Simply Share // YL Business Enhancements

Simply Share // YL Business Enhancements

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all right i think we are live let's see let's see if we got in here all right yes we're here all right i know you guys are going to come piling in um as this video is getting started and you're getting some notifications that it just started so y'all pop in here and join me um as we get going i see y'all coming in y'all give me a shout in the comments if you're here um i would love to hear i'm putting on believe right now this is one of my favorite oils to use just kind of in general for life but i wanted to know what is an oil that you love or what is an oil that you need to be using right now as we get ready to have this conversation about business enhancements with young living so y'all hop in tell me where you're coming from tell me where you're watching us from and um let's chat all right um i am super super super pumped to be doing this i see you guys all coming in here now awesome my main screen is not showing me comments but i've got it pulled up right here so i can see it so perfect i'm gonna try and track between two little windows here um everything at the same time so it's always it's always a skill to see if we can make this work um all right so i'm super pumped to have you guys um all on here with me hey danette hey kendra i'm santa hey chelsea renee oh my goodness i'm seeing tons of my like real actual friends in here which is so fun um i'm super pumped to get to educate y'all on all of the new enhancements with um all the cool stuff that's about to happen from young living and i want y'all to know more than anything i am super pumped about this so um and i'm not going to like gloss over stuff we're going to go through the nitty-gritty and we're going to talk about what's going on i'm going to try and sneak in a couple of suggestions and ways to grow your business along the way but i am going to convince you over the next however long we do this that this is the best season ever to build a young living business to launch young living business to relaunch a young living business whatever it might be and so let me say this first off um if you are like legit brand new to young living this might be kind of an intense video for you because my goal of the video today is to talk about then like what have we been doing what is the terminology that we've been using with young living for the last i've been doing this for over seven years so what's the terminology that we've been using and then we're going to talk about now which is starting almost today it's going to still a few weeks out um what is the now that we're going to be moving with moving forward and so if you're like i've not done it then this is where i'm starting this might be a little bit overwhelming for you and so if that's the case um i totally feel you i have created a resource that i have written i've written a book and it's called simply share it's the same name as this class and it is specifically designed to be the now it's designed to be i'm a brand partner i want to share young living it's not going to make any mention of old terminology or anything it's all new you can grab that at don't get yourself overwhelmed in all the changes um because it's not going to matter and really i want you guys to all understand it can feel like a lot right now as we're making all these shifts and adjustments y'all keep coming in and tell me where you're coming from um and i just doused myself in some believe oil i always put it in my hair too do y'all do that i like i put it all over my neck because that's like my natural you know like soak it up and then i put it in my hair because then my hair gets to be a diffuser for me for the rest of the day so put your oils on let's oil up and get ready for this class you might just need peppermint you might just be like i need some alertness to soak it in i hear you um but i'm gonna make this not hard for y'all i promise i promise we are gonna we're gonna get through this it's gonna be great um and i just kind of wrote out a couple of notes getting started um let me find them gosh let's not lose these um and so i'm gonna just kind of like unpack some things for you let me tell you who i am for those of you who don't have a clue who i am um which is totally fine i kind of love being anonymous to some of you that's super fun but my name is aaron rodgers i'm a royal crown diamond with young living i have been building i've been a member and building a business with young living for um over seven years now um and it has been the most um awesomely challenging like take it to a new level don't get too comfortable because you're going to be pressed to be on your comfort zone it's been all of those things but it is true what they say that diamonds are only born under pressure and um if you want to be a diamond in young living you're just going to have to like you're going to like be like oh change oh things are going on you're going to have to be able to stretch and kind of push through that so um i am excited to help lead you guys through just a little portion of this i love our compensation plan i am a huge fan of it i love to teach it i love all the little nuances i've said always that i think it's brilliant it is a brilliant compensation plan the way that we get paid the security of our company and the way that they both pay people really well for the things that they do but then also secure the company so that we're they're not paying out more than a company can afford to pay out because you know let's be real whether you're buying your oils at young living or buying your oils at target um somebody's making money off of that because there's you know supply chains and there's um people who have to put stuff in boxes and all the things and at young living they just take the bulk of that marketing budget and they hand it right back out to the people who are actually doing the marketing and so i'm here to say like i'll i'll market our oils and take some of that i'm good with that i think you are too that's why you're here right so um we are uh we're gonna just learn how to do that really really well here so um i like i said i'm a huge fan of our comp plan um i think it's beautiful i think these changes that are coming are beautiful that's not just because i was able to have a large piece of contribution in creating them but also because i just think that they are right i think they are the right thing for our company um for this industry for this season okay and we'll unpack a little bit of that um here's the thing i am actually gonna um i'm gonna talk a little bit about the ftc just so you all know why are some of these changes going on but then the beauty of it is that as i explained to you what the ftc desires in a network marketing company and then i explain to you what we're doing you're gonna be like oh and it's gonna make a ton of sense okay the second thing so in addition to understanding that we are ftc proof that is that is the that should be like the subtitle of this class right like we want to be ftc proof okay um just like in sharing our oils we want to always be really careful not to talk prescriptively we don't want to do diagnosis or treatment with our oils because the fda does not want us to do that we want to be really careful when we talk about the business side of things that the ftc cares as far as i know the cia and fbi don't care although i probably did just get this video flagged for saying all of that um but we're just gonna talk about um what we can talk about here and what i'm ready to share and all of these details um but we are going to be ftc proof the second thing i want you to know going into this content is that um we are um we are changing less than you think we are okay uh there's a lot of terminology shifts and things that are coming about with all of this that may feel big okay they they may feel um confusing but but what i've what i've said and some of you have spoken with me directly multiple times about like so what's up with this and help me understand this and i always i mean some of y'all can vouch for this every time i teach on this to anyone from my brand new builders on my team all the way up to the diamonds who i have spoken with about this i always go it's it's the same as it is now it's just called this okay and and that is i want y'all to understand that i'm going to do everything i can to to help you see that just because we're changing the name of things um and there are some nuances that are going to change along the way for the most part it's the same as it is now okay everything is the same as it is now we're just shifting a few things to make ourselves what was our number one ftc proof okay so i mean and when i say it's the same it is now there are shifts but but the big picture like how you've been thinking about it is probably the same as it's gonna be okay all right so um let me just say the the overriding um oh okay um okay the overriding ftc concern is and there are several but they all get kind of addressed within this same um point okay um and the overriding concern is that when the ftc looks at your business and i don't mean you and me i mean like young living corporate business when they look at the corporate business the network marketing business model and the people within it who are ordering product or building a business as a distributor when the ftc looks at that they are specifically ftc stands for federal trade commission it's a governmental agency um when they look at those businesses um they are specifically saying hey so do the bulk of your purchases come from people who are trying to make money at this or do the bulk of your purchases come from people who actually like your product which i i mean think about that that totally makes sense right like um i mean it like if if um if everybody i've mentioned target so i'll mention that again if everybody at target who sold you product um made a cut of the purchase that was made but they only ever sold product to each other and they never sold it to people coming in off the street you'd look at that and you'd be like that's kind of a weird business model so you just like bring in people to buy stuff as a distributor so that they can make money off of distributors who are buying stuff like where's the actual product going to people who just love the product what's up with that and so which unpack that for a second and that'll make sense like that's weird right like the people so the ftc is like do the p the majority of people buying your product also make money from the selling of it or are they genuinely just interested in purchasing your product um and that is probably the biggest that is kind of a large category there's a bunch of rules that that live under that um but that is the biggest issue in network marketing with the ftc okay um and under that you find things like promising income you know promising to build people a business promising stacks under people huge no-no guys huge no-no um with young living and with the ftc um lots of those different things um are gonna all kind of fall under that same bucket okay so if you look at young living right now um and let's you know i i always do i'm a tall i'm an italian i'm gonna talk with my hands so if that makes you crazy i don't really know what to tell you um so if you look at all of the people that we have on our teams now you may have four people on your team you may have 40 000 people on your team but however many people you have on your team um if you are looking at the people on that team i can i can pretty much accurately estimate that you have this many people doing retail purchases re currently classified as a retail customer and you have about this many people currently classified as a distributor now in our minds with young living we see these people as actually being a little bit subdivided right we're like well technically they're called distributors but really we just consider them wholesale customers or wholesale members and so they get the wholesale pricing they're not really a distributor like when they want to distribute they're going to like let me know or they're going to enroll their mom or something they're not really distributors but here's the deal when the ftc looks at these people they signed the policies and procedures they are distributors okay the problem with that then is that when the ftc if i don't know that they actually have taken a deep dive into our company to be very very candid with you all i'm not sure if they have or not i believe that a lot of these changes are preemptive which two billion dollar company thanks for being smart enough to shift some of this before you know it was a problem right um but if the ftc were to look at this what they would look at is the all remember we've got this many retail customers right like this teeny i mean even on my team with tens of thousands of members um you know i have like four or 500 retail customers tiny tiny true retail customers tiny numbers okay um but this is my distributors of them only about this many are really distributing but these people are all classified as distributors y'all tracking with me so um um somebody's saying it's frozen can y'all still see me i hope y'all can still see me um so y'all throw me a heart or something so i can see if i don't know or say something whatever hello um okay so when the ftc looks at this many distributors um and they and they you know take a glance at it all they're gonna see is oh man there are a lot of people who are distributors with this company who technically have failed businesses because they are not earning an income okay so um so remember we have this many retail customers this many distributors but you and i both know there's just this little tiny portion it's it's roughly nine percent and this is true in my organization um if you look at the income disclosure which you can always find at ids which stands for income disclosure statement ids ids make a note of that um it's going to show you nine to ten percent of people are doing the business side of things um and so what that means is that the ftc would look at this and say you sure do have an awful lot of distributors purchasing product with failed businesses not good okay so the the primary goal of all of these changes sets on top of reclassifying this group of people into what they actually are many of them are just customers they're just ordering product because they love product and they use it and then we have business builders who also hopefully order product and are building a business with young living okay so i just want you guys to have that in mind okay too many failed businesses now listen we all know they're not like these people in the middle between retail and distributor are not failed businesses they're people who just love their product and because of the way you come into young living we call them wholesale members but they're actually classified as a distributor okay so i just want to make sure you all get that because that's that's like the gist of what we're dealing with here okay so um all right so we are shifting i'm looking at my notes over here on the screen so we are shifting the business to allow for us to be customer focused we want to shift what we're doing to make sure that the majority of sales are coming in from customers and not from business builders doesn't mean we don't still want products being purchased by business builders i mean i'm just here to say you to tell you if you're a brand partner on my team or on any of the teams and you don't ever order product i'm going to be like so you're suggesting people order a product that you're not interested in ordering okay gotcha um hashtag integrity issue just saying okay but just if and i don't get don't come at me with budget issues and all that i'm not trying to be i'm just saying like there comes a point where if you're trying to build a business and you're telling people these products are awesome i would hope you're using them right okay that's all i'm saying on that okay so we want to be more customer focused we want to be way more customer focused in everything that we do moving forward okay so the very first shift that we are going to see for this which this happens on may first by the way i will reiterate the timeline of all of this for you guys again at the end of the call so just hang tight okay but the first change that we're going to see is that we are going to allow people to come into the company differently so instead of having retail customers and distributors we are going to have customers and brand partners okay everyone is going to come in through this door labeled customer they are going to purchase product they are going to purchase whatever product they want they are not going to be required to come in with a premium starter kit in fact those are being phased out we'll talk about that in a second but the starter kit the starter bundle whatever you want to call that will no longer be required they will still be available they will be reconfigured in some ways but people will be able to come in with whatever they want okay so if they just want to come in with my favorite lip gloss which is maven they can come in with maven um if they just want to come in with one of my favorite oils cypress they can do that if they want to come in with believe which i just showed you guys how much i love this they can come in with that if they want to come in with my two favorite supplements super b and sulfurs on they can come in with that they can come in the door with whatever they want to come in with okay and they will be classified as a customer every tiny subset of retail customers and then we had wholesale well they were distributors but in our brain we thought of them as wholesale customers or wholesale members okay um the key to that was these people paid full price these people came in through a very narrow door which let's just pause for a second and say like we're all pretty awesome for building the businesses that we built considering our door was a freaking hundred and sixty five dollars wide okay hello like that's awesome so i'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that when people come at me in like four months and they're like it's real hard to get people to come in i'm gonna be like dude you can have them come in with lavender like i built a freaking empire on a 165 dollar sized door and you can have people come in with lavender so like hold that right i mean i'm kind of kidding but like also right i mean y'all hear me okay so we have had retail and wholesale we are still going to have retail and wholesale that is still going to exist however they are all going to be seen as customers whether they are pay and i'm going to tell you how they come in but whether they are paying retail or whether they are paying wholesale they are still customers customer customer customer when you log into your virtual office and you see them in your downline customer when you you know are running a report and you're like who are my brand partners and who are my customers that's it those are gonna be the two delineations that you have that's it you're not gonna see brand partner wholesale customer retail customer nope you're gonna have brand partner and customer okay y'all got that so customer is customer is customer is customer that is a little bit of a brain switch and you're gonna have to process through that okay but um here's how they come in as a customer there are three ways okay i don't have slides for you i'm sorry i did not make slides i am a talker um i wrote a book i already told you about this if you feel like you need it on paper go grab it but listen here's the three ways just just pretend i wrote this down nice and neat for you okay number one they can come in with anything they want and if their total purchase is less than a hundred pv okay not a hundred dollars we all know this right they throw a diffuser in there it's possible to bump them over a hundred dollars but not over 100 pv okay 100 pv if they are under 100 pv they are coming in as a customer customer customer customer but they will be paying retail prices on that order and future orders hold on i'll tell you how they can unlock the discount in the future okay but they're going to be paying retail prices that's fine right if people just want to come in and buy a bottle of lavender i'll take it people want to come in they want to buy a golden touch kit i'll take it people want to come in they just want a diffuser and a bottle of lemon i'll take it that's fine they're going to pay retail that's fine the the what new website is very very clearly going to show them how to unlock the 24 discount okay that is it's got like this cute little bar at the top and the bar like fills in as they get close to 100 pv it's also gonna unlock free shipping so it's gonna really encourage them to spend more in that way but they can still come in under a hundred pv and pay retail as a customer okay if they spend 100 pv or more on that first order that will drop them into checking out with wholesale pricing to you they will still look like a customer i'm saying that a hundred times because it's probably the number one question i've gotten okay but if they do 100 pv then they're a distributor no no they're a customer they're a customer we'll talk about that in a second but they're a customer okay um so they can come in let's recap under a 100 pv they pay retail 100 pv or over they pay wholesale still a customer they can also come in with their first purchase and put something on subscription and i will unpack the whole subscribe to save program for you all in a second but there is a subscription option and so at checkout it's going to be just like when you're on amazon and you're like going to get your toilet paper and you're getting your toilet it's like you can buy it now or you can subscribe and save this percent well that's how what this is going to look like to them buy it now or subscribe and save 24 and if they decide to put that one item on subscription they can choose every month every two months or every three months i do believe that those those time frames will get longer eventually but right now they can choose every month every two months or every three months if they do that that will unlock their discount as well still a customer okay so three ways to come in under 100 pv paying retail over a hundred pv wholesale pricing subscribe to at least one thing again it can be like you know a five dollar bottle of vitality oil and as long as they put on so it can be a chapstick i hate it when people say chapstick lip balm it can be a lip balm um and if they just want to get some oh don't be mad i've got vanilla right here hey um but if they want some lavender lip balm on subscription boom now do i think you're doing a disservice to your people if you're just trying to lock them in with a lip balm yeah massively like that's super not helpful to just bring somebody through the door on something so minuscule okay so like make an effort to help people get engaged with product not just like grab one inexpensive item okay but those are the three different ways that they can come in as a customer and they can choose their discount rate based on how they come in okay um i did see a question is this just in the u.s currently this is launching in the united states on may 1st um it will extend out just like every other program does but they're going to let the united states break it first right i'm just kidding except i'm not but you know what i mean they're going gonna just like let us deal with it first work it all out and then it will ripple out into other countries i don't know who's getting it next don't even ask me i have no idea okay so the second layer of terminology and new stuff so we talked about customers we talked about how we're going to bring everybody in through this customer pathway and i'll talk about what you make on them and all of that in a second just hold tight the other grouping of people is brand partners now if a customer says hey i really want to share with people and i'd like to do that they have the ability to refer to people to product like they're going to have a link that they can refer but customers are not allowed to get paid that's an ftc thing customers are not allowed to get income from the company because they're a customer they're not um they're not a they're not under any sort of a business agreement with the company any policies and procedures that set them into any particular um you know business regulations um and so they are not allowed to get income from the referrals that they give out they can refer people but they're not going to make anything on it um the only way that they can make something on it is if they upgrade to brand partner um i will just say this is a real this is an interesting opportunity for us um just just processing through it because i know i think like well if i have a friend who is a customer and you know she might be interested in having me like educate some people at her house or whatever on product kind of like we've done classes in the past and all of that um totally game for that if she's a customer and maybe uh maybe i give her an option you know maybe i'm like hey i'm looking for customers who would want to um let me share these products with their friends and you know if your party or your class generates x amount of sales then i'm going to gift you this basket of goodies but if it generates this much sales i'm going to get you this basket of goodies but then i'm going to go back to them and go or you can upgrade your account and take the money that's what i would recommend right i mean they do 500 in sales i'll give them a 50 basket of something or they can upgrade their account and i'll talk to you in a minute about how they would have made 125 dollars on that particular deal right so it's a way for us to work with customers some of them just want to stay a customer they literally just want free product that's fine i'm good with that too so me send me your people because i'll bring them in and then you know get them to host a class or whatever along the way as well right anyway just just giving you that frame of reference so can customers refer people yes um is it in their uh um best interest to do so um from a direct financial standpoint maybe not but um if they do and it becomes something they can always flip up to brand partner within the same month that the sales happen and get paid so and we'll talk about that but brand partner is um okay so again let's go then and now right currently and then in the past with young living there was the little retail customers but then everybody else came in as a distributor and at that point as you came in as a distributor we always called that wholesale customer just to make it seem less weird they signed a policies and procedures they bought a particular starter kit to come in um they technically were coming in as a distributor they were they were hurtling into this category it was just a really murky category of both distributors and not distributors who were classified as a distributor super awkward now what we're going to do is we're going to have customers and the the hurdle that they're going to jump to be a brand partner is that they are going to jump into brand partner by buying a 30 business essentials kit now the business essentials kit is pretty awesome um it comes with a copy of the rise booklet it comes with a copy of um i think it's called rise to royal which is another booklet that's really beautiful um it come do you have it with me no no i don't have them with me i think i've got them at home i would just i would have shown them to you it also comes with a informational card about yl insights which is replacing oily tools and it's a free app for all young living distributors or brand partners sorry i still got to get my my uh terminology updated sometimes free to everybody it's already out it's still kind of a little bit better ish it's free so you know they're still working out a few kinks on it but um it is free replaces oily tools and so there's a little informational card and then they will also get three months free of the my yl website which i'm here to tell you i love this website it's still super then it's still super old school a little rickety you know it's a little um kind of looks like somebody typed it on their commodore 64. it's a little rough but it will shift and be as beautiful as the new sales platform will be so just deal with it for now if you go ahead and get it set up anything that you start to program in it right now you can do starter kit um stuff it's pretty fancy anything that you do with it right now will not necessarily transfer over so i would just not get too in depth with it right now but the my yl it's just my

in order to sign up for that you actually go into your virtual office that's vo go into your virtual office and then it's under like where your profile and your wallet and all of that is in the kind of the account settings of your virtual office one of the links towards the bottom is my yl you can sign up for your account there it's like 9.99 a month um and so with this business essentials kit which cost thirty dollars they will get three months free of my yl so um the price is for sure built into that for them to have these resources absolutely um so it's going to be a really awesome thing here's the beautiful thing about the my yl site i am a huge advocate for these sites i make no money from them but i'm a huge i mean other than the enrollments you will be able to build custom bundles on myyl so for example if you have a certain bundle of supplements that you talk about often on social media or in one of your classes you'll be able to have a custom bundle for it um i use mine if you want to go check it out right now you're welcome to do that mine is my slash aaron rodgers spelled like my name e-r-i-n-r-o-d you can go look at the homepage again remember it's real now it's real commodore 64 right now um but you can still see that you have the ability to create custom bundle enrollments and all of those kind of things in there that's going to shift and be even more beautiful so when i love to talk about certain um product bundles for dealing with my autoimmune condition or dealing with certain product bundles for um a class that i might be teaching i can pre-formulate the start a hundred pv bundle that will be a one-click ad for people to add into their shopping cart i can have other options at the bottom that they can add in with it and they check out and boom their discount is unlocked if they're at 100 pv they're a customer under me it's all super easy and it's flowed straight from this website and not been anything more complicated than that okay so hugely think this is a great deal so all of the brand partners after may 1st actually it's may 11th is the reclass date for that i'll talk about that in a second but after may 11th um anybody who comes in as a brand partner who takes that 30 leap into being a brand partner will get that website for three months and they will have unlocked the ability to earn income from young living now all of you who are watching right now may be reclassified come may 11th is the date for that and check my notes um and the way that that's gonna work is that um if you are a customer per a list of rules you'll be you know per like you really have just been a customer you'll reclassify as a customer if you have prefer performed certain brand partner tasks over the course of the last year technically that since may 1st 2020 then you will be reclassified as a brand partner and i believe some emails have gone out about this so a lot of you may have already gotten an email about this the four actions that will reclassify you automatically as a brand partner are that you have enrolled someone since may 1st 2020 you have received a paycheck since may 1st 2020 you have hit a rank since may 1st 2020 or you have purchased any number of a list of business tools since may 1st 2020 and it's a very long list of tools it's like the compensation um brochure in the vo or um some of the um there's just a bunch of different things in there one of the business tools for being automatically reclassified is also the my yl website and so if you have it now if you update and grab it now and start playing around with it that'll actually make sure that you stay in as a business as a brand partner come may 11th i'm just throwing that out there for you okay all right so um so what does this mean for you as a brand partner um so brand partners are eligible to earn commissions on their downline they're eligible to rank up they're eligible to earn commissions and to do all of these sorts of things um and so here's what i want to i'm going to kind of break that down for you so that you can understand how that plays out i'm still going to talk about subscribe to save hold on i've got i promise i'm going to do that members who are who are going to re-class automatically on may 11th you will not receive a brand brand business essentials kit the 30 you will not automatically receive one of those they will be an option for you to purchase later as supplies are available okay so um you won't be able to just grab one of those um immediately they're holding those for people who may choose to purchase them because obviously they're going to need to actually get the 30 kit when they do that um as opposed to people who are automatically reclassified you're not having to pay thirty dollars though okay hear that out right if you qualify today um as a brand partner and for the reclass you're not having to pay the 30 bucks so no you're not going to get the kit for free there will be an option at some point like i said for you to buy them probably but not right off the bat okay you only need to have done one of those four things in order to be reclassified as a business as a brand partner you need to have enrolled someone since last may hit a rank earned a paycheck or bought one of those business resources okay i'm going to get my whiteboard out because that's how i do this and i want you guys to see um some of the things that are going to be in effect for you guys as brand partners moving forward so one of the things is that um kind of a big shock that people heard i feel like there have been just a few things that people have like latched onto as being um like really crazy information to take in and i want i'm gonna unpack it all for you as much as i can here um and so um here's the deal um the psk bonus the starter kit bonus is going away okay that is not going to exist it's actually not going to exist after june 1st okay all the rest of these things are going into effect on may 1st this is um kind of filtering out over until june 1st now here's what here's what's going on okay make sure you guys can see this on the screen um currently as a distributor when you sign someone up with a psk it is 165 dollars and is worth 100 pv okay pv stands for point value or product value kind of stands for a couple of different things depending on where it's being used but that 100 pv is assigned to this starter kit so when you have a class and you help somebody get started with a psk right now this is what the value of it is they pay 165 dollars um the commissionable payout only is earned on the 100 pv of it though um so currently there is a starter kit bonus at play um and we often refer to it as fifty dollars okay however that's not ac that's not accurate um the and i mean it's not inaccurate but it's it's uh not the whole story okay so here's what happens when somebody joins your team with or enrolls with you with a psk this 50 is actually two 25 dollar bonuses that are merging that we call it the psk bonus okay and they are a 25 starter kit bonus and then the other 25 comes from a program called fast start okay fast start is a bonus that young living pays out during the brand new members first three months so when my friend enrolls with this starter kit i make 25 of their pv back in payable commissions to me each of their first three months since this starter kit is a hundred pv we can all do this simple math listen i used to be a math teacher but we can all do this one right 25 of 100 is 25 and so this is actually the fast start bonus being paid out here and this is where we get um this is where we get the what we tend to casually refer to as the 50 bonus for selling a starter kit okay now this part right here is going away but here's the deal guys so is this they are reworking all of our favorite bundles whether it's thieves or the oil starter kit is often the one that we think of for this particular breakdown we are this these kits are going away and they're reworking them we do not have details on that we do not have specifics on what those are going to look like i have zero answers for you on that okay i'm just telling you that in total this whole thing is shifting because this is shifting and if this doesn't really exist in this context anymore there's no reason for this either okay so here's how it's going to work i'm seeing questions in the comments about is this recorded it's totally recorded on facebook i'm not planning to delete it so um it'll still be there all right so what's going to happen moving forward without that i'm a brand partner and i bring somebody into the business how do i get paid well we already talked about the fact that your friends are going to be able to come in three different ways they're going to be able to cut they're going to be a customer when they buy just a product they're going to be a customer when they buy 100 pv or more but they're going to get that wholesale pricing but they're still going to be a customer and they're going to be able to come in as a customer by subscribing to something maybe it's a supplement maybe it's a an oil maybe it's a thieves household cleaner they're gonna be able to subscribe and come in they'll get wholesale pricing by doing that okay and so here's the deal currently they're only really able to come in through that narrow expensive 165 door okay in the future they're going to be able to come in a number of different ways and this is how we're going to want to begin growing our businesses and so we are going to have all we're going to have a couple of different things going on so in the past people came in with the psk they spent 165 dollars it was worth 100 pv and we made 50 for this okay so if i if you're someone on my team and you're like aaron come over and let's do a class and teach my friends and i'm like that's great you have five people there and all five of the people um in that whole class order their starter kit and they get their starter kit um then the potential earnings from their enroller is 250 okay um and then that puts that in roller because of the pv here has gained 500 pv actually that would technically be their ogb their overall group volume would reflect 500 for this particular class now here's the deal this is the shift and where it gets really really amazing and i want to make sure to break this down for y'all so track with me on this okay this is old right there okay here's what happens now okay if you have a class you have five people over and they each come over and they spend 165 dollars in partner i mean in product okay 165 um in product they've grabbed some supplements they've grabbed a thieves household cleaner they've grabbed some oils um you know they've gotten all the best stuff and let's say that everything that they've purchased is a full pv product then you would gain they would have spent 165 pv on that particular purchase now because the starter kit bonus is not in play here um what we're talking about here is you making fast start remember we went over that that means the first three months that they are a customer you make 25 of their pv okay now listen before you're like that's it and what about forever unilevel commissions all the other things generational bonuses once you hit silver all that stuff still exists none of that is changing in fact the only thing really changing here is that the starter kit bonus is going away this as i'm about to break it down this still exists today we just don't utilize it because you'd have to bring somebody in with a basic kit for this okay but this is exactly how it works today and how it's going to work okay if they come in with 165 in product they spend 165 pv and you have all five of them do this um then you are here's what's going to be the play out you are going to make hold on i have this written down you're going to make 206 dollars and 25 cents now is that less than 250 yes it is less than 250 i am able to do math math teacher math major i totally feel you i got it i got it that this is less than this i totally feel you on that but here's the cool thing you have now added to your team volume not 500 ogv oh no no five times this which is 825 ogb now let me ask you a question when you are sitting at the end of a month and you are looking at your goal for that particular month whether you're trying to hit star whether you're trying to hit senior star or you're trying to you know get your gold leg your third gold leg in place at six thousand whatever you're trying to do and you're like okay you know what i need i need 300 to get where i need to get do you think and i'm really asking you seriously to think about this for a second do you think it's going to be easier to find three people that you're going to be able to sign up with a 165 dollar starter kit or do you think it's going to be easier for you to do a class or a gathering with some friends who are interested in learning about product and sell three hundred dollars worth of product i'm here to tell you that that seems so i mean i'm not trying to say it's easy because i'm like i'm a royal crown dumb and i've been around a while no listen i mean i'm just saying when it comes to going hey let me help you meet your health needs bringing people in through the door of this starter kit and finagling those oils which i'd still believe everyone needs in their home and i will always believe everyone needs our oils and a diffuser in their home period but there are some times that i talk to someone and i'm like girlfriend you need some super b like you really you're struggling with energy you're struggling with brain fog girlfriend you need some super b let me help you get some super b in your life and i could sell super b every day literally every day to people but i can't very easily right now because i have to come in through the door with a basic starter kit with this oh i can sell some super b right i can i can get that going i need 300 ogv somewhere boom we can do that we can educate that we can get that going we can help people understand we can help people talk to somebody about something that they have going on um that we feel like a supplement would be a great fit for etc etc um and so what i think is going to happen is that we are actually going to get paid and reflected in our in our numbers it's going to reflect the effort that we have put in instead of reflecting part of the effort and so this is going to let our teams explode here's the other thing listen do you think truly truly think through your team and your people and the experiences that you've had is this person likely to turn right around and have seen change through the products that they've ordered and order another 100 pv the next month or is this person going to be more likely to do that statistically historically going into the data with young living this person 10 out of 10 times is more likely to come back and order more product because they came in with what they really wanted they felt heard and seen and understood and they came in with products that they're more likely to be ready to use here you've got people that three months down the road they're like what is panaway right and so with this person we're getting them exactly what they need we're really helping them come in with exactly what they need to get okay um all right so get pumped i mean i'm pumped i'm super pumped if you haven't gathered that i'm real excited about this um unilevel bonuses still exist so after that three month fast start period you'll get the same thing as before that's the eight five four four four if you've never heard that that just means people on your level one that you've kept directly under you you make eight percent of their pv people on your level two you make five percent and then it goes four four four four levels three four and five okay and that's how simple unit level compensation is unit level pays out huge because as this person shares and these people share you tend to have way more people on those levels three four and five than you do up top on that level two or that level one and so that's the numbers go down a little bit but the payout becomes much more extreme at those other levels all right here's another piece of terminology um that i want to make sure you guys are aware of because this is kind of a fun thing um and that is that there is a new rank with young living hold up it's not above royal crown diamond there's not like a new level of like i would be like i'm out like holy crap i'm tired this is a lot right here let's not do that right no no no no what this means is that currently currently in our now or yeah now plan um currently we are um people come in as a distributor right everybody does except for the little retail people everybody comes in as a distributor and so because of that everyone's classified as a distributor once they put in 100 pv for the month they're a distributor and they're a distributor until they're a star and that there's just as i like everybody's a distributor there's lots of distributors making no money but there's a lot of distributors ordering product and they're they're just distributors and then there's stars okay that makes sense except it's weird because like there's millions of distributors who are doing nothing to just they're not distributing they're just classified as that so moving forward since we're since people are not going to come in that way they're not going to come in as a distributor they're going to come in as a customer and then they're going to hurdle to brand partner right we've been over this a few times hopefully that makes sense so those brand partners once they are eligible to be paid okay once they are rank elig or a paycheck eligible we'll talk about that in a second then the first rank is associate okay that's new and kind of fancy i mean i like it okay so their associates until they hit the rank of star so if they're eligible to get paid on their downline but they're not yet a star then they're called an associate so here's the deal this is what you're going to see in your vo when you look at login you know we have the little and those of you if you don't have anybody in your downline or you've never hit a rank you're not going to have seen this but if you've ever seen a rank you know that the little gray button the before your name pops and becomes um star like star just has an s in it and it just has a remember what color it is but it just has a little um little button there and then senior star is a different color and then executive is like red with an e and then silver is like i think yellow with an s and then gold is orange with a g platinum is green with a p and then you get up to the upper layers beyond that okay there's gonna be a brand partner just a generic brand partner one there there's gonna be an associate one and there's also going to be one for a customer so you'll know at a glance who's who in your downline okay super super simple you're going to see all of this in your downline really straightforward really easy for you to just at a glance know what's going on if they are not an associate they are not eligible to get paid on their downline even if they're a brand partner okay now how do they get paid on their downline well let's do this i'll let y'all i love my whiteboard i hope y'all are okay with this this is how i teach um you can ask my team i taught all my very first um classes for them all of my first um compensation plan stuff which those videos are still floating around and they're terrifying but i taught all the first ones on the floor in my basement with my kids white board they had one of those like artboards on a little easel and then my cat chandler would always jump in oh sweet memories okay um so here's the deal if you have i'm gonna say here's me and i've begun sharing product with my friends okay and so in the process i have enrolled a whole bunch of customers okay i've got a whole bunch of customers that i have enrolled and then my friend over here decided that she wanted to host um you know a little class for me and so she did that and she got three people to buy product and we were like super pumped and i was like you can have these products for free from me as a gift for hosting or if you want to you can upgrade your brand partner and if you have good brand partner then you're gonna make 25 off of all their purchases that's the fast start bonus that we just talked about and she's like i'm doing it and so she upgrades to brand partners she's like let's go okay and then there's like this other person down here and they're like sign me up and they do the same thing all right quick terminology lesson for you if i had another color oh i don't know if this will write or not let's try okay i don't even know if you'll be able to see this only got orange okay these oh that's not gonna work that's going in the trash okay these people right here listen i'm i'm not getting deep in terminology here that looks like an eye let me let me erase that i'm not i'm not going deep on comp plan here so just like bear with me for a half a second okay these people that are all direct to me are my level one okay they're personally sponsored now hear me say this it is possible that this person could have been enrolled by my upline and placed on my front line okay in which case i'm not her enroller she is but this person is still on my front line my level one so they're still personally sponsored by me they're enrolled by someone else but they're sponsored by me sponsored is just placement okay enrollment is who got them started sponsored is who are they direct to just placement location sponsor is a location word okay um so these people right here see this brand partner is on my level one so her level one is my level two and then i would go down three y'all tracking with me so once these people are all out of fast start and unilevel comes into play this is where we i would get paid eight percent five percent four percent four or four okay you'll track with me on that all right that's as deep as i'm going on that okay so looking at this here's the deal um if i am an associate through an executive there is a new piece of terminology that applies to me in order for me to be eligible to receive a paycheck now one of the things that we talked about early on if you were here for the beginning of the call as we talked about when the ftc looks at our businesses they want to look down and they want to see that the majority of product is being ordered or being purchased by people who are genuinely customers and right now because of the weird way that we've had this like everybody becomes a distributor thing they would look at our company and they would say all of these people are buying product in order to make money and very few of them are actually making money because remember only about 10 of people are actually doing the business with young living so the other 90 they're really are truly just like happy customers now some of them may have a down line because they've either enrolled people or people have been placed so they may technically become a brand partner but you know for the behavior-wise they would seem more like a customer to us they'll be a brand partner but they would seem like a customer um and so um um so when the ftc looks at all of these people they're looking and saying is the majority of the purchasing happening from the people trying to make money from this or is the majority of the purchasing happening from the people who actually want the product it's like our example i gave about target right if target paid a percentage out to all of their employees but then when but they never let customers come in the door and they only let people come in if they agreed to be an employee and to make money it would be weird it would be a super shady business model and so that's not what we want here and so because of that there's this really cool concept that we are introducing for the ranks of associate to executive and it's called customer volume um customer volume okay customer volume is defined very simply okay it is you plus um level one customers you technically personally sponsored customers okay same thing as level one it's you plus level one or personally sponsored customers it's just an addition game just add up the pv that they all spent okay so if i spent 100 and this person spent 25 not a customer their brand partner this person spent 75 they spent 100 and they spent 200 then i've got 100 300 400 500 my customer volume would be 500 for this okay now my ogd my overall group volume is going to be much higher because i also have all these brand partners and all the other stuff going on here but just in terms of customer volume it would be me plus my level one customers okay now here's the deal you at from associate to executive you must have 100 customer volume okay in order to get a paycheck your cv must be 100. now listen i'm good to go

right here because i've got the 100 in okay um if for some reason i did not order 100 this month and i ordered 75 um i would still be fine because i have all of this other customer volume now the idea here here's the deal you can look at this one of two ways you can look at this as i don't have to order as much right which i already talked to you about like if you're encouraging people to order a product i hope that you are also using an ordering product okay that's that's just number one but the reason that this exists is because for most people when they first get started they don't have an organization that looks like this they just have a couple of customers that maybe are coming in and maybe it's more like um maybe it's more like they had a little class and they referred a few people and like this person i don't remember all the numbers offhand so just deal with it because my brain is full of numbers right now but let's say this person ordered a lavender and this person ordered a thieves and this person ordered a peppermint and this person ordered like 200 worth of product right they just did a simple class and signed up a few people as customers and this is what they did and so now if you look at this all right 225 that's 275. so this is 310 if i did that right in ogb under them on their front line these are all personally sponsored customers let's do a quick test if they are in their um if they just signed up and this is what they all signed up with what is this person eligible to make they're all in fast start she'd be getting 25 of all of this volume which would be just over um it would be like 70 750 i believe that's right is what you'd be getting on this okay so this person held a class helped people order all of this they make 77.50 off of the volume that has come in on here and so what young living would look at and what the ftc would look at is they would say if you're going to require this person to spend a hundred dollars in order to make 77.50 that's shady

um and i get that i get that for our brand new builders who are just getting started many of them are getting started and especially with the model allowing for customers to to come in at any level many of them are getting started and not quite making what they're spending and so this is this is where this comes into play this is gonna help us be ftc proof now am i still gonna encourage this person hey it's gonna be real hard for you to have a class for your friends to come to for you to show off product if you don't have any product yeah that yeah like you're going to need some product at some point they came in with product they wouldn't be a customer and have upgraded to a brand partner without it right but um but they they are not going to be required to spend a full hundred pv themselves they're going to be able to add in so they may just be like you know what i think i'm just going to order 75 this month so a few things that i want i'm on subscription with some stuff and i'm going to order 75 that may be what they choose to do but they have some flexibility this allows our brand new people coming in to um to kind of like level up to the point that they're able to spend more money now listen here's the deal this is why this cv rule right here only exists from associate to executive because listen friend by the time you hit silver a you better be loving the product enough to order it and b you are making enough to cover your 100 pv purchase so from from may 1st on silvers still have to order 100 pv personally that still has to happen um but after may 1st executive and below have this as an option now a lot of our teams and and i've looked in my downline a ton for this a lot of our teams don't have customer volume um they've built and structured under people they don't have a lot of what these are these are the kind of people that i have just in um casual terminology been calling floating customers because they need to be floating up on your front line now can they have referred people this is a really good question that i don't know if any of you asked but i'm asking myself what happened if this person has referred a few people and maybe i gave them a gift and they didn't actually um you know they didn't actually uh upgrade to brand partner do they still count as cv for me yeah they're a customer on your level one their personally sponsored customer so yeah absolutely they they still qualify as customer volume for you um and so what i would encourage you guys as you're as you're looking at this and i'm just going to be real there are going to be people who are going to look at this and they're going to try to game their way out of having to spend money okay that's good if you're gaming your way out of having to spend money as you're trying to grow a business that you hope is going to be as big as the one i have all right then um i feel like i feel like the intention that you put on your business is what's going to grow it and if your intention is what's the littlest amount i have to do in order to make this work i don't think that's going to pay out for you real well long term i don't mean just in your paycheck this month you'll still get it if you qualify but i just mean long term right i mean my mentality in building my business and building the empire that i have built is not what's the littlest i can do and make this work it's been holy crap somebody tell me to like take a break because this is so fun and this is i want to pour every minute and every ounce of energy i have into this and i need somebody to hold me back right and so there's two different ways to look and the same is true for my spending let's just get real we order a lot of product each month because we are a young living family you know we all do bajillions of supplements we all do ningxia head we go through bottles of oils constantly because we are a young living product using family so i just want to put that out there if you're like oh but i have people who are going to game the system if they were going to game the system if you're going to game the system you may not get real far with it sorry that was kind of that was kind of straightforward but i'm a straight shooter okay so customer volume well let's move on past that let me make sure let me check my notes and make sure i've got all of that all right let's talk about subscribe to save guys you ready for this um all right so subscribe to save is um this is now and everything that i talk about from here on out this is how we all order okay this is our an option of how we all order um if you've been on essential rewards you're going to go on to this subscribe to save program it's just it's just the same deal it's loyalty rewards i'll explain the difference between them both and why they're the same thing um and um it's not changing you're you're not getting a huge adjustment or a huge change to what you'

2021-04-16 21:52

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