Strathclyde Business School: 26th June 3pm

Strathclyde Business School: 26th June 3pm

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On behalf of the University like to extend a very warm welcome to you to this congregation for, the conferring of degrees here. And our colony, home, there's. A very special, day in our university calendar as, a graduation, day which makes it a day of celebration, for, our graduates, for all the farming friends, and for, all the staff of the, University, and. The. Later states that affair to these events pass commencement. Ceremonies, as they. Use them to signify, the. Commencement or the beginning of a new journey as. Opposed to an ending and it's in this spirit that we also wish to celebrate graduations. And Strathclyde. Now. In a few moments it will be my privilege to cap each, of our graduates as their name is called out and, they come up on stage to receive, the reward the. Capping tradition, has its roots in ancient China and. It's recognized, as a rite of passage and, the, mark of achievement, and for, each of our graduates once count this. Also signifies, at the Anoat part of, a community of scholars at the University of Strathclyde they. Can stretch by over 200 years to the Scottish enlightenment, so, to be in very good company. The. Course of graduation, we have a reception and a nearby award thought building to which everyone is invited to come along and, to, celebrate we. Also hope to have an academic procession, from the boundary over through the work thought this. Always depends upon the weather but, today I think we're going to be ok. In. The meantime I do hope, that you, enjoy the. Ceremony when. You see a loved one come up on stage to receive their award I would, strongly encourage. You to celebrate. These. Occasions, don't come around very often and. We can this fall all to ourselves so. Let's meet the most of them I know. For me the choir of this congregation, for the conferring, of degrees is, open I invade. Professor, talk was proud the executive, Dean of, the Faculty of humanities and, social sciences to present our graduates to, receive their, awards thank, you. Vice-principal, and the, name of the university, and by authority of Senate I present, to you these, students, for. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy for. Research in politics, Fraser, Macmillan. For. The degree of Bachelor, of Arts in French and history Beth Carol. In. French and Italian, Ryan, James, Boyle. Marie-claire. McLean. In. French, marketing, Jonathan, Johnston. In French, and psychology. Christina Bell. In, French, and Spanish moly, Patricia, Fletcher. Ana Christine. McCloud. Sidda. White. In. Human resource management in french stefan, de monte. In. Human resource management and politics and international relations, Rachael, Nicholson. In, human. Resource management in Spanish. Matthew, Alexander. Aaron. In. Hospitality, and tourism, management and, Spanish Arica lie, of. Meriva. In. Intercultural, communications. And global business Yusheng. Men. So. Shiho. Gee. Ho ho. An. Italian French, Louise, Rachel, Easton. In. Politics, and international relations. Daniel, grabby. Sidda. Finlay. Louise. Great sorry, Lewis gray. Scott. Martin. Charlie. Murphy. Laura. Anna, Alexandra. Or hello. Hannah. Lena Corolla. Eally. Nikooei shepherds. Casey. Thomas. Smith. Andrew. We are Tom. Lauren. Turner. Charlotte. Florence Elizabeth Winspear. Jeanne, castle, and grace Baxter. Amy. Milly burns. Andrew. James Baier. Grace. Cameron. I. Honor. Alexandra, Campbell. Profiles. Trans, job. Emily. Davis. Mel, fabric, and. Billy. Thomas, hog.

Jyllian. McColgan. Caitlin, McDonald's. Carrie. McGowan. Callum. McGregor. Katie. Macintosh. Laura. Minnie Murphy. Ian. Frazer, sim. Katelyn. Smith. Paul. Smith. Craig. Swimming. Andre. Vide Schenkel. Amy. Elizabeth, Blair. Naturally. My lucky. And, in. Politics, and international relations in economics, Francesco, Brummell. Ian. Golding. Ross. McClendon. Shana, Khan. Vincent's. Regime, a year. Patrick. Daniel Skirving. And. In politics, and international relations in history Freya, Lillian boy. Michael. Canning. Charlotte. Kaplan tiller. Rachel. Blair. Elinor. Hazel :. Elly. Fulton. Sean. And Gilmore. Hana. Leach. Luis. John Monroe. Neil. Innes Ramsey. Jonathan. Emanuel, Thompson. And. In politics, international, relations with history synergy. And cocky. Manhunter. Josh. Josh. Vincent, mckinnley. And, in. Politics, and international relations and, journalism and, creative writing Giorgio, Louise claim. Madeline. Watson. Hana. Beck. Marco. Gauri. Shannon. Elizabeth Milligan. Kalem. James Mitchell. And. In politics, and international relations in law Molly and Brooks. Grant. Henry. Lindsey. Mathison. John. Methan, Andrew rod Egon. Surely. Scope. Sophie. And shields. And. In politics, international relations, with law Nina Francis, awfully. In. Politics. And international relations at Social Policy Rachel, curry. And. In Spanish and English Lewis, James Christian. Marian. Amelia Geo. Edan. Hutchison. And. In Spanish and French from, Cheska cootie. Free--ah. And, McMicken. Aaron. Miller. Robbing. Clear moral. Lauren. Emily Griffin. Daniel. Hays. Lucy, McFadden. Kalem. Douglas, Robertson. Shauna. Liang, Sanger. Louise. Stevenson. And. In Spanish and hospitality and tourism management. Aaron Martha, Burke. In. Spanish and Italian Luis. Ghani Blythe. In. Spanish. Marketing, Carla, Maria merchant. I think, humanities, and Social Sciences camellia. Rosa. Sharan. Haze. Jordan. Leckie. Making. McCole. Francis. Patricia mcgillich. And. In psychology. Houghton. Liang. And. In, Spanish and marketing, Samantha, Russell. Ladies. And gentlemen colleagues, and most, of all Slotkin, University's, newest, graduates, it. Is my pleasure to once again welcome. You to a graduation, ceremony here, in the barn a hall quite. Right we our graduates have been center stage and I would like to begin my address, like an graduating all of you once, again on your academic, achievements. Your. Hard work has paid off and this, has now been recognized, in front, of your families supporters. And frames and also the staff who taught and supported, you during your, time at, the University, we. Celebrate, your efforts and your achievements very. Well done. No, in a short while at the cause of graduation, you will be asked to join the, academic, procession as, a sleeves the bahraini Hall this. Invitation actually. Symbolizes, the fact that you are no longer students, that, no fill members, of the academic, community of Strathclyde a community. That numbers over a hundred eighty thousand individuals. The. Class of 2019, is. Graduating. At a time of considerable, change, and, Scotland, in the UK and, internationally, and. There is no doubt the challenges, lie ahead for, us all. However. As members. Of the South clade family, you, belong to, a large growing, worldwide, community, with. A shared ethos, of tolerance. And understanding and. A, desire to make a positive difference, I. Hope. That the memory of today is something that will stay with you wherever, you go and whatever you choose to do in life we. Will keep in touch with you for a one night team and, I would ask that you also keep, in touch with us. Whereas. No one you are up to what, you think about what we are doing at the University, and what you could do to help future generations of, students. As. Graduates, of a socially progressive University. You. Have a competitive, advantage having, been equipped with the skills new, high and capacity. To, absorb knowledge together. With the ability to positively, influence and, shape the. World around you. Nelson. Mandela once said that, education was, the most powerful weapon you can change you can use to, change the world do. Not estimate this power or your, responsibility.

To Use it well. And. Scotland, were fortunate, and having a higher education, system which, is internationally. Respected and, as. A society we, are quite right to invest in it, education. Broadens, our mind and it, creates opportunities. For individuals, and for. Society. However. Education, itself does not confer rates the. Opportunities. That education, gives, each of us also, carries with it a responsibility. To, use what we have wormed wisely, and for. The good of others and. A. Sense of duty should come read the way to graduates, of this university a. Strathclyde, errs we only have to look to the achievements, of those who have gone before us for. Inspiration. To. Join Anderson, or founder who, established, this university, for, the good of mankind. To. The world's first oil mine James part of him young, to. The missionary and Explorer David Livingstone. And. To want John Logie beer to that such pioneering, work on the development, of television. And. The, present day today. Me Irish Angelini, a pioneer. In Scottish justice as a country's first female service, at the general and later, the first female Ward advocate, and. To Sir Tom Hunter one, of the most successful entrepreneurs in, Scottish history and, a philanthropist, who has used his wealth to, the benefit of others I. Am. Sure that you've been given lots of advice and, how best to plan your wife some. Of this advice you will rate we ignore some. You may accept but. Mostly you'll have to learn for, yourself. Robert. Louis Stevenson, put it well when he said don't. Judge each day by the harvest jury but, by the seeds that you plant. Now. To reach this point in your waves today each, of you who have travelled a different, journey, for. Some the, path will be relatively, smooth and for others this may have been more challenging. However. I am certain, of one thing that. None of you would be here with the encouragement of your, supporters, or families. They. Have picked you up when you've been down they. Have encouraged you when you've diddid it and many. Will be here today proudly. Watching, as, she crossed the stage but. Broad smiles and the odd tear in the eye. They. Are celebrating today, not. Just because you're almost off the pier oh well. There is something and not, but. Because you carry with you their, hopes their wishes and confidence. For a successful, career. For. The past half hour or so there are pauses on the new years that you each Anton, cross, the stage to receive you. I had. No way to invite our graduates. To, show their appreciation for. The support received, from, their supporters, and Families. I. Touched. Area, and some of the key figures who have helped to create and, shape the. University, of Strathclyde, and. You could tell a lot about the volumes of an organization, by working at in strips. Strathclyde. Traces, its lineage back to 1796. When John Anderson, brought it into being the. Only Scottish University, founded during, the Age of Enlightenment and. Then body and enlightenment principles, of Reason tolerance. And equality. John. Anderson's, belief in useful learning and. His commitment to taking knowledge and using this for the greater good as, a motivating, force which kept Strathclyde, University its. Momentum today. In. Many ways he was ahead of his time he. Advocated, in the 18th century the. Education, of both women and men of all, classes. This. Vision is just as important, today and, as, a socially, progressive University. We, want the talents of our students, to be developed, to the highest level for the benefit of society. This. Can be seen in our pioneering law clinic where our students provide support, and representation. To people who cannot afford legal, advice. They. Can also be seen in our technology and innovation, center which. Is transforming. The way in which we collaborate with business industry, and the, public sector, to bring, global competitive, advantage to Scotland, and this, is a tangible, sign of the, University's, commitment to. World-class research, and ensuring. That the outcomes of maximum, benefit, to society and. To the economy. We. Are a university, for innovation seeking. Breakthroughs, which will address the most pressing challenges, facing, the world. Through. New and effective medicines. Meaningful. Approaches, to climate change new. Technologies, to address energy, poverty and food poverty, by. Informing, policy that, addresses public need and makes, for a vibrant and fair society, and by. Offering much-needed.

Independent. And cite and too complex political, economic, and social issues. These. Represent, a small sample. The many contributions being, led by. Our world-class staff, and students, they're. Taking new knowledge and using it to solve problems, an, industry, and the classroom, and in the boardroom. We. Continue, to strive to, enhance the, student experience and, invest. In our campus creating. Facilities, like a 31 million pound Strathclyde sports building to, support fitness, health, and well-being, our. New 20 million pound district energy network which, is reducing our carbon footprint, and. We are investing, over sixty million pounds and a new teaching and learning facility, in the, heart of the campus and. We are halfway through transforming. Our campus with, a 1 billion pound, development. Program. Other. Highlights, over the last year include, the. Faculties professor ELISA Morgana who, recently won Strathclyde, university's, largest ever, research. Grant a, 20. Million pound project bringing. Together 50. International, partners to transform. The world's response to. Increasing plastic, pollution rising. Sea levels and overfishing. Professor. Graham read in professor richard, rules both of the school of government and public policy, were, elected as Fellows, of the Royal Society, of Edinburgh. Dr.. Warrick le and dr. Jody man both, of humanities, and Jimmy. Paul from the center of excellence for looked after children were. All appointed to the Royal Society of Edinburgh young, Academy, of Scotland, and. Dr.. Katherine issue of government and public policy, one, nabretta Baumgarten. Memorial prize and, the best article, published and social, movement, studies. These. Are just some of the many contributions being, made by, our staff and students, across humanities, and Social Sciences and. Strathclyde, is being. Increasingly recognized. As a place where things happen and, this is why our graduates, are so highly prized by companies. And organizations. Working. To recruit the best talent to, drive their businesses, forward. Our. Success, is, in no small part due to the collective efforts, talent. And. Our staff, the. 3900, colleagues, who, deliver our vision as, a reading at the national technological. University. Like. Me they, are very proud of your achievements. All. Of our students will have to be innovative. Enterprising. And creative, and they, make a real difference when, they go out into, the workplace. So. Whatever your career takes you always, remember that as a Strathclyde, graduate, you, saw wearing carries with the responsibilities. That go, beyond, academic.

Scholarship, And. Finally. Let. Me offer my sincerest, congratulations to. You all once again on, your achievements, and I, hope that you enjoy the remainder of what is a very, special T thank, you. Well. Ladies and gentlemen that no concludes. The formal part of this, afternoon's, proceedings, which I hope you've enjoyed and you take a week very many happy memories I would, remind you that we have a reception over an hour what, Todd building to which everyone was invited to, come along at. This point I normally worked in the back of the hall to see if the weather's any good but. I think it's safe to say that the way that has remained pleasant, enough that we can have an, academic procession, and. I've to this opportunity, to invade South Korea's newest graduates, to, join the academic, procession and ladies. And gentlemen have you could wait till the academic procession passes, and then, forward, over to the walk toward for, some refreshments. We shall see you there I know, for me the choir that this congregation, but. The confirmative, degrees is, closed.

2019-07-04 01:43

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