Tentative de rebond en bourse Good Morning Trading Benoist

Tentative de rebond en bourse Good Morning Trading Benoist

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hello everyone and welcome to the taste of morny trading I am delighted to meet you today after two days of absence I apologize but with the opening of my school of economics stock exchange geopolitics economic history I I was simply overwhelmed I did not expect to see so many people so I had to adapt urgently to do a lot of things but now everything is stabilized we will find our usual rhythm a good morning trading every morning with pleasure and good humor if possible not always guaranteed good humor but fun in any case yes we will therefore take stock of market news so one important thing we have arrived in the last 72 hours on fairly low levels on the indices and then we bounced back, we bounced back very nicely yesterday and it is confirmed this morning since we are up on the European indices by +10 50% so it's not a tiny bit in the technical rebound it's a rebound technique with 'really hope of heading north again is followed by the American markets which rises between + 0 77 + 0 80 according to the indices so there we have a clear rebound we were going and this is explained by different reasons the first thing I have you talked about more than a month ago before we spoke about it we risked having tensions with the famous ceiling of the American debt but we have big big big hopes yesterday why because we had we maybe be an agreement in the senate the american investors then those of asia especially japan japan always very sensitive to what is happening in the united states were reassured by the hope of a temporary agreement in the senate which would therefore allow the states united to avoid finding themselves this month in default of payment in game over if I dare say and especially suddenly to dismiss the specter of a new financial crisis strong enough indeed the democrats therefore loconte joe biden declared that they so that he could could if there is always s issues of negotiations etc which to accept a Republican offer to suspend the debt ceiling until December then it would be good news we could we could breathe a little bit so that's what really lifted the markets by saying it's good they will solve this problem it is sure that it is useless to add a problem to the problem especially that there the politicians can really act on it on pau ville can more can always vote a law in local prohibited zone empty on the American territory it will not work on inflation they cannot prohibit it either on the other hand they can they can settle in quotes this debt problem by saying ok we have the right to file the federal state American the right to spend more afterwards we can talk for hours in economic terms of the famous whatever it costs what it is is what it ultimately costs in the end not for the moment they can rep push and we because the crew neck see a little administrative subtlety we will suddenly switch to the 2022 deadline and they still have thousands of billions spent in quotes to make the American federal state work so here we are really based on a relief and the second thing which is important which reinforces in quotes this relief is the oil prices which are in decline quite clearly we have this week after but reached a high of several years and there it starts a little bit has ebbed so suddenly the inflationary fears we have a little less I remind you the logical pattern of oil prices which rise strongly created inflationary fears inflationary fears created what increase in rates faster than expected by central banks and therefore big slap for the companies and therefore the actions which are which are very largely indebted in summer and which were even encouraged by the states during the crisis 200 dt with rates offered free so here we are we are still in this logic of this fear of this surge in inflation so as soon as we have oil prices that drop a little it relieves that it relieves but we are still on extremely extremely high levels here is a little bit the climate water global climate there in any case the market bets much more the relief good the chief gives to the United States the fear of the American debt it seems to be postpone from the moment they discuss with each other it's okay we had good statistics maybe too good which could almost be inflationary if we had we had the evolution of the american job market and there it goes really be the essential parameter we in the survey we have the we in the monthly survey Friday so tomorrow it will be extremely the monthly report on employment in the United States is to be extremely extremely followed especially since yesterday we had the results s of the monthly adp surveyor so it is known that the creation of jobs in the private sector which have been significantly higher than expected so that is good news also the good news is that the US economy is really leave we will wait for confirmation tomorrow with the big employment survey of the US Department of Labor this will be the statistic that will be extremely extremely monitored and watch but a priori the United States began to recreate a lot of jobs last month of a rather worried summer there it feels really good to start again ambitious in a way not really strongly progressed but he rowed if it progresses too quickly we try to have a tension on the job market that means that we will have to raising wages and salaries is inflationary also it is both a bit if you both the two factors that central banks look at a lot these bombs to commodities so here we have another outbreak e it also seems to go down a little bit more it reassures the markets a lot and but we also have the salaries if we have a pressure on the wages on the rise it is also inflationary so we are really in a very technical situation to manage j 'was going to say super nice yeah it's me I find it super serious because there are two there is a little bit of the stake even if it is much much less of the intellectual angel even if it is much less easy to deal with but in any case there for now turn passes towards we will go in more detail to the technical analysis of each of the indices had pressed the wrong button if its cut I come back nana na na na I will say no c 'is good then always online or it was not the right button it's a bit to broadcast live online in 4k thing contraption has classified itself complicated anyway it's much easier to make a video quietly at home to cut them 50 times and then beyond the definition in the tube n'h do not hesitate to subscribe to put lots of little thumbs up it is a big source of motivation for me and we are attacking today 2:30 p.m. weekly unemployment registrations in the united states still a space in excess here is therefore important really very important it is tomorrow is really the investigation the investigation of the American Department of Labor I remind you that we will meet again on Saturday and Sunday on Saturday we will have a stock market trading webinar 2 to 10 hours to take stock March there spoke in full things that I don't have time to talk to you about in good morning trading it's much more zen much more pleasant is much more dense so at 10 am to 12 pm we will talk a little bit about economics for a good hour forty five minutes and then on sunday we have a webinar on the channeling of violence in the home swims here i told you everything we not just ten techniques hop here so look good we are really great rebound phase so let's play very very r quickly the three european indices cac 40 index rebounded on the middle s1 monthly lowest of the month of october superb rebound dax 40 him rebound on his support a monthly the famous monthly support very nice happy rebound stock rebound on the lowest of the previous week and we will say it broke a little bit the low of the previous month very strong rebound there we see that there is a huge relief on the European markets and then fuels +1 50 all that buy its buy in turn we have really a pure technical rebound moment of very good quality sahin not generally pouring our since the month of August when we stagnate we tend to decline it has looked per year over a day this is the first I have for the moment moments which seem to be built in an interesting way with a back law and then we were really on the lowest technical levels the previous week and we have such a strong rebound there really it encourages it encourages the ache teurs on the cac 40 sorry on the dax 40 on dax 40 will be careful now on very bourbon dax 40 so I won't hide from you that I had an alert at 14000 I'll show you 750 which was about here good we are dropped to the lowest slightly below 800 below 8800 790 it's all good now I'm not going to hang around the last 48 hours where I'm just going to get extremely wide alerts and alerts to really try to take a single trade I could not have really followed it is really the trait to learn wait until it takes 10 20 points put a stop and a stop benefits for more purposes and start immediately going about my business the urgent good pity but in any case the monthly support we could see it working really well so we have very good if not on the indices on the European indices and all its tables cac 40 which is almost at the highest since Tuesday the high on its highest of the week and he is mble really want to see very good very good very good signals accelerate on the European indices and Thursday on the European indices do not hesitate to put the nasdaq the dow jones in front of you even if you do not treat it we are good to here at ten years nice european 18 saw it the climate of tension of uncertainty inflation blah blah blah blah I strongly encourage you to put the oil price in front of your eyes if you see it falling it's very good sign for your clues if you see it rising it's not a good sign for you tell you is there as we have a hyper awareness I was going to say about this on this inflationary problem that this is not necessarily the best but in any case the fastest and in 'intraday' the most effective indicators to see there a little in quotes the inflationary pressure know it is the barrel of oil so can put the wti and the brent one of the two the two good if you want but one already for not too much so as not to overload your screens s and you will see that when you have the barrel lowering your European indices show and vice versa so here is the usual time it is not great known there is no need in quotes there yes there is still 7 this super sensitivity so it 's is the small ips of the day of technical ferris a little more in depth if I got yelled at about not talking about the dax 40 the last time ah there it was not well listened to yes but I can not delight 3000 people your case individual is not the alpha and the omega and heels of everything here it is a call to humility so on the room 40 listen to me I see him he is very very strong he wants to leap we can have a small downturn on 6550 so if we have any we are lucky to be able to enter my opinion on the purchase watch that it starts again and the boom it can really really go there the whole stake is that it explodes this this level there and for the moment it is well started here is if behind at 2:30 pm we have vouchers figures on weekly jobless claims it can be a day that hurts a lot because there we are very badly it goes up a lot we no longer have a 50 on the on the in europe we are a little at 0 60 points 0 , 81 on the Americans if there are good American statistics where they can go back to over 150 and that means that can propel us to +2 on the European indices here there is an appetite in addition so really all is well the dax 40 then a little more a little less energetic on the surcharge 40 in any case there he has just saved his week for the moment he has perhaps even just saved his self they stabilize on the middle and his thinness which is rather a good sign so the ultimate goal for him would be to get the monthly pivot point towards fifteen thousand four hundred, we should take 250 points 1% and a half good by the end of the month it doesn't seem like at all not at all impossible but it would have to be supported just ent by good news in anti-inflationary quotes but technically here it was it was really very very very beautiful it really gave me a signal a signal also in any case that the buyers did not give up that's where we were a little collapsed Wednesday and then we had this big contact on the support to my only and a very violent rebound so we have and especially we came back we went there under fifteen thousand we came back above 15,000 they saved the soldier ryan it was the level this level 15 thousand islands saved during the day and they even got us a little higher slightly higher in the night so continue so there we really have a strong signal if we have a phase of drop there if we go back over the 15 minutes we talk again ah yeah there yeah I'm taking articles because we can have this mac system here if we go back to the 15,000 we erase 50% of the people mission leaves it can be we can set out again to try to break the fifteen thousand two hundred that are a little embarrassing here to maybe go look for 15 1250 15300 so rather rather positive especially all the American indices I will take the one who has suffered the most lately is the nasdaq so we can really see his Stations of the Cross has started on September 8 and it has not stopped stopping and there finally since yesterday we sent in ahl which did not if we have the first candle which could a slightly positive trend reversal candle we saved the lower of the month of the previous month that is fundamental to have a prospect of an upturn and we continued since we closed we will say around 14 1750 on the on the nasdaq the company of the American employment figures weekly unemployment registrations are good if we are well and from tomorrow by the US Department of Labor and its stats we could come back to the 15 me it will really be that here we see the objective 15 points monthly pivot point and we would have really recovered of a phase 2 d he strong decline on nasdaq with perhaps a potential to go up a little bit in a very cautious way because the slightest news on inflation can be annoying but if we look at the head of the last candles there on the 24 out of the last 96 hours we see that the lows are more and more to very slightly since Monday so Monday or Tuesday is a little better Wednesday a little better so that's rather a good sign a good technical sign to be confirmed So here we can of course see the drop on the drop yesterday we did not look at all for the low of Monday we recovered before and we exploded the highest that's why technically it would be good enough that we are this the same type what I explained to you for the dax 40 that we are exactly the same type on the nasdaq i.e. a little reflux we take we take support low by example on the high of the previous month in the worst case on the medal race to monthly we go back down end will not touch the soul of the monthly esa this is where we will have to be very fine to really have this continuity we will go down we will approach it and boom we are leaving and there it could give momentum for go look for the 15000 where he is going to go in a straight line because there anyway we feel that they are who are his buyers for for the moment the dow jones dow jones that tell you he is doing well and there we have really the construction there too of a beginning of law of 2000 dollars monthly it is almost we can say that there is there it is just there good there is there is there it is almost there we really have a good figure there we have it you have on the last 30 daily candles so over a month we have a nice possible reversal figure and to get maybe the 34 1750 in one at first but really positive and all the clues it's the same the nasdaq we just saw it we will take the little one the little weak the russell 2000 then b much wider the russell 2000 ceased on monday which is what to watch to see if there is a flow of money which withdraws when the russell falls that means that they are not reassured by the market from which it withdraws from first if you are fund managers you can have we will say three types of actions from equities to lower equities that is, we will say that these russell actions are actions which are the least strong in terms of capital, etc but that allows you to have a much wider field of intervention, perhaps also to settle some liquidity problems in passing and you have category a shares at we will say well it's apple knows that facebook when when facebook is working these alphabet clusters see the letter to look for beautiful actions and the three alphabets the parent company of google and apple here are smooth the east of sicily have found a third a and that will make the action triple in the states united I have one but it is not one beautiful and yeti no we're going to stay together it's not bad it will be this double a in any case we are going there is you really have the premium stocks this one you are going to take them out of your portfolio really if it's the end of the world of signs if I dare to say on the other hand the Russian lct where it gives you a little more flexibility in your wallet and if we see that the ass that Russell behaves rather well is a good sign overall for the rest of the de the season and for the category b and men's categories and categories actions so there we can see we have a recovery it is not rushing either either completely there we see that if we look at the nasdaq it broke its high of Monday the dow jones the same the burst its highest the russell it is not at all yet on the highest so that for me my interpretation is that it is better we breathe we are relieved the oil barrel is falling we have good job creation figures in the United States so that means that the engine is not rusty far from there the united states sets out again usa number one so much the better for the whole world too bad for the pollution but that's another debate yes i still wanted to clarify that how am i going to turn why ecological primary candidate called rousseau is absolutely not my sister against 1 - rumors that have circulated my sister is a real environmentalists and not this lady is really extremely soft because frankly expected a rate 80% tax for people who earn a lot of money here I find it is a little soft underbelly must go up to 110% otherwise it really has no interest here I do not know why I say that maybe because I see glass everywhere on clues here I stopped this game I started talking a lot of nonsense I don't know what time it is and I want 8:30 am I stopped the 2nd to focus for the opening full of good things so we meet again that tomorrow morning at between 8 a.m. and 8 a.m. 55 minutes of delay it doesn't depend on me I press the button at 8 a.m. and then youtube decides if it

heats up or if it does not heat up it's still not understood but here it is between 8 hours and 8 hours 5 good foot good eye good mood and it will go up today anyway it's already well climbed ah it can really be a beautiful green day there is a huge potential we have clouds receding but what is important is to see the relief that we have on the markets there it is really the relief we have a small drop on the raw materials we have good unemployment figures the republicans and the democrats seem to find a deal for raise the debt ceiling that - the united states is not in insolvency session at the end of the month so we will take advantage of it today and then we will see tomorrow that it can be completely backfired but that's what is absolutely awesome I think this for that makes you boo rse is that we have every morning and every morning it's a new story a new story a new adventure and we have absolutely no certainty about this game if there are troubles but in full screen even to tell you at see you again and I'll give you 3 and where to visit the sludge, see you tomorrow we'll meet you on the Lille forum here I finally slept eight hours for him so I have fishing for several days ciao to all

2021-10-08 06:54

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