The Future of Innovation – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

The Future of Innovation – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

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Hi. Everyone, so I'm Kevin Delaney Thank You Kate for that introduction the. People I've with, me here today embody, each in their own way, the future of innovation, you. Might say the woman sitting next to me has, always been driven, to, succeed she's a lifelong car enthusiast, she, turned around eBay is consumer-to-consumer business. Vehicle. For vehicle sales revving. Up double-digit, growth before, taking off to found her own connected. Car company, and welcome. Founder and CEO of car force Jessica. Laura. Thanks. For coming Jessica. Next. To her we have Danny from the moment his dad brought him his first Windows. XT. Dass operated. Computer, he's, been hooked on all things tech he worked in life-saving. Robotics. And then he and a colleague set out to create a new market and the result is Timmy which is a trailblazer. In personal, robotics, and indoor, navigational. Technologies. Welcome. Danny CEO, of Timmy USA, Danny is sir list. And. Our final panelist, is a published. Author an, accomplished, musician an, anti-bullying. Activist. A medical, researcher, and a, seasoned, TEDx. Presenter. She's. Also 13, years old so welcome. To our patent-pending inventor, and one of Forbes 30 under 30 for science, and innovation, Kim jolly Rao welcome. So. We're gonna start with you I think. A lot of us would love to understand, where does your drive come to research. And invent what's where is that yes. So I've, always, been interested, in the idea of helping people ever since I was in first or second grade it's just been, something that I've always done, is I've always known the. Best thing to do is to help someone and it was just a feeling. That you know it makes you feel good inside when you do that and. Then in fourth grade once I started to get more into, science, and kind. Of discover my passion for stem I started, to look at things in more of a scientific, approach so. For the longest time I just called it using, science, for kindness, or using science to help others, which, is exactly what, innovation, is if you really think about it so, I. I, think it was just the correlation. Between you. Know the idea of helping others and the idea of using. The latest developments, in tech and the latest developments, and science, in order to solve big problems so. Using science for kindness that's great what, do you do when you when. You encounter a hard problem like lead, in water or, opioid. Addiction how do you how do you tackle that yes. So, the. First thing you know the first thing I do when I encounter, a problem is I drain, way too big, so, with, my. First one, of my first devices that I created which is a device that helps detect. Lead in water. Initially. I wanted to completely, remove. Let out of water like around the world I don't know how I was planning to do that but it. Was like solving global warming, with, one solution so, it was pretty.

Much Impossible, but. Then I really, had to you know take a step back I was like 'get angelee slow down like, there's. More stuff to do before that so one of the biggest problems that I saw was, the idea of. Diagnosis. Or detection of Len and water because, a lot of people didn't know that there was a lot in their water and that seemed to be the bigger problem, so, I had to take a step back and I had to focus on that um. So you, know the, biggest thing that I do like, as soon as I see a tough problem is I dream way too outside, the box which lets, me you know back myself down a little bit so, you started at solving, global warming, and then back down to, a kind, of incredibly, hard problem, which. Is led in water yeah. I like to challenge myself but. That's great it's inspiring Jessica. I want to turn to you and you talked us about car force what's the origin you were working, your Deloitte and eBay and then you started your own company what what's the story yeah. Absolutely so, I've always been a data-driven. Decision, maker I think my entire background speaks, to that former. Data science and, then went on to NASA, to do bioinformatics went, on to Deloitte in the middle of the recession I think many. Of you can probably relate to that being a time of incredible, growth. Contrary. To maybe, maybe, how the history books history books may put it all. Of us I think during that time we're doing a lot of. Stepping. Up leveling, up because you know we were all short staffed during that time so. Deloitte it was it, was a very data. Intense, period. And I was leading the information, management is. That person, never, wasted crisis. Churchill, yeah that's exactly right that's one, of my favorite mottos actually, that. Was not planned I was good so. We. Went from there to once. The recession ended to eBay Motors and, I would say the common, theme across. All. Of these experiences, was, the, usage, of data. Or. The ability to create a big data Lake for. Consumption, by businesses. And data. Is only that if it's not consumed, it's. Not any more than a raw component. But. I think the important thing is to do something to clean some it to you know clean, something from and create insights and I think that's incredibly invaluable for, a company, so car, force Inouye has been created.

From You. Know the last 20. Years or so of my work. Experiences, and I would say the reason that it's very, focused on the automotive side is I'm, an auto enthusiast born. Into automotive, I think. Is a lot, of folks may know oldest. Of three daughters born to a car collector so Apple. Does not fall too far from the tree or all three car, enthusiasts, oh yeah yeah, in fact my sisters actually sheron's. Operations, for us she's here in the audience as well okay hello, sister. Wherever. You are that's. Excellent Danny I wanted so Timmy is a personal, robotics company. Can, you talk, about where, what the state of personal. Robotics is and how Timmy fits into that. Yes. So. We. Set out to do something which, we think. Is almost, impossible. And that's where we find, our challenges. So. We. We, constantly say in the company that the personal robotics market. Is a non-existent, market, everybody. Has, been trying from the very, big companies, to the smallest ones a two to. Build, this. First. Of all to define the need why, would we need a personal, robot, how would it. Collaborate. With a human, a kind. Of an oxymoron to, the personal, robot until yeah yeah and I think, from the beginning that our main, mission, using the robot was, to reconnect humans. Using. The robot but because. The. Robot is displayed out there in the innovation, showcase. And you can see it's first and foremost a telecommunication. Device trying, to tackle, one. Of our biggest ways. Of communication. This day which, is this so. How am i communicating with, someone like this when, sometimes they're sitting right in front of me but, uh but, to. Go back to your to your question so and, and, people, see it out in the hall it kind of looks like a tablet. Computer, mounted. On a moving, base right that's the exactly. The the, invention. There is the navigation, system, enabling, the robot to, actually see. Humans, detect. Them work, with them in. In, various, ways it's the. Navigation is linux-based but then the the UI. Is Android. Based it's very very easy to, to. Shift, the. Use of the robot for any space. Or or, sector. Whether, it's health care whether it's retail, or hospitality. And in, homes in, and. I. Think. We are succeeding. Our. Vision. From the beginning was to define. Clearly. Use. Cases and understand, why it's more than a gimmick, a fun. Thing to have and actually. Make, it as useful, and. As needed as our personal phones and so the tummy is out in the world you can go on your site you have a Black Friday sale I saw, coming up for anyone who probably, wait till Black Friday to buy a maybe. Are, there any uses, out in the real world that have surprised, you is particularly clever or, because. You're saying you know personal, robotics is a market that doesn't exist and I imagine people, bring their own. Uses. To it, a, so. You know that the uses, that surprises. Are usually. I'd. Say, small. Stories, were. We're. Mostly surprised, by. We. Ourselves are, building, the machine and discovery, discovering. It and what it can do while we are building it yeah so so just a, few months ago we started ramping. Up our activity, in developing. The use cases and we start with one idea and I think it happens almost. In any innovation. That you start at one point and through, the process there. Are so many shifts so many surprises, and. We're. Happy to discover. That that this device can do much more than what we thought it could do yeah and and, create. Experience. Experiences. Which we couldn't have imagined, from the get-go so one, thing I want to turn now and and, bring. You all into, discussion, about innovation. And what we all can learn from how. You've, approached, it and Jessica maybe I'll start with you you worked in a big company eBay. And Deloitte, before, and NASA and and so forth what, do you know about innovation. Now that, you take, our force that you didn't that. You didn't know before, that's. A fantastic question a lot, is. The short answer I think innovation comes, from when. You're at a large company I think. One. Of the things that I remember thinking, when I was at a few large companies and as a consultant, for fortune 500 companies you get to see a lot of, you. Know leadership. Teams, that. Are maybe stuck on something you get to come in and help out that's the whole point of strategy.

Consulting, So I think what I saw is. You. Really should never be in a position where you isolate, innovation, to be its own division its own team and it's and by, the way I say that in our but to sort. Of contradict myself okay but. I think the problem is former. Consultants, are often good at containing two ideas I know just, a simultaneously. Should cut costs, while we're billing you millions of dollars precisely you get it okay that's it right there that's this foundational. Premise ya. Know. So I think one, of the things that kind of frustrated me sometimes working with large what. Working within large companies is you've, got this innovation, Department that's working. In a silo and. Meanwhile you may have employees, that have been in their position for I mean I think it even we had people that had been there for 15 years and the company was 17 so that, to me was you. Know that's kind of a legacy we're, talking about big data that is you. Know that's the library of information, that's stored in someone's mind I mean I think it's to the detriment, of a, company, to ignore, that and. To not tap into, that human capital and the amount of information that's living, within each of those employees so I would say to the extent that you can interview. Your own employees figure, out what the challenges. They are facing what, the opportunities, and sort of ask the question if you, had an endless budget what problems would you solve and what do you think that this would do for the company I think, the. Staff that's already there has a really, good idea of what, that is oftentimes they just don't have the tools or. The resources, to go, out and pursue those ideas just, to focus on one the thing you said just for a minute you said you shouldn't, have an innovation, team that's separate. Right, I did okay, and then I said I'm about to contradict, myself so. I do think you should have some. Tiger. Team or I. Guess. It could still be called an innovation team but I guess the problem isn't having, a dedicated innovation, team is a good thing having, a dedicated innovation, team that works in a silo away from everybody okay that's the bad thing great, I do want to be very, specific about that and before I move on I'm gonna go to Danny next put your. Background. Is in data, I. Think. A lot of corporate. America. Corporate global. Companies. Hope. That, data is the key to the insights, that are going to allow them to, have. A real business breakthrough. As, someone, who is wrestled, with that do you have any advice I think.

You're On the right track I think that is the right notion, is I. Think, we're. At a place today in society where we have more, data collected. Than. We've ever had before and I think it's just the tip of the iceberg I think if you project that trend, forward, we're going to have I, think the good thing is we're moving in terms of storage capabilities, I saw, you know Sapna, della sitting up here on the stage talking about the future of cloud computing and, I think we've. Got the right. Components. And he talked about again building teams digital. Solutions with components and you do have to think of it that way you have to think of it as data. As a component. To, your future strategies, but, again data in a silo, and I think that's really sort of the the theme that. I'm going to try to drive here is anything. In a silo is to the debt. Ratings. Need to be integrated Danny. I wanted to turn to you. You've, a startup company there's. Some pretty. Big companies that have been involved in robotics. And. Other. Ones the traditional, industrial robotics, players and, then companies, like Google and others have, come in how do you how. Are you competitive in, that you, know given that sort of competition and how do you maybe. Tie innovation, into that and how how that plays a role a. First. Of all in. Our journey we've we've met with all the big players the, biggest ones in. And. I. Was, very happy to discover that eventually, even. Sergey, Brin is a human. Being and he, started, with an idea and you know he he, has his problems and. So. That, a friend, of Google is a human being yeah. Okay hi can, anyone. Want to debate that a. I. Met, him in person okay I thought. So. So it was for, me it was very first of all very kind of comforting, to understand. That, these, people that we've been looking up to and I've been looking up to these tech giants, you know since since my, childhood they're. Eventually, people. With. Ideas, with, problems, and there. Is no reason to think that a. I. Can't, do what, another, person, can do I'm. Not saying I miss I'm not as nearly as smart or whatever but I can try you, know so I think this is the base to try, and and and. Play in this field where huge huge players are playing that's, the first thing, and the second thing I very. Much believe that. Uh that. I. Tell, this to my to my employees, sometimes that you know I'm. Using Google again as an example if Google wants to open. A startup pop-up. Store, in New York investing. Six million dollars in two weekends, they can you, know we, can't but. What we have is creativity. I think the. Lack of sometimes. Funds, or staff. Just. Drives you to be more creative with your idea to, find a, faster. Ways newer, ways, unexplored.

The Paths and I. Use I, use our. Size, as a tool to run, faster, and to explore. Directions. That haven't been explored rather. And try and walk, the safe path and and, so that's sort of grid and scrappiness. Or, your. Competitive, advantage, in a way your scrappiness, and do, you my, guess is that you need to recruit talent who, who. Is there give a test for people who you're hiring to to, see whether they can be, scrappy. Enough to. To. Run, alongside you, a. By. Now I've learned, to to. Kind of recognize, them, about by conversation. Yeah I look for. So. A lot of the questions I ask in an interview are. Kind of creative. Situations. You know the, this is the budget you have this is what we'd want to do. What. Would you do yeah and you, can, very very easily, see. People who want to do, who, want to play it safe by, what they studied, in college, and you know and others, who come with their own with. Their own ideas, with their own. Intentions. And want, to invent. Everything from the start so so, although sometimes, as an employee it's it's you, know it's someone who will need more direction, or more taming. It's, more, it's it, brings more to my team if you want people like Catan Julie who's exactly come in with a with, a massive, vision, what, do you what do you I want to pull you in what can business people learn from youth about innovation. Do you think what's here okay there's a couple yeah. Let's I'm. Taking notes here I think the biggest thing that I. Think schools are also really. Emphasizing, right now are is hands-on, learning, yeah and I. Had literally asked my dad it. Was like dad what do you do at work and he's like I said at a desk and do work and. I was like and. And, he's like that's, literally, it I tell people what to do it, was like this. Probably there's a lot of emails. I. Read emails yeah yeah but I feel. Like if there was more hands-on. Ideas. Tools, technology. Involved, in you know in. Offices, and you. Know whatever jobs. People are teeing up then. Not. Only would it spur more innovation, but it would also you, know influence, more people to come up with ideas so I think that's one of the biggest things, and. Then know what that is there anything specific, in education. That you think people could could. Be adopted in the workplace like any specific. Experience. That you've had that your dad would benefit, from what's your prescription for, your dad, prescription. For my dad having a more, yeah, um. Okay. So. There's one science, class that I've been to well. This year yeah. High school but. In, this science, class we. Don't just you know take, notes from a board it's, like you know they flash up the slideshow and then you don't usually take no it's what happens. Out of that is. Your. Teacher gives you this random, situation, like. How do we use you. Know, macromolecules. In order to solve this problem yeah, and so. I think more, than just identifying. The concepts, it's the idea of applying the concepts, the real world yeah, that really you know effects it and so, you. Know we have an economics, class in our school and it's you. Know it teaches you like what money is and what a credit card is and that's probably you know about it for real-world experience, so. I think it's the idea of applying just, you, know basic, knowledge into.

The Real world and talking about you know how it affects humanity. And how it affects people yeah, okay, I've noted it down we'll talk to your dad. How, do you think one, thing that you said too early I think was really important this idea that you think big until. You you have people like a lot of us who are sitting in front of our computers sending emails all day it's, hard to think big. Given. The that reality, often want. To tell the truth sometimes you go and get a cup of coffee and hope, that you're gonna expand. Your, mindset. But. How. Do you think companies on that specific. Question like how how, can we all think bigger about tough, problems, um, I'm. Not allowed to drink coffee so that doesn't play coffee, it's, better, to stay away from it hot chocolate, I talked about okay um but. Some. More hot chocolate in the workplace, I, think, it's. A very spur-of-the-moment, that's. How my ideas, come up. Be. Exposed, to just problems. That you see on the news that's how my ideas come up like I'll be swimming, and I'll be like this, is life changing I'm, going home and working on this yeah. So. Then. There's that idea like we go for a walk and you get your best ideas, that's exactly, yeah it's just being. Able to observe everything I carry, a notebook around the feet always. Always. Writing, down ideas it's. It's, really pretty it says full of ideas in the front but it. Says what is it full of ideas all of ideas yeah and so. Yeah. It's really cringey, but I'll be walking around and like writing notes in it just, based on what I see and eventually, it turns, out to be some of my biggest ideas, and some of my best ones and some of the ones that you know have, received a lot of recognition and. Something that's fully fleshed, out and ready to go to market yeah so I suggest. More coffee I guess it's just being, like chocolate, you need observe words we're hot chocolate yeah. That's. Great, so I want to and, I like the idea of this notebook full of ideas or or those. Of us who were attached, to our phones could have files full of ideas that. That. We have on there I want to talk a little bit about your. All of your visions, for your kind. Of what's next for your area. Jessica. Back to you sure. Technology. Cars. Where's. This all headed uh. Such. Exciting places I listened, to a talk last year by, the chairman, of Porsche, and he, did he had a picture of a, street and it had tons of horses, and then, at the second picture as you guys can imagine had, no horses and, he said we're, wearing.

A Place in time right now we're over the next five years automotive. We'll see more change than it, has in the last 50 years in, the next five and I think that that's spot on for car force this is extremely, exciting car, force I think we jumped in without explaining what is car force do so, Carrefour succinctly, stated is, on a mission to collect organize, and, analyze the, world's vehicle service data so, in a sense it's a very large. You. Know I think like everyone up here or. Punching. Above our weight in a way but we have to because, I think there's there's so much opportunity but. Another way it's extremely. Focused we, only look at vehicle service data and. I think that that's that's really our our mission so from a where, the data that comes out of our cars and that the technicians, might actually enter fantastic. Question it can be it can be, that it can be the the real-time data the. Deep sensor, data that's. Embedded, within the car and that's getting to. Give you a sense of that in the 70s, the average car had thousands. Of lines of software at. The moment that it was produced today, the average vehicle will have over 200 million lines, of code so. These are machines that are very kind of frightening yes, it's kind of exciting though I mean 300 million, lines yes it's. Hard to comprehend, and, I think that that's just again, as we move toward autonomy that's. Just the tip of the iceberg where we're heading into a space with with, more data, all. The time and from our perspective our, big overarching. Mission is to be able to have a place a destination, for. That data as it comes off of connected, cars autonomous, cars electric, cars to. Go live, in and. To your point it's not just the, connected, data it's, also the historical data there are para data when. You think about where you guys go and take your vehicles, or where someone takes their vehicles when you're in them they. Get them repaired somewhere and there's a lot of back to there's a lot of data that gets some salad, is, there a specific, business. Or, innovation. Opportunity, that you're excited about that you have not tackled. That's. Kind of a beauty of you're. Talking about when you're a small company you get to go after what you care about, I'm. Gonna have to come back to you on that okay that's fine Danny. Your. Vision for the future of personal robotics what, is keeping you up at night as you think, about that. Usually. What keeps me up at night is Rick and Morty episodes. They can work aside and, or your dog waking, you up right yeah. But uh but uh when, I'm done with that um, it's. It's. Keeping, up with, the pace constantly. Of. The. Involvement of technology, you know we invent, something one day two days, after, there's a new version a new update, a new and we're not compatible and, and we. Constantly, have to be ahead, of the market especially when, we're trying to invent a market or create, a market, in. In. General. I I'm, very much a. Aiming. For. Personal. Robotics to become, as as. Normalized. As our. The. Beginning, of our personal robotics at homes the the the. Voice assistance. For. Example, so, that's where we're aiming is a robotics, company in, and. Yeah. There's a lot of a, yesterday. Michelle Obama said there's swerve, errs and a box checkers, so I'm, very much of a schwarber so at night I. Constantly. Make, sure that my team checked. All the boxes for me yeah. Your. Team checked all the boxes for you okay, he's, a hybrid, excellent. And. You don't have a notebook that is full. Of ideas pardon, you, don't you don't have a notebook that's oh I have a notebook by the way it's notes, on my phone that's, constantly, okay.

Good. Kitana. Tele wait what is ahead for you like. What's the and and do, you you, know one of the questions is you've done lots of different things, which books done research. Do you imagine starting, your own business someday. Yes. So that, question before I was like what's the end for you so that took. Me back to this Obama's talk yesterday she's, like there's no end yeah you're always becoming, yeah, and so that's exactly what I like I never stop, like. I keep going with something or the other I think the other day I was like I need more stuff to do so I started a new project but. What. Was what's the new project can you say it, was about a week ago I've, been. Working on an app that helps detect, and prevent cyber bullying especially in schools so a. Week ago I was like I need to work on that and, yeah. It's on the Google Play Store not. Fully furnished but it's in beta version and. Working. On flushing it out so, yeah. But I think I definitely would like to start a business. I'm. Very. Interested in, biomedical engineering in, genetics. Another. One of the devices I've been working on is a device. That helps diagnose, prescription, opioid, addiction, but. I'm barely scratching, the surface there's over 20,000. Genes in our body and you. Know we haven't figured out a, solution, to every single problem in the world have we and, so, just, recently they. You, know the FDA. Finally. You, know. Finalized. I guess or approved, that's what the word approve. This drug. For, cystic, fibrosis based. On you, know latest, developments, of genetics and so. That type of stuff is very very intriguing, to me how just, by editing, a gene through CRISPR, cassadine or whatever process, you're, able to you, know create. Solutions. To, create, cures. To big big diseases, so, I definitely, want to start up some sort of biomedical. Device business. So. That I'm checking off all my boxes I want to be a researcher, I want. To be an entrepreneur I, want. To. You. Know just work with technology and, I, don't want to be. At a desk every day reading emails like wait add so. Do. You have any we're, gonna. Wrap. Up here but do you have any advice, for all of us in terms of how to make. Our businesses and ourselves more, kind of move forward into more. Innovation. Um. I. Think. The. Biggest, the. Biggest thing is just looking. Into the future and. Exactly. Keeping up with latest technology trends. I. Know. You. Know people who decided like decide, to keep things old school and you, know that works that works to, a certain extent when until, you start you know getting into.

Hardcore. Science material, where, you. Know you need to use stuff like virtual reality mixed. Reality I can't. Think of a whole bunch of Technology on top of my head but, you. Know things like that so I think the biggest thing is being able to keep up with the latest trends in technology yeah, and you, know reaching out to more kids like us and being, more flexible with their ideas, because, like, no, offense to all of you guys but I think kids come up with better ideas. Actually. Sergey. Brin is a human being and kids come up with better ideas I think no, one is going to dispute, them true, statement we're, almost out of time Jessica. And Danny maybe you could what, did what advice. You have for people who want, to better tap into innovation, in themselves and their colleagues, and businesses I'll jump in and I'll be really brief. To know we're out of time here but I think to. Bring two big, ideas together so yesterday Satya, Nadella talked about a Purpose Driven organization. Yeah and that was just on the tails of the Thomas Friedman talk where he talked about change and. These a global. Climate change but in a different way and I think to summarize both of those what I would urge all of you in the audience is to, really listen to both of those messages summarized, as follows which, is. Change. Will either happen, to you or buy. You and I think to, get in Jali's point empower. All of your employees to not just be the email, guy but to actually when someone asked them what do you do be, able to answer I am, driven. By this purpose, and everyday I show up at work and this is what I do and this is how we're embracing change, and this is what our company our organization. Is doing if you can imagine what we're doing is startups, with just a few. Dozen people now imagine what you guys have with tens. Of thousands, of employees and. If they all had that same vigor or that same energy that we have the three of us up here I mean. This this, feature is looking pretty bright I worried, they were a little too hard on Catan Julie's dad. He's. Here sorry dad, Danny. Can just in a word what is the what's your advice on innovation, in, two words be. Curious and, dare. To try and dare to try okay, that's a great way to end Jessica. Danny gitanjali, thank, you very much the great discussion, really inspiring. Thanks. For watching for, more videos from AT&T business, click, Subscribe.

2019-12-07 06:53

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