Strathclyde Business School: 8th November 11am

Strathclyde Business School: 8th November 11am

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On, behalf, of the University and let's extend a very warm welcome, to you to this congregation with. The confirm n't of degrees here and the barley hall this. Is a very special Baylor, University, calendar because, it's a graduation day is a day of celebration, for. Our graduates, are, all the family friends and supporters and for all the staff of the University, and, this is a great venue in which to stop that celebration. And. The latest stage the first of these events as commencement, ceremonies. As they, use them to indicate, the beginning or the commencement, of a, new journey as opposed to an end it and, it's in that spirit that we also want to celebrate graduations. Are, quite. Though. In a few moments that will be my privilege to count each ever graduates, as, a name is called out and they come up on stage to receive their, award the. Capitol tradition has its roots in ancient China and, it's recognized, as a rite of passage and, as, a mark of achievement, and for, each of our agents once count has, also signifies, their note part of a community of scholars at, the University of Strathclyde which. Can stretch by over 200 years to, the Scottish enlightenment, so they'll be in very good company, but. The cause of graduation. We have a reception, in our nearby or Todd building to which everyone is invited to, come along we. Also hope to have an academic procession, from the body over to the board Todd this, normally depends, upon the weather but, I think the day which struck a rocky and, we've got a great day for having, an academic procession. And. The mean time I do hope that you enjoy the, ceremony and. When you see a loved one come up on stage to receive their, award I would strongly, encourage you, to celebrate. These. Occasions, don't come around very often and from anything are once-in-a-lifetime, so. Please make, the most of it and. I formed with the clear of this congregation for, the confirm n't of degrees is, open and I, invite professor David Julio the, executive, Dean of Strathclyde, business school, to present our graduates, to, receive their awards thank, you. Vice-principal. In, the, name of the University, and by, the authority of, Senate, I present. To you these, students, for. The degree of Master, of Business Administration. Mohammad. Asif Mohammed. Salim al-ghazali's. Antonio. Alonso. Muhammad. Nasir aloo, late. Maria. And your taper final. Susan-elizabeth. Ottoman. I. Know. Austin. Go. Down but area. Roman. Brad Nam. Nicole. And Breton. Ribbon. Bronte, jealous. How. About Brooksbank. Lesly. Uncommon. Graham. Campbell. Bah. Rejoined Corrado's. Ricardo. Antonio chilena. Madeline. Don't Chadwick. Battalion. Shanta, Lou. I. Don't. Join. Gyeongmin. Son. Russell. Andrew Craig. Renato. Tell, me da rocha. Joseph. Julia, Elias. Bernardo. Escudero, Miranda. Blanca. Espinoza, is Beco. Timothy. W Ventress. Zhi. Shan feeder. Theresa. Foster. Fun. Golden. Miguel. And, Gaborone. Karaoke. Helen. Guy on lead whoa. Samuel. McMichael. Gelson. Marie. Eve Gibbon. Filipe. Kibum. Alexander. Go energy. Alan. Douglas, Graham. Join. Healing. Cinthia. Ravi piloting. Susan. Reichle Hamilton. Andrew. Christopher, Thompson.

Jennifer. Lynn Hammond. Tobias. Hoffman. And. Robotics. Charlotte. Francis, home. -. Jenkins. But. Then I decided, thumb. Shawn. Marty, on Jones. Edan. We catch them. Barbara. Aniki, Elka. Victoria. Smith norms. Vaibhav. Kumar. Inigo. La, rumba cabanas. Caroline. Wyndham. HD. Bodies Lopez, Ruiz. They adore. Deep, woods. Stephen. Thomas Lynch. Scott. Alexander McBride. James. G McDonald. Robot. Ian William, McGowan. Kevin. McGuirk. Jonathan. Anthony, McLean. Look. Us Emmanuel mark Waldo. Julian. Ran. Out Massey. Alfonso. Montero, will Lopez. Christopher. Ryan modern. And. Regimes, Nash. David. : Newton. Paul. Maturity, gegen. Adam. Jeffrey O'Loughlin. Miron. Makani or waited, another. Christine. Parasu. Dale. Pete. Nina. Rani rum. Rajkumar. Rangarajan. Mati. Rena Rehim, aqui. Brought. Your ribs. Fernando. Henrique a rocket, Oh. Benjamin. Jason, roll. Peter. Douglas Russel. Manjunath. Sadashiva. Rami, Musa Naga. David. Hunter scores. Cyrus, ecom's. Gregor. Miller Shido. Raymond. Anthony, Williams wound. Kevin. Smith. So. They made cedis still, Janos. Williams. Story. Tristan. Tilo. Shashank. Sadhana and machete. June. Came to. Matthewcarroll. Trader. Daniel. Balance. Rudy. Johann, Magda, for Putin. Ba-ba-ba-ba. Manson, it. Join. Maker wigs. Bridget. And ward. Wang. Yoon pink Osteen. Camila's. Rain. Mohammed. Yaseen autumn. To. Hell I'll back out Belushi. Mohammed. Tarek out the journey. Abdullah. Site caliph, our up key. Achmed. Sahid, Omar, backwash one. James. Paul Boyd. Shortly. On qui. Lisa. Cunningham. Gasp. Out Sultan. Manjeet. Singh goon. Chirag. Gupta. Hikmat. He loved. Keep. Reaching. Reznikov. On the bodice on. They. Took lead. Lu. Xiaojun. Xavier. Lopez. Lagoon. Ndon moody, pouting. Steven. James Monroe. Salute. NASA alpha, D. Muhammad. Siddiq pasha. Shivani. Rana. A. Sheet. Rayford era. The. Seniors seven tallies. Yeah, Johnson. Then. John, cat. David. Andrew, Wilson. CACO. Yano. Mohammed. To golden, muhammad yousuf. Jang. Gyeong Joon. Abdullah. Hamid, al Advani. Alfonso. Campos cleasing. Although. Elba, HUD's. Robert. Mark Fox. Chérif. Gondo. Christina. Soojin Dirk our John, Doe. Evangelos, contour, Otis. May. I borrow him Magda. Jose. Juan Rivera, Galvan. Denis. Shapoval, ankle. Rafaela, Sayuri, Yamamoto. For. The degree of Master, of Science in, Business and management corner. Voter Adam. Audrey. A dick appreciate, you. Georgia. Ah tieguanyin. Georgia's. Subhana. Bandy, apartheid. Evangelos. Colossus. A. Tikrit, Sanjeevani. Cool. Jen's. Each wha ye Swan. Dai. Gene. No. Meaty milind durable. Caroline. Helen Donaldson. Data. Add vitia pratima. How. The Girish, shashikant. Kalem. Harley. Chest. One should. Sita. McDonagh ions. Yes. Karma. Harmon. Tweet cover. Kowloon. Gotcha. Pope on Previn. Raj. Prakash. Sangmi. Actually. Sharma. Hannah. Rose Schneider. Athanasius. Tell. Judas. Silly. - no glue. Ellis. Bleen White's. Chi. China. Zhang. Liang. In. International. Management are, you shan't, allow Bhansali. Mustafa. Muslim, barman. Alessandro. Ferraro. Souheïb. Tarik, a feeling, bond. But. A young cat gotta gain. Gabrielli. 0:18. Truth. Banshee. Who. Thank, you. Dionysia. Capitan, you. Really. Coleman. Gisun. Lead. Use. One Li. She. On mom. Jørgen. Matthew. Lauren. Custody Mia. Bhavya. Mishra. Gloria. Morandini. Ramkumar. Loser, Amin. Peacham. On Piazza. Warren. Eat Santi t-bone. Mary-louise. Isabella. Scott's. Colonel. Champaka, cha. Yuan. Yi Schatzi, ping. Pizza. Shabu. Jannetty. Dango. Emiram. The pooja EULA. Alessandro. Of a Kareem. Kirsten. Alexandre, Waits. Jo. Kwon Eva, whoo. Ming. Yang. In. Project. Management and information, Dorothea. Armand. Ronnie. Guido bangerra. Aaron. Eto no saloon. Dimitri. Ivan, grunts. Kaylee. Rosie. Malan. Jane. Gang none. Jessica. And reopen. Alexander. Robertson. Mode. 5 you been, summons. Paul. Anthony Slevin. Christopher, stork. Demetrios. Sakuni's. Chang. Jiwoo. For. The degree of Master, of Science in Business and management Mohammed. Faiis Abdul, Rahim Issa. For. The degree of Master, of Science in international. Management FeO, Lua Priscilla. Organ. Ban wall. Ladies, and gentlemen, colleagues, and. Most of all Stratford, University's, newest graduates, it. Is my pleasure to once again welcome, you to a graduation, survey here in the botany hall. Quite. Rightly our graduates of incentive stage and. I would like to begin my - by, congratulating, all, of you once again on your achievements, your. Hard work has paid off and. This has now been recognised in front of your family friends and the staff you've taught and supported, you during your, time at, the University, we. Selves in your efforts and your, achievements very well done. No. In a short while at the cause of graduation, you, may be asked to join the academic, procession as, this leads the hall, this. Invitation actually, symbolizes, the fact you are no longer students, but, full members of the academic, community of South quite a community.

The Numbers over one hundred and eighty thousand, individuals. The. Class of 2019, is. Graduating. At a time of considerable change, in Scotland. And the UK and. Internationally. And, there is no doubt that challenges. Lie ahead for resolve. However. As, members, of the Strathclyde family, you. Belong to a large growing, worldwide, community with. A shared ethos of tolerance, and understanding, and. A desire to make a positive difference I. Hope. That the memory of today is something that will stay with you wherever you go and whatever you choose to do in life we. Will keep in touch with you through our alumni team and, I would ask that you keep in touch with us let. Us know what you are up to what. You think about what we're doing at, the University and. What you could do to help future generations of, students. As. Graduates, of a socially, progressive University. You have a competitive, advantage having. Been equipped with the skills new. Home and capacity, to absorb, knowledge together, with the ability, to positively influence, and, shape the, world arranger, and. Scotland. We are fortunate and having a higher education, system which, is internationally, respected and, as, a society we, are quite right to invest in it, education. Broadens, the mains and it creates opportunities. For individuals. And for. Society. The. Opportunities. That education, gives each of us also, carries with a responsibility. To. Use what, we ever learned wisely, and, for the good of others. And. A sense of duty should come readily to graduates, of this university. As. Strath Quakers we all have to look to, the achievements, of those who have gone before us. Or inspiration. To. John Anderson, our founder who established, this University. For the good of mankind. To. The world's first oil man James paraffin young, to. The missionary and exporter, of David Livingstone. To. Join mogi bearded, such pioneering, work on the development of television. And. The present day new today me wish Angela D a pioneer. The Scottish justice of the country's first female Solicitor. General and, whether the first female, what advocate, anti. So - hunter one, of the most successful entrepreneurs in Scottish history and. A philanthropist, who used his wealth to the benefit of others. Now, I'm sure that you've been given lots of advice and how best to plan your life. Some. Of this advice you were right we ignore, some. You may accept but. Mostly you will have to learn for yourself. The. Scottish author Robert, Louis Stevenson, put, it well when he said don't. Judge each day by the harvest you reap but. By the seeds that you plant. Though. To reach this point in your life study each, of you who have travelled a different journey, for. Some the, path will be relatively, smooth and, for others as may have been more challenging, however. I am certain, of one thing that. None of you would be here without the active support of, your family and friends, they. Have picked you up when you've been down and they've, encouraged, you when you've needed and many. Will be here today proudly. Watching that she crossed the stage that, broad smiles an award tear, in their eye. Though. They are celebrating today. Because. You carry with you their hopes their wishes. And conference. For, a successful, career. For. The past half-hour all the. Airports are on the new years as each Anton, cross, the stage to, receive new, rewards are. We doing like to invite all the graduates, to, show their appreciation for.

The Support received, from, their family and friends. I. Touched. Their where and some of the key figures who, have helped to create and shape the. University, of South quite and, you, could tell a lot about the values of our organization, by looking at its rims. Strathclyde. Traces its lineage back to, 1796. When, John Anderson brought into being the. Only Scottish University. Founded during, the Age of Enlightenment and. Embodying, the Enlightenment, principles of, Reason, tolerance. And equality. Join. Anderson's, belief and useful, learning and, his commitment to taking knowledge and using, this for the greater good as. A motivating, force which gives Strathclyde, University its. Momentum to Dean in. Many, ways John, Anderson was ahead of his time as. He advocated, an 18th, century the. Education, of both women and men of all, causes, this. Vision is just as important, today and, as, a socially, progressive University. We. Want the town of our students to be developed, to, the highest level for the benefit of society. This. Can be seen in a pioneering Law Clinic where a students provide support, and, representation. To people we cannot afford legal. Advice, they. Can also be seen in a technology, and innovation center which, is transforming, the way in which we cooperate with business, industry, and, the public sector, to bring Google competitive. Advantage to Scotland, and. This is the tangible, sign of, the University's, commitment to. World-class research, and, ensuring, the outcomes, of maximum. Benefit, to society and. To, the economy. We. Are a university for innovation, seeking. Breakthroughs, which, to address the most urgent challenges, facing the world through. New and effective medicines. Professor. Approaches, to tackling climate change new. Technologies, to address energy poverty, and food poverty, by. Informing, public policy, that addresses public, need and makes, for a vibrant and fair, society, and. By offering much-needed. Independent. Insight that, the complex, ethical. Economic and social issues. These. Represent, a small sample, of the many contributions being, led by, our world-class staff and students and, taking new knowledge and using, it to solve problems, and industry and the classroom, and in the boardroom and we. Continually, strive to enhance the student experience and, invest. In our campus. Creating. Facilities, like a thirty 1 million pound South great sports building to, support fitness, health and well-being a twenty. Million pound district energy Network which is reducing our carbon footprint, and. We invest in over 60 million pounds and. A new teaching and learning facility, and the heart of the campus and we, are halfway through a 1 billion pound campus. Development program. Other. High weights over the last year have, included, our principal, and vice-chancellor professor Sir, John McDonald which, studies as undergraduate, and postgraduate, at South quad who, has been appointed the president of the Royal Academy of Engineering the. First court to hold this prestigious post. Straight. Away business skills briefing barriers program has. Enabled young people with learning disabilities. To, gain University. And work experience, and this was recognized, we, were in the youth employment, award, at the recent herald diversity. Awards. Force.

Graduate Students the Strathclyde business school, have, developed a business plan that will help to transform, the, RMS Queen Mary the, world's, last surviving, steam, turbine, oceanliner, to, become commercially, viable performance restoration. The. Business skills courses Centre for employment research, has. Been awarded one million pounds from the economic, Social Research Council, to, investigate management. Practices, and their effect on innovation. And productivity. Strathclyde. University has, been named an asam detains good a good University, Guide as. A Scottish, University, of the year for, 2020. And the. Business School was once a new master's program and financial. Technology, embodying, this. Is the first program of its kind in the Gulf region and we, delivered in partnership with the body Institute, of banking and Fire. These. Are some of the many contributions being, made by, our staff and students across Strathclyde, business school, and, the. University, is being increasingly recognized. As, a police four things happen and, this is why our graduates, are so highly prized by companies. And organizations. Looking. To recruit the best talent to. Drive their businesses, forward. Our. Success, is, in no small part due to the effective and, corrective efforts of the commitment, of her staff the. 3900 coins, who, deliver her vision as a leading international. Technological. University, unlike. Me they're very proud of your achievements. All. Of our students learn how to be innovative. Enterprising. And creative. And they, make a real difference when they go out into the, workplace. So. Whatever use curry architecture always. Remember that as a stark white graduate, useful. Learning carries, with it responsibilities. That, go beyond academic. Scholarship, and. Finally. Let, me offer my sincerest, congratulations to. You all once again on, your achievements, and I, hope that you enjoy the remainder of what, is a very special day thank, you. Well. Ladies and gentlemen that note concludes, the formal part of the Smalley's proceedings, which I hope you've enjoyed and then your ticket we very many happy, memories at.

This Point I normally get a signal from the back of the hall to tell me whether or not the way that has stayed good, enough for us to have idea and academic, procession but I can, see that we've. Got a lovely sunny OD sunny, day, outside so we, will have an academic procession, from, the body over to the Lord we, will have a reception to which everyone is invited to come home and have some refreshments and, we'll take the opportunity, to invade South the university's newest graduates, to, join the, academic, procession, so, the Kadath ladies and general freestyle road the academic, procession to leave the hall and then, thereafter falls. Over to the ward for, some, refreshments. I know. For with the query of this Congregation for the conferring, of degrees.

2019-11-15 17:16

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