Small Business Owner and Leader | Dr. Lee Hartman

Small Business Owner and Leader | Dr. Lee Hartman

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Hey. It's drew here with Drew T Jackson, coaching, speaking, and training podcast. Or if you're looking at me then you are on my youtube channel, drew T Jackson, calm and so. Happy to have you here and we are once, again interviewing. A, fantastic. Small business owner and, today. We have dr. Lee Hartman, he is a chiropractor go, ahead say hi to the listeners today Lee how's, everybody doing today. Well. I know I'm doing fantastic I'm, sure other people are as well. Just. To give a little informational. Bio about Lee Lee as a chiropractor he. Is a graduate. Of am for, all those Aggies out there as well just won't put that out there. Lee. Ran a rehab, program, for a spinal surgeon before, launching, out on his own, and. Lee started, his own clinic back in 2013. Had. Another clinic that he started. After. That one and maybe closed it down shortly, after and he's gonna share about that and then. Today. He is running core, rehab, located. In Fort, Worth Texas, and, and. He, is now, as of, 2018, rolled up with wise. Health. Systems and we're going to talk all about that because I think it's fascinating the, whole health care system and, and kind. Of how business, is done, with. All that and so. Lee, is so smart that he's gonna simplify, it for all of us out here all the listeners. So. Let, me let me ask you a question. First. Of all. What. What is it that you specialize, in because I know you have a specialty, because we've talked about it what is it that you specialize as, a chiropractor. What, do you specialize in well. So that is my degree but. What I specialize in is pre and post-op spine care so. People. That are trying. To avoid having surgery or people that just recently did have surgery we're. Trying to get them back to, the. Things that they love to do the the you know work family, time just. General, ability, that a lot of spinal injuries take away from people. That's. Great so now what. Because I know you have a team that you work with so, what is your. What's, your role and what are the team members roles in. Your office so. My my, job title is clinic director. And. We've got a physical, therapist, we've got a PhD in exercise physiology we've. Got a massage therapist, so. Those, people are actually executing. The patient care, my, job is to oversee, that make, sure that things are going in the right direction, and. And, not, well, a little bit of both manage the managing, employees but also manage, the patient care kind of oversee it I speak. With all of them daily on. All of the particular, people that come in here so I've, got even. Even, though the patient might not see me that day I've, got a pretty, good pulse on what's happening with their care through communication. With the staff. That's. Fantastic. I I. Didn't. I didn't think. About this till just now I, mean you've really set, up your, organization, as a team and your team lead, but, you you. Really equip, and empower, your, team to, do, what they're good at and and. You trust them with, with. The patients, have. You always had a leadership gifting, or or is that something that you discover later in life or tell me about that kind of your leadership journey yeah, well I mean even, you know back in high school where they give you all the merit awards. And. It didn't mean much to me then but I. Was always given, and sought, out in leadership, roles so. It. It, was something that. You. Know I I felt, that I was anointed with from. A young age but you don't really understand, that at 16, yeah, don't really you don't know what it takes to do that I think people especially. People in positions, as teachers and as mentors they, can kind of see. Where it's going to go even though you might not be able to at that time so. I'm. Just fortunate to have good people in my life that have helped foster, those, leadership, qualities. Because. You can you can have those qualities you can possess those things but if it's, just like anything if you don't develop those then, you. Know they, go to waste so to speak yeah. That's. Good that's that's great thank you for sharing that because I think that is so true with, those. Leadership giftings, that you have at a young age and, you just think hey it's just I'm just popular, or whatever it is but, it's influence you know and recognizing, that and that you've really. You've. Really developed that that's that's fantastic. Okay. So. Tell. Us real quick because we were talking about before. We jumped on the interview. We. Were talking, about. How. You've, recently connected with wise health systems, and, what. That looks like and, what the, benefit. Is for you and for them if you could share that with us. Yeah. So the. The. Benefit, for, the, patient let's start there okay is that they're, going to hospitals.

Are Regulated, differently than private health care clinics. So. That the we. Call it Jake or the Joint Commission's. Regulate. Hospitals, at a different level than they regulate, private businesses, so there's. A lot of things that are that they're going to. Insist. That we implement or help, us implement that are going to be that are gonna be great for the patient they, also are, able to they. Have more freedom, with. Helping. People get the care that they need. Whereas, a lot of times I'm him I'm kind of hamstrung, financially. By insurance companies on what I can do for people such as you. Know helping them write, off their deductibles, or you. Know things like that but they're they're able to do hardship, applications, and things like that that really make it affordable, for the patient to get the care that they need because in, the insurance environment, that we find ourselves in today it's. Very difficult to reach a $5,000, deductible, yeah and so, you know even though these PIP patients might need it I mean before the insurance kicks in and all their $5,000 out of pocket and a lot of times that's just not feasible for, yeah, so that's. What I'm most excited about from a patient standpoint. From. A staffing standpoint, we're, gonna have a lot of support, from, the hospital system so. That helps a bunch I mean you know, small. Business owners will understand, this I mean you wear so many hats when. You walk into work and. You. Can you can do anything from clean a toilet or, fix. A toilet to, change a ballast in your lights and and that'll all go away, they, have they have departments, for that so, port. Support. Is another. Big thing that a hospital system will bring in and. The. The, the. Financial, gains from, joining a hospital, system they're. They're. Not as crazy as one might think, this is not a this is not a get rich decision. Yeah it, is a it's, a partnership that's going to help, everybody. Involve the hospital, system the staff here, myself. And. Also their patients, so when, you can when you can find wins on all three fronts there it makes it makes it pretty much a no-brainer right. That's. Great and I've, been talking about that a lot actually what, what is the small business owner looking for as I'm, a coach and speaker and trainer I'm coming in I'm coming alongside small, business owners and I'm asking him you know where is it hurt I don't. Like you are as a as a, doctor, I'm saying where does it hurt what are your challenges what what are your pain points and the. Idea of I'm. Out here all alone by, myself and kind of doing it by myself that. Is a big one and you just addressed, it you know with you joining, a hospital, system you kind of have this built-in community, that, comes around you and supports. You. One. Of the things that you said before we were on - as you said this is really the the organization, that you partnered with, wise. Health systems has future plans for the area that we're at here in Fort Worth Texas and where, your office is at and so, as you look at it from that perspective it's. It's. A ways out and. And. Being. That it's a it's a ways out. I was. Just thinking about the leadership. Thinking. And strategy, behind that is that as a small, business owner and operator you're. Not only thinking about the here, and now but you're also thinking, about the. Future as well, and and and what everything looks like in the future right.

So. One. Of the things that will help. Hospital, systemic, as it, does find its feet and and spread its roots is that you won't have to, pursue. As much of the, providers. To refer, in right, so, and. A lot of people out there can relate to this they're their primary, cares are getting contracted. In with these hospitals, and they're. Doing it for the same reason, that we're doing it you know a lot, of the supports and the, billing, and they take care of a lot of the things that really. Can, cause headaches and lag. And production. So. When. That's the case and you have a group, of providers that are contracted, with wise then, of course the wise, wise. Providers, are going to send, to a wise rehab, facility, so. You. Know looking, forward you. Know, and. Thr. Is, a big one here in Fort Worth okay, and they have done a really good, job of. Rolling. Up a lot of different specialties a lot of different primary care and that, allows them to kind. Of get a corner, on the market okay. Cuz they're they're doing, and. They're. Looking ahead and allowing. Themselves. To, make things easy for. Other. Providers okay. Very. Good very good well, we know that you didn't get. Here. Where, you're at. With. Your business running and, and. Partnering. With with, this larger. Hospital. System overnight. How did you get from, you. Know graduating. Working. Kind of starting your own business to. Where. You are today, and, what. Were some of the challenges you, had mixing some challenges, with, and shutting down a clinic share share kind of the journey. Well. So. Opening. A clinic is opening. Any business, for, you know depending, on the industry. You're in is challenging. Because. It's. Another marriage I mean you're married to it and, the emotions, that come along with that you, know when you go home it's still very, much on the forefront of your thoughts and and it's, hard to separate, the two because it's so intimately, connected, to. So. You, know anytime you're starting something off there are months where you know you might not pay yourself you know the staff eats but you don't eat and that's just part of it, but.

I Was, lucky enough, and. I'll talk about this a little bit more because I know what you're looking for the, relationships. That's what you're looking for and. Fostering. Those relationships. Is. Hugely. Important, because if you are putting, yourself in a position to take care of other. People's, patients. In. And. Do it in a good way and and. Have. Their interests interests, first then, those people will continue to use you yeah and, they, will also continue to, tell. Their friends about you right, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah and especially in group, and the more and more group practices, that are popping, up that's. An important thing so. Relationships. Everybody. Says it's not so much about you know what you know is who you know so, yeah, getting your foot in the door and, establishing. Those relationships and. Taking care of them and not, getting to the point where I'm too big to care about this person, that sends me one person a month right, that's, that's, just not a, productive. Mindset, to have yeah, really. Fostering, and maintaining, those relationships is important moving forward, but. You need so to go back on what. You asked me that I, was, able to I was able to open that second clinic shortly after I opened the first clinic, and, it. Really was it was set up for success. There's. There's, a big disconnect between, employees. Or associates, and owners so, finding. Somebody that's going to care of that particular, clinic like you take care of yours is can. Be challenging, hmm. And and. Anybody, that has multiple. Or satellite, offices. Or, you, know multiple restaurants. You know they might they might have one and they have a really good general manager. Well they open up the second one and the general manager might not have. Aligned. Interests, yeah, might. Not have the skills that that first one did so it creates a whole new set of problems. And that's that was the case with mine. The. The, guy that was running that clinic. Was. Not real, committed to it and eventually. Decided. That he wanted to pursue other avenues so, I can't, begin to places, at once yeah, that, that, pretty much limits, limits. My ability to keep that clinic open yeah, I, think. That's huge what a great. Just. Advice there and word of wisdom from you there were you you. Know school, hard knocks right I mean you said it before the interview you don't get to success, without some failure in between. I. Think Dave Ramsey, says something like you. Know success, is just a big old pile of failures well he says you know you just keep on stacking up the the. Failures, and eventually, you you will succeed, you know you'll figure it out and you've got to learn those lessons and but. You just gave all of us out here a shortcut, on if, if, we, are looking to if you're a restaurant, owner if you are in some sort of business where you can have multiple locations. Really. Take, your time and figure and find out where that person is at and and you, know I don't know if you're advocating having. Them have some ownership in there or something but something. To kind of you. Know make sure they they're, all in yeah, I think, you had hit, it right. On the head and. There's different ways to. Incentivize. People but. What, I found is that even. Ownership, sometimes, isn't quite the right fit okay. But, aligning. Interests, is is. A huge. Huge. Motivating. Factor because. You. Know in in my instance. The. He. It. Was more of a. Pretty. Good gig, at the time right you know it would create a pretty good life form you, know during this stretch or whatever it may be but. My interests. Were not in, a six month or twelve month or eight time. Frame my, way. Beyond that and and his, mindset might not have been that same way so a funny, way to create, parallels, between what, you want and what that particular. Employee wants, is, it's usually important, and if, ownership. Is part of that then so be it yeah. That's. Great so really kind of taking it a case-by-case and. Finding out what what. Is an incentive for that person, and seeing how you can find find. Something you can agree upon. Sometimes. It is necessary all. Right that's. Great well, let me ask you this how has. How. Has personal, development, or continued, learning been. A part of your, small. Business ownership journey. Right. So. Every. Time I do an. Employee review. Because. That's. All conscious, information, I already. Know what what I'm thinking about that particular, person so delivering, that information and, motivating, them to make a change is a, good portion of that review or. Not, make a change and proceed on exactly as they're doing hopefully, but.

More Importantly, is I, insist, that they give me feedback on what I need to do for them individually as a boss if, every can, that. Way the learning and the growing doesn't, ever stop because. Each employee, is. That. Each. Employee don't the love languages you know even can play a little bit of a part in it and episode I'm taking the person, needs to, feel. Valued, to feel important. So, if I'm not doing enough. Of this or enough of that and I want to know that yeah, and then also it. Builds. A lot of trust because, a. Lot of times, people. Come, at these things from the position of power and. And. Especially. Young people and. I, was probably guilty of it you know years ago no, not you. Yeah no no. The. Best thing you can do in. That position is empower the people around you and and, I believe that firmly that's. Great and to. Foster. Their, strengths, and go. That direction. Well. And you've modeled it I mean you've modeled it with with your business that you're leaving right now and and, as. I'm just doing this interview you know thinking. I mean I think that's that's, gonna be a. Hallmark. Of this interview, is. Empowering. Others you know leadership, and empowering others and I think that's what you're modeling what you're sharing with us that, has been a a. Definitive. Part, of your success in business for, sure and. And, with that I mean what a great so. I'm just formulating, this whole thing as we're talking but with, that there. Are gonna be pros, and cons there gonna be challenges you're gonna empower someone that wasn't ready to to. Kind. Of hold on to that and that's, part of it that's part of leadership that's part of trusting people you can't stop trusting, people because. You have one bad experience or, even two or three you've, got to continue to get out there and power people knowing, that ultimately, if you're going to achieve that. Goal that you have and I know you want to have multiple offices, you want to you. Want to do something big you might be something great and. And. So, that's. Gonna take empowering, others and building your team so, so. You yeah, that's that's fantastic. Well. Share with us something you're working on right now or something you're excited about or kind, of what's new in your world well, the. That. Is what's new and that is what's challenging right now. Because. As you know anytime that you bring other. Entities, into, what you're doing. You. Know and I talked about all the good things but it can present challenges also. Because. Your time frame might not align with somebody. Else's time, because. I kind. Of got to learn to. Sit, back and to be patient and and, understand. That. This. Particular. Office, is not the only, thing that other people have going right and so it might be the only thing in my world right now but that may be the only thing. So. Patience. Has been has been one of the things that I've really been. Self. Reflecting, on and working, on as an individual, because I I. Don't want to be frustrated. Because something got pushed back another week or another two weeks and. Then you know have that fester, and the staff also yeah. That's. Good that's, great merging, and partnering, with other entities that's fantastic. Well. Lee how can how can people connect with your company can people come off the street, or they have to be referred. To. You how does that work yeah, so, we. Can you can walk into the clinic and schedule employment you can call into the clinic and schedule appointment, you can go to the website and schedule an appointment I mean there's there's plenty of ways to get in here I, would, say probably 70% of, our patients. Come from referrals from other providers, but. We do have people that are seeking out you, know different care whether it's massage therapy, or they, want to they know they know they need a physical therapist, for this or they need a chiropractor for that or you know my my exercise, physiologist, is is, incredibly. Intelligent and he has hours, and hours and hours of post doc work on, pulmonary.

And Cardiac function, so, we're. Starting to roll into some of that too some of the cardiac and and lung rehab so. There's. There's, so many medical needs out there we want to be able to encompass a lot, that's. Fantastic. Yeah, so if one of the things that Lee mentioned is you know a pain point literally for you then, then, I'm gonna have some links for his, website. How you can contact him how you can connect and and. Get some relief get get help and and. Move, on with your life right that's that's ultimately, what you want right. That's. Great that's great well I like to I'd like to end all the interviews with some some. Funny questions some rapid-fire, I've, got some would you rather questions, are you up for a couple would you rather is real quick of. Course all. Right all right here we go so. Would, you rather always be, 10, minutes late or. Always be 20, minutes early, 20. Minutes early 20, minutes are they okay, would. You rather lose, all of your money and valuables, or all of the pictures, that you've ever taken all. Of the pictures I've ever taken. Would. You rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or. 10 minutes into the future of anyone, else but, yourself. My. Own your. Own okay. Would you rather be famous, when, you are alive and forgotten, when you die or unknown. When you are alive but, famous after you die. Fame, isn't something that is. Is. Even. In my in my thought, process, or wheelhouse so I guess, when I die. There. You go right option. B. Right. Okay. So would you rather your. Shirts always, be two sizes, too big or, one, size too small. Two. Sizes too big I can't. Stand a tight shirt huh. And. Then, a final, one would you rather live your entire life in virtual. Reality where. All your wishes came, true or, live. In the real world. World. Live. In the real world hey, that's. It that's the real world, answer. With dr.. Lee Hartman, chiropractor. Well and, rehab. Clinic. Director. So, we're, gonna have some information, on how you can connect with him and if you're in the Fort Worth area how you can get some relief, great. Stuff for small business owners leave thank you so much for, agreeing, to be on the podcast, here and, we. Will catch up with all the listeners, yeah. We'll catch up with all the listeners next time thanks. A lot see you later appreciate it. You.

2018-02-02 02:20

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