Strathclyde Business School: 27th June 3pm

Strathclyde Business School: 27th June 3pm

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On behalf of the University, of Strathclyde I'd, like to welcome you to, the barony hall for this congregation, for the confinement, of degrees, this. Is a day of celebration for, you our graduates and for. Your families, and friends and, indeed. For the staff of the University, we. Extend particular. Welcome, to during our graduation, ceremonies, to our students, who've taken distance, learning courses, or studied at our oversees hubs some. Of you may be visiting, the campus for the first time and we're delighted to have you here today. These. Events are sometimes, known as commencement, ceremonies. As, a signal, that they, mark a beginning rather than the end and. It's not spirit, that we celebrate graduations. At Strathclyde. In. A few moments it will be my privilege to, cap each graduate, the. Capping ceremony, has ancient roots as a public rite of passage and, as a mark of achievement, for. Each of our graduates, it's a sign they are part of a proud tradition of world-changing. Scholars, of Strathclyde, stretching. All the way back to the Scottish enlightenment I hope. You enjoy the ceremony I now. Declare this congregation open. And invite professor David Hillier to, introduce our students. My, lord and Chancellor, in the, name of the University. And by, the authority of, Senate, I present. To you these students. For. The degree of Master, in international. Business with Modern Languages. Custon, Iona Alexander, McGarry. Gloria. For our tuning. Eliot's. Marie Benoit. Corrado's. Nathaniel. David, Clarke. Moli. Corcoran. David. Francisco. Top. Antoine. Bernard, couturier. Amy. Margaret, frito. Mary-rose. Gallico. Tess. Kristina, Gordon. Gulia, Juwanna, kiss. Ksenia. Vladimirovna. Rona. MacDonald. Clear. Rushing, Miggy. Buddy. McKenna. Malcolm. John McLeod. Stephen. Makes 70. Catherine. Man. Papi. Morrison. Julia. Milliken goes. Danyelle. Ohhara. Oshin. Poacher. New. Join, leading, home Rockman. Emilia. Reach see. Dominic. Lina Santini. Lindsay. Helen, Smith. Emma. And students. Angels. V Dow Clement. Mark. Rains. For. The degree of Bachelor, of Arts, in business analysis. And technology, clear. Ruse McCloy. Kathryn, Quinn. Emma. Siobhan. Roberts. Elizabeth. Janet, scores. And. Business. Analysis, and technology in marketing, Marilyn, Emma no Lulu. In. Business. Enterprise, Yanis, Macau Andrea, darkus. Rowen, Kevin. Robert. Davidson. Emily. And Elizabeth. Dobson. Zoe. Elizabeth, Forrest. Miss. Brenda, McLaren. Patrisse. Andhra, Ring board. Benjamin. Grants Caulfield. Caitlin. Rose wait. :. Douglas, Campbell. Dean. Clemmensen. You. And Gil. Darin. David McKillop. Nicholas. Cremes. Alina. Repeats uh. Corner. Smith. Jack. Thompson. Scott. Welcome. Liam. Wilson. In. Business. Enterprise, and finance, Matt. Carter. Ross. McKay. Jacqueline. Vaya con coup. But. To eat saying, grad Sammy, focusing. In business. Enterprise, and hospitality, and tourism management.

Heather, Fletcher. In. Business. Enterprise, and management, catherine flora beaten. Jennifer. McGilvery. Varun. Gupta. Cloyce. Well do. In. Business. Enterprise, and marketing, Dylan born. Emma. Louise Johnston. Craig. Read. Apogee. Elliott, Wilson. Jade. I'd. Cheering. Luke. Zarah. Rachel, villas. Loose. Georgia. Smith. An. International. Business with business analysis. And technology math you steal. Hannah. Mary Ann Weems. An. International. Business, with business enterprise, felicia, daily, Jose. Look. David, Hillen. Diana. Crass Nikki. Moly. Elizabeth, McQueen. Costin. Ohhara. Toby. Wallace. Angus. Keith ganj Adams. Emme. Bowden. David. Delgado science, the or Mahana. Marcin. For you. New. McKinley. Christie. McCloud. Laney. Zanatos. An. International. Business with economics. Abby, McGowan. Water. Smith. Maker. Wasn't. Daniel. Schorr nog. Beth. Katie Donahue. Nev. Cristina, Fitzpatrick. In. International. Business with, finance, Christie. Patricia, Margaret, beer. Sam. John, Ronald, Brown. Jimmy. Cook. CEDA. Elizabeth, Cooper. Ruth. Ann Fletcher. Gavan. James Kerr. Robin. Knew. Carlos. Marilla's, SNC. Sean, rebel. Alejandra. Santos, visas. Vladislav. Bus Kissin. Alexander. William Graham Anderson. You. In Douglas, Anderson. Hanukkah's. Campbell. Amy, hunter. Hey. There kids. Stefan. Law. Krieg. Freezer. Mcgraw. Ella. McCain. Sallie. Pringle. Ross. Thompson. In. International. Business with, hospitality, and, tourism. Management KT. Dev Nani. Pamela. Janie cook. Aaron. Maureen, Robinson. Stephanie. Barnwell. Man. II won't. An. International. Business, with human resource management, Louise. Francis. Broadly. Shannon. Elizabeth Haggerty. Emma. Harkins. Emma. Gillian, Irvin. Ellen. Jean seat. Weesa. Mean. Monica. Sophie Pearson. An. International. Business with management, Paula. It's Guerro hasn't, look. Sophie. McLeish. Kenneth. Watson. Cameron's. Got Donegan. Nicole, Hannah. Liza. Barbra, Marian Ruiz. Jack. Shido. An. International. Business with marketing, Sanna, Ahmad. General. Paz olara Anderson. Hannah. Elizabeth. Booth. Adam. Campbell. Sophie. Elizabeth, Cabana. Elinor, Rouge Timbers. Hana. Chesney. Eddin. Kate, Evans. Scott. Faith. Reach. Out me Henderson. Jessica. Hughes. Kate. Elizabeth. Langford. We. Saw Williamson, McLaren. Alex. McGuirk. Cata. Louise pillow. Luis. Chama, Gauss key. Nervier. Cour Kotori. Brueggen. McFadden. An. International. Business with Modern Languages Simona. Marchetti. Laura. Jean Roby. In. Management. And business enterprise. Amy, McLaughlin. In. Marketing. And business enterprise. Manna reads. Ladies. And gentlemen, colleagues. But, most, of all graduates, as, we can now call you, it's. A real pleasure to welcome you here to the barony Hall one, of the jewels and stress clients crown I'd. Like to begin my rest today by congratulating, you, or graduates, once, again in your academic, achievements, your. Hard work has paid off and, it's been recognized, the front of your families, your friends and, supporters, and indeed, by the academic, staff here. We. Know just how much work you've put in to be here today and you can all feel justifiably. Proud. All. Of you have displayed determination. Dedication. Self-discipline. And effort and all, of you have taken a huge step toward, realizing your, dreams and today. In these magnificent surroundings, we. Celebrate, your achievements, well done. In. Just a few minutes time you would ask to join the academic, procession as it makes makes its way down the aisle this, invitation, symbolizes. The fact that you're no longer students. You're full members of the academic, community of Strathclyde, and it's, an important, moment for you all the. Class of 2019 is, graduating, at a time of considerable global. Change in Scotland. In the, UK and internationally. There's. No question, of the challenges, lie ahead for all of us but, as a member of the Strathclyde, family, you belong to a large and ever-growing worldwide, community, which. Are shared ethos, of tolerance, and understanding and. Desire. To make a positive difference. Whatever.

Dreams You're pursuing, in life remember, you possess the most valuable assets anyone, can have in today's world knowledge. And, the ability to innovate and, the, capacity, to use your talents for the good of society. As. Graduates of our socially progressive University. You, have a competitive, advantage have you been equipped with the skills know-how and life experiences. To positively, influence and shape the world around you, you. Know in Scotland, we are fortunate and having a higher education, system, that's the envy of the world our. Country, rightly, invests, in education for, all education. Broadens, the mind, it creeks opportunities. For individuals, and for societies, and it's, tough colliders, we, carry a sense of duty to use what we've learned wisely. And for the good of others and. That desire to make a positive impact. In the world comes naturally, to graduates, of this university we. Only have to look to, the achievements, of those who've gone before for, inspiration, to, join Anderson, our founder, who established, this University for, the good of mankind, to, the missionary, and Explorer, David Livingstone. To. John Logie Baird Lord wreath whose, work and television, brought, his visual marvels, that they could hardly have dreamt of and. In the present day we look to deem Elish Angeline a pioneer. In Scottish, justice, as the country's first female Solicitor. General and laters, first female Lord Advocate to. Baroness Helen little former. Secretary, of State for, Scotland and, UK. High Commission, of Australian, to, Baroness Annabel Goldie former MSP, and leader of the Conservatives. And to. Sir Tom Hunter, philanthropist. And one, of the most successful entrepreneurs. In Scottish, history. Now. I'm, sure you've received, lots, of advice and how, to make the best of your lives some. Of it you will rightly ignore. Some. Might stick with you but, you know most of all you're going to have to learn it for yourself. To. Reach this point in your lives today each of you will have travelled a different journey for. Some the path will have been relatively, easy for others, much, more difficult but. I'm certain, of one thing none. Of you would be here without the active support of your family, supporters, and friends they've, picked you up when you've been down they've, encouraged, you when you needed it and they're, here to support you once again today proudly, watching as you cross the stage with. Broad smiles, and I, noticed the odd tear, and I they're. Celebrating. Today with pride because. You carry with you their. Hopes and dreams their, confidence, that you can make this a better world, for. The past half hour or so their, applause has rung in your ears I'd, like to invite our graduates, now to show their appreciation for. The support of their family supporters. And Friends. We. Will actively keep in touch with you through our alumni, and communication. Teams and. I would ask you to to please keep in touch with us we. Would love to hear your achievements, as you progress through your lives and careers and we look forward to hearing from you again advice. And guidance given, by our alumni helped to provide the first-class education, and student experience, you had at Strathclyde and, I now ask you to think of those who, are going to follow in your footsteps. I touched. Earlier on some of the key figures who've helped create the University, of Strathclyde, you. Can tell a lot about the values of an organization. By looking at its roots, Strathclyde. Traces, its lineage back to, 1796. When anderson, brought it into being it. Was the only Scottish university, founded, in the Enlightenment and embodying, enlightenment, principles of, Reason tolerance. And equality. Andersen. Believed in useful, learning. And. His commitment to taking knowledge and using for the greater good is the motivating, force which, gives Strathclyde, as momentum, today in, many, ways he was ahead of his time as. He advocated in the 18th century the, education. Of both men and women of all classes, today. This, vision is as important, as ever and as a socially, progressive University. We, want her students talents to redevelop, to the highest level, and the, talent pool to be as wide as it can be, we, now have targets, for recruiting students from disadvantaged. Areas, where, historically, few, people who stayed in education, after leaving school we've. Met and it did exceeded, these targets, enhancing. Our diverse, and vibrant student community, with. Many initiatives aimed at ensuring that ability, and willingness, to them and that.

And Not, personal, circumstances. Will determine access, to University, we. Are and. Always will be an international, University, our. Staff and student community, is drawn from more than 100. Nations and. We have alumni, and partners on every continent, that, ensures our outlook knowledge, and experience, are broad it's. Exactly, the shape a successful, university, should be, we're. In a place of innovation, seeking. Breakthroughs, which will address the most urgent challenges facing, the world today, new. And effective medicines, purposeful. Approaches, to tackling, climate change new, technologies, to meet the imperatives, of a rapidly changing world manufacture. Techniques, for, in-demand products. Informing. Policy that, addresses public needs and makes, for thriving, just societies. And offering. Insights, into complex, political. Economic, and social issues all. Of this our, groundbreaking, reserved. Our first class teaching, a productive. Relationship so, that external, partners, goes into the experience, and we offer students. As. A result we've produced over the years many, highly, qualified high-caliber. Graduates, many. More or joining them here today and some, have already taken their place in their, chosen professions. We. Continue, to strive to enhance the student experience investing. In our campus creating. Facilities, like the recently open Strathclyde sport building, to, support the fitness health and well-being of our star students, and wider community, and with, the great pleasure of welcoming another, inspirational. Figure Olympic, rowing gold medalist team Katherine, Granger to, carry out the official opening. Now. Many of you will. Also helped, us to shape the plans for our under construction, learning a teaching home at the very heart of our campus through, your feedback, and ideas this. Building, will be the new base for students, association, level of all the facilities have student need to get the very best from, their time Strathclyde, thank, you for helping create, this important, legacy, and. So. To has, it been a year to. Celebrate for the Business School a study. By dr. Samuel. Whare, led. To a report, commissioned, by the Federation, of small businesses, which, showed that one in ten smaller businesses, are led, by an immigrant entrepreneur. And that these, firms alone, contribute, more than 13 million pounds, to the Scottish economy, the. Business School has launched the financial, financial, technology.

Entrepreneurship. Program, in associated, with declined, entrepreneurial. Network the. Program encourages, the development of early-stage benefit. Driven, FinTech businesses, by, providing money, in-kind. Support master, classes and a dedicated, mentor, a, study. Led by dr., Tamar, Megiddo, in the, department, of management science, into the value of having an effect of antibiotic. To mitigate, pandemic, influenza, found. That they would be beneficial, to withhold, widespread, use of some new antibiotics. Until, the outbreak of a meteor pandemic, as, it could confer greater, value, in terms of life saved. Hospitalizations. Averted, and stress, in the economy, a study. With the freezer of Island Institute, but, Fraser of Allender Institute, found that the reduction, in drink driving limit, in Scotland, had actually, had little effect on a level of deaths and accidents in, the nation drawed now. The findings do not suggest that the previous limit productions, had been ineffective only, that the most recent reduction have not had a material impact of road safety the. Business school program breaking, down barriers, one, the Youth Employment Award, the herald diversity, Awards the. Innovative, partnership, between enable Scotland, and SPS and Scottish power means young, people with learning difficulties can, achieve an accredited, qualification. And gain, real work experience. That. Is why our graduates. Are so highly prized by employers, looking, to recruit the best talent to drive their organisations. Forward, that. Is why world-class. Companies, are investing instead of Clyde that, is why we, are leading research in energy, health manufacturing. Technology, business. And policy, and, are providing, new recruits to many professions, including healthcare engineering, business teaching and law our. Success, is, a no small part due to the collective talent. Effort, and commitment of our staff the. 3900. Colleagues, who, are pulling together to deliver one, vision a leading, international. Technological. University. Like. Me they, are very proud of your achievements, I know. That the class of 2019. Will, demonstrate, the power of useful, learning I know, you will, make your dreams a reality. And I, know you, will make a difference to the world in, which we all live, thank. You. I. Know. The clear clothes this congregation for, the confirmative. Degrees I would. Like to invite our graduates, to join the academic, procession please. Would family and friends, stay. Behind until the procession, has left the building and, then and this beautiful. Day outside join. Us in the garden of the Lord toward, for, refreshment, please. Be upstanding. You.

2019-07-05 15:46

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