The End Boss of plays Titled Tuesday

The End Boss of plays Titled Tuesday

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looks like this and this i mean there  is this but still this looks so bad   i'm probably gonna take and play f4  takes i don't even know if it's what what i mean uh what play here music's still  too loud on mine one second let's play queen d5 queen a5 here let's play c6  we're gonna play be part of team scandinavian   let's go here e6 knight f6 pretty standard  stuff so far normally white goes d4 i think   bishop g4 maybe is play is better against  this line um but we just keep going okay goes d4 so i'm gonna play knight d7 knight f6  bishop b4 basically bishop b3 it's a very strange   move i don't know what that does unless he's going  to rotate the knight or something very strange   move i don't understand it okay i'm going to put  the bishop here drop the queen back to c7 maybe   at some point i'll drop this back and capture cm  or gm sam is candid at mass which is like i guess   2200 ish ish ish i'm going to be a little bit bold  here and castle queenside it's not the right move   um in this scenario but he did waste a move  this very peculiar bishop b3 move that made   little to no sense i don't i believe so let's  just go here i have bishop h i mean maybe the   idea was to protect the pawn but usually in this  line white doesn't need to waste this and also   prevents white from ever storming the queen side  because now you can move the bishop to push the   pawn that's a good move i will go here i always a  bishop h5 which i should be cognizant of as well   okay i'm going to do this and see  if he really wants to go g4 or not   because then i'm going to get h5  and it's going to get very messy okay goes queen d3 which i don't believe  is right so now i play h6 he has to take   and his knight's kind of  awkward on the rim here too   i think i'm better g5 i mean he doesn't really  get the attack and again this bishop on b3 is   misplaced i have g5 knight of wait a second g595  bishop g6 i mean this looks crazy for my opponent   if he takes i take if he goes here i mean like  he he has knight f5 then i go bishop g6 and trade   trade again as king side is getting this is a very  iffy king side here obviously i'm just going to   attack with h5 next move or bishop f4 if he goes  to e3 even i mean there are a lot of tricks here thank you to be that sam tan let's just  go for it thank you to keras long for   the three months thanks so much okay  now i can take g4 i can also take e5   i'm not really okay just takes interesting didn't  expect that i can play rook h4 i think i go here   actually he's got a big problem with this pawn  because i'm trying to just take and recapture   if he takes i mean i can take i can also go  rotate [ __ ] again his king is super open here i'm taking you bishop wait a  second let's just take i guess he takes i go king b8 i mean this maybe  is not great but i can also line up the   legendary triple because i can put the queen now  the queen now has an axis because the pawn's out   of the way so again i can use the queen and the  two rooks and attack down towards the king here   okay he goes f3 yeah he's he's really asking  for he's asking for trouble here i'm just going   to go here and now i've got rook h1 rook h2 i  don't really see how white protects this king   in this position any of the cost for the  tier one appreciate it thank you so much i mean i'm going to line up a  legendary triple pretty soon   he can't move the kings i always  check and collect the queen on e2 yeah this is really bad how many positions  are paid in tt i think uh first second third   if i'm not mistaken yeah i think he's  probably gonna resign here because if   he goes queen g2 to stop it i still  go rook hooks i also have the bishop   from behind that protects everything not to be  confused with smith and wesley also true yeah once again big shout out to everyone who's  tuning in this morning i hope you guys are   having a fantastic morning wherever you are  in the wide world so just chilling having a   good time pretty good day thank you tony hg for  the eight months thank you so much appreciate it   okay i think i just check and check do i have a chat wait check here  check here i'm looking for a checkmate   i don't see it so i should just be smart with  rogue two just take no need to be creative   just takes just keep it really low-key okay  he gets a king d excuse me he gets king to   e4 but unfortunately for my opponent we are  not playing king of the hill so even though   he gets the king to e4 he doesn't win the game  unfortunately let's go check let's just go here do i listen to the same music yes my just  my head bobbing is just out of out of sync   you guys so in case you're wondering my head  bobbing is just out of sync and that's why   even though you guys you guys are like wait why  is he bobbing his head it's out of sync with the   music i just bobbed my head regardless all right  let's keep going we got the win one up one down   i'm having a decent day it could be  better it could be better obviously   with what's going on in the markets  but it's it's not that big of a deal plus zero yeah exactly general market yeah i mean i have a lot of other  stuff like that's actually worries me with this   that's what that's what worries me with this with  what's happened in a way as well as i think i said   earlier is that there are a lot of people who  like this is their first foray into it so when   they just buy by amc or gme and they don't buy  anything else um there's no diversity if it goes   down 40 they're just like yeah what what is this  nonsense they get turned off forever potentially can i play a car con i could yeah  but um this is also title tuesday   so i don't i don't really  want to mess around what's   maximus is how is maximus doing he wins his  game by checkmate was he actually winning this maxine is actually losing he was actually  losing um yikes okay he gets a win but that's   yeah really not good not good at all yikes   one million followers by the end of today  that's not gonna happen you guys sorry   have i spoke about jimmy i'm not in gmail i'm in  amc but um but regardless yeah we'll see we'll see but i have other stuff that's having  a huge day like i mean mavis mbis   uh ccib also of course having a huge day anyway um what's wrong with max theme i  don't know maxime's just having i don't know   it's just one of those rough times okay josma's  playing josslyn is winning okay he gets the win   okay pretty good stuff um who else do we have  we have giga cooperating who i lost to he wins   this game definitely gonna be looking for payback  if i play him later in the event we have this one   dropstone is winning i think just queen f5 looks  winning yeah and and he wins by by taunt on time let's see what else do we have going on um   we have renato is playing he is going to win his  game as well so it's a lot a lot of people playing   abortnick also still going as well  let's pull up with the bortnick game   bortnick is probably not winning actually this  is probably not a win just king ju1 king g2   okay you can also just check and come back i mean  i think that's just a draw there's queen e4 whoa   just m peasant and queen e4 wait warning's  going insane here king g2 queen e4 or this   there's just check should be a draw here um hard  to see why hard to see bortnik winning this game   king f3 because you you can't really  do anything king f3 and king e4 king d5   e4 f4 i mean i think boarding still is very likely  going to win this game but again this should be   whoa what is queen c2 that's crazy check here king  d6 queen a2 maybe queen a2 queen a1 okay check   king f5 yeah it's getting a little bit iffy it's  still probably oh queen h8 maybe queen h8 queen d5   yeah borneo i think is going to somehow  win this game even though he should not win   king e4 queen d4 queen d4   queen e4 was winning there wow queen d4 queen  d4 warnick's going to lose here king d1 king d3   king d3 takes takes d5 d5 d6 bornick loses by  one tempo queen d5 warnick loses by one tempo   queen g5 check check the king's too close for  white here you lose by one tempo king two wins queen g one yeah queen f3 and king e2  king e3 yep there you go bourtnik loses all right so born it loses the game  next team should be starting pretty   soon actually next thing we'll be starting in  um next thing we'll be starting very very soon uh i can pull up this last game i mean this this   game is going to go forever so  i will just wait i'll just wait maybe f16 f5 oh g6 bishop e4 rookie three i mean  this is this should be a draw   but i could see something happening king g8 k5 maybe g6 again not this still still is  an obvious draw just for k5 or k3 do i plan   on winning this i'm going to do my best paid  actor is very funny benjamin very funny actors rk5 g6 now why does he refuse to play  g6 here i literally don't understand it g6 and white wins because they're i mean yeah okay i have nothing to say i have  no words that's terrible literally terrible the guy had  18 seconds too it's not like he   had two seconds the guy was black  had a bunch of time let's go here i think you know marco for the second  it's 9 0 i for the prime do you know matt   with the prime smoking kingdom with  the prime and carcass for the prime   you know elaine sondberg for the seven uh let's  go here it's actually just dubious i think this looks highly dubious in  fact i mean obviously i go e6 i even have knight g5 maybe bishop f4 h6 f4 h6 i mean this is very strange knight g5 95 takes takes bishop f4  h6 f4 h6 still should be very good still should be very good i mean you have to  take so if you move the knight anywhere i just   take the pawn and you can't keep the king looks  like this and this i mean there is this but still   this looks so bad i'm probably gonna take and  play f4 takes i don't even know if it's what what i mean what like you have to go 95 takes takes off because you  cover the square and when i go here you go here   and i mean it's still a game okay  i don't even know what to say   all right on the in that on in that  case i'm gonna take a short break run   to the restroom and i'll be right back  you guys all right what's up everybody bishop e3 is probably good as you guys  can see from the evaluation i mean this   is what i don't understand  like why is um yeah why is uh why is um why is maxim losing  every game today i mean he'll   probably find a way to win in this game  too but why is he losing in every game he's tilted no i mean maxine  not used to online just yet   because he's bad at chess very funny you guys  very funny um thank you jeff oliver for the two   months lord mock for the two legend deathwing for  the prime penny garrett's the prime collapse with   the prime and unsatisfied with the prime gato nip  with the prime ted stark for the two months thank   you so much appreciate it thank you to just a  twitch merch for the five bucks thank you so much hmm didn't he take the rook earlier uh  i mean i guess he didn't take the rook   because basically he was worried long term that   this bishop becomes super powerful on the  long diagonal that's why i didn't take it anyway though maxime is getting smoked again  by the way i mean rookie six rook a6 i mean   yeesh rook f6 there's also g4 and  rookie seven g4 and rookie seven oh yeah this is very ugly oh yeah yo 95 oh my oh my oh my days i mean a6 uh i mean this is gross really really  gross for for maxime i'm not in tesla   oh the guy had no time oh i didn't even notice  i didn't even notice his opponent had no time   okay i actually i didn't look at the time yeah  that's true all right so max seems certainly   playing with fire i mean so far i'm really  playing with fire i mean just like so so dangerous   but he gets a win i mean he's been losing his  first two games so definitely not great i mean   it's definitely something to be concerned about  for maxine that the quality even in this event   he's having he's having problems with his with the  quality uh jasmine is meanwhile losing like losing   bigly queen f7 and bishop f6 just bishop d4 holds  the glue uh this this female this uh this this wgm   mary are bitsy she actually beat benjamin bach  i believe queen g7 looks good cut the king   h4h5 she she or she didn't beat benjamin  she drew him um but yeah she she drew   benjamin just the other day like very  very dangerous bishop e5 and takes maybe i don't like what she's doing here though i think  joseph's gonna get lucky here whoa bishop d8   there's bishop d8 there's also queen a7 bishop h4 maybe now you  probably run the crank queen around i would say or   g5 just but this looks again josem's kind of doing  something kingdom oh queen b5 now just queen a5 just bishop g3 or queen c7 yeah i just don't  get a checkmate queen c1 looks good here queen b4 but she queen b4 was  winning okay queen f3 just a5 just a5 a5 a6 a6 queen h1 maybe and queen  a6 is winning 91 a6 a6 only move just go a6 so tricky queen i think joseph's gonna  get a lucky draw he's gonna get a check check i mean i think it's gonna be a draw  now queen b3 queen b3 queen b3 queen b3 check on e5 again like this is crazy i mean i can't believe this  but bishop e5 i mean queen b3 queen b3   take and take king g3 g5 g5 g5 just go g6 just go i  guess it's going to be a draw wow just take the pawn h5 yeah it's just a draw yeah queen b3  was made in one like there were so many   so many mates everywhere that were missed but it's  a draw i mean for joseph it's good but yikes wow for the ninth anthony times hbtl  for the prime thank you so much   he'll light demon for the three  bucks appreciate it thank you how am i so much better i don't think that i'm  so much better it's just like the technique when   the players the players kind of are not good at  understanding just how much time they have like in   some of these situations like when you have seven  seconds there you have time to think and spot the   win if you have two seconds or three seconds you  don't have time but if you have seven seconds you   do have the time there especially in three plus  one if it's 3-0 it's of course different but in   three plus one you do have the time there  to figure it out um that's what i would say okay we're on two out of two next team coming  up in a second so we'll be starting soon   yeah amazing collaboration  with leffen yeah i think um   the smash event i mean i was not even aware  of this event until until i heard about on   the youtube youtube so it should be it should be  a fun event i'm kind of a little worried about   the event though because it feels like  there's a big mismatch in terms of the   level of some of the players i'm gonna play  e5 this game try to be stable and solid again   what i should remember here is that um as i recall  it's very important to not um it's gonna say to   not not not not was not it's not getting trouble  sorry but be solid and not lose like a draw is not   great but a draw is acceptable is what i would  say so i'm gonna go here b5 of course and takes i think d5 here is good yeah also the problem  is i was going to say is ludwig is too strong   ludwig is like 1300 so i don't expect it to be  competitive that's actually thing that i that   i don't like is i'm kind of worried that  it's not going to be a competitive event   and that's one thing that i would stress with  pogba champs it's really important especially   in terms of putting it together is that it is  competitive that you have players who can um   it's it's not something where you have like one  guy who's like gonna run away with the event 1300   yeah but i don't think any of this other or any  of the other smash guys uh even over a thousand sardoche might win pogchamps by the way don't i  would i definitely not count him out out in terms   of it but we'll see um do i go bishop b7 i guess  i'll go here because now that he can't put the   bishop here it makes sense i can obviously take  don't really love it but you know what let's just   take i don't know if he takes because politics  have knight e4 i also have bishop d5 or knight d5   he takes the bishop i kind of expect that i think  i'm going to play do i go 95 i think i go knight   t5 not bishop d5 because there's this or this i  mean i still have it's a weird move let's just go   here i mean i guess he's going to go rook c1 or c8  and then c5 maybe i don't really understand bishop   a5 strange move if i get c5 and i'm probably  much better due to the isolated pawn on on d4 now i do have knight f4 here i don't know if it's  a good move though i can obviously not play c5 huh   interesting position knight f4 really  looks attractive but then queen g4 queen d4   too messy i don't really want to go king h7  either actually hmm i might have misplayed this i might have misplayed this a  little bit i'm gonna go here   i think i actually did need the bishop on d5  because this bishop was too powerful on b3 it was h4 i don't think that's  a great move it's playable i want to go here and hit the rook  maybe with bishop h6 at some moment i mean i always have f6 to kick the knight  too at some moment i mean i guess he has this   this could be quite dangerous potentially he goes  a3 so i guess his idea to take or not i don't   really know i can play bishop h6 maybe i just go  no i can't move the knight or i can go knight f4   queen f6 is a move that looks interesting   although the knight d7 is always a problem promise  my pawns are not well placed here hmm how do i do   this i guess i'm gonna go i'm gonna go here  just to consolidate bishop before i just take and now he doesn't have queen f3 because  now i can move the knight and the bishop's   no longer hanging it's on the end of the  board so there should be some fossils here uh that's mistakes now i go here he missed  this and now i hit the queen of the rook   he gets skewered and i should be winning now maybe   not maybe winning's too strong of a war  but i definitely should be better here i always have c5 i guess i can just that's actually  a bad move i think because   i just take i'm gonna go c5 here i have  to oh i have to kind of do something here   i don't know if c5 is actually  great but it's definitely playable new queen g5 lego knight of six a little  bit sketchy now my [ __ ] was actually   really bad on eight which is kind of funny uh  queen d2 is a good oh very good move actually how do i avoid bishop b4 it's hilarious i don't think i have a way  to avoid that queen of 697 wait a second   there's like somehow i actually don't have a way  to stop this bishop before threat this is insane should take him with the  queen of course i almost think this is insane i literally have no good moves  wait a second okay i have to move my queen unreal no that hangs oh my gosh i just gotta move  let's go here she's got bishop before though okay takes this it's probably i just blundered  i think he's got this say rookie seven i just won oh i've got rook g5 maybe also this and it's got that moving i  somehow i'm just lost i guess go here yeah i just blundered this too oh not blender  96 also yeah i just i i was fine but then i   used too much time the critical moment and then  i blundered the clock yeah that was a bad game   it was a really bad game i used way too long  basically this position was all it was all   good and i just thought forever this is where  i just threw the game away it was completely   fine here and i thought for a minute instead  of just playing this right away but maybe   it's probably already bad let me check the live  analysis oh that's not what i meant to check um yeah this is winning yeah maybe oh i have to go f6 here   knight d3 rook actually that makes sense i should  have played f6 yeah no i mean i should have played   f6 but i used way too much time in this this  moment like i needed to go quicker even if   even if it's bad here i needed to go quicker  and i just i didn't actually why did i go f6   yeah actually i don't know why i didn't play f6  here i actually didn't see the move yeah that's   really bad bad game but whatever happens not the  end of the world um usually i lose the game early   anyway yeah f6 is a move um yeah goodbye counter  all that's just not i'm not in the mood for that   um so yeah no i mean it's like yeah not  not a good game not a good game for sure   i know let's watch okay i made bishop c5  wait sib elephant is drawing this game yeah i just didn't see f6 at all there um i just  completely didn't see the move maybe king king e4   king f4 rook f3 no rook d3 rook d3 wins yeah banning a sub of course i'll ban a sub but  they're gonna they're gonna say something   stupid i don't care it doesn't matter like you're  gonna say something stupid i will just ban you but yeah f6 f6 is a move that i should have  played yeah f6 is a move that i should have played   i don't know why i didn't see f6  there that's pretty frustrating rookie rook g3 should be winning for black rook b3 h5 h4 oh i see the magnus  documentary which one is that   yeah so this is winning for black king h3  uh yeah white's winning here king g2 and 96   g2 yeah 96 maybe knight h5 rook f3  yeah i should be winning for white here so king h3 rookie dirk f2 and knight  of six now now i will win this game yeah i book slot for the foremost home  time for the two z squirrels for the three   pavluce for the prime thank you  to a wild cause tv with the prime   new with the two one shot of tier one  unpredictable at the prime thank you so much all right um yeah the one from when he's when he was  a kid yeah i i think i've i've seen parts   i've never watched it all the way  through but i have seen parts of it um okay one game left so i mean  it's the usual situation where   it's like uh i mean you just have  to win every game pretty standard okay let's go next game  let's go here maybe knight c3 i'll play here i could play  a hillbilly or something no   i mean let's not just throw the  savannah away super early at least let's go h3 and takes i mean i could do something insane but again  i lost the game and if i lose another one   then i'll probably just end the stream so i  don't really feel like doing that right now   uh i'm gonna go here i mean the whole whole schedule got ruined  though because like basically i wanted to um   96 is a strange i'm gonna go here knight f3 maybe d4 i don't even know what i'm  playing zach this looks very weird let's go back well i mean the whole schedule  got messed up because like i was going to   stream for at 7 00 a.m so i was going to  end my stream with this but then twitch of   course decided to just completely collapse  for no no good reason and um and so like   everything's just a little bit off today  can play g4 i can also go d4 and castles this should be good for me because the knights  generally don't belong on f5 and f6 in this line xuc isn't live yet a good one  now i can play g4 g5 if i want to and i'll just i don't really like g4 i don't  actually love taking either hmm let's go here i still have g4 g5 at the  right moment um i don't really want to play   g4 it's like the knight doesn't belong  on f5 but at the same time it's kind of   hard for me to punish him for for it maybe  he goes i'm new knight two knights before let's just do this now i think i can take and  go bishop four oh they still got knight g3 i think it works well you can take with  the queen too which i just the knight e4 okay hopefully this works king f1 or c8 pitch page two   hopefully it works okay he just  blocked okay so it does work okay good   i can't go 95 let's just take now at some point  i'm gonna have to play g495 maybe i just take here   let's go here put pressure on the pawn and b7 if i get rook d1 i should be  better if b6 i can just take even   if i go queen b5 is actually pretty  reasonable maybe i'm just gonna go a6 though   let's go let's just go like here in knight c6  maybe i also have g4 at some moment i really   want to put something like the knight on c6  or maybe bishop b7 knight c6 some combination   eric won the i am not a gmat yeah eric  uh he jumped out to a big lead early so   not really that surprising uh let's go here to  go queen b7 and knight d5 to c4 and then queen b7 it's going to be eric rosen against  levy ross is going to be a fun match i think i go here knights guarded now how do i take advantage i think c4 is a  good starter move because now i cut the square   no way to put the knight in between when is the day of the match i  don't know when they play not sure definitely i'm gonna play like  b4 maybe c5 b5 try to really   i'm gonna try to use this whole queen queen  side as best as i can 97 that's a good move knight takes king takes huh somehow i'm actually not  like doing great in this game i can drop the knight back i think  i will queen c4 just queen a7   again i feel like his king is so close to the  center of the board here that this has to be fine so we'll see time yeah i'm also moving too  slowly wait that's a free pawn   wait wait a second there's something wrong  with this i just got to figure it out i think   i'm just gonna go like here gonna try to play  this very low key slow just nothing too insane can play c5 b5 i thought this was  bad but again i'm just moving so   slow i don't know what's wrong  with me today what am i doing it's going too slowly okay let's go here i'm gonna  go g6 i guess i take take okay i'm gonna take   i mean if king is so open here that i  should be doing well queen h5 queen c3 definitely have queen h5  lurking i have c5 knight c4 also   just need to go fast let's go here knight c4 plop  the knight on d6 use this open open file i go   let's see i will go here a knight c4 maybe i  give 95 very very bad let's go here and takes not playing well today not playing  well at all i'm gonna go here let's go here i still knight  d6 or bishop e4 i could have   played 96 right away i should have actually because i just blundered this but i can still  take and i've checked i have 95 of 196. i also   bishop e4 wait a second let's go check 95  was also a move but i think this is better because i bishop e4 i mean  i also have knight b7 maybe i have knight the eight shock wait a second i mean he should not resign there he should  take take take a knight of three i mean this   was very very i mean he should not resign  it was a very iffy game very iffy game um but yeah not good not good at all but  i'm gonna go clear my head be right back   all right you guys okay we are back um all  right okay once again you guys big shout out   to the sponsor one of our sponsors of the channel  big shout out to g fuel make sure to check it out   of course g fuel obviously i have some  g fuel in this right now which is giving   me a bunch of energy keeping me awake big  shout out to g fuel use cody carl i think   you got anywhere from 10 to 30 percent off  um i know it's 30 yesterday as well so um   get a lot off it it keeps you focused keeps  you sharp make sure to check it out you can   get either like the powder you can also get  it in the can form um but very very very good   way of staying sharp and staying focused when  you're gaming so make sure to check out game fuel i want to eat card flavor well enough if enough  of you use my code i will get my own flavor if you up like the warlord himself of course david  i mean i actually it's funny i have the pewdiepie   flavor in this right now um i've only tried the  pewdiepie flavor and i've tried pewdiepie flavor   the uh the chug rug the sour chug rug and of the  the shiny splash i had shiny splash yesterday   it was pretty good so i feel like did i lose the  game yeah i just wondered i just played a terrible   third game i actually played a terrible fourth  game too but i got a little bit lucky in one   oh gto extended the 30 off with code hicarro  for more than a week awesome so make sure to use   cody car you'll get 30 percent off um  if you if you order so make sure to go   to the website big shout out to g fuel once again will will twitch use the cars faces pog as pog pog  champ when the pog champ starts i don't think so   thank you to macpad for the tier one thing and  mitchy for the prime baba kai with the tier one   carl the carl with the prime d hebrew thank  you jay hinventer thank you to kevin tv   um but yeah i would say probably i mean out  of the ones that i that i've had so far i   mean this pewdiepie one's pretty good i like  the shiny splash i guess it was very very good yeah this is good i think i think i think shiny  splash was my favorite they did a little giant   for the three fevers tv for the two spirit tapper  for the three khloe and z for the uh three months   later wrong bill for the two to me for the two and  scrap for the ten thank you so much bahama mama's   great yeah i had bahamut mama i also liked phase  jeff was that i think i i think i had phase job phase job was okay yeah i actually faced job was  pretty good can't complain also once again you   guys make sure to hit that follow button we're  trying to push towards one million followers   thank you so much for every to everybody for all  love and support again that helps with sponsorship   deals that helps with the front page it helps with  um it helps with uh raising the profile of chess   as well most importantly and you get notifications  whenever i go live so make sure to hit that   follow button dude stop your advertising  you got 20k viewers uh what huh what huh so may has more uh i don't  think that's correct actually   um if i if i go to youtube summae has  i think let me let me let me check um i   think samia has less less subs on on twitch  or on on youtube than i do as well so um no oh thank you for the thank you for the 390 yeah  yeah you know thank you to rick joy it's pretty   funny i remember when i was in vancouver in  2008 and 2012 during those times the canadian   dollar was on par with the us dollars so um  so it was so expensive in vancouver it was   like literally the exact it was like one to one  in 2012 especially and now it's like what point   seven or something it's just truly insane  uh what's happened to the canadian dollar   so yeah all right let's um i think all the games  are over we're on a short break before the fifth   game yeah yeah it's like it's sad it went down  well it's i guess that's that's probably a good   thing for americans um but yeah it was crazy  to ogre for the six months why is this man so   cocky exactly how am i being cocky i'm just giving  you a statistical fact about the canadian dollar   anyway eric won 15 and a half five and a half did  eric get the uh did eric get an adoption or not oh it went up this past past month almost point  eight to one yeah i don't look at fx fx is not   my thing i mean a lot of people have talked about  fx but haven't looked close super closely at it thank you to chuco cacao for the four  months thank you so much thank you to   cycros for the prime appreciate thank you so much anyway um when is levy playing eric rosen i  don't know when i don't know when it's happening   the same was the euro yeah the euro  and the us dollar were even so um   yeah i was i was really happy all the euros  that i accumulated from my childhood playing   in tournaments i mean in the old days before the  european union became the way it is now you could   actually like pay pay like small prize funds and  give people cash um i was i think it was in july   it was right near the peak i actually took all my  euros and i converted them into dollars at like   1.4 the euro was 1.4 to the dollar at that time  and i converted it so it was uh it was pretty good   rose and levy's gonna be february 5th  okay february 5th all right okay yeah   now it's like 1.6 no no it's not the euro  against the dollar is like 1.13 i think isn't it   or something i i don't know the order um yeah  basically what i meant is one euro at the time   it equaled 1.43 us dollars now one euro equals  1.2 it's climbing it's climbing again against the   dollar but still it's way below percentage-wise  that's a huge difference um but yeah my tournament starts on february  6th correct february 6th what can i do with 135 channel points um 135  channel points you can obviously make bets and   predictions and lose all your points just like  i did when i when i when i when i believed in   my my favorite streamer xqc and he proceeded to  lose against logic that's how that's what you   can do with your points anyway um yeah all right  next game should be starting pretty soon i think shots fired next game should be starting  like two or three minutes i think but yeah we're gonna be starting um very soon the danny for the nine months is code miko's  still in even after the twitch ban i believe   she is still in as far as i know um hyatt's  rating on uh it's like 33 32.  

thank you thank you for the 420. so we should be  starting the round five very very shortly but we   always have these breaks um we have these breaks  i'm number two no i'm i mean i'm way out i mean i   have three out of four so i just have to win every  game and go from there watch any scary telling   the real reason what happened today some ferrus i  have no idea what's going on with that but i will   say that i mean you you really you never you never  know completely what's going on at the end of the   day you should never ask people to move i mean you  just you should never you should never do that um   but yeah i like i don't even know like  with anish for example were they waiting   were other people playing like the whole  thing is still a little bit murky even so   i my all-time high was 33.32 i was on  an unable stream earlier because um   i was unable to stream earlier because twitch  basically glitched so i i tried to go live and   i just couldn't go live there was a there  was a it was a twitch issue specifically okay now i do need to win so let's play  here i'll play lefronchae's opening this   is a french guy right oh no he's from  malta never okay let's play the owens   defense let's do something a little bit  more dubious oh alireza wanted to move   on his own terms really what does that  mean on his own terms i don't understand   let's go d5 here no it's malta i actually i  thought i wasn't sure what it was it's malta rest in peace you're rating my rating is  going to fluctuate a lot now because of uh   arena kings as well okay let's  go here i'm gonna play queen c8   actually i can play like mata oki but  i'm gonna go here in knight c6 i guess i have never been to malta no playing levi's course no levy did not suggest  playing the owens seriously he did not   there's no way that levy levy said that okay  let's go here let's get rid of this this awesome   op because my bishop is kind of stuck behind the  pawn wall so it's very thematic to get rid of it   let's go here yeah mvl's at four out of four i  mean sometimes there's justice sometimes there   isn't justice you you really never know like  nbl's been lost in at least two games and he's   kind of gotten lucky to not lose in either  of them i played one bad one really bad game   and i got punished for it so there isn't  always justice but hey it's all relative   okay so c4 i go knight c6 obviously um if  he trades he's moving super slow though   let's go here if takes have knight of five i  don't think queen e3 is a great move because   queen's gonna get hit like knight f5 knight  g6 if he goes f4 i don't actually like this   oh levi has a whole course on the e6b6  system i did not even know that honestly   can i watch one on each side um  i mean maybe later if they're cl   i guess it's it's youtube so let's just  take i mean it takes i go here maybe rook c8 i think i'll just go look see it again oh white  knight before me oh and maybe i night before then   oh god night before there i think so stupid so stupid by me not playing well today  a little bit out of sync okay goes there   however i can go here and now look at my  horses they're really jumping i have queen d3   maximum pressure coming as well   actually i think white's almost losing  here so i have queen d3 and knight d4 i don't i don't even know if i'm gonna castle  okay let's go here i don't know how to protect   it i have one two three to hit this and he has  won two defending he can't get a third defender   and his rook is misplaced here on b1 so i think  i think i'm gonna get a good win yeah my ponies   are awesome here why are you so hard on yourself  because that's how you get that's how you improve   honestly if you're like oh yeah it's all great  i'm doing wonderful then at some point you're   gonna stop improving and it's not conducive to  getting better okay let's just take with my pony   he takes i'll probably take with  my pony because i have 92 to fork   the king and the queen i mean ponies  are very good pieces especially in uh   especially in the end games may just be seven  i'm going to win this game this has been   this is actually just with the doctor or a  very smooth kind of easy positional game or   i should just win pretty cleanly i can  go g5 let's just do it to open this up and now i hit the rooks i'm up two two pawns  i'll probably trade the ponies next move   um i don't have to but why not just go uh  check can't come up because of this check   he goes there now i just go rook here guard  the guard the pawn now without ponies this   is very technically winning so i can just run my  king all the way up i don't even care i'll take uh a5 is good but i think i'm actually  just going to use my king it's an end game   let's go here stop his king i mean he really just just doesn't have  anything here kind of i'm just going to keep   going with my king he resigns i mean his king is  completely stuck it can't come up in this end game   and my king is coming up and his pawns are super  weak i'm already up two and that's all she wrote   that was a very nice smooth  win to get kind of back into it castling is overrated sometimes think  of beadord for the prime column for the   prime thing of flatline for  the prime thank you so much ooh ooh anyway all right let's keep going i'm  probably going to work c3 hit the pawn on f3   next move do i think pvc can win his podcamps  group pvc is one of one of the favorites i'm   gonna be honest he's one of the he's one  of the favorites to win the whole thing   um he's definitely a favorite i mean i can't  think of a better arc than previously winning   there's like it's literally insane  to think about it but he could okay let's watch uh maxime because maxine's  been getting away with bad stuff and   amazingly he's probably gonna get away with  it again um yeah no xqc is one of the top   i think xuc right now might be the number  three rated player right he's like yeah he's   at hofu's rating now it's insane it really  is but um right now i think top three based   on just the amount of work they're doing  i think in this order i think it's sardosh   ludwig and then i think it's i actually do think  xqc is ahead of charlie right now i would say   my top three at the moment sardoche ludwig uh xqc  moist critical i don't know i but see the problem   is there's also lar there's also uh there's also  logic and i don't know i don't know if logic is   doing lessons off stream or what's going on  so it's very hard to know where logic is at   um but yeah i would say right now the favorite  in this order it's sardoche ludwig xqc moist   critical and logic maybe i i don't know  where logic belongs in that order but yeah   no charlie is good charlie is good but they're all  in that same kind of 1250 1250 range no ludwig is   is the second favorite right now i would say  sardoch based on raiding is the is number one   it was probably the favorite and then i think it's  uh so sardoche ludwig xqc charlie logic i guess in   i mean yeah logic the rapper but the problem with  logic is logic doesn't do he doesn't do his um he   doesn't do it on stream so you don't really  know like that's the thing you don't really   know like you have no idea where logic is really  at logic could possibly be just a favorite too oh ludwig is isn't even 1200 oh i thought  letter was like 1 300. am i wrong on that   yeah logic the rapper they danny b's for  the 2 light light light man for the 8   riley fergie for the four do jared react  for the tier one bmw 2k15 for the prime   go at times mamba for the three dollars  thank you so much at rapid no what does   ludwig get rapid well i mean i can look  it up but what what does ludwig get rapid cc iv to the moon yeah i did actually  just see that that's why i went ooh   like five seconds ago anyway queen takes c5  is just winning here uh takes wait a second   i mean this is actually probably a draw just  king h7 you gotta move gotta move kovalenko   you gotta move i mean queen h2 and queen  e5 check queen e5 and it's yeah just a draw   yeah just a draw yeah wow so maxime actually it's  weird maxima's winning and then he ends up drawing   ludwig is 11 54 okay so one week is  actually lower rated than xqc so yeah   maybe maybe think of flatline for to get this  up maybe the order is wrong maybe it's sardosh   sorry i'm going to say i'm going to say sardosh  and then i don't know moist critical or xqc   and then probably ludwig actually but  sardoch has to be the favorite right now   although i am forgetting about daniel negranu  too which which i'm forgetting about him who is sardo sardos is uh the french xqc  streams a lot of he streams streams like crazy   about i think he streamed like 11 hours of chess  yesterday so um so sardosha's is a very very um   very very dangerous this looks like  another draw here yeah just to draw wait uh okay no never mind yeah  so sorry it's like the french xqc what about dwight i have no idea about um  i have no idea about um about rayne wilson what about mr beast um we'll see i mean  i think i think it's going to be really   fun thank you joe kilo for the for the two  months and labee for the five because i think let's go e4 here um i was gonna say   what was i gonna say i was gonna say  something i forgot what i was gonna say um okay let's play knight f3 here we're  playing i am in this game i actually i   don't know why i'm doing this let's go  here let's go here maybe just knight c3 it goes to e5 i don't think this is great   because i think at some point i can play  a3 and b4 here it gets very sharp obviously   let's go here again i don't want him to have b5  where there's some trick on the b file probably   b6 and like d3 very slow kind of position here can  i obviously take that's an interesting idea but i   think i'm just going to play here to be safe  okay let's just go here consolidate okay take it please a5 but i don't actually think this  is wonderful for black so i can play like   here and he has to deal with the problem  that he can't okay he goes with that knight although i did give him knight c5 at bishop  e3 maybe please f5 interesting of course i   have to take and i think i just play h3 i have  to be careful that he doesn't get a bishop g4   i don't love my position again but i think it's  fine let's go here hit the hit the bishop on e7   i have d4 at some moment as well which would  be very strong so now i've got i've got a   my pony on d5 is really strong here   this pony is awesome and if i can get d4  and open up this diagonal then it's game on   title tuesday does not do a top 8 elimination  anymore much to my chagrin i i love the format   when it was elimination but they don't they don't  do it uh they don't do it anymore unfortunately it's good is d4 move here oh let's go d4 and i will just take i really  like my position my ponies are awesome i mean   look at these ponies i can put my pony on b5 i  can also put my pony on f5 pony at f5 is always   worth a lot yeah let's put the pony on f5 to hit  the bishop on e7 i'm gonna get rid of my bishop   for one of his ponies then i'll eat the pawn  and b7 my ponies are just invading his space yeah knife to f5 is very strong here can't  influence to go back to top eight  

yeah uh sorry you guys i don't run um  yeah i'm what am i gonna do i'm gonna influence   someone say yeah you gotta do top eight you  gotta use top eight yeah it's beneficial to me you guys are funny um i'm doing very well my ponies  are awesome here on on f5 and d5 you'd be like do top eight or i leave okay so  i take the pony and now i can take the pawn   and again when you get a knife  on f5 it's always very strong   my two ponies are awesome combined  with my rook on the seventh rank   i can even take but i'm not going to i'm just  going to play rook here try to take this rank also okay knight c6 is a good move let's just go here top eight is better as knockouts are fun  topping yeah i mean there's there's merit   to both i mean i prefer top eight  obviously because then then like the   luck of the pairings matters a lot less  um but again it's all kind of relative what am i doing this game hmm again i've kind  of misplayed this i'm just gonna put my pony   on e3 here i mean i'm kind of misplaying this  though i also broke b8 why didn't i play rook b8 okay but i just take um let's put the pony back on d5 let me just go f3 i don't actually like  what i've done in this game i'm so much   better but i feel like i've definitely  misplayed this i didn't have mate in two no wait did i have a night wait did i have knight h6 oh no he played king h8 so no i never  had knight h looks okay never mind   okay i guess i have to take um h4 h5 is  always a move i mean even queenie seven looks   this isn't gonna be easy to win though now hmm but whatever let's just play the end game i mean   i'm not sure how easy this is  to win but it must be winning i think i'm gonna go like here i've alrea again i've  completely misplayed this unreal okay um shoot what did i do to this position this unreal i've got to go for some kind of weird   box here i mean i think i still can win this  but i'd be very careful with how i play this okay i'm gonna go here i'm definitely gonna go checking like h5 and g5 with correct play this is all this is  a draw i don't even know why i did this let's go here c4 i go h5 i guess okay i  obviously go uh h5 here i want to go g5   maybe 97 knight g6 is a big threat  too wait 97 how does he stop me i don't see it knight g6 and rook h8 is a  box because the pawn holds i think i got   lucky here i think i'm just winning now terribly  played but i'm i think i'm gonna get the win now   because it's just it's just the corner  box with the pawn holding the horse   or the pony i should say okay go shiva now this  must be winning okay this has to be winning   united five is probably winning i mean  knight five's a rook c6 bishop f6 95 go here knight five is a huge threat  okay but now i just got struck mated right we got the win move to  five out of six uh keep rolling i move 28 yeah i'm sure i missed many wins  um what's happening sip elephant is trying   to survive i don't like g6 maybe rook b5 or b1  or wait but rook c5 then queen b2 holds queen b2   queen b2 only hope queen e3 king  h1 f6 i think you have to go f6 and you got to go f6 dude f6 only move what's  he thinking about okay check and then check oh there's going to be a wow oh sorry thank you  watching watching with my wife can you say hello   to kathy and me and mookie in a funny way sir  i assume mookie's mookie okay yeah big shout   out to kathy and mookie hope you guys enjoy the  stream hope you're having a wonderful tuesday   afternoon here watching the great game of chess  big shout out to both mookie and kathy once again okay so let's keep let's keep watching  other games they need to ozinate for   the tier one anonymous for the prime samari  for the uh for the uh for the prime trauma   for the two as well thank you so much  okay let's keep watching we have renato   uh black one by time rasmus savain beats renato  okay still probably many more games to go okay what's happening here gogo gf is  beating aravind king f4 king g3 yeah g torino   b3 d3 i mean g3 yeah now king e2 work d2  and rook d1 and black ones pretty easily have i ever played chess no i mean this is my  first time thinking reworked for the tier one   obviously first time playing this game which  is why i'm so good at it i mean it's just   a very easy game to play takes like i mean  just doesn't take that long to get good at   um okay let's see what else do we have we have a  couple games still going this is a draw king f8   king upset beginner's luck yeah i i wish beginners  luck like the thing with beginner's lugging shots   it just does not exist it really doesn't like you  just you don't even get lucky at the start if you   play someone who's a little bit more um who's uh  who's more experienced like it's very rough i like   in a lot of games you can get that beginner's  luck but chess is not one of those games definitely not one of those games okay let's see what's happening  check king of seven king f8 okay this game is gonna be a draw i'm not even  gonna watch i'll just wait for the next game   just take a little bit of a little bit of a  break just relax um what's my rank right now   i'm currently i don't know i'm on five out of  six there are a lot of people drawings they're   only three people on six so i'm doing fine so  far i mean fine being relative the problem was   fine as i have to win every game okay this  is someone very good i forget who this is   the good thing the good thing i would say though  is i'm already in muslin territory so it's like   there's no like you the the decision making  becomes a lot easier i'm gonna play here i'm   gonna play something i'm gonna play the owens  it worked last time let's just do it again   oh he plays this hmm this order though i don't  think is quite as precise wait a second this order i'll just go here okay fine let's just let's just play  traditional it was 92 i think now you're   sure i'm gonna play this one this is like  the s of pencil played against ali reza as   well i think it's a more stable line like  bishop b6 queen c7 oh did i just blunder g4 he misses it oh my gosh wow so bad so bad okay let's just go let's go here he had g4 and i just lose i mean  he just said g4 i just resigned   so bad i mean you can still try something but i  mean again i feel like if g4 i go e5 or takes with   g4 i get some e5 e4 so it's very sharp no i played  this line quite a few years ago was i am that i   lost to cheating i doubt it i but actually i don't  see him in i don't see him at the top so who knows he missed a free pawn yeah g4 is just winning  he just missed it okay so he does actually   do this okay interesting i guess i'll go e5  maybe g5 at some moment okay goes bishop e2   uh so if i take you on c4 i guess then d4 maybe   let me think about this let's think  okay is b4 really a threat is a question   i think it is but you know what do i really  care not really oh there's still a c4   okay goes b4 which is actually what i was hoping  he would do because now i can play a5 he goes a3   and now i'm just going to castle and just play  this i don't even know if this is really great   but i just feel like it's it i want some of the  sharp and double edged complicated nothing that's   really very dry here so now i have g5 maybe g4  f5 even let's let's just go for it i mean maybe   it's 91 no it goes bishop g3 f5 knight g5 takes  takes takes f5 is definitely a possibility but i   don't think it's good hmm i can obviously take  do i want to take yeah i think i do take okay takes i have knight g3 i can also go g4 knight  d4 is a problem so i think what i'm going to   play here i'm just going to take i'm going to go  g4 here if knight h4 i go f5 91 maybe f5 anyway again i don't feel like i'm playing great this  game either but it's still reasonably playable   because rook's very box it's  a very kind of weird position let's go here maybe just bishop f6 and work d  maybe even bishop g5 at some point   and i feel like my position should  be relatively playable let's go here definitely want to put pressure on these  pawns currently i'm down a pawn but it's a   very sharp position i can take i take and play  e4 that's no good rook d8 looks pretty obvious   i don't know maybe it's not a good move but it  looks like the only obvious move to be played here because queen c2 i have e4 i have d4 d4  looks like a very attractive move d4 d3 up e3 i'm going to do it i mean oh he's got e4  way he's got e4 whatever i don't care i have   bishop g5 i mean maybe this is still playable  but this looks very dangerous just go here if b5 i think i have rook c3 or knight a5 as  well i had rook 8 also to go rook a2 but anyway it does play b5 so obviously i go knight a5 here   really the question is if white has something  where he's better here i i just lose but if he   doesn't which i don't think he does go here a  knight c4 then he's in real trouble i think i   think he's in real trouble the more i think  about so i can obviously take obviously just i think bishop c4 knight c4 knight c4 is a  move i mean i don't know this looks right   unless i'm blundering something but i don't see  it because i have e4 d3 at least that's my idea very sharp position okay i think first of all i  have to take and then i go d2 i mean i'm hitting the rook at bishop d3 okay wait i've seen no let's check let's  go here let's take i'm going to have e3   coming here i've rook c1 i just blundered  queen e4 i should have played e3 first   he misses it he had queen takes  e4 he just missed it okay let's go   e3 here again my pawn is so advanced this is  so hard to play with no time for white i could   still blunder this but very hard for white to play  here with these past pawns that are so dangerous wow he goes f3 this must be losing  can i make a queen an e2 wait i think he gets fossiled unless i'm  crazy he's just gonna get fossilized   yeah it's just a fossil a clean fossil here yeah  it goes there but now i just go like here and   i collect the juicer and he loses so that's good  very good very good get a win very very messy game   i think it was very very very  unclear i wonder what was going on   kind of curious to actually look at this with  live analysis let me take a look at this one yeah you guys can see yeah you guys  can see it um ah so c4 was not right dc4 oh i'm so bad at chess i'm just so bad  at chess i'm so bad at chess i can just take   oh i'm so bad at travis oh my god i'm so bad  at chess i'm so bad at chess um okay this let's see what's going on um ah queen  b2 was good here okay place this   okay and d2 was right this is right yeah see  queen c5 was a mistake i also played the wrong   order because after queen c5 his queen takes e4  and he's actually winning maybe not winning but   if i play the other order with e3 and then  take take it's it's great so he doesn't get   he doesn't get his whole queen e4 shenanigans  anyway he does this then yeah then after ether   is just winning okay just winning here yeah not  very good but still it'll it'll it'll have to do yeah so we got the win that puts us  on i believe six out of seven one   more till another break so we just keep on rolling how can you play so bad when you play every day  i know tell me about it i know now you see again   you guys a lot of people okay eric hanson lost  his game he's on six out of seven thank you drz   for the three phoenix would trade with the prime  guitar with the two confirm or disconfirm for the   21 months are fantosi for the two months thank  you so much um a lot of people on six so you   see i lost the maxime yeah a lot of people on  six this actually is looking um this is looking   very very very tricky here let's watch this game  because he's on six out of six mechanic um this is   winning for black or should be  let's turn on the evaluation again now white's winning queen b8 rook b7 whoa this  was minus nine and now it's plus 25 million   oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my wow uh what a way to turn that from  winning to to not winning basically   wow pretty epic pretty epic stuff all  right um okay what else do we have okay so we have um okay yeah a bunch of games still going call the  ambulance but not for me yeah exactly okay   let's watch kostenyuk she was playing  against igor kovalenko yeah just a draw what okay there's going to be a draw  as well so yeah we keep moving ahead okay so a handful of games still going pretty  good okay one person on seven but already a lot   of people have drawn games so it's okay yeah  chad i saw that earlier i don't know what the   situation is in florida but yeah i did hear  about that uh that happened in sunrise which   is where i mean where i lived for the last  like seven years so pretty pretty bad stuff   um but i don't know what's going on specifically anyway yeah let's keep going okay round  seven this should be a favorable pairing   i've never heard of this guy though  red red mccarran so let's keep rolling are you still holding yes i am um let's  go here uh actually let's do i want to   get gamblicious i don't really feel i'm  not feeling the gamble in me right now so   i'm gonna play just traditional kind of uh  i think d3 is right with knight f3 bishop c5 let's go here we go knight a4 i think this  is actually just a very classical four nights   okay i'm gonna go here there's castles maybe actually i don't know why i don't  know why i even do this this is insane go back and i guess i go back or something  i don't know what i'm doing this game   okay let's just go back i mean you can play a6 but then i get knight d5 okay so he does d6 so i get my  knight a4 eventually 20 years later   so i guess i'm kind of happy with my  position i'm not thrilled but it's playable yeah this is a very slow vienna system  i played this person in april okay   april april's like nine months ago no i think  two fbi agents were killed actually like yeah   it's not it's not it's not a joke at all um  i think i go wait i go here and hit the knife   knight before i just eat the juicer wait wait  a second b5 there should be three c4 i take is this wait i don't bel i i mean if this  is bad this is bad i just don't believe him   maybe i'm insane but i just i don't believe him  this can't this can't work for black go here knight f3 maybe even f4 okay goose c4 but i mean again well first of all  i can take i thought i could take and play f4   why not let's just go for it because he goes  rookie 8 but i have f4 to hold the knight i   think he missed that i have f4 important move  to hold this he does exist but then takes it's here okay it takes a night i bishop e3  here i can also take but i can even just castle   just castle i think i'm okay here i guess  we'll find out very soon though i guess i'll i don't even know if this  is right so no premiums let's just keep thinking because b4 strange move um i have bishop  e3 c5 is always a move here bishop a4 is   actually also a very logical move here actually  what a yeah let's just do it just tickle tickle   the rook and then i'm gonna tickle the horse or  the pony i should say i'm gonna tickle the pony   or go knight six he's definitely misplayed  this though this can't be good for black he's definitely blundered so i should be much  better here also his his ponies ponies look   really good if you if you can make a bastion but  if you can't make a bastion then the ponies can   get kicked away very easily all right expect  that by take and yeah but this can't be right   this literally can't be right because  the problem is i can just basically trade doesn't have enough time okay i can take i can  also do this if i take he gets kind of weird   how do i do this hmm gambit a juicer yeah let's just gamble the juicer  i'm just going to gamble a juicer and go bishop b3   it should be good what's he have  one two three four five six one   two three five six seven so it's  a clean exchange here that i'm up what is a bastion a bastion is when you uh  get a bastion you need to watch more twitch   um okay i just go here if he takes  i just take again i want to open up   this diagonal so my bishop doesn't end  up in bad shape if it takes i just take a bastion is an xc term as usual can how  do we get a stream work as far as pony   and juicer i don't know uh i thought  i could take a queenie two i can even   just go queenie two right away i'm let's  see i'm just gonna go queen e2 right away okay this gambit has not  worked i can play e6 to really   make the point i'm just gonna make the  point and push this juicer up the board   if you get a pawn to the end of the board it's the  upgrade machine and it becomes an uh better piece   t

2021-02-16 20:27

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