The business of thriving! My own personal 10 keys and a taste of 500k: A 6 month adventure. Sn4 Ep31

The business of thriving! My own personal 10 keys and a taste of 500k: A 6 month adventure. Sn4 Ep31

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hello hello hello hello welcome to the crystal  crawford show i'm your host i am crystal if i   ever show up and say that my name isn't crystal um  don't be worried it's just another day in the life   but welcome welcome to this week's episode  i call this one the business of thrival we are launching i am launching and inviting  the world to a six-month adventure called 500k   plus a six-month adventure and that's because  we got very clever with the titling um but i so that catalyzed this conversation that  catalyzed me looking at what this is for me   and i think that is one of my favorite things  about business is that it constantly gets you to   start to look at what is this for me you know as  you're creating you're you're always going to be   asking yourself what's true for you so anyway so  there's 20 of course 2 800 different ways that i   could go with this today and if you haven't yet  checked out my other video that i did on this   i did my own personal five keys to creating a  500k plus business and i don't want to do this as   a reiteration of that so please go check that out  because that was an epic little list that was like   hey you got to invite yourself to the party you  gotta know that you always have another choice   you gotta you're gonna have to choose to have  money you're gonna have to choose to get clear   with money you're gonna get you're gonna have to  look at where you're functioning from with money   over and over and over and over again and i have  to read this because i wrote these all down and   you have to look at what success really is for you  and you have to get clear on what you're creating   so check that other video out because that  was when i really looked at what created my   business thought was really what it was but today  i want to really go into my personal 10 keys for   for thriving with business because i don't know  if i've always thrived with business i uh i don't   know what your business story is but i i've kind  of been in and out of being in business for myself   for a really long time i owned a pizzeria  for three years i was a landscape designer   for a couple years on my own and then i worked  for other people and then in and out of that i   was a waitress where and as a waitress you're yes  you're working for somebody but you kind of have   your own business and i figured that out right  away so i've always been in that position of   creating whatever it is i'm doing in a  way that's really going to work for me   or putting myself as the slave to the thing and  discovering that that really doesn't work for me   so i've kind of been in and out of all of that and  when i started this access consciousness business   that you see now i had no idea what i was  doing and i definitely didn't have a plan   and if you're a humanoid you are not going  to have a plan either that's not how you   function and you don't you really can't follow  a business plan it doesn't contribute to you   so those of us that are like us in the world  we just start and a lot of us start because we   would either choose or die which is what i did  it was like either choose to start to create   or die those are my two choices i literally  got myself down to so little money that   that that was what my choice was so so i started  to create and from there started growing all the   things that you get to participate in now so  my weekly show got started probably a year or   two after i started creating etc so that was  a that was a big journey but one of the inside   what are the one of the journeys that's been a  thing from the beginning has been discovering how to create in a way that really works for me  and the thing that i recognized as i was really   looking at this and pulling it apart for myself  that i've done that has made my business so   easy for me and continues to allow it to grow is  i've really functioned from the 10 keys to total   freedom now the 10 keys to total freedom is a  book it's a teleseries um it's involved it's   life-changing so instead of just like parroting  those back to you i actually went into the 10 keys   today and i looked at how do i use this because  for me and and maybe for you too like there's no   separation between my life and my business like i  created my business so that i could live the way   that i want and i create business because  it is a part of life and living for me so   there's no separation it's not like i'm off to  do business now and then i'm off to do my life   it's like it's all included it's one  big bundle and that's how i like it   and if you're doing any separation between  living in business you may want to look at that   because i have had periods of time in my  business where i was more doing business than   i was being in business and it's during those  periods of time where it has been the hardest   thing to do now i'm aggressive and i just go  anyway so i didn't really notice that i was   doing force because that was sort of my normal  at the time but as time has gone on and i've   chosen more ease and i've been choosing to be more  gentle with myself you know those sort of natural   coping tendencies of forcing myself into doing  stuff has have has slowly slowly gone away so   i've i've had to of necessity discover other ways  of moving things forward rather than force and out   of that whole process and out of adding entities  to my life and like starting to include all beings   has come this very very natural way of moving  things forward that very very very much is it is   articulated by the 10 keys to total  freedom so i'm going to go through   each one of these today and put it in a  way that you could actually write down   and put on a piece of paper in front of you and  use it in your life and in your business to get   you unstuck from anything to stimulate  any creative edge that you possibly need   and to empower you to have the life and living  that would be really really fun for you okay   so key number one is would an infinite being  truly choose this so here's how i use this i usually only need to ask myself would an  infinite being truly choose this if i'm if i know   that i'm choosing something that is not really  working or it's heavy or it's not moving or   whatever or i'm judging myself or i'm doing any  of the things that aren't like total ease joy and   glory that's when i need to ask myself would an  infinite being truly choose this normally there's   another way to use this but i'll tell you that in  a minute so so the way i phrase this this is what   you could write down if you want to and put on  your wall is am i an infinite am i infinite or   am i finite here so no matter what place you get  to in your business you need to always look at am   i infinite or am i finite because if you're  finite that means you have limited choices   you're you're too many two menus should i  stay or should i go should i say or should   i go is this right or is this wrong that's what  finite being's functioning from function from   infinite beings function from everything all  energies total choice no form no structure no   significance they would just choose if i were  being an infinite being i would just choose   i was having a session this morning  actually with one of my entrepreneurs and   she's actually the whole time she's been working  with me she's been doing some business but really   hasn't done a lot of like putting stuff  out in the world for people to pay her for   and so anyway she's changing that because now  she wants to take a bunch of access classes   and so requires money to do it and so today's  session was mostly about like different ways   or ideas that she could package her coaching and  generate this money and create change in the world   um why was i asking oh the reason i brought that  up is because when she and you might find yourself   in this when she would go to look at pricing like  the packages for these things immediately she went   into linearity right like she started trying to  figure out what people would pay for what they   wouldn't pay for what was right what was wrong  and that's what we got to look at in the session   was what would it be like to just choose what's  fun and to embody it and to invite people to that   so that's what comes out of am i infinite or in my  finite i'm infinite okay cool and what that does   for me and what it could do for you is it returns  me to choice actually all of these keys return me   to choice because anytime you're stuck you have  trapped yourself in some sort of concept or made   up [ __ ] in this reality that is telling you you  have no choice and it's not true you always have   choice so one of the ways you can return yourself  to choice is am i am i infinite or finite here   and the second part of that is if i were being  infinite what would i choose okay so key number   one two total freedom total ease joy and glory  total business of thrival okay because guess   what i mean i just keep looking at this list i'm  talking about it guess what makes you not thrive   it's when you make when you go to conclusion  and when you decide you have to do things when   you decide you should do things every time you get  yourself into one of those corners and business is   so easy to do with that that's when you stop  thriving because at that point you're trying to   figure out what's the right thing to do there is  no right thing so am i infinite or finite infinite   okay what would an infinite being do here if i  were being an infinite being what would i choose   key number two it's all just an interesting point  of view people it's all just an interesting point   of view everything is just an interesting point  of view that webinar that training that person's   take on what it takes to build a business that  the way that facilitator builds their business   the way you think you should build your business  all of that is just an interesting point of view   and the way you use this tool when you're reading  the 10 keys as you do interesting point of view i   have this point of view for every single thought  feeling emotion or point of view in your world   for at least three days for three years but  this is such a key to building business because   how many [ __ ] points of view are there about  how to build a business and how where are you a little bit or a lot so it's all just an  interesting point of view here's how i use this   so what can i be aware of here because  i'm always i am in the constant creation   of the forward movement of my business  and if you have a business you are too   you're the source right so what can i be aware  of here what did i write down what can i choose   that will work i ask that all the time what  will work here what will generate more money   and what would be fun and change the world  it's all just an interesting point of view   there's no right way there's no wrong way there's  no formula that's actually going to give you the   right answer you might as well destroy and  uncreate your niche because that's made up   too there is only what you can choose next and the  choices that you have available to you that nobody   else has available to them and that's what you  have to get access to in the creation of business   so everything is just an interesting point of  view what can i be aware of what can i choose next   so thing number three is you have a new  choice in every 10 seconds now i think   honestly this is probably the key that i  use the most probably interesting point of   view liv is the question and this one here i  have a new choice in every 10 seconds because i was really really good and still have quite  a strength at judging myself right i don't know   about you maybe i'm the only one so you know  and when you are in the creation of anything   you in the beginning especially you have more  misses than hits right like when anybody's   starting out anything i was watching a documentary  on taylor swift and i think by the time she was 14   she'd written 150 songs and then finally one  got to radio or something i'm simplifying but   but i've heard like some all the people  that truly like really succeed in a big way   like really have blistering success have all spent  either years and years and years on the road or   hundreds and thousands of songs written or  you know a million different reaching up for   the hoop and missing right like all the big  time people have missed more than they've hit   so when you're great at judging yourself and you  miss more than you hit especially in the beginning   it's easy to use that to quit or stop or go back  into trying to figure out what you did wrong   this key right here is look i have a  new choice in every 10 seconds what now   what now what now what now always keeps me looking  at what's next i can't tell you how many classes   i've created that nobody's showed up to not as  much now but a lot over the last four years like   oh this is a good idea i'll throw this up nothing  crickets this is a good idea i'll throw this up   one person this is a good idea i'll throw this  up three people and and then you could go back   in and you could try to figure all that out and  you could go into the y or you could just go all   right well how does it get any better than that i  have a new choice in every 10 seconds so what now   and the other thing i always look at with any  of the things that i've decided are failures   which i don't do anymore i don't look at failure  it's not a thing that's made up did you know that   that's a made-up thing yeah i look at now what  did that create that i'm not acknowledging because   now that i've been doing this for like five years  i've noticed trends like the thing that i thought   was going to create that thing didn't create that  thing but it did create that thing over there and   it definitely generated this energy over here and  then that energy generated these people and then   these people came over here and then they right  like it always generates something first of all   and second of all it generated energy in my  world and third of all and fourth of all and sic   there's always something to acknowledge there  it's just that you have to continually in the   creation of something like this get yourself off  the hook of this should have done this other thing   okay that's the hook that we use to kill ourselves  so all these keys get you off the hook into okay   well what's next all right i've got so many more  to go and i only have 16 minutes i'm kidding six   more key number four is live is the question so  here's how i use this all the time every day like   really probably 24 hours a day i am constantly  looking at what question can i be here not even   what question can i ask because there's asking  or doing stuff and then there's being things   so like we we've been going through a lot  of change in this house andres is upping   his use of the access tools we're doing two  30-day challenges both of us there's a lot   of change happening we're running clearing loops  at night lots is changing and when a lot changes   it gets intense right it can get intense  so it was pretty intense over the weekend   and i kept doing this thing and the same can be  true of your business your life your business   same thing i kept being like what question can  i be here that would create something different   just what question can i be here the thing about  questions is if you're not really if you haven't   strengthened yet your ability to do questions you  have to get a couple of things they are not for   getting an answer questions are not for getting an  answer they are to open up space and they are to   invite the universe to contribute awareness now  awareness always comes with a sense of knowing answers always give you they make you seem to make  you feel better because then you think you've got   the right thing but then that never turns  out to be the right thing and then you use   that to judge yourself so an answer is  the conclusion that you can't get beyond   but awareness and that sense of knowing is  something you can create from an as forever   so this key right here liv as the question is  huge and like so if you do come play in the   500k six month adventure course one of the things  i'm including as a bonus is this pdf that i put   together called morning money and this is a pdf  that andreas used to generate 24 000 into his bank   account overnight because he was he was struggling  struggling struggling with this job and you can go   listen to last week's episode about that story  but and it finally came to me and he's like do you   have any tools i can use and i'm like do i have  any tools so i compiled like my best set of money   tools and made him a pdf that was two pages well  this morning money sheet is that and so i was like   saying that oh so every morning he did diligently  and so do i use this list of tools and questions   why because it totally changes the energy you  go into the day being something different and   so something different is going to come out of  you so what question can i be here what uh what   else did i write done what can i start what can  i change and what can i stop those are really the   three questions to function from in your whole day  as you're building your business what can i start   what can i change and what can i stop what can i  start what can i change what can i stop what can   i start what can i change and what can i stop  gary talks about that as the cycle of actions   and that's it there's three parts to it so if  you're constantly being those questions what can   i start what can i change what can i stop you're  never gonna be bored nothing's ever gonna go dead   you're gonna get yourself off of that start stop  roller coaster things are gonna grow key number   five no form no structure no significance man  this is a huge one too i always say like i use   this key the most but then i look at them  all and i'm like no i use them all the most   no form no structure no significance this is  so big i can't tell you how many times this   comes up in business conversations with people  and me and programs and business stuff with me   because the first thing we seem to go to to try to  get definition is we try to get definition as if   when we get definition that's going to empower  us to create but what it does is it actually   disempowers it it makes you feel better for a  minute because you think you have the right answer   but it doesn't actually empower you feeling  good and being empowered are two different   things i just want to point that out  that's pretty important to get about   business just because you feel good doesn't  mean that it's empowering it just means you   feel like now you've got it in a nice little  box and somehow you think that's going to   actually get you what you need but that's not  how it works the universe is this incredibly it's a mesh of quantum entanglements it's like  the fascia of your skin the fascia underneath   your skin the fascia in your body is the largest  organ in your body it goes all throughout it's   completely interconnected all throughout  your body and when one section of fascia   cramps then it affects everything else   that's how the universe is it's like fascia  there is no linear point from point a to point b   there is only that the neck bones connected to  the big toe bones connected to the point of view   connect is connected to the belief is connected  to the question right like that's how it works so   it's about what we try to do with business  is we do the distractor implanted business   business is a distractor implant it puts  your attention on something you can't handle   and everybody's doing it so it's very popular to  do it that way right it's very popular to take   all those webinars and courses into how to how to  do this this is the formula for this that they're   so seductive because you want something that  works and you want to do the right thing   there's no right thing so as a creator who  really wants to to choose from being knowing   perceiving and receiving you've got to choose  something different and you're going to constantly   be inviting yourself out of form and structure  and significance out of control why because   that's where you thrive you don't thrive with  a lot of control i don't know if you've met you   you thrive in out of control out of definition  out of linearity out of concentricity out of all   the limitation out of definition that's where you  thrive and business is included in that but you'll   have to develop that for yourself so one great way  to do that with this key is if i wasn't doing form   structure or significance here what could i start  change or stop what could i choose if i wasn't   doing form structure or significance here what  could i start change or stop what could i choose   okay key number six is no judgment  no discrimination no discernment now   i'm maybe you're starting to see that business  as a distractor implant is all judgment   deciding defining clarifying that's a trap  word that's the trap of clarity um man   those probably those three things those are  all judgments and those are just the tip but   like how many of you guys go into those to  try to figure out what to do next or choose   what you're going to do next right so and then  there's the judgment we do of ourselves and then   there's the judgment we do of other people  because we compare ourselves to other people   and then there's the judgment that we do of our  family and our dog and our feet it's intense   it's intense so your business is going to be  a facilitator of you to choose beyond judgment   over and over and over again and to choose beyond  where you stop yourself because of judgment over   and over and over again because there's also that  pool of people that are like well i can't be seen   i can't be visible judgment judgment judgment  so key number six to total freedom total thrival   is if i wasn't judging what would i be aware  of and what could i choose if i wasn't judging   what would i be aware of and what could i choose  paste that on your wall okay key number seven is   what is key number seven oh key number seven is  no competition now on the surface of this key that   seems pretty obvious it's like don't compete with  other people right that's dumb don't do it you're   unique you're a gift okay but here's the subtler  more insidious more pervasive face of competition   trying to get it right every everywhere you're  trying to get it right you're doing competition   everywhere you don't want to be wrong you're doing  competition now that's fine consciousness includes   you but that is not a recipe for thrival that's  a recipe to continually judge yourself nonstop   24 7 in an effort to get it right so that you  win so that you don't lose so that you benefit now that is just another box you've done jumped  from this box over here your the box your mom   tried to put you and you jumped out of that box  and you jumped into this box that you created for   yourself in order to still be right so all the  keys invite you out of being right into choice   so here's how i use this let me read what i wrote  yeah am i trying to be right here am i trying to   be better because if you're trying to be better  you've already decided that you did it wrong-ish   am i trying to be best or whatever i've decided  greater is i see a lot of even facilitators doing   this well what's the greater choice and so i  take it out of that and go okay [ __ ] greater   what choices do i have here that i haven't  considered because greater is another judgment   right so you're still trying to do the greater  thing the more conscious thing the writer thing   the winningest thing that's all competition so am  i trying to be right or better or best or whatever   i've decided greater is if i wasn't and i was just  being me what could i choose do you notice how   when you really do start to ask that question  based on that key like it goes into space   now in the beginning of all this business  stuff that i was doing i i think i avoided   space i don't know it was weird i was doing this  conflictual universe where i was taking so many   access classes i've taken so many access classes  and in the first four years i took over a hundred   big access classes a lot and i was facilitating  constantly so there's a lot of change going on and   access consciousness classes invite you into being  space into being more into being you so but but i   think when i got into business i would do this  other thing i would like i was afraid of space   i didn't want to actually choose total space with  business because i decided a bunch of things like   people were gonna go away they would not be  able to see my stuff etc and then last year   thank god for covid i'm so grateful i went  into a big pile of conclusions but out of   that pile of conclusions came the awareness  of i was trying to make sense in this reality   and do access i don't know i was doing  a combination of things and i just   in that moment when i really realized it gave  it up and there was a it was a scarcity moment   because i really did have the point of view  that if i just really functioned from being   and i just invited and invited and invited and i  let go of the form and structure and significance   that everybody else told me was going to build  my business and that was the way to do it and   i let go of all that i was going to lose my  business and up to that moment i hadn't been   willing but i don't know what happened last year  everything else was going changing so i was like   well we're jumping tracks too wheat me and i  really chose i really chose like i am going to   find out what building a business is from being  and knowing and perceiving and receiving from   space not from conclusions not from form and  structure not from somebody's formula but from   choosing and being knowing and perceiving so i i  committed to that and everything's been so much   sweeter and that's why i call this the business  of thrival because i committed to the keys   i committed to if it wasn't working ask another  question make another choice like if it was heavy   get aware don't just power through and force  it because you've decided something like   you know i committed and thrival is following  all right we got three more keys and three more   minutes let's see what we can do here and i'm  going to put pop this up for you because if you'd   like to come play with us you can okay so key  number eight is no drugs of any kind and i see   people skip over this key in the book because  unless they do drugs and then they have lots   of questions about it but you know for the most  part people skip over this because not anyway i   skipped over it because i'm like i don't do drugs  but what i discovered is that i was addicted to   linearity and i was definitely addicted to  judgment um and like addicted to it like it   was my go-to like when things didn't work the way  that i thought they should i would judge myself   if you know i was always looking for kind of the  next pathway that was going to work better than   what i was choosing i was just addicted  to that stuff so here's how i use this   am i addicted to something here like i look for  that especially when i'm spinning you're spinning   you can't figure out if you're if you're doing  anything figure outing if you're doing any figure   outing you're doing something weird just so you  know so when something's spinning when i'm doing   figuring out my addicted to something here what  would it take to be willing to be out of control   because every time i'm going into that you  know the infinity loop of thinking or the   infinity loop of figuring out i'm doing control  i'm trying to figure out the right answer and   i do so little of this right now that it's  it's like remembering back last year even   but what would it take to be willing to  be out of control is a great question   key number nine is don't listen to don't  tell it and don't buy the freaking story   don't listen to it don't tell it and don't  buy it okay man man man man this is probably   this key probably becomes more relevant  around money when you're in business right   it's like around pricing your services  around choosing package prices around   man so we have so many stories about why we  can't you know why we can't charge that much   why we can't put things out there why we can't do  pack like there's so much there's so many stories   so the key to changing it is to catch yourself  that's it you just have to catch yourself when   you're doing a story and if it's around  money one of the best questions is like if money wasn't an object if money wasn't a  thing what would i choose okay but in general   if i didn't have a story about this what would  i choose like if you're going into pricing your   packages and your sessions and all that stuff if  you didn't have a story about it if you weren't   even who you were yesterday which by the way  you're not if you had no past what would you   choose and that gets you back into the choosing  pool and into space and into possibility again   and then key number 10 is so powerful and i  know we're going to go over but that's fine   i had a key number 10 is no exclusion now the  thing and the person that we exclude almost always   is ourselves and i was working with a another  in one of my other programs earlier in the year   with one of these ladies who recently like  just changed her whole life she took my   class in mexico city and then just changed her  whole life she got divorced after 25 years she's   in her own house she became a facilitator she  started her own facilitation business and she's   now a single mom so she's got a lot on the go  and a lot of change um so we would you know   we'd have our private sessions and but then the  stuff that would norm really come up a lot was   you know i have so much to do and i just like how  do i get it all done and i know it's not a how   but what do i do and what we discovered is that  the thing that she was excluding in her life and   in her business was her and so i gave her this  question and it was this if i was including me   in the creation of all of this what would i  choose and man i can't tell you how powerful   a key for thrival that is if i was including me  what would i choose if you were including you in   the way your business gets generated if you were  including you in the way that you live if you were   including you in the clothes that you were i mean  you can just extrapolate this all over the map if   you were including you what would you choose  what else did i write and what works for yeah   if i was including me and what works for me  and i was trusting me what could i choose   because i realized that's the other component of  this inclusion piece is you have to be willing to   start cultivating trusting you you do know you  do you can perceive you can learn how to and   choose to receive and you are a gift none of that  requires you to believe it all of it just requires   you to begin going i wonder what it would take to  know that you know i wonder what it would take to   be more of this in the world if i were being this  in the world what would change about what i'm   creating what would change about my business and  what else is possible that i haven't considered so yeah those are so powerful if you use  them your life and your business will change   and and i guess the last thing that i'll wrap  up with is like you know a 500k plus business is   not i'm gonna say it's not created overnight but  i that means whatever it means what i mean by that   is it's a choice you make to commit to having  the success that you know somewhere in your   world must be possible for you and then it's  the walking out and the daily adventure of   living in discovering how it comes out of  you you don't have a niche you have a voice and your voice will naturally bring naturally   bring the people that need it you  won't have to try they'll find you so what would it take for your voice to  be in the in the mix what would it take   to jump off the fence and really get in the ring  and start slugging it out with choice right just   start choosing and choosing and choosing and  discovering that thrill that comes the endorphin   rush that comes from experiencing the change that  people can have in their lives because you chose   to get in the ring because you made your voice  heard and what would it really take to like   explore what business is from being and knowing  and perceiving and receiving what would it take   to be willing to have that that's where i'm going  that's where we're all going to go you're warmly   invited to join us um that link there will take  you to a landing page and you can check it all out   and if not and this was just the gift that you  needed right now awesome please share it with   some friends that you know it would gift too  too and otherwise i will see you guys next week

2021-04-08 10:37

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