Sustainable business | Wikipedia audio article

Sustainable business | Wikipedia audio article

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Sustainable. Business, for a green, business is an enterprise, that has minimal, negative, impact, on the global or local environment. Community. Society. Or economy a. Business. That strives, to meet the triple, bottom line often. Sustainable. Businesses, have progressive. Environmental. And human rights policies. In, general business. Is. Described. As green if it matches the following four, criteria. It. Incorporates. Principles. Of sustainability. Into. Each of its business, decisions. It. Supplies. Environmentally. Friendly, products, or services, that replaces. Demand, for non green products, and/or services. It. Is greener than traditional, competition. It has made an enduring, commitment to, environmental principles. In, its business operations, a sustainable. Business is, any organization. That participates. In environmentally. Friendly or green activities. To ensure that all processes. Products, and manufacturing. Activities. Adequately. Address, current, environmental. Concerns, while maintaining a, profit, in, other. Words, it is a business that, meets the needs of the present world without, compromising. The ability of, future generations, to. Meet their own needs. It. Is the process of assessing how to design, products, that will take advantage, of the current environmental. Situation. And how well a company's, products. Perform with renewable, resources, the Brundtland report emphasized. That, sustainability. Is a three legged stool of, people, planet, and profit. Sustainable. Businesses, with the supply chain try to balance all, three through, the triple, bottom line concept. Using. Sustainable, development. And sustainable. Distribution. To affect the environment business. Growth and the society, everyone. Affects, the sustainability. Of the marketplace, and the planet, in some way. Sustainable. Development, within a business can, create value for customers. Investors. And the environment. A, sustainable. Business must, meet customer, needs while, at the same time treating. The environment, well, to. Succeed in such an approach where, stakeholder. Balancing. And joint solutions.

Are Key requires. A structural. Approach. One. Philosophy. That include, many different tools, and methods, is the concept. Of sustainable. Enterprise, excellence. Sustainability. Is often, confused, with corporate. Social, responsibility. CSR though. The two are not the same. Bansal. And de Jardine, 2014. State, that the notion of time discriminates. Sustainability. From CSR. And other similar, concepts. Whereas. Ethics, morality, and, norms, permeate, CSR. Sustainability. Only, obliges. Businesses, to make intertemporal, trade-offs. To safeguard. Intergenerational. Equity. Short-termism. Is the bane of sustainability. Green business, has been seen as a possible mediator. Of economic. Environmental. Relations. And if proliferated. Would serve to diversify. Our economy even. If it has a negligible, effect, at, lowering, atmospheric. Co2 levels. The. Definition. Of green, jobs, is, ambiguous, but it is generally, agreed that these jobs the result, of green business, should be linked to clean energy, and contribute. To the reduction of greenhouse gases. These. Corporations. Can, be seen as generators, of not only green. Energy, but, as producers. Of new materiality. That, are the product of the technologies. These firms, developed. And deployed. Topic. Environmental. Sphere. A major. Initiative, of, sustainable. Businesses. As to eliminate, or decrease, the environmental. Harm caused, by the production, and consumption, of their goods, the. Impact, of such human, activities, in terms of the amount of greenhouse, gases, produced can, be measured in units of carbon, dioxide and is referred, to as the carbon footprint, the. Carbon, footprint, concept. As derived from ecological. Footprint, analysis. Which examines, the ecological. Capacity required. To support the consumption, of products, businesses. Take a wide range, of green initiatives. One. Of the most common, examples, as the act of going, paperless, or. Sending, electronic, correspondence, in. Lieu of paper, when, possible on a higher, level, examples. Of sustainable. Business, practices include. Refurbishing. Used products. Eg tuning. Up lightly used, commercial. Fitness, equipment for, resale, revising. Production, processes. To eliminate waste. Such, as using a more accurate template. To cut out designs, and choosing, non-toxic, raw, materials. And processes. For example. Canadian. Farmers, have found that hemp is a sustainable. Alternative, to rapeseed, in their traditional, crop rotation. Hemp grown for fiber or seed requires, no, pesticides. Or herbicides. Sustainable. Business, leaders, also take, into account the lifecycle, costs, for the items they produce. Input. Costs, must be considered, in regards, to regulations. Energy, use storage, and disposal. Designing. For the environment. DfE, is also, an element of, sustainable. Business. This. Process, enables, users, to consider. The potential, environmental, impacts. Of a product, and the process used, to make that product the many possibilities, for, adopting, green practices have, led to considerable, pressure. Being, put upon companies. From consumers. Employees. Government. Regulators. And other stakeholders. Some. Companies, have resorted, to green washing instead. Of making, meaningful, changes, merely, marketing. Their products, in ways that suggest green. Practices. For. Example various. Producers, in, the bamboo fiber industry have, been taken, to court for advertising. Their products, as more green, than. They are still. Countless, other companies, have taken the sustainability. Trend seriously. And are enjoying profits. In their. Book corporate, sustainability in. International. Comparison. Shaul tiger at all, 2014. Analyzed. The current state of corporate, sustainability, management. And corporate social, responsibility. Across 11, countries. Their. Research, is based on an extensive, survey focusing. On the companies intention. To pursue, sustainability. Management ie motivation. Issues, the integration. Of sustainability. In the organization. Ie connecting. Sustainability. To the core business involving. Corporate, functions, using, drivers, of business, cases for sustainability. And the actual, implementation. Of sustainability. Management, measures, ie stakeholder. Management. Sustainability. Management, tools, and standards, measurements. The. Gort cloud written, by Richard Cyrene, II 2009. Documents. The experiences. Of sustainable. Businesses, in America and, their reliance, on the vast but invisible, green community referred. To as the Gort cloud for support, and a market. Green. Investment, firms are consequently. Attracting. Unprecedented. Interest in the, UK, for instance, the Green Investment Bank, is devoted, exclusively to.

Supporting. Renewable domestic. Energy. However. The, UK, and Europe as a whole are falling, behind the, impressive, pace set by developing. Nations, in terms of green development. Thus. Green, investment, firms are creating, more and more opportunities. To support sustainable. Development, practices, in emerging, economies. By providing, micro, loans and larger investments. These firms assist, small business, owners, in developing, nations who, seek business, education, affordable. Loans and new distribution, networks. For their green. Products. Topic. Sustainable. Businesses. The, Harvard Business School, business, historian. Jeffrey jones academic. Has traced the historical. Origins, of green business, back to pioneering. Startups. In organic, food and wind and solar energy before. World, War one. Among. Large corporations. Ford, Motor Company, occupies, an odd role in the story of sustainability. Ironically. Founder, Henry Ford, was a pioneer. In the sustainable. Business, realm, experimenting. With plant based fuels, during, the days of the Model T Ford, Motor Company, also, shipped the model a truck, in crates that then became the vehicle floorboards. At the factory, destination. This. Was a form of upcycling. Retaining, high quality, in a closed-loop, industrial. Cycle. Furthermore. The original, Auto Body was made of a stronger, than steel hemp composite. Today. Of course, Fords, aren't made of heme nor do they run on the most sensible, fuel. Currently. Ford's, claim to eco-friendly. Fame as the use of seat fabric, made from 100%. Post-industrial. Materials. And renewable, soy foam seat, basis. For. Executives. Recently. Appointed the company's, first senior, vice president, of sustainability. Environment. And safety, engineering. This. Position, is responsible. For establishing a. Long range sustainability. Strategy, and environmental. Policy, the. Person, in this position will, also, help develop the, products, and processes, necessary to. Satisfy both customers. And society, as a whole while working, toward energy independence. It. Remains, to be seen whether, Ford, will return to its founders, vision of a petroleum, free, automobile. A vehicle, powered, by the remains, of plant matter the, automobile. Manufacturer. Subaru as a sustainability. Giant. In. 2008. A Subaru, assembly. Plant in Lafayette, became, the first auto manufacturer. To achieve zero landfill. Status, when, plant implemented. Sustainable. Policies. The. Company, successfully, managed. To implement, a plan that increased, refuse, recycling. To ninety nine point eight percent in. 2012. The corporation. Increased, the reuse of styrofoam by, nine percent and, from. The year 2008. To the year 2012. Environmental. Incidents, and accidents reduced. From 18, to four smaller, companies, such as Nature's, Path an, organic. Cereal and snack making, business, have also made significant. Sustainability. Gains in the 21st, century. CEO. Aaron, Stevens, and his associates. Have ensured, that the quickly, growing company's. Products, are produced without, toxic farm, chemicals. Furthermore. Employees. Are constantly, encouraged, to find ways to reduce consumption. Sustainability. As an essential, part of corporate discussions. Another. Example, comes from Salt, Spring coffee, a company, created, in 1996. As a certified, organic Fairtrade, coffee, producer. In, recent. Years they have become carbon, neutral lowering. Emissions by. Reducing, long range trucking, and using biodiesel, in delivery, trucks, upgrading. To energy, efficient, equipment and purchasing. Carbon, offsets. The. Company, claims to offer the first carbon, neutral coffee, sold, in Canada. Salt. Spring coffee was, recognized, by the David, Suzuki, foundation, in the 2010, report doing, business, in a new climate a third. Example comes, from Korea, where rice husks, are used as a non-toxic, packaging. For stereo components. And other electronics. The. Same material. As later recycled. To make bricks the mining, and specifically. Gold mining, industries, are also moving, towards, more sustainable practices. Especially. Given, that the industry, as one of the most environmentally. Destructive. Indeed. Regarding. Gold mining, Northwestern. University. Scientists. Have, the laboratory, discovered. An inexpensive, and, environmentally. Sustainable method. That uses simple cornstarch. Instead. Of cyanide, to. Isolate, gold from raw materials. In a selective, manner. Such. A method will reduce, the amount of cyanide, released, into the environment during. Gold extraction. From raw ore with one of the Northwestern, University.

Scientists. Sir Fraser Stoddard, stating, that the elimination, of cyanide, from the gold industry as, of the utmost importance. Environmentally. Additionally. The retail, jewelry, industry is, now trying to be totally sustainable. With companies, using, green energy, providers, and recycling. More as well as preventing, the use of Mines so called virgin, gold by applying, refinishing. Methods, on pieces and reselling, them. Furthermore. The customer, may opt for Fairtrade gold which gives a better deal to small-scale. And artisanal, miners, and as an element, of sustainable. Business. However. Not, all think, that mining, can be sustainable. And much more must be done noting. That mining, in general, as in need of greater regional. And international legislation. And, regulation. Which is a valid point given, the huge impact, mining, has on the planet, and the huge number, of products, and goods that are made wholly or partly from, mined materials. Topic. Social. Sphere. Organizations. That give back to the community, whether through employees, volunteering. Their time or, through charitable, donations, are often, considered, socially. Sustainable. Organizations. Also can encourage, education, in their communities, by training, their employees and. Offering, internships to younger members of the community. Practices. Such as these increase, the education. Level and quality of life in the community. For. A business, to be truly sustainable it, must sustain not, only the necessary environmental, resources. But, also social. Resources. Including. Employees, customers, the, community, and its reputation. Topic. Organizations. The, European, communities, restriction. Of hazardous substances. Directive. Restricts. The use of certain hazardous, materials. In the production, of various electronic. And electrical products. Waste. Electrical, and electronic. Equipment w. EEE directives. Provide, collection. Recycling and, recovery practices. For, electrical, goods, the. World Business Council for, sustainable. Development. And the World Resources Institute, are. Two organizations, working. Together to, set a standard for reporting. On corporate, carbon footprints. From. October, 2013. All quoted, companies in the UK are legally, required to report their annual greenhouse gas, emissions, in, their directors, report under the Companies, Act 2006. Strategic. And director's reports, regulations. 2013. Lester, Brown's plan, B 2.0. And Hunter elevenses natural, capitalism. Provide, information on, sustainability. Initiatives. Topic. Corporate, sustainability. Strategies. Corporate. Sustainability. Strategies. Can aim to take advantage, of sustainable. Revenue opportunities. While protecting, the value of business, against, increasing, energy costs. The costs, of meeting regulatory. Requirements. Changes, in the way customers. Perceive, brands, and products, and the volatile, price of resources. Not. All eco, strategies, can be incorporated into, a company's, eco, portfolio. Immediately. The. Widely practiced, strategies. Include, innovation. Collaboration. Process, improvement. And sustainability, reporting. One. Innovation. And technology. This introverted. Method, of sustainable. Corporate, practices, focuses. On a company's, ability to change its products, and services towards, less, waste production, and sustainable. Best practices. -. Collaboration. The formation, of networks, with similar, or partner, companies, facilitates. Knowledge, sharing and propels, innovation. Three. Process. Improvement. Continuous, process, surveying, and improvement, as essential, to reduction, in waste. Employee. Awareness, of company-wide. Sustainability.

Plan Further, aids the integration. Of new and improved processes. For. Sustainability. Reporting. Periodic, reporting, of company, performance. In relation to goals, these. Goals are often incorporated. Into the corporate, mission as in the case of Ford Motor Co, v. Greening. The supply chain sustainable. Procurement as, important, for any sustainability. Strategy, as a company's. Impact, on the environment is. Much bigger than the products, that they consume. The. B corporation. Certification. Model, as a good example of one that encourages, companies, to focus, on this. Additionally. Companies, might consider, implementing. A sound measurement. And management system. With readjustment. Procedures, as well as a regular, forum, for all stakeholders to, discuss sustainability, issue. The, sustainability. Balanced. Scorecard, as a performance. Measurement, and management, system, aiming at balancing. Financial. And non-financial as. Well as short and long-term measures. It. Explicitly. Integrates. Strategically. Relevant, environmental. Social, and ethical goals, into, the overall performance. Management. System, and supports, strategic. Sustainability. Management. You. Topic. Standards. Enormous. Economic, and population growth. Worldwide, in the second, half of the 20th, century, aggravated. The factors, that threaten health and the world, ozone. Depletion, climate. Change depletion. Fouling, of natural, resources, and extensive. Loss of biodiversity, and, habitat in, the, past the standard, approaches, to environmental. Problems, generated. By business, and industry have. Been regulatory. Driven, end of, the pipe. Remediation. Efforts, in the, 1990s. Efforts, by governments. NGOs. Corporations. And investors began. To grow substantially to. Develop, awareness and, plans for investment. In business, sustainability. One. Critical, milestone, was the establishment. Of the ISO, 14000. Standards, whose development, came as a result of the Rio summit on the environment, held in, 1992. ISO. 14001. Is the cornerstone, standard. Of the ISO. 14000. Series, it. Specifies. A framework, of, control, for an environmental. Management system. Against, which an organization, can be certified, by a third party, other. ISO. 14000. Series, standards, are actually, guidelines, many, to help you achieve, registration. To ISO. 14001. They. Include, the following. Iso. 14000. For provides, guidance, on, the development. And implementation of. Environmental. Management, systems. Iso. 14000. 10 provides, general, principles. Of environmental auditing. Now superseded. By iso. 19,000. 11. Iso. 14000. 11 provides specific. Guidance on audit, and environmental. Management system. Now superseded. By iso. 19,000. 11. Iso. 14000. 12 provides, guidance, on, qualification. Criteria for. Environmental. Auditors, and lead auditors, now superseded. By iso. 19,000. 11. Iso. 14000. 13, fifths, provides, audit, program, review, and assessment material. Iso. 14000. 20-plus, labeling, issues. Iso. 14000. 30-plus, provides, guidance on, performance. Targets, and monitoring, within an environmental. Management system. Iso. 14000. 40-plus, covers, lifecycle. Issues. Topic. Circular. Business, models. While, the initial focus of academic, industry, and policy. Activities, was mainly focused on the development of, Reax recycling. Remanufacturing. Reuse. Technology. It soon, became, clear that the technological. Capabilities. Increasingly. Exceed, their implementation. To. Leverage, this technology, for the transition. Towards, a circular, economy different. Stakeholders. Have to work together. This. Shifted, attention towards, business model innovation as. A key leverage, for circular, technology. Adaption, circular. Business, models, are business, models, that are closing narrowing. Slowing. Intensifying. And, dematerializing. Loops to minimize the resource, inputs, into and the waste and emission, leakage, out of the organizational. System this. Comprises, recycling. Measures, closing. Efficiency. Improvements. Narrowing, use phase extensions. Slowing, or extending. A more intense, use phase, intensifying. And the substitution. Of product, utility, by service, and software, solutions. Dematerializing. You. Topic. Lead certification. The, Leadership, in Energy and Environmental. Design standards. Were developed by the US, Green Building Council. In an effort to propel, green building, design in. The United, States. LEED. Certification, as, very prestigious, title, and can be attained, through. Compliance. With all environmental. Laws and regulations. Occupancy. Scenarios. Building. Permanence, and pre rating, completion. Site boundaries. An area, to site ratios. An obligatory. Five-year.

Sharing, Of whole building, energy and, water use, data from, the start of occupancy, for, new construction or. Date of certification. For existing, buildings. 15. Topic. 6 essential. Characteristics. Matthew, to ahthe PhD. Reiterates. The ideas, put forward by authors, such as Paul Hawken the ecology. Of Commerce, and. Natural. Capitalism. William, McDonough and Michael, Braungart, cradle-to-cradle. And Janine, Benyus, biomimicry. When he proposes, that a mature and authentic. Sustainable. Business, contains, six essential, characteristics. One. Triple. Top-line. Value, production. The. TTL. Establishes. Three, simultaneous. Requirements. Of sustainable. Business, activities. Financial. Benefits, for the company natural. World betterment. And social. Advantages. For employees. And members of the local community. With. Each of these three components, recognized. As equal in status. Whereas. Many businesses. Use the, triple bottom line, triple. Top line, stresses. The importance, of initial, design, and as a term attributable. To McDonough, and Braungart in. Their book cradle to cradle. To. Nature. Based knowledge and technology. This. Biomimicry. Based, principle. SiC involves. The conscious, emulation. Of natural, world genius. In terms, of growing, our food, harnessing. Our energy, constructing. Things conducting. Business healing. Ourselves. Processing. Information and, designing, our communities. Three. Products. Of service, two products, of consumption. Products. Of service, our durable, goods routinely, leased, by the customer. That are made of technical, materials. And are returned, to the manufacturer. And, reprocessed. Into a new generation, of products, when they are worn out these products, are mostly, non toxic. To human, and environmental health. But toxic materials. That are used will, be kept, within a closed loop type, system, and not be able to escape into the environment. Products. Of consumption, are shorter-lived, items. Made, only of biodegradable. Materials. They. Are broken, down by the detritus. Organisms. After, the products, lose their usefulness, these are also non, hazardous to, human, or environmental. Health. This. Principle. Requires, that, we manufacture, only. These two types of products. And necessitates. The gradual. But continual. Reductions. Of products, of service, and their replacement with, products. Of consumption, as, technological. Advancements. Allow. For, solar. Wind, geothermal and. Ocean energy. This. Principle. SiC advocates. Employing. Only sustainable. Energy, technology. Solar. Wind. Ocean, and geothermal. That. Can meet our energy needs, indefinitely. Without, negative, effects, for life on earth other. Authors. Such, as Paul Hawken, have referred, to this as utilizing. Current solar income. Five. Local, based, organizations. And economies. This. Ingredient. Includes, durable. Beautiful and, healthy, communities. With locally, owned and operated, businesses. And locally, managed, nonprofit. Organizations. Along, with regional. Corporations. And shareholders. Working, together in, a dense web of partnerships. And collaborations. Six. Continuous. Improvement, process. Operational. Processes, inside, successful. Organizations. Include, provisions, for constant, advancements, and upgrade, as the company, does its business, the, continuous. Process, of monitoring, analyzing. Redesigning. And implementing. Is used to intensify, TTL. Value production. As conditions, change and new opportunities. Emerge. Topic. Challenges. And opportunities. Implementing. Sustainable. Business, practices may. Have an effect on profits, and a firm's financial bottom. Line at. First. Blush this challenge, might make many corporate, executives. Cringe. However. During, a time where environmental, awareness, as, popular, green, strategies. Are likely, to be embraced, by employees. Consumers. And other stakeholders. In, fact. According, to many studies, a positive, correlation, exists. Between environmental. Performance and, economic, performance if an organization's. Current, business, model as, inherently, unsustainable, becoming. A truly sustainable business. Requires, a complete, makeover, of the business, model, eg, from selling, cars to offering car sharing, and other mobility, services. This. Can present a major challenge, due, to the differences, between the, old and the new model and the respective, skills resources. And infrastructure. Needed a new. Business model can, also offer, major, opportunities. By entering, or even creating, new markets and reaching, new customer, groups companies. Leading, the way in sustainable. Business, practices can. Be said to be taking, advantage of sustainable. Revenue opportunities. According. To the Department, for Business Innovation. And. Skills the, UK, green economy to grow by 4.9. To 5.5. Percent, a, year by, 2015. And the average, internal, rate of return on, energy, efficiency, investments. For large businesses. As 48, percent, a.

2013. Survey suggests, that, demand for green products, appears, to be increasing, 27. Percent, of respondents said, they are more likely to buy a sustainable. Product, and/or service than. Five years ago. Furthermore. Sustainable. Business, practices may. Attract, talent, and generate, tax breaks. Topic. See, also. Topic. Notes. You. Topic. External. Links. David. O'Brien's Center, for Sustainable, Enterprise, Concordia. University, Montreal. Herb. Institute for global sustainable. Enterprise, at the University. Of Michigan. Center. For sustainable, global, enterprise, at Cornell, University. Natural, Resources, Defense Council. Sustainable. Business, models, on the new economy. Magazine. MN, sustainable. Business, and eco innovations.

2019-06-19 05:19

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