Spring 2021 Commencement | CSU College of Business Undergraduate Class

Spring 2021 Commencement | CSU College of Business Undergraduate Class

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throughout your time at colorado state university  you have been challenged encouraged and celebrated   recently every extraordinary accomplishment has  felt a little different yet through innovation   hard work and limitless imagination you have  shown what it means to be truly stalwart   as a community we have experienced adversity  and heartfelt moments it is in our character   to come together lift each other up and embody  the statement we frequently hear rams take care   of rams this is a time of wonder and a time  to celebrate and be proud of all that you have   accomplished the class of 2021 your experiences at  csu provided a foundation to achieve new heights   and it is your turn to look towards the  future to shape your communities and the world welcome to the commencement ceremony of  colorado state university's 2021 graduates   i'm the provost and executive  vice president mary pedersen and it is my pleasure and privilege to join  your families and friends and our faculty and   staff in celebrating you today congratulations  to you please join us as we begin this ceremony   with the national anthem performed by our  very own csu musicians and with the colors   presented by colorado state university's  air force rotc's wing walker honor guard thank you to the wing walker honor garden our  musical performers and to all who have made this   virtual ceremony possible i am proud and honored  to introduce csu's land acknowledgement it is   important that we not lose sight of the need to  remember the history of the land on which our   institution stands especially in this virtual  physically distanced world shrouded by a pandemic   whenever or however our community gathers we have  a responsibility to share the land acknowledgement   we do this to respect and reflect upon the  sacrifices made by the indigenous communities   who were the original stewards of csu land   tribal communities were displaced and  ultimately harmed to gain the land that   has enabled this institution to serve a mission  of education and research for more than 150 years   we are grateful to the csu's indigenous faculty  staff and students as well as the non-indigenous   members of our community who contributed to  our land acknowledgement this beautiful video   presentation was produced by csu's native american  advisory council as a powerful affirmation of   the acknowledgement and to remind us all of  our relationship to each other and this land colorado state university acknowledges  with respect that the land we are on today   is the traditional and ancestral homelands of  the arapaho cheyenne and ute nations and peoples this was also a site of trade gathering and  healing for numerous other native nations we recognized the indigenous peoples   as original stewards of this land  and all the relatives within it as these words of acknowledgement  are spoken and heard   the ties nations have to their traditional  homelands are renewed and reaffirmed csu is a land-grant institution and we  accept that our mission must encompass   access to education and inclusion and  significantly that our founding came at   a dire cost to native nations and peoples  whose land this university was built upon this acknowledgement is the education and  inclusion we must practice in recognizing   our institutional history  responsibility and commitment dear graduates we celebrate so much for you today  your successes your brilliance your future and we   know great things await you there is a profound  legacy to which we are all connected as csu rams   more than 150 years across multiple  generations and identities one that you   have influenced and shaped in your presence  here you should take enormous pride in that   now that you move forward to make your mark and  contribution to the world as you have here at csu   take with you the principles of  community all that you have learned here   and the shared experiences with your peers your  professors and this institution we take pride in   knowing that you chose to be a ram and that you  are forever part of csu its legacy and history   the late poet award-winning author  educator and civil rights activist   dr maya angelou once said if you're going to live  leave a legacy make a mark on the world that can't   be erased Angelou was perhaps best known for her  1969 memoir i know why the caged bird sings which   made literary history as the first non-fiction  bestseller by an african-american woman in   addition to her literature she contributed  so much to this world through her voice   other talents intellect compassion and strength  she is one of humankind's extraordinary legacies   through your life experiences learning and  achievements you have started to build your   own personal legacy as did your peers who  came before you and those who will follow you   there is much ahead for you and your journey  has just begun as you venture into your future   embrace the challenges ahead of you create and  capture opportunities to make the world better   build your legacy make your mark one  that cannot be erased i want to close   with more wisdom by maya angelou this is from  a commencement speech that she gave in 1982.   her message stands true for you today as it did  for that graduating class nearly 40 years ago   she said of all your attributes your  youth your beauty your wit your kindness   your money courage is indeed your greatest  achievement it is the greatest of all of   your virtues for without courage you cannot  practice any other virtues with consistency   no doubt it has taken incredible courage for  you to get where you are today especially   this past year i know you have worked  hard to succeed in your studies   your research your service and employment for  your family and community yourself and your future   in your time at csu especially in the  unprecedented challenges you have faced with   a pandemic you've begun to define your character  your courage and who you are and who you want to   be now it is your time to make your mark on  the world and i know you will do great things   congratulations to you and your family  your friends and all who have supported you   madam president the 2021 spring  and summer graduating class of   colorado state university is virtually assembled thank you provost pedersen. congratulations  to our 2021 graduates and a special welcome   to all the family and friends joining us  to celebrate the hard work and achievements   of those whose academic journeys will culminate  today with the recognition of each graduate and   conferral of their degrees it is important  to have the people you love the people who   have supported you in ways too numerous to  count be able to share this important day   i am so glad all of you could join us i know this  is not how any of us pictured the culmination of   your academic careers at colorado state university  but we know the importance of celebrations   and this one marks a significant and meaningful  milestone the end of one journey and the beginning   of another graduates over the past year you have  exhibited incredible strength and resilience   these are qualities you share with past  generations who also experience difficult times   times of war times of economic upheaval and yes  even times of pandemic i believe that resilience   is rooted both in our land grant mission and in  the special qualities of the students who choose   colorado state this university was born in  a nation undergoing tremendous change and   was designed to meet some of its most critical  needs it is a place founded on a revolutionary   commitment to offering broad access and generating  new knowledge knowledge our graduates have used   for generations to meet the world's biggest and  most complex challenges all of you inherit that   legacy of resilience and will carry it forward  you have shown an amazing ability to adapt and   persevere not just to survive in difficult times  but to thrive and keep in mind as you transition   from college to career that your learning isn't  coming to an end in many ways it's just beginning   you leave here with the knowledge and the  skills to excel in the careers you've chosen   but it's possible that your real dream job  is still somewhere out there in your future   it's possible it doesn't even exist yet you're  entering a world where change remains a constant   where the needs of the workforce and the size  and scope of the challenges will continue   to accelerate and evolve but whatever those  challenges may be whenever and wherever you   encounter them you will be prepared you have the  skills and abilities and you have the creativity   and critical thinking to transform yourselves when  challenges and opportunities arise you will gain   wisdom with every experience you will be ready our  csu community has a powerful shining bold spirit   one of born of hope and optimism one that  cannot be dimmed by challenges for more than   150 years it has endured growing brighter and  stronger particularly in the face of adversity   your achievements are now part of that long proud  history colorado state university's class of 2021   set a standard of resilience and perseverance  that will endure for future generations   wherever you go from here you will remain  members of a csu community of brilliant minds   great hearts and an indomitable resilience our  ram family reaches around the world honoring our   storied past and embracing our shared future ready  to confront is increasingly complex challenges   i am delighted to celebrate all of you  on behalf of the entire csu community   congratulations and now i am thrilled to be able  to welcome our spring 2021 commencement speaker   from Philadelphia, Kareem Rosser. Kareem earned  his degree in economics from csu in 2016. and   many of you will recall him leading our csu  polo team to a national championship in 2015   when he also was named the u.s polo association's  intercollegiate player of the year economics and  

polo have remained among his passions since  graduation kareem is pursuing a career as a   financial analyst in philadelphia and continues  to compete in polo tournaments around the world   and in the best tradition of csu alums he is  also working to improve the lives of others   to give back to the communities that support us  and to make the world a better place he serves as   treasurer on the board of work to ride the program  that taught him to ride and take care of horses   since 2015 kareem has raised more than eight  hundred thousand dollars to support at-risk   youth and the program that gave him a future in  polo in february kareem released his first book   crossing the line a fearless team of brothers  and the sport that changed their lives forever   it tells his own inspirational story and the  stories of the people who were his mentors   when he was growing up in one of philadelphia's  toughest neighborhoods he's been featured on 60   minutes espn and the today show and today he's  here to share his insights and experiences with us   we are so excited to welcome this remarkable  individual and csu graduate kareem rosser   hey class of 2021 congratulations you conquered  one of the most difficult academic years in recent   history and you reached an incredible milestone  during a pandemic i am beyond proud of you you   really show ram toughness as you prepare for the  next chapter i imagine many of you are excited and   some even nervous i have no doubt this class is  ready to take on whatever's waiting for you next   commencement is a meaningful ceremony but it's  not the final goal you've been working towards   it's part of a larger journey of  life wherever your future takes you   life is a journey and all accomplishments we  achieve during its course should be taken as   starting points for further achievement your  graduation serves as a launching point whether   you're headed to a new career continuing your  education or exploring another avenue entirely   as you make your transition you will inevitably  face new challenges this was true for me too   when i was in your position a few weeks after  graduation i began working as a financial analyst   the first six months were overwhelming as i  struggled to maintain a healthy work-life balance   there were moments just like my time during  at csu when i wanted to quit as a student   i failed multiple tests as a student athlete i  lost many games but i did not let the failing   moments define me instead i look back  at my struggles as a college student   and how i chose to persevere i use my challenges  as motivation to pursue a greater goal   to become the first member of my  family to receive a college degree   now you like me i have the honor  of calling ourselves csu graduates   now it's time to put the knowledge you've  gained over the last four years to use   csu has equipped you with the  tools to create your own plan   creating your plan does not mean success will  come overnight as we experience this past year   life forces us to adjust the pandemic delayed  my first significant capital raise as the lead   analyst i did not let the challenges of the  virus dictate my success i pivoted and remain   patient there will be moments you feel discouraged  but you have already proven to be resilient   you have reached you have received an education  from one of the greatest institutions in the world   and i know you're prepared you're about to close  one door while simultaneously opening a new one   i'm encouraging you to walk  through with confidence   as i said before life is a journey and you  do not stop growing once you get your diploma   today you have a lot to celebrate enjoy this  moment and the best of luck to all of you go rams thank you president mcconnell and provost pedersen  and a special thank you to our 2021 commencement   speaker kareem rosser congratulations graduates  hello i am beth walker dean of the csu college of   business and i would like to extend my heartfelt  congratulations to all of you our class of 2021.   today you have achieved a tremendous personal  milestone whether you are graduating with an   undergraduate or graduate degree in spring  semester or this summer you completed the   final steps of your academic journey from one  of the best business schools and universities   in the country during the final year of  your academic career many of you returned   to campus in august to a blend of in-person  hybrid and online learning in line with csu's   commitment to putting the health and safety of  our community first others of you persevered with   your online graduate degree programs balancing  working at home and in many cases kids at home   through it all you have shown remarkable  resourcefulness as you transition to a much   quieter socially distanced campus and resilience  as you connected with classmates friends student   clubs and the community mostly online you rallied  adapted and adjusted to new ways of learning   living and engaging at home and with the  campus community and today you are graduating   over the years i have had many conversations  with employers about why they return   year after year to hire our college of business  graduates while they talk about your intelligence   your extraordinary work ethic and your integrity  the quality that truly sets you apart is grit   in one of my favorite books psychologist dr  angela duckworth suggests that what drives success   not only at work but in life is not how smart you  are or the score you earned on a test but grit   that special blend of passion and perseverance  that motivates you to overcome obstacles   to face challenges head on to not give up no  matter what today is proof that within each of   you resides in inner strength a determination grit  that not only got you to the finish line today but   will enable you to overcome every challenge you  face in the future in just a few months the world   will hopefully return to normal the light at the  end of the tunnel is shining brighter than ever   as a business graduate you will help lead the  way out of this pandemic inspired to innovate   by the new realities that confront us motivated to  create new possibilities for a better way of life   driven to use business to create a better world  as you participate in shaping our new future   remember the lessons that you learned  while socially distancing during covid 19.   years from now when you tell stories about  how you graduated during a global pandemic   you won't recall the assignment you didn't turn  in because your internet connection failed or the   higher grade you didn't earn because you couldn't  muster the energy to study for yet another online   quiz or the struggles you endured trying to figure  out how to register for your next saliva screen   you will remember the special memories that  you created with your friends and family   during your unexpected time together the acts  of kindness that you were extended from a caring   classmate or faculty member or the simple acts of  service you embraced out of the need to give back   to your community as emerging business leaders you  have the opportunity to invent a new and better   future for all of us in business and in life  remember that taking care of people of each other   is what matters most college of business graduates  i am extremely proud of you all you are remarkable   on behalf of the faculty and staff in the  college of business congratulations and go rams now for the moment you have been waiting for  to commence with the formal conferral of the   degrees madam president these candidates have  completed all the requirements for their degrees   with the recommendation of the faculty  of the college of business i am pleased   to present them to you for  conferring of their degrees with the recommendation of the faculty by the  authority invested in me by the board of governors   of the colorado state university system and the  state of colorado i hereby confer upon each of   you the appropriate degree with all the rights  privileges and responsibilities pertaining thereto   now we welcome you to join us in the colorado  state university alma mater led by our very own   musicians coming to us from the university center  for the arts congratulations 2021 graduates Hail to thee, our Alma Mater; Colorado State.

Memories are everlasting of this place so great. May thy Green and Gold unite us, loyal ever be. Colorado State, our Alma Mater, Hail, all hail, to thee.

hi i'm paul mallette, associate dean  for undergraduate programs here in the   college of business and i just want to send my  congratulations to the class of 2021. you know   you've completed a rigorous academic program here  you've done it through extraordinary times so well   done you know in the years ahead we look forward  to hearing about all that you accomplish where you   leave your fingerprints around the world i know  you'll make us proud so again congratulations   don't be a stranger go rams 2021 graduates  we did it friends family and faculty thank   you for virtually joining me and the college of  business for the class of 2021 spring commencement   we have a lot to be proud of in march 2020  we were told to stay home after spring break   and finish out the semester online fall 2020  went the same way as did this past semester   faced with uncertainty in these strange times  we were admittedly nervous but our professors   got us through every day to our professors thank  you for the time effort and care you invested to   help us succeed on a personal note i will miss  attending classes at rockwell and even online   being a computer information system student has  been the cornerstone of my college experience   to the families of this graduating class  thank you for supporting your student   to my mom and dad thank you for your love  and encouragement all my life it has been an   unbelievable ride and i will be forever thankful  for your sacrifices so that i could have the   opportunity to go to csu to my sisters always be  yourselves and do not be afraid to share who you   are college is many things but you will always  find your path when you are true to yourself   to my fellow college of business students  congratulations we are officially alumni we   have arrived at this day through trial and error  perseverance and patience a few years ago we sat   shoulder to shoulder at moby eager to tackle the  changes and challenges csu would throw our way and   heard these haloed words the next time you are all  in the same room together will be at graduation   we can't sit with our fellow rams to celebrate our  achievements due to unprecedented circumstances   but we can stand tall and still  recognize our great accomplishments   we survived a year of online classes donated our  time energy and resources to help our communities   and developed a new sense of camaraderie with  our peers yes the pandemic took much from us   but in this moment stop look around and see  the world through new eyes and from a fresh   perspective adversity made us resilient  adaptable stronger kinder and thoughtful   fort collins is unique for a college town it is  more than a historical city or a micro brewery   capital it is a community with heart through  wildfires and snowstorms disasters and hard   times we all step up and deliver because rams  take care of rams it isn't unusual to see fellow   students dig out cars stuck in ice or to help our  alumni on the front lines helping with wildfires   csu has taught us that volunteerism and sacrifice  and kindness go a long way despite the chaos in   the world around us get excited for the  future which holds endless possibilities   and opportunities and when you need a leg up to  achieve your goals trust in your community to help   make your dreams possible the college business has  a saying business for a better world this can be   many things but at its core it defines what makes  our business school so special let us work toward   creating successful nurturing communities and  businesses that leave their mark on the world   making a better world will not be easy or quick  but we can believe in our causes allow setbacks   to become our motivation and our successes to  inspire us to keep moving forward our time at   csu has come to an end but this is just the  beginning the hard work starts now i'm incredibly   honored to be a part of the class of 2021 and  i cannot wait to see what we will accomplish   now let us take this time to recognize each and  every one of you congratulations again go rams hello accounting graduates my name is lisa kutcher  and i am chair of the accounting department   on behalf of the faculty and staff in  the department congratulations on your   graduation you have persevered you have  adapted and your hard work has paid off   you are now a csu accounting graduate we  are also very proud of your accomplishments   and you are equipped to go out  and make a difference in the world   we wish you all the best as you begin your  professional career congratulations and go rams i'm hilla skiba and i'm the department chair  of finance and real estate i want to offer you   my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the  entire department of finance and real estate   you have accomplished something tremendous  especially under these difficult circumstances   and i cannot wait to see how you  will shape and change the world hi i'm susan golicic the department chair for  the department of management i just wanted to say   congratulations to all of our spring and summer  2021 grads organization and innovation management   human resources and supply chain management  we're so proud of all that you've accomplished   we're excited for you in this next big step we  can't wait to see what you accomplish go rams dear CIS graduates i'm leo vijayasarathy, chair  of the computer information systems department   on behalf of our faculty and staff congratulations   you've worked hard and overcome multiple  obstacles to earn your degree kudos to you   this is your moment step forward boldly  cease the opportunities accept the challenges   that lie ahead of you we are confident you'll be  successful in your personal and professional lives   i wish you all the best in your future endeavors  stay in touch make csu proud and go ramps hi i'm dave gilliland chair of the department  of marketing we know you're excited about your   graduation and let me tell you the staff  and faculty in the marketing department   are excited for you we wish you the best in  the future come back and see us and go rams so so so so foreign foreign says is r oh

2021-05-17 20:35

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