Speed Force Franchise | Top 10 Franchise Business | Automobile Business | Business Opportunity

Speed Force Franchise | Top 10 Franchise Business | Automobile Business | Business Opportunity

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[Music] uh you have to go for a [Music] um foreign um let's get into today's activity uh next slide please [Music] on your video [Music] first about introduction and what is speed force how it works and then of course the entire [Music] ah so uh let's um uh the two wheeler service industry jasmine this is the fastest growing i mean it has been sustainably growing from the independence till now at a minimum of 12 percent and the growth is is being substantial even in fact [Music] the costing is more on the branding side so a lot of innovations and all these things that make us understand so uh to say most importantly because they are giving warranty and guarantee so all these things brings that the redemption is very low as low as about 20 percent in the first two years drastically so that makes a lot of difference you know you you can understand brand consolation more on coupon service so automatically you need to go on so other manufacturers small local garages but lack of professional approach and lack of professional ladies and gentlemen and it doesn't make sense also so all these things are today's service industry the two wheeler service industry is facing these issues so now let's see how the how the issues have been manufactured by the customer since 2019 foreign so that means about 36 growth services 36 crore services this is a big big industry which is nearly worth around the acts for the industry standards the minimum average bill per vehicle is around 1000 rupees [Music] and that is just the service part of it so that is the magnitude of business you're going to work out to and it's going to give a lot of uh leverage once you start understanding the whole thing next slide please automatically there is a lot of distort in the customer's psychology and this is this discard i know his discord coverage is a customer is not able to do regular service you know so state-of-the-art latest workshops established latest workshops established neat and clean nice looking pollution-free workshops customers are looking for that competent efficient courteous stuff this is a very very important point [Music] so all these things you know top end bikes are moving up so all these things have a lot of implication next slide man so all these things have a lot of inflation and we are looking uh to transform this industry into the next level yes ma'am next slide man but anji am i audible hello am i audible yes sir plays a very very vital role in satisfying [Music] so that makes a lot of difference yes the next slide piece is service is the difference and service is [Music] because speed force has got everything in this everything we do service with the difference and services our strength slogan making it to be services service not only the two wheeler two wheeler customer to the franchise to the entire team service is our strength neat and clean highest taxi so all these things add give you a literal uh insight into what the customer needs a customer can please a company with different skill set and working experience absolutely different skill system another we have got around 11 people on board right now we started out with three three people in the management see this company is one thing that it has ears and eyes and eyes [Music] branding accounting and finance so team members are team members from management sub staff hr members say as we are we are around nearly around 200 220 members at the office so in experience ranging from six years to 38 days just the management has got around 300 years of experience plus manual man years of experience they have got around 150 160 years of man hours of experience uh in automobile industry the other people are into uh marketing and negotiations and event management next slide [Music] [Music] customers minor and major repairs accidental repairs battery service annual maintenance contract pickup and drop breakdown service value-added service and insurance foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] current channels have their own limitations like dealers workshop and local mechanics uh improvement in technology demands trained manpower so all this is possible because you are able to do this so this is very very important and market demand for new trends technology is improving at a rapid [Music] so all these things you need a lot a lot of demands in the market till is ready to spend a little extra extra care he's ready all uh this makes a lot of difference for you you know and maybe you know you start understanding that there is a large gap right now and this gap makes you uh if i'm confident that the business will be more like robust and customer yeah and please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all these things gives apart from business a lot of mental satisfaction to all of us hanji next slide please [Music] what [Music] automatically the next workshop will not be anywhere affecting this so all these things no it has to be planned other plan then there'll be a clash between workshops so that should not happen so what we do is we do a potential mapping and location identification [Music] [Music] [Music] social status so social status case has a lower middle class upper middle class we will be able to because of this analysis we make three different things one thing is what is the regular repair that is coming so is [Music] due diligence in financials site visit the layout preparation uh extended layout rather i said normally when you whenever you log in as a site what happens we would be requesting you up not the dimensions and length so talking with the first hundred days is for you to understand the flow of business create a brand happy speed force so when you take a franchise you are the brand ambassador of speed force of that area so you need to understand the uh atmosphere you need to understand the customer behavior you need to understand the team uh team strength and then us marketing over marketing could come in marketing products and wonderful marketing they start increasing the footfalls into your showroom so this begins and then you need to [Music] uh fine-tune the operations film we have marketing audits so marketing audit up now marketing heroes is all these things will see that you are the thick of activity and you become a normal center to a sustainable center a sustainable center to a profit center so all these things [Music] to [Music] or from a b prepared that all our customer is the most important [Music] i have class one class two class three there's a tyre one time to test who's this i'm saying all problems are sorted out in that way and we start implementing solutions for that kanji next slide please is between 88 to 90 percent of our franchises are out of automobile industries we have to come up with solutions equipment board your lollipop everything everywhere it is should be uniform or the next is the stationary stationary stationary data from invitation card to job card from coupons to visiting card from uh your pamphlets to your billbook everything is given to you in because we want you to operate from day one they come with the canopy and umbrellas and all those flexes work so well and encouraging two wheeler owners so yeah then the software [Music] [Music] training is not a one-time affair training is a continuous [Music] [Music] form 1 lakh plus 18 000 rupees gst unlike 18 000 rupees between letter of intent [Music] time so [Music] family [Music] now i will show you the list of opened workshops also i think we have opened around about 120 to 130 and another i think around 150 plus is getting uh open a one week today's meet uh one week two weeks about so we've already got uh another twenty thirty thousand uh we have got around 170 plus on card till before september 10 we are supposed to reach 170 and uh we were planning to reach 100 in december 31st 2020 this is an older powerpoint presentation uh right now the uh target is the 300 franchise outlets by 31st [Music] [Music] there are a lot of towns that have got speed force right now 160 175 it does not mean only the cities we are right now around 90 plus cities and 24 states and right now uh opened in one country nepal almost things are over and decoration and installation works are going on another four countries are going up so that means [Music] solution amc sales partner we have got warranty partners so all these people buy just a question because they believe [Music] and found productivity and positivity in our group yes ma'am next slide kanji our footprints across india catch me to kanyakumari we are there next slide man you know it is just how our various workshops are workshop all over india we have got different workshops [Music] [Music] first time in india we have done bike standardization and please stop here graham i would like to tell you one basic instance that we have done bike sanitization and has been acclaimed uh in countrywide that we were one of the premiums in this because no sooner pandemic stuck we thought pandemic is not permanent normalcy so sanitization makes an important thing another thing we did pick up and draw opacity which was there earlier also but during the pandemic this played a very very vital role and it is given these sort of proactive measures [Music] so that that's a big achievement next [Music] we have got this thing also we have got [Music] awards also from different foreign that is the reason we have been successful in setting up more franchise outlets sanji so these these three people are the original directors in 2020 we have won the best small business award from bombay stock exchange with all these has been given us leverage um having an award is not that great but maintaining that position is really great because apart from the award you have to carry the burden of the people who are looking at you hanji next slide please [Music] all a brand building exercise and we want to reach out to where more two wheelers are and this is a certain attention yeah now let's get into the uh split up of activity but you know the investment breakup is totally uh it is a 7.5 lakhs plus gst um the entire thing is a is a bundled offer the franchise fee the total equipment internal gracias stationery marketing and your item support i.t like software and all those things and development all put together 7.5 likes [Music] we have just made it at the very very minimum we have made it the reason is we have watched the flow of different franchises and how things are happening i'll tell you one interesting factor is uh most of our franchisees as i told you they're out of the automobile industry are nearly 41 to 42 percent of franchising they have started their second franchise because they understand that the whole sop is so well created that [Music] repair [Music] automatically you make around um around ten thousand rupees or something uh you make it around there's a ton so these things will make a lot of difference for you and now let's next next slide man let's go to this so this is an income so now let's understand uh what is the expenses that happens the rent is around 30 000 rupees this is just very very i mean a higher side we have taken because we are operating outlets in metro cities itself at 15 to 20 000 yes we have kept 30 000 as a ceiling then we tell you that this is you can do this sort of a thing i mean you could go for 30 000 outlet also your salaries uh [Music] two years experience peace salary so it'll be around let's say around 12 to 14 000 so all put together we have taken it on the higher side of this thing so taking you need to [Music] rupees 70 000 is a very minimal profit that i'm talking about and probably you'll reach this stage within the first three to six months or six to eight months you will definitely [Music] next slide please [Music] so let's look at the industry scenario the food industry uh the retail industry and speed force so the investment is high and of course food industry may have more rate or higher [Music] salaries rents all these are fixed so the more and more turnover of course and more and more profit our [Music] [Music] um the food industry and retail industry on the verge of collapse lot of in the lot of hotels have changed in names have shifted hands a lot of retail industry also has changed a lot of people have become bankrupt but this is one industry that is that keeps running till the two-wheeler runs and two-wheeler runs to mainland so profitability though yes uh highest profitability obviously so process of franchise appointment i think this slide has been repeated madam [Music] [Music] this technology is fast evolving and emerging you need to identify the player with whom you are going to correlate so that this player must take you to a long way and i hundred percent on vr for speed force i assure you that we are long time players and looking for long time gains because this is a company started by the oldest management management with the oldest people are there thank you

2021-09-05 00:52

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