Small-Scale Food Business/Operation Marketing

Small-Scale Food Business/Operation Marketing

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Well. Greetings everyone my name is dr. Eric Dyson and, I'm an assistant professor in, the Department, of apparel events. In hospitality management in the, college of human sciences at, Iowa, State University. With. The growth of farmers markets and food retailers, looking to buy local. Entrepreneurs. Are now expanding, their opportunities. To turn their gardening, agricultural. Cooking. As well, as their food production, interests, into their own small, businesses, to. Help these individuals authority, from Iowa State University. As well, as small-scale. Food operation, experts, have, created, the series of TED talk inspired, video, presentations. These. Presentations. In the, areas of experiencial. Marketing, social, media event. Planning building, and cultivating, relationships. Storytelling. As well, as other topics are designed. For entrepreneurs. Who are planning a small-scale, food business, or are, in the early and/or, intermediate, phase of a small-scale food operation. These. Video presentations. Are to be utilized, in conjunction with, the Supplemental, worksheets. Series, this. Project, titled, video enriched workshops, for, small food operations. In underserved, communities in Iowa is sponsored. By Jefferson, County Extension and outreach and, the college, of human sciences extension. And outreach at, Iowa State University. For. More information, and please contact myself, dr.. Eric D Olson at five, one five two, nine four zero. Six nine nine or, email. Oh LS. O, n e, d, @ i, a sta. Te, dot. E-d-u, thank. You. So, my name is Debbie and I, have. A company called divinely, delectable, actually. Just. Shortened it to D D gluten-free because no one can spell divinely, delectable, so all, of my logos, now say DD gluten-free I started. Baking when I was, 10, years old probably, started baking a long time before then with my mom but, at 10 years old I was, in Girl Scouts and you had to, do. A competition to you on a badge so I made a vanilla cake which is actually what I have here in front of me however. My, mother kept the bag and, told me I didn't need to leave school early to be looking ready enough, competition I opened the bag, there's. No vanilla I'm supposed to make vanilla cake and. There was no plate so. I. Asked. Around nobody, has even Ella and said well just. Have to do the best I can so. I made a cake and then. I had no plate so I washed. My pecans and turn it upside down and wrapped. It with foil and and, frosted my cake on top of this upside-down pan, and, I got an honorable mention, well. I, kind. Of wanted. Ribbon. Right, they said I kept tasting my cake tasting. The other cake tasting. The cake down the table and and. They said can you come up here the person who made this cake and I walk. Forward night knew, what they were gonna say and. They said to come what kind of cake is this supposed to be in my second Ola, me. Taste. It again and, taste mine and taste again missing so. Why does it taste different than the others and, they said because it has no Pinilla. So. They. Asked. Me to go back to my place it eventually called me forward he said we really want to give you something. For. Your cake texture. Spray taste, really good it's, supposed to be a vanilla cake and there's nothing in life so, thanks, to mom I got started with substituting.

And Learning, how to make, things working, and then they. Weren't really working so that's, how I got started baking and then, in. 1900. In. 2009. I. Became. Free. And before. Then we have been missionaries so I've had to substitute a lot and, everything. Even 3 in 2009. Tasted, like cardboard and all that so, I said well how something has to be better than this so I started working on different things and. Came. Up with a flower, combination. That I hurts. Me tips from somebody else in and that's, what got me started with, didi. Gluten free baking. And, flour the, baking was just a means to an end I wanted, to let. Everybody see what they could make and. Say, hey I the flour what. I found is everyone. Wanted me to, bake. No. One really wanted to cook for themselves. So. I. Ended. Up kind of doing more, baking what I wanted, and, but. I did more making that I wanted and. Realize. That this was not really the goal and, everyone I knew who, was do me include baking I asked, I said well you. Know where it puts your attention to do retail it was your intention to be wholesale, and they, all said well we wanted to do wholesale but the, retail market has is so busy we can't do the most out so. I'd. Really do a lot of rethinking I had started off in my own home and only. Buy things as, I can afford to buy them I didn't, want to do alone. My. Husband and I weren't an agreement on doing. The baking in our house so. That created some issues and decided that I would just take a loan out and I would go and, get. Myself a location. So. I did that but. I found that people, wanted me to be there during certain hours and. If. I was staying, there during those hours I, wasn't making enough money to, pay. Somebody to be there but, then I wasn't able to market the flour and. So. I. Was. Kind of gonna catch-22. It couldn't really proceed, with flour if. I. Stayed. In a retail business so, we moved everything back home and. I. Kept. The locations, that I had, and. Tried to find, a place outside of town because, it side town those, teaming restrictions. So. Back. And forth we went a year and a half later we private, found a location. So. I've moved in but. It's still not ready because. We have to remodel one, of the rooms in the house to be a kitchen. So. Part of what happens when you have your own business is that it's really difficult to. Make. Jumps, from one level. To another to. Be in home business and to, do the home baking was. Fine. But. If I wanted to expand, then how, do you get your product to the market so, then that would mean I would have to buy, a truck well I didn't want to buy a truck because I wanted to sell flour and, so. Back. And forth I went and. Decided, that I'm just gonna stop doing the baking so in June I closed. The baking part, and. Still. Just selling the flour and, I'm writing cookbooks and, I'm. Working, on an idea to. Start. Teaching. People doing, some classes, on gluten-free. Baking and, I've. Been asking some of my customers, I have some interest in it trying. To figure out how to get, them on video about. A video camera Wow. So. We'll, see I'm tried, doing a little bit of the, selfie stuff that, doesn't really work when you're trying to bake so. Here. We are, I have product. To show and. Flour. To sell I also, have some cookbooks too not. So. Stick, around more, cookbooks to come so. When, I first started I. Was, asking. Around and I heard that there, was a lot of people who were going to the farmers market and. The. Farmers market here in Fairfield is really, good also they have an Art Walk which. Is a once, a month event, and there's, all kinds of food vendors and art vendors and. So. The. The. Farmers market allows people in the local. Area to be able to figure. Out what you're selling and you can you taste testing, so, I would have a whole table full of food and. Say hey, and want a sample and I draw. People into the table and talk to him about the gluten free and of course once they taste everything that they're, all oohing, and ahhing and anyone, who's gluten free would come to my table hey I can taste anything at the table it, was very exciting so.

The. Product itself when there when it's made into, something. Like these cookies or brownies or, cake people. Are amazed wow, I can, have lutein free that tastes this good so. The farmers markets are a really great opportunity, to be able to get a food item out and have the public taste it they've. Actually helped me to make. Things a little bit better I have a egg free, dairy, free gluten. Free. It. Really has food in it chocolate, cake with chocolate chips, and chocolate fudge, frosting and, and it's, it's dynamic. And wonderful, and I don't even make another chocolate cake it's so good but, it sounds like there's nothing in it except, for there's a ton of flavor in it so it's really good that would be coming out in the cake cookbook. There's. Other people who do the same thing and so I started talking to the other. Vendors. Who were there and when, did you get started, is. This the only place that you sell, your product, and. Several. Of them told, me that not only are they doing the same thing that I'm doing they started out of their home they're, remodeling. Certain, parts of their home and. Then, in the whole food store there, is also a kind, of an incubator site and the. Whole food store here in town is really, really want to feel about having local vendors. And, want. To help promote, business so. They. Will give you an opportunity to sell once. A week in. An open space that they have my. Product for. About. Four, or five years when I was in the freezer section the, flower is still available in the store I no longer do the baking for the store they, have a restaurant, in the back that, they. Use. As an incubator site and they allow, somebody to work in there and. Have. A business there and they. Pay them out of. Whatever. They're earning and then, they slowly back, them off so if they trade it so that the people are then, self-supporting. And they're paying rent in essence. By, the by. The end of their time there have, been several businesses, in there there was a crate placed in there there's, currently. A, organic. Bagel, store in there, I. Can't. Remember all of the different. Restaurant. Owners that were in there at. One time there was a cafe owner, and, a, restaurant. Owner in there so. That company. Has done a great. Service to the community, helping. Small. Food. Menu. Business, owners get started. Well. A lot of the barriers that you faced as a small business owner are just. Money. To, begin with how, do you get started and have. Enough money to, start. Working your business most of us start at home. Start. Out of our garages or, kitchens. Basements. And. The. Choice is about whether or not you want to take a loan or, not. Take a loan. You. Know it's a really hard decision and, then there's also, issues. Of how, do you how do you communicate your, product all. Of the designs on here I've had to learn to kind of be a graphic, design artist. Make. My own business cards up at first because I couldn't afford to buy a whole bunch. There's. There's, all kinds, of other. Little things that you don't think that. Are behind the scenes I also do all the photography, for my cookbooks. And my Instagram, account Facebook. So, you have to learn how to communicate, your product, as well, as make. The product and. Sometimes. The communication, of the product is. A. Whole. Learning process, in. Itself and. That's. Just a lot of questions I'm not sure if, if, I, did a lot of, questions. As, much as I did. A lot of experimentation. And. Then. And then the other side of that is the whole loan process, learning about whether or not you want to have a lot I currently, have a loan I'm paying off when I was in a location and. Now. I would recommend to people that they don't do that, I'd. Recommend that you don't. Take loans out unless, you can, see. An immediate return for, what you're getting, if. You can get something back from it for example if you buy a machine that's going to help, you process more and faster and you're going to make money right then so, divide the machine before you're actually having a need for, that size of the machine and you're. Not able to, sell. Enough product, to be, able to at least pay off the the. Payment. And a little more from. Whatever going to make off of that. That would be my recommendation to, people. In future.

Loans. Kind of get you in a bind where you feel like you have a need for. Money. And, makes. You focus. Less on the. Products, in it than it is on your, worrying about how do I pay this off, most. Of the people that I know in, town. Right now that, are trying. To, do something, in a food, venue, also. Either are working, another job or. Like. The barbecue. Place in town sweet and saucy which is really good by the way he. Says you know my wife works so I can have this hobby and, he is, open, six, or seven days a week and. Fantastic. Food, that. Because. It's so expensive to have a location. Then. You have to have some ways on that and usually it's a spouse you. Have to have buy-in from your spouse I think that's another thing that people come across I did my, husband and I weren't really in agreement and. So. When you're battling, at home and, you're. Trying to battle, to. Push. A product forward, I think, that that, can create too. Much tension and you need to have some agreement. And buy-in from your spouse. Well, first I started with everything, I had at home I started, with $300, and. In. The bank and. I'd. Not even sure if I had a mixer, at that point because mine, had broken, so. I, bought. A, five-dollar. Mixer, from Walmart which broke, within, six months and a, ten, dollar mixer, from Walmart that growth. Within ten months or six months and bought, a, fifteen, dollar, mixer. That, broke. Within another six months so. Then I went and bought a $90. Mixer, and these, are all hand mixers, I. Think. I bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond because they guarantee, their products, and. That. One promptly, broke so, I traded. It in for an $80, model, that was, not so high-tech that, looked like it was sturdy, and. That. One was doing really good and then, my husband said you just need to stop doing this you just need a KitchenAid, so he went online and, found me a kiss made for Christmas, I would. Not have paid for it because I didn't have the money but he went and bought me one and so. Now that's, all I used so if you want something really good buy a professional model KitchenAid, because I did buy actually, a. Stand-up. It was another. Brand at Walmart and, it. Broke within three months, so. I took it back and said you know this, is not functioning. Properly, and. Yeah. Don't. Buy one unless it's a professional, model spend the extra money their sales online. And. Get your family and friends to buy you stuff for Christmas that you need tools. And what I that's. My recommendation. So. And then. Buy a little at a time always. Buy a little at a time keep. Use. Your profits, to feed back into the business so, that you're. Not developing debt and and, you're constantly, building, what. You have what this plate in front of me is something. I found for $1 or $2 as well that would be great for sure so I bought, it I only have one I don't have a whole set that looks like that just in case you're wondering. I, reduce. Stress by. First. Of all I. Don't. Want to do it alone again, so loans. Loans. Increase, your risk unless. It's, for something that's going to give you an immediate. Profit. So, if, if. You buy a machine that. Is going, to be. Able to help, you to pay for both, the payments, on it and give. You a little extra and cover your cost so.

I Think learning. What your cost is is probably one of the main things to help reduce risk because, if, you don't know your cost. Then. You can't figure out what your, ratio. Should be for profit, and. You, need to figure in cost for everything what's your cost to rent what's your cost for your you, know your packaging. Here the product itself and, what's. The cost of your labor, so. Often, your, your, labor becomes the thing that's the riskiest, if you if you're doing everything yourself because, you might not be making money you might have a great product but you're not making money because you don't know how, to figure out what your cost ratio, is. For. Me that meant learning, have you an Excel spreadsheet which. I took an entire summer, to figure out how to use. Excel, and make, spreadsheets, and have, them interact and work with each other and. Ask. Questions. There. Are lots of really, good, business. People that are willing to help you answer those, kind of questions the. Local. College. If it's. Right. It, has an extension care there's two extensions, you can get information from, people. At the extensions, fgi your colleges, and after colleges, and universities, in your state to. Help you to learn, how to, at. Least give you general ideas, for pricing, other. Business, owners can do that too, the. More questions that you ask when, you have an opportunity to ask one the. More. Information that you have the. Better. You're going to be able to know what your risks are because sometimes you don't know and, then. Also to know. How, to deal with that, when. You're dealing with food you also have the risk of making sure that you, don't have product, that is out of date so no one's going to get sick from it that, you'd handle, it properly. You. Know I always have to make sure that if, I'm taking, something to someone in, the summer do. I have the ability to transport. It to them. Cold. Or, to. Keep it so it's not going to be. So. Warm that it's. It's, a at, risk of causing. Someone to get sick you don't want somebody it's a and. And. Then. Just. Everything. About your business has to be has. To be something. That you can, feel. Like. Okay. If I give this to people are they going to be able to number. One utilize, it number, two am. I doing it just to make money or am i doing it for my own reputation if you don't do it for your own reputation, then. You're. Probably a greater risk just because you're just doing it to make it a dollar and you're not doing it to. Really. Produce something this quality. Because, if you don't have something that's their quality. You're. At risk of losing your whole business people. Need to know that what they're getting from you is really good. Hi. I'm Anne Marie Fiore I'm a faculty member here in apparel, events and hospitality management at. Iowa State University and, the topic of this talk is going to be experience on marketing, and what. We're going to be looking at today are three things the. First is what, is experiencial. Marketing, the, second is what is the impact of, experiencial, marketing, and thirdly, what. Should experience your marketing, look like and. Then following this presentation you'll. Hear from dr., Eric Olson who will talk about the basics, of pulling. Together events, because you'll see that events, are really, important, to experience on marketing. So. Let's start with what is experiencial. Marketing, first. Let's say think. About traditional marketing. You're trying to get a product, to a consumer better. Cheaper. And faster, and. You really see this consumer, as being. A logical. Information, processor. Who's, really concerned about price, and quality. But. When you think about experiential. Marketing it's, something, different, you're. Really looking at something, that goes beyond just looking for the, Walmart, customer, who's looking for a good value for a fair price what, you're even seeing now is that Walmart is embracing.

What We're going to talk about this idea experiencial, marketing, so. Experiencial, marketing, a definition. It's. Any form, of customer, focused. Marketing activity, that, creates a connection, to customers. Okay. And so what a customers, are looking for you say what's going to connect to them well, today's customers, really want more. Than quality, at a fair price they, want to feel personally. Connected to that brand and by, personal, connection, what we're talking about this idea of being. Connected to what the brand stands, for and. They also want to feel this kinship. Or affiliation. To, that brand representative, or owner of that company and. Today's. Customers, also want, to have their preferences, and their knees needs heard by that brand so, you're really talking about billing, building this idea of brand community, through experiencial, marketing, and secondly. What you're looking at is this idea of they want, memorable. Experience. They want something that brings them pleasure joy. Surprise, and. Newness. Experiential. Marketing takes many physical. Forms, for instance if you think about a lavish, brand event and you'll, see a slide in Ben & Jerry's where customers, are actively, engaged, with that brand they're. Sharing, information with the brand representatives. And you get to sample products, so, in this example of, Ben and Jerry's you can see that customers, jump into a giant bowl of, little, ball, softballs, like they're jumping into a bowl of ice cream and that's really to launch their new brand of ice cream looking, at bringing, in these cereal. Flavors in terms of fruit loops or cocoa puffs swirled into ice cream it. Can also take the form of a small, limited. Time, pop-up, shop in an unexpected, location, in. A storefront or a mall, or. It, can be something as simple as a, small interactive. Child's. Experience. Or an activity like this veggie, racecars, and a local food, festival, in Minnesota. Where the kids can choose, which one of the racers are theirs and they can see who wins, but. In all these different examples what you find is that customers, have. An engaging, experience. They're. Interacting. With the brand representatives. And/or the products, and, there's.

A Creatively. Designed space, that, leaves them with this real feeling, of sense of pleasure or delight from the experience, and we'll look at more examples in the last segment of this talk. But. Next we're one what I want to do is look at what's the impact of. Experiencial, marketing. What. Marketers, say in recent industry, reports, our first. 77%. Of these marketers, use, experiencial, marketing, as a vital, part of their mark of the brand's marketing strategies. 79%. Of brands, said that they will execute more, events, at experiencial programs, in 2017. In comparison, to the year before and. 65%. Of the brands say that their experience, of marketing is directly, related to sales, and. What. A customer's say well, 70%. Of the customers, who. Use these of and to say that they're going to become regular, customers. Of that brand and, somebody. Purpose 74%. Of these event, attendees. Have, a more positive opinion. Of the brand after, the experience, so. What you can see as experience, of marketing, is really growing, and pervasive, it's. Something that every, owner of a company should think about using and there's, a positive, impact, from, these experiences, on a brand and the. Last segment of this talk is really going to look at what should experience your marketing look like, so. There are six key factors. For successful. Experience, on marketing, first. We need to look at this idea of expert, very. Multi-sensory. Experience, so, that means you need to consider all these senses. What. You see what you smell what. You taste what you hear what you touch all, of these things need to be considered, you. Also need to think about making, it emotional, emotionally, arousing it should be pleasurable. It should be exciting, and there. Should be a repetition of those brand elements. Be at your brand, colors, be at the message of your brand but you need to repeat these things often, within. This brand environment. And. Customers. And brands need to learn something, new and unexpected, about each other so you're, there as a brand to learn what your customers, want or, what they like and the, customers, there to learn what's new and exciting about your particular brand and. Customers. Really need, to reinforce. That physical. Connection so, that they need some sort of physical, interaction. With the brand and lastly. They need to be personally, connected, and relevant, to, the customer, so, whatever you design this experiencial. Marketing event needs, to really fit into their lifestyles. And values, so, for instance, if you're a, food. Company that's making healthy. Baby food your event should really focusing, focus, on things that are healthy kid events, so I want to give you a major, brand example, so we're looking at wonderful, brands and they have a number of different products such. As halo brands. Mandarins. They have wonderful. Pistachios. Wonderful. Almonds, they have pom wonderful. Drink. And so they have many really, healthy, products. That they sell within their brand and wink, designs in New Orleans has created a really wonderful experience real marketing event for halo brands, that, really hits, on all these six key features. So. As you look at the these images, from the event you can see that it really engages their, senses, it aroused with their emotions, with these bright colors the, dramatic event spaces and, you're greeted by an angel like you're being walked into a citrus fruit heaven, there's. This repetition, of the halo brand symbol throughout. The event. There's. Also this reinforcing. Of that brand identity. If you've seen their commercials it's the little kids talking to each other and when, two, kids walk up to one kid who's eating a halo and says hey you do, you want to go off and and, play, around in the construction, area and he says no and the next thing you do is you see two, kids. Layered, within concrete, as their as the one smart, kid was walking by eating his halo there's. This real sense of fun to this brand that's part of their brand identity, and so, as you walk into this event there's this double entendre, I'm leaving my hello at the door so, there's always that sense of fun that they're trying to build into, this experience, a marketing event for them and they. Get to physically, interact with the brand at the party, by, including. The pom wonderful juice, in their drinks which is personally, relevant to the people that like this brand it reinforces. That desirable. Healthy, lifestyle, which, leads that to a lot of word of mouth or important, math from their customers, or they, are there trying to make this share-worthy so. Something, where they can share this on through, social media, electronically.

Or Even person-to-person. In, word-of-mouth sharing. So. There's, six things that's a lot to remember so maybe we can condense this down to three things so three features, that you need to think about let's, take these six features and bring it down to three so, when you're developing this, experiencial, marketing, event, what you need to think about and, this comes from a, researcher. I love this phrase you. Need to dazzle, their senses, touch. Their hearts and stimulate, their minds, so think about that whatever, decisions, you're making and building this experience, dazzle. Their senses, touch their hearts and stimulate their minds. Now. What are your goals what are the goals of a successful, experience your marketing event well, you want your brand to stand out it's got to be different it's got to be special you, want to stand out from your competitors, and. You want to increase, that awareness. Of, the brand for the customer, but, also you want to have more knowledge about what the customer wants, as a brand, so, it's a back and forth it's a two-way, interaction. Or communication. And you. Want this to lead to word-of-mouth, either. Social, media word mouth or face-to-face where the mouth you, want, your customers, to do the marketing, for you and, the. End result you want to develop repeat. Customers, loyal customers, that's going to lead to success now. You're saying well what about sales, don't I want to get some sales out of this many, times when you're looking at experiential, marketing what, you find the end goal of that particular, spiritual, marketing event isn't in, terms of sales you're not thinking about how much money did I make off this what, you're thinking about is what's the marketability, and the value, of my brand after this particular event, so. You're looking at it rather in terms of word-of-mouth and brand, attitude. So. When we think about it how do we bring all these things to fruition how, do we take these three things and bring, it to strategies, within experiencial. Marketing, well, we can look at the four es and these, are experienced with marketing strategies, that have been coined, by PI. And Gilmore there are two. Industry. Folks that have worked with large brands but I think these apply to many. Brands many different, sizes and, what you find is that these four es can help that customer feel connected, to your brand and can. Create that memorable experience. Which we said this is what today's consumer, wants, so. Let's look at the four es we're, talking about entertainment. Educational. Aesthetic. And escapist. Experience, and we're going to look at each one of these separately, so. We look at these we're talking about our four, experiences, divided, upon two. Different, continue, up something. Very active, to passive in, terms of what the customer, is really, bringing to that event and. Something. That's either immersive, or absorptive, so, immersive, is when you're bringing a customer, into this richly, designed, environment, and absorptive, is when they're bringing that experience into their mind so, the first one we're going to look at is this idea of entertainment, so. Here you're more passive, you're passively, watching activities. Performance, is created by others, chips. Chocolate factory, in. Kansas. City so, when you're thinking about this this is a indie brand and what they do is they let the customer, come in and watch, the fudge being made and so it's really sort of an interesting process I don't know how fudges made it I don't even like fudge but I'd sit there and watch it for 15 minutes to see how if I just made it's really part of that entertainment, experience, that they offer that, builds that connection to that brand. The. Second experience, is really looking at education. So, this educational. Experience where, you're enhancing, the skills or the knowledge in a very active. Way for. That particular, customer so, they're participating. In the experience, and one. Of the examples, here is, learning. About whiskeys. So, here you can go up and you can smell the different, kinds of whiskies that are offered by the whiskey experience, in Scotland. So you're, actively, involved. In pressing buttons sniffing, it and trying to understand, the differences between these. Different whiskeys. There's. Even a whiskey, distillery. There, who, has. This Peet experience, so, you, give them 50 pounds, and you get to go out and collect the peat in the, fields and bring it back so, that they can use it in the creation of making. Scotch and so that you're really actively, involved, in understanding, what goes into that process of, making, scotch. The. Third experience, is this idea, of aesthetic, experience. So. This is where the customer enjoys, a very enriched, unique.

Physical, Design. They. You sit back and they enjoy this pad stably they appreciate. Just, being, in that setting, so. When you think about it here's a great, example from. Panera bread's think, about standing, out there in that cold environment. In the winter waiting for that bus well. In this particular bus, stop they're selling, you their their new products, at Panera spread coming out of the oven but they also have radiant, heat coming, down and warming you so, you've got that wonderful physical, experience. Just standing, there enjoying, that idea. Of like being an oven, on a cold day. But. It could be something as simple as really, thinking about how to go about and redesign, your booth so. Think about all the vining, that's going on here the use of lighting, the use of gold to really make this a more rich environment. This, is also an example of aesthetic, experience, and. Lastly. That is this idea, of escapist. Experience, and here. Again the customer is actively. Shaping that, experience, they're, contributing, to what goes about to create that experience and. It offers that customer, way, of taking on a new character being. In a new place or, a new environment, and so. Think, about this idea of this big chair here, disney is really trying to sell this idea of going back to those films of your childhood and you think about that proportion, of you as. A child sitting, in that big chair so that it's bringing you back to that time in your life when you were a little kid so, you're getting to that escapist, experience, you're, so you're actively, involving, sitting, in that chair remembering, about being a kid and lastly. This idea, of this teddy bear, so, think about doc. McStuffins, which is a. Show. With on TV on the Disney Channel and it's, about the six-year-old, girl called. Doc and. She, goes about and she heals different. Toys in her backyard and, so, in this particular and experiencial, marketing, event kids, can come in and imitate, being, that. That doc in that film so they become, that character they can imitate what's, going on what, they see on TV. So. These are just four ways about going about and billing that experiencial marketing event. To build that connection to that customer, make something that's really memorable. So. You can look at some of these you say well they're too big and they're too grand for what I can afford well. Some of them think about the one with the vining could you go out and find local products. In your back yard flowers, vines things like that that you can use get. Some post. Paint. Them gold weave. Them together and so what you're doing is building that environment, something that's more interesting or. Maybe think about working together with, businesses, so. Maybe three, products, three local foods can get together and, have a Top Chef cook-off. Using, combination, those local ingredients, may be a local jam maker a local, cheese maker and a local free, raise range, chicken. Producer. Can get together and hold this event so, this can really begin, to promote, all three your products make, something memorable have. Home. Cooks come in and cook. Off just like they would on the top chef show that, really can bring in people to watch it could bring in people. To taste, the different products that are created with, the local goods so this is a way that you can think about hey. How, can I work together with others to build these experiencial, marketing, events, so. Hopefully we've given you a little bit of background on experiential, marketing if, you want to learn more about it just go home and google, experiencial. Marketing, and you're going to see incredible, experiences. That have been created. When. You look at a lot of these experiences, you can see that a lot of them really focused on creating events and so, dr. Olsen is really going to talk about this idea of what are the nuts and bolts of event planning and.

You Also saw the importance, of the. Idea of social media, sharing the importance that word of mouth well. When you look at what dr., Chong si did you're, really looking at this idea of how do you bring social media to life. So. In closing I just want to have hand off this presentation, to dr. Olson and I want to do in a creative way so. Think about this particular image so, you're handing out samples at your product, think about how even, that simple process, can, be really made more experiential. So. Thank, you for listening today I hope you learned some about experiential, marketing and, go. Out and and see what the great things are out there experiencial, marketing and try to bring them into your brand thank. You. Is. That all right. Well. Greetings everyone, my, name is dr. Eric Nielsen and, I'm an assistant professor as. Well as a program director for our growing, event management program, here at Iowa State University. My. Colleague, dr. anne-marie, Fiore. Discussed, a little on the aspects, of experiential, marketing and, how. Markers, are utilizing. The marketing strategies, of the for ease I want, to extend that discussion, and that conversation, and talk a little bit about Hall event planners, are actually, utilizing events. As part. Of their marketing strategy, or their experiential, marketing strategy. To not only educate customers but, also to. Entertain, customers with, their food related products. So. Here's my outline for the next couple of minutes I first, want to tell you a little bit about a definition, of what an event actually is, and the, from there I have three major suggestions. I'd like to kind of share with you to provide you some tactics. Of your, event planning, so. A working, definition of an event an, event can be basically defined. As a meeting, or gathering. Of two or more people for. Some sort of a common goal or or, some sort of a common purpose but. I want I also want to add, a little bit about that definition, of an event, because I think for a lot of our events there's, spacial considerations. And there's also time considerations, that actually, need to occur, think. Of a farmer's market that happens maybe every week on Saturday. Morning, that, space is completely transformed, for a period of time the, vendors will come in very early will, set up the. Attendees, will actually come in to purchase their their products and services and, then everyone, leaves at a certain period of time as well so. That's spatial, in that time consideration, I think is very important. And then. One other aspect, of an event is this idea of heightened, emotions. Event. Attendees event. Attendees, tend to be very excited, when they go to events. We have our office often in kind of this heightened emotional. Experience. When, we go to our events. So. With that working definition, of an event I want to tell you three specific, areas. That I'd like you to kind of think a little bit about an event planning, and those. Three areas are number, one return, on investment. Number. Two, event design, and number. Three risk management, so, let's go into that first area that first theme on on. How important, it is for event, planners to really, have a good return. On investment strategy. More. And more in the industry, I'm actually seeing events, taking a step back from the operation, or from their event and think, a little bit about the overall strategy, a wine event actually, exists. And setting. Up specific objectives, to conquer, or to, reach them specific, goals of an actual event and have, a very nice framework, that I like to spend a couple of minutes kind of going through this is called. The levels of objectives framework. It's. Six levels, of objectives, that an event manager can actually set up level. Zero statistics. Scope, and volume, level. Number one reaction, and satisfaction. Level. Number two learning. Level. Number three, application. Level. Number four business, results or business impact, and level. Number five which is the most sophisticated and. The hardest to do is actually, I'm creating that or finding out that return on investment. Level. Zero is all about statistics, scope and volume, so an event manager, when thinking about the actual event they need to talk or they need to set goals up as it relates to purely numbers for, example the number of attendees that are expected to go to the actual event the, number of sponsors, that the event planner was actually to obtain. The. Number of sales that actually occurred at that actual food-related an event and lastly. Perhaps, the number of clicks on some sort of a social media response.

Would Fall under level zero, level. One is reaction, and satisfaction. And I, think all of us have been to some sort of a restaurant, or, or a coffee, shop where we have been asked to rate the level of service, on on a scale of one through seven, so. Reaction and satisfaction. Tends to be all about setting those objectives, as it relates to the service quality of that actual event it could. Be on the cleanliness of, the actual event the accessibility. Of the actual event the, food that, the beverage the entertainment. The, of that actual special event, level. 2 is all about learning and, I think this is perfect for our food-related events. Often when, attendees, go to events, they learn new information, they. Gather information about, new products, or new services and then take that information back with, them so. The love of two categories setting, those objectives, as you relates to the learning aspect. Level. 3 then is all about the application. Aspect, so I learn information I, got, new data got new information about a product I am, now going to do something about that information I'm going to apply it in my personal, or my professional, life so. When a vet manager, set up objectives, and the application, category, it's all about how, we're going to create. Some sort of a new sale so. An event attend you learn a new pot a new product at that actual office a farmers market they took that out of information, they applied it to their daily life and then they they purchased that actual product, level. Five is impact, so, we set up by our objectives, pertaining to the impact, of that actual event and love. Level, six is that return on investment, and that return. On an investment is, a comparison. It's a comparison racial, we. Are comparing the benefits, of that actual event to, the two costs, of that actual event and that concludes my little discussion about the levels of objectives. So. In, addition to the first theme I wanted to recognize about setting, those clear, objectives, utilized.

In The levels of objective, framework I want, to talk a little bit about some trends that are occurring in event design the. Good news is that Americans, are going to more and more events, every single year the other side of that though is they're actually more and more events that are competing for for, our time. Additionally. We do know that events, are actually shorter, in nature, so on one hand we're going to more Invents but, the events that we're going to we're going to a shorter, in nature. Additionally. Without a doubt, events, are becoming much more interactive, and food-related, events, already set up for success for, to to recognize that, specific, trend. Demonstrations. The use of samples, event. Attendees, when they go to food-related, events, they want to know not only about the product or the service they. Also want to know about how that product and service was created, where, it was created, they, want that interaction, they, want they want to know the product developer, the entrepreneur, and. The the insight, the behind-the-scenes some information, about that actual product, the. Event goers are more sophisticated than, ever before, I think. Several years ago when event, goers would actually go to a specific food-related, event. They, would go to the event they would walk around they, would sample maybe, a product, nowadays. Event, goers already have that information, of. Up front and they already know where they want to go so. In a way they already have information about your product they've already googled your, your your. Company so, when they get to the actual event the event goers know specifically, in that path of, where they want to go and who they actually want to visit. Events, are becoming much more inclusive, and this is a very good thing I think the in event, industry in a way actually leads. Society. In terms of making sure that events, are very inclusive. Ensuring. Access to events, everyone. From someone who has a disability, which. One in six Americans actually currently. Does but. I think inclusiveness. Could also be I'm, thinking a little bit about some of the non disability. Awareness elements. Such. As a family who utilizes, a stroller, to, go through maybe a food festival or it. Could be a baby. Boomer who is bringing their adult or their adult. Parent with them who's maybe a little more elderly and need some different tools on to navigate an actual, event and then. My last trend that's occurring in the event industry is, this idea, of an uneventful. Us. That maybe if term that we never heard of before but. There's an initiative for a lot of our events to be kind of an uneventful. II, with with the food events, there's, a set agenda there, are speakers there are modules there is there's, education there's, entertainment that was actually occurring in an. Uneventful. Influence. Will actually set the schedule if they were set that than the meetings or the group or the interaction components. To actually occur at, that actual event, so. I've talked a little bit about kind of this this element, of setting up objectives. For creating, events that, create. A strong, return on investment, I've, talked a little bit about the event, design the. Third theme I want you to recognize in kind of the event planning is that a risk management, and providing, a safe and secure experience, for. All event, attendees, without. A doubt industry, or respond is responding, to several different events that have occurred and kind of a negative realm, in the last couple of years so. I've kind of a five-step, process I want you to think a little bit about in setting, up kind of a risk management plan for an actual event step.

Number One is to take a step back and think, a little bit about the overall risk in the context, of that actual event these. Are the larger, societal, forces at hand, it could be an economic factor, it, could be a social a political, a legal, a cultural, factor a ten that's, that macro, environment in which an event actually operates, in the. Second step in in creating a risk management process. Is to think a little bit about the unique risk, specifically. For that actual event we. Think a little bit about the event scope, the event designed the event marketing, so, for my farmers market example, an element. Or of, a risk would, be weather since event could be occurring outdoors. The. Third step is analysis, stage and in this risk management, step the the event, manager needs to add some sort of a quantifiable, elements, to all the different risks that could actually occur, so. This is a brainstorming, stage a, risk. Can be defined, as anything. That would actually get in the way of an event manager, achieving, those objectives that. Were previously set, for, that actual event and I think another way we can think of risk is to categorize them into weather-related. Such. As our tornado. Human-made. Such, as a terrorist attack or, even, an increasing. Genre, of a risk technological. Risk everything. From loss of power to, the loss of a personal laptop, so. In the Nellis stage, the vet manager needs to kind of add some quantifiable. Some quantifiable, elements. Such as the likeliness, of that risk to actually occur and after. The event manager. Analyzes. The different risk the risk manager needs to think a little bit about some crunch control. Processes. So. Control essentially means what am I actually going to do about that risk am I going to take on that risk am I, going to cancel that, risk, am I going to modify my operation. So. Maybe for an outdoor event instead, of using glass bottles, I'm going to use plastic, cups. And. Another control factor, could be like is. That I could actually transfer, that risk to maybe a third party vendor and, then. The last stage in the risk management process, is evaluation, stage and that's typically done after the actual event where. I take a look at the event I get feedback from a wide variety of different stakeholders I, recall. Any incidences. That actually, occur at that actual event and I make some modifications, for my overall risk management, plan for the next event so. Folks I want, to tell. You a little bit about the event planning planning process, to conclude. I gave you a little brief definition, of what an event actually is and that, kind of gave you some strategies, and some tactics, for some three areas, in kind of the event management world, that I'm starting to see. I'm event managers really pay attention to in in the industry, the. First of which is setting those objectives, to create a that strong return on an investment the. Event event design, aspects, as well making our events more interactive. Shorter. In nature as well as more accessible, to a wide variety of audiences and, then, that third stage is to create that comprehensive, risk management, program for that actual event thank, you. Hi, I'm Jeffrey head Quist I am, the owner of hit wish productions, and. I'm. A marketer and I also have, so I have one foot in the marketing business but. I also have a foot, in the agriculture. Business I own a 145. Acre farm just, north of Fairfield, Iowa and so. I've, got a little. Bit of knowledge in both, those areas and maybe there's. Something I can do to pass on some information, to help you my. Goal is to help you market. Your products. To customers but, before that you have to market it to the people who will sell, those products, the stores the retailers, so, there. Are lots of ways that you can market products, and. When I say market, its, involved. In selling advertising. Direct. Contact, there are lots of ways to, talk, to people about carrying. What, you manufacture. Growth process. And I, found it the best way to do that is through stories, and you, might say what do you mean stories, and what I mean is I call a story based marketing, we. Have grown up with. Stories, we're attracted. To stories we love stories now you've got a lot of facts about what you do here's. The benefits. And here's the, process. We go through and, they're. Kind of dry and you're. Used to telling things in terms of facts but, if you take those facts and make them into stories, they, become sticky, I like, to say that stories, make the facts sneak and. There's, a real advantage, to having, those, stories. Thinking for.

Instance. Stories. Have power and. You. Basically. Know. How to tell stories already, what. I do is I work with individuals, and companies and organizations, helping them tell better stories that's. All so I think the stories that you already have let's show you how to tell them in a better way and the, stories can be about you for. Instance. What, got you to do, what you're doing was, it a. Desire. To. Create. Something it might have been a recipe that your grandparents. Or parents had, that you decided to do it and your. Family liked it. And then you, sold some or you. Know gave some to your neighbors and they said this is really good you, can sell this and maybe you sold some at the farmers market and then the, reaction was good and suddenly by. Accident, you're, in the. Processing, business you're in the food processing, or some other processing. Business and. You're. You're in and by accident, so there's, a story that you can tell how you got started the. Story might be about, your, journey how. You got to where you're doing and that journey might have been that, you looked at the market and you said you know there's a need for such-and-such. Or, there's a national, trend for, this kind of food or this kind of product, and you decided, that you had a better way of doing that and you created it that way so then. Again there was a market-based, story. That you can tell and there's. There's another kind of story, it, could be about your process, you may have something unique in the way you grow. Process. Ferment. Freeze. Dehydrate. Bake. Whatever, it is that you do. To. Create products, for the market may be unique that's. Unique, it's. A great story because I'll. Show you why stories are good and then finally your product, what's good about it is it especially, helpful, helpful. Is, does, it serve, people who have food allergies is, it. Kind. Of a breakthrough product, is it tastier, is it more fun is it more interesting, when is it about your product every. One of those aspects, there's a story and. So what do you do with those stories well who are you going to be talking to you. Are going to be talking to. Individual. Owners, for instance of retailers. And. If. You can tell a good story to. That retailer, then, they feel okay I could put a few of these on the show and hopefully those so don't make money. So. I would, say the overall, approach. To all the different audiences that you talk to is how can I make this easy. For them I'm gonna make it simple for them and what, are their fears well. It's. Not, gonna sell. They're. Not gonna make money with it you won't service, them you won't take back. Products that are expired, or that don't work you won't guarantee. Your, product, there's. You're. Brand new to a lot of these people who are going to be buying your product and selling it so you need to make it easy for them you need to make it a no-brainer. How. Can you do that you can do that with stories, because. If you give them a story, to tell for. Instance let's talk about that individual, retailer, if. You. Convince. Him, or her to put your product, on the shelf and. You tell a good story that. Gives them a story that, they can tell their customers so. The customer goes and they see your product on the shelf and it's a cookie. Let's say certain. Kind of cookie and they. Ask the, owner, of the store about that cookie he can then recall. The interesting, story you told you know the. Macadamia, nuts that they brought, here, are from a certain area of Hawaii or you know the. Walnut center in here were grown on a farm in Grinnell. Iowa, and suddenly. The. Customer, has, a better connection to, what you've, put on the Shelf you've convinced every tailor to put on a show so you benefit at the retail you benefited the customer and obviously, you benefited yourself what's, the next level you, could be talking to. Managers. Who. Are managers, of one store of a, chain of stores and so, what they have to do is they have to sell, the. Idea that you you have to sell your story to their management, so. Again, if you tell a good story that, gives them a chance to talk to a board of directors, or owners or whoever. To. Again. Carry. The product say you know I talked to this this. Farmer who's not processing, this, particular, kind, of. Soft. Drink and I. Think it would be good for our store and again, the, story gets passed from you to, the manager, to the owners and it could be a distributor, you're talking to if you've got a few retailers.

That. Are you know that, are successful, with what you're doing, then. The distributor may want to carry it so again, if the distributor gets, that story. That you've told for those stories, that you've told then, they can sell it to the owner the manager and, eventually. To the customer, now, what happens with all of this is the, stories, become. As powerful, as, the, product because. What you want to do is you want to develop a following you want to develop, hopefully. A list. That you can market to and that list can be people. That you've met directly. People, that you you may have a CSA, you may have a, you. May be selling directly, to, people at a farmers market, collect. The addresses. Or at least the email addresses, of everybody and then give them a bonus for doing that say I will send you a 10% on the product. Or 20% or I'll send you a free product or whatever it is for getting their email address and let. Them know that I'm not going to you. Know try to sell you everything all the time and then, as you. Collect these names. Which. Are the names of customers, managers, all the people who talked about store owners you. Can send out information about, your, product stories. Again and the. Stories about the product can, be how to use it they can be recipes, they. Can be new things that you've found out and do successes, that you've gotten and every. Once in a while put, an offer in there, too. Again, the managers, the store owners or the customers, and saying, you, know we've sent you three or four of, these stories or these recipes and then, here's a bonus. For. You know for reading our stuff and so. Every once in a while you send them an offer you. Know maybe three. Bits of three, bits. Of information and then, an offer another three bits of information and an offer and you can do those weekly. You can do the monthly you can do them quarterly whatever. Works, for you so that's. Another, way to use stories, now. 20. Get stories, the. Stories, can, be from your own life all the things that we talked about you know you the process the. What you went through to create, what you've done it. Can be and this is especially powerful testimonials. When. You look and, these testimonials, can be from the, people. You've sold to directly they can be your relatives, they can be your neighbors they can be the people who. Bought. From your CSA they can be people you met at the farmers market. Get. Them, to tell stories, those. Stories are. Testimonials. Those testimonials, can be used to help sell the store owner etc. All the people, that we mentioned, and. The. Stories, can be video that, would be ideal if, you're selling, at a farmers market, you bring a video camera you bring your cell phone and you, say hey do.

You Like what you take yeah this is really good can, I get a video, of you and get, a video of them it. Could be audio. Of. Them with, a photograph, it could be a photograph, and print. Out what they say now. Hiding it testimonials. One of the best ways is as soon as somebody is purchased get. A testimonial. From them right away because then they're in the, euphoric, I've, just tasted this this is pretty darn good I like, it I think I would buy it I think. It would make a gift of it I think it would sell it to my family etc. The. One. Of the best ways. That I found to get testimonials, is if you're talking to again. Customer, owners, store owner on the phone and you. Ask them you know how is it going and it, may be successful, hopefully, it is and. They talked a little bit about that you can ask them some questions is it selling is it profitable, for you would you like to reorder, it we're going to add some other, aspects. To this product line would you be interested getting, all that information, at the end of the conversation say, hey that, was really good. Can. I use some of those comments in our marketing and, usually. They'd say yes and what you do then is. Take. Those. Transcribe. Them clean. Them up a little make it into a story again, and that's one of the things I do when I work with companies to show them how to take those testimonials, make them into stories send. It to the person you just talk to and say he had this if you approve this, I'll use it if you want to make any changes please do so a lot. Of times when we're trying to get testimonials what, we do is we call and say hey can I get a testimonial, from you and. The. Person says yes. They. Never do it they never get to it or they send you something that's kind of lame the best way is just to get of calking get. A conversation going transcribe. That conversation. Then send it to them and say would. You approve this 99%. Of the time they will approve it and now, you've got testimonials. What. You want to do is I talked, about making it easy for the person to buy from you if, they have the confidence that somebody, another. Customer, has bought it another store owner has purchased from you another distributor, has purchased from you suddenly. They feel they're not alone they, feel okay somebody, else does it and it was successful they, feel good so again you've given them confidence, with story. The. Best stories, you can tell are about, your audience so. The testimonial. Stories can cool in that as a story that's being told by, the person, who has purchased tasted. Served, to their family your product, or, the store owner who has put it on their shelves and found that there was some success, or the distributors said you know I was able to sell four or five retailers, with this and they're all doing well again.

Those, Are stories about the audience, that. You're talking to me those are the most powerful kinds of stories and, how, can you use the stories you. Can use the stories when you make an in-person sales call. Because. Then it becomes less of a sales call and more of a conversation. Or of an interactive, relationship. With, whoever you're selling to it can, be used in blogs it can be used in podcasts. It can be used in videos. That you can put on YouTube it can be you can make a story, in 120. Characters so, they can be passed on as a tweet. You. Can use it in radio and TV commercials, you can use it in ads. There's. Just so many ways to use stories. That, this is one of the best ways, to, help market, your goods to the rest of the perfect people so, if. I can be of any assistance and I work with. All kinds, of advertisers. And companies, and organizations, and individuals, throughout the country helping. Them market, what, they're doing. To. Their, audience, just. Let me know I think. The contact, information is there available. For you keep. In mind make, it easy and comfortable, for, whoever you're selling to. Take. Away any risk you know you guarantee, that if it doesn't sell you will take it back you guarantee if there's any problem, with any of the product we'll take it back. Let. Them feel confident, that they can go with you kind, of an unknown. And. Have. Them fall in love with you and your product by telling them really. Good, stories. Did. You know that almost, all American, adults, are digitally, connected. According. To a survey by the Pew, Research Center as of, the end of 2016. 69%. Adults, in the u.s. use, at least one social, media platform, to connect with friends family, like-minded. People and Brynn's. Social. Media is such as inseparable. Part, of consumers, life that, 71. Percent of, consumers, who, have had, a good social media service, experience, with a brand are more. Likely to recommend the, brand to others, many. Brands are using social media as a marketing tool, to increase brand, engagement and, wing, new, customers. So. What exactly is, social, media marketing. Social. Media marketing by, definition is, the process, of using these. Platforms, to reach your. Target audience, with relevant, information and promotion, to. Interact, to. Build trust and to, make sales a. Family-owned. Restaurant, sharing. A video of Grandma Jen making. Her, best-selling, dish, on their, social media page is social. Media marketing in action, a farmers. Sharing, a picture of the just boom apple, trees is social. Media marketing action, these. Businesses, are reaching, out to the members of these, social media platforms, to capture their attention and expose, them to their, messages. Products. And services. It, seems. Intuitive. For, business owners to be on social, media platforms and it. Seems every, business owner feels. That, they need to be on social media otherwise. They are behind, the competition but. In social media the answer for everything, how. Can you use social media to get the most out of it, here. Are some pros and cons of social, media marketing for, small business owners. First. Social. Media marketing, has low cost most. Social media platforms, cost you nothing, to create accounts, and has, no limits, on how, often, and how much you use them. Authenticity. Social. Media allows you to tell your own story, and to, maintain the authenticity of, your own, social, media presence. It is not controlled, by anyone, else. Interactivity. Social. Media allows you to interact with your loyal, customers and your. Potential. Customers, equally. It, allows, two-way, dialogues. Between, businesses. And customers. Instead. Of pushing, out one-way. Broadcasts. You, can turn to social media to learn about your customers, through meaningful, interactions. Social. Media can reach a big, audience without, geographic, limitations. While, with, the little, cost it can also target, specific. Audiences, such. As people who live in your city people. In a certain age range etc. With. These plus sites of social media marketing businesses. May turn customers into. Brand ambassadors. And build. The sense of

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