don’t know who that is but it ain’t him.

Nothing better to end on than mvc2. Best mvc game period. Nothing has come close since.

Shaggy for mortal kombat 11

Smash is not a fighting game. Even Sakurai said it multiple times.

It still deserves a mention.

Bojack Horseman? I'm in

Don't forget Shovel Knight on the next video :p

Plz talk about Cloud and Bayonetta in Smash Bros 4 and Ultimate

5:16 You misspelled Bandy's name

I dont know if the wwe games are considered properly fighting games, and also the guest appearances are kinda meh, but fucking terminator is in a wwe game, i dont know why. Also i think limp bizkit was also on a wwe game? im not sure.


5:27 Bayonetta is a second party character

Scorpion has never been the main character in MK, he's just the poster boy with my man Sub-Zero. The main character is and always has been(until X that is) Liu Kang....

They should bring some of those obscure MvC2 characters back. They are all so fucking interesting and I would love to play them again.

4:06 Actually, Sonic was a very rushed character, two of his special moves are practically identical, because of how late in development SEGA changed their minds about the offer, so he's not the most thought out in brawl, lol

I have several questions as to why the Smooth Criminal is here

I only clicked for Michael Jackson


Can i get a heart

I approve of this.

Haha! Thanks. :)

Hope you did well on your job interview!

Michael Buffer, not Bruce. Great vid though!

sɴᴀᴋᴇ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ɪɴ sᴍᴀsʜ ʙʀᴏs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙᴇ ᴍʏ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ

Def jAMM

I would like an episode about how Freddy, Leathrface and other horror icons made it into Mortal Kombat

12:30 It's Shaq Fu 2!

Do you have a link to the smash brawl thread at 3:13?

+Stumblebee This is so awesome, it's like looking through a time machine. Thanks man and awesome video!!

Here you go bud

I miss Ruby :(

there metal gear twins snake on game cupe and mgs3 on 3ds

I see MJ, I click..

Just make a Tekken X Dead or Alive already

negan the filthy ningen

Liked just because the bojack intro Edit: Well thanks for the heart

Always like anyone who likes bojack.

Yup.  I didn't catch the SMT stuff, I've just played the Persona games, but I remember that non-canonical spin off, the Q series.  :)

+Stumblebee Trust me man, I'm with you. I feel like I've been banging my head against the wall trying to convince people otherwise but my conclusion I've come to is that people seem to have different ideas of what niche means to them. If you're ever curious to see some of the various answers, I have all my posts listed below. r/gaming: r/fighters (found out about you here, woo!): r/truegaming: Giant Bomb forums:

+Dale Patrick I mean, every genres going to have a fan base, however big or small. But when you have a genre that spans games like Street Fighter, mortal kombat, smash (?), dbfz, etc., there's no way I'd call it niche

Yeah, I had the same line of thought. I asked all around different sub-reddits and people seem to be a little mixed for what they answered.

+Finalhour10 it's a party game with fighting game elements, I can't tell, if you're being annoying, or being stupid Or both

Bites The Dust that doesn’t mean it’s not a fighting game.

gr8 b8 m8

Master Hero Soccer guy stated that it's a party game, it just has a competitive fanbase

It’s still a fighting game. Just not a traditional one

It's a fighting game.

Yun Kurayami what is that im only interested in aMSa vs Mew2King beating the living shit out of each other in a children’s party game

+Needle_Man its a start i guess. but try third strike.

Yun Kurayami dude I totally agree! I’m related to Sakurai and I voted for Harambe the Gorilla because am epic meme lord. Party games are not meant to be played competitively, and smash will never be a real fighter. I guess I’ll go shoot up some testosterone and dedicate my existence to Street Fighter II and buy a fight stick because I’m currently so lame. Can you please teach me the equivalent of Backwards Aerial Rushes or B reversing please? Thanks bro. R.I.P Jah and oh crap I’m out of Mountain Dew flavored Doritos gfuel can you run and get me some thanks

+Needle_Man *looks left* ok. enjoy it or not its smash. it should only always be Just casual platforming party game. idk y u trying to drag this out. next thing ull tell me is yoyr fathers sakurai n ur related to trump. like stop being ignorant play a real.fighter.

+Yun Kurayami yeah man never the community is too toxic and judges what other people enjoy too harshly.

+Needle_Man i mean u still trying but smash will never be as deep as marvel vs capcom 2.

Yun Kurayami no dude smash sucks because there’s no long combos to memorize and the fighting is too fluid and reactive. It’s a stupid casual game with no depth only meant to ever be played at parties

+Needle_Man i mean i know ur trolling and trying to bait me but smash is still a party game.

mikejonesnoreally No it’s aimed at everyone primarily. What’s the point of having characters like snake in if kids were the primary target.

MKX: Alien!!!

+Hue Hue mad facts

Joker in Smash! I’m so excited for him to be released

Tekken 7 gon because he was very annoying to fight

Cloud in smash 4 and ultimate

Snake in SSB. The side B.

SCII Link, got me into soul calibur and the first time as a kid picking fighters I didn’t know

Predator and Jason in mortal Kombat x

Earthworm Jim in Clayfighter 63 1/3.

I'll be 100% honest I really liked Kratos being in mortal Kombat 9 and Star wars characters being in soul Calibur 4

Darth Vader-SC IV cuz Star Wars amirite!

Solid Snake, because... Come on, it's Solid Snake!

TMNT injustice 2

4:39 *looks to the bottom left corner* . . .I see someone likes to play with items

I wish leon was at super smash bros

Akuma is the best

what if michael jackson was in smash

Subtitles are so different why

Shaggy for tekken?

Joker in smash

wow that michael jackson one was really cool!

Get ready to add Shaggy to your list

Shaggy + Mortal Kombat 11???

Gotta update this video when Shaggy is in MK11

The first fighting video game to get a guest appearence was fatal fury 2 and after that art of fighting 2 back in the early 90's. Then the first cross over game to have multiple game characters from different games in one game was the king if fighters 1994.

"The History of Fighting Game Guest Characters" my ass, guy didn't even have mf Mortal Kombat in it smh

Just saying but the tekken 7 story is canon so it is kinda weird to think Akuma is literally apart of it

Sorry, I was talking about the hidden scene at the end of the game

Gouki and oni in Asuras wrath Tatsunoko vs Capcom cgh and uas Earthworm Jim in clay fighter Ingrid and every final fight character in street fighter The king of fighters, Capcom vs snk and svc chaos Ryo sakasaki in fatal fury and buriki one Playstation allstars

Sees MJ, clicks.

19:19 really thought you were gonna link this to RWBY in Blazblue lol


you could've done the video without smash, 'cause that ain't a fighting game

I still feel like tekken x mortal kombat would be the best thing ever.

What’s the song at 10:02??

K.O.F. That is all.

Akuma being revealed for Tekken 7 blew my mind

Been developing my link skills since brawl but now I hate him do to botw and plan to pick up joker

3:24 u said snape lol did u just watch Harry Potter or something lol

Including Akuma in Tekken 7 took YEARS of planning to work out. Meanwhile, in smash brothers: "Hey can you put in Solid Snake?" 'Yea sure we'll give him his own signature easter egg too."

*clears throat* after seeing snake get into brawl i got choked up. since seeing kojima end the MGS series.

Scorpion isn't the main character of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang is. Or was at least.

Shaggy for MK11

I miss Amingo ;-; he was a fun character to use along with Son-Son III

MKX definately did justice to Jason and the Predator

"Whatever Red Steel was" check it out if you haven't dude. It's not another shitty attempt at a Wii fps, it's actually a great game with a really smooth control scheme

PLEASE PLEASE TALK ABOUT DEF JAM! it's one of the best fighting games of all time and doesn't get enough recognition or love.

The Michael Jackson one surprised me

whats a mario?

MGS sucks. i know it and so does everyone else

Yoda and Vader in Soul Caliber 4

I just want Crash Bandicoot in Smash, he just deserves it...

I feel like you should've mentioned SoulCalibur and Mortal Kombat

I would have started with Akuma appearing in X-men and marvel superheroes

What about another celebrity aperence mike Tyson in Punch out

Hey Liu Kang is the main character of Mortal Kombat, not scorpion.

This is a quality video and I approve! on a side note I did forget about ready to rumble boxing wow that's a nostalgic throwback

Screw Akuma in Tekken, he shouldn’t be featured in the story mode as much as he is!! This is Tekken Not Street Fighter!

Wasn’t death Vader in a fighting game once?

BisonLord Yeah, in SoulCalibur IV.

One of my favourite guest characters were Hellboy and the Ninja Turtles I’m Injustice. I was really happy they decided to keep the guest characters in Injustice exclusively comic book characters instead of using film or tv characters.

Talk about guest characters in adult cartoons

16:39 watch in slo-mo

0:49 oh so u mean Ryu going into ssb4 But wait... COULD RUBY HEART BE THE NEXT DLC SMASH CHARACTER!?!?!?!

0:59 it's chibi robo she's so hawt

hey can you do guest characters in non fighting games im intrigued with the mario crossovers in basketball and snowboarding lol

Wow the moveset of Michael Jackson seems super funny tho

Ahhh Ruby. How I miss you!

It's all about who was the first

Jofrid aarsvold folkedal not really

Stumblebee When Sonic was announced for Brawl

Hellboy in injustice 2 cause hes hellboy

Predator from mortal kombat

Probably joker in smash Ultimate it was a character that I always that was impossible but then when I saw it I lost my shit

Span in Soulcalibur 2 but I haven't played any of the TMNT characters on Injustice 2 yet

Terry Bogard in Fighting EX Layer....who's not even out yet lol

Who else wants to see Blade Strangers covered in a part 2?

I’m still shook to this day about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Injustice 2. It was like the best thing ever

Thumbs up was for Def Jam FFNY

Nice vid. Gonna wait on the Def Jam episode.

Fucc def jamm I guess

Did not expect that voice. Way to flex those vocal cords man

When are they going to add travis from no more heroes

Anyone can make it. Unless you’re an assist trophy. Except Little Mac he’s a special boy.

14:05 is that kass's theme? Whats it called

Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry™ Series

2B was the best guest character for me. Not my favorite fighting game though, I wish she would have been in Smash Bros instead. I also sharted when I saw Snake in Brawl.

Scorpion in smash? Anyone?

Little Mac isn’t the main character in super punch out Edit: thanks for the heart

Kratos has been in two completely different fighting games universes (soul cal & mk) he defo needs a mention


13:07 Who's "Bruce Buffer" ? I think you meant Michael Buffer.

You think enough people mentioned Shaggy yet? The autism is heavy in the comments. Goddamn.

Jeez, I've been breathing video games since the 80s and I never freaked out like those fags about smash. But I guess ppl freak out like that about sports too. Maybe it's me. Maybe I just dont find enough joy in life. Lol.

Um they used the same design in the gamecube twin snakes so that snake did kind of show up on a Nintendo console.

Ruby Heart needs a game now lol

Scorpion is not the MC of MK , it's Liu Kang

Shaggy in MK11

early example: Earthworm GYm in the dos port of Battle Arena Toshinden. interplay handeled the port and had just baught shiny entertainment.


Ryu in Smash Bros. is my favorite guest character, because he introduced me to the FGC and because he feels so versatile and fun to play.

Man, Doomguy and Guts are the biggest badasses ever, how come are they in no crossovers? I wanna see guts in soul calibur and doomguy in MK

Solid Snake was in Dream Mix: World TV Fighters before he was in Smash though. Also Optimus Prime was in it, Hugo from Bloody Roar, Beyblade, Adventure Island, Simon Belmont from Castlevania, TwinBee, Microman, and even had a Devastator stage.

Uhh...Netherrealm Studios with their cameos? Starting off with Freddy Kruger and Kratos then moving on X with Jason and Predator was pretty cool. Letherface, Alien, Hellboy, and the TMNT were also amazing introductions to their respective games.

Wait people still consider 3rd party characters as "guests" in smash...? They are pretty much part of the franchise now.

Scorpion is not the main character of Mortal Kombat.

You forgot BAAAAZZZ

I threw the script I was reading from into youtube's subtitle matching program and that's what it spit out. What I write vs how I read doesn't always match 1 to 1

Pepsiman in Fighting Vipers

+Keaton Ott agreed

Darth Vader in soul caliber four was lit, had a lot of fun with that game

Stumblebee Drake in Sicko Mode

can you actually kinda discuss in your next video about guest characters like Aino Heart and Homura in Nitro+ Blasterz and Saber In Nitro+ Royale in your next video I thought it would be a good idea I also forgot to mention Ruby Rose in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle but i'll look forward the pat 2 of your next video thamk you very much

Micheal Jackson in R2R R2

2:25 Why isn't Resident Evil 4 on that list of most sold Gamecube games?

You can do it Vault boy you can be in smash

Snake? Sanke! SSNNAAKKEE!

i wish michael jackson was still alive and somehow end on a weird game again, like kh3 or smash i dunno

EA ruins everything they touch...

*Jahseh joins the fight*

For the celebrities u should’ve put mike Tyson in punch out

Screw guest characters just a replacement for actually fan favorites to be in the game. I can understand if it's a crossover game like smash bros and marvel Vs capcom, but games like tekken 7 and mortal Kombat X add pointless guest characters instead of fan favorite. It didn't ruin the gameplay but it did make the game less for the fans but more of just adding guest just to get more attention from the game.

Great video, very thorough. You've earned yourself a subscriber.

3:20 "Snape"

I'm pretty sure akuma is cannon in tekken now which is hella cool

Used to be free but now DLC

More or less everyone is here? I'm sorry but the way you worded that when talking about super smash bros ultimate felt weird to me because it's a literal fact that every fighter character that's been in the series previously all returned. Also I couldn't disagree more with your comment about it being lame to congratulate Nintendo for putting their own characters, that's literally the whole point behind the development of the game in the first place since it was missing good characters. Not to mention as the years went by they took out characters like ice climbers and pokemon trainer, when they added them back to the roster the applause was justified. The applause was justified even more so when we got characters like Ridley and King K. Rool, two highly requested Nintendo characters who we've been wanting for years. I'm not gonna say your opinion isn't valid, just that making the comment in this video felt unnecessary and a jab at the series at least in my opinion. Other than that this was a great video, I think you should talk about Cloud getting into smash bros since that was a very big deal and thanks to that we eventually got the announcement of not 1 but 6 final fantasy games coming to the switch including cloud's own game.

5:13 *Brandy* BOI IF YOU DON'T-

There is a Omega Level Mutant named Abyss in Marvel Comics. He appeared in the Age of Apocalypse Storyline.

square enix & disney. just sayin

No mention of SNK the ones that came up with the concept with their own franchises and then created the first crossover between different companies with SNK vs Capcom? Is sad to see how SNK is often overlooked when they're the ones that came up with more innovations to the genera after Street Fighter II.

No they didn't. What are you talking about?

Now all we need is Goku, Vegeta, Frieza and Trunks for smash

It's not a fighting game but consider the Namco X Capcom series. That series include Endless Frontier, Endless Frontier Exceed, Project x Zone, and Project x Zone. The entire series is full of fighting games and several different IP's and even has MVC2 Jill and UMVC3 references in the PXZ games

Hoo neww

I don’t like bojack horseman because of that quote

5:07 is that Infiltration or am I racist?

No Johns

Mortal kombat, injustice, mortal kombat vs DC universe

25 years on and I'm still waiting for a Street Fighter\Mortal Kombat crossover, be it a guest character or a full game... Sad face.

Shaggy in Mortal Kombat 11

Lu kangs the mc from the mortal kombat series

I think the "more or less" comment refers to Charizard no longer being its own character or having its Rock Smash special.

Dark Samus also made the jump from Assist Trophy to playable fighter. Still waiting for Isaac, though...

simplemandude being part of Tekken lore was the real mind blower

Considering that the idea for including Snake in Smash happened late in Melee's development, while Brawl didn't come out until over 6 years later, I'd say the planning in this case also took several years.


+Bro What The Fock Dude I guess we just never saw him coming. Well either way, it appears that soon enough he will come and steal our hearts.

I'm still surprised that Mario made it into Super Smash Bros

+Mellow 147 yeees

+Bro What The Fock Dude Joker?

take a guess

My Fav guest has to be Pirahna Plant from Smash Ultimate

3:46 aw... now I want Vivi Tidus and KOS-MOS :( and Sora I’ve already wanted

0:03 Paper Mario ain’t there lmao

I was expecting Blade Strangers to be mentioned since that’s basically an crossover Indie Fighting game

Obama and god the Ultimate crossover when?

Why was Wreck it Ralph and Danica Patrick in Sonic and SEGA all stars racing transformed?

5:13 “Nathaniel Brandy”

4:08 are... you sure? Sonic’s moveset is 75% spin dash

wait they added negan to tekken?! tell them to add shaggy UI

mike Tyson in punchout was a celebrity cameo as well. also amingo was dope! i mained that cuate in mv2 and Mugen and besides him being a Mexican stereotype and i being a Mexican i don't see it offensive at all somehow. i even wished mexicans wore colorful charros and ponchos more often. this post was made by the amingo gang (never forget)

Nice video

Thats not little mac thats the guy from super punch out he has blondish hair little mac always wore the the shirt and has black hair

Snake is based off the snake in twin snakes actually.

Another good channel YouTube random selected for me and I subscribed. Nice!

Snake's outfit may have been based on his MGS2 one, but his face model is exactly like Big Boss's in MGS3

What about monster hunter world x Final fantasy online crossover?

...Or not. Tyler Lansdown deconfirmed any possibility of him being added to the game, stating, "Shaggy will not be in the game. At all. Ever. Sorry, dead meme." R.I.P.

Joker in ssbu

Well Lui Kang is actually the main character of Mortal Kombat but okay.

Oh I played as Norimaru when I was in Thailand as a kid several years ago. The game was in english, so I must have played on some weird copy back then.

I'm going to watch back this video if shaggy is confirmed for MK11.

Never saw RWBY in blazblue comeing

5:27 Pac-Man cries.

The Star Wars characters in SC4


Ehrgeiz. FF7 Characters. Cloud, Tifa, Zack and Sephiroth.

Just to point out that Norimaru was actually a secret selectable character in the localized american arcade version of the game. How do I know? I played it. He was part of the secret roster, alongside U.S. Agent, Mecha-Zangief (or Dark Zangief), Shadow-Sakura, the W%B Spiderman (armor Spiderman? was that his actual name?), Shadow (Charlie) and Mephisto (which was a red version of Blackheart). You unlocked him in the same way as the others, doing some specific inputs while character screen and his character slot was the same as in Jap version, (middle in the bottommost row).

The best crossover, no joke, is team RWBY in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. The sprites and moves were built for that game only, they feature prominently in story and have the best pre-battle quote if the whole team is present!

Negan in tekken...? Okay lets join the make no sense (even in the world of cameos) whatsoever train Stonecold steve austin in Soul calibur 7. John cena as DLC in Smash ultimate as DLC. Cause they're popular right?


what was the music at the beginning of the marvel vs capcom segment??

"thisle be the day" thanks I hate it

Michael Joseph Jackson

Why couldn't is be DC vs Marvel

Um, MGS2 is on GameCube, does nobody remember Twin Snakes? That contains a remake of MGS1, and a port of 2. I can’t go out and get punch out for the wii anymore?

You have been blessed by the recommended algorithm. Congrats man, got my subscription

You should do one on GTA Guest Characters, Phil Collins.

music at 14:09?

13:39 That's what happens when you try to import a cartoony character into a somewhat realistic game...

Phoenix Wright in UMvC3

Here's a sub

9:09 Honestly if there was no Street Fighter there be no Tekken. I see the Akurma storyline as paying homage.

Soulcalibur is the king of guest stars.

Okay but what was the song that started playing when Amigo was revealed on screen

Well made video. Got yourself a sub.

The day I refer to Super mario as a fucking fighting game character is the day that I retire.

9:06 Actually this is really part of his Character this is the reason because he never killed Ryu

Mega man, pac man: sf x tekken

Clayfighter's EW Jim and Boogerman

it originally blew my mind to see Kratos and Freddie Kruger in Mortal Kombat 9, although I think Kratos was only on PS3

Amingo BETTER come back!


I could have sworn amingo was from samba de amiigo


mortal Kombat 9 and X guest fighters. Killer Instinct guest fighters

I'm a simple man... I see Michael Jackson, i hide my kids.

But Smash is not a fighting game, tho.

So MvC2 has multiple original characters?

Jason,leatherface ,alien and predator in MKX, huge horror fan here :D

The most intricate crossover of all time: Thats so sweet life, of Hannah Montana.

I would have to say joker from persona 5 in smash

"But I thought Smash Bros was a party game..." Shuttthefckup

no mention of KOF?


why no kof tho ;-;;

Little mac isn't in super punch out that's a strange cameo EA fucked up

Horror icons in MK9 and X.

Crossovers don't count as special guess

If street fight 2 basically invented modern fighting games, it only made sense that Akuma is responsible for the Tekken story

sorry but i have to say it SQUIRPION IS NOT THE ONLY MAIN CHARATER ITS SQUIRPION AND SUB ZERO sorry im so sorry.........sorry.......

I have a guest character suggestion Lars from Tekken in Naruto ultimate ninja storm 2

Did anyone realize that Marshall law is pretty much a guest character, since he's 99.99% Bruce lee

Where the hell have you been dude!! You were on a roll pumping out content! Now I've been dying because it's Been over a month!!

These arent references or "pretty much" characters, they're guest characters. Bruce Lee was actually in UFC 3 so count that

+BubbaSteve Garcia where did your name?

Where did you learn how to spell?

What's the difference? Please elaborate.

+bookworm adventures your mom when I put it on her butt

When is the next video. 2 months of nothing

Hellboy, Injustice 2. Why? Because he's motha-fukken Hellboy! The turtles come at a close second, because, who the hell was expecting them?

Guest characters are at best just ok, and at worst a complete waste. Seeing as every fighting game is expected to have them now it's not nearly as exciting as it used to be. When you would get one unexpected guest appearance in the span of three or four fighting games it was a big deal, now it's just commonplace.

This gowd your the most slepet on youtuber

Good to have reassurance

Sorry! Got lost in the woods (Read: Apex Legends) for a while there. Expect a new video in the next 7-or-so days.

Great video. Thanks!

+PokémonMaster You'll see! Looking to have it out Tuesday.

Will it be a be my guest, fighting game review, or what

Earthworm Jim in Clayfighter 63⅓ was pretty neat, albeit odd

+Bro Thats Neat I guess we just never saw him coming. Well either way, it appears that soon enough he will come and steal our hearts.

+Bro Thats Neat Joker?

Oh yeah Snake in Paper Mario pls

Nice recommendation

What's next Johnny gat from saints row to street fighters V all started with Sega Fighter Megamix 3D wise

What is the name of the song at 14:33?

2b and Link in soul calibur.

I always found Venom to be the best to fight Abyss, He had a Multi Hit Crossover which did damage but kept you out of attack range.

@Bro Thats Neat I guess we just never saw him coming. Well either way, it appears that soon enough he will come and steal our hearts.

@Mellow 147 yeees

@Bro Thats Neat Joker?

@Keaton Ott agreed

@Hue Hue mad facts

@PokémonMaster You'll see! Looking to have it out Tuesday.

@bookworm adventures your mom when I put it on her butt

@BubbaSteve Garcia where did your name?

Abyss does exits in the comics, only Marvel comics

@bunker jonesey gaming your mom when I put it on her butt

not talking about fighters megamix smh

@french fry your mom when I put it on her butt


Hell yeah! I'm hype for it. Two fighters yet to be revealed!

But Liu Kang is the main character of MK tho

"well thought out movesets" sonic has his side b and down b as the same move

Akuma from Tekken 7 (originally from Street Fighter 2) because of his raging demon ability

Terminator boutta come to mortal kombat 11. The hype is strong.

Banjo in smash. Or Sonic. Or Mega Man

Fred Durst was also in WWE Smackdown 2. :)

Cue t7 solitude

Why are you talking about Smash? Its not a fighting game...

banjo-kazooie are in smash... *Internet Explodes*

Bruce Lee appearing in UFC might not be a big deal to most fighting game fans but, to us Martial Artists who grew up being inspired by Bruce Lee, it was something interesting.

Heihachi guess starring in Soul Calibur was my favorite crossover character. I liked on the intros he would say what’s your name little boy/little girl. When Geese Howard my absolute favorite boss character made an appearance in Tekken 7 I didn’t know what to do with myself.

Why can't smash just add dante now

Jason voorhees in mortal kombat

Best Pearl not gonna lie, that’s still an epic guest character combo! Also nostalgic for me as well. Reminds me of my childhood days too! I wouldn’t mind Conker lol or even Goemon (from N64 as well —I may have spelled it wrong though.) or a jet force Gemini character which was also developed by Rare which was the same developers as Banjo Kazooie - remember Jet Force Gemini??

I don't really have a favorite guest character in a fighting game. I would say Banjo and Kazooie in Smash Ultimate, but that's two characters so I guess they don't count. No but really, I shit my pants, as well as pants belonging to several now-former friends, when they were revealed. Banjo and Kazooie are two of the most nostalgic characters for me. I grew up with them. The only way I'd change my mind is if Crash Bandicoot were to bash his way into Smash (get it? it rhymed!)

You mentioned what I was gonna say right at very very end of this video. Soul Calibur had heaps of surprising guest characters. I loved the console exclusives and Star Wars characters. Links throw for the GameCube version was a guaranteed ring out if you were in the right spot on any map. I don’t recall if you mentioned Mortal Kombat which has been notorious for their guest inclusiveness

They need Crash Bandicoot in Smash

dude the pekka from clash of clans looks like a purple version of that boss from mvc 2

the king of fighter series started out as a crossover series and snk vs capcom was a thing

No mention of Mortal Kombat '-'

Frank West in all the MvC. He was a really creative fighter

As a metal gear fan, I have to ask the question *Why did smash put snake’s quote as “It’s show time” rather than “Kept you waiting, huh?”*

No they don't.

My favorite character in all fighting games was ruby heart. I'd take her to go against MSP every time.


And then a few months later banjo and kazooie were revealed and opened the door even more for smash bros

19:29 since when was Scorpion ever the main character of Mortal Kombat? It's almost always been Liu Kang or maybe even Raiden. Scorpion is important, but he was never THE main character of an MK game. He's only on all of the box art because he's Ed Boons personal favorite character

My favorite guest is absolutely Sarah Bryant in DOA5. I never liked the controls for Virtua Fighter games, so I got to enjoy some of the characters without suffering that. She's as tall as Zack, so she has extreme reach. Does anybody remember the Spartan in DOA4?

Straight up didn't mention Star Wars while talking about Soul Cal.

Michael Jackson, Shaq and the Clintons as guest characters: I sleep Bruce Buffer as final boss: R E A L S H I T Also Sakurai pls take a vacation :)

People: "Marvel Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover." Sakurai: *"Am I a joke to you?"*

8:09 Grammar nazis in action lol. Jesus, even the Tekken 7 announcer said "naygan".

Did he say scorpion is the main character if MK

please cover kratos from god of war in mk and spiderman in x men mutant academy 2

Terraria x minecraft need to say anything else

Spartan nicole

Anyone gonna mention that he said scorpion is the protagonist of mortal kombat

Me: bet spartan nicole will be on here Me after: WTF IS NICOLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I’m a simple man. I see Micheal Jackson, I click.

3:49 Seeing Waluigi makes me want to cry again

Brawlhalla has a lot of crossovers why isnt it in this list?

Smash Bros, a game where you can play as Snake, Sonic, Mega man, PAC MAN, Ryu and Ken, Cloud, Bayonetta, Simon and Richter, Joker, Dragon Quest’s Hero, Banjo, and many Nintendo fighters and beat the crap outta each other. Also, lets not forget the sprits and assist trophy referencing other games too. This is just beautiful.

Bruce lee is a god in ufc

"Sonic has a well thought out move set" HA! HA HA! HA!

Sonic in Smash

Not sure if anyone has caught this but its Micheal buffer not Bruce. Bruce does mma ring announcing

Unfortunately, Harada obviously didn't get the concept of what a guest character was supposed to be when it came to Tekken 7. He has tainted the lore of Tekken now.

OBJECTION!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DIDN’T YOU INCLUDE PHOENIX WRIGHT HE ONLY SHOWED UP IN UMVC3!!!!!! Just messing around great video man keep it up.

Lui kang is the main character of mortal kombat

Make the def jam video please

Why does snake sound like all might?

Mine has to be banjo kazooie

Freddy Krueger from MK9!

Mega Man was a sick reveal for sm4sh

Link in Soulcalibur 2

amingo and ruby heart should have their own spin off darkstalkers game. if capcom magines they named the game called "darkstalker : tag team conquest"

How do you not include mortal kombat at all

What music you used in 14:10? It sounds so good

I will never look at little mac the same ever again

I'm calling gon or the car is gonna be on this list

I suddenly remembered after watching this video, that Phil Collins made an appearance in GTA Vice City xD

I still think Tekken X Street Fighter would’ve been the better game than Street Fighter X Tekken. Or at least it would’ve been super cool to see the Street Fighter Cast in Tekken’s gameplay style. I guess it’s not all that bad since Tekken 7 has my girl 2B.

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