The 7 Streams of Income that Grow My Business | Ways You Can Boss Up in 2022

The 7 Streams of Income that Grow My Business | Ways You Can Boss Up in 2022

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i'm going to talk about some things that you've never even thought of but that you 100 percent can absolutely achieve [Music] [Music] hey there my loves welcome back to cptv i'm cp of course and you are in the place for aspiring and growing entrepreneurs who want to turn their passions into businesses and their businesses into freedom if that sounds good to you then go ahead and subscribe because you have found a home because every single tuesday i am giving you the training on the step-by-step business processes that you can implement immediately into your entrepreneurial journey in life so that you can get to that level of freedom that you so deserve and desire so you heard me go ahead hit that subscribe button and click that bell so that you don't miss any of it and of course if you like this then show me smash that like button and say what up cp in the comments below so i can say hey right back so they say that the average millionaire has at least seven streams of income at least y'all and i would agree with that statement what did you just say i said at least seven streams and i bet billionaires have closer to 20. so let me ask you how many streams do you have are you close to seven yet or better yet if you're new to this whole entrepreneurial thing how many streams do you want how many streams have you planned to have in your business so that you can get to that millionaire status well today i'm going to share with you my seven streams what they are and how they work and maybe it'll give you some good ideas that you can use to add to your income portfolio in 2022 to get you that much closer to cross over into that millionaire status this is such a good one y'all cause y'all know i don't like to talk about my money i never have and never will i know it's one of my money blocks it's just how i was raised okay but anyway i have heard you loud and clear i've received the questions and today i am hoping to be a little transparent but mostly give you some inspiration because i'm going to talk about some things that you've never even thought of but that you 100 percent can absolutely achieve so let's get to work stream number one consulting now this is where my entrepreneurial journey began consulting in essence has always been for me the selling of intellectual property so if you have a skill or something that you're really good at and you can offer assistance and advice and recommendations to others you very well could be a consultant consulting is really more of a done for you type of service and when i say done for you i mean typically when you're a consultant you're not only making recommendations and analyzing what someone's needs are but you're actually going out there and helping them get it done so you're implementing you're doing the work for them now consulting is really for us one of our higher ticket profits and services we really do charge a pretty penny especially if i'm going to do the work for you but it's an amazing stream and in the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey it was a side hustle i always did consulting work on the side i mean if you've got a skill you've got some intellectual property you can sell it um but eventually as i took hold of my entrepreneurial dreams and really dove in 100 full-time consulting has always been at the basis of my business now when i talk about consulting in my future it's really something that i want to limit um because consulting does require that you have hands-on work with a client and that oftentimes leads you to location restrictions unless you're one of those consultants that just comes out analyzes things tells people what their problems are and then just kind of goes away i've never really been that type of a consultant i will go in tell you what your problems are figure out your challenges make recommendations on how to fix it and then i like to get my hands dirty roll up my sleeves and actually help you get it done but for us consulting i would say is a huge piece of our business's income stream and right now i primarily do consulting work on the hr side and in the hr brand and that really does bring me to stream number two which is coaching now stream number two for me has been something that i've really recently started doing although i really didn't define it or charge for it in the past so i guess i've been doing it for a while coaching is a little bit different and i really really love it because i feel like it's more empowering for the person that i'm working with as a consultant i do the work for you but as a coach i do the work with you i help you learn how to get the work done so in essence i'm empowering you to be able to move forward in your life doing the work yourself now in our coaching stream of income it really has taken hold and become one of my favorite things number one because it doesn't limit me from a location perspective i can do all of my coaching virtually and i really do love who i do coaching with so one-on-one coaching for me is with startup entrepreneurs or with entrepreneurs who are scaling and really want to understand the processes that they need in their business to streamline things become way more efficient and kind of get their business to the next level coaching for us is also a higher ticket item it's not as high on the income ladder or on the revenue ladder as consulting because that's like the highest the most expensive thing that i offer but the coaching kind of is a couple steps down it's a little bit more affordable but because you get that one-on-one contact with me and we work hand in hand on growing setting up creating and putting your business out there together it is a more expensive service that we provide but it's an amazing stream and i know that coaching will be something that i will always always always do one of the things that i love about it even if i get to a point where i limit the number of coaching clients even further than i already do because i really only work with a handful of coaches on an annual a whole a handful of coaches on an annual basis even if i get to a point where i limit that even more i will always love and be passionate about working with people one on one it is my favorite i get so much feedback so much intelligence so much research accomplished with what my audience needs and who my students are and so from that feedback and from working with them and really from helping them kind of raise and create and grow their babies their businesses it just really helps me feel like i'm walking in my purpose and i enjoy it more than consulting um but it's still something that i would say is going to be an ever-present income stream so if you have the ability to coach someone to work with someone hand in hand on helping them accomplish a goal and you don't have to be a business coach you can be a life coach you can be a spiritual coach you can be a organizational coach there are so many different types of coaches out there i think the biggest difference between stream number one and stream number two is how much i charge for it and how much you can charge for it but also that impact that you have because i feel like the one-on-one coaching is a lot more empowering and ultimately i get to really work hand in hand one-on-one with folks and help them figure out and grow their love income stream number three public speaking now about a year ago i actually did a day in the life of a she boss video and i'm gonna go ahead and link to that right here because in that video i talked about my journey in my career of public speaking public speaking has been something that i have done my entire life i absolutely love it i love getting up in front of a group of folks and talking and teaching and inspiring and motivating the energy that you get from those types of experiences have always driven me and for a long time because it was something that i've done for so long and then something that i really consider myself to be really good at it felt almost unnatural to ask for money for it but let me tell you that changed and in that video i talk about that transition from going from non-paid public speaking and just kind of doing it more as a marketing effort and as a branding effort into offering it as a complete service now i charge for speaking and over the years the prices for me to do various things like keynotes panel moderation um even now you know virtual sessions workshops all of those things the prices have been able to grow so i would say on the ladder of income in my business we've got consulting we've got coaching and then we've got public speaking um and that is something that i love to do um and now i definitely love it because it drives a ton of revenue into my business so if you want to be a public speaker or if you thought about it and are just terrified about becoming a public speaker and i get it so many people have a phobia of getting up in front of a group of people and talking it's actually one of the number one phobias that exist more people hate public speaking they they're afraid of actually dying yeah that is a real true fact so if you've ever thought about adding public speaking to your income stream you have a passion for it it is definitely something that i would tell you to go for if you think you want to do it and you're just uncomfortable take a look in your area and join a toastmasters group start to practice start to do things like make some videos and put them online to kind of get yourself uncomfortable it's a it's the same but a little different because when you are doing videos there isn't like this huge audience of people with eyeballs staring at you but public speaking is so worth it there is huge demand out there for public speakers and it can be an amazing income stream for you not just by getting paid to do the speaking but also the audience and the content that you're delivering will definitely drive more consulting clients and coaching clients into your business so if you're looking for a great way to add to that income public speaking should definitely be on that list income stream number four digital products and training now i've been talking about that income ladder and i want to make sure that i talk about it a little bit more in this because for a long time in my business i wanted to make sure that i was balancing the services and the products that we were providing and making sure that every stair step in my business meaning price wise had something there digital products and trainings i would say falls right underneath the step for speaking it is one of my most affordable services and it's really one of my newer income streams just over the last 18 months to two years have i really been building out our digital products and training library and this really becomes affordable because for instance my startup academy which is a membership portal for entrepreneurs who want to start their business who want someone to take them by the hand and walk them through all of the steps it's completely online it's completely on your own time and you have access to constantly refreshed content videos trainings that i give you in addition to some great monthly things like i do monthly live coaching group sessions in our private facebook group i also add content to it every single month and if you do it at the right time you also get some bonuses like being able to text me and ask me questions as you begin to build the infrastructure of your business that startup academy is one of the most affordable pieces of my income stream puzzle and the reason is because i love the idea of being able to reach a wider audience because it's more affordable especially for entrepreneurs who are just starting out and still have that impact without having to have that hands-on one-on-one interaction which makes consulting and coaching a little bit more expensive so with digital products and trainings i can tell y'all that's my future y'all that is really what i want to set up in order to get to that lifestyle freedom and goal that i have because i know i've mentioned it to y'all before right my youngest is 12. he'll be graduating from high school in about five to six years and when he does i want to be able to jump on an airplane and experience life love travel food wine activities golf everywhere in the world and if i am providing services through digital means i will be able to do that so digital products is amazing if you've got something to teach if you've got something that is a tool that you can sell think about it that way it can be a completely automated sales process a completely automated service process and ultimately this is where that regular i'm got passive income you know sometimes i wake up in the morning y'all and i've made sales that i didn't even need to talk to somebody about that is where the digital products and digital trainings and digital things that you can provide in an online business atmosphere will really come in handy so take a moment and think about what you can sell online if it can be digital or even if it can be product based telling you that's something that you should really really take action and put in place very very soon because that income stream that's my future y'all and it can be yours too income stream number five brand deals and sponsorships okay so this is something that i am totally new to but i do receive the requests and it's an interesting dynamic because i've never really thought of myself as someone who a brand would want to give money to or to give goods and items to in order to represent them but as we continue to grow here on youtube and on other social media platforms and as our brand continues to grow i get those requests and in the beginning i was really apprehensive about taking advantage of them because i thought is this going to be in line with my brand is this going to come in contact and really meet the needs of my audience and i still take all of those things into consideration but it's fun to actually receive stuff that you would normally use from brands and from sponsorships especially if they view you as someone who can influence others to take advantage of their products so brand deals and sponsorships is something that will come to you as you continue to grow your brand especially if it's on social media and it doesn't require a whole lot of work outside of what you're already doing you still got to create that content you still got to put it out there you still got to grow your brand for your regular business it's kind of like icing on the cake and a cherry on top um and i see it really becoming a standard staple part of my business into the future i do recommend if you are considering wanting to grow a brand so that you can secure brand deals and sponsorships of money and or stuff i mean clothes makeup you know all that stuff that you see the celebrities getting for free that's like a brand deal y'all and those things will come to you but be very strategic about who you agree to work with make sure that that income stream isn't interrupting your other income streams it isn't impacting them negatively it isn't going to put a certain perception and undo all of the work that you've done to create the brand that you have but they are nice it is an income stream and if it's something that you want to go after i would say do your research and go for it boo because mo money mo money mo money more money income stream number six affiliate marketing now this is something that was brand new to me it kind of falls in line with brand deals and sponsorships and affiliate marketing is something that i am shocked at how easy it is and how much money it can ultimately bring in affiliate marketing basically means that if i am teaching or talking or training any of my students and i recommend a service or a system or a piece of technology or a product that i actually use in my business and that's key i only recommend ones that i've used so that i can make sure that they are good um that they bring value and that my audience and my students can actually use them but if i'm recommending for instance microsoft 365 i will actually become an affiliate of theirs meaning i get my own special link and sometimes discounts to promote that product and it's really simple if one of my students clicks on my link they don't it doesn't cost them anything different but i make a little bit of commission off of it it is truly truly truly passive um but as it continues to flow in and the money continues to grow i see it as being something that i really really love now i do get contacted by different systems or tools or brands and asked if i want to be an affiliate and so i do go through a lot of vetting in that process i have someone on my team who researches all of those things and then i ultimately say before i'm going to become an affiliate before i'm going to recommend your product or service i want to use your system i want to make sure that it's applicable and i want to make sure that my students and that my audience is going to use it and get really good value from it but once all of those things click and come into play it's just as simple as putting a link down in the bottom of your comments or in your social media or on your website that if someone takes your recommendation to heart and they click on it doesn't cost them anything more but you'll actually make a commission so when you are in affiliate marketing it is truly passive income but you kind of become the sales team of those organizations and using a little bit of your influence and your brand to make it happen for them but also for your students and ultimately for your business and income stream number seven now is youtube yes you heard me youtube i make money every single month from youtube from cptv when i first started cptv almost two years ago that was not my goal at all but as i began to dive more into maximizing this amazing platform i realized that there are millionaires out there who are youtubers and that is all they do that is their income you can make a pretty substantial income from just having a popular monetized well-received growing youtube channel it is definitely an amazing income stream because once you become monetized on youtube and you hit the certain criteria that you have to meet and some of you out there may or may not know what it is but once you hit a thousand subscribers um and it's 4 000 watch hours within a certain time frame your channel becomes monetized and that means that google who owns youtube begins to put ads on your um videos and when people click on those ads you get paid you literally get paid from people clicking on those ads now in the beginning i used to hear that and i used to think to myself okay that's great but it's not that big a deal y'all i am shocked every single month at how much money we actually make even being a smaller channel off of youtube ads um and it doesn't take anything extra than what i already do i get to bring you guys information provide you with tips and tools really help grow entrepreneurs and their skills and in their dreams and all of a sudden i get paid from youtube it comes every single month you can track all the money and as your channel continues to grow your income continues to grow it is 100 passive and i love it because doing this cptv doing all these videos it is work it is not something that you can take lightly but you are in essence being paid for that work i think it is brilliant for anybody out there who has a knack for video um for social yeah how much you make depends upon your topic it depends upon your channel it depends upon you know your click through your it's a i think it's cpm or rpm and you know all that kind of good stuff but when you someone clicks you get paid if you guys want me to talk a little bit more about that like youtube how you can make money how you can monetize some of my experiences and my journey in youtube please let me know in the comments below as an entrepreneur i would love to get into it because it really does serve multiple purposes youtube is a great marketing tool for my business and that is originally why i did it i was a marketing strategy in order for me to grow our brand but to also help entrepreneurs i had no thought in mind of actually making money from it but being able to do that and market my business and have google literally pay me for doing that i love it love love love love love love it and so will you now before i forget i have a guide that i'm going to give you and it includes some of these streams that i have just gone over with you and discussed but also some additional ways that you can use to make some passive income or just add as additional streams of income into your business so make sure that you go ahead and grab that guide it'll be in the comments and the description below or you can also grab it at sheryl c perez dot com forward slash online business ideas so yeah i think that those are pretty much my money streams for now because i am trying to add more okay i want to be in that billionaire club y'all bad bad bad bad bad bad bad but i'm also always looking for new ideas that will support my long-term goal of impacting entrepreneurs lives while i travel and experience new cultures and places and food and wine and don't worry as i discover more opportunities i will definitely let you know because income streams are everywhere but hopefully you've gotten some ideas about ways that you can add additional streams of income to your business in 2022 if that's true then go ahead like this video it don't cost you a thing make sure that you don't leave without subscribing right there next to me and even better don't be a hater share this with somebody else who needs this lesson in their lives and in their businesses golden nuggets and you can join me again next tuesday you here for another amazing tcp tv episode and until then my loves have a wonderful wonderful week i want you to stay safe and i'll see you next tuesday bye

2021-10-28 12:05

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