Should I Stop Using This Opening For $100,000?!

Should I Stop Using This Opening For $100,000?!

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clean up maybe e4 i guess i play up for i  don't know if takes i just take   let's go here target the knight  target the pawn in the center   okay i'm definitely going to clog the center  now because i want closed positions generally uh this actually makes me very happy because now  i just close the whole king side and i should be   very happy with my position because now black  definitely cannot attack me on the king's side   and i'm going to go 989 to remove  this thorn here this knight on   this outpost and i should be doing  well let's go here in knight of two i've got to remove this knight sure i don't know what i'm  doing this is a little bit iffy   i don't know which way it takes maybe it takes  for the f pawn actually okay take this way   i'm gonna go here i could have  played c3 first this is fine okay let's go here knight c3 next move update  the scoreboard no because i marked up a ton of   wins you guys were not actually at 200 we're  at um we're five aways we're actually 195   right now so five more games to 200. let's play  knight c3 hit the pawn at bishop e5 g7 is weak   um test content no thanks we want ads no no more  ads you guys sorry no more ads no ads for you um i   can play a3 i think i will just to stop bishop b4  and i'm going to bring the queen up play rook d1   and target the pawn so let's go here i go here and  i get the horse d4 and i'm very happy now i think   once the horse gets a d4 i get a great  outpost i think c3 i also go b4 here i guess i just go see 3x if he takes  i just hit the queen i take the juicer okay take and i oh no but i've wondered c3   why did i do this why am i so terrible at  chess oh my gosh but f5 is hanging maybe   let's go here i'm still in the  game luckily but this is dangerous don't i have a script for counting wins i  don't no i don't have a script running sorry   i'm kind of in the game because that  f5 is hanging wait can't i just take   he can't go rook c what is he  doing let's go here let's go   here and now i'm fine because my king comes  in and i've got a gigantic horus on on d4 oh shoot oh no okay he misses that he had to he plays  a4 first takes here and he would have   been able to win the pawn not rook c1 though  i got to be careful here um let's go over k1   i'm doing fine but i have to be  very careful with how i play this um   so i've got to get rid of this uh how do i get  rook c1 and fight for the files the question   not four gotta be some way how do i fight for  this file um hmm actually you know what i'm just   gonna go here i'm gonna go rook h1 and h6 and  try to fight for this open line here i'm gonna   fight for this open line and then i think i'm  in the game yeah okay now i'm winning because   my rook is active and i go here and he's getting  checkmated in one move and if he goes uh checkmate i got a little bit lucky that game but it's still  it's still fine let's go here let's go um let's   just play d6 and e5 maybe uh somehow my king's in  trouble here i feel like it also just take maybe   no let's just take i guess okay goes queen c2 i'm actually very happy to  see that move by the way because now i can at   least close the queen side a little bit here no no  fossils because his bishop can't do anything i'm   gonna go here he goes back and then i go here so  there's no there's no uh check capture and i feel   like i should be doing very well here after b6 or  do i play knight d4 right away or do i take and   play knight there's too many too many options  here i'm just going to take and go knight d4 and if he takes i will take and play  rook d8 and i think i'm just fine because we're b1 i think i play with d8  here oh i just hung up on for no reason   kind of okay i can take i'm just gonna  play b6 takes and i'll try to argue that   my knights are better than his bishops  because it's a very closed position the   bishops don't have lanes they're stuck behind  pawn walls here like this bishop has no lanes   okay i take of course i can have a  connect four here let's go with v8 um i can go king g8 i can also king update  i think i'm just gonna play not queen c5   not rook b1 um let's just drop back i've been streaming for too long what do you  mean i've been streaming for too long i'm a   pro streamer i mean if you can't stream for eight  hours every day then there's something probably   wrong with you let's go queen c7 i've been  streaming for too long too long let's go king g7   i mean i feel like mr pvc streams for like 10  hours every single day so it's pretty funny when   someone says you've been streaming too long you've  been streaming too long too long too long yeah the   viewer tries to end the stream yeah totally um how  do i do this though i don't i'm gonna take i think   and i'm just trying to rewr i'm just gonna try to  wheel everything to the right square let's go here   if c5 i just take of course i have 97  knight c5 also i just go here and rook c8 and i should be fine right i go here if  he takes i take if he takes i just i hit   the queen and the bishop um so i should be fine  how do i win the speedrun while we're going for   a three thousand they need a picky 33 for the  two gifted thinking 50 trooper the tier three   and talk with spartan for the prime thank you so  much toggle spartan appreciate it uh let's go here okay let's just take i should be winning here uh he just  trapped his own queen knight holds it   i hit this knight holds squares  queen holds all the squares ggs   i think that lewis nader 38 for the prime thing  is lewis nader appreciate it thank you so much   okay let's keep going how many subs are we at 69  nice nice nice chest bra pl fan chest bra for life   okay let's let's let's embarrass him let's go  f6 and king of seven here i cannot lose this   game under any circumstance you guys so let's  focus on b4 um let's just take and go knight e7 let's go c5 maybe d6 i think i just played  d6 and takes i should be pretty happy here   uh i think i'll play knight c6 here just  develop let's go brooks rook c rook f8   i guess bishop f4 i just go e5 let's  go b6 consolidate the structure here   actually i kind of misplayed this a little bit but  it's still good i go here and maybe e5 bishop e6 um let's just play e5 and bishop e6 use my knight  use my bishop i'm on this really nice square here um he goes rook d5 which i guess is a reasonable  move i don't know if it's actually a good move   but it's it's not terrible let's just go king h8  here okay but the problem is now i take and he   doesn't have the reason i didn't do this before  because the rook was on a1 so he could take and   i couldn't take because he would do this now to  work on i mean this should just be completely fine   let's go here i'm gonna go f5 next move and  i should be very happy i can also open up the   open up the file next move with this  and this okay i'm going on five here um what are we at we are at we're three away so  after this we'll need two more wins two more wins   have i tried arabic coffee yes  i have actually i've had it on   quite a few occasions i really like  it it's got queen c2 or queen c4 i   guess i shouldn't have done it this way  actually i just played this a little bit i'm just going to go here in knight f4 though this  looks pretty good i can also go clean up seven   but i think this makes the most sense let's go  here the norm for the prime thinking norm221   thanks so much let's go here and hit the uh hit  the f2 pawn here i like my position actually   i really do uh but that's a good move that's  actually or is it it's an okay move but i have   h6 to hit the bishop and he doesn't get his bishop  back and have the two ops lined up towards my king   i can play knight g6 here but then bishop d3   you can also go g5 i think just g5 takes  rook g8 should be winning do i take here   i think i do because bishop was trapped behind  the pawn wall and now i just take the open line   this should just be winning have i tried killed  basha isn't that like polish sausage or something any chance of getting snoop dogg as a guest  star for your next bond clash i don't know   i think i rated him once actually um i think i  did send a raid over his way one time okay i've   ricky eight i think which is a good move here  just to hit the queen and everything's guarded um i'm gonna go here and take the bishop now and  if h4 i again just take but he can't do anything   so i take i did yeah i rated snoop dogg it  was a really late stream i don't remember thank you appreciate it thank you about  120 ninjas for the prime thanks so much   appreciate that means a lot to  me thank you well let's go here   i'm gonna play rook h1 here and hit the  rook thanks thank you so much i really do   appreciate it thank you man um let's go king  f6 and rook rook g8 next move let's go here still live yeah we're still  going strong still going strong i think i'm just gonna go like here and oh  but i gave him rookie one why did i do that   okay he misses it so i just i was just winning  because again look at everything i have one two   three four five six everything i have here is on  black so because everything's on black the bishop   can't touch anything and now it's just it should  just be pretty technically winning i could have   gone to e5 it's a little bit better but um why  did i do this actually i'm not sure why i did this let's go check and go here just go  here again everything is on black   so you can't touch any of my pawns  let's go here let's go here and here   trying to run my king up  the board slowly but surely oh that's a blunder here we go nice ggs i think   bn615 for the six months appreciate  it thank you so much bn thank you uh welcome to the jungle z solar solar offers z  solar rovers yeah big shout out to these solar   rovers hope you're doing well okay let's  keep going oh again okay let's play here go here and play knight e2 maybe problem is the  guy's playing too classically here i mean   like he's trying to play something classical  in a position where it's not really a classical   game so i'll go king ju1 here i'll take  with the knight and drop back again my   king is actually castled so it's just a very  standard kind of weird position that's just   normal chest kind of whoops it's not  hanging my bishop that would be bad   does it still count with s3 yeah because the  problem is i can't do a tradition a traditional   blonde cloud speed run because um someone can  just just on move one do something random and   then it's just like it's just die it just  dies uh do i play f4 or not f4 is a move um   i don't love it but i'm going to try it i think  it's a bad move i think it might be very bad but   he doesn't take advantage he goes back that way  which i guess i should be happy about because   i think if he had gone to g4 it was probably lost  um let's just go b4 and open it up here and if he   takes and takes i i can fossilize him on f7 with  the rook on a8 and of course it's a right triangle   let's just take it goes there i think i just go  bishop d2 again if he takes the pawn i have all   kinds of fossils with like 95 or 94. my rooks are  not great but i think my position is respectable   thank you to uh decal for the 500 bits thank  you so much decal appreciate it thank you   um can i go b5 i probably can i can also  just take right uh it's a little bit iffy wait actually wait a second if i take he  takes i take he takes i take i got seven i just take whoa um okay i'll take i actually  didn't realize it could take like that   let's go here maybe hold the glue  bad night queen c5 maybe it takes let's go queen c5 and try to trade some trade some  stuff off here i should be doing well i don't know   how good this is but it feels like it should be  good actually this maybe it's bad hmm go here should d7 maybe knight c3 can i go knight to seven and also going to  see three i think 93 is a safer try here   yeah he goes there okay so i'll go here don't  like my position to be honest let's go here i'm also down on the clock which is not  good either let's go here hit the pawn maybe work d4 rook d3 for the prime  thank you so much appreciate it thank you how did i lose the one game i just i mean  guy out played me in the opening i made a   blunder and i lost isn't this a free juicer  or did i miss something here here here rook d8   i don't understand i need a picky for the 500  bits thank you to zelorian for the prime yeah   he just blundered basically here he blundered a  pawn but it's still not an easy position to win   so i'm going to go here to trade some knights  and then i get my knights back in the game yeah he played a good game though he  played a good game i mean he deserved it   let's go here maybe knight c5 maybe  there should be two also as a move here okay let's go just knight c5 maybe i feel  like i'm about to blunder something here   but it doesn't look like it's clean  blunders so i think i'm in the game   still okay i go here target the king but now  he's king e8 which i just forgot all about let's go here maybe 95.   i think i'm going to go here in 95 i can't fish  for just g3 of course he also has no time again   okay now i go here i hit this and i bishop c7 this  should be winning it takes takes okay this this   looks winning let's go here enrique it's a big  threat now isn't it just checking this should be ggs the loss was a long time ago  actually quite a few games ago no i i don't think he was cheating i mean  i i actually don't i think it was legit   i i didn't really see anything that made me  think that i mean it's just a bad opening okay let's keep going let's keep going  okay fine let's do one more against them   update i think this is the last one for 200. what's going on oh oh oh you guys oh you guys i stopped the clock  okay okay you're gonna like this let's change the   scene okay here we go so i'm gonna move my cam  okay you guys move my cam up here for a second   do you like this comment in the chat this comment  um do you like this comment nice very nice okay   nice classy very classy dude very  very classy very very classy um let's go back here all right let's keep rolling   very classy amazed by five  head what is what is this hisonomy's i'll watch some clips thank you to  war mines for the tier one inter horse for the   prime and notoriously j93 for the uh for the tier  one as well thank you so much appreciate you guys   um let's go here let's go here let's go here i'm going to go king  f7 don't worry i'm just playing a different order   okay let's go here i am going king f7 just  remind me not to castle you guys it's all   i can't get away with this no i  don't think i can here so i take let's go here in 97 i'm still  going to castle don't worry don't worry i'm still gonna do it i'm just  i'm waiting as long as humanly possible   let's play here oh i didn't start the clock wait oh wait  um how much time 30 that's uh 30 plus   16 that's 46 seconds so after this game  i'll run off i'll run off 46 seconds yeah yeah i played king f7 yeah  okay let's um let's just   i think i'm gonna go here maybe bishop a6 at  some moment i mean it looks reasonable at least not doing king a7 instantly cheating uh-huh  uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yeah right a good one   it's totally valid i played king f7 chill out  you guys let's go c6 um maybe i tango knight d5 need king e7 yeah so now it's like not  even king so i'm not king e7 nah it's   nothing's good enough for you guys let's just take   a knight d5 um i think i'm doing  okay here i like my position at least let's go here yeah the insatiable chat is active yeah  very active um i can go here i mean i   don't know if this is right but i'm gonna  do it just to target him on the diagonal   okay takes which makes me very happy  actually i'm very happy to see that   um do i think with the queen i think  i just stick with the queen maybe i think i go here knight  seats where i go bishop c4 uh let's just trade i'm i've got a  great great square for my horse on c4   can we say halloween gambit not right now you  guys but definitely um down the road for sure   let's take a go here again great horse it's got a  great outpost the ponds cannot kick the horse um   so i'm doing really really well i think i'm just  gonna put it on light put put everything on white i go g5 maybe h5 at someone i don't  know what i'm playing zach let's go h5   i just blunder can you actually get away with  taking i think he can i'm lucky that he didn't   but he should have let's go here other  rookie eight next or maybe i'll just take um let's go here i'm probably gonna tango rook h1 let's go back let's do a tickle the problem for  my opponent is all his pawns are very soft now i   take and i go in and now he's in really bad shape  because i'm going to take one of these two juicers yeah he does that so i take he goes here  i go here rook c4 oh shoot i blundered went to the wrong square ah very unfortunate blunder by me shoot let me try to figure this out i guess i go  b4 here i'm gonna have to go b terrain hope everything is on light at least so i can play  rook c2 seems dubious i go check and i go knight c4 okay that's just a bl um is that a clean blunder  though i've got an ac4 i've got knight f3   it should just be cleanly winning oh he's  got bishop okay whatever i don't care i think it's a safe pre-move  so no reason not to do it okay let's go here and now we gobble this juicer  and once i win this juicer i have two connected   on this side and it should be pretty easily  winning i think it is silverness for the tier   one silverness 48200 thank you to leon's 08  for the tier 1 dm with monkey for the prime   thank you so much let's go here let's go here i'm  just going to run the pawns down the board now   actually wait oh this is beautiful i can  take and i go b2 and on here i fork him   oh this is beautiful i just have a check  with a fork and he can't stop the juicer   you

2021-01-05 13:22

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