The Business Of The Channel Has A NEW Direction ️ UPDATE ️

The Business Of The Channel Has A NEW Direction ️ UPDATE ️

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cheers this video is going to be  a little bit different because   i need a beer i've just made a decision and it  feels good and i'll explain everything as we go   but i've made a decision that's going to cost  this youtube channel thousands of dollars   potential money in the future um and uh look the  whole video today the whole day's filming has been   all over the place today there will be no intro  this video is mainly about the business side of   the youtube channel and very little about where i  am and i'm really sorry about that because today i   genuinely went out and i'll show you bits  and pieces i went out today and filmed an   entire video or attempted to here in canon it is  a beautiful local thai village thai tourist thai   resort town here on the beautiful stretch of  beach in kanong in nakhon si tamarat province   koh samui's in the distance there's people  playing volleyball and enjoying the beach   behind me um but today i got sidetracked i got  sidetracked um in a bad way let me explain so i have 25 000 subscribers and we're getting about  20 000 views a video okay that's amazing thank you   so much for watching my videos and because of  that i've been getting emails from brands from   companies that want to do product placement paid  sponsorships that kind of thing and i knew that   day would come as the channel grows because i have  been part of another youtube channel called the   budgeteers me and my best friends we spent four  years part-time making a travel channel and as   that grew we started getting brands approached to  us and we always said yes because it was a a pet   project of ours and the money that we got from the  the brands and the products that we were promoting   enabled the content the content would never  have happened if we didn't get that kind   of money because we had to quit our jobs we  had to leave our place of work for six seven   weeks nine weeks at a time to go make videos so we  justified working with brands because it enabled   it enabled the content however we're in a position  right now where the content that we're making on   this channel and that you're watching and enjoying  and i'm loving making is making money it's making   money um i've shared on this channel a few times  uh you know i took you for thai food and we talked   about my aspirations for the channel then i shared  with you how much money the youtube channel made   in its first month of existence and it was like  minus 300 but now we're making profit um and so   i i got distracted look let me just explain right  so the first the first part of the video that i   filmed this morning i brought my macbook with me  because i want to look at the edit i was editing   this at lunch like i always take you know two  three hour break during the day and i was editing   the beginning and during the course of this day  and during the course of going back and forth with   two companies in emails and and and talking about  what was happening to you guys it allowed as i   was talking aloud to you about them and about the  opportunities i went from agreeing and justifying   to now being completely against the whole thing  you know when you say something out loud and it   makes business sense but it doesn't feel good in  your heart it's kind of basically what happened   today so let me explain so at the beginning  of the video i'm in canaan right and i've got   my motorbike and i'm talking about today we're  going to explore kanom and it's all great but   then um things go a bit weird but not at the  beginning at the beginning i want to show you   this part because this part is genuine i i  actually went home i went to chiang mai um   i had to do some business and at the beginning of  the video i wanted to show you and share with you   parts of that journey so let me let me keep this  bit in let me show you what i filmed this morning   okay um i'm back um and when i say i'm back what  i'm actually mean is i'm back um what i didn't   show you uh the last video i was in kopangyang  and uh after that i actually went home i went   back home for about five days four days five days  not back to england but back home to chiang mai   um i knew i had to go back in june at some point  and uh but it came around a little bit earlier   than i thought so i just decided to fly up to  chiang mai i parked at my bike at suritani airport   when i went inside all of the flights  were cancelled thankfully mine wasn't   and then i flew to bangkok i switched  planes i got on another plane it was packed   absolutely packed and then i got to  chiang mai and when you come through   the airport it's fine there's basically  no restrictions to go to go anywhere   on a train on a plane or on a bus i actually  cut quite a bit of that out because it went on   for seven minutes of me talking about my trip to  chiang mai um then i went for breakfast and had a   full english breakfast at frankie's cafe one of  you guys recommended frankie's cafe thank you i   had a lovely breakfast i had a lovely flat white  and i talked about it and then i went for a bike   ride and uh i tried to oh i found this really  cool road let me show you this part because   i do want to show you a little bit of cannon  because this is my kanam video believe it or not   um i found this incredible up and down road uh  just take a look at the footage it was incredible i haven't driven a road like this oh down steep and up this road is hot this road  is weird why is it so up and down i've never driven a road like this before have you oh god okay all right i actually feel like  i'm gonna throw up oh my god we're pulling some serious g-force on the honda right and then um i did some other bits and pieces  but then i went and i parked the bike in this   like field that had these like native american um  painted style sticks sticking out the ground there   were just coconut trees that were dyed but they  painted them and it made it look like that native   american you know what i'm talking about right  it kind of looked like that and i was discussing   the paid partnership the paid sponsorship  transition i was i was trying to justify   the fact that i was going to work with some  brands and some and sell some products 26   of you think it's a good thing you see you think  it's good you think it's good for the channel it's   good for the brand uh sixty percent of you say  they are annoying but i get why you do them and 14   say that it ruins the video so that's really  important information i kind of had enough data   for me to gauge from you guys the audience because  let's face it the channel is doing well because   i'm making good videos but that you're watching  and you're enjoying so it's working hand in hand   um so i decided that with your blessing i was  going to work with some of these brands there   were brands and products that i actually use um  and i would be happy to promote okay um if you're   one of the people who said like it ruins it for  me i get it i get it i get it but just kind of   feel where i'm coming from try to listen to what  i'm saying and i'll stick to the agreement of   if more opportunities come through we'll limit  them so it's not in every video it's very seldom   and it's only something that's good does  that sound okay so at that point of the   video i'd convinced myself that i was gonna  with your blessing yes some people would   you know not like it but most of you had an  idea that it was a good thing um or that it   was a little bit annoying but you understood  and then oh and then i went to this beach   and everything went wrong okay everywhere  everything went wrong that could have gone wrong   i tried to fly my drone and it was acting weird  and it was bouncing around and it i just felt   like i was going to crash my drone in the sea so  i didn't get a good drone shot um then i drove   over there and the beach was really really kind  of like underwhelming the weather was bad there   was trash on the beach i forgot my sd card in my  camera so i just walked around vlogging with my   gopro with no external audio and it was a complete  and utter shambles and the reason why it was a   shambles was because my mind was on these email  conversations i was having with two companies   and they were asking for a lot they were asking  for like entire videos creatively interwoven with   what i do but talking about what they make  and trying to sell it they didn't just want   you know a mention uh they wanted quite a lot and  they were offering good money they were offering   good money now i'm not gonna say how much money  it was or anything like that because you know   i think that's against the rules it's not  good etiquette i'm not going to say the name   of the company or what they were offering but in  return for money they kind of wanted a lot and   i was trying to push back and say no no i'm happy  to talk about your products because i use them   i'm happy to sell those products to my audience  because i recommend them but let me do it the way   i want to do it let me do it for a minute  um and we'll go from there and they were   we just didn't really well we were having emails  today and i just felt bad like they were asking a   lot for me and i was caving i was saying okay yeah  far enough yeah my channel is new yes i don't have   a hundred thousand subscribers okay maybe you're  right yes okay that maybe we'll just work this out   and then and then and then i was  driving along the road and um   i kind of came to a realization right this is  how i imagine youtube this is how i imagine this   this this channel right there is two sides to  it there's the and two sides to me involved in   this channel as the person who creates the content  and makes the content edits films does it i'm the   one man band okay so everything is on me so on the  left hand side i i see this as an artistic venture   i see this as a creative platform for me to upload  fun educational entertaining videos and i use my   artistic flair in my video editing my silliness my  my personality comes through and i i consider that   because it's you know entertainment and you  enjoy it i consider it to be an art form um   i genuinely i i see it as an artistic venture and  so i feel like i'm an artist and you know youtube   is the canvas thailand is the paint and i'm the  artist painting it all together for you to enjoy   on the other side i quit my job teaching to  make a youtube channel so that in the future   it would start making money because  of google ads and things like that   and we are we're making money we quickly  grew and we are growing every day   because i feel like my artistic side is just going  wild three videos a week and i can say what i want   within reason and do anything and have fun climb  mountains kayak around and have no interruptions   other than ads coming into youtube if you don't  have youtube premium um you'll see ads however the business side of me knows that i should  sell products in my videos for money for good   money it will improve the financial business  side of the channel but as the business side   grows the artistic side slowly   dies in equal measure every minute you sell  a product a bit of the artistic originality   soul is eaten away in my opinion i feel that  because i'm really like i see it as an art form   i also see it as a business i'm really conflicted  can you imagine if like you know somebody like   beyonce was you know singing about coca-cola for  one minute during one of her songs on her album   she'd get paid a lot of money for it but also  everybody would probably think she was a sellout   and she'd lose fans but she'd also make  a lot of money and uh obviously i'm not   beyonce and obviously i'm not getting a  deal with coke for billions of dollars   but that's how it just felt it just didn't feel  right so i ended up responding back to this   this lady today again i won't tell you what  company whatever but i wrote back and i said   and this is like five emails and i'd already  confirmed that i was gonna work with her   um and i've just written to the other company  that was asking for way too much um that i'm   not interested but i just wrote back to her and i  said hi i'm really sorry i've actually just talked   myself out of doing this i just don't think while  my channel is still so new and so authentic that i   should be selling products or companies within my  content i might do in the future but just for now   i don't feel it's right i hope you understand  and she's she said i absolutely understand   don't worry now i just want to also say i know  this video is a bit different um i want to say   how i justified saying no apart from  the fact that it doesn't feel right   the amount of money that we're making from  ads on my videos versus the amount of money   that these brands were offering me  i actually just like looked at it   according to my analytics if i want to make the  same amount of money that they were offering me i would just have to make two good videos like  pro videos that perform well if i get a video   that gets 30 40 000 views if i get two of those  that's how much money they were offering me okay   so i've just come to this to the eye to the  uh to the what's the word i'm looking for   conclusion that if i want to make this  amount of money that they're offering   me all i have to do is work harder on the  channel i just have to make two more videos   so that's what i'm gonna do i am going to turn  down every single paid opportunity that comes my   way for the for for the for the foreseeable future  i don't really understand why i would change my   mind unless it was like a stupid amount of money  for a company that i literally use every day   and they were really lacks about what  they wanted they were like yeah just   here's a billion dollars and  talk about us for five seconds   that's never going to happen so in order to  counteract that i'm going to work harder i'm   going to make four videos a week instead of  three for the next few weeks maybe months   i'm gonna upload monday no no wednesday  friday saturday and sunday four times a week   it might be wednesday friday sunday monday  or it might be wednesday friday saturday   sunday you might get three in a row on the  weekend because if i work harder i can make   more money and then i can not have to you know  sell something to you guys i can just make more   videos for you guys that you enjoy to watch and  i enjoy to make i think it's a win-win situation   i get to just be real and talk about what  i want whenever i want about what i want   within reason obviously you can't say anything  bad about anyone or incite hate or anything   like that because that's obviously the rules of  youtube what i'm talking about is i just get to   make more videos i get to go more provinces well  not more provinces but i get to just not take a   few days off a week take one day off a week and  just work hard when i went home to chiang mai   apart from getting a haircut new shoes and fixing  some things in business uh like personal stuff   um i also had a realization that i just need  to work a little bit harder um three videos a   week might seem like a lot but i know i can do  five but i also don't want to overwork myself   and then i was conflicted with the whole should i  do this shall i do that and so i've just decided   today during the course of  this adventure around canon that i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna  sell anything on this channel for money   i'm just gonna make more  videos and have more adventures i i hope you appreciate that i know some of you are probably like  oh paddy just it's a minute long   who cares get the money talk about the product  and and go laugh all your way to the bank but i think it's different now the artistic side of me beat up the business side  of me today on the bike let me know what you think   was it a good decision is that  stupid decision do you care   you probably clicked off this video 12 minutes  ago when i said that it wasn't about thailand just look behind me look this is  kanam look there's kanam come to kanam   um tomorrow we drive to nakhon si tamarat the day  after we're gonna go camping in the mountains of   nakhon si tamara then i'm going to drive up to  trampon then we're going to do ranong and then   we're going to leave phuket phuket's going  to come later because it's too restricted   right now then we're going to go up up up up i'm  going to work harder i'm going to drink less beer   get early nights wear sunscreen be more  responsible when it comes to my gear   because i'm just i'm treeing it like like oh  wait is that even plugged in i hope you could   have i hope you could have heard me my my mic  thing wasn't even plugged in the hallway that   would have been really typical i'm gonna watch  this footage back now and i bet it's rubbish i think it's a good thing thanks for watching thanks for understanding  and i'm going to do a live stream on sunday   tomorrow this video is going to come out on  saturday so come join the live stream uh about   seven or eight pm thailand time  tomorrow q a hang out have a beer   and talk about anything all right  cringy finish of a video as usual canon

2021-06-12 15:19

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