Solve Your Patience Issues In Trading

Solve Your Patience Issues In Trading

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patience is a very very big thing and  there's elements around patients and   things that you can do to make sure you can  be better but is patience really an issue   or is it a technique and education that's  a problem so in this video what i'm going   to be showing you is some of the  techniques that i personally use   and i explain to my students on how to make sure  patience doesn't become a problem let's start   patience is a big thing is a big thing and it's  something that's downplayed you know why i say   downplayed is because a lot of people seem to  have this notion of if i have the technique i have   everything if i have the entry i have everything  but you know that's only twenty percent of trading   maybe even less maybe even ten percent of  trading okay technique only goes so far technique   only goes so far it is your exposure to that  technique over and over again that makes you say   i can do this better i can be a little bit more  patient next time and get that tighter entry   or i can be more relaxed next time to make sure i  don't get in too early this can only happen is if   you're doing the same thing over and over and over  and over and over again you guys agree all right   so let's put you guys to the test okay apart from  all of you guys who are members of urban forex i   in fact you guys can answer this too how many  guys have been doing the techniques that were   taught to you by whichever system or method and  you're sticking to that technique for more than   six months for more than six months okay good let  me ask you the next question now okay those of you   guys were saying no you'll get there you'll get  there okay those of you guys were saying yes all   of you guys were saying yes who've been doing the  same technique for over six months would you feel   you're better at that technique today than you  were the first month has the technique changed no   it's how you use the technique has gotten better  right it's something very few people understand   very few people understand you know we can't just  take a technique try it and then throw it away   take a technique try it and then throw it away  you can't do that if you're gonna be a traitor   you need to take a technique you can relate to  you like and then you build upon it build upon   it build upon it build upon it and you start to  realize oh there's so much more to the technique   when i enter the trade i have to think about  spreads and my broker oh that's something that   i never had to think about before but okay when  i'm entering oh i can't enter at midnight in new   york that's no one's around oh wait wait wait i  didn't think about that there's dead hours in the   market okay okay okay when i take my trade there's  no volume because it's a public holiday i didn't   know the markets are on during a public holiday  in forex whoa i didn't know that you're learning   the technique tells you what to do when you see  something on your chart but all this other stuff   you got to go through you must go through  to understand when should i use my technique   when should i use my technique  right yeah you guys can relate yes   absolutely absolutely perfect perfect good good  good now let's bring this up to a whiteboard here   real quick okay i'm going to talk you through  some of the basic elements i'm pretty sure 99.9   of you guys know but i'm gonna throw curve balls  at you to see do you really know that information   okay shall we do this shall we put you to the  test okay i want i want you guys to know one   thing everything that i always do i do it very  aggressively right okay i want to apologize in   advance i do it very aggressively i get very  in your face kind of thing it is not to to mock   anyone or anything like that is to basically shake  you and ask you the question of do you see that   if yes can we work on this to get better or  will you get defensive and try to fight me   okay the goal is i'm not trying to fight you you  know a little brown indian guy i'm not trying to   fight you like i'm trying to shake your beliefs  and tell you do you really know what you think   you know let me help you through that and you'll  see that there are things that you might assume   you might know but you might not and that's  why you're here right that's why you're here so   all right let's go let's go let's go let's go  all right so let's say you're a person that says   i'm a trend pullback trader okay i'm going to  do two types of people trend pullback trader   and i'm going to do a range trader okay  we're going to deal with two types of people   people who trade ranges and people who do  trend pullbacks okay we'll we'll talk about   two different things a trend pullback trader  what are the characteristics of the person   of the individual okay a trend pullback is  price goes up it pulls back gives me a discount   i know everybody wants to buy it i'm not gonna  buy it there i rather get a discount and then   i'd like to buy it and then it goes up  okay how many of you guys say that uh   suits your personality you don't go to the store  and you buy things you go to the store you look   at the price you're like i bet i can get that  cheaper on amazon right how many guys do that   was like let me just write the serial number down  like right there's this little inner laughter you   get like i can get a better deal somewhere  else right yes if you are a bargain machine   trend pullback is your style that's you that's you  right there okay that's you right there you don't   want to go directly into the department store and  buy it off the rack you're like i'm gonna buy it   where i know i can get a good deal or i'm gonna  wait till christmas or i'm gonna wait till   whatever how to know when to buy that is called  your edge by saying i'm not gonna buy it now i'm   gonna buy it on black friday that's an edge by  saying i'm not gonna buy it now i'm gonna buy it   later when my cousin also wants to buy it so  when you buy two it's cheaper that's an edge   everything you do like that is called an edge so  far so good you guys with me does that make sense   so your edge is once the this how will i get  the discount and how do i participate in the   discount that's the edge cool all right now can  i ask you guys one thing a trend pullback is not   all about just a discount it's also this it's  also knowing there is a trend there is a trend   if i tell you today i can get you a very  big discount on sony playstation one would you be interested in buying it would  you think you can buy it low and sell it   higher you don't know if there's an edge yes  there is a discount but there is no market   there is no market okay i know many of you  guys are like of course there's a market not   you get what i'm trying to say well you get what  i'm trying to say what i'm trying to say is if the   item is not hot then a trend pullback doesn't  matter how much of a discount you get will not   be worth it does that make sense simple stuff we  haven't even talked pattern yet we're just talking   basic business right we're talking basic business  um or basic human tendencies that we get when   we go out shopping we're trying to find a good  deal okay so that's a trend pullback trader now   a range trader lives a little bit more on the edge  okay bit of a cowboy right cowgirl maybe i should   just say cowboy stick to that okay so a range  trader is more different he's more focused on   i know the prices bounce between these areas why  because i've seen them i've seen business is very   good within this you know what this is i'll  explain to you years ago years ago hong kong   hong kong was selling apple iphones the  cheapest why the cheapest because of   how the exchange rate was locked in and also  there was no tax there's no sales tax so the   product that you buy in hong kong your iphone  for example let's say six hundred dollars   and you ship it overseas to let's say dubai or  something like that where it was selling for   a thousand dollars you would ship it to someone  and say look man i'm gonna give it to you for   605 dollars but i'm going to ship you a million  pieces i'm going to ship you a million pieces this   is how business used to operate you guys with me  so far people are buying from a different country   shipping it overseas and saying i'm not buying  from the apple store locally because it's so   expensive this is called back to back business  what that means is i don't have a a huge discount   i can get i need to make a win in this short  ability that i know there's a price difference   but i know i won't get a price difference like  that this is you understanding the rhythm of the   industry you're in it's like i'm dealing with a  tighter flow i need to make sure i get in right   i need to make sure that when i buy it at 600 i  buy the right item and i make sure it ships well   and there is no damages in the shipping because i  can't afford to take a loss on even a few dollars   a piece it's too expensive and my margin is very  very low my profit margin is very very low but i   can do a lot of it which means i know it's only 10  pips up but i can go in with a huge huge lot size   because i have this higher notion of i'll be okay  i'll be okay i'll be okay does that make sense   so would you say a ranged trader is playing  it safe or he's playing a little bit more risk   a range trader is playing with a little bit  more risk and the only way he can make money   is to scale up is to scale up this is also real  estate why real estate if you have two rooms in   that house you cannot rent that two-bedroom house  as a malibu penthouse you're never gonna do that   you can only sell it for what a two bedroom is  going for you're never gonna sell it as if it's a   30 bedroom house it's never going to happen there  is a limitation there's a cap right your rent can   only go so far if you rent it out the ceiling  is not open so far so good does that make sense   okay so two different types of traders two  different approaches both work okay i'm not saying   they don't work they both work i'm trying to open  up doors for you to ask you a question of do you   know the difference for both and how does this  relate to patience okay Navin you're teaching me   all these patterns and stuff you're trying to open  my eyes i get it but why is this important to me   let's get into that let's get into that because  i'm sure you want to know right so far so good   i'm trying to keep you guys away from pattern  as much as possible because i'm trying to get   into your head of do you understand what you're  dealing with it's not a chart it's not a design   it is not a green and red thing that you're  trying to solve you're solving business you're   solving business that's what you're solving okay  so let's take it further let's take it further so   you identify a trend that's an issue number one  okay let's say you identify a trend and you're   thinking you know what i can get a uh let me  let me do it this way sorry you identify a trend   like that okay and you're thinking you know  i can get a discount on this approximately 30   i can get a discount approximately 50  i can get a discount approximately 61.8   okay have you guys heard this number  you guys have heard these numbers right   what numbers are these fibonacci okay fibonacci  number let me ask you this thing okay real real   question to ask you forget all your knowledge  let me simply ask you this will the discount be   determined based on what fibonacci says will you  react on the discount based on that mathematician you may respond similarly but you  will respond based on what you see let me let me ask let me let me tell you what that  means let's say you're waiting for a discount okay   ready okay what you know about fibonacci i'm about  to blow your mind with this or blow it out of your   mind with this that is the goal okay but i am not  disrespecting fibonacci please don't take it the   wrong way i am here to help you to only ask you to  question everything okay i'm only here to tell you   question everything understand the why that is  the only way you're going to become a good trader   you cannot just follow rules blindly okay so the  price starts to come down you're like i need a   discount come on i need a discount price comes  in how do you feel about the discount is the   discount coming in the way you like like oh come  on where is my discount ah jesus christ come on   okay you feeling excited about the discount let  me ask you this you feel you're going to get a 70   discount that that doesn't make any sense we  want a 70 discount but unfortunately what we want   doesn't matter unfortunately what we want doesn't  matter our trading system might say only buy at 70   or 61.8 fair enough fair enough we  can follow the rules if we have to   but what we see here is the discount is not coming  down and what happens when you see an aggressive   launch of price going up aggressive what do you  think is happening to your discount your discount   is being done people are piling in and saying  i'm buying it right now i'm buying it right now   it decides to leave from here it decides  to leave from there prices go up they   come down they leave they leave they leave gone  whatever this demand was that demand continued   and people are now still willing to pay higher and  higher and higher prices and those who got in from   those discounted rates they made some some money  so far so good those who got who who bought from   the discount they took it up higher and they sold  it for a profit okay let's take it a step further   let's take it a step further now prices  they do this you're like ah come on   i need a discount come on price does this fifty  percent one shot now a fib guy said oh i like 50   should i buy it would you feel you want to buy  this forget the candlestick pattern forget the   candlestick pattern forget never buy a dropping  knife and this and that forget all that nonsense   i want to ask you when you see a discount like  that what does your brain think about a discount   maybe i'll get more discount yes good some  suman very good maybe it will be more so   those people who are trading they're thinking oh  50 fibonacci buy it wait a minute what are you   doing man what are you doing remember what is this  this is nothing but a discount and you're saying   whoa that came pretty hard maybe the demand is not  doing so good i'm not sure what's going on what   happened to the demand why is the store suddenly  giving so much of a discount so fast let's see do you see how the discount slowed down and  then the buyers kicked back in very very hard   would you now say the discount is probably  done i'm not doing any patterns i'm trying   to simplistically ask you a simple question  based on logic yes if you take that trade   and you do that by and the trade starts moving  in your favor you can turn some profits you know   what's going to happen you're going gonna have  a fib alert what's a fib alert these guys who   follow this religiously will come and saying  bro 61.8 exactly bro that's how you trade bro   and you're like you kidding me what happened  to your 50 why didn't you trade 50 because bro   61.8 is better come on come on like come on who  you who are you fooling who you fooling come on  

right so you understand the logic  between how this whole movement works   okay it's it's not about following rules to  the t it's about i know i want to pull back by   but how i will determine it's to be determined  it is not set in stone that once this snr comes   i must buy there discount is coming to be  determined we will see so a pullback trader   his or her job is this part here let me clean  this up a little bit while i'm cleaning this up   is everything making sense so far anyone lost  or confused yeah good perfect perfect so as a   pullback trader your job is identify the trend  okay you guys have probably seen webinars of me   uh talking about identifying a trend is critical  to your trading identifying a trend is step number   one step number two is finding when the  discount is done when the discount is done   not where where is also important but when is  it done that is more important than the where   does that make sense cool well i see a lot of you  guys you know making some comments based on uh   your mastering price action course over at urban  forex about oh that's how you know yeah good good   i'm glad you guys know the uh the approach good  job all right now moving forward moving forward   moving forward let's talk about patience  now let's talk about patience now let's   say you do your research okay let's  say you do your research and you know   that listen i'm not gonna be a fib bra okay i'm  not gonna be that type of person okay i'm not   going to be saying i want to buy 50 61.8 percent  70 something something percent i'm not going   to be doing any of that stuff i'm going to be  simply looking at what's going to happen and why   let's talk about this now i'm i know there's a  level here i know there's a level there i can   see it if i can see it everyone can see it okay  i know there's a level here these are supply   you know demand traders brah these are snr traders  brah right these are all those religious traitors   like i must do this and only this and only you  know like if i only trade anything else please   god take me now look it's like like all right  it's it's really funny for me to watch these   things sometimes i watch it on the internet  i'm like what is happening it's like a cult okay so now price comes down price comes  down he gets into your area and you're like   all right here about i want to see what happens  i want to see what happens it's coming down here   i want to see what happens around these  areas it starts doing this everything was   making a lower low lower low lower low lower  low lower low lower high what does that mean downtrend good and then he stops  making a lower low what does that mean   whoa range so forget the two different things  site forget that i want you to now observe as   a trader don't look at the range don't look at  the downtrend i want you to look at it as a whole   what just happened this became this what does that  mean to you the discount is slowing down it is not   it's a downtrend now it's a range now it's this no  forget the pattern stuff what just happened focus   on the logic what just happened he slowed down  why is he slowing down is my discount coming to   an end would we say hey our discounts coming to an  end is that a good enough preparation for us and   saying soon it's getting ready soon right would  you guys say yeah looks good it's getting ready   soon seems to be a good spot bras will be happy as  well we are getting in based on logic if bra comes   let bra come too who cares right now in this  process he starts to go up the candle is green you enter that trade right there and you're like  oh yeah baby we're gonna make some money today   we're gonna make some serious serious dough right  we're gonna make some money as that candle closes   it closes right there and it leaves a tail on top would you say the discount is over this is where  the patience takes a hit and now things go out   of balance the trader was initially prepared he  knew what he wanted to do but the market adjusted   in certain ways that he's sort of shaken in like  so is it stopping the discount or will discount   continue oh no bro what's gonna happen what's  gonna happen prices go down and then they go   up so the person who was first selling here would  you say he stopped out when prices went down   he got stopped out right and when prices go back  up that same person will think oh now it's going   by but if you say i never got in i never got into  this trade wouldn't you say huh more discount   let's see how much lower lower high lower low  sequence let's see how much lower does he come   you see that feeling of a person who's not in  versus a person who did get in a person who did   get in he is more hopeful that it will go soon it  will go soon it will go soon his brain is hijacked   and you know what happens after it does go and that person who got in  twice and got stopped out feels horrible   feels horrible and says i knew it was a bye but he just can't fathom what happened what  happened how many of you guys can relate   i have the plan i did the preparation i know  the style i like to trade it's going my way   they did this and they got me now  even if you take the third trade   here even if you take the third trade here and  the trade starts to slow down here and you're like   i should exit normally anyone who buys here and  it's trade starts to slow down there he would exit   but a person who has several losses ahead of  time can he or she exit or is he or she is   his or her exit determined on the previous p l  that has damaged the account now even the exit   is not being able to be done well because your  mind is so cluttered with the losses you're like   come on if you just go a little bit more i'd be  net profit i'd be in net profit this whole time   bra is like hey man you saw that you saw how this  area came there he just probed it and he's going   right back supply and demand bro supply and demand  bro like you're like i can't even slap you man   stop with that bra stuff like focus all  right so far so good cool cool so let's   let's take it a bit further and tell you i  want to ask all of you guys one thing now   did the trend pull back fail or did it work  the trend pullback technique still worked   but what you will do now if you're focused  and you really want to become a trader   is when the trade is done and you're calmed down  and you're meditating or you're sitting down and   you're just looking at your charts on a weekend  when the charts are not moving or you take a   screenshot so you're not seeing a moving chart  you're looking at the charts and you're saying   what can i do to be better how can i make sure  this doesn't happen to me again that's how you   get better and that's when you start thinking  of all the things marco very good that's how   you think about all these other things of  should i put a wider stop loss should i enter   later if i enter later and what if i missed the  trade all these questions you know what that is your journey has begun this is what makes you a  traitor welcome to the journey you are now going   further and further and deeper and deeper into it  that cannot be taught you have to see it on your   own so your brain can adjust and be like i see  okay i feel it i feel lit i know what i need to do   here's what i'm gonna do wrong again  what was wrong this time okay okay   more and more and more six months into  it you're better than you were before   a year into it you're better than you were when  you started two years into it you're golden   but if you stop and you start doing random  stuff there's no money it only will take money you guys agree let me ask all of you guys a  very serious question a very serious question is it hard to trade no it's not actually hard it  requires work it's not hard though just a bunch   of charts there's no physical labor or anything  right we're just still clicking a button it's just   painful because there's emotions involved  okay not saying that physical work is   you know worse than mental work and not saying  that you know mental work just takes the same   level of importance as well but it just  requires a different level of attention   the goal is to do it well and do it well again  and do it well again and do it well again   okay so you're gonna get losses that's fine  but a loss does not mean switch techniques   switch systems or find someone who is not doing  so many losses and give him the money and say   can you manage my money for me that is the  most dangerous thing you can do for yourself   the most dangerous thing only invest bigger  and bigger and bigger in your line of expertise   if you know how to read a business and you buy a  business that is your line of expertise even if   the business is not in your industry but you  know how to read a business that's different   but if you're not a trader and you're a doctor or  an architect or an engineer and you're just saying   let me just give my money to somebody to  trade for me very dangerous the money you have   is because you worked hard for it based on your  skills to collect that money little by little   little by little little by little you cannot come  into the market and just suddenly give it all away   you can't bring it into a market that you  don't know anything about and give it all   away that's wrong that's evil that's not  right you deserve better you deserve better shall we move on to range i'm going to spend  the next five minutes talking about ranges   i'm going to talk about how the ups and downs  with that and then we're going to talk about   uh where patience goes out of control  in ranges as well yeah so far so good   how many guys say while i erase all this stuff  how many guys say you guys had more education   and knowledge here in this last 60 minutes than  you've ever had before in any other bras webinars i i i'm sure there's one day there's going to be  some bra that shows up at my doorstep and says   hey man i see you've been picking on me i am  not talking about anyone in particular i am just   making an imaginary character in my  mind and making fun of him or her   but there is no person per se okay all right all  right cool cool cool all right let's let's move   in further let's move in further okay and for for  those of you guys for those of you guys who are   not with urban forex and you want to be with urban  forex um after i talk about ranges i'll tell you   how you can get in for free okay how you can  get in for free it's something new we're trying   um i would love for you guys to be students and  see for yourself if things change for you okay   calm down come now i know a lot of you  guys who are members like what free what i'll explain in five to ten  minutes i'll i'll explain   all right so let's talk about uh the  ranges okay what is a range what is a range okay a range is this notion of no highs no lows  right you guys have studied this you guys have   studied this you guys have heard about it you guys  have seen it in books and webinars and articles   and all of it's like all of it's available now  the beauty of ranges has one element to it ready all right here we go okay   let's say prices are moving down they pull  back they move down okay support and resistance   supply and demand whatever you want to call it  it's in this area approximately yes as prices   come up to that area higher high higher low higher  high higher low what's the state of the market trending very good higher high higher low no  higher high what's the state of the market   it's still trending it hasn't turned  range yet comes down no lower low   now it's a range how do you know it's going  to be no lower low only when he moves away   only then you know it's no lower low so you need  that to know it's no higher high no lower low   i want you to understand one thing those of you  guys who are support and resistance traders or   supply and demand traders what happens when prices  reach your area what is price supposed to do it's supposed to test that area and react  and bounce away very good i'm reading all   of your words that you guys are writing  it's supposed to react reaction means   boom it needs to respond okay that means it's  a good level that means it's a good level   so let me ask you this when a range develops  let me ask you that question the longer it takes   once twice three times four times can you tell me  if this level is good no no you know what's funny   range traders will prepare for a cell again  here without knowing the context of what is   happening this thing can easily slip upwards  easily slip upwards any moment that that level   is not holding it's unable to push it's unable to  push does that make sense so now if prices do this a range trader is saying whoa that's  not a uh it's not a range trade anymore   prices come back down ah that's my  range trade thank you for the fake out have you seen that before where you feel oh i thought it was a probe i  thought it was a fake but it went up that's   a problem that range traders occur that's  an issue a range trader occurred because   they don't understand the context of things  they're solely focused their eyeballs are like   horses on a track you know like they're just  focused here like i don't know one track one track   mind it's like must do ranges you know so they're  very focused in just that that area of thinking   okay so you want to be you want to be  better than that and be like all right   i want to do ranges but i want to be  more aware now let me switch this around   let me switch it around let's say prices come  down and they do this what does that mean would that be a probe or  is that going to be a cell   all right many people are saying maybe  that's a probe maybe that's a cell   let me ask you this remember this area we were  talking about so let me understand this properly   so you're saying the level that was supposed  to respond didn't respond didn't respond didn't   respond didn't respond didn't respond suddenly  responded from the same price from the same price   it's like you going to the store and saying i'll  sell you this iphone for ten dollars and you're   like nope i'll sell you to send iphone for ten  dollars nope ten dollars nope ten dollars okay   who does that no big boy does that he wants to  win which means if it probes up and goes down   i would say he's back he's back because  he wanted a little bit of a better price he wanted a little bit of a better price for his  discount that's him right there but all of these   holes yeah he's not there man he's not there  let me ask you guys again did you know ranges   before today there you go if you didn't now  you know if you did good i'm happy for you you see it's not what it all looks out to be in a  normal textbook and so there's always more to the   story there's always more to the story and not to  worry everything is recorded so you can watch this   as many times as you need to as many times as you  need to right all right so so all right let's uh   i'm gonna go into what i wanted to tell you guys  about today so those of you guys who are not Urban   Forex students and you want to try it you want to  get in on this Urban Forex thing you're like okay   well like half the people more than half the  people in this room are part of this program   okay there's a program where i i take as an entry  level right just to get your feet wet and seeing   let me see if you really want to become a trader  let's first see if it suits you and you like it so   undergrad consider it like that consider like your  undergrad Mastering Price Action 2.0 i give you an   edge i make sure you follow a certain edge  and i put a week of gap in between each lesson   okay so each week new lessons are released  i put a gap in between to make sure hey are   you interested in this and have you tried it next  lesson you have a question ask my ask my trainers   they'll assist you on that on every single day you  also get daily examples which means what you just   learned here's an example here's an example here's  an example every single day it'll just be right in   your face here's an example here's an example  so that repetition really sinks in with you   okay remember i can't force you  to increase that experience level   but i'm doing my very best to make sure i get  into your brain one way or the other right   so so you learn you have time to practice every  day you get your examples seven weeks long   i teach you all the fundamentals and basics around  Mastering Price Action 2.0 i would also recommend   the 1.0 it's fantastic it's fantastic how many  guys here have the 1.0 okay okay a lot of you guys   a lot of you guys have it okay good good good good  so i would recommend get the 1.0 as well that goes   you know that was the original mastering price  section it's like the nitty-gritty it's like the   mustang you know the old classic mustang like  it's still on the street it still wins you know   like it's still you know it's still good so it's  a seven week long program i walk you week after   week uh you have access to support daily examples  there's private webinars that you can attend which   we do stuff like this where it's just closed  doors and we talk about it amongst ourselves   and you will be able to then see if this is what  you want to do and you want to grow further then   we have the bigger programs where it's like all  right if you made it a live seven weeks if you   made it alive wait until you reach the next stage  where i can open the doors further i'm saying   all right you thought that was fun let me show  you what's coming like in this webinar would you   say you learned so much in this webinar right so  the whole goal is not to just give you a+b=c   to have you think and be like all  right now that you think in a certain way practice   this exactly now that you think in a certain way  practice this okay practice this and just focus   on that in a little bit see what you feel see what  you understand from it it is not an exact solution   see what you feel what you understand  this is what it means to become a trader   because then we expand on that to make sure  your instincts your trading level is snapping   really well it's snapping really well you're  like i know what's happening in the market   not this is what's happening because it's on page  four of this book no no not like that man right   so what i talked about being free is saying no  risk to you you can join the Mastering Price   Action course using a free trial that we have okay  we've never done this before we're doing this now   you can join the Mastering Price Action 2.0 as  a free trial by going to

okay um thank  you Armand our most uh shared the link with you   guys okay one word okay that will give you   access to the Mastering Price Action 2.0 will  get you started will get you to be able to see   what is it what am i trying to learn here do  i want to take this initial journey because   the journey is coming up with Urban Forex and  i told you guys in the beginning the journey   takes a little bit of time you cannot come to  any journey and saying i thought it was easy   if you want to make more money than a doctor  lawyer engineers combined i always say this   expect at least a little bit of work a little bit  a little bit okay what we specialize in is to make   sure you understand to get you to the other side  that's what we specialize and we make sure that we   explain it in such a way that you get it you get  it right like trend pullbacks today and ranges   today did you get it or not get it you know how  long people spend explaining something like that   they spend ages ages and people they explain one  thing people understand another thing but the   logic needs to click of not every trend pullback  looks identical so how do you prepare the student   to be ready for any trend pullback that's what  we specialize in that's what we specialize in   okay so i'm really looking forward to seeing  a lot of you guys into the program those of   you guys who are already in the program  i will see you guys more regularly and   uh thank you for coming into this webinar  and those of you guys who are in the iconic   trader program i will see you guys into the  next webinar that will be holding up soon so   uh it's always a pleasure to have you guys here  thank you again for taking time off to be here   as always i do not want to ever  waste your time uh when you're here   if you come to these webinars you will learn  something thanks a lot guys cheers bye for now

2021-07-30 12:28

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