Smash 2019 with commercial cleaning

Smash 2019 with commercial cleaning

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Hi. Guys and welcome to tonight's life, unfortunately. Yet again my software let me down tonight by, not, being able to connect to my, actual, camera. I thought, starving, issues was an issue but it really isn't half, as bad as when it comes to software so, the original link, I gave you obviously, out to council that link because the software I use ECAM wasn't connecting, but, and, here. We go, right. So let's not let anything stop us or get in the way from boarding what we need to build and so. Um yeah. Just welcome, to tonight's live so tonight's life is all about understanding the. Backwards, and all, everything, you need to understand, about. Commercial. Customers, and, how. Commercial, customers, is so much different to domestic, customers so. If you're currently doing domestic, cleaning it's, quite easy to actually find customers, in a certain sense of, normal. Domestic customers recommending. You the. Most the basic customers just doing a quick search and then finding you that way but. Tonight, is is what, you need to know about commercial, customers, and. Why, it's sometimes hard, or it seems, to, be harder, it's not really it's actually easier but it seems to be harder to get. Commercial accounts, and, so. If you haven't heard of me before I'm Eli Whiteman, the cleaning coach and I, begin very, warm welcome and and. Understanding. How, to get customers and how it works before how to get, the customers, and is, very important, so and commercial. Customers what makes them a lot more different is the fact that it's, b2b. So it's business-to-business where. When. You have domestic, customers it's just normal customers, it's just normal people and, b2b. Customers, are a lot more educated. In the sense of they run businesses, they deal with other. Customers so. It's. You have to deal with them. As a business. Rather than as a just a normal customer um. And. I'd say there are more educated, I'm not saying of domestic customers aren't educated. At all I'm just, saying the way you have to deal with them is a bit different so and. Obviously. Once, you understand. More, about how to get these customers to know how to work with these customers, the, job becomes so much easier so. What. I said about the b2b um, you. Have to remember that some offices or some actual. Contracts. And some. Of these officers have contracts, or any commercial, account because, we didn't personally, as a business believe that, we, tied any customer into a contract for. A length of time because as far as we're concerned that. We, are as good in. 10 years as we will be on day one so if you're, not happy at any time all we want some mumps notice because that, was our promise so, we will deliver and deliver and deliver and we're not going to tie into a contract but a lot, of commercial, customers, are tied, into a contract, so, you, for one finding. Out when that contract ends it's. Like you, know you can call them and try to find out it will never happen very. Rarely will they say oh yes in dvor ggest um. So. I we've, actually found that a little bit of a waste of time to even try to find that out however, there, are and the, officers that actually. Just have normal people cleaning their offices which, obviously that's easier, because they sort of go in and just, sort of like and, they. Don't have insurance so they do it a bit cheaper and, but. You have to remember that these. Customers want. Top-quality. Cleaning. But. Also a top-quality, service, a lot more in domestic, customers. Because. Of the fact is they know how business is run they've got a business themselves and if they got an administrator, doing, it for them or an office manager, these, people. Expect. Top, service. Not necessarily, just the cleaning is what, comes with it as well um. Office. Cleaning or commercial cleaning is also a lot more a lot less emotional. It's a, lot, less involved. Or with that you have to be involved hi Lisa welcome. And, so. Understanding. That the, emotion, is that is gone you have more emotion, with domestic, customers, even. If you if you sort of start your business and, you're just sort of starting out you tend to build that. The relationship. With, your domestic, customers and then you sort of take on other accounts, then you go on to commercial, and you feel it's the same but, it's not it's, business-to-business, so it's this is what I've got to offer just, do the job and get on with it they, don't want to micromanage they, don't want to babysit, and they want a professional, service guaranteed, and.

Most. Of the, company's commercial wise I mean we had people so many people say but we've tried 16, companies we've tried this we've tried that and we just were fed up with trying to find a company, that can actually you know what just do it get on with it do what we asked but. A very important, fact is never. Ever ever, take anything, personal. Whatever. Happens, never, take anything personal, and. So. The most important thing is that when. You get to b2b, marketing, or trying to get commercial accounts, is the fact that all of the clients, that's never heard of beautiful, they, are cold customers, so, all customers, in any business is rated, on either cold, or a warm, or a hot audience, so, if they're a cold audience, which means they've never heard of you before they're. Probably not, that likely to, use you just out of like a quick search they. Might -, maybe 3% and then. You get the warm audience, which basically, means is bearing. On the mind they've heard of you before they know you exist, um hi. Mandy welcome, and and. You, need to transfer. Your customers, from cold to warm to hot you need to take them through a process so. When a customer just out of the blue calls is over a recommendation or, they do a quick search and they, probably just want, a cheap, quote so. You need to get them like I say from cold to hot. So, you need to warm them up because, saying you're, a great business and saying. That. You actually will, do great cleaning and we guarantee your cleaning means nothing because everybody, says it I always, say the proof is in the pudding. Really you, need to talk. To them differently. Because what they want is they want their reputation protected. They, want customers to come into their office. And know. That it's they don't want their customers to go oh they're not very professional because look at their cleaners they don't do a good job they. Also don't want to micromanage they, want to make sure it's done for, them but. It's that process so. Recommendations. You can actually charge a little bit more for because. Of the fact they're already wore or they, are really hot in. Most cases it will be hot and that's. Why it's important, to understand, and when, the customer first call you and they even they don't agree with your prize or they, say whatever. The case may be and they don't go with you capture. Their email address and ask them if we have any offers coming up can, we email you and then get their permission obviously dudp, our rules you have to get the permission and then, you can email them certain things like oh look at this fair amount of customer and, look. At this customer well you know what they said the recommendations. And their. Testimonials. And then warm them up, for. To you but is first of all you need to let them know you exist, and the. Way and you need to think about it is I always. Say this spread your seeds when it comes to customers, there's. Three. Four thousand. People out there that. Want your services, and you're, actually doing limit. Miss justice, if you don't actually let, them know that you exist hi Rachel and. So. So. The quickest way obviously to, get commercial. Customers would always be recommendations. And the first ever office, contractor. Had was probably now 15 years ago and was, asking, my domestic, customers and, saying to them if you, know. Obviously, of somebody, that um, have an office. Recommend. Us and I will give you 5 or 10% off your domestic, cleaning and that's, how we first, basically. Got the word out there because, these people that can afford for their houses to be cleaned every day they. Work in offices they know people that work in offices they got friends there working offices, so. It was about spreading your seed and and remind them all the time look um if you refer us obviously, have or see terms or conditions which. Means you have to clean that property, for three months minimum before they get what you're. Giving for free like, can clean your oven for free if you recommend us it's, something, that it's not a lot of work to them but. Yet they get a free urban clean or they get some percentage, off for life and so. Start with your domestic, customers. That's. The quickest way because obviously its recommendation. And that. You will get and and you're so, much, you're then basically. That customer, that it's been recommended than you recommended, to is a hot customer so, they're gonna love you oh really because somebody, has said well. You, have to use them they're amazing so, they will. Go. With near, enough I wouldn't say any price it comes you can't go in double, but they will go in with the price that you're asking without saying, oh you know well.

We Were only used to 10 pounds an hour, you. Always have to find out as well what. Are they used to you have to ask your customers when they first inquire, your. Cleaner, or cleaning service, or how many King services have you used in the past so, that you know if they, use safer uses oh well the cleaner came in then, you know that. Obviously, the Keena without the insurance that was a lot cheaper but you're gonna know they are used, to cheap prices, so, if you come in with a really big sort. Of price what. You normally will charge then. They gonna go really. Prepare. Them beforehand, and say I do understand. That you had a cleaner and she'd probably charge a lot less but, obviously. We, you know we've got insurance, there's our certificates, here's, everything, you need to do we do crush sheets. We do our risk assessments, and we make sure everything's properly done in a week aren t our service so you have to make sure they understand, that, you will be a little bit higher right. In the beginning so. You're warming them up even further before. We even give them the price so. The other great, way of getting commercial. Customers. Is, by. Network, marketing, now I know a lot of you I've mentioned it so many times that. Um. Oh, but, I don't have time for network marketing but if you want to get a lot. Of work very, quickly this. Is the best way to go with network marketing you go in and you. Base, of referrals, the, literally, the whole system is worked and referrals you refer, people and people, refer you all the time all those, people, that doesn't it we're marketing they've got their own offices, they know people loads, of people they have offices they know estate agents, but, it's about building a friendship, with them because friends. Recommend, friends. That's, very important, once, you got your foot in there the people in there like know, and trust you, they, will recommend, you non-stop, where, well. Mike. Finally. He's showing me all alive, very. Nice to see you back um. So. And give, them an incentive to, reward. You work hard at this, and. Go. Through, the process of getting to know them and ask them how can I help you the, more you help them the, more they will help you, and this is also great because every, single business owner when you go network marketing, knows, three. Four hundred people so. The better get to know them the more you will referrals, will come in like, I say the minute they know like and trust you so, it's not about going to one meeting it's about going to a few meetings go consistently. Work, hard it is definitely. Worth the weigh-in and if.

I Think about the fifth meeting I joined my first when I joined B and I by the fifth meeting I had six officers and, on, one day, everybody was like because they saw one of my jobs that was done that I did for one of the people in there so, it's definitely worth going bald, borns make friends, and they will refer you because they will want to help and refer you, and. So. Then and how. To get the commercial, accounts, and and and why, it's. Important, to change your market strategy, like, we said before it's, all like I said it's the, difference between domestic, and commercial is, the b2b business, so. You have to do things a little bit different, so, these, days because of GDR, rules, gdpr, rules, if i say correctly, and it's. Important, if you what you can do the first thing you can do is actually do a google search, now, obviously, you. Clicker so you can't contact them via email without their permission so. I will always suggest, is introducing, your company, to them it's, about spreading your seeds. Leaflet. Sales letters, dropping. Them off but do a Google search first, for all the offices, or, start. Small you, have to do office search with a certain, amount of employees now. You can find this information out not all officers, will actually share this information but you can do a Google search but, remember to search for 2019. Anything. You ever searched for in Google how, to comb. My dog. 2019. Because you want the latest and the freshest, information. Out there on that subject but then you can also search how many employees they, have because. If you've never done commercial, cleaning and, you. All of a sudden get a call from, this office, and they, have 300, employees you're. Gonna need a lot of employees to cover so you won't be able to do it so, make sure you. Target, offices that are small that's under, 50 employees you. Can actually like, I say it's gonna take a bit of time but spend the time find, these customers, and in, most cases you can use LinkedIn and Twitter to, find office, managers, and obviously. It needs to be in your area so, you can very quickly do a search and find your. Ideal customers, see, where they hang out do, they go to a B&I where. Do they hang out with other business owners and go and get to know them, and get, your foot in the door, but. Also remember it's it's about waiting, game first. Of all you might drop a sales letter off or you might drop on your leaflets off and you hear nothing, for. Three, or four weeks that's. Fine for. One they might, not be quite ready they. Might not even know they got a problem yet well it's niggly, but they not quite ready to change it they, might be in a contract, they. Might actually be the position at that time where, there's something happened in the business that doesn't allow them to actually do that so. What, you need to do and it's, remit, just remember, that it's about spreading your seeds, and really. Like. Everybody. Know that you exist let everybody, have. Something about your business because, it's your job to constantly, remind them if you haven't, anything, you can either send them a follow-up email and just to. Say look I have seen okay if I go to trash it go to trash don't do it again after that or, you can actually call them and say hey I dropped a letter off the other day and just, wondering if we could you know be of service and if you like to know and, you know anymore and to. Follow up though but. Don't think I'm gonna do, 300. Leave the drops and I'm gonna hear like in a month's time I'm, gonna, be so busy because, it doesn't work like that but a year. Six months when they are already your. First in mind and that's the most important, part it's always to be first, in mind to remind them I think. All my window cleaners that even I use for my house was as lethal as being dropped from my drawer I mean I wouldn't, even have known that they really exist I wouldn't, have paid any attention if, I did a Google search for one but, its leaflets, and, even cleaners I still get loads of leaflets come through but.

Just Be productive. And. Don't worry. About oh I'm gonna drop a thousand, leaflets I won't be able to cope with the work because, it's about spreading your seeds and then, do it sort of on a three or a six monthly basis, to get. To this stage where. You're, constantly then. Getting, a flow of customers in which will make obviously finding stuff so much easier. Right. So that is it for tonight's live I don't wanna go on too much and I kind of talk for England most of you can a so, next week's live next Wednesday will be about, commercial. Cleaning staff and, how much easier, our staff is to get for commercial. Cleaning and and. Right. So. Let, me just quickly go through the, comments and. Lisa Mandy. Glad. You made it Mandy, I, Sharon, hi Sharon. Writes. Hello and listening this is good information oh thank you bless you Rachel. Hi guys sorry I'm late Vicky I had a call today offering. Me let me just put on the screen here. Right. Vicky says had a call today offering me contract with them I am starting to find people hearing, about me I'm always asked and I found out about me so. I have an idea who's recommended, me I was right. And. It, might be a company you have never heard or Vicki but it might actually be somebody working at that company at the time that. Said ooh you know my friend user so-and-so for domestic, customers, because, also the b2b businesses, would, rather have referrals, or, work on that rather than just do a Google search and just contact random companies because, the other thing you gotta remember with a lot, of cleaning companies don't get back to customers, that's why like the video I have of my sales script is if, somebody, calls you boy, break. The bank but call, them back as soon as possible because so. Many customers, that we their content at us when, we got back to him straight away was absolutely, amazed, that we got back to them actually just, got back to them because they're like well I call six companies and nobody ever got back to me all they took three or four days and. That's what they don't like they're in business they want things to happen very quickly they, don't have time to waste and customers. Hate going, through the process, of getting or trying, to get people to clean because, all they want they just want to clean they don't want to worry about the, getting, people in to look at it and going for the quotes they hate doing that and understand. That to make that experience so. Pleasurable. For them that, they like wow I mean when you first go and see an office, impress. Their socks off I would. Like also try to make that sort of emotional, connection, with them but not as much obviously as domestic, but, hey you know take your business card in and always, ask for them always your dis let me see, something. We did and then if we saw something a picture of the kids or something on there I commented, on something, personal to that office manager or to that person that took us through and. That's just to make that actual, connection. A bit more real and to, stand out from the other five six quotes that, she might or might not get, so, if you make that connection and, and, do. Things differently and then. You can actually get, to the stage where your. Price doesn't matter as much I. Mean it still will because businesses, do have budgets, but you can charge a bit more for office cleaning because, you work out differently. And. Right. So very, glad you joined Mike. Vicki. Is. A yes, Vicki, links any me just put this on here. It's. Leaked in a good place to set yes linked in is very good for finding office managers because you can put in office managers, in this area because most people professional. People b2b, and will, have their information on there and they're working for whatever company so, it's probably better going, and actually do a Google search first the officers in your area all. The all the officers that you can do with a certain amount of staff and then, go. And hunt and go and do your research and remember, before you do any, bit, or you go to any, office, or weed, remember to do your research before about.

That Company so you're prepared and say oh yeah well you've got this many staff or whatever the case may be but remember, when you do a search to do that 2019. At. The end so you get the latest and the freshest information. About. Them so yes LinkedIn is a very good place after, you've got all your information your, need Lizzy says great info fangs thank you very much Lizzy and. Her. Friend okay you Nicola. Dallas says fantastic. Advise thank, you and I put that right in the middle of my face thank. You very much thicker and then, Elaine. Usually says great info glad I join thank you thank you very much right, guys and if you have any more comments. Now's the time to comment like I said next week Wednesday live, and we'll. Be about more. About the staff side, of things and. Probably, no, I won't I was going to say he'll probably do a hell to quote and but. Actually let me know in. The comments, which one would you like to see and about, cleaning staff or how to quote or the easiest way to quote and so, you don't lose money. Let. Me know down below well that's it for tonight no, more comments so, thank. You very much for joining me live and if remembers give me a thumbs up, Orlov art if you help us live and see. You all in the group in the meantime, have. A lovely rest of your evening see you later guys.

2019-03-07 18:12

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