Starting an Online Business - Champion's Journey

Starting an Online Business - Champion's Journey

Show Video

all right so welcome to another champions guild video with another champion who i'm very excited to feature today because this man is known within our community as the godfather for good reason as we will learn throughout this video so uh mike jakes thank you for joining me my friend really good to have you here how are you doing buddy i'm doing really well pleasure to be here as well pleasure to be here yeah awesome good stuff mate um so just a quick overview first of all mike of uh of your results so you started your first business which was an affiliate business in uh was it 2018 i got my year 2019 april 2019 i first joined yeah april 2019. okay cool and then at what point in your business mate did you really start seeing like you know financial results to the point where you you know replaced an income just what just gives us an idea of that time frame first of all okay so it was probably um from from joining because i wasn't very good with the technology it took me probably longer than most people to get my my assets built my website built and everything connected and working properly um i then had a miserable time on bing uh writing ads because i'm not very good at writing ads um until being kicked me off a bing and banned me from that platform so that was a bit of a rocky start um but once i think it was on your advice that i moved over to google and then moved over to video advertising which i didn't want to do at all um but when when i was sort of pushed down that route encouraged down that route then then i started getting results you know not financial results to start with just interest leads coming in you know clicks and leads which was quite flattering because i didn't think i'd get any interest in me at all being a 54 year old fart um so but once i once i moved on to the um the the correct platform for me which was uh which was youtube and once i started advertising and getting some advertising budget going i think it took me four months yeah four months before i had my first really good profitable month which was so good it paid for the first three months that i'd made a slight loss well it's an investment really isn't it it takes time to to get any business to a point of profitability you've got to invest up front of course awesome and then and then not long after that literally just a few months or a couple of months you were in sort of multi-five figure yeah per month runway one yeah well it was my fourth month i think it was a twenty one thousand twenty one and a half thousand dollar month um and the month before that was only uh i think probably seven seven and a half thousand so that the ramp up was was was pretty steep it was yeah pretty good fantastic so we're going to talk then about that journey so so what basically what what shifts did you had to go through what challenges did you face um what really held you back in the early stages what made you decide to start you know all these kind of things that we'll dig into now but um yeah yeah just to understand that journey from starting out into the the multi-five figure months in in your affiliate business so with that in my mic uh could you please give everyone watching a quick overview of who was mike jakes before starting uh your first company online okay who was mike jakes um mike jakes was a pretty successful software sales guy working for some of the biggest um technology companies on the planet um like dell and computer associates and some very very big very big companies um i spent 30 years i guess working my way up to a sales director level european sales director was my last title from the last company that i was involved in and i was very blessed because um you know i'm not particularly highly educated i was dragged into sales by a next-door neighbor selling photocopiers when i first started out and i sort of fell into technology not that i understood technology but i knew it was very lucrative um and i worked my way up to this i guess dizzy way beyond my my capabilities of a european sales director and i guess that's where i started to see the wheels on my bus started falling off as as a person and um i'd already been through one divorce i was now going for a second divorce um still not realizing that the reason why i was going through these divorces was i was totally focused on money i was always chasing the money and working so hard and so many hours traveling the world selling the i had no time for family so um in 2015 i was 50 years old i was going through my second divorce i lost my wife my house my kids kids still don't talk to me i lost everything and i walked away from that relationship with 150 grams worth of debt so i had literally nothing to my name it was probably the blackest point in my life i literally had that conversation do i carry on or and start all over again in life or not so i was in a very very dark place but fast forward a few years and i met a wonderful woman that accepted me for everything that i had which was nothing um which is quite refreshing and so my personal life was fixed um very very happy and remarried for a third and final time and um and but there was still something broken in my life i didn't know what it was it was still you know and it dawned on me one day when i was having a row with my ceo my boss that i'd grown to hate in fact he challenged me he he actually said mike i don't think your heart's in this anymore and i thought he was talking about the job that i was doing for him but he was actually talking about i don't think your heart's in sales anymore and i i was quite friendly with that it's like very always been a very proud sales person it was a great industry and we got into a route and um to be polite i told him to shove his job where the sun don't shine so he did that to me same day fired me on the spot as as you would talk to a ceo like that and um you know that that was my epiphany that was my because i felt rather than feeling frightened scared disappointed angry i felt all of those things probably the main feeling was utter relief that i didn't have to go on next week's call and talk about this multi-million dollar deal that was supposed to close this quarter that wasn't going to close and the stress and the and the i guess that i had to deal with day in day out on my job politics it was all gone and i just felt this massive sense of relief euphoria that i didn't have a job and it was great and it took a few days for it to realize that i didn't have an income either now but um that was the main that was the main reaction it was utter relief really really relief and um and so much so that i for the first time has always been a reasonably healthy guy for the first time in my life i fell ill two days later i was bedridden with doubt where did that come from and i realized later it was literally all of this tension stress everything just suddenly gone from my body my body just collapsed and uh anyway stuck in bed for 10 days couldn't walk in absolute agony um and then i saw this young software sales guy that had walked away from a six-figure salary with a backpack and a laptop and um and i just thought well i want to get out of sales but i don't know anything else i'm not educated i don't want to go back to school i know nothing else but sales i don't understand marketing i know it's different but it's sort of similar and it was the fear of doing another 10 years in software sales which i could get another six-figure job any any time i it was the fear of doing that and updating the cv and starting interviewing again the fear of that drove me into the beyond the fear of going into this online unknown space and it was scary you know it definitely was scary but it was scarier going back than it was going forward and that's what made me click on your advert and that's what made me follow through with the training and keep going that's what was pushing me through um and stopping me quitting was can i do this you know can i make this happen so i can get away from ever having a job or a boss again was my goal yeah got it got it mate thank you so much for sharing that that's incredibly powerful i think just to connect with what was the space that you were in when you started and it sounds like you know if we were to summarize it all in in one sentence it would be the the life situation you were in it had become a high enough priority for you to figure out a new path because the existing path was was no longer really an alternative right yeah i did i didn't know i was looking for something it wasn't i definitely know i wasn't looking for something else i had that feeling that i really wanted to get out of this career but i knew i knew nothing else i even thought about writing a book i mean i started writing a book in bed you know um and like i was going to be a famous author like in a month's time and it was going to replace my career stupid i thought about coding right in apps you know i'm terrible with technology is it always gonna be a coder crazy um and then you're you know you know stuart talks about the law of attraction and i didn't believe in any of that rubbish at the time but your ad popped up and it was just the right time just in my right mindset any other time i'm skipped yeah um but it was i was in that space and boom there we are yeah there we are so let's talk about so from that exact precise moment then let's call it the moment when someone intuitively knows that they're not on the right path right intuitively we know something has to change and yeah and i think often there can be a journey until we actually let go of the old and then start to embrace the unknown the new right yeah so let's say someone's in that space right now they kind of know in their heart that they can't keep doing what they're doing on the path that they're on they know something's got to give they've got this unknown ahead of them maybe there's some fear maybe there's some uncertainty what would you say in your experience mike really helped you kind of let go of the old in that space and just step into the intuition of pursuing the new like what what did you deal with in that space what fears came up what reservations came up like what what did you need to go through to kind of to start taking those steps and taking that new journey good question um really good question because i'm being a sales guy i'm always looking to take a shortcut cut corners um skip stuff i skipped all the beginning of the training because it was all about mindfulness and meditation and you know and i know a lot of people needed that but i thought what a lot of rubbish just get me to the website building get me to the money again i'm still in his mindset chasing the money yeah which is all i have ever known um so that's the mindset i was in chasing the money so i guess i was still holding on to my old persona even if i let go of my old career and what what did i need to do what did that what did i go through um well the technology phase i'm terrible with technology i mean in my 30-year career in technology sales i could do a word document pretty well i could just about do an excel spreadsheet as long as the functions and calculations weren't too difficult um and powerpoint was beyond me i just could not deal with powerpoint so i always had people to do that stuff for me and then when i realized um by starting this this online business building training that i was going to have to build websites and uh and learn how to do that terrified me and i did struggle even though it was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be i still struggled couldn't connect things together every single day i was on technical support technical support they must have got really sick of me um but i i was determined to battle through to see if it was real i mean i still didn't believe it was real and if i'm turning onto him when i first signed up i thought it was a scam i thought wow thirty dollars hundred dollars i can lose that you know it doesn't matter and then when i started getting into it and it got really bloody difficult i thought well if it is a scam just take my money make it easy for god's sake and um then i realized this is real i'm really building something here this is difficult and and then obviously i finally connected with the community and realized there were people struggling succeeding you know doing wonderful things um and i thought okay this is real but i still had this little voice saying yeah but you can't do it yeah you're not gonna be able to do this they're younger than you they're smarter than you they're tech savvy they're whatever but you can't do this but i got to the end of the technical building stuff um i made it as i said i someone encouraged me to go on being so i had another bad experience and i wasted a lot of advertising budget thinking 30 years in sales i know what i'm doing and i wasted a thousand pounds in three weeks and got zero results so i was pretty ready to quit i'd already at some point i'd already invested in elite training or accelerate training as they call it now and i hadn't even opened it i hadn't even clicked on the link to see what was inside let alone use the training big mistake because i wouldn't have wasted that money on being if i had started the elite trading but again i was in a rush to earn money so why i bought it got no idea but it was in my way it's advertise get some sales earn some money anyway bing threw me off i think i was at a chat with you or a chat with the community on the scrap the 95 call that convinced me i shouldn't quit even though it's been a lot of money at that point and got nothing and that i should actually start to consume the training that i'd invested in clearly move over to a new platform and get on to that was the next hurdle being told that i should probably try video advertising and being a 54 year old far you know what am i gonna do on video who on earth is gonna be interested in me don't be so ridiculous that was the conversation that was going on but i think you told me just to get over myself and do it it was quite quite blunt quite rude um but i did you know i thought okay give it a go what how hard can it be it was hard going on camera shooting videos over and over again but i think you challenged me to basically look at the community see what everyone else was doing who are the people succeeding they were all on youtube so that sent me a clear signal probably a good platform to choose um and i think then you recommended that i find someone's ad i could do the same or better and i found james hancock's ad and it was awful um i tell him i'd say this to my students and it was everything i was learning in the league he was doing the opposite so i thought this is terrible i know i can do a better ad than this um so that was the that was the encouragement i think just seeing other people that weren't superstars like um stuart ross or you know yourself or justin wolf it's like this is a normal guy he's only six months ahead of me he's not that good i think i might be able to do this you know um let's give it a go and and i did that was june june 2019 i blatantly copied his ad which you should never do um made my own version of it and i made three versions of it three different colored t-shirts because i thought that was going to help somehow and i put my ad up at the end of june and finally i started getting views i started getting clicks and it was wow people are actually interacting with my video that's amazing and then i think the second week i woke up one morning and i had an email from stuart and jay saying congratulations you've made a sale and it was amazing i mean that sell earned me 20 just 20 bucks and i in my software career i'd i'd had days where i'd earn 10 15 000 pounds doing multi-million dollar software sales um so those days were good don't get me wrong but this 20 sales tiny 20 sale man wow i built this thing this internet engine i like to call it it's website this sales funnel i've made this ad i've built this sales campaign behind it and my engine's turned over once it's about a 20 bill now all i need to do is get it to turn over faster and spit out multiple 20 100 bills whatever and replace that income i need now because i don't have a job that's that was my goal how do i get to replace i think i had a thousand pounds a month goal which is what i used to pay towards the house my wife's let me off for a few months while i did this crazy internet thing and before i failed to go and get a job again and then i could earn an income um she'd actually cashed in on isa to give me 10 months to make this work or go and get a proper job so yeah so that was that was month month one um i started getting sales and it was like wow okay all i need to do now is fine-tune this engine maybe fit a turbo charger and a projection system and but how do i get it running faster so it pumps out enough money that i can actually never have a job never have a boss again yeah love it so so there's there's two things i think in that that i really want to pick up on one is the the feeling of skepticism when we first start like is this that real i can definitely relate to that because i was the same soon as i started learning about you know affiliate marketing and um i got involved with same education company that you did when i first started and part of me little voice in the back of my head thinking this sounds too good to be true okay so i want to touch on that and then the other thing as well is the the moment that you make your first sale online such a crucial crucial and important milestone because even though let me say it's just 20 20 or 30 or just really nothing substantial the point is that you've made it through as you say you know this this online machine that is operating independently from you trading your time yes because in sales obviously if you weren't there to do the deal you wouldn't have earned the money like you had to be there like personally physically to earn that money trade your time for that money you have to chase that money i mean in sales you're chasing people customers to convince them to sign on the dotted line to give you money this is the opposite months to learn marketing is the opposite to sales you're walking away from your customers you've already if you've built an attractive enough offer website the whole system if it's attractive enough people are chasing you to spend money with you you're not chasing them it's the absolute opposite of sales as we know as we used to yeah exactly and like you said you know when you when you woke up and you check your emails and in your email inboxes uh you've made an affiliate sale and you've received money for that like that happened while you slept like you know that's the whole that made it even sweeter to be honest with you yeah i was sleeping some guy in america and signed up and it was wow this this thing's working somewhere up in the cloud automatically and i'm earning money and even now even even i'm 18 months in now i still pinch myself sometimes that i haven't worked for 18 months and i'm only very good living yeah i mean i i do work and it's but you know not in the traditional sense not like normal people work yeah commuting when people used to commute going to a job when people used to go to a job um so but no not having a boss not being i mean most days now i i get up take the dog for a walk i don't start working till 10 o'clock um i take the dog for a walk with my wife i got my wife out of her job she's actually gone back to the nhs for a while now because of kovid but um i don't know what day of the week it is i have to turn around and say so is it sunday or is it tuesday is it and i don't care i love the feeling that i don't know what day of the week it is it's that yeah you're not going senile but i i love the feeling that i'm not running by anyone else's calendar but mine or anyone else's clock but might um and i love the feeling that i only work about 10 hours a week and mainly doing calls like this or with my my people you know my students coming in and helping people in the community which i love to do um and i'm not chasing money anymore you know i'm earning i didn't come in wanting to be a millionaire i wanted to replace my previous income i've done that and some but i'm now earning enough money that i never have to worry about money ever again yeah never have to worry about the pensions that i always used to worry that weren't gonna be enough to have the lifestyle i wanted when i retire i'm probably never gonna retire because i thoroughly enjoy what i'm doing so retirement's not even an issue anymore um and about six seven months in i had a sort of another epiphany in my journey which was now it's easy to say when you are but when you're earning enough money you don't need to worry about money anymore suddenly it hit me that i was getting more satisfaction from helping people either in the community or my students coming through make a breakthrough make it you know you know you see them learn something and move forward in their business get their first sales as well amazing feeling i get more satisfaction from that than i do from the money and that was the biggest change in me and the biggest change my wife's seen is i no longer chase money it chases me i help people for a living and i thoroughly enjoy it and that is i never thought i'd have a job like that you know like a doctor or teacher where you're getting real genuine fulfillment from the job that you do and i'm blessed that i've got that opportunity now love that and i think that is that is so important because going back to the the skepticism side of things i think it's it's easy to hear things like make sales while you sleep okay and and and it's easy for that to set off the it's actually like oh yeah that sounds ridiculous sounds too good to be true like this isn't real right but then if you if you remember what what's actually going on in the background here you're finding people who have a problem a pain or problem and you're helping people understand how to solve that problem by recommending other businesses products and services and you're doing that in a way that is leveraged and or automated for example shoot a video put the video online the video then goes to links to receive other information that helps them solve the problem and then for doing that you get a percentage of revenue right automatically so with that being the case you mentioned already mike that um the community was uh i think a big part of overcoming that skepticism because you could see other people doing it um when you got involved with the community like was there anything else that shifted for you what impact did community have on your journey in the early stages it it showed me that there were other people on this crazy journey um and it also showed me that it wasn't going to be easy it was going to be difficult you know it wasn't as easy as shoot a video put it up there and the money will just start pouring in you know there was a lot more to do when it comes to making sure your ad it fires in the right place at the right time for the right cost and often enough to to make a living so there's there's a lot of mechanics that go behind that automated um automated um advertising system uh automated business and seeing people seeing other people struggling but also making breakthroughs as well made it more real for me yeah um helped me avoid some of the mistakes they were making and boy i made some of my own i now help my students coming through avoid my mistakes and i'm sure they go off and make brand new ones but um there's always something to learn and it just showed me that you know it showed me that it wasn't going to be difficult it wasn't going to be easy but it was achievable if if i put in the time and the effort and didn't do what i normally did in my life which was quick if a job got too hard i'd quit now go and get another one yeah um and all the time i was doing this training this online training that you went through building this website and building a business and learning everything else that has to happen after you've done that the hard bit the marketing stuff the black magic um so you know while i was learning that um it was a community that i guess prevented me from quitting yeah prevented me from i felt connected to them that i couldn't just say i mean what am i trying to say here it's so easy to build an online business in brackets easy um build a website have it automated if it's easy to build it's very easy to walk away it's just a click away i quit yeah yeah you don't it's not that easy if you were setting up a sweet shop in the high street it cost you 100 grand to get the shot the stock the shelves the staff the till everything else you have to do but if you if you're losing money or is tough you're not going to just say one day oh that's it close for good and walk away and drop the keys through the door it'll take you months and a lot of pain to close that business down when it's online business it's a lot cheaper and a lot faster setting it up but if it gets tough it's also so easy just to hit the button and walk away yeah and i felt that you know i felt that just update the cv you know obviously so hard just update the cv i can start interviewing next week i'll have a job next month and it was a community that helped me when i had those down days when i had those struggles with the technology struggles with the marketing getting banned from being a big rejection yeah it was a community that just said get over yourself just keep going because if you keep going and your why is strong enough you know your reason to keep going is strong enough then you're gonna get there because other normal average people are doing the same and they've already done it yeah and um yeah that's what i got from the community really really powerful yeah yeah perfect and and you mentioned it there about your why being big enough because i think that the more the more that you've got something that is a reason that we must do it right like for example um if having a job's not that bad and you don't really mind it's not actually that big a deal and you're kind of just investigating online business just to see what it's about and maybe it's a bit of a hobby and there's no real skin in the game like you haven't really invested in yourself you've not really got yourself involved or educated or you haven't like built up this this uh this need to succeed as you say it's so easy to just just jack it in and walk away because there will be challenges like it is a journey is learning new skills it's going to take time and it's i think it's one of them mike i was gonna say when my students come in if i hear somebody talking like that you know and say well i'm here just to give it a go and see where i can make a bit of money on the side and and i just say you know what i quit quickly yeah there's probably my time you're going to waste your time you're going to waste other people in the community's time you really need you really need to need this and if you don't really need this and and you know your why's not strong enough yeah make um and sometimes that goes down well sometimes it doesn't go down so well but i think but just just to touch on that like even when it doesn't go down so well it's it's the right thing because it's about helping someone realize that actually like this isn't the right time to be pursuing this because i always look at it like like joining the gym you know if you're if someone's really dedicated and serious about completely transforming themselves and their health and they've got big enough reason to do it and they're really dedicated they're much more likely to create the result that someone's like yeah just just do it and see how it goes same thing right i'd rather see someone leave and not waste their money than yeah carry on and yeah and they just don't have the right mindset they're never going to get there and you can see they're never going to get there because they're complaining about everything everything's too hard yeah you know i know what's going to happen yeah so i suppose i suppose the moral is like just checking with yourself if you're watching this and you know and you're thinking of starting a business i think the the thing is check in with why is it important like why is this a must to you is it a must to you what's the alternative you know is it staying in your corporate career until retirement is that acceptable are you willing to live that life if no you know kind of got to do something about it yeah um so yeah i love that perspective mate now um you you touched on this a little bit earlier let's dig into it a bit more when you started same as me initially it was about the money right it was about replacing income and you know not being in the corporate world and that really was the motivator but then there's a shift that happens i experienced it you experienced it and it's that shift from focusing on the money into focusing on providing value on helping other people or making it bigger than ourselves yeah talk can you talk a little bit more mike about that that shift like when did it happen what changed for you how did that then impact your results that happened afterwards that shift into really focusing on helping others and focusing on helping people solve their problem yeah i i think it happened six seven months in um and you know and we say don't chase the money but you see you know that i don't think that shift would ever happen if you aren't earning a good income if you're constantly worried about a knock on the door or paying the bills etc etc if you haven't got enough money to comfortably live on then you're constantly gonna be focused on the money there's nothing else you can focus on you're worried yeah but once you once you've got to a stage where you know you've got this automated business running it is earning you enough money that you stop worrying about the money i guess your mind wanders onto what next yeah what do i do next do i start another business and my mind i guess it wandered um and i can't remember was it someone specifically i was talking to i think it might have been someone was having a real struggle and it was a mindset struggle as well as a technology struggle and um and i i i'd allocated them probably half an hour of my time and i probably spent nearly two hours with them in the end way too much time but i got them through i got them over what it was that they were and i could tell they were going to quit if they didn't solve this particular problem and i invested the extra time and i got them through and they were so grateful afterwards and then and they were even sending me presents you know like well i don't need presents and uh it's like crazy you know sending me bottles of wine people sending me books sending me gifts like what is going on and and then it then it clicked something clicks like wow i'm feeling so blessed i'm feeling so overwhelmed i mean i've been i've even been i've had messages where i've literally had to leave the house and go in my office and cry because people have sent me such wonderful messages that i've saved their lives changed their lives like i haven't done that all i've done is run an ad and give you a bit of help and give you a bit of a bit of mentoring um but to them i've totally changed their whole perspective on life i've totally maybe changed their financial situation i hope and and that you know when that starts to happen and you see it happening again and again and again that's when you suddenly realize hang about him this is feeling much much better than looking at my numbers on screen or looking at my bank account this feeling i'm getting to see that person move on um and give you some give you some feedback is far more fulfilling than the money or what you or what you can do with the money um so it took a few months um i never ever thought i'd be that person i was just sit i was a selfish sales guy it was all about the money it was all about doing the deal and even moving online it was all about the money again but then it's suddenly not it just shifted yeah yeah and that's uh i think the moral of this is that you you can if you're starting out and it is about the money or is about quitting the job or you know whatever like that's okay don't make yourself wrong if that's what's driving you at the moment but at the same time it's recognizing that for the long term fulfillment and for actually creating a foundation where you're going to wake up every day feeling inspired and feeling excited and feeling that you're making a positive difference and all the stuff that actually is what matters in the long term because it's not really the money it's that um just recognize that throughout this journey and the more that you walk down this path and the quicker that you can really start focusing on other people and genuinely helping people the byproduct of that is that your business is also going to thrive so much more as well because really the only reason for a business to to exist is if it is effectively solving people's problems and providing solutions to those problems yeah if that's not happening then there's not really a reason for our business to exist and that's an extension of us right to have that to have that shift in ourselves shifting the business and then as a result of that financial results are going to be much higher and i guess we're also i mean we're also looking back at our journey and when we're talking to other people helping other people mentoring other people you can see that they're in a you can remember when you're at that point and you know how close sometimes the people are you know whether it's in their advert or you can you can just tell you know just keep pushing you're so so close and and then you see them break through and it's like wow i helped to do that i could tell that they would have just quit if i hadn't invested that extra time that extra what you know shared my lessons with them so they could avoid the same mistakes or yeah just give them that bit of encouragement just to keep pushing and and see them break through it's just amazing yeah and then the final final question then mike is i think this has been uh extremely powerful and valuable for anyone who's kind of in the early stages but um we've talked about the journey we've talked about like the process of getting from there to you know creating a successful business how do you see now you're the possibilities that you have ahead of you you've got the financial stuff ticked and sorted you've got you know you're passionate and you're fulfilled about what you're doing and how helping people and providing value what's kind of the what's what's possible now for you that you've created that freedom in your life anything um i'm i'm only limited now by my imagination and the fact that i'm a lazy star um so but you know i've already got another online business teed up it's in a different space it's uh um automated forex trading which i'm going to do much now but so there's another potential business there that's sort of i guess on the back burner and just making sure that it's what i think it is before i put my name to it and start promoting that business um and i've got a i invested in in my training i invested in import x import expert or e-commerce training which i've never used again too bloody lazy um so i i've got all the time in the world now i've got enough money now i can potentially go down that route which i didn't have the money which is what reason why i chose the affiliate route yeah but i've had the money now i have the time now the time in the world and it's just motivating myself to just start that and just start to sell products online but the the answer is as you know once you've learned this black art which is not website building not automating your website or building an internet engine as i like to call it once you've learned the hard bit which is something called marketing which is getting thousands of people to your website or someone else's website and that you happen to buy once you've learned that bit you can then do anything online you sell any product and service build your own service your own products um it's just i'm i'm lazy i'm not not just lazy i'm doing myself an injustice i am lazy but i'm also thoroughly enjoying what i'm doing yeah and you know um why go and do something else even though i've got these other things teed up i'm just so enjoying what i'm doing at the moment i'm sure i will at some point before my training runs out hopefully learn how to do import sport just go and sell umbrellas online just so i could say hey i've done it you know um whatever um but yeah i've got lots of other ideas i just need some someone to motivate me to go and do it well my i'll happily give you a bit of a kick up the ass maker that's what i need motivation kick up the ass kick up the ass exactly buddy i really appreciate you sharing that today and uh i just want to you know congratulate you for the journey that you've taken the results that you take the results that you've created i think it's a testament to you know not just how you've shown up but but again this giving back this service this actual willingness to help people overcome these challenges in their own life and that shows in the community like the amount of times that i have people that join webinars who say they've been on a call with you they've had breakthroughs from you they've watched some training that you've created it just happens constantly and all the time and i think that is just a massive reason well i like i like sort of helping people and giving back as you say so much that i do i probably do more of that for the community i there's no monetary uh benefit to me than i do for my own students which is i need to change that maybe but it just shows how i've changed you know so you know i'm investing time in people there's no way that i'm ever going to earn money from them and i don't care and i enjoy it so yeah it's it's great yeah love it mate mate thank you very much for your time really appreciate it buddy um and i'm sure at some point very soon when the world opens up again i just said this i had another call with um matt cook earlier and said the same thing i was like mate i can't wait till we can do live events again and everyone can meet up because uh it's been too long it's been too long yeah yeah i missed the beers it used to buy yeah well i'm doing a 90 day no alcohol challenge at the moment so i'll have to be a bex blue or a heineken zero percent or something because that's so that's a an incentive i'm not probably going to get involved yes you're like sacrilege as far as i'm concerned uh buddy i'll let you i'll let you crack on thank you very much my friend and uh yeah we'll speak soon catch you later mate bye-bye then bye-bye

2021-01-14 19:12

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