Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 6-1-21 | Breakouts on Material Stocks

Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 6-1-21 | Breakouts on Material Stocks

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good afternoon everyone john mcnichol and welcome to swing trading days to weeks hope everyone had a fantastic memorial weekend our topic today as it is every week we'll look at swing setups we'll do practice trades and we'll go ahead and we'll review some of our practice trades from the previous week so stick around all right hey it's great to see those you that are live with us today such as vijay peter krishna mike eric giles mike george ac tm krista and everyone else you appreciate you joining us each and every week also shout out to those you listening to the archive session as well you can see my twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow myself along with other fine instructors at td ameritrade education let's take care of disclosures and we'll get right into our discussion for today options not suitable for all investors spread straddles other multi-lake option strategies often involve greater more complex risks in single-leg option trades along with multiple commissions now in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we will be using actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or term suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility particularly with swing trading and active trading transaction costs are important factors should be considered when evaluating any trade and we're encouraging to practice what you learn here today with tools such as the paper money software which is for educational purposes and successful virtual trading does not guarantee success of actual funds during later time periods of actual funds during a later time period as mark conditions change continuously now while this webcast discusses technical analysis other approaches include fundamental analysis may serve very different views and a stop loss order will not guarantee an execution at or near an activation price once activated they compete with other income and market orders as always folks all investing involves risks including the risk of loss and as i mentioned uh starting off here's our agenda focusing on some swing setups uh this webcast is geared towards a little more on the active trading side with duration over a relatively short period days to weeks trying to capture some of the momentum swings that may occur whether up or down we practice trade each and every week so you can learn about how to not only take those setups but utilize the think or swim platform to practice these various trade setups and as always we'll review previous trades and continue discussion of tools such as profit management all right so with that let's go to the thinkorswim platform a quick eye on the market uh as we start off a shorted uh short week uh the s p uh uh opened up and and actually traded uh attempting to test some of those previous highs uh did kind of fade back uh into the range however the low of the day is still staying above in this example a five-day moving average so the shorter term trend as well as the intermediate trend uh still intact looking at some of the other indices such as the nasdaq we're kind of seeing the same thing nasdaq pretty much hanging around its previous level for the last week here dipping down earlier in the session but notice coming off of those lows so demonstrating a little bit of bullishness there looking at the dow djx that was well similar to the s p uh popped and traded higher uh kind of faded back you know some technicians refer to this as a shooting star which may pretend that price may pull back a little bit and traders would look more for confirmation of that that's actually what we would call a a kablood or a close below the low of the high day that is potentially a common exit strategy for swing traders you know trying to capture some of those relatively shorter moves now that hasn't shown itself as of yet and we'll see how that applies to some individual stocks looking at the russell uh russell the big winner uh today so far with about an hour left to the market up about a little over about 1.3 percent and actually discussed this last week on some of our affiliates uh at td ameritrade on the relatively relative strength in some of the areas in both the small caps uh as well as the nasdaq from the previous week on uh basically getting above uh some of the previous levels they had sold off on from may small caps are actually above that area the nasdaq i believe is is just treading above that uh whereas the larger caps uh are just above it uh as well uh but uh some good relative performance on on those small caps in the nasdaq as we start this week looking at some of the sectors uh energy materials reits are kind of leading the way that is a little bit of a driver on some of the stocks we'll be uh taking a look here as we're looking for uh whether bounces or breakouts and so it wouldn't be ordinary to see uh some of uh in the energy and materials area showing that and so let's without further ado let's take a look at some of these examples now if you're new to this webcast certainly like to welcome you you can go ahead and type in the chat there if you are new this class is a little faster pace as you see when you go ahead and look at the the webcast schedule this is a little more intermediate if you do go ahead and take a look at the webcast calendar if you want to look for some of our beginning classes uh keep an eye open for the ones that are in green those are our getting started series and not on the calendar since it's a holiday but uh i believe we have getting started with technical analysis with cameron may uh which is at 11 a.m eastern time on mondays there all right and uh with some of the examples uh that we're looking at uh i've generally have you utilized uh watch lists such as the penny increment watch list and uh which is a public list and another list i've utilized is utilize an implied volatility scan which ties in with some of the option classes uh that i teach but uh stocks with you know relatively low implied volatility uh that may be going a little more sideways could be some examples for whether bullish or bearish directional trades if one's utilizing options as those options may be relatively cheaper that's accessible uh if you want to learn more about that just follow me on twitter you'll see some of those characters uh on the scratch pad on the thinkorswim platform but last week i i did update uh my webcast schedule along with some of the various scripts and scans that are discussed in the class you're welcome to go ahead and follow those instructions and with some of the uh quote column script if you're very new to this there's a link to the webcast that takes a deeper dive into that all right so there we go so let's apply in some of these methods uh a couple examples uh we'll look at uh we're gonna take a look at lyb this is an example of a breakout now two of the common entries uh on a swing trade is whether to trade a a bounce uh or a breakout uh the bounce is what we would refer to as a when price trades or closes above the high of a low day as it started trading at above here towards the end of may and a little bit of a follow-through there now we're seeing a breakthrough resistance uh notice an example of more of a a tr a a rectangular pattern this is something that we discuss in breakouts and reversal patterns which is the webcast i teach tomorrow and i believe that is at noon eastern time and looking at that previous resistance and support some traders may measure the distance between that support and resistance and project that out as a target easy way of doing that we go to our drawing tools select a rectangle i'm going to go ahead and highlight or draw a rectangle over that range so traders may see a visualization of distance as far as price as well as the passage of time on how long it could potentially can take for the price to make that type of a move then what i can do is i can go ahead and right click uh on that square we'll activate that and then kind of move this up to that breakout point then we can get an idea of where a potential target may be now we can go ahead and mark that on the chart that'd be approximately around 123. now

some technicians may go back and look further back to see you know if there is a another price resistance in this case uh at least uh it looks like it's making whether all-time highs or at least highs for the last few years i have to go back to you know it looks like some of their all-time highs are at around 1 which have about 122 there so one can potentially mark there notice there's a bit of confluence with those previous highs as well as that potential target so if we go ahead and zoom back in on this so we have part of the story there uh if some traders were to utilize a potential stop so there's a target price is potentially setting a stop if the trade fails or blows back into the pattern uh set at a percentage uh below that breakout point so if right here you know our breakout points approximately i look at the highs here we got about 115 77 one can go ahead and take a percentage below that point let's say we'll use an example of three percent we'll bring up a calculator and i think i said 115.77 times 0.97 and that would be a 1 12 29 so i can go ahead and let's say we'll visualize this as well take a horizontal line and we'll plot that at around 1 12 29. if you want to be exact there you can go ahead once you drop the line right click on it we'll edit properties type in that exact price and since this is an example to stop visualize that we'll make that a red dashed line you know one can do the same thing as far as with a price target you know you can make that whatever visually you want and look at some of the comments you know jack says would you compare the target uh with an uh with an analyst target well keep in mind when it comes with uh analyst targets uh they may be looking at things a little more of a longer term uh but certainly uh you know traders may look at that uh as a way uh to um you know see if the fundamentals line up now when it comes to swing trading since it's days to weeks and we're looking at things we're over a relatively shorter term whereas a trend trader or someone that's looking at things over a longer term uh may uh you know look at things differently and where those price targets you know may more you know come into mind now remember analysts are third-party uh reports here uh but you know you can go on the td ameritrade website and get an idea of what analysts think about it and you may see various price targets that may come into mind again those are fundamental analysts ratings and typically those levels may be over the course of a year or more okay uh but certainly something you can incorporate into some of the analysis appreciate the question and so uh again you know here's a an idea of the entry where uh we have potential entry target and where a potential stop is in this case we can do a uh an example of a a stock trade you know some traders may look at an option this is hundred and sixteen dollar stock uh if we were to go ahead and take a look at some of the options now just because uh you know the stock may be trading or maybe a technical indicator uh when one looks at options should have considerations for liquidity and even though this may be a shorter term trade some traders may go out further in time when it comes to options so the impact of that time decay may not be as great and you know looking at the price on you know some of these options you know if one wanted to you know try and simulate closer to the stock trade may go deeper into money if they're looking for a greater return on risk if the price was to trade to its target they may look closer to at or slightly out of the money but keep in mind there's always a risk to any type of reward that's out there also keep in mind as far as probabilities so as an example here if if i wanted to do uh this example uh let's say just going a little in the money there this would be a uh about 10 and 80 cents per share if i go ahead and right click on this and right click and i can do a buy custom with stop now i think i did this a little bit last week with one of our practice trades where we can utilize conditional orders to basically enter or exit a trade based off the stock price now if one's doing this certainly be conscious of liquidity as far as with the options for instance in this example here you know seeing a spread that's relatively small this is about a 30 cent spread on a 10 option one of the guidelines or examples we've looked at is a spread no more than 10 percent of that ask price which in this case would be about a buck eight now uh someone brings up a pretty good question here why do the breakout does it make sense to wait for a pullback and bounce off the new support before getting in that's a good question carlos and many traders may look for that but what if it doesn't come back and retest that you may have experienced that quite a bit over the course of this last year where we haven't seen any significant pullbacks uh or pullbacks of significance uh relatively small compared to how things have been historically uh you know an example here you know here's ford this is actually a practice trade we did last week we entered on the breakout and actually targeted just above that area now if i waited for an example of a a pullback one you may have to wait a little bit or two that pullback may not show itself so uh understood and this is a psychological area traders have a hard time of entering at a high price uh you're used to the adage of buy low sell high whereas what about buy high sell higher okay uh in a lot of momentum trades a lot of that momentum begins with the breakout not necessarily the bounce that's why you're encouraged to practice these things on paper money so you can kind of see what those results are all right uh and you know we'll see examples of stocks may go ahead and retest it's really a matter of personal preference all right so we have this uh example of that set up here i want to do is i'm going to change the sell order to a market gtc this is going to enable us to put in conditions based off the stock price notice there's an error that shows up there that's okay we're going to go ahead and modify this by going to the gear notice there's a gear that appears when we come to the far right of that cell order this is where we can put in our conditions i'm going to go ahead and click on that and here it's in order to sell at the market gtc this option we can put our conditions right here and we already have two conditions that we had settled on uh for the example on this practice trade one is that target price we go ahead and bail out this for sex so i can have them both on the screen we have a target of 1 23 12 and we have uh an exit on the downside of one twelve twenty nine so i'm gonna click on the gear and we'll go and we'll plug those in and by do that over here on the conditions you can put up to three conditions if you want we're utilizing two of them we click on the symbol box it brings up the root symbol we click on the next box it brings up the mark that's basically the mid price kind of the equivalent of the last price or close to last price uh for the stock and then there's a trigger right now it's defaulting the less than or equal to so we'll roll with that and we'll plug in basically what potentially would be a stop now this 112 29 that we're entering for this example what that means is if it is at or below or i should say less than or equal to 1129 it's going to trigger a market order that is not necessarily going to be the uh exit price there could be a little slippage there there could be a gap so position size is important i'm going to click on the second box we're going to go to the next box mark we'll leave that there and then we'll go to the next one and we'll do greater than or equal to and that will be the example of the target price 123.12 okay hit enter and then save it's important that you hit enter to make sure that those numbers stick if i go ahead and click save and then do a confirm and send we can learn a little bit about this trade now the nice thing about an option even though it's not a stock ownership uh the most that one can lose on buying that option is what you paid for it you know whereas if we did 100 shares of uh liondell and the stock went ahead and dropped 15 you know we would lose 1500 uh in this case it doesn't matter how much the stock drops the most that can be lost is what is paid for that now even though the maximum profit is infinite that means the stock can go as high as they can uh you know there's not a limit you know we're we don't have aspirations that we're going to have unlimited gains there is commission there should be considered but the other reason for checking this is making sure we have things set up accordingly we can buy the option if it met the entry rule which in this case was an example of breaking out and we're looking at this in the last hour of trading some traders may enter earlier in the day uh the sell order is conditional if the stock goes at or below 1129 or at or above 123.12

it'll go ahead and close out now if i wanted to do two contracts we can do that but remember that's going to tie up a little more equity i will do two for this example it's theoretically if the price was to drop um we would be closing this out well before a maximum loss uh you can kind of do a little uh you know a little uh wag math there you know if the stock's currently trading at let's say 116 and the price drops down to 112 you know that's a difference of about four you know let's just say five dollars if i go ahead and look at the option that we're doing you know that has a delta of 65 cents you go and you take that delta multiplied by 5 that's about three what about 340 uh 350. there are abouts so therefore theoretically we would lose about three dollars per share now if i do that by uh three times 200 theoretically that would be a loss of about 600 and so one may account that for position sizing this is not an option class so i won't get into it but one can also utilize tools such as a theoretical price and attempt to price out those options based off of price changes as well as a passage of time i think we did touch on that a little bit last week all right another question came up uh john why are you going so far at in the time okay this is days to weeks this is true uh notice that the closer option is about 45 days kind of is a little rule of thumb we focused on options that are at least 50 days out in the case of long option trades and if you go further out yes we are paying more for time but do you think there's still going to be plenty of time if we were to close this out next week yeah we're basically mitigating some of the time decay we're also a little bit in the money uh yes if you went ahead and looked at some comparable closer in uh that would require uh less uh capital in this case about 790 to 820 but what if things do not go so hot over the next couple of weeks or two this one would be more susceptible to time decay okay so it's really a personal choice uh you can always sell back time but you can't get time uh once you commit and hey guess what folks uh we got my good friend pat mololey backing us up on the chat a great guy to follow as well on twitter and likewise catch him for advanced technical analysis uh every friday there so i'm going to go ahead and we'll uh we'll send this through i'm just going to double check on the price of the option looks like that's the marketable price and we'll go ahead and we'll do a confirm and we'll send that off okay and so that's an example of a breakout trade that we have now some other stocks that have been moving and by the way if you're not familiar uh with this company we're kind of looking at it on the lead there as far as on materials uh they're kind of more in the chemical side and for some reason their company report is not loaded up right away uh some other ones uh we'll take a look at here uh let's see some of the energy companies and miners moving as well looking at uh vlo vlo's another example of a breakout and kind of another interesting pattern that uh i look at and you know there's there's a bit overlap on some of the setups we're looking at today and then we'll also look at tomorrow in breakouts and reversal a very sharp move in this in the early part of the year you know we did have a bit of a sell-off and a base has rallied up to that resistance some of you chartist may recognize this pattern which artist would refer to as a cup and handle which is a bullish continuation you know if we do see a surge uh you know opec's meeting this week uh if we do see increased demand uh we saw some record travel at least post covid this last weekend i believe so what will that do to impact as far as with energy prices and the other things we'll see but we're basically seeing a you know potential break above some of this resistance actually it's fading back a little bit here too if we want we can do an example of a uh a buy stop where we can say that if the price breaks above that area look for an entry i'm probably going to table this one for tomorrow uh for the breakouts there let's see what else we got some other ones that may be showing some significance here now here's archer daniels midland kind of more on the commodity side this may example of a cohold where we identify a low day there is the high of the low day and then looking for price to trade or close above the high of the low day in this example as we're about a half hour from the market looks like this would potentially be the first close above the high that low day came a little close here about two days ago and what some traders may do is a very strong swing previously i'm not sure if one would see a similar swing but may go back and you know look at different swings in the stock another way of doing this as i've shared with you i believe last week is go to your patterns tool do show patterns select patterns and part of your candlesticks bring up that williams fractal again part of the patterns tool under candlestick and bring up that indicator this will actually plot some carrots points at some of the highs and lows and some traders may go ahead and look at some of these previous swings you know to identify you know what are some of those potential moves you can take that drawing tool like a diagonal tool and go from the low to the high about a three dollar move you there go ahead and did not mean to do that you know seeing some moves of around three to four dollars there so this may not be a nominally as far as a a larger swing move this is also where spread trades may come into play if one's bullish and they expect the stock to trade higher you know may look at a spread trade if they expect it to trade above a certain level i teach this on thursdays so in the case of uh adm you can go ahead and you know look at a spread that goes about 30 to 50 days out now some of these may have some larger spreads so some to be considered there looking for examples of liquidity and the other thing which some that's a very low volatility is you know you may not have too much selection as far as strikes you know going 45 days out we only have five dollar wides we don't have the flexibility of dollar wides uh that you may see or two and a half dollar wides if we go in some of the weekly charts i'm not sure why there's a sticky uh large spread there for some reason right at that 52 strike that could be a little bit of a a warning sign you have one seeing those larger spreads there could be bouts of of less liquidity there it's kind of interesting why it's only happening there and not at some of these other strikes get the volume in open interest here real quick and not a lot of volume and open interest there so looking at it from a stock trade you know good technical bounce uh but potentially you know if one's looking for a relatively smaller move uh unless it's like one of these larger moves there uh you know some traders may filter that out let's look on the mining side uh nem kind of interesting with uh gold moving uh newman mining you know has been kind of settling back here you know some traders may refer to this as a a bit of a a flag when you have a sharp movement notice i still got those fractal points on here now sometimes those fractal points may not appear if it's a very small pullback but here's a previous low you know there's the high so we have an example of a previous swing or a flagpole see some of these other swings here as well and then kind of form in more of a flag as it retraces back now some traders may look for whether a breakout of that resistance or again look at that low day and look for price to trade or close above the high that low day now after this low day notice there was what we call an inside day or harami i know pat's pretty good at identifying and discussing these in his class that inside day is a point of indecision some traders may look for a break or a trade outside of that inside day and so we're seeing that right now on this example with newmont okay and then what we can do is go back and look at a previous swing uh you know one may take a larger swing if they want to be a little more conservative maybe look at one of the smaller swings i'm going to right click on this and do a duplicate i'm going to go ahead and go to the low of that flag and project that example out we can go ahead and take a horizontal line and go ahead and plot that to get that potential set up now if you're very new folks to this type of setup or understanding about as far as with flags is uh make sure you go ahead and take a look under the education tab whether on the thinkorswim platform or on the td ameritrade website and go to the stocks area again uh education stocks and you'll see within our featured stock education you may need to page through it go ahead and look for stocks technical analysis uh where this uh setup is discussed and also a great follow-up if you haven't had a chance to attend it is going to the live events or in-person events and look for the technical analysis virtual workshop guess what it's coming up next week i will be your instructor we'll actually go at the basics this is meant for people who are new to technical analysis we'll get you through the basics and help you learn how to apply some of the techniques that you're learning right here today as well so looking forward to doing that if you want to learn more about think or swim ben watson is teaching that this week first session starts tonight so make sure you go ahead and register for that all right folks so we got another set up there now if i want to do this as an example of a stock trade when you know we can do that as well i can right click somewhere at or near where the potential entry price is and we can do a buy custom with oco bracket we're going to tie this to the individual stock uh first thing to do on those sell orders is make sure our time and force is gtc for good till cancel want those cell orders to continue working after the present day and then we can go ahead and fill in what the potential stop and target is we figured out the potential target looks like 78 63 so i'll plug that in we'll hit enter then on figuring a stop and keep in mind stops are not guaranteed to fill at a particular price once triggered they'll compete against other incoming orders we'll take a look at that low day put my cursor on that that's 72.75 we'll do an example one percent below that low so 72.75 we'll go to calculator 72.75 times 0.99 that'll be 72.02 we'll plug that in there are two enter now as we go ahead and look at this um you know does the stock currently with about 20 minutes left in the market it is trading above the high the low day or in this case the inside day now sure could it fail in the next 20 minutes absolutely uh but for our purposes uh since it meets that condition we'll put in the entry uh pretty much around where the current price is if you join us tomorrow for breakouts and reversals we may do some examples of buy stops if the conditions not met to enter as soon as the price trades above that level uh in this case since we're pretty close that area let me go ahead and unlock this now i just made a little bit of a mistake um when you have a price locked it also locks offset this limit and stop and if you do change it to the live price it may tweak your stop and limit accordingly so i'm going to go ahead and change those back so just something to keep an eye on there again i had 72.02

for the stop and the target i believe was 78.31 so then we'll plug that in i'll do a confirm and send i'm going to go ahead and do 200 shares for this example it confirm and send and keep in mind as far as with the size of your account whether real practice you know how much equity particularly on a stock since there's more equity tied up are you comfortable in having that much equity locked up in a single trade uh this account has i think uh close to four hundred thousand as an example uh this accounts for you know well under a five percent allocation um so i'm going to go ahead and click send on this and there we go we got a fill and notice the orders are being displayed did not mean to do that be careful on sliding things around you can see those orders being displayed on the chart let's go ahead and look at some of your questions here once again do appreciate everyone join us here today and then we'll finish off by looking at some of our existing positions appreciate pat for answering some of these questions as well some discussion as far as on you know energy plays and things like that these are more volatile markets you know we do have opec coming out this week we also do have a jobs report coming out later this week as well which may pretend on what the fed is doing but there has been a lot of relative strength recently in energy and materials and so we'll see if that continues this week some other examples uh if you wish to practice and again these may be some of the ones we may look at tomorrow as well since there's a tie in on breakouts and reversals here's textron uh an example of a more than the industrials that are involved in mining you have an example of an ascending triangle we'll probably take a closer look at this one tomorrow uh has broken out low and decisive and as was mentioned you know some traders may look for that retest and look for that follow-through uh let's see caterpillar i think was another one you can see kind of a theme with some of these ascending triangles and uh kind of on the tech side which has been lagging a little bit uh here is uh crm salesforce which has broken a diagonal trend potentially what we refer to as a double bottom again another example we may look at tomorrow there as potentially hammering some traders may look for a trade or a close above the high the low day this is actually kind of similar to the strategy we just looked at kind of a bit of a flag and then a couple on the financial front although interest rates may have something to say on this uh bank of america those kind of very similar these ascending triangles a little intraday break kind of settling back in and uh kind of shooting for the moon uh figuratively uh virgin galactic now that was a pun folks not a recommendation the buyer selling security uh but a potential reversal here as well and potentially a bit of a flag where again traders may look for price to trade or bounce above the high the low day so a couple examples will probably follow through tomorrow since these kind of fall within both breakouts and reversal patterns and looks like i'm not showing those charts right now so give me just a moment here sorry about that so let's go ahead and do in reverse order here there's virgin galactic with that potential reversal looking at the flag let's see we had caterpillar and all examples of ascending triangles with these examples here caterpillar bank of america bac i think i was just testing everyone here because i think a lot of you are smart enough to figure out what a triangle looks like on bank of america there and let's see txt yeah there's a little bit of a lag folks you should be seeing these charts now so again these are all going to be ones that we'll take a closer look at tomorrow on the breakout and reversal class so there we go so do apologize for uh not sharing the screen earlier on that so uh consider taking a closer look at those for our class for tomorrow and let's finish up by looking at our trades from last week uh we had a couple of them there the one that uh already had closed out uh was ford and it was a pretty quick one we actually entered it as price was breaking out and there was follow through on the gap the very next day where i believe it closed out on the 27th if you want to go in and take a look at some of your practice trades you can go ahead and go to monitor and go to account statement and go ahead and plug in that symbol you can go back a few days there and this was the example on ford uh entering at 1357. and basically just a little over a dollar uh the next day okay it's a very quick example of a swing trade and then on the existing trades we also initiated on electronic arts which is an example of a long call i noticed a question asked you know what's consideration of a uh a single option or a spread in our examples on the spreads if we're targeting a relatively smaller target we may look at a spread to mitigate the time decay if we are looking for a stronger move more momentum we may stick with the single option as an example and as we look at these ones uh you know kind of flat which has a lot of stocks we have an example of both a long call and a long put vertical so one was a bullish bounce the other one was a bearish one if we look at the charts technically they're still doing uh okay and uh for our example of uh whoever asked about uh hey why do you do the breakout why don't you wait for the bounce well here's an example of that potential bounce doesn't happen all the time uh but this could be an example of a bullish bounce if price uh trades above that range so we have a positive day we're looking for that momentum to continue and then in the case of verizon vz this is an example of a bear flag where price broke down kind of flagged here bearish bounce and going in the right direction today just looking for it to continue drifting lower if you're looking for another example of potentially bearish setup along that line lowe's has been showing some weakness it's still above the 55 day but we are seeing price trade below the low of the high day some traders may actually look for a breakdown below those lows no pun intended lows all right so there you go folks now i know i went a little bit over folks uh had to go back and remove my ugly mug from the camera so you can see those examples of the uh ascending triangles on a few of those examples hopefully you'll join me tomorrow for uh technically speaking breakout and reversal patterns again i believe that's at noon tomorrow and we'll review some of those potential breakouts we encourage you to practice what you learn here today as well by utilizing tools such as paper money platform with some of the practice techniques that we did do today and remember in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we did have to use actual symbols keep in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or term suitability of any security or strategy the use of our tools any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility so thanks for pat for helping out in the chat thanks to you for joining us and we'll see you tomorrow at t ameritrade education take care now you

2021-06-06 18:59

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