Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 4-20-21 | Swing Trade Entry Patterns

Swing Trading Days to Weeks | John McNichol | 4-20-21 | Swing Trade Entry Patterns

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good morning everyone john mcnichol here and welcome to swing trading days to weeks great to see everyone here bright and early tomorrow today i'll hope to see you bright and early tomorrow as well uh but uh here on a tuesday morning uh we're gonna go ahead take a look at the market open and talk about swing entries looking at the bounce so stick around all right folks hey do appreciate those you're live with us today so just timothy david demetrius michelle neil charles we got fred giles gary rick chesapeake bay dom terry mark malcolm meredith and everyone else joe sim shanna thank you for being here we got mr cameron may helping out on the chat any questions i am unable to get to those you listen in the archive session welcome as well you can see my twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow myself and other fine instructors such as cameron may let's take care of disclosures and get right into it options not suitable for all investors spread straddles other multi-leg options strategies often involve greater more complex risk keep in mind transaction costs important factors should be considered when evaluating any trade now in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we will be looking at actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility now you're encouraged to practice what you learn with tools such as paper money software which is for educational purposes and successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously now a stop loss order will not guarantee an execution at or near an activation price or near the activation price once activated they compete against income and market orders as always folks all investing involves risks including the risk of loss there's our agenda we'll take a look at the market open we're going to go ahead and look at more on the entries with the swing bounce for those of you that are new to this webcast uh welcome a familiar term that we discuss uh for the bounce is the kahold as well as the kablood that is an acronym as you can see there for close above high a low day as well as close below low of high day and we'll take a look at some examples of those today as well as do a practice trade utilizing a stop entry and or a conditional order so with that let's go ahead and go to thinkorswim platform point your attention over on the left-hand margin you can see my twitter feed there a lot of great information gives you an opportunity to learn more about your instructors and coaches as well as learn along the way a lot of great references and resources there also if you like what you learn here today this is part of the trader talks channel make sure you click subscribe as well as if you love the content click like that's an opportunity for others to see this content as well some of the productivity tools that we'll be going over uh particularly this script here for the kahold that code is on the left hand margin and it is also part of my twitter feed on the pinned tweet with the background of not only that script but some of the other ones that we may utilize in this class as well as some of our other webcasts the instructions for adding them are all here and we should be able to at least go through this once today to show you how to bring that up all right let's go ahead back to the thinkorswim platform uh looking at broad market indices uh markets are off uh a little bit i think on average about a uh about a third of a percent uh looking at the spx the s p 500 and uh certainly timely on our discussion if you look at the s p which made highs on friday uh monday's opening had opened lower and prices had traded lower however still stayed above uh a five-day moving average here an exponential moving average still demonstrating uh trend and uh bulls uh not uh given up uh this morning however uh prices uh have a gap down at the opening and we are seeing the beginning of some downward momentum at least not an attempt at the moment to set a low in the day uh some traders may be keeping an eye to see how that first hour uh settles in see if we hold uh the range from yesterday or not or continue going down also what happened yesterday kind of explains you know one of the examples of a bounce this case more of a resistance bounce when prices make highs we see an example of price closing below the low of a high day that is the kablood right here now uh you know the purpose of utilizing a formation like that for swing traders that could be a potential exit or at least possibly a profit adjustment whether they're scaling out or adjusting a position if we go back and take a look you know on the breakout that the spx had done uh back at the beginning of the month you know we can see those long candles representing momentum to the upside we can see the smaller candles those dojis are spinning tops pointing towards indecision in the case of an upward trend that could be a brief pause and actually part of a setup for a continuation as prices trade or close above the high of the low day not much of a pullback but an example of a bull flag and a continuation we can see another example price pulling back over one day price trading or closing above the high of the low day that would be the k hold and those are potentially examples for a swing entry so from a bullish perspective to holds or support bounces may be an example for a bullish entry and in the case of kablood an example for a bullish exit if one is just looking to capture a relatively shorter move if one's looking for a a re-entry you know it may start off with a kablood kind of think of red light green light uh likewise if one's considered a bearish trade it would basically be the opposite one may be looking for a bearish bounce on a down trending stock i think we have an example we'll take a look at today and use the cohold as an example for an exit for a bearish trade or at the very least uh possibly adjusting uh you know whether it's a stop or an exit strategy all right so with that and so you know in real time you know what one's looking at here at least with the broad market is you know we're seeing a pullback in an upward trend looking for a low day to set in now based off of current price action you know prices have gone lower today so that could potentially be the low with the market still open the previous day is the high and so a bullish reversal would be if prices were to trade higher and go above the high of the low day now if that does not occur today in this day we have a lower low than whatever the high of this day is which remember is still being defined traders may look for prices to trade above the high that low day all right so that's on the spx if we look at the nasdaq you know we can see uh similar things going on uh again high day set on friday this is the low of the high day so we did have a little candle reversal yesterday uh however uh you know the price is still making higher highs and higher lows as far as in the trend uh today is starting off potentially being an inside day or harami uh that is a point of indecision now again we're only about uh 10 minutes into the open so we'll have to see how this candle looks like uh but again as far as looking for the bounce you're looking for price action to trade above the high that previous day uh that fails to occur then whatever this pattern may form today traders may look for prices to trade above that range now looking at the comments uh you know would one consider price pattern a bull flag great observation when you go ahead and you see price action make a sharp move and we discussed this uh last week in the technical analysis virtual workshop for those that are with us appreciate you joining us here today as well when one sees a sharp move in price in this case an up trending stock you know sometimes these short moving averages can be a guide particularly like a five period if it's a rising rapidly there representing the pole and then a a pause could be over a couple of days that price action may end up going a little more sideways we call a flag in a stiff breeze look for some of those smaller dojis or spinning tops those indecisions or it could be a little bit of a drooping flag you know as price may pull back or retrace a little bit the guide here though is making sure whatever that low is set in that's above previous lows and in other cases uh hopefully above previous highs demonstrating that momentum now if you struggle on identifying those highs and lows folks make sure one goes ahead and you can go to the pattern tools select show patterns patterns show patterns we'll do the select patterns this is a good guide for those that are new to technical analysis trying to identify those highs and lows for support and resistance this is part of the candlestick tool so again pattern show patterns select patterns go to candlesticks and it is william's fractal we'll go and add that and that could be of assistance double click on it to add that on not only identifying highs and lows but also potentially some of the swings now it is not perfect as this run up from the breakout we really didn't have any candle reversals to kind of show these fractal points but you can see some of these previous areas there's probably one right now that's hiding behind that high but as far as major highs and lows you can see there's a previous high and current this price action is above that previous high we see low high higher low higher high that trend still intact and as long as price action is making higher highs and higher lows than a little bit of a pullback in the case of a bull flag uh can be a setup so we're seeing that for uh most of the markets uh you know the only other index and we talked about this uh yesterday in breakdown reversal patterns i've been talking about this for weeks and uh you'll see major pundits probably talking about the same now you know the russell the small caps have been lagging uh notice the trend not as strong to the upside in fact we've seen lower highs on that broader market as far as on the small caps more equal lows technicians are keeping an eye on this if this is a potential reversal pattern uh for the small caps now it would have quite a ways to go for it to break down and reverse this more sideways range and the bullish case would basically be looking for a breakout to the upside notice i can go ahead and connect the dots here to identify more of a sideways pattern kind of more along the lines of a a triangle and looking for a continuation from bullish case if prices break higher now some traders if the support holds you may look for a bounce or a hold anticipating that prices may break to the upside but this is something to keep an eye on do appreciate cameron helping out on the chat and you know for those of you if uh you know if you're trying to see what's happening on the right side of the chart or trying to project out based off of price that's expanding the chart i'm not sure if that was one of the questions uh in the chat but that's accessible by coming up to the gear on the chart click on that and it's part of your time access there this is where you can expand i've expanded for 30 bars or 30 basically 30 trading days this will enable one to not only you know project out trends if you're doing trend lines but also if there is a corporate event such as earnings and we're in the middle of that now we'll be able to see that okay so that's where we got going on with the markets folks and you know applying the principles of kahold as well well as the kablood there and we'll see this on individual stocks uh looking at some of the sector action you know one can apply that as well and uh another area i've talked about is well you know even though we've seen uh recovery in information technology after the sell-off in march and concern on yields we have seen some strength in some of those defensive areas such as utilities health care although not today staples at least over the last month or so so we're seeing um these are some of the returns over the last month you know recovery on information technology utilities discretion has had some recovery but we've seen also some defensive areas mixed in there and again looking at today uh information technology squeezed out a little big game but real estate utilities health care i'm making the assumption that yields may have uh dropped well they haven't looks like they're holding a little uh little bit there yields did break down uh last week uh which gave a bit of a lift to a lot of those nasdaq and gross stocks and uh looks like we may be seeing a resistance bounce if those yields roll over again and miguel says why are we using uh 13 as opposed to 10 well you can use whatever you'd like and i'm being a little facetious uh but uh those of you that follow me as far as with the averages utilizing exponentials basically looking at a fibonacci series based off of a weekly about half of a month and about a quarterly cycle uh you're certainly welcome to use whatever periods work for you and not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular uh strategy there and we are looking at these over uh daily time periods okay again folks if you're new i'll point you to follow me on some of my other webcasts there and as well look at the pin tweet and there's even a breakdown of some of that moving average script there as well all right let's go ahead and take uh the next step folks and look at some individual stocks that are showing some of the holds and the couploads we applied that to some of the indices there and let's for an example uh let's see what we got here wrote down a couple before we got started there you know the the chip stocks had gotten hit uh pretty hard uh over the last couple of sessions now if we go ahead and take a look at this one as far as the trend you know we can see an example of you know price action going a bit more sideways we're seeing more equal highs there uh price action is kind of testing in this case 55 day moving average uh possibly a bit of a harami there or an inside day but currently you know this is the low day right here so if one's looking for a trigger one maybe look for price to be trading above the high of that low day now if i go and put my cursor on the high that low day uh we can look at the high that's 90.68 cents let me go ahead and mark that 90.68 cents and what some traders may do is you know look for an entry whether a uh if they're looking at the market going in the last half hour of the close looking to see if price is actually potentially looking to close above the high the low day that would be an example of a bounce another potential trigger is looking to enter as soon as it trades above the high the low day whether it's earlier in the day or or later in the day now the pro is if one enters as soon as it trades above if there's some momentum behind it and a long candle then one is actually capturing that momentum versus entering it going into the close the con is and we've had examples of this price trades above there triggers into a trade and then goes ahead and fades and goes back down you're encouraged to practice different techniques there every way you'd like there you go and brad don't forget 5 5 is a fibonacci number as well as uh one two and three uh so there you go uh all right so you know that would be a potential uh bounce there uh looking for a setup for another entry let's look at a couple other ones and we'll do a practice trade on here now there are some other chips uh you know if we look at uh let's see clack i can get it in there you know kind of the same deal pulling back uh there are some earnings events so one may be keeping an eye open if it's a relatively uh you know shorter term trade you know is one able to profit from a bounce if it occurs you know prior to that event if they do not wish to go through that event and if we go ahead and take a look at let's see what else we got here then a few other ones there that's what starbucks is doing so here's starbucks notice a sharper move this would be a little more along the lines of that flag uh and a little more pronounced here when we look at that williams fractal here's a previous low you know here's a swing high we're seeing price pull back this is only a one day pullback and whatever day this settles in one may look for the next trading session looking for a price to trade or close above the high the low day now there's no guarantee that this will happen tomorrow you know as far as a setup you know price could pull back another day if price pulls back another day that would be the low day and one's looking for an entry if it trades above that if it pulls back a third day or even a fifth day the trigger is looking for price to trade or close above the high the low day as long as that potentially new low is above a previous low and the trend is whether up or sideways that could be a potential entry now again from a bullish perspective traders would like to see that low be above a previous high kind of supporting that a broken resistance can become new support that's indicative of a stronger trend okay so those are a couple examples of looking for a hold and also keep in mind notice that at this moment you know price did trade below the low of the high day or a kablood basically a resistance bounce now you know some traders like oh gosh that's bearish but yes it's a bearish candle but what is the trend of that market okay again i get to the analogy of red light green light yeah you come to a red light you stop green light means go and the green light is looking for that cohold after a pullback looking for that bounce that continues with the trend now speaking of red light green light you know we do have some script right here that we'll share with you and also show you and how you can add that right here in this second column i'm looking at a list you know a public list of stocks you know penny increments stocks you can look at any list of stocks where you're looking at the nasdaq uh or your personal watch lists whatever what have you uh and focusing on this second column i'm just going to go ahead and click and sort should be able to see the examples in the stock that potentially keep my potential these are not perfect indicators that may have an example of a cohold or examples of the kablood now we already looked on how the market had rolled over the last day or two so it would be expected yet we may see a lot of these red ones but that doesn't necessarily mean that's is a bearish trade the idea is that could potentially be a set up for a bullish trade at some point let's just go ahead and look at a couple examples here for instance here's gis for uh general mills if we go ahead and zoom in on this basically in this example here's a a previous low based off of the the williams fractal and then there's the high of the low day prices actually close above the high low day about two sessions ago but if there's like a harami or an inside day or even an outside day as you have a wider range this script will identify that potential continuation notice hearing general mills on how that price may potentially be pushing above those previous highs so kind of a follow through on that bounce let's look at apc apc is not doesn't look like it's traded anymore and then looking at examples of the kablods when prices are rolling over below the low of the high day kind of more of a bearish bounce and again depending on what the trend the this is actually the area to be looking at for those potential bounces if the trend is up now in this case on when wind is actually breaking below a moving average possibly making a bearish reversal this would not be an example of a bullish setup because of what is the trend making lower highs and potentially making lower lows this could be potentially be a bearish candidate if the prices break down below that support okay uh let's see looking at uh you know ebay again price trading or closing below the low of the high day notice it's pulling back so traders in this case since it's an uptrend traders may look for that bounce look for that cohold but keep in mind look at those previous lows if that low gets taken out no longer an uptrend and therefore no longer a setup okay now if you want to go ahead and add this column now i'm not going to talk about the moving averages today uh if you look at some of the archives for my technically speaking on breakdown reversals uh i believe i talked about this back on march 15th i'll probably just talk about it again maybe within about another week uh but this is just looking on these moving averages uh to whether it be positive or negative and certainly if it's a more on the positive those are more positive trends and ones that are more into red maybe more negative trends for instance not good news for halliburton today breaking below support as we go into earnings but let's show you on how to add this cohold column and again i'll teach you from that twitter feed i go to twitter at jb nickel underscore tda and i go ahead and click on this document one you need the script which is case sensitive it's a six one p h i c with a capital v and then these are the steps uh to add that so as i walk you through it if you may have missed something or need to go back and repeat it come here and take a look at that or pause it as you're listening to the archive recording and follow these steps you will not go wrong i'm going to go ahead and go back also you'll notice that it is listed here on the scratch pad you can copy it from there as well so i'm going to go ahead and copy that to add a shared item you go up to the upper right hand corner on the thinkorswim platform we go to setup we select open shared item so set up open shared item we'll click on that and then you go ahead and type in that code again it is case sensitive so therefore that v needs to be capitalized you click preview now you may or may not see what i got here if you're familiar with these there is a limit and since i've demonstrate this time and time again i've hit my capacity most people wouldn't but there should be an option basically just to name it in my case i actually have to go ahead and actually replace it which i'm not going to do but in your case if you go ahead you'll provide with the option to preview import the item as and basically name that script whatever you'd like now you can call it i call it cah for close above hi slash cbl you can call whatever you'd like whatever is recognizable and then once you go ahead and actually import that then it'll actually be part of your custom columns and on any column header that's on the thinkorswim platform you can simply right-click on any column header and select customize once you select customize you can add any of the standard columns but any of these shared scripts will have a little bit of a scroll and you basically go ahead in alphabetical order or you can go ahead and start typing whatever you saved it as as you can see i did this a few times you can go ahead and double click on it to move it over to that column set and you can even left click and drag you can put it whatever you want in your columns there click ok it'll go ahead and load up now keep buying more more effective on a real-time platform although you could do it on paper money there are going to be some limitations on how many symbols you can look at the same time um on a real-time platform i believe it's upwards close to 700 fields so that should be more than enough to look at at least a basket of stocks and if you did successful on that then you know you're welcome to add any other scripts i've shared such as a moving average crossovers to help support some of those trends now at this point folks i should make a mention uh that uh and we're not done yet uh but i did notice that we have a survey uh in the chat so if you can take a moment click on that link maybe put off the side and fill it out at the end of the session we'd love to get some feedback for those of you that are on the archive session you obviously can't click on that survey but you have an opportunity as well as everyone else that's here live today if you like what you're learning here today go ahead and click like and share with some of your friends so that way other traders have the benefit of learning here um also knows from the chat you know some of you may be very new to technical analysis and keep in mind as you can see this class is a little more uh faster pace focusing uh on things on real time there now if if you want to kind of get back to the basics uh point your attention to the education tab under webcasts same area where you attended this webcast here today or possibly you may have done directly on the youtube channel there is a webcast calendar and if you uh if i go ahead and select that anything that's in green is going to be our getting started series so cameron may who's helping out on the chat here today does getting started every monday uh at 11 a.m eastern time uh you can see other

topics uh as you know i was doing things on the thinkorswim platform uh we do have sessions on navigating and getting started uh with our uh platforms and i believe they're gonna be down here in uh i'm not even sure what color that is uh but platform demos such as on the website as well as on the thinkorswim and mostly strategy sessions instructors are utilizing the think or swim throughout and we try to share uh some of those uh tips of the trade along the line there all right so we've gone over some uh examples of uh coholds and kabloods and you know you're welcome to continue uh learning on some of these on your own let's go ahead and do uh see if we can do a a practice uh trade practice setup here there's one other chip i wanted to take a look at here that's microchip yeah a few of these on the chip side are going to have some earnings coming out so we may not be able to necessarily do that um it was also looking at marriott not doing so hot looks like the reopening trade is still struggling i was looking to see if marriott would break to the upside of the sideways range see we're breaking down you know however you know keep an eye and look at those lows if we have a sideways trend this could be kind of a bit of a little homework if you want again not a recommendation illustrative purposes but you will marry it hold these lows and if it holds those lows you know will there be a cohold for instance you know there is a cold here as price close above the high the low day we zoom in here low day close above high the low day so there is the bounce on two previous occasions whereas if price breaks below that support topic that we discuss in breakdown reversals that would be more of a a bearish reversal of that trend all right okay uh let's see here um i'll just go ahead and take a look at starbucks here we'll go ahead and we'll uh do it on starbucks now i'm going to do this for illustrative purposes uh making the assumption that this uh we're looking at this towards the end of the day and this is the low of that day and this is the high we're looking to enter a trade if the price trades above the high of this day okay and to that turn uh let's go ahead and i'm gonna plot this i also had micron on there too let's see what micron is doing at the moment and my current's still down there a bit yeah we'll do this on starbucks so there's the high and let's say i put a trigger about 20 cents above uh that high uh so with that that's uh 117 26. i'm going to go ahead and put that at 117.46 hit enter and then another potential trigger is setting a stop below that low day now the market's still open and this is the caveat here if one was that put a trade in here theoretically price can trigger an entry and it could go ahead and stop out on the same day that would be a day trade okay and some people may be susceptible to day trading rules and as i'm thinking on the fly i am going to do an audible on that because some people even though i just explained that may take that wrong so i'm going to go ahead and we're going to focus on the static high and low from yesterday on micron so we have the trigger here high of 90 and 68 cents i'm going to go ahead and put that at 20 cents above that in the case of the example starbucks folks take a look at it tomorrow to see how that is set them up if it's setting up similar to what we're looking at here with micron today here is the low the low is 86.52 what we're going to do is we're going to set a potential stop one percent below that low so with the low of being 8652 we're going to go to the calculator push that gadget 88.62 we're going to multiply that by 0.99

that would give us a level that's at 1 percent below that low so that would be 87.73 i'm going to right click on an existing line we're going to do a duplicate drawing i'm just going to go ahead and slide this down the 87 70 did i do that right 86 no that's wrong 86.52 86.52

times .99 there you go a little better and closer to the mark 85.65 we're going to go ahead and do that 8565. click ok so the idea is an entry of price trades above the high the low day and a stop if that low gets taken out keeping in mind that stop's not guaranteed to fill uh at that price once it's triggered it will compete against income and market orders thanks for the clarification rg i think we got that straightened out thank you uh now as far as a target traders may go ahead and possibly target that previous high or a previous resistance in this case looks like it's around you know 95 and a half now as one looks at you know the risk to reward this is kind of like a one to one trade some traders you know may look for a greater reward for the amount of risk that they are taking that's why we've done some spread trades in this class as well you know another technique is looking at that previous swing or that previous range and look at more of an extension so if i go ahead and trade from that low to high i'll do a duplicate drawing and kind of similar to a flag go to the low of that flag and project out where that potential target may be another horizontal line we'll go ahead and we'll mark that in you know by visualizing this you know we can basically plan our trade and trade or plan so if i was to go ahead and let's say do an example of a stock trade i can go ahead and right click on the chart we can do a buy custom with oco bracket and this will enable us to have an entry as well as two potential exits whether based off the stop or based off of that target now since we're potentially looking to go in as price goes higher that would not be a limit order per se it's going to be a stop order we're looking to trigger an order as it trades higher basically attempt to buy it at a higher price even though it's a bounce we are looking for some confirmation and momentum to the upside so in the order this order will be changed from a limit to a stop limit we're going to use a stop to trigger an order and then we can specify the most we're willing to pay for it by using the limit i'll leave this as a day order because if the conditions are not met we want this to cancel and then if the price goes a little bit lower we may look for a better entry and our trigger on this was 90 dollars and 88 cents i was about 20 cents above that high so the stop is the trigger price and then the second price the limit is okay well once it hits that price how what's the most you're willing to pay for it and in the case of with that limit you know we can specify a price that's at or near that trigger price maybe within about 20 cents so we'll just put about 20 cents above that a little bit of a buffer so that would be ninety one dollars and eight cents whoop let's try that again and it looks like we had a little error there 90.88 for the stop

and we'll do 91.08 about 20 cents above there now on the cell order uh we have a bracket order one's a limit one's a stop we're gonna make the time force for these both gtc for good till cancel we want these orders to continue working uh there's the example of the stop price 85.65 so i will plug that in the stop area and then as far as the target price we can go ahead and set that previous higher that resistance uh which would be around 95 51 or if one want to set a higher target we can do that and then maybe just make adjustments uh so let's say i'll do that let's go and plug in 102. and if the price makes a favorable move we can adjust this stop upward to basically reduce the risk and then the this class if you go back and look at last week's some previous class i have talked about trailing stops we may go in there and adjust that to a trail and stop after a favorable move so we'll go ahead and we'll leave that there we'll hit confirm and send and as you can see here folks uh here's our potential entry if it hits 9088 it'll attempt to buy it at 91.08 or better once that's

triggered it will have a bracket order to whether sell it at a target of 102 or if it goes the other way to stop out near 85.65 now it's an oco because if this one hits this one will cancel out automatically or if we have our desired outcome that prices move towards its target it would fill and cancel out the stop so a great way to plan a trade and trade a plan we'll go ahead and send this out make sure you look at money management i just by default did a hundred shares but consider your risk and how much you would allocate in the one stock i'll send that through and we got that done now we're just uh coming up on time folks but uh one example uh of a bearish one although i wasn't expecting it to gap uh but you can see an example of a a potential bearish trade when we're seeing prices making lower highs and lower lows notice price actions below a average in this case a 55 period moving average representing that trend and you can see two examples of those kablods a high close below the high day kind of a downward swing price is coming up forming a lower high more of a bare flag if we had reviewed this yesterday that entry could have been had and would be benefiting from the gap to the downside and we would utilize some put examples so you know if the markets do make some changes or we find other bearish examples and we'll do some bearish trades in this class as well so hopefully you learned something new today folks as we focused on the kahold and the kablood type patterns we've shared with you some script to utilize this is an opportunity as i'm speaking and closing out to click on that survey for those of you that are live and provide us some feedback and for those of you that are listening to the archive as well as a double tap for those of you that are here live go ahead and click like if you enjoyed what you learned here today we went ahead and we talked about those holds and those cables on how they could potentially be entry signals and as i'm trying to bring up our slide looks like we lost some control here there we go we've also shared you some productivity tools to help identify some of these potential patterns again not perfect but possibly being able to enhance some of those setups we went and we did a practice trade by utilizing a stop order to enter into that if you join us next week we'll show other ways such as conditional orders with options if you look at some of the archive we've done that in the past as well as how we may institute some trail and stops after favorable moves so go ahead and practice what you learned here today folks and remember in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we had to use actual symbols keeping in mind t ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility have a great day folks and i believe coming up next is a mr james boyd using options as a stock investor so stay tuned bye now you

2021-04-21 19:27

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