Simplicity in Business

Simplicity in Business

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Hello. And welcome everybody Janet, Becker's here from, romantic, tribe radio and I'm so excited to introduce you. To. My beautiful friend. Malala schinsky hey mallanna, hey. Darlin is great to be here I'm excited, to talk to Australia. Oh my god. I'm. Really excited too because, when. We we. First met. In. Well. What we thought was Hollywood. You. Thought so too yes. Old. Yeah what, we thought was a much, bigger advance. Opportunity. But it was a really good adventure, anyway where we were both being on the set of a, documentary, and. For. Me the thing that was, the biggest. Highlight, of the whole experience. Was meeting, mallanna, because. There was a lot, of hanging around wasn't. There when they were absolutely, filled. Hugh, mentoree so, we. Sort of became BFFs and, hung, out in the back of the studio just catching. Up on everything. That we. Were both passionate about and so. Much of that was about, business, and, making. It different to people making, your difference to people wasn't it, it. Resin was awesome, yes and I remember the you and I both kind of were. A little bit awestruck, or starstruck, when that woman, from the movie et, showed up yeah. Yeah. Hollywood. Yeah. Yeah, we can we can now we can share it that way. Yeah. So. I've invited my ladder along today because. Ah, look. I know, that Milan atoll bit more about her story but when I first became aware of Milano, it was when. She was working on recurring. Revolution. Where she was helping people with recurring. Incomes, she. Was really, Manning the goat as a go to space, in, in. Telly summits like you invited, the. Telly summit model didn't you like it. It happens yes folks this was ground zero so. Inventing. The tele summers and really. I can remember when. I first started out getting CDs. That would buy you on, how, to make a membership size like this was way back, right. At. The very beginning, so. Mallanna's been there but you've managed to. Always. Stay ahead of the curve you've always managed, to, you. Know say see, a different. Way of doing, things and then working out how to do it and then doing it incredibly, well and, then. Seeing, the. Next, opportunity. So it's not as if you're you, know skidding, from one thing to another you're looking, at the way things, are done and how, can we do them better and really think outside the box so. That's. That's. Kind of where you've got to at the moment isn't it you've got a different, sort, of phase that you're going through that, you're. Really. Developing, new. Ways of doing business yeah. Well time times, keep, changing. People, are. Starting, to be more savvy online as. Consumers. Know. Those, old marketing, tricks where, you could post. I. Don't. Know like get, this now or this webpage disappears. In 20 minutes yeah, anymore. I used to like I literally remember buying. A product and there would be like a pop-up window that would say. This. Offer goes away in 20 minutes this page will disappear. So, you better by now right like those pressure. Tactics I think.

People Will look at it now and say oh really, okay. Yeah. Yeah. And disappear so I'll move on to somebody else I don't think that people are as easily. Influenced. By those tricks and so as people and you know consumers, got savvy, or and smarter, they also got more skeptical. Hmm. And so. They. Also have a lot more choices, right. When, I was starting out back in 2001. I, heard, the words life, coach and business, coach for the very first time and, so. I was, intrigued. By that. And. Today I went to Walmart because it's like literally, two. Streets away from my house, so it's an easy stop, to to get something. That I need quickly and I, saw a cashier. And his, tag, name. Tag said, um. John. And, his. Last statement and it said coach Oh fry. And, I asked him what do you mean by that he you know like I just coach other associates, here. Associates. That yes, yes, so the, word coach has not penetrated the, most. Unreachable. Layers. Of population, it's about to speak right. And. Also coaching. And, I don't know how many people are listening and, watching your podcast, who are. Coaches. And who are interested in coaching but. It's now blended. There. Is no longer, a very clear line between coaching. And. Every. Other business owner. Offering. Coaching, Drive. Professional. Coach or, you could be an accountant. Offering, coaching right, you could just decide one morning that you want to offer coaching so that, the, marketing, internet. Marketing coaching. Industry have blended, so, now it's impossible to tell who is who who. And, what has been offered. When. And where it's, the. Overwhelm. Is unprecedented, yeah, that's. A good point, I haven't actually thought of that Milani arrived because, it used, to be very much to, be consider yourself a coach. You. You. Know you would have. Developed. And learnt a whole suite, of tools to. To, coach you actually, walk people through a. Step. And so. I. Resisted. Calling. Myself that was my alarm sorry it, is so long. Outside. It's the sounds, they're you know you're like in a spa somewhere. One that wakes me up to bird sound. Yeah. Yeah, it's um yeah it's. Very early in the morning here in Australia sorry but, um yeah back to the coaching, we just got disrupted, by my early morning, alum me is yeah. I know I resisted. Even, referring to any of the services I did as a coach. Or in. A coaching. Business, for. Years and years and years because I felt, that you had to have, qualifications, or, sort of you know didn't feel having. The right to say that but interestingly. I've. Been calling our business a coaching, business and, a training business for, years now because that's what. People. Started. Calling calling. Me and calling us so for. People who are listening who are in that coaching, field this. Is a really, good distinction, to have now that. It's. You're not one or the other, you're a blend, which I think can be can. Be quite liberating, for a lot of people in the coaching space actually well.

It Can be liberating, but also there's a lot of resistance especially, from, people who have. Completed, coach. Training schools yeah, you feel. Kind, of like well how dare you, call yourself a coach if, you haven't, put, in the time and the mastery. That I put in to you. Know know in my life in, my career so I can, totally understand, both sides but the thing is that the market wants what the market wants the. Market, wants, this person who, just sold you a Facebook. Ads. Training. To also, coach you and. So. That's how, suddenly, you. You. A Facebook. Ads, expert. Now, become, become. A coach right so. That's. Kind, of like you, know you could call it training you could calling you, could call it support, but, the word coach has now become, so. General. And generic that I used to say that I. Started. My business working, on in coaching, industry and now I can't even say that because. What. Is the coaching industry what. The heck is a coach right is. There a coaching, industry what. And, where does the coaching industry starts. Or, ends and everything else begins right, so it's, kind of gotten really. You. Know, there's. A lot of blending, going on yeah. And so if. We if we look at. The. Changes, that you're seeing in the industry now let's. Now. Turn. That around and we'll have a look at. The. Faith what you're doing now so, and then we can talk about this especially when it comes to the coaches, about how. This. Can this can they. Can apply because. You are now focusing. On the. Simplicity circle. You. Know would, you mind describing what. Is, what. Is the simplicity circle, and then we might dive a little bit into how that's come around and then. We'll circle back to to. The changes, in the industry does that sound okay totally. Well. So. Simplicity. Circle was really, born out of me. Suddenly, seen you know I walked away from my business last year it was a seven-figure. Business if. Some things were not really working for me in, the company, with. My partner, with my business partner, I. Started. Getting a little bit Restless and, you know I get bored a, lot. If the business doesn't stimulate, my, creative, juices and, so, I walked away and. Then I spent six months. Kind. Of I don't, know if I was hibernating I was researching I was looking I was doing a lot of self exploration.

But. What, was starting to happen is, that I started. Seeing how, growing. A business can cause you. Know stress, frustration. Can, take away from happiness. And peace and, from profitability, so. I. This. Is when I discovered the idea of simplicity, entrepreneurship. Which, is what, simplicity, circle is really focused on today. And you. Know simplicity, entrepreneurship, is really a business. Growth, strategy. Based on, keeping. Your business and structure, as simple as possible it's, also a mindset. Right consciously. Making choices that, focus, on simplicity. You. Know I talked, a lot of people who are on the brink of a burnout, and. They've. Built such a monster, of a business, and they cannot even walk away from it a lot of people told me I wish I were you, then. I could just walk away but I have commitments. Clients, my team. Like. I can't walk away from that and so. Simplicity. Entrepreneurship. Is really a way to grow your business, that. Doesn't cost you your, independence. Behind. Healthy. Relationship. Oh. Look. And I would be I, would. I would be I think would be very healthy bit for me to be able to say that the majority of people who are listening to us today, they're. The. Reason why they're, exploring. About, how to build their tribe how to build. Their business online is, because they're, not looking for complexity, is they're looking for simplicity. Because it is about freedom but. The reality, is once, you start learning. These new concepts, you start going down this track it can, get so. Overwhelming. It can feel. Incredibly. Intimidating. That. It's. Very easy to lose what how you describe is the happiness in. Your business yeah. And the, problem is that there is really no way to tell. Which. Way. To grow your business which direction to grow your business into, which, marketing, strategies, are going to work for you there is no way to discern, all. The advice and all the information that comes at, you which is why simplicity, circle, is. You. Know has such an amazing purpose. Right now I'm so excited about it because I get to help people to tell you. Know this is the direction that you clear, you know look at your results I do several. Tools. And assessments, in the program that people come. Into and we look at the results and say, it. Tells you right here, that the, marketing, strategies, are not going to work for you so why are you investing so much time you. Know into in, that direction right, yeah. Brilliant. Instead. This is what you should be focusing, on because it is aligned, with your natural, skills your, natural abilities, right, so, build your business around your natural abilities I call them super skills because. When you use your super skills your results, come, with ease. Oh absolutely. Well. Let's go into. Let's. Go into some steps that people can implement. To. Be able to look, at their business and to look at simplifying and, just. Before we do that I thought it might be nice to. Put. A little bit of a frame, around. You. Know this, the, feeling of you know being, so. Your business taking so much of your life over, a lot, of times people will look at a business and they will go oh look they're amazingly, successful they've, got it all together that's. What I want, not. Really. Seeing behind the curtains that this is a person who is so burnt out and I. Know that there will be a lot of people who are listening here that will be at different phases in their business and they, are quite often looking at the phase above them or the person above them and thinking I've got. All this business stuff down, pat but. I just. Wanted to revisit like. Where you've come from is.

You. Haven't come from, business to start with you kind of. Had. To come. Into this sort of area from. From. From, a musician tell you where you were traveling, from from. The Ukraine is that correct yes. Yes I was a went, by the time I came to America, I was 19 years old and I was already. A. Diploma. Music. Teacher classical. Music teachers right I. You. Know in, Ukraine, the, education. System was a little different so by 19, I already, had graduated, with a four-year, music. Education. Degree right, I, was a kid and I was ready to teach other kids. But. Yes I was definitely not a. You. Know somebody who was ready to do. My I didn't. Hear the word marketing until, I was in my 30s, right. It, was 15 years ago. And. What. Train you into the business. Well. I wanted, to stay home with my daughter she was uh, born. In 2000. And, while I was pregnant I was you. Know starting, to explore, this thing called the Internet, you. Know it was like years, ago and, the internet was just starting. To boom. You. Know. And. I. Couldn't, find good daycare for, my daughter when she was born and so I slowly, slowly slowly ended. Up. Being. A work at home mom, started. Out by creating, websites for companies, and, then, discovered, this idea of coaching, and coaches, started hiring me to create their websites and so. That became my niche at that time, excellent. And, the more websites I created the, more I learned about how to use their website to, get. Clients and, I studied I don't. Know if there, was something creative. About marketing, the way I saw marketing was that it's an opportunity for me to create something cool and I'm always creating. Something cool right I think. A lot of people see marketing as something, that they have to do to push and to sell and you know like durty marketing, tricks I always saw it as an opportunity to. Educate people, to create value for them and to. Share something. Innovative. Like a framework, that, I, imagined. In my head yeah. Different. Ideas you know so, marketing. Doesn't have to be dirty. And. It's, so refreshing to hear somebody else say that because um I feel. Exactly the same way because my I'm. Was. An artist you know I had an art gallery was my first business. Since. I've started, this. Track of my business, I very. Rarely actually, create, a lot of art and. And. People have said to me that's a big change. Where is your creative outlet, and, and. It, took me a while to realize you know what actually. Marketing. For me is a huge, creative outlet, I get a really, similar. Creative. Return. From. Thinking. About some creative ways to get, a message out there and to involve people in, the process of the marketing so that's, fantastic to hear somebody else say it it's so true um. So. If we I wanted, to just backtrack, to look at a little bit of your story because I know that we're going to look at the. Process, here now for you to be able to grow your business by simplifying. And you, said there at the at the beginning of that happiness, and you said. There at the beginning about. You, know your what's, your real sort, of like superpowers. What's what's you're really good at so I you. Can't even start, looking at those steps without getting a feeling for what is happiness. For you why are you doing it to, start with so thank. You for sharing that, bit, of your story first, so that we can we. Can reach people can really understand as we go through these steps where you, come from when you apply it to your business so. And. You know what's interesting is that I were, I didn't realize that I was unhappy, in.

My Previous, business, until. My body told, me so, like really panic. Attacks and I didn't know what they were and what I liked the. Whole idea, about anxiety I never. It. Just was never part of my life. All. The commercials, about anxiety, and I. Didn't know what it was and I started having panic attacks and for the last two, years of running that business I, was. Experiencing. These, what I used to call episodes. I didn't know they were called panic attacks, and. So when I discovered, that these were panic attacks and that they are a result, of anxiety, I also. Realized, that I'm. Not only anxious I'm also very unhappy in, my business. And. So. I, sold. My half to my business partner and I went solo again because I was in business I've, been in business for 17, years it was only the last three years. I was in a partnership with someone that. Changed. The dynamics. Of, my business, mmm. Started. Changing my, lifestyle, changed, my, schedule. Started, changing. You. Know and so, yeah. Happiness. Was nowhere a part of it but I didn't know it which, is the most fascinating, thing to me it took my panic, attacks to tell me that I'm not happy Wow, just. Going through the motions every day waking up and doing the work doing your yeah business. Needed me, my, clients seen it mean like my, team needed me and it, was only when I found. The panic. Attacks to be unbearable, any longer, I just, made a decision to walk away from my seven-figure, business wow. That's. That's, huge. Isn't that for people who are listening I think. This is a really important first step for you to do is, it's. Really, having. A look at are, you, happy like what. Are. You getting joy or are you going through the motions, and you, really do not want to have to get to the stage when the line had got to where her body is screaming, at, her to say something's. Got to change if something's got to change, so, let's. Have a look now if it's. Simplifying. Your business cuz I love how you say you can grow your business by simplifying, which can be a bit counterintuitive so, for. People who are listening for them to be able to take some actions, this week what. Can be some steps, that they can be applying to, their existing, business and to, grow their. Business while making it so. Much simpler, yeah. Well the answer is actually very simple Janet, of course. The. Way that you grow. Through. Simplicity as, your growth strategy, a lot of people who are confused about it when I first started talking about it and I, realized that it's it's. Almost too obvious but most people still don't know how to do that um, you. Can you, know you simply, say simplicity, can help you grow your business. By. Way of removing. 80%. Of things that you do that don't pay off and things, they don't make you happy right Rob. And as, soon as you remove those things what happens is the. Friction, the resistance, that you've experienced, in your business, it falls away, the. Question is what, is the, 20%, most people don't know. You. Know I talk to people who say oh I know what my natural abilities are I'm a writer. But. Then I say okay well great so is. Your writing generating, your income. For you and they go well not really because and, they'll go into this whole thing why. They haven't really been. Profitable. And the truth is that it's one thing to know what your natural abilities are and what. You enjoy doing and it's a whole other thing when you think about how, to translate, your natural abilities into a profitable, business right. A little, bit more strategic it's, not about well. I love writing therefore, I will be writing more and therefore I'll be making more money if, it was that simple um I. Don't. Think that business coaches would exist to be honest with you yeah. More. Digging. A little deeper like, the kind of things that I talk about in my programs.

Have. To do with discovering, your big idea what is your big idea what. Is the unique, hook. Or angle, for your business, or for your products, and programs that allow you to stand out, and. Then we talk about things. Like your business model, what. Are your products, and programs that you need to be creating, how do you price them you, know most people take price point out of thin air but, that is not a. Strategic. Way to determine, your pricing, and what happens is if you price yourself incorrectly. You're, going to again hit, resistance. From your clients, potential clients and in your own business, and then, the marketing strategy, you, know, every person has, a unique marketing. Personality. Which, we determine, once the, people start working with me we'll look at what. Is your marketing personality, are you a teacher, builder. Connector. Or champion and right. What mean, in. Terms of marketing methods that you need to choose and what is your marketing, strategy. Overall looks like base any marketing, personality, so. Know what your natural abilities are but most, people don't know how to translate that into. A profitable, business and so that's, what I love doing with people because suddenly their eyes are, open. And theirs oh my god I've been building my business using. All the methods that don't fit my marketing personality, and. So why. Become. So much easier it's almost like, waking. Up and getting paid for, just, being you. Which. Is, which. Is the thing when we when we come back into romance, and you're tribes. That's what sets you as that tribal leader is. People. Are gonna be drawn to you and your energy and your vibe, which, will come from doing the things that you love and it, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be the. Most charismatic you know even if those dishwater. But still you're going to attract those right people to you not, that anybody, here is dull as dishwater is. You. Know because, you're, you're. Doing those things that are that are in, your natural flow they're, in exactly and, then what happens unfortunately a lot is when people start their businesses, when. They decide, to start growing a little faster, they, start looking at other people who are successful, mmm.

For The longest time I looked at several. People that you and I both know you know they're high-level entrepreneurs. In our industry, and, I wanted, to do what she did and, I. Spent, eleven years attempting that business, model and every, year I thought, well. Maybe I just need to do it this way or this way or that way but it never worked when. I started. Creating the simplicity. Program. And developing, these, tools. For, my Claudine's I started I looked, at my, put marketing personality and her marketing person I didn't realize that we are opposites. To. The point where I, feel. Like I have wasted 11, years trying, to master, something that wasn't natural, to me to begin with and so, I, gave, myself permission to stop doing it, that's. You, know and well that's, yeah yeah, so this is a. A few, good things that you've said up here a few times is it's a very much a matter of, looking. At. What's. Working for you already, and. What. And what's. Your call, way of the you know of marketing, and doing business and we'll explore that a little bit more is, but. It sounds a lot of it it's making the decision to say no to. Let things go absolutely, yes yeah it's kind of like having your own filters. A series. Of filters that, allow you to see. Which direction to go into and even you know like technology. Changes all the time tomorrow, today, it's Facebook ads and Facebook groups tomorrow it may be a completely new tool, and new strategy, and, if. When you know what, you are, you. Know when you have a tool to discern, the, right, way for you to focus your marketing around you're, going to know whether. To use that strategy at all or not and. If you do choose to use it and how, to adapt, it to your super, skills to your natural abilities, right and I. Am. NOT a social person I am definitely I'm more introverted, and so. I. Kept. Thinking to myself that I can't use social media and, Here. I am I'm running a group called simplicity, circle on Facebook, and I have you know almost 1500, people in, the matter of just a few months people, just, flocked, to, the group based on the message that I was sharing and so. I was, confused why do I enjoy that and turns. Out it's because I have adopt adapted. The. Use of social media that. Works with my marketing, personality. Like, a lot of people will do different things on social media some people will post pictures other people will go, into other people's people's, groups and connect and private. Message and get climbs that way and. I do things, differently, and everybody, has, something, that they need to know about themselves about the. Core drivers. And, core. Purpose. Of what, they do of. Why they do what they do right I mean when you understand, it then, it's gonna be, immediately. Obvious to, you what. Marketing, strategies, to use what products, to create. How, to adjust, them so that they work for you right, I love. It so can. We just briefly. Go over the four different. You. Know your personality, types, I suppose where your ways of approaching business. So, that we can then have a look at just a couple of things that people can think about so. That they can analyze the way that they're approaching, what they're doing in business and see, if these, are the things that they can help to decide about doing. Differently, so, what were the four the, four icing and you know they're like labels. Essentially. But there's so much more behind. Each. But. The labels are teacher. Builder. Connector. And champion. Um. And, if you are a teacher and you try to build your business like a connector. You're going to struggle so my personality. My market personality is builder. Followed. By teacher and, so that combination build, the teachers what I do and, all, the strategies, that I use in marketing all the, ways that I use social. Media all the things I do when, I work with joint venture partners they, have to do with. You. Know builder, which means I'm building, something I'm creating, something and teaching. Teacher on. Teachings, are motivated, by you. Know disseminating. The mystifying, information.

And. So. There are certain. Marketing. Methods, that go along, with each, one, right. You, know a brief description of it but I go a lot deeper into it when, I work with clients because, you. Might look at some marketing strategies and say well I want to do I want to blog I, love, writing and. So you can spend the next five years blogging, and not make a dollar yeah. Right. So, how do you do that how do you really. Bring. Out your marketing, genius. By. Using your. What. You know by yourself as a as a person. Right yeah, can. We have a look at the other two because I suspect. That. They. Are ones that I. Have. There I have as much. I have, a reverse, sense. Of you has been a connector. Right. And maybe it's. Hard to tell. You. Know until you take the assessment, but connectors. Are those who really love, connecting. With people not necessarily networking. A lot of people misunderstand it, like when I don't like networking well, you could be connecting, during a networking meeting or you could be connecting, one-on-one, with people or. In a small group or over the phone or by Skype or, you are naturally. Drawn to, connecting. People you're, you're, deep, you get deep, satisfaction. From. When you introduce, people to each other right that's that's, about connecting. You. Also can be connecting, ideas not. Necessarily, people it can be connecting, ideas. And. The. Other one which, was, the. Champion, is that, when you're shining a light on other people. So. That could be part of it but a lot of champions, are so. There's, a champion, who is very extroverted, and, there is a champion who is introverted, and Rob, doesn't write. One. Is more of a coach another, one is more of a. You. Know speaker, from stage. Exerting. That energy, at people. They. Inspire, people through telling, stories, they. You. Know like. You. Know immediately. When you hear somebody speak from stage if they are a champion, or a teacher or a connector. Or a builder, and say. Notice. That I'm not saying that if you're a teacher you cannot speak from stage if you're a builder you cannot speak from stage you absolutely, can I've, done my own live events for years, I just. Was. Being a builder and a teacher I was, not a champion or a connector. Yeah. Well. That's that's, fantastic so for people who are listening for you to be able to take action now you. Know is think. About those four types and of course you know connect. With mulana because that's how you'll be able to really. Dive down deeper to see really. What those four are and then have a look at the way that you're approaching business, and I can tell you just from my own. Variants recently. That. I had built my business on connecting, I had built it on doing, Tilly seminars, on connecting, people with, people who can help them, absolutely. In the flow absolutely, loved it but, I was influenced. By what I was seeing other people doing thinking this is time consuming I, should be backing. Out of the business a bit and systemizing, things a lot, more so I'm systematic, so you know I'm moving myself out of it I got, so bored, yes. That's. Why I'm doing, this podcast again, because I love the connecting, I love the talking to people and connecting. People with the right person that's going to be able to help them so, they're like that's what you feel, you actually do, and so that's the first thing is to, pay attention what, do you naturally, do, when. Left to your own devices what. Do you naturally, tend to do like I find. Myself organizing. Information. Into. Teachable, formulas, and systems, right, that's. Just what I have. An idea and I'll just, I can do this at the, wee hours of the day I can, do this when I'm sleepy, when I have a headache oh this, is what I naturally do it doesn't require a lot of energy put. Me on stage like. We hours, in the morning and I'll probably have a panic attack. There. You go so. That's some that's a really nice way for us to finish off in terms of what, can people do, this.

Week So my. Challenge for people listening is this this week is really have a good look at your business and think about you. Know what, actually, does. Make. Me the money and what doesn't, and then. I love, mallanna's. Concept. Of the four types, when, it comes to then, looking at that in the way that what what are you doing in your marketing, what, is where's. Your natural, energy go, what what can you easily do in the wee hours of the morning such as mallanna is talking about so. That you use. All the tactics in the way that's really going to, use. What comes natural, to you for your strengths, and the, other question to ask yourself is where do you find yourself pushing that's. A really important right. Where. Do you find yourself pushing a, came to. Hard-to-get-to. Results, and maybe, those are the things that will give you a clue in terms of what you need to stop doing though you know finding, those, 80%. Of things that you should stop doing right, because, it's not just about where, are you making most money from like I, made. Most of my money from chronic launchers, but it doesn't mean that I should be doing product launches it just means that whatever. Was. Working. At that time was. Somehow connected, to my super skills but, I'm tired of doing part of college just so no right, so, now I have to look at what super, skills and what natural abilities, was I using in, Makati conscience that I can now translate, into. A non, product, launch oriented, business because I'm exhausted from. What I'm, out, I'm gonna I'm, gonna ez marketing, strategy, yeah. Translate. What. It is that has. Worked for me in launches, and apply. It in other areas of my marketing, yeah, that's. Fantastic and I love the idea that means you're not being locked in to. A particular, strategy. Or a way of doing things you, can be taking what you're your. Core strengths, are so, yeah once, you understand, what your core. Motivation. Is or your core driver behind. Everything you do. That. One thing that you get enormous, satisfaction from, that you can do in the wee hours of the morning you. Can apply that in any marketing, strategy, you're just gonna do it in a way that feels, easy. And, simple. To, you yeah, I love it so the. Challenge that I give to you dear, listeners, is.

Let's. Take this into action so. The. Challenge that I give you now is first. Of all you know I love, the, surreal distinctions, that mallanna's given us today and so, I'd love for you to be able to share and you can do this in a couple of ways you if, you're watching this on the, on the website and you're. Watching the, the video here just scroll, down below and leave a comment and share with us like. What. Is it like which, of those four types do you suspect. That, you are and also, what is, it that you just do really naturally, like what is that thing that you can be doing in the early hours of the morning but. Feeds your energy that comes really naturally I really. Love to hear from you so, you can share it there you can come over to the Facebook page and, you can share there as well just or send. Us an email and one, of the things I would really love you to do is mallanna, has, you, know taking, some wonderful, time today she's here because, she absolutely loves. What, she does and, you. Know and we're sharing at the beginning about how she gets to help so many people to create simplicity, so one. Of the most rewarding things that you can do for from Alana is to, give her feedback as well so. Go. And, we'll. Share a minute where you can go and find mallanna they go to her website go and find her on facebook go and join the simplicity circle, and give, some feedback on, the HAR that you've got from today and, share. You, know what, it is that really is the that core thing that, you do really really well that, you can bring over into all of your marketing into building your business so mallanna. What's the best way for people to be able to, to. Contact you and to keep in touch and learn more I would. Say if you go to simplicity, circle. Com forward, slash get started. It'll, get you started in this. World. It'll it'll, give you the, the. Business assessment, where you can see how much just how much complexity. You. Have in your business right now it'll, also give you access to my free. Simplicity. Circle community, on Facebook, so that's, the best place to go simplicity, circle comm slash, gets started, I love it, that's fantastic thank, you so much for you time a ladder I'm exceptionally, grateful, for you to spend this time with us and for, everybody that's listening thank, you for your for trusting us with your time and I can't wait to, hear what changes, you're making to your business, to, simplify. And. Really, grow your business through simplicity so thank you bye.

2018-05-16 13:43

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