Terry Gorry Solicitor Live Stream-24th February 2021-Irish Property, Law, Business, Investment

Terry Gorry Solicitor Live Stream-24th February 2021-Irish Property, Law, Business, Investment

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here on shield gary connell kennedy gary   davis andrew penny i appear to be live will  you just confirm that you can hear me now can you hear me guys yeah good stuff okay good stuff so i mean if you have any  questions there in relation to whatever   and fire away and i'll do  my best to deal with them you can still hear me now you can still hear me yeah  okay good stuff good stuff if you have any questions now  how much is the investment course   the investment course is that's the investment  course to do with both property and um property and shares the price i think is 297  and there's an easy payment plan you can pay i   think it's four payments of 79 euros or there  abouts so um i think that's the price but if   you have a look at the my website business and  legal.i.e there's a page there which explains the   investment course what it's about and so on  basically it's a distillation of 35 years   of my experience of investing in property and  so on so over 40 is life nothing navigational   how important is temperament to being a  solicitor not very because i wouldn't have the   the may west in terms of temperament sometimes  the chimp gets out and if you ever read a book   called the chimp paradox you'd understand what  i'm referring to there when i say sometimes the   chimp gets out and obviously you need a good  temperament i suppose to being a solicitor   or indeed to any career or profession so   um like none of us are perfect and certainly  i'm not not perfect so that's the story there um can you just go through the payout  process for personal injuries claim   yeah i mean you must go through the payout process  for a personal injury claim in the first instance   if it's a psychological or psychiatric  injury though that you're complaining about   or that you wish to canvas then you must go to  the injuries board but they won't deal with it   they'll issue you with a letter of authorization  that letter of authorization will then allow you   to bring legal proceedings through the courts  that's what's necessary there but you do need to   commence all personal injury claims through  the personal injuries board how do you keep   trespassers away david canaan is asking me i don't  know how you keep trespassers away i mean clearly   if you have a difficulty with people trapping  or entering into your land or your premises   or whatever you have to take whatever security  measures that you can um in order to safeguard   your property and so forth but um in terms of  keeping them away you're always going to have   bad actors i suppose so you need just to  take the best precautions that you can over 40s life navigational we  asked we answer that question there   princess princess what advice would you give to a  newly qualified solicitor in this job climate i'm   not really sure to be honest with you and i've  never really had a job as a solicitor because   once i qualified but i became self-employed then  so i was kind of on my own i've never actually   worked as a solicitor for somebody else i worked  obviously as an apprentice or a trainee but not   as a solicitor as such so i'm not really sure  what advice i'd give to you in relation to the   current jobs climate what i would say though in  general in relation to any job or indeed being   a self-employed person or doing whatever you  want to do your attitude is key your attitude   is absolutely vital in my view so if you have a  good attitude you'll get on fine as a solicitor   as an accountant as an engineer as a bookkeeper  as a cleaner as a road sweeper if you have a good   attitude if you haven't got a good attitude  then you've got you're in trouble in my view   are we in a bubble but jillson is asking are we  in a bubble um i'm not sure what you're referring   to but jules and whether it's a property bubble  or a stock market or shares bubble i'm not sure   what market you're referring to either was the  irish market uk market um united states market or   irish market and so on and so forth so  i'm not too concerned about the particular   market that i mean at any particular time  i'm not too concerned either about the timing   i'm concerned about getting good value so if i'm  buying a share or buying a property i'm looking   for good value and i don't care what everybody  else is doing i don't care what the market is   doing generally because when i go to sell i'm  not selling the market i'm selling a property   or i'm selling a share and i can either get more  for it um or i can't than what i paid for it   dr alan m hurley cryptocurrency bitcoin  thoughts on investment and current valuation   personal opinion um alan is that i am  steering clear of bitcoin uh blockchain   is a great technology and it has great prospects  in terms of property in terms of contracts in   terms of the legal industry and i expect the world  to be a different place in 20 years time with the   use of blockchain and i look forward to that and  i will be embracing it even though i may be a no   man but i'm not going to be putting my hard earned  money into cryptocurrency or bitcoin now or indeed   any cryptocurrency simply because i like to invest  in things that i know so i invest in smurfettes   they make cardboard boxes i invest in ryanair  they sell airline tickets i invest in twitter   you google amazon i know what these people do i  know what these companies do amazon are firing   out packages all over the country we can see it  every day of the week cement roadstone holdings   and so on all of these companies are companies  who sell goods or products that i understand and   i'm happy enough uh to invest in them  but cryptocurrency no it's not for me   cayman row thanks for your videos very  informative saving for a deposit currently   will be looking to buy in years time the buying  process seems fairly daunting where to start   contacting the bank the buying process isn't  daunting if you simplify the thing you need   to get the money arranged and you need to get  a half decent property after that then you're   in the hands of the solicitor and you're in the  hands of the bank to a great extent if it's a   secondhand property you're looking at getting a  structural survey done after that then you proceed   you're going to rely on the solicitor and if you  makes the balls of it quite frankly then you know   hopefully that will never arise but if it does  there is professional indemnity insurance in place   and so on and so forth so you need to control  the controllables you need to look after what   you can look after but i wouldn't be too daunted  and i would attend to the process and forget about   the outcome in other words and try if i was you to  try to get the money together by hook or by crook   connect kennedy by over build in terms of  property which you think is a better choice   in the current this current economic climate  it's very hard to know a conlet um depends how   economically you can build and so on it depends on  your site cost depends on your building costs and   so on i've done both i've bought and i've built  and i'd be slow enough um to sort of give you a   direction one way or the other it really depends  on all the circumstances it depends on your site   and so on as a first-time buyer um obviously if  you get the site from your parent or something   fine uh you're going to build and it probably make  more sense um certainly if you're getting a site   for free or whatever but i mean if you have to  go and buy a site and start building and you're a   first-time buyer you might be as well off just to  buy a safe and steady three bed semi at the outset   dip your toe into the water as it were of the  market the property market and take it from there michael o'donnell regards employment claims would  you generally advise against adding a separate   claim for stress does the wrc draw a certain  influence on this and could have actually damaged   the case not really sure what you're asking there  michael um the wrc you can throw in stress all   day long people are doing it all the time but  the wrc can't deal with a stress claim really   it's a personal injury claim that goes to  the injuries board the other claims that   go through wrc are statutory breaches or breaches  of statutory employment entitlement so um you can   throw in stress all right and it might add a bit  of color to your claim but to be honest with you i   don't think it's going to add or amount to a hill  of beans quite frankly alan wardlaw i was offered   a two bed two bath apartment in balbregan for  120 thousand possible 130 just getting the paid   out of the family home of about that's it's on the  main street over shop isn't this a good investment   i'll i'm too long of the tooth to be giving you  advice about this property about which i know   absolutely nothing um so i'll kick the touch on  that one i can't tell you that's good advice or   a good investment or not uh and i you know anybody  who's gonna have a youtube live a video and answer   questions and give you um advice on that i'd be  careful enough to be honest with you if i was you   sean o'sullivan i'm currently in disagreement  with my work and feel i have a smoking gun but   they're still delaying my claim why do companies  behave like this companies behave like this   because you may think you have a smoking gun  but maybe you don't maybe you're firing blanks   you are in a disagreement with your work but  your difficulty is this work is based on the old   master servant relationship and the employer is in  quite a strong position notwithstanding all of the   employment law legislation and so on and so forth  so i'd be careful if i was if i was you dr hurley   many thanks for your thoughts no problem paul  o'shea you're lying about bitcoin the losses   say they hate bitcoin because there's no legal  tender attached they have no jurisdiction over it   um sam polo shea that is absolute  horseshit but anyway we'll move on   sam david hi terry enjoy your investment  videos any thoughts and opinions in investing   in cryptocurrency such as bitcoin would it  be something you have your eye on shares   as i've already said no cryptocurrency  is not for me i have no interest in it   but if paul or shea and fellas like him want  to wade in fire away but just don't expect me   to do it i'm being asked for my opinion here  my opinion is i'm going to steer clear of it   katie what advice would you give to a landlord  whose tenant is overhauling commercially   you don't have much choice kitty i do you go to  court and you get an order to uh get them evicted   or you come to sort of some sort of a deal some  sort of an arrangement uh some sort of term so   that's really it ronan rms hi terry is it a fraud  when a person proposed the partnership in company   taking money and refused to sign a contract  firstly you can't really propose a partnership   and company because a company is by definition  not a partnership to raise a shareholding   there may well be a shareholders agreement which  may well be advisable but it's not a partnership   so i don't know what representations or promises  may have been made to you but in the normal course   of events then you know people change their mind  and things don't turn out the way you might expect   them to turn out so it wouldn't necessarily follow  that it's a fraud it may well be part of some sort   of robust negotiation or whatever or it could be  fraud i don't know but you're going to have a hard   time proven fraud in a situation like that you're  better off chalking it down to experience in my   view and moving on katherine madge douglas  hi terry if you're working a full-time job   and you work part-time paying taxes on both jobs  can you get paid redundancy for the part-time job   you can be made redundant from a part-time job  yeah um or you can be made redundant from any job   and obviously your length of service is going  to determine how much you are going to get um   by way of redundancy have you ever gone for  a scoop in frank ryan's i don't know where   frank ryan's is but jielson but i've gone for a  scoop and a fair few pubs in dublin quite frankly   um and i really like the ones on the north  side but my favorite actually is one that i   go to every year with my wife uh we get the bus  up from my home place and we get um buckle drunk   uh on the day and we get the bus and it's hard  bit of fun but that particular pub is the oval   it's the one there beside easton's uh the side  entrance to easton's on middle lobby street   i like that place just it has a feel  and i just like it it's kind of um   it's kind of approaching than a prose  rather than poetry you know if you if you   think about drinking in terms of approach rather  than poetry that's the place for you you know   paul o'shea says you're lying that's  um that's the end of uh paulo shay connect kennedy can you talk a little bit  of setting up your own business as a means   creating another income stream and what  support in terms of funding you can utilize   boom setting up your own business as a means  of creating another income i mean obviously   you can set up your own business and you know i  wouldn't be too concerned to be honest with you   about funding you can utilize because i've  spent my whole life starting businesses and   selling businesses and hustling and grinding  and i've never got a cent from the state   and so the most important focus i think you should  have would probably be on the business the success   of your business is going to come down to you it's  going to come down to your attitude it's going   to come down to the actual concept etc so rather  than worrying about funding or uh where you might   get funding and so on and so forth i'd be more  concerned about the uh the meat and potatoes of   the business is it a good one can you get pointers  can you make sales that's how you make a business on hi terry i wonder what your thoughts  are on the judicial council that joining   their discussion on personal injury awards until  march seems a lot of a disagreement in the ranks   yeah this is a hot potato and you know  i'm not going to wait in here and leave my   self open to all sorts of criticisms i know  the judges or certain judges i think probably   have concerns about the way that debate is going  but it's not something that really concerns me   the law is the law and all i'm going to do  is hustle and grind try and get clients and   whatever the law is the law is um that would be  my my attitude but i do know that there's a lot of   populism a lot of populist shite quite frankly on  twitter and so on about personal injury claims and   that sort of thing and i'd be afraid of swaying  a pendulum swing in the other direction where   people who are genuinely injured and are genuinely  suffering personal injuries etc as a consequence   of somebody else's negligence are being looked  down upon or are not being compensated for the   negligence of other parties and that's what the  law is supposed to do he's supposed to redress   the balance and and give some justice etc daryl  o'rourke advice for 22 year old graduate in 2021   love the videos thanks terry dara my advice  to you is never tireless in a revolving door   no that's look uh i don't have any advice i mean  you know your attitude it was one piece of advice   i'd say have a good attitude and if you don't have  a good attitude you're going to be in difficulty   thomas walsh hello terry i have about 40k of  savings that i'm willing to invest in property   commercial or private what is my best way  to get into this one of my businesses only   set up about a year ago well if you're 40  grand in savings thomas you've done well um   it's up to yourself what your particular skills  are i mean if that was me and if turning back   the clock to 1986 or 87 when i started um i mean  i took on a shop unit and uh with my brother pat   and we worked really really hard and we invested  in a property but we built a business in it and   we did really well out of it we doubled our money  in a relatively relatively short period of time   during a time of pandemic or time of recession  rather so it depends on your skills it depends on   your skill set depends on how hard you're willing  to work depends on your personal circumstances and   so on you could buy a residential property you  could buy a commercial property um there's any   number of things you can do and investment  property investment is all about two things   a capital and b imagination and you're better off  having a lot of imaginations and a lot of capital   because you can always get the capital whereas  you can never get the imagination in my view   katie do you see any benefits from raising rot  pre-contract in conveyancing now or has to slow   down the whole process um rot pre-contract  in conveyancing the process now i don't think   has this improved if anything it probably has  improved obviously we're getting free contract   um or we're getting replaced requisitions and so  on in advance now and the thing is not too bad i   mean it's it's down to human nature i suppose  and people actually getting the contracts   out in time getting the title documents in time  being um advised by their clients that they're   selling and that the solicitor can get onto the  bank and that the bank let out the deeds and so on   so the process is not too bad theoretically  but it is down to human actors a lot of times   khadija khadij what career change would you  advise in this pandemic i worked in hospitality   but as first sector gets hit in crisis that's  a difficulty i mean i cannot can't give you any   career advice quite frankly um i really can't tell  you but i know i'm just very lucky in so far as   in my game i um have been unaffected quite  frankly and i know i'm very very lucky   because if i had a pub or if i had a coffee shop  or a restaurant or whatever i'd be in serious   difficulty and i mean 12 months of sitting and not  being able to trade would absolutely kill me you   know i've worked very very hard for 35 36 years  whatever and it would kill me to be sitting on the   sidelines for 12 months thankfully in the game i  mean i don't have to do that so i've been looking   but i can't give you advice as to  career change i'm afraid i'm not that   um i just can't do that what journey to success  hi terry what warrants a judge to accept the   preparation time costs order against the  respondent how does the respondent have   to behave to meet this i'm not really sure  what you're asking me their uh journey to   success at what warrants the judge to accept a  preparation time costs order against respondents   i don't know what context you're talking  about there what type of the case you know now we need to would you be my solicitor for buying 160 000 euro  house county cabin i'd be happy to yes and i've   had a good bit of property myself in county calvin  from time to time i've had sites i've had a pub   um in uh up around belt orbit and so on so look no  problem daniel or send me an email if you want and   and i can give you a quotation if you like daniel  or diary hi terry what are the legal costs of   bringing unfair dismissal claims to wrc it depends  who's acting for you daniel i mean my typical cost   quite frankly or my typical fee for wrc claim  would be in the region of two and a half grand   and that's for preparation and submissions and  representation on the day and so on and so forth   that's for a wrc hearing but other um  solicitors other barristers etc i don't   know what they're charging so you need to  uh you need to make your own inquiries there   princess princess terry please block paul o'shea  permanently from your channel he's rude and very   offensive unacceptable absolutely i agree with  you princess princess james hopkins institutions   are hedging their bets as far as crypto 2.5  percent of liquid assets invested 80 in btc   and 20 and read the white papers for both sound  advice don't invest what you don't understand   look that's my philosophy james i'm not ramming my  philosophy down anybody else's throat but i like   when i buy shares in smartphones i know they're  making cardboard boxes i've been in the factory   i've been down the road i've sold sandwiches  to their employees i know what they do   so i'm happy buying shares and smart foots i'm  happy buying shares in amazon in twitter in   snapchat and so on because i know what they're  doing crypto don't really know requisitions on   title sorry katie yeah i understand case replies  requisitions look it makes it handy all right   absolutely and the fact that they're prepared  in advance is a good move it's certainly no harm what is the best way to pass on a property  portfolio to your kids from an inheritance and   tax point of view well i'm not really sure about  that now david i mean it depends on the value of   the property portfolio obviously your kids have is  it 335 or 350 grand or thereabouts of an exemption   um so each child probably has that i think  and you quote i suppose split it up but it   depends on the value of your portfolio there  may well be tax planning that you can do and   you can set up a trust and get all really fancy  and so on and so forth i'm you know a solicitor   and um an entrepreneur and i've been in  business for a good while but obviously   i'm not going to wade into complex tax advice  so i'll have to kick the touch on that one david   sam david any thoughts and opinions where we are  ireland in relation to cove 19 what gives you hope   in going forward for the future and how can we  scale back from the populist nonsense mostly on   the right yeah i hate populism i hate populism  on the right and i hate populism on the left   my thoughts on the cove of 19 are we are where  we are we need to do what we can in terms of   following the public health advice and i  think we need to let the vaccine roll out   take its course on a neat i think we really need  to behave like adults and be patient we don't have   any choice people are whinging and whining about  you know what i mean i can't put up with much more   of this etc what's the option you know what is the  alternative we're going to let the bloody thing   rip and look at our parents and our grandparents  and so on and die in nursing homes and look at the   hospitals fill up and the hospital's icu units  fill up and so on and so forth that's not a   possibility so we're all pissed off and we're all  tired we've all had enough but there is no game in   town apart from the vaccine and rolling it out and  the uk are no further on than us i think you know   but yeah populist nonsense pisses me off  quite frankly um and whether it's coming   from the right or come from the left but there  is enough lot of harsh [ __ ] there and um about   the anti-anti-vaxx and anti-wearing masks and  all that [ __ ] i mean with these tinfoil hat   wearing conspiracy theorists like jesus christ  get a life you know anyway thomas walls thanks   for the answer i'm a hard worker and i was looking  for the next opportunity the problem i'm thinking   with getting into the property is getting money  off the bank so i'm only in business a year   i don't think there's any difficulty there  at hummus i got money off the banks on austin   business at all i mean the bank is going to give  you money if they think they're going to get their   money back that's the key thing will you be able  to pay it back so can you persuade the bank that   regardless of being in business for only a  year are they likely to get the money back   if you can put a compelling proposition  to them or indeed to anybody else   that you know you lend the money to me and  you'll be getting it back along with interest   that's how banks make money so banks need lads  like you to lend money to because that's how   they make money and that's why loan offers  and loan packs come in here all all the time   books that inspired you and you have  learned from a lot i learned a lot from um from peter lynch's investment books there's  two investment books there that i recommend   highly to do with shares and so on but  i've read a lot of books then over the   years about property investment and so on and  so forth as well but peter lynch's books um   something on wall street can't remember beating  the street or something it's carl and there's   another one they're very very similar but  they're good books um sound investment   principles that's the sort of principles that  i teach in my investment course peter hennessy   hi terry how much capital gains tax do you  pay when withdrawing money from the gyro   depends how much of a capital gain you make  peter you only make a capital gain when you   have a disposal and you only have a capital  gain when you have a disposal at a price that's   far greater than your acquisition cost so um it  depends on how much of a capital gain you have   but in ireland i think the capital gains tax rate  is 33 or something like that not a hundred percent   uh and the cost of acquisition is is important  because you may have a number of shares in a   company and you may not have bought them on at the  same time so there's cost averaging and so on and   so forth that you might have to do uh depending  on the timing of when you bought the share so   you know that's not an easy question to answer  and to be honest with you i'd be getting on to   my accountant at the end of the year and saying  look here's the shares that i sold here's the   ones i made a gain on here's the ones i made a  loss on and i i let him do that thing you know name calling hot about sweden  india no lockdown since july   [ __ ] would you represent a mask debater  if they asked you to go to court um   unfortunately i don't go to court much but i would  represent anybody who would um who would need   representation that would be no difficulty because  i don't agree with everybody who comes in here   and i represent them i may have a different view  completely but i am a professional and i would   provide representation uh provided i was paid  quite frankly and that's that's the way it goes   um terry billy buchanan hi terry i  have savings of just under 200 grand   i've just received plan information to  build a house where i grew up in mead   jesus you have savings over 200 grand fair play  but now i'm thinking the money could be put to   better use if i was to i don't know billy  you're in a lucky position there obviously   uh if you've received flying informations up to  yourself whether you want to build uh that house   or whether you want to sell the site there  could well be um a planning condition there   to do with occupancy for the first number of  years etc so you need to have a look for that   david cannon thanks for helping keep up the  good work it's much appreciated thanks davis billy buchanan uh you have savings are just on  200 grand that's grand investment property let   it out i'm self-employed and currently single  so i'm not not a real panic to build any advice   would be greatly appreciated it's up to yourself  billy i mean that's a really lifestyle choice   you're in a very very lucky position obviously  that you have 200 grand in savings in your   looking position as well that you can build a  house with plan information account you need   that's the site that's what a few bobs so that's  what um that is worth a few bob so it's up to   yourself really now sue's name calling what about  sweden india no lockdown what about sweden like   that's such a ridiculous trite uh comment uh what  about sweden sweden my arse because uh sweden were   um flag carriers for all sorts of knuckle drivers  quite frankly and um conspiracy theorists and yes   in the heel of the hunt things went badly wrong  for sweden and they weren't seen to be any more   enlightened than any of the rest of us who are  following the world health organization um advice   opinion on foreigners in ie i have no problem with  foreigners in ie i presume you refer to ireland   and i have no difficulty with foreigners i think  it's great for the um for the country and i think   it's great for anybody who comes in and builds  a life here i know that irish people have gone   all over the world from uh time immemorial um and  made livings and made good lives for themselves   in all sorts of uh all sorts of countries  all over the globe so i have no problem with   foreigners whatsoever ever in ireland ariana  wagner love your videos terry thank you ariana   but jillson what industries would you  consider investing in in a post-covet world   well i have shares in ryanair and i was listening  to bbc radio 4 there this morning a business   program and easyjet is after experiencing an  absolute massive surge in the last couple of days   in airline tickets because of the british  government's approach or promise that from   june onwards things would be rocking and  rolling in the uk so you know i think that   airline tickets um perhaps even hotels and so on  may well bounce back and it may well be a good   time to do a bit of bottom fishing as it were if  you were looking to buy a few shares and perhaps   look at the industries that might show the  greatest amount of recovery but airline tickets   and hotels perhaps would be um would be areas that  would be worth to look at ariana wagner or wagner   i'm not sure any tips on trying to get planning  for a septic tank looking to buy an old house with   no water or waste systems i don't know why you'd  be looking to buy a house with no water or waste   because you're going to have to bore a well and  you're going to have to install some sort of a   treatment system or some sort of a septic tank  and obviously for planning for a septic tank and   enviro envirocycle or biocycle units and so on and  so forth you're going to be at the mercy of the   um the local authority so you're going to have  to deal with the local authority get planning   permission and you probably will have a  percolation test and so on and so forth   princess princess what are your views on the  bank's negative interest charge on client   account and solicitor's practice i don't really  have a view on that princess princess and to be   honest with you i haven't really looked into it  um i may well have a strong view at some point   in the near future and i know that the law  society um the president or uh i think is   the president of the law society is campaigning  hard and writing letters and encouraging also   solicitors to obviously campaign with our local um  representatives or public representatives but i'm   not really a hundred percent about the negative  interest charge and client accounting solutions   practices at the moment so i don't have a strong  view on that to get a drink of water there questions are drying up there now so a lot of questions about property a lot  of questions about shares and so on but   um if you have any other questions now don't be  afraid to put them in there but i mean any sort of   conspiracy theory [ __ ] you can keep it i have  no interest in it whatsoever and i look forward   to doing a review of um an upcoming court  case there where the supreme court is going   to be dealing with um dealing with certain issues  arising from the introduction by the government   in the public interest to order our affairs  in such a way that we actually look after each   other so looking forward to the outcome  from the court of appeal i think it is   in the john waters and general dardy case um if you have a house that was destroyed in a fire  can you build again without planning i've just   discovered that the bloody uh microphone was  actually over there so i hope i'm not lifting   you out of it there now with the volume but anyway  if you have a house that was destroyed in a fire   can you build again without planning no don't  think so conrad i think you will need planning um   i think you will need planning yeah jeff s we  are looking to rent in ireland with a view to   buying at a later date ll will need references but  then we've been homeowners for 30 years they've   employed and are retiring what refs would be  acceptable we're looking to rent in ireland it's hard to know what sort of references will  be acceptable jeff i mean obviously it's going to   come down to the individual landlord um it depends  what part of ireland is as well that you wish to   choose or wish to rent in obviously landlords  are going to make their own judgment when they   meet you and so on and sometimes landlords will  actually just get a feel for a person like we all   do and decide um that they are perfectly happy  to take whatever references you might have so   i wouldn't be too concerned about that i have no  thoughts on gamestop but jillson none whatsoever   on the subject of populism if shin  fein were to ever enter government   what would their left-wing economic policy  drive private enterprise jobs of ireland   well sam davis um certainly if shin fein were  to act on the largest that they are promising   in opposition then it would be a difficult enough  job balancing a budget every year and so on but   perhaps they would discover that when they're  in government what they said when they were   in opposition could be two completely different  things but that remains to be seen i mean maybe   and let's face it looking at the opinion polls  and so forth are going to get a chance sooner   rather than later but uh let's let's see what  happens but the populism nonsense um that's look   that's that's up to themselves you know i mean  people will buy it hook line and sinker to a great   extent and then they discover uh that they were  sold a pup and then they'll spend five ten years   complaining about sinn fein finified finnegal  you name it you know you can insert any   political party you like there i mean didn't  look into the crate and have a political party   that promised the sun moon and star so  while and then disappeared off the map so sean o'sullivan have you ever encountered  a professional who was sucked in by the   anti-vaxxer types i don't think i have sean i  mean the anti-vaxxers i mean obviously there is   the occasional or some professionals uh who  have an opinion and who have uh sort of a   out of left field or minority opinion and they're  entitled to their opinion but um vaccines have   done a very good job for people in general on  the face of the planet so i wouldn't be too um i   would be too concerned about an outlier view or a  minority view or whatever provided that the public   health advice is generally being followed and  thankfully most people are following along with it   and so on jeff s what would be a reasonable offer  on a property of say 200 000 euros as we wouldn't   want to insult a vendor well you need never  worry of jeff s about insulting a vendor because   um you know they should be tick skinned enough to  know that it's just a negotiation and it's nothing   personal and that's just the nature of it um so  200 grand it depends on the property you could   offer 180 185 but it will depend on the property  it'll depend on the condition and it'll depend on   other things as well as to whether there's any  uh any work to be carried out etc etc you know   what mistakes you made in 2008 crisis and things  you learn from that in 2008 i suppose i mean i   didn't really make any mistakes i wanted to change  a lifestyle and i ended up building property in   in longford and um i wanted a lifestyle  change and i got it but then the market   uh crashed and obviously had a huge effect  on me huge effect on my circumstances i lost   all my capital everything had earned up to  that point but rather than mistakes that i   learned it compelled me then with my back to  the wall to go and study law at a mature age   and do something that i absolutely love and so you  make the best of it but that goes back to what i   said at the outset of this video your attitude  is key and i could have spent a lot of time   watching um or i could have spent a lot of time  whinging and giving out about politicians about   the banks about the europeans about the americans  about you name it what have you got but instead   you know you can pick yourself up and  just do your best and maybe have another   go or something else and that's how it  worked out for me so that'd be my view   um tt terrible height harry other than the guards  what options can be taken to stop another person   contacting another using social media or any  other communication devices the individual   already asked for everybody to stop you could  go to a solicitor and have a letter written   and you could probably threaten some sort of  legal proceedings some sort of civil proceedings   um to do with nuisance private nuisance public  nuisance perhaps something of that nature or   if it was defamatory or if the comments were  being made public um you know it's hard to know   um but the options um you could report to the  guards and maybe that'll have the desired effect   but it's hard to know and it's hard to know  exactly what the nature of the problem is there   you know do you think inflation will kick in soon  david cannon asks i don't think so david that's   just my own view um that's just my own view but  i'm not an economist thomas rowan says hi terry   great channel i'm a homeowner with mortgage with  one investment property with small mortgage how   do i fund second investment property pay off  forced investment property and leverage that   you could thomas yeah you could go to the bank  and you could tell them what you want to do   and it's in their interest to lend money and how  they make money is by lending money so you could   go and go around to the various banks go to  a broker as well and see what options might   be available to you they'll be anxious enough to  lend the money if they have security and if they   think they're going to get the money back because  as i say that's how banks make money you know mr nice when taking ex-employer to et e.t i  presume you're referring to employment tribunal   or in uk for automatic unfairness missile i have  no idea mr nice about uk law i'm not a uk lawyer   i'm not qualified in the uk know nothing about the  uk and we don't have an employment tribunal here   we have the workplace relations commission  so i can't answer that question i'm afraid   sam david thanks terry i worry about our political  trends i work in i.t we've got a lot of bright  

young talent and i hope we can build environment  which is pro enterprise and pro business i hope   so as well and i think generally quite frankly  that the irish people are fairly sensible and and   fairly smart because i think if you look at how  ireland does and how irish people do generally   on a worldwide basis i think generally we actually  perform quite well and we punch above our weight   for a small little country i think we do well  so i think we probably uh might give ourselves   enough credit from time to time sometimes we give  ourselves too much credit like we're the best fans   in the world and all that stuff but sometimes  we might give ourselves enough credit and might   just recognize how well we've done since for  example the crash of a number of years ago   10 11 12 years ago and how the economy has bounced  back like that's a fair old um fearow turnaround   especially when you consider the clamor at the  time that we should just be bankrupt on ourselves   we should refuse to pay everybody and i think  shin fein were advancing that proposition that   we should just let the europeans and the banks and  everybody else go swing and not pay them back but   i think that the folly of that sort of advice that  proposition is to be seen now and let's face it   look what happened in greece when they tried to do  that like merkel you know soon put an end to that   and then your man the fancy ass economist driving  around on his harley davidson in london when when   greece was burning um you know he's making a  career now as a media man or something isn't he   anyway yes employment tribunal employment tribunal  in uk mr knight don't know anything about it   sean o'sullivan on average how often for  employees gets favorable they're coming to wrc   i don't know what the win statistics are sean and  i don't know whether those statistics exist or   not i do know that the wrc produce a report every  year and to set out the number of claims and types   of claims and so on and so forth but i don't know  the the win loss rate for employees conrad kennedy   i'll be on to you anyway once i decide what i want  to do in terms of property thanks to that's grant   good stuff you can send me an email or whatever  and we can get the show on the road then you know   so that's it uh what is it 16 40. time for a few  more questions there are another 20 minutes or   thereabouts so if you have any more questions i  am happy enough to take them and if you find the   useful or of the video useful and if you find  this um i would appreciate if you gave it a few   likes or thumbs ups there or whatever because  it helps with the the algorithm which obviously   is owned by google which is in turn owned  by alphabet and i'm a shareholder but anyway   that's by the buy obviously investing  in shares in the likes of alphabet   which is the uh sort of legal name for google and  google's enterprises and the likes of amazon um   and the likes of twitter and so on  um they're decent enough investments   they're decent enough investments and  let's face it we all know that the likes   of amazon and the likes of google are probably  going to continue growing but we also know   that the likes of smurfette's making cardboard  boxes and so on and so forth are probably going   to do fine as well they're around a long time  and the likes of cement roads done and so on so   what when do you think when do you the wrc will  be back fully i don't think uh i don't know   michael wenderbach i do know that we're going  through what i'm going through at the moment   um i'm going through virtual  hearings there at the moment and um   they're regular enough every week every second  week to regular and quite frankly the virtual   hearings are not too bad um i thought it'd be  a bit of a [ __ ] storm initially but they're   actually quite good you know and work out quite  well from my perspective certainly it's great to   be able to actually conduct a virtual hearing from  here without moving from the office it saves me a   hell of a lot of time and so on so it's not nearly  as bad as you might think at the outset you know   uh to do thomas ruan any tips on how to safely  grow a property portfolio for income down the   road 15 plus years thomas you need to start it's  like eating how do you eat an elephant like one   bite at a time so you need to start one property  and you need to start one decent property and   take it from there and build up and hopefully  you do okay but you know it depends on what   sort of a property portfolio you're looking  at it depends on whether it's residential   or commercial and so on and so forth so it's  difficult to be prescriptive in this setting   believe you can and terry if you had 200k in  the bank what would you do with it i mean in   terms of investment not just buying an expensive  car thanks to channel is great billy buchanan um   i would invest in shares i would invest  in uk shares to be honest with you that's   what i would do with it now i would spread it  around but i have a little portfolio there of uk   shares which i got into about three months  ago and i checked yesterday and they're up 28   and i took the view about three months ago  that the twin storm of brexit and negotiations   and the fears over brexit and going off at  cliff and the covert 19 shitstorm depressed   unnecessarily or in an exaggerated way uk share  prices and i bought blue chip uk shares so i   bought vodafone i bought barclays bank about  lloyd's bank and so on and i have a 28 gain   so i'm not giving investment advice here but  if you look around you you can draw your own   conclusions and i think the uk economy will  bounce back fairly well so i've had 200 grand   at the moment i probably would put it into  shares i would uh have a portfolio and i'd   spread my risk a bit across different shares  and different uh types of company and so on   and so forth but that's what i'd probably do  now having said that if i was 23 years of age   again or 25 years of age and they had 200 grand  i wouldn't put it in shares i'd put into property   and i'd hustle and grind and build a business that  way some sort of a property investment situation   conlet kennedy are you worried about anti-monopoly  policy in terms of big take in the american market   not really at the moment although there  is obviously a huge um there is a lot of   questions being asked about the likes of google  and facebook under power and let's face it   their power is absolutely significant and  all you have to see or look at is what the   facebook is doing there or has been doing with  the australian government and that dispute so   something will have to be done all right in terms  of creating boundaries reasonable boundaries that   society can live with and which the social media  companies can live with as well but obviously   the pendulum may have swung a bit too  far in terms of the likes of facebook   and the amount of power that they had which was  manifested in that muppet trump being elected   thoughts on retro retroactive taxation and pub  payments don't really have any thoughts on that i   mean i think we all should be paying tax and the  reason we all should pay taxes because i think   some of us are stronger and better than others and  i think we should all contribute in some way to   looking after people who are less fortunate  than us who are less capable than us   who are less lucky than us who fall on hard  times and i think that's the very simple way   and the basic way that i look at taxation i  think we should all be chipping in for that   so i don't have any issue to be honest with you  um about that have you ever accidentally turned   yourself into a cat on a virtual hearing into a  cat oh i haven't sean not yet anyway twitch would   but hopefully it won't happen next week there  have another wrc hearing coming up there next week   could you see an avalanche of employment lanes  coming down the line due to covert i don't think   so michael that's just my gut worker number 67 i  worked in a place that had no health and safety in   place no manual handling no accident report book  i suffered an accident at work and are now taking   a case in high court well more look to you and i  hope the case works out for you and i hope you can   prove negligence if that's the way the situation  was well then the employer is certainly going to   have a hard time resisting your claim and avoiding  liability but i hope the case works out for you   will the lack of an ability to formally  report the action that work against me   in hc no it won't shouldn't i don't think because  obviously the lack of an ability to formally   report it that sort of system should be in place  put there by the employer not necessarily by you   now if you went though and did nothing at all  and sat on your hands and popped up then some   time later and claimed you suffered an accident  but never told anybody that would be a slightly   different situation but if there was no system for  reporting accidents and there wasn't a safe place   of work and no accident report situation no health  and safety officer perhaps no safety statement   then all of that will reflect poorly i think on  the employer sarah jane m for a person seeking   career change look towards businesses that were  closed or positively affected by the past year   tech care food retail spring board skill nets or  offer free or funded courses that's a good idea   sarah jane that's a good contribution yeah  absolutely for anyone seeking a career change   have a look there what sarah jane has to say but  there is uh courses and skill nets offering free   or funded courses and tech companies are willing  to pay train you if you're willing to learn going   in at the bottom will be lower paid but you rise  up and ask them set you a training and development   plan that's fair enough and that's good comment  yeah absolutely and that all comes back to what   i've said already your attitude is key if you have  that sort of an attitude and you're going into a   place and you want to hustle and grind you want to  work hard you want to progress you want to learn   you'll do fine and the company will recognize  you for that and will recognize your ability   and your willingness and attitude that's the one  thing that i always look for in any employee on   your point about ireland doing well globally i  think an area ireland is doing quite well in his   online learning courses and training especially  in computer science sam david yeah absolutely   you might be right there but i think the irish  educational system is very good and i think   irish people irish young people especially are  very well educated and i think generally irish   people have a good attitude and i think we  do punch above our weight generally you know   amish tawari do we need to pay tax on capital gain  yes we do amit we have to look after people who   are less fortunate than us and we need to fund  guards or police we need to fund the hospital   service we need to fund public services and so  on and that's how we do it the money doesn't   grow on a money tree it grows from people  like you and me paying taxes contributing   into a central fund and hoping the christ that  the government and the civil service look after   the money all right and distribute it to people in  a fair way and look after it and not squander it my landlord asking to increase rent is is it  allowed in pandemic if not what are my options   amit tawari i'm not sure about that i'm not  sure whether your landlord is a commercial   or residential and you haven't said i mean  if it's commercial he's entitled to ask you   to increase rent if he's residential i'm not sure  he can probably ask you anyway he probably can't   impose a change and i do know that there's  a sort of a moratorium there at the moment   uh from the residential tenancies board in  relation to evictions or terminations of   residential letting agreements and so on and  so forth so there probably is a good bit of   leeway there in terms of a good bit of protection  i mean can an international student take fe1 jung   lim i'm not sure i am sure you can young keith  lim um you'd want to check with the law society   i don't know i'm just a solicitor and i'm just the  guy who who tries to make a living as best i can   ireland or sullivan any tips on how to get around  qualifying for a loan for a buy to let property   minimum down payments are super high and you  need to have a relatively high income to qualify   not really and i'd be slow enough to give  any body advice about how to get around   a minimum loan payments or mislead the bank's  writing i do know a fella one time though and i   i know i did it myself actually that when i  was starting off i went to the credit union   and borrowed a few bob and then i slapped about  that money into the bank and then after a little   while with the bank i looked to borrow money  there and i said look i've saved all this money   i want to borrow a few bob off you and you know i  got away with it then i wouldn't recommend it um   i misled them yes absolutely hold my hands up  but a friend of mine was good at that as well   and we used to go to the credit union borrow  money put in the bank and then say look we've   saved this money so but i wouldn't recommend that  now here let no i have no uh no guidance there   sean o'sullivan did you ever consider politics  do you think you're too straight talker   i think sean and toad stayed talking first  and if you knew how many people i'm after   uh removing from this chat from this live  chat and banning as it were i think that   i probably wouldn't have the tolerance or  the patience for it i've been interested in   all right and i observe what's going on  but it probably wouldn't be for me you know   dan barna i've just bought my first btl property  thanks for your advice jesus stan i hope it works   out would you recommend getting an accountant for  my books or trying to learn how to do them myself   your first bite or less your first bite  to let down shouldn't involve too much   book work in terms of accounting etc i mean you  obviously you're going to have to make a return   every year to the revenue commissioner's  case five income but all you need is your   accountant etc so uh you know i don't think  there's any huge learning involved there   your accountant should be able to tell you  fairly quickly you know in a one-page email   or whatever what you can write off what  you can't write off and so on and so forth   but if it's just a bite left properly it's a  three bed sammy or whatever two bed apartment   then it should be relatively straightforward  and i wouldn't be too concerned about   the books but i would be concerned about ensuring  that you're kosher with the revenue commissioners   so i would ensure to get an accountant every year  just to do the return for you you should be able   to do that there's plenty of people providing a  good service bookkeepers i come across them all   the time robert mcdonald what are the grounds for  the retention of a deposit what do they have to   show to keep us that presumably robert is to do  with residential property what they have to show   is that you have damaged if you're lieutenant not  saying you are i'm not saying you damage anything   but they have to show damage to the property so  the landlord can't retain the residential deposits   the residential netting deposit for anything  other than damages to the property that's   my view that's my understanding rather and  that's what the purpose of the deposit is for   gary lloyd when leave is granted in a judicial  review case what is the next stage do you play   again for judicial review uh the next stage i  can't really remember gary and i haven't done   any judicial review cases uh but no the leave  is granted so you then i think go ahead with   your case and the next stage is basically to to  present whatever it is whatever arguments you have   in relation to seating whatever remedy you're  looking for so you have to get leave first you're   absolutely right and after that then you have a  hearing don't think the hearing is on the same day   but it will be coming soon soon after that um  and it follows on from the leave being granted   a renter security deposit yeah that's that's  fair enough in buying property with land if   there are only verbal rights of way from  decades ago no rights of way written in   the folios is there some other checks i should  do to be say that's a difficult situation there   you'd be careful there and i've just been  reviewing a case there before i started this live   stream about rights of way and so on i mean you  will have people claiming that there's rights of   way going back years and years and years but you  really do have to register them to be sure of your   rights and to assert them and have them registered  on folios and so on and that will come down to   applications to the property registration  authority and those applications will be   supported by uh affidavits affidavits as to use  over the years and the more people you can get   who will swear up and say yeah we were all going  up and down that road there were assets and carts   and loads of turf outside for years the better you  know daigon actas hello there hello there dagan   vincius schmidt hi vinnie here i started  to follow your channel a few weeks ago   amazing work thanks for sharing your knowledge  with us thanks uh venezius vinicius schmidt   your advice for first-time homebuyers please just  save plenty of money um amit or ernie amit yeah   what classic novel would you recommend on  reading well if you're into law i would   recognize or i would recommend reading bleak  house if you wanted to get in just to reading   old classics and you wanted to start perhaps  with dickens i would recommend oliver twist   bleak house is very good from a classic  point of view or from a legal point of view   um so i like thomas hardy's novels as well  but i like all charles dickens novels they   are on the choir taste but i think like cheese  and beer they're a taste worth acquiring so   tt terrible hey charlie will any solicitor  provide a cease and desist letter or does   the plaintiff need to seek out a slander and  harassment solicitor for a person who has   verbally claimed slander of another person tt  terrible any solicitor will do that because uh   yeah any solicitor can provide you with a letter  now you can't go to a solicitor and say i want   a letter written to such and such a person  without some basis for it in other words you   can't just ask a solicitor to work on a sort of  a secretarial basis for you and write letters   at your at your behest because if there's no  basis to it a solicitor does have a professional   duty to behave professionally and can't  be sending threatening letters to people   if there's no reality to it if there's no grounds  on which to send such letters so it will depend   on the circumstances but you don't need a  specialist csun assist solicitor or slander   an harassment solicitor no and it's defamation  anyway you're looking at if that's what you claim craig hi i've recently went self-employed and  will be looking to buy my first house in the   future what is the best way to go from here tanks  craig obviously you need to save a few bob or get   the money together for a deposit and then you need  to go rock up to the bank and get finance arranged   and they'll tell you how much to prepare to lend  if anything they will look for um they will look   for accounts especially if you're self-employed  and if you've only become self-employed you may   be in difficulty because they may be looking  for perhaps three-year self-employed records etc   so you're going to have a problem there if  you've only just started becoming self-employed   so you might have a problem there but  look at bottom line is you need to   sort out the finance situation first  and then you need to find a property   vinicius schmidt i have one question do you  think variable mortgage rates will increase or   decrease in the long run if and it's just having  a bulls to be honest with you i mean obviously   variable mortgage rates are low at the moment  mortgage rates generally are low so i wouldn't   have any difficulty um and i have a kind of a  philosophy that if you really need the money   you're not going to be really caring whether  it's four percent or five percent you're paying   attention if some bank is prepared to give  it to you in other words if you need money   uh to buy a house or to buy a shop or to buy a  premises or to build a business then paying four   percent or paying five percent won't amount  to a hill of beans that's my view you know   key in neyland would you recommend  immigrating to the us for some sort   of trade or should i stay in ireland to the us  i don't know why kian you'd emigrate to the us   for some sort of trade um i'm not sure  what trade you're referring to there i mean   should you stay in ireland again that's a  lifestyle choice you know um you're gonna have   to you're gonna have to um decide that yourself  diagnose i'm a bit late if you mentioned earlier   sorry about that any advice for buying a rental  property in ireland you just need to get the   money together um dagan and you need obviously to  arrange finance and you need to buy the property   in an area that's going to let now at the moment  quite frankly there's such a shortage of rental   properties that you can rent anywhere anything  anywhere um that won't always be the case so   delta fight thanks terry for being a source of  sanity especially these days yourself and luke   and neil give me hope the world hasn't gone mad  thanks delta fight and that's actually a very   good note to finish on because i am a great fan  of that luke o'neal fella i think he's fantastic   he's a great attitude and he has such a positive  attitude that he is an antidote he is a vaccine   for all those not knuckle drivers the  tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists   so that's it it's five o'clock there now  we're gonna call a hulk look what if you   got anything useful in this um live stream you  might just leave a comment below and encourage   me to do it again or whatever and leave a like  i'd really appreciate it thanks a lot okay   i'm going to call halt there nope thanks for um  dropping by and thanks for your contributions   thanks for your support hey kieran esther  16 years old and i have a dream of being   a property developer but i know you can't just do  the leave and start to become a product developer   invest

2021-03-01 18:01

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