T-Pain's School of Business Episode 2: How To Be A Disruptor

T-Pain's School of Business Episode 2: How To Be A Disruptor

Show Video

How, do you shake up old-school industries, and make a mint doing it to find out I'm about to cook some bugs cleanse, my privates, and risk my life to conquer an old fear may, break my nose but, it will be good TV. I'm. T-pain, you know me as a musician. But. What you don't know is that I'm a businessman. And I'm obsessed, with finding is the newest tech I knew it school knew, it culture, I knew, is everything. I'm, taking my curiosity, on the road to meet the entrepreneurs, who are defining, the future I've been an entrepreneur all, my life I'm gonna get a feel for their companies, and find out how they turn their ideas into reality. This, is t-pain's school, of business. Everybody. Knows t-pain, loves cars at one point I had 36 cars all to myself, it was bad management, the only thing I hate about car, is being in traffic it's bad everywhere. It's traffic which, is why everybody has, been talking about rideable, as the solution, for traffic in the next five years personal. Electric, vehicles, are projected, to become a forty billion dollar a year global, industry, that's if people, like me can get out of their cars I'm not sure that's gonna happen so, far my only rideable experience, has been the, original hoverboard, we all know what happened with that fire explosion. Small batteries, on big motors the first time I got on a hoverboard it was a Snoop Dogg's house. Now. He has 80. Pain sized hole in his, wall. I'm. So sorry that was not my intention but I told you not. To try to teach me how to ride that thing in the house I'm, going right now to meet my homegirl Rose Wang from in motion a company, that wants to get people out of their cars, I'm. The CEO of emotion. USA, what I take care of is revolutionising. Human mobility, getting. More people into using. Sustainable, electric. Transportation, when. You look at cities, and urban settings, you see a lot of urban, congestion carbon. Emissions, so our job here is really to educate people, about, what. There is to use for sustainable, transportation remember, kids you're, not stuck in traffic you, are the traffic, roads. Is taking the car out of the car dealership instead, of carbon emitting, traffic, creating cars, roses, dealership, is selling electric rideable Rose, co-created, the scooter board along, with the group of Chinese engineers she, found through social media her genius is that she came up with the idea to sell not only her creation, but a fleet, of rideable you're, actually, standing right next to the, start of it all scooter board it looks like a scooter but it rides like a skateboard. These. Are the hover shoes. They're. The first prototypes, in the entire western hemisphere, basically. A hoverboard, except, without the middle bridge that wouldn't be me I didn't mmediately do the splits right there right, in the middle would you like to try this originally space I'm gonna follow pretty dramatically, Rose. Has me convinced to give these Ryder bowls a try now. Scary, thing is I'm pretty clumsy I don't, have that much of a good balance so possibly. May, break my nose but, it will be good TV and that's, what we're here for. Why. Don't you put one foot on see, how you like it and then we don't have to commit to both, if you're, not feeling it I'm all ready because I'm. You. Wants to show you first. So. You just start with one for the time, if. You keep your foot flat just like this. This. Seems like easy thing but, my brain and the way it works it just takes a few minutes oh, why. Don't you go for a ride on the Pew one s they have handles yeah let's do the, minibike. Here is the throttle all right okay, and don't forget the most important part. Why. Ridable it started, really, when I was in my full-time job and actually took an hour, at least to commute into work every, single day being, frustrated, what the commute, I knew, there had to be another solution, that's, when I got in contact with, the engineering, team in China and we, started talking about solutions. And, so we started out with scooter, board on Kickstarter, that actually. Reached, his funding, goal within, the first 48, hours oh boy. To. Move forward and really build, a company around it, fizzle, tip have, something, for everyone Rose, wants to be the car dealership of the future he's pretty much proved that she's well on her way. What. Gave you the courage, to dive, right into entrepreneurship. I've actually been an entrepreneur all my life I was born in China I came from a pretty impoverished, area, I would've loved drawing in my day care I started, selling, cartoon, characters, for 25 cents and then in, high school I started importing, Asian, cosmetics, and beauty products, into, the Western Hemisphere and, I, made pretty good money I don't think my strength is in a nine-to-five I wanted, to do something where I could change.

Our Society for, the better get out there and make it happen exactly. So. What did we learn today I mean, Rose got me out of my car. Rose. Hated, her commute I mean we all do but, instead of complaining about it she did something about it start your own business, around your problem, create the solution, just find something you hate and start, something to get rid of it can't do anything about today you gotta figure that out on y'all persistence, people laugh, in the face of adversity get your shit together and maybe you'll be. Riding the streets in style. Like. Tea pizza. Coming. Up on t-pain School of Business, can. There be a billion dollar maggot idea i'ma, see for myself. Then, I meet a woman who's disrupting a whole industry would you want your penis to smell that way. Do. You know anything about me you know the bugs not, even a little nope but apparently they're, about to change the face of agribusiness, as we know it I don't know it but I'm here to be shine and pet cousins. And founders, of grumbly farms, they create animal, feed out of baked fly, larvae, they're cooking, food for chickens animal. Feed is a 70, billion, dollar a year business. And, that's just in the u.s. I don't know if you guys know what a unicorn, is but it's definitely not. A horse, of one horn on his head that shit's rainbows, and kisses. Renee's a unicorn. Is Silicon. Valley talk for a business, that has a billion dollar valuation grumbly, farms, has the potential to become a unicorn, I don't like bugs but I do love money what's going on, this is grumbly folio surprisingly. Clean so what's uh what's. A prisoner, we're developing a sustainable process. Why larvae animal feed what was the, motivation behind. Yeah, let's do this Shawn and I were living, together at the time and, he. Actually came to me and proposed ideas, like I think bug is gonna be the future and. Surprising. Enough I'm actually terribly, terribly, afraid of pretty. Much all bugs we got something coming there so let's go the, original, idea was to create a burger patty out of insects, that we could sell in Southeast, Asia or Africa is, the kind of westernized, version, of what they eat over there so we actually blended, grubs. With, black beans and make it into a burger patty and being, completely honest, is kind of disgusting, yeah we. Slowly realized, pretty much how much big of an impact raising. Insects can have on, on, the planet and that's what led us down the path to, raising, black soldier fly carbs. Here. You can see our actual first product, so this is the dried, larva, I am ready, for the smell of this they actually smell pretty good oh. I. Don't smell bad all, right, it smells like old bacon, but, it's a bit nutty Oh, see. That's not bad right you can't even tell they're bugs I can very much tell they're but, you. Can't tell those the bugs yeah they're not too bad for, chickens. Wants, them for, TV. Purposes, we're, gonna say I had them so now, that we've seen the end product, let's go take a look and see oh the drums, are actually made whole, shit just got big. This. Is a bin, of the grubs so. Below this dirt, Oh got, it move it ah the, grub poop there's. Thousands. Of these, guys this. Is not very. Pocket, of straight grubs oh that's. Way worse. That. Was terrible that. Was bad that was bad how. Do we get from this, to what I held earlier, that actually starts, with, basically.

Breeding, Flies how does one go about breeding, class, that's. Actually, where the secret sauce lies they breed very well under natural sunlight obviously but, getting them to breed under artificial, conditions is, quite difficult and that's actually what we've been focusing, on Jesus once, the babies reach about, this size is when we actually can start feeding them to food waste in this barrel we actually have some spent brewery grains that we pick up from a local brewery around here the larva will eventually come up to the surface and we, take a portion, of our larva population, let them mature and then continue, the breeding aspect but, the majority of it goes, into the rest of the processing, these eventually. Turn into our end product over, 50, million tons of food waste every year our landfill, and food, waste actually decomposes. Into methane a greenhouse gas, over 20 times more harmful to the environment as co2 so, by the larvae eating through this it's a preventing, greenhouse gases, being emitted and, offering, a solution to the food waste issue that the United States has. This. Is our old sifting. Machine it. Separates, the substrate. From the larvae all right let's get this going. What. This actually is is the, larva poop and this is actually a pretty high-quality fertilizer. Substrate, is poop. It has a bunch of different potential, industries, that it can be sold into the selling ship yes. The, super dope thing about gruffly Farms is that their, main source. Of income makes, more of their source of income, grubs become, flies making. More grubs catching. Grubs. Eating food waste companies, will pay for that trance to be hauled away catching. Grubs, pooping, becomes. Fertilizer, good, Jing these. Larvae shit money, this, is kind of our old-school version but now I'm gonna show you what it looks like when you step this up into the more industrial. Commercial, look. They. All come out of the oven dry, this is really. What the product of that you pull it out of the bag earlier some, of that, they're. Not moving out no this is much better than earlier, coming, up on t-pain School of Business, I'll. Meet some chickens to. Check. So. That roughly, farm just found out the direct, reason why. You want to sell everything. It's. Just who. Any more money they'd sell the, larvae they sell the shit they, make more larvae you come back make that into food more love it and they just keep shitting and, keep producing more money but the one thing that could pick up all, that, process, is if the chickens don't like it tell you what they got chickens in the back the, focus group writing the goddamn building. Process. Is there, put. Your hands around the wings yeah. If you start flapping just drop it like that. Hopefully. Please on time you're charging your charge they're not just that don't charge you. Cannot take, it running they'll come right after yeah. That's, some Jurassic Park shit. Prepared. For chickens. Do come from dinosaurs. Oh, don't walk off the apron cute, chick the. Focus group was a success. Let's. Still got a lot of questions for Shining Path we got seed the, business, going, how big, a big would you say this is gonna be being that there's a seventy. Billion dollar pot out there I think there's definitely gonna be a billion, dollar insect, company within the next five years if not multiple of them we're really looking to work, with as many other insect, producers, as possible, just to help get the entire industry off the ground, once it gets some traction then. That's well the, real competition will begin you really gotta know product, that kind, of I don't, see how it's not paying for itself, it's getting there it's the, insect industry, there's still a stigma of insects in Western society, but I feel like we're on that tipping point that it's becoming, adopted, more and more over time here's my question, do you even notice the flowers anymore, even, so I don't anymore no, no I told you flies they're the most chill, insect, ever okay. That makes sense it, just feels like an. Pooped on a bunch at, the time happens, some, people like that. Well. I. Guess. You're not wrong this picture some people do. Grumpily. Farms is what I now believe to be insect, gold by, offering up a more healthy, and more sustainable.

Alternative. To everything. That's happening in the animal feed industry right now all, that's left now is scale growth. And. Billions. Of dollars coming. Up on C pain school of business I learned, that you can never be too clean. My. Plant a tree in the school play. Super hot in Atlanta all the time my back is sweating right now swamp, everything, nobody wants that so I'm about to meet somebody who's gonna cure all this swamp ass hopefully, mostly for the club and afterwards, a lot of dancing going on a lot of swamp in this build enough Beatriz. Espada she's the founder and CEO of the honeypot and, she's capitalizing. On the popularity of, the wellness industry in fact the global wellness, industry is, now worth almost, four trillion. Dollars, there's only been a few companies telling half, of human population, how to take care of themselves and that's the vagina industry, which, I found out a lot of my ran by old dudes, these. Big companies have been using the same formulas, for a hundred years now and here comes bitch cleaning. Up the feminine hygiene industry. Tell. Me what we got going on it we are a plant-based feminine, hygiene system, mmm. So we do external. Washes. And. There's. A whole slew of thing, everything, that women need to take care of themselves okay what was your thoughts on what. We like to call a big vagina most. Conventional. Menstrual. Products, are cleaned. With, a. Chemical, soup that. Is chlorine. Bleach acetone. Iran's. Dioxins. Formaldehyde. Even, sometimes women, have a lot of issues because, what. They're using on a monthly basis, absorbing them it's absorbing, all those things oh boy how does one go about getting. Into. This. Business. Yeah honestly. I had, an almost year-long, bacterial. Vaginosis infection. Okay, that shit was terrible, right it better make you figure some shit out one yep and so yeah. It's crazy, I'm so sorry. One. Night you. Know how like right before you wake up sometimes you dream then. Listen. Dream. Right and I, was sitting down with one of my ancestors just like I'm sitting there talking to you and. She. Basically gave, me a list of ingredients instead. When you wake up try, it okay, I literally woke up wrote, it down but I just put it together in kitchen. Ingredients. And I tried it and it was like a gift anyway. That's all I cut my hair the first time my uncle came to me in a dream told me to do it I think. I was working at Whole Foods at, that time I was thinking like him. I see all these brands coming in here maybe. I need to develop a brand and then it was just like, lightbulb. Seaplanes. It follow. Your dreams. Literally. If somebody comes to you in your dreams and say you need to take care of the rest of the vaginas in the world then, absolutely, go do that this is how you can make myself everything. Kind, of starts off with, water so this is like a coconut oil, kind of like a feel, so it's only no gloves no. Nothing. You could drink this shit if you wanted to use your I promise, you I get that as natural, you know what else is natural bears. That's. Okay. Would. You want your penis to smell that way it's. A little minty. The. Smell is amazing. Okay. There. Is only, six. Of us okay, now but we. Just wrapped, up an investment, round we just raised, a few million dollars that's what the hell I'm done and when. You're in a consumer, packaged goods company, you have to go to a, supplier, which, they call a co-packer, right. They have testing. Having.

That Type of investment. Partner. Yes there's only six of us but we've got like a machine. Back here that. We can just pull on for anything star. White spam. Now, we're gonna practice would be preaches, we're, gonna research the wellness industry right from the inside, in a dope-ass spa so, we're about to give you a veggie facial, we're about to feed your skin Lee when you started making your product right then, it seemed like people. Thought that you. Were crazy trying to go through these different stores and companies we got into target, right, we were very fortunate because the buyer went, to her hairdresser to get her hair done my hairdresser told, her about honeypot so in this instance target, came to us, but. That's the easy part when. They say yes. Now. You're like I. Gotta. Find some money you know when, a big retailer, wants to carry your product Congrats now you have to actually make enough to stock yourselves, that, takes money from investors people. Wow. Getting. Organic, spinach, leaves, my Palermo tree in the school yes so that this restores, the pH balance. Of the skin all, right one of the things that people said that I was crazy about is because when we were raising the capital to, just get into target, with the washes and wipes I knew, that, we had to figure out a way to. Then launch pads so a lot of people said that, I was crazy because. They were like you haven't, found the money for your wash. You. Gotta be a little crazy to be in a startup life you have to really believe that you, can do anything be. Started, in our kitchen mixing, up these ingredients, that she got from one of her ancestors, and, now she's, part of the multi trillion-dollar wellness, industry that's, an awesome people, always gonna say you're crazy and people they. Don't know the hell they're talking about so the moral of the story is take advantage of your craziness. Because. Weather is new transportation, animal. Feed or, feminine. Care you've. Gotta be kind of crazy to dream up the future class. Dismissed. You.

2018-10-24 13:55

Show Video


T-Pain can you suggest a direction to take for a person that has a new product idea. Like from help getting it to patent and produced.

That Snoop animation is ACCURATE AF!!!

Do you want your penis to smell like maggots? Well I gotta said it a little shitty

Rip lil peep

Thank you T pain for making entrepreneurship interesting to the kids

i love this show!

More T-Pain please! I absolutely love him.

I like how they shouted out to Juicewrld at 16:32#LUCIDDREAMS!!


So at 7:47 he just generalizes that people from those regions just eat bugs. As if mfs dont have grains vegetables and native animals

Well aye T I’m a new artist and I’m nice

I really like this show. I actually like this better then shark tank.

Haha I like his energy.

Go back to drifting pls

I bet they own a car still lol

This show is dope and much needed. Thank you T-Pain & Fuse! #Lit

First time watching, and I love it. Tpain was great here, I'll definitely watch it on TV next time. Good shit Fuse!!


T Pain is a beast! Legend in my eyes he’s up there with Lil Wayne, Drake, Pac

i enjoy these classes keep em comin

When did the show star coming on

legends say this man beat clint stevens in connect 4

Ich habe Schon Viel gelernt Danke T-pain

I fw t pain dope music dope personality and highly influential without due credit.. Goat fr

I love this show so much

Lil peep reincarnated into that chick

Tpain im very proud of you for this show!!! It's very interesting n adventurous ur abtrue gem and handsome as hell!!! Go t pain ur fabulous i luv u!!!!!


That maggot bness.. Is my next venture I have researching on it for last one year.. Thank you so much T-Pain for bringing that up. I am so grateful..

Dope keep them coming!!!!!!

I love the way he freaked out when the bugs were crawling on him.

This is lit, some more overwatch would also be lit

Fuse & T-Pain doing a blessing with this show. Keep up the good work and thank you Fuse for not being snobby and not putting it on YouTube


“They have handles ?”

This man makes me so happy lol

How can you not like T Pain?

Amazing video. Congrats to fuse and t pain. Keep making t pain episodes. And can we get another t pain asmr video?plz?

Tpain funny as heck bruh lol

I love this

At like 7:35 the guy says “bugs are the future” and they cut to T-pains t shirt that says “that’s a horrible idea “

I really fuck with tpain. Been since "I'm sprung" most don't even know that song was about his wife.

@fuse let him know I'm like a younger brother of his that would love him to help guide me. It's not easy at the bottom, everyone needs a little help @fuse

Grubbly farms is GENIUS!!!! $$$$$$$

This was actually very interesting and well structured. Wishing T-pain nothing but the best

Fabulous! Love this!

im buying that electric skateboard mmmm


Perfect shirt for the bugs lol

T-PAIN TIP: Instead of complaining about something you hate, do something about it! Start a business by creating a solution around a problem

A T-pain sized whole in the wall lolz

Jigga warned us on Death of Autotune that we are T-Paining too much, but after this episode, I might have to conclude we are not T-Paining enough.

Innovative !!! Shared 10x + Words to the wise

Tpain is hilarious

Bitch I might b :)

You know the world coming to a end getting paid off shit

This is my dream my passion.. I want you to back in Da music game cuz, you are my inspiration I can't do it alone. I need a teacher.. I think no one else can help me better than you. You are a rap legend. I wanna be a part of nappy boy

I honestly enjoy this show!. And I've been a fan of T pain ever since I can remember.

Please don't let nappy boy die

Rebuild nappy boy, I wanna be a part of nappy boy

5:47 Neck work

Oh man found this day of upload - super cool listening to at work, very inspiring.

This show is fire

this is awesome, keep it up


Thank you

T-Pain: _That's some "Jurassic Park" shit that I'm just not prepared for!_ Go watch the first Jurassic Park' movie in the first scene where the little girl was surrounded by what looks like "Geckos" as she was feeding them which caused a swarm of them to come and they eventually attacked and ate her. This was a very funny comment.

I'm trying to build a crazy robot myself I love the motivation involved in this show the people are great. Ideas are awesome thanks #T-Pain and #fuse for this

QueenCoCoaMocha it was on yesterday

#Tpain #businessman

i lIke this show.

T pain is one funny motherfukr

This needs to keep coming!!!

this show is cool

Fuse has a good host with T-Pain he's a natural. I'd love to kick it with T-Pain he seems hella fun

This is a great show. I'm getting inspiration to really start my own business or publish my book. I don't know which to do first.

westernized version of "what they eat over there" lol dfuq

t-pain's editor is probably 2 chains' editor too or maybe his cousin

archer is going to prison get the fuck out of my phone original account u stupid fuckin cunt under my keyboard your going now big big big big big big lawyer's

My 2nd time watching. I love it! Tpain out here living his best life while helping others with theirs.

He's a good host. Genial, easygoing, and smiley

Aye this series is so far my favorite

16:35 The first self made female millionaire was a black woman selling cosmetics, Sarah Breedlove. Maybe thats who she was talking to in that dream.

Awesome very cool.

i loveeeee this show

Shits rainbow's and pisses mayo?!? WHAT!?! Lol!

He funny doe

this won't be recognized until idk did y'all even peep the "Can't Believe It" video.

@2:34 Ray J better WATCH OUT!

But can yall give his mom a cooking episode

another great episode =)

"I guess you're not wrong"

Once you find an alternate route to work to use an e-machine it’ll take 3 hours lol

Exactly lol. These people aren't using their machines with cars around lol.

Way to go T-Pain !! Happy to see you winning.

My kind of reality tv.

those arent halal bro lmao

I love seeing TPain in this light. His personality is

U ugly ass fuck qhat the fuck do u know about fam fortune or anything nasty niggar go pick my cotton and make me a winter hat bitch whore

I still see your shadows in my room

right? i was big mad

No doubt they still do. These e-machines can't work unless they have roads carved out just for them.

Heck Yeah!!

Did you catch the first episode?

TonkaTruck ELI if that was true you wouldnt have to be the only one ever to say so

christopher vaughn goat? Come on w that get of tpains dick lol

Young boys too

The hood definitely

Ha you're selling s*** ha ha

T-Pain is the most photogenic mofo I've ever seen! Man I love this multi-talented guy!

I love watching the show!!!

This is the best shit I seen, just imagine more shows with other rappers like just imagine lil yachty doing this kinda shit

Rideables are a bad joke. Do you know what cars have? Heaters when it's cold. Ac when it's hot. And go faster than 5mph. So, if you need to go across town, shopping, work, or anything else that requires travel, stick with a vehicle and deal with the traffic.

lovin' this series

I love this shit don't stop making these videos bro this shit is dope

I hope this show continues have success!!! Love it!!

Jurassic park shytt

Each episode I've gotten more and more inspired. Can't wait for episode 3.

12:55 Lil Peep? Is there a project on the way...?

I might try that honey pot stuff. Prefer organic stuff for my vaginal health

Istg. New show jus brought life ta me tht I can smoke too

Teddy with that jacket, mane!

the caucasity!

"Can't do anything about your dad..." LOL

Buy me a drank. Buy her a drank. Buy yourself a drank.

I fkk with this show

"Moral of the story is...Take advantage of your craziness..." - T-Pain

Episode 3 !!

Lil Rel could play as T-pain in a movie

T-Pain should be focused on making music instead of doing shows like this that are already on TV! .... Just wasting time and energy!...

He is making music. He can do both.

This show is dope

Love this! Great idea


This is a Bomb ass show!!

The way T pain laughed/ giggled when he got on the bike is priceless

that shit got me upset

Tpain is a natural. Your well informed & good at ask importan questions. Funny & honest as possible

Sooo basicly another 2chains shoe

I want more episodes ✔

6:24 wtf plus y she look at him like dat

Tell me this isn’t going to be on NetFlix?


I’m tired of this AD

Making people lazy


Every time that snoop cartoon popped up I just couldn't stop laughing

Wheres the autotune?

So he doing what 2 chainz is doing.

Salute to the homie t pain

In the thumbnail he looks like Black Bray Wyatt

We wouldn't have as much food waste if food places would give the food that has been under the heat lamps for too long to food Banks

Aki Merced Right?! I was looking for a comment that would point out that bs.

Ur all way to sensitive

Yeah I heard that ish...we're going to solve the world's hunger problem by feeding them bug burgers, how about you stop robbing them of their natural resources...that might work too

When's the next episode dropping.

Fuck off my recommendation I watched you alright

open a wing in Dallas and I'll manage it

I hate that they named it “hover” board

T pain sucks! #DEALWITHIT!

T Pain+Fuse= $$$ Smart partnership

And newest hoes

Is that a chicken nugget?

2:24 austin martin

Pinche negro pendejo pito

Bella from Grubbly Farms is lookin kinda thick

T-pain, Love your school...

So they're basically using life to sell death and shit

29 million views for clickbait

Haha, “Chinese engineers”... partial proof the our middle class is going away to cheap labor

Damn it!! I thought tpain was dead

Knowledge is power ❤️ Ugh I love it

☆☆☆☆☆#Fuse ..... you Guys got one☆☆☆☆☆

I’m on the third segment T-pain! Your show is mind blowing weird yet useful ground breaking inventions and inventors

I’m on your second segment after rose and those guys are very smart! U made the point everything they are into produces more money. You have a real eye for ground breaking inventions and inventors keep up the good work sir!!!

Good job rose I’m impressed and I would definitely become a customer

Luv ya show T-pain keep em coming

+TammyTheQueenBee agree to disagree

This show is absolutely nothing like 2 Chainz show.

brilliant!! 50billion A YEAR just to feed chickens!!! tap it!!

Wow never knew the creator of The Honey Pot was a Black woman!

Yay Honey Pot!!!!!

Very enjoyable to watch

How are we supposed to use these electronic vehicles in cold weather?

fuse@ #ويزيboy 666 follow Man illmunati shit

"Take advantage of your craziness" ♥♥♥♥

IamSuave Lmaoo i was thinking about him the whole time

I’ve been wondering where the next episode was. The first episode was crazy! Glad I found this! Definitely a fan of this show #respect

Tpain is so sweet and charming! Seems like an awesome man

Making yourself rich

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