The Best Investments for 2021 and Beyond with Ryan Smith I Solomon Investor

The Best Investments for 2021 and Beyond with Ryan Smith I Solomon Investor

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now the truth is when you invest in this asset class with the right structure over the coming decades you'll transition from having wealth of a peasant to wealth of a king from being a traitor on the trade route to truly owning the trade routes and from hoping you have enough to have an abundance where you can truly help others so the four things we wanted is we wanted cash flow you know reoccurring income we wanted capital appreciation i wanted to put in a you know a dollar of mine and you know over time hope it was two and three and four you know i wanted as much as possible to be off that roller coaster ride um as i possibly could so we we basically took every asset class and real estate we could think of and ran an analysis did the two best were mobile home parks and storage by our determination at that time the economy the salaries the uh employment is all in a very sick situation where our country is going um it's changing the system's getting rid of the middle class together you'll end up with a poor class in a rich class and that's your choice [Music] hey this is the solomon investor show i'm your host blake templeton and this is where we focus on the wealth strategy of the world's wisest man king solomon and then i translate it for the 21st century investor covering everything you need to know from wealth to faith to excellence now in this episode we'll be discussing the best investments for 2021 and you'll learn how to take full control of your financial future like a boss now the truth is when you invest in this asset class with the right structure over the coming decades you'll transition from having wealth of a peasant to wealth of a king from being a traitor on the trade route to truly owning the trade route and from hoping you have enough to have an abundance where you can truly help others if you like what you're hearing take action right now and like this video hit the like button like right now hit the like button turn that thumb blue and then hit the red icon to subscribe to this channel at last hit the bell icon the top right hand corner and that will help notify you every single time a new video comes out now i have a special guest with me a good friend and we're gonna unpack together two of the undeniably best investments for 2021 ryan smith is a co-manager of multiple investment funds totaling over 700 million dollars in assets under management which he specializes in mobile home parks and representing more than 20 000 units located in 25 different states now a fun fact about ryan he was drafted as a senior in high school by the baltimore orioles and again in college by the anaheim angels pretty cool so when we talk about excellence i can assure you and testify that he performs everything at his greatest god-given abilities however what i love most about ryan's story and why him and i are so aligned and have a strong alliance is that he's a kingdom businessman and he truly loves jesus and this is the foundation that leads his investment allocations as you guys know that's staying about us at boron capital and that's what a solomon investor is it's about being god directed taking control of your investments and then creating absolute exponential wealth ryan welcome to the show hey thanks for having me good to be with you yeah absolutely so i shared a little bit about your history um briefly um share a little bit more maybe some nuances some color of you know what got you into the platform of real estate you're in yeah i know it's a good question um you know i would say you know we both my wife and i come from blue collar backgrounds and it didn't come from much of anything and you know my i credit a lot to my dad he's just a hard-working guy and you know started roofing houses in high school to make a buck or two and came to the realization for himself and he imbued this into me but uh his realization was the person who made the most money was the one who owned the roof not the person standing on the roof and he was that great point yeah and so he jumped off the roof probably literally and went down and so my dad growing up we we you know we grew up in the in a real estate household every weekend we were scraping and digging and trenching and you know and basically touching all the things he didn't want to you know it was our role as kids and i have a there's a photo of me floating around somewhere um when i was six months old in a crib on a roof um oh wow i have not heard that story yeah that my dad was working and and for our family so you know i grew up with the concept of real estate being a tool that could be used to generate income and wealth um and that could be done with you know fairly little amounts of capital and was a huge opportunity to um to kind of take one's financial future in their own hands i saw my dad do it live it out do a good job and then as a basically as a teenager i found ways to add value to my dad's business my dad was eight my dad is add adhd great guy i love him very talented um but analytics is not his forte um i started coding as a as a young person and so i challenged at a software company i had started and i would write software for anybody and everybody so if i ever as a teenager went to your business if i thought you should have software um in some way that can improve your workflow i would go home write the software put it on a disk come into your business and hand it to you free of charge i just loved writing software so one summer i challenged myself to um code an application that helped my dad sit down at a computer and financially model his own investments and then this was yeah i love my dad i love to code it was also somewhat self-serving and that i feared that if i didn't give him that tool i would always be his tool [Laughter] i had dreams and visions beyond the basement so um so i i built this application for him it worked he was thrilled i ended up um that application ended up turning into a company with about 140 000 people like my dad globally using my software as a teenager which was surreal um and so anyway really to skip for time and you know what not um you know went to college had a chance to play professional baseball um loved the love sports but coming out of college had capital um had this tool had knowledge of real estate as being an a great path for creating wealth and my wife and i that's that was kind of the the baseline and and that kind of propelled us into looking into it and taking our first steps which we did love that um i love that rundown um it's so important to realize that um the view that you had of investments maybe came from uh what we might call even like virgin experience because most people as you know as you know our investors and your investors what ends up happening is they get started in their 20s throwing money into a 401 or ira and they're just told as a peasant where to put that money and unfortunately that money just goes into a big a big bathtub of indexes or something in the market which now we're very clear in the last couple of years that those stocks aren't tied to the actual companies i mean when kobe can take something out and the companies were still doing really well or vice versa and so but most people they're they're stuck in that peasant world and they almost get that addiction to the ups and downs and you know they have that language built in like stay in for the long haul if it's on the down and then if it's on the top it's like you know it's gonna get higher stay up or on if it goes down again it's like hey don't pull out because you don't lose until you pull out and all that weird language it's truly a cult if you if you really want to it's a ponzi scheme if you if you really look at how it is and all of our solomon investors know that we've we talked about it a lot but to to on that point most people don't see self storage or mobile home parks which we would both agree are two of the asset classes that are the absolute best asset classes in 2021 and for you for those of you who have even a hint of curiosity you gotta say to the end to understand why and why everything's transforming um because they're really hard asset classes to get into but they're not sexy for most people um so share with us um what are the benefits and you know why sell storage why mobile home parks sure so i and i'll and i'll make it personal you know to to kind of you know my wife's my wife and i story and kind of where we just ended because it kind of your your question kind of taylor's right you know dovetails right from there so you know we at this point coming out of college we had capital you know fortunately because of the software company we had a you know you never have enough capital you feel that we had plenty at that time to get started um and so we started you know we initially started in single-family residential we bought about 25 single-family houses long-term rental was the model you know have the tenants pay off the mortgage and we ultimately found it wasn't that scalable um and there's a whole discussion on that but long story short we thought there could be a better path and so you know at that point in time what we wanted for ourselves we didn't you know we weren't managing capital it was just we were building our our capital at the point and investing for ourselves so the four things we wanted is we wanted cash flow you know reoccurring income we wanted capital appreciation i wanted to put in a you know a dollar of mine and you know over time hope it was two and three and four you know um it grew tax benefits um and then we wanted this concept of non-correlation or low correlation um also known as low beta low volatility a lot of ways to say the same thing and kind of what you're referencing as the market does whatever it may do over time um and it'll likely continue to do this over time you know i wanted as much as possible to be off that roller coaster ride um as as i possibly could so you know the two asset classes so our process was it seemed pragmatic to me is we we basically took every asset class in real estate we could think of and ran an analysis um based on really those four factors and our thought was we would throw the analyses on on a table um and let the let the analytics do get out you know and we'll pursue on a merit-based process the ones that were the best the most compelling and the two the two best were mobile home parks and storage by our determination at that time and it's it's funny that now almost 17 years later the two things i'm still doing are multiple home parks and self-storage and i feel the most conviction around and interestingly over that 17-year period the two best performing asset classes for 17 years you know not nevertheless present and then also what is expected to continue to be for the purpose of growing net operating income for income growth um is is mobile home parks and self storage so anyway that's that's kind of you know that's that's that was our process and one of the things that i'll say real quick on the mobile home park side that may be um i don't know maybe worth mentioning one of the things that was hiding in plain sight to me was the perception of a moat so emote is you know and then this may be a familiar topic or not but a moat is something that protects our capital while we sleep you know that's you know i work hard for them you know the money that i've i've made as do our clients and you know and protecting it is important you know and so having a moat is is is a valuable feature so there's a thousand different kind of modes there's switching modes there's first mover advantage modes there's technology modes patent modes there's all kinds of modes but what i saw in the mobile home park space was simply put i thought demand would continue to grow for affordable housing and it has um but supply is constrained by a stigma so it's an inefficient market there's a lot of demand for the product but you can't supply it and the reason you can't supply it is nobody nobody and their mother wants a mobile home park built near them we're all fine with the concept of it yeah it's nice you're providing nice houses for families at an affordable rate terrific so then you go to that person say okay we've identified the lot next to where you live and now you've gone too far you know because it's right that's right conflict is great as long as it's not near them and so the short the short story is um there's about 55 000 mobile home parks in any given year there's about 10 built nationally and there's about 150 torn down so you have demand that's growing you have supply that is constrained and shrinking which is a moat and the moat is the stigma the fact that mobile home parks are needed everywhere they're not allowed anywhere because generally they're hated everywhere so um i thought the the negative stigma would actually protect my capital by keeping competitors out and that's what's happened here's some really important uh important pieces i'm gonna just kind of chew on for a minute so guys what he's saying is a solomon investor you know one as i've talked about he's got directed so just like we're talking about being you've got to be the god directed who's one managing your portfolio he's going to be god directed because we're directing your investments into your into the allocations of where would you would actually have a mode where you actually have control so as a solomon investor we talked about being god directed having control we talked about it being literally like king solomon had control of a city called megiddo where everyone who came through he made a fee as they passed through and he controlled the entire world because he controlled that trade route so in these two asset classes he has some great points about cash flow it creates massive cash flow because you're able to leverage being a part of a much bigger fund that we have and then um the appreciation the value of these products these are not your junky rundown trailer that you know you see all the drug activity like that's that's a whole different class of you know a slum stuff that we're not talking about this is your upscale highly efficient um great strong properties that truly become this legacy property that continues to put out that cash flow then they've raised an appreciation they talked about taxes so most people don't ever ever think about actually making you know making money on the back side of the taxes it's just about i don't want to lose money here you know i want to try to make money here so the advantage he's talking about is the taxes when you actually are making more money you're going to be making more money here than you would anywhere else i.e the stock market this is sustainable it's producing cash flow produces appreciation versus the tax advantage and this is what we call that legacy investment we can cover many other points but um this is why it's the best investment that's why as a solomon investor this is where we think and how we process so now ryan many of our solomon investors um you know they get it they've we've talked about you know having control and the tangible side of you know your investments and not being a peasant on the trader out letting someone else be your broker actually coming into alignment where you can actually have control in investments and and allow um the actual tenants to come through and pay you and so many of you to discover the treasure of investing in mobile home parks and self-storage and and get what they're finding obviously you and i know is that it's so competitive why because it is absolutely a treasure and you just mentioned it you haven't known the head is supply and demand they're tearing down more than their building city code doesn't even allow in most cities and so you create this demand for this housing for a strong population of individuals and as we see where our country's going we're losing that middle class so you've got a rich class and poor class and unfortunately this is what everyone is going to be needing so that the demand is going to continue to increase but so competitive you know they're begging blake open a new fund get get me open an opportunity because i don't even see a way to get in like it's like getting into a jump rope it's like i don't even see a way to get into an opportunity and so i'm sure a little bit more on you know tease out a little bit you know why is it so attractive now you know why why moving now and then in the coming years will they you know can can investors reap the fruit of their labor yeah so you know we're all you know there's there's past there's future there's present and really the only thing the only question is what are we going to do in the present you know so we can look back and you know mobile home parks and storage have been really good to us and have performed quite well but you can look at all the data points you know and and and verify that independently but um you know in the present the question of what can they be doing what can i be doing for myself you know there's a lot of there's a lot of seeming options in the market and ways you can go you know we think mobile home parks and storage continue to have a significant merit and in the present we think it will continue to be you know you know really good spaces to invest in for many years we don't see any impediments to the progress of both i i don't see supply on the mobile home park side coming online you know doubling in size you know from 50 000 to 100 000 i don't see that i also don't see the demand going down and and i say that um you know that there's a tension in that statement meaning that doesn't make me happy you know i it really doesn't but you know the fact of the matter is i just think to your point disintermediation technology disintermediates the middleman i think you know there's a thousand ways to say the same thing the middle class is getting squeezed and there's more and more people needing affordable housing and mobile home parks interestingly enough are probably the best solution for affordable housing out there and in that it's an opportunity for people to own their own home to actually have home ownership without having to own the land because the land is the most expensive part of the equation so it actually takes the cost of the land out while giving them home ownership and and so anyway point being is when you really look at it um storage and mobile home parks we think there's a lot of opportunity um you know still present today that can be taken on taken advantage of over the coming years um interest rates are low you know there's there's just a lot of opportunity um so yeah we're pretty pleased with the way the market's shaping up with what we're seeing with what we think we can achieve um you know there's been no impairment to our to our outlook and enthusiasm for sure that's so good and complimenting what you've said and we you know i've talked about this quite a bit in the past is you know where our country is going um it's changing and for those of you who don't know who are new to the channel i mean you've got to actually really sit as a king over your investments and look at what's happening in the market i mean as a country we're going closer and closer to a socialist and a communist market and you can't ride the system you can't be in their system because it's continually being manipulated so the realization is you've got to actually take ownership of your own investments you've got to be inside real estate where you actually can have control over something and you've got to do that in a vehicle that actually runs turnkey for you where you're not the one actually doing it so before we continue i want to remind you guys that uh ryan and i will be actually doing a a in a further in-depth presentation over the next couple weeks on self storage and mobile home parks and how you can actually invest in them so if that interests you you need to join the salomon investor revolution by texting support your cell phone and text the word solomon to thirty one nine nine six again text solomon the 31 996 that'll put you in the group that gets our messages and you'll be able to be on that presentation where we actually talk about how you can invest with us um we have a strong listenership ryan of people who want to build an empire you know they're like man forget the rich quick you know the get rich quick scheme like i don't want it i don't need it i actually see the i see the wisdom in building an empire i see how i need more money tomorrow than i'll need today and so let's talk about well strategy uh why why build a wealth strategy why is that so important in you know in our current future yeah so i you know wealth you know wealth is important um it can be whether you want to keep it or give it you know there's there's a lot of different kingdom-minded pathways that that could take right but wealth is is an important component it's it's important number one to know you can't earn yourself rich through income it's it's the the way the tax regime is structured it's nearly impossible to earn yourself rich and and so you know real estate can play a role in helping one create wealth um you know the fundamental and i can go through that if you would like as an example in a minute of kind of the fundamental basis for that statement like how is wealth actually created you know but you know one of the benefits of wealth is it's tax efficient because really the only two ways wealth is taxed is if you die um or if you sell you know those are really the two currently it's the two ways your tax so you know our our goal is to buy assets make them worth more add value to them over time and then access the wealth and return it to investors through refi proceeds refinance proceeds because under the current tax regime you don't pay tax on borrowings so you're not taxed you know if you if you put money on if you put a purchase on your credit card you don't pay tax on that if you borrow money to buy a house you don't pay tax on that because borrowed money is not taxed so you can create wealth and access the wealth and realize the benefits of the wealth without paying you know in that way capital gains tax on on the wealth so um we think wealth creation is incredibly important for what it can do for again whether you know you have consum consumptive goals or giving goals or whatever your you know one's goals might be i have my own um but anyway wealth is important and then you know with regards to you know kind of how we view wealth we believe owning real estate for the long haul is is the best um is the best path for a number of reasons one markets you know do what markets do over time and you know you know i think everybody on this podcast if you've been you know if you've been on earth for more than 30 years you know that things generally don't go in straight lines so generally over the longer run real estate real estate has done quite well for a very long time and we expect it to continue but i'll i'll give you a quick story that that kind of um evidence is what i'm trying to say um from the from the mouth of ben stein so then a friend of ours um you know we known many many years and he uh years ago took jamie my wife out to uh for bert for her birthday in los angeles and i believe this is when he told us the story but in short we were talking about owning real estate and ben stein's actually a big real estate investor um his i think is at the time his largest holdings i think were in storage ironically yeah very interesting so he's a prolific investor big in storage and very smart guy but he was telling the story of he owned a house i think it was in beverly hills he bought it for i think off recollection he bought it for like 200 000 and one day you know somebody came up and offered him um 900 000 for that house and he's like heck yes i'm going to sell you know in his and you know i i won't say his words but it was my recollection was something like yeah i'm gonna sell this is the biggest idiot i've ever met you know or or you know somebody's offering me eight nine hundred thousand dollars for this house that i bought for two hundred thousand sell sell in the words of jim cramer you know and then he he you know his comment then turned but it turned out i was the i was the bigger fool for selling he's like that house now would be worth around eight million dollars so you know at that point in time you know something in that ballpark so he just said you know his comment to me was the um the least amount you'll really make in the long run in real estate is if you sell at any point in time that's the that's the lowest the lowest sum you stand to make over the long run so the point is he wishes he still had that house and he regretted selling it okay so ryan just shared with you one of our greatest secrets of building wealth and some of you got it but some of you didn't so let's just break it down really quick so the picture of what he's saying is is most people have a definition that wealth means how much money you actually have in your account and so you want to put the money in your account in big chunks so it's like get as much in your accounts but then if you get it in your accounts how you're getting in your account is you're giving up the actual tangible real estate and that's how you're making the chunk so then you're having to pay taxes and for most of us that's almost 50 percent in taxes so then you cut your wealth in half but it's even worse than that now you don't have the thing anymore you don't have the thing that produces the wealth so if you're in the stock market you don't actually have a tangible so you're already at a massive deficit but then when you sell because you think you're going to make big now you pay massive in in fees and taxes and then now you have a teeny bit but you don't have anything you never had anything to work with in the first place so now you're entering self storage and mobile home products you're entering literally like a tax haven for a good chunk of the income and we're never selling but we're able to refinance so we which we'll talk about in just a second are able to actually pay less taxes hold the wealth because you still own the asset the the actual value of what what the empire is going to be built on and that allows you to create what's real sustainable well so that leads us ryan into my last question which most who actually find the investment opportunity they come down the funnel and like i am one of the elites who found self storage in mobile home parks i've actually been in one of these before we did amazing we did amazing which means we found a value-add property we turned it into something amazing i was a you know a passive investor and then we sold it and we made big money and so the majority have the wrong structure and they're losing 90 percent of their actual wealth opportunity so why ryan like why why are most doing it wrong why are they flipping the property whether it's mobile mobile home products self-storage multi-family why are they flipping it versus holding for a long time a long-term asset and pulling you know legacy little treasures out of it as they go yeah no it's a good question and it's um i can give you um kind of a brief story that lesson i learned along the way um but it really comes down to trust basically and it's you know you you know without saying necessarily right or wrong i mean it you know some people that's what they want to do and they may learn you know we all look back 10 years ago and we man i wish i would have known right i wish i would have known but if i could tell myself then i wouldn't listen it's so true so it's it's you know to somebody who wants to buy fix and sell buy fix and sell you know i would i would try to offer them a competing and maybe to me a more compelling way but at the end of the day if you know maybe a 10-year future self of theirs um we'll realize that um you know through through actual execution but but for me you know to me said simply i have a lot of family from texas and so you know kind of a saying in texas you don't ship you don't shoot your milk cow you know so in in terms of you know real estate you know our model what we seek to do is we want to buy good assets and good markets that we could see ourselves holding for a very long time and these are markets like you know class a properties in austin and denver and the washington dc metro and parts of florida and yeah i can you know cities you know that you know you could see yourself owning 10 20 30 years from now um and it's properties that let's say 20 years in the future people will look at you and say man you're so lucky if i only i had those properties and you know and the problem is maybe they had properties of similar type they sold and they no longer have them or they didn't take action or whatever it was but the point being is we want to buy quality assets in those markets manage them really efficiently add value to them incrementally over time and then the goal is to refinance them and return capital to investors as quickly as we can so let's say let's say that that happens you know five years after purchasing the asset you know it could be sooner it could be later let's just say just to talk about a date let's say it's five you know five years well then you know after five years you have all your cash out potentially and that in this example right you have your cash out so then you know you're six you're seven year eight you're still owning the property stolen the property stolen the milk cow so the point is you now own an asset in a good location you have no cash invested no risk on that cash you have an unlimited return on your present capital balance because you have no capital invested anymore so from year six through ten the you know that's really good position to be in because you you have good good income you know all of that so so the point the point is we then want to continue to refinance the asset as the asset goes up in value we want to take little chunks out put it back into our account because then that way we can reinvest that capital that that original capital we can then deploy into another asset you know and keep it going so that gives us the ability to compound our capital which is a whole other you know concept but um but we really like the model and i mean when we started years ago the personal story that's that's short is when we started you know a lot of our friends and family who initially you know we we built our portfolio jamie and i did for a number of years um in 2008 to 10 our portfolio was doing really well and we had a lot of people who when we told them we were going into the mobile home park business they i think you know covertly expected us not to do so hot right i had i had an aunt i think um she had commented to me she goes well if at least if you don't succeed you'll have a place to live you know so we that was the support we didn't have any support so we just did it but ironically in 2008 to 10 a lot of our friends and family weren't doing that great you know in terms of their portfolios and we didn't tell anybody but they we weren't as miserable as they thought we might be so they started um coming to us and saying listen how do i participate with you and so you know in the challenge we had we're 29 and 27 and so we put together a fund and we're 29 27 great recession saying hey we're gonna go buy mobile home parks you know that's a pretty hairy ask you know to be candid they expressed incredible trust in us they uh we raised two million dollars for our first fund which was you know at that point in time in our life and it still is that's a significant amount of money but one of the questions they asked is when are you gonna get when are we gonna get our money back right and so we said okay well we shoot for five to seven years plus or minus and in short as we started approaching those dates you know where we were going to start selling those assets a lot of the investors you know through conversation said you know i know i wanted my money back in five to seven years but i trust you now it's so true right i don't want it because the problem is you know that the milk cow goes away you get your money to your point you have to pay tax on it and now you have to go find a new asset which has a implication of new risk you take a new risk on whether or not that asset performs like the old one um and so it was it was funny so when we you know really started after doing this for a number of years and and kind of going through the process our our investors were in a position where um they started saying you know what we really don't want our money back in that way you know we wish you keep the assets much longer and so we we pivoted to that strategy around 2015 or so and uh and they were like you know we had a couple of them comment you know it's about time you figured it out you know it's we think it's the better way to go it's so funny though because you know that was similar to our story and so i mean you know disclosure guys we were on the same boat we were the one flipping the the big property too but um what would happen when i was do it when we come to us you know before we're ready to sell everyone's like when's the sale when does it sell are we gonna hit our deadline you know like you know and then when you actually sell and you're like look at the returns they're so amazing they're like oh no because clearly now it finally clicks to them like i've got to be taxed on that and now they're scrambling can i do a 1031 how can i not pay taxes and so it's the irony in the psychology is so funny so you know and that's why guys it's the writing is on the wall you got to make more money you got to get out of the poverty mindset you can't be on the poor side you got to actually make more money so therefore you're you're you're it's a you're good probably the problem is a good problem there's a bad problem the previous problem was not having any money and not having enough money now the problem is how do i steward financially and not pay as many taxes how do i use the actual rules in the irs system that are there for the wise how do i do that and pay less taxes so the writings on the wall you got to make more money as you're moving into the future a few decades ray dalio the one who owns the largest hedge fund in the world says hey it's a dead decade in the market in the stock market in the bond market and that's all he's in so it's like it's a dead market it's a dead decade it's dead we're done so the writings on the wall you got to do something you got to step up from a peasant to a king you got to actually take ownership you've got to be in something that allows you to prosper you got to build more wealth you got to have a tax advantage in that actual structure and just for the my intellectuals let's just go to our our logical corner as them as everything becomes worse i mean our the the gdp of our country has been flat for since 2005. i mean all the stimulus has literally it's like a morphine pump just keeping the stock market going but it's not keeping the economy going i mean we're or flat two percent you know appreciation and that's it you need way more than that to have anything thriving what that means is is as we both said you're you're getting rid of the middle class so the system the system is getting rid of the middle class together you'll end up with a poor class in a rich class and that's your choice and when you when you step into a thinking like a king walking in king solomon's wisdom then you realize okay the people who are in big houses will start selling to go to smaller houses because they can't afford it smaller houses the smaller houses that can afford it smaller houses smaller then people have to move into mobile home parks it becomes the actual benefit it becomes the most valuable asset in the funnel and then for self storage when people are actually when there's a season of abundance uh guess what people have extra so they go store it when there's a lean season which is the next couple decades lean season coming my friends well guess what people's store and we could tell stories on how people will store five or six hundred dollars worth of something spending fifty dollars a month to store it and store it for six or seven years and it's not even worth what they stored but they want to go store so in this season these two classes are that are are you know supple they're they're full they're they're thriving in the middle of a chaos driven society where the economy the salaries the um the uh employment is all in a very sick situation so listen as you guys know and uh of course we've talked about this so much but we can't cover everything in one single episode you you need more wisdom on what we're talking about so this information interests you if self storage and mobile home parks interest you then join the salomon investor revolution i do in-depth trainings from time to time in our private group who get exclusive access to all those trainings and again ryan and i directly we'll be doing a further in-depth presentation in the next couple weeks on how you can actually invest in store self storage and mobile home parks with us so if that interests you again pull out your cell phone and text solomon to 31996 again text solomon to 31996 and we'd love to see you on that webinar man it's been a privilege ryan uh we'll have to do it again soon look forward to doing that webinar together and uh any last word you want to share no no i think um i think this is good information and you know i i hope um those who watch it find it useful and are able to you know benefit from it so thanks for tuning in and thanks for hosting me very good well again we appreciate your time my friend um i've always enjoyed building the the brotherhood with you and again guys look forward to seeing you on that webinar as we go into more depth and nuances on self storage and mobile home parks how you make money how you get to invest how you get to be a king how you get to have control how you get to gain cash flow appreciation how you get to have the tax advantages and all the details in between so look forward to it guys stay tuned again text solomon to 31 996. be blessed we'll talk to you

guys again soon you

2021-02-05 23:17

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