Short Put Verticals & Iron Condors | Trading A Smaller Account

Short Put Verticals & Iron Condors | Trading A Smaller Account

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all right the bell has rung the trading day has started and so has our time together in trading a smaller account my name is barbara armstrong i'm a coach with td ameritrade i have the privilege of having pat milali with us in the chat today pat brings a wealth of experience with him so we are grateful to have him so what does this mean for you it means if you have questions between pat and i hopefully we've got answers for you if you are watching this in the archives as many people do and you have questions you can just type your question into the comment section um on youtube i do look at those on the daily and i'll get back to you quickly and if you love the class you can type that into the comments too so that's the second way the third way is through twitter it's my way of communicating with you and providing you with additional content same thing with pat there's lots of great content you're missing out on if you are not following us so for today we are going to i hope everybody has been flexing their fingers and is ready to roll because we have a ton we're going to cover today we're going to manage some trades we're going to look at if you have a small account and you'd like to trade an ex a stock that is out of your snack bracket so to speak how do you do that well stick around there's a lot of great stuff about to come your way [Music] hey i think i'm just so happy it's uh oops hold on i think i'm just so happy it's friday i got a little out of sync there but um i want to just welcome everyone and thank all of you we probably had 50 people here 10 minutes or so before we even started so good morning to bj and tm and carlos and krista and john and osborne and denise and manny and el diego and sherry and krishna and um and the rest of the gang thank you all for joining us live today it makes it so much um more fun to have an interactive audience if anyone is here for the very first time if you'd like to type in greeting into the chat excuse me we'd like to welcome you and know that you aren't just watching or attending a webcast that if you choose to like we're kind of linking arms together and figuring out all of this stuff together so let's get through our important information so we can get out to the platform and rate down to business you can see above my head here my twitter handle at the armstrong underscore tda pats is at p malawi m-u-l-l-a-l-y underscore tda i know that he'll type that in the chat for you as well um know that this class we place a lot of trades in this class and we manage a lot of trades in this class but know that everything we do is for education and informational purposes only it's not to be construed as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade or myself um and know that options we trade a lot of options in this class and and today we will dedicate to options trading but know that options carry special risks along with them that can lead to potentially rapid and substantial losses if you're new to td ameritrade you have to apply for option trading privileges same thing goes with futures so we use lots of actual symbols in this class but again not to be construed as a recommendation and know that all investing involves risk including the risk of loss so let's get on to our agenda so we're going to do a super quick market overview so i have you know pulled the crowd a couple of times and what we've agreed is we're going to do a market overview but we're going to make it very compressed we're going to then review a couple of current positions and in doing so that'll tee up um our our first couple of trades and then we're going to talk about you know what to do when you can't trade what you you really want um and you know that question of is it really a rule or a guideline these whole like position sizing things um you know and when i say that it kind of makes me laugh because when my son was five he told me he was in love with two people in his class both jason and and kelly and he wanted to marry them both and when i said well typically you have to just pick one and it and he kind of paused for a minute and then he said is that a rule or a guideline so yeah i have fond memories whatever i i i read that or or write that i i smile and we're and of course we're going to play some new trades quite a few in fact if we can get right down to it so our market overview um first of all we're going to look at the spx spoiler alert um netflix is on our list today um so the s p 500 this is a six month chart and if we back it up even further and look at the last year obviously it has been bullish for the last year and if we come in and look a little more up close and personal we can see you know that over the last six months and over the last three months it's come down kiss the 30-day moving average and then seems to bounce and find support there and where are we so unlike the last three times where it was like a one-day kiss and makeup and then move on up it came down kissed made up kiss made up you know we're hovering here along this 30-day moving average but you know the uptrend some would consider to still be intact but we've spent a little longer here at this support level than we typically do or than we have over the last three months and and is this unusual in september this september tends to be a relatively flat month in fact historically um the s p 500 on average loses about half a percent over the course of september does that mean that's going to happen this month not necessarily but you know are we surprised to see a little more consolidation than we saw in june july and august not not really okay let's look at the nasdaq so again here's a three-month chart and we can see once again you know a bit of consolidation here through august broke out hit a new all-time high at the beginning of september and you know it's come back hanging out around this 30-day moving average but still above the 30-day moving average but as james boyd would like to point out kind of in between the 10 and the 30. um but you know uptrend still intact and you know when we back it up and look at a one-year perspective you know certainly up trending how about uh the dow now the doubt you know some might say a little harder to read you know was up trending in in april it kind of came into a range that it then hung out in for quite some time and you know and then it kept you know coming up bonking its head around this 350-ish mark broke out and on the 16th of august hit a new all-time high and it's been kind of consolidating since then and then it's like okay did that old support become new resistance well it looks like it's back below that um and so did i need to draw a new line so we drew a new line and where is it now it's back below that so could it come back all the way to you know this 333 level well stay tuned i mean we don't really know right we just don't know we'll just have to to watch it and see so i'm going to go to the vix and then we're going to come to the russell because the russell will be the the scene of our first trade um but the vix has been kind of hanging out between this 15 and 20ish ish level um and so when we look at this where is it today it's up closer to the top of that level so what does that mean for us as traders well it might mean that with volatility being a little higher um you know it might make selling a little more appealing so the first selling strategy we're going to look at um is an iron condor and an iron condor on the russell so you might if you were with me last week say hey um you know didn't we just place an iron condor trade and we did um and we're already out of that trade and for those that are new is there anyone here who is not familiar with what an iron condor is this is an intermediate level class and so what i will do at the end of this class is if you're new to credit spreads we're going to be placing some short put vertical trades today what i will do is i will put a link right here um and i'm just going to make a note of the time i will put a link there to a class on short put verticals from getting started with options okay so but what the idea of an iron condor is is this that we're going to create a credit spread sandwich and just for those who may not be familiar with it because i don't want people to feel that they're lost right out of the gate and and then think that this class is inappropriate for them so with a short put vertical we're selling oops we're selling a put and then to define our risk which is important for us we couldn't place this trade otherwise we are buying a put to define our risk and what do we want we want the russell to stay above our strikes and then we're going to come up here and we're going to sell a call and then buy a call above that to define our risk that's called a short call vertical this is a short put vertical and what do we want to have happen well we want this to stay below and so as you know as long as the russell stays somewhere in here and how long has it been here well since february so we just wanted to stay here for another how long about another three 20 to 50 days and in this class we tend to go you know shorter so can we roll this out another three to four weeks so let's look at the trade that we placed last week so that's the idea and you know if you're looking closely you'll see that i have these two green lines and i went and i put these in ahead of time because we try to cram a lot into um our time here and so this 2340 is the strike that we're looking at selling so it's a little bit below this ultimate high but we hit that high back in march so we haven't really stayed much above that 2340 level you know we hit it here in june for one day and then we were back below we haven't really been above that since um and then this 2340 we've come down and we've hit this a few times but it's always been we hit it one day and bounce the next now does that mean that you know we can't lose on this trade absolutely not absolutely not you know any trade can turn into a losing trade but we're thinking that you know that the probability of this being successful is high or we wouldn't place the trade right so we did this trade last friday and let me just change this to oh 12 days on the roster okay so when we look at this last friday we put in an order at 150 and it got filled at 170 and then we put in an exit and said hey when we've got about 80 percent of our max gain which would be you know 17 cents times two or about 34 cents so we put in an order this is our order history here so here's our order history uh we said when it's worth about 30 cents buy it back well we got filled at 20 cents so you know i often say when we put in an exit there's no guarantee we'll get out at exactly that price actually we got out at a better price so our net on this was we ended up making a hundred and fifty dollars um and when did we place the trade we placed it on friday and then it got filled on monday and so this is when sometimes you know the the the numbers can be wonky first when the market opens and we just really got a nice fill i went in to look at this trade to look at managing this week and we were already out of it and so we might say to ourself okay self what how about we wash rinse repeat and just place this same trade again and so we could go in and set all this up or we could come over to this trade that we placed and just say if we click on these three little lines just say create the same order again and this is october 1st so when we look at this october 1st how many weeks is that well if we come over to our trade tab and we look at october 1st that's only 14 days away so we might want to change the date so we might say well we'd like to do the same trade only come out 21 days so we can just come over here and say well let's go to october 8th and you know we'd still how much would we get we get about a dollar 45. now our strikes on the top here are at 23 45 and 23.50

we felt like we could maybe do 23 40 go a little bit lower and then 23.45 so that gives us a credit of about a dollar 40 and are we okay with that and you know what would our delta b so somebody's asking a question about delta so 2340 on the call side well let's look at the put side first 2140 we don't even have a strike there so we've got to add a lot more strikes so 2140 has a delta of about 23 and when we come up to the call side 2340 go away uh we don't even have 2340 on here so 45 strikes 2340 has a delta of 15. so it's saying you know the odds of it hitting that we've got an 85 percent chance that that side will expire worthless and you know we've got on the put side because it's closer to the put side that 2140 we've got about a 77 chance that that will expire worthless okay so those are in that you know some look in that 20 to 40 delta range for an iron condor maybe more like 15 to 30 depending on how conservative you want to be so if we looked at that and said okay three weeks um it will expire october 8th i just want to make sure that's a friday that's a friday and we get a credit of a dollar sixty so how much does that mean we're risking well the most we could lose is five dollars less that dollar sixty so we're risking about 350 and our max loss that we're willing to take in this class is two percent which is four to five hundred dollars because we now have about a twenty five thousand dollar account we started the year with twenty thousand and our rule was then and is still now you can't have a position size larger than five thousand dollars if you're buying a stock and you cannot risk more than four to five hundred dollars so we're going to confirm and send and what we may want to do is what we did the last time just say you know what we are going to do our first trigger sequence and say hey when i have got um about 80 percent so when this is worth about 30 cents i'd like to close it down now next week what if the russell has pulled all the way down to our short strikes well we might decide to cancel this order and just buy back the call side and then when and if it bounces and goes back up you know then we could close out the put side so we can lay out of this and i thought that we might be you know looking at doing that um on one side or the other this week but as luck would have it um you know we ended up only in that trade for a shorter period of time so we're going to put that in our iron condor bucket are there any questions on that okay okay so there we go and we're in on that one now there are a couple of other um positions that i wanted to look at coming over to our activities and positions we have a position on crocs we did a short put vertical and we put an exit on that um as we always do we said okay when we've got about eighty percent of our max gain we would like to buy it back and right now it's trading at 30 it's sorry it's trading at 45 and we put our stop in at 40.

but when we look at this we were willing to be in this trade until october for uh october 15th crocs only trades monthly options but when we come and we look at the chart on crocs crox just had quite a week so it had pulled back on monday and then it took off there was some news that when that was announced on its growth projections for the next several years which look like they're going to be extraordinary and the market has responded very positively so we were willing to be in this trade um you know when we placed the trade um through october 15th but we've already got 70 percent of our max gain if i close this in the first week so we might just say hey thank you especially when we look at the chart and we say you know this and and this is very early in the day who knows what this candle will look like but the at the end of the day but would we be shocked to see crocs maybe pull back for a couple of days after this kind of run i mean it basically has let me just get my drawing tool here it has gone up you know sixteen percent in you know four trading days so we are going to close that trade out so how might we do that we're just going to come to our working orders because we have an order here that we need to get rid of so we've made our 107 of you know the 150 that could be made so we don't want to risk snatching defeat from the jaws of victory right so we're going to ring the bell and come here to our working order and say we want to cancel and replace this so instead of hanging out for 30 we're willing to change this and take 43. so we're put that in our short put vertical we're going to exit that trade now we're going to come down and have a look at another one so we'll give that you know a few minutes to percolate um microsoft we have only seven days to go on this and of course we've just lost half our gain with the market open but here's the point is that we could lose all of our gain and this could end up becoming a losing trade so we sold a short put vertical at 300 and 295 so let's come and look at the chart on microsoft so here's the challenge is that if this trade goes against us we don't have much time to recover and where's our strike well if i right click on this line our strike that we want it to stay above is at 300. you know so it's getting close to that so we might say okay this isn't necessarily a big win but it's still a positive number we've given back half our gains in the market this morning but we've got a positive number we could lose how much could we lose on this well there's a five dollar wide strike we were paid a dollar fifty to get in we could end up losing three hundred and fifty dollars so we look at that and say well would i rather take 40 to the good or potentially risk 350 to the downside so we're going to you know go with let's close this out and why because we only have seven days left now when we look at apple you know our strikes are at 150 and 148 we still have two weeks for that to percolate so you might say i know i'm in a losing position on this now but i still have a little bit of time to perhaps recover so let's go up to our working orders because we do have an order on microsoft to buy it back at a dollar fifteen and we are going to replace that and say you know what we're willing to give them that dollar eight that they're asking for in fact we'll make it the mark a dollar ten and it's a small profit but it's still a profit okay we're going to exit that now crocs we i still haven't seen crocs come through so we should be getting filled on that because we said we're willing to pay 43 cents now crocs maybe not quite the options maybe not quite as heavily traded as um as microsoft so we'll give that a minute to percolate okay so those are the trades i really wanted to talk about today tesla we did a short put vertical on tesla we've got three weeks to expiration it's sitting at 758 dollars right now and our strikes are at 700 and 695. we're we've got a third of our max gain if we come out and we look at tesla where's our strike our strike is at 700. so if i get rid of this line because it's just kind of cluttering things up but you know that show showed an old resistance becoming new support and then you know it's below this line here our strike so if we wanted to actually kind of put that on our chart we could just remove this drawing oh sorry i really like being able to go and when i bring up the chart to be able to just visually see so that's 696. our strike is actually at

700 and 695. just say okay short put vertical i think it's october 18th i it's three weeks away but 700 695 are our strikes i don't remember actually the exact date that it expires and have that show on the right and then when i look at it i know exactly what i want to have happen you know and what do i want to have happen well i wanted to stay above 700 so if it continues to go up what have i got a winning trade if it comes down or starts going sideways what do i have a winning trade it can even come back a bit and i still have a winning trade and so when you are looking at a month that is typically not exceptionally bullish a trade like this short put vertical um where it can be bullish to neutral um it you know could serve us well now is there a guarantee that it will serve us well not necessarily you know but what we're trying to do is look at historically what's happened in the market what has been happening in the market over the last six months and and then trade accordingly try and align our trading in a way that you know we would be more successful okay so that's that one so i want to look now at car so with carr and and we haven't looked at car in this class before so who is cart well it's avis budget hertz is just kind of getting back in the game again they've gone through bankruptcy come out the other side of it um but you know they sold off a lot of their vehicles etc and so when we come and and look at cars it's part of the industrial group so a rental car company have you heard about what it costs to rent a car these days because when the pandemic hit the way they stayed afloat was they sold off a lot of their fleet and so now they're getting extraordinary returns for the fleet that they have and the expectation is that that will con that will continue um so when we look at this when that news came out we saw this you know gap to the upside and if we come and we look at a one-year chart on this you know we can see a year ago this was trading at 25 so my math may not be fantastic but that looks like a 400 return in a year and then it started kind of going sideways so that for the technicians in the crowd and and for those of you who like the charts if you're new to this i'd say get the to cameron mays class on mondays at 11 o'clock eastern i know this is an intermediate level class and many of you already go but if not go to if you're not aware of this class pat malali teaches a class at two o'clock i think it's two o'clock eastern on fridays if i'm wrong pat please correct me um advanced charting and he is fantastic but so when you look at this chart what might you see and and you know i always think it's a little bit like a rorschach test you know i see one thing and you may see another but i see potentially kind of a head and shoulders type pattern here you know and so when you see that you know and so here would be the head you know an inverted head and shoulders and what did it just do and then it kind of like hung out a bit and now it's breaking out and so where might one expect this to go well if you draw a line here at the bottom and say well it went from 68 to 94. that's a 16 move so if we're expecting maybe a 16 move to the upside that would be 120 and today it's moving to the upside and hitting one you know we've had a high of 103. so when we look at this you might say oh this would be so delicious to do a buy right where i buy the stock sell a covered call what are the options like on this and if we come out to october we just have monthly options and i look at this and say okay we i i might look at this and say i don't really need 45 strikes well this doesn't even have 45 strikes but if i look at this and say you know it even if i put the three the 110 in here at 360 um i could have a pretty nice return you know it's it's at 102 and we would be buying covered stock so it would cost us 99 39 to get in we could make 10 well that looks like over a 10 return possibly for a trade that you'd be in for 28 days and then someone nobody has typed it in yet but i know you're thinking but barb this is trading a smaller account that would be what size of position 9898 dollars my friends well what's our rule our rule is our max position size is 5000 and you might come out and say but barb we have 13 000 we could invest we could afford to take that trade and it's like yeah but you know we have rules and our rule says no and so like that's why i i kind of tongue and cheek said you know well is it a rule or a guideline it's actually you know you might say okay it's 5500 and now we're up you know we're at 24 600 in this account we can afford to go a little over the 5 000 but we aren't going to double it and you're you might see it be saying to yourself but self i i like this setup well it you know a buy right isn't the only trade in town could we come back to this 95 ish level you know 94 69 could we come back and sell us a short put vertical or could we do a long call vertical if we're really bullish on this now a long call vertical if we do this at the money it's going to be a little more directional in a month that tends to be less bullish but let's go out and have a look so if we look at this and we say okay let's come to our trade tab we can't do that because it breaks our rules could we come here to the 95 now we have almost a thousand contracts um we have a 30 delta so we have a 70 chance of it staying above that so could we come in and say we'd like to sell um a vertical and would we get enough premium for that well 65 cents on a 250 strike so if we bring up our calculator and we say okay 65 the most we can lose is 250 minus our 65. so we're risking a dollar 85 we'd be in this trade for how long 28 days so if we say 65 divided by 185 what's our potential return on risk 35 percent and so if we look at that and say well if i want to get at least a one percent return for every day i'm in the trade um could we take that trade yeah how many contracts could we do we could do two and you know some might say well wouldn't you rather pay fewer commissions and do the 95 and the 90. well we could look at that 95 and the 90.

so we get a dollar seventeen if our strikes are five dollars wide and we do one contract we get a dollar a dollar 30 you know if we do two contracts but we're going to pay double the commissions you know so we're going to pay an extra dollar 30 to get in and an extra dollar 30 to get out now some might also come and look at delta and say but the odds are going to be four percent lower of it going through both strikes so you know this is what you have to the yin and the yang right so when we look at the volume you know on open interest we have 907 contracts we have a 30 cent bid ask spread which is about 10 and if we look at that and say you know it's not 20 000 like we'd see with apple perhaps or 10 000 contracts but if your rule of thumb is you want at least 20 times the number of contracts we're trading we're trading two contracts here so does it meet our parameters it does so and then if we come to first trigger sequence put in an exit so that you know trading isn't our life is it we trade so that we have a life so wouldn't it be nice if you were out golfing or you know hiking or doing whatever it is that you like to do watching you know your favorite football team play you know in the fall whatever it is um if you know your trade just managed itself and so we could make this you know when i've got 90 of of max gain we could say when we've got 80 that would be about 14 cents i'm just taking this 70 and multiplying it by two so okay when it's it's we've got about 80 of our max gain we're going to shut this down so how much can we make 144 how much could we possibly lose 356. is that less than 400 it is so are we okay we're okay so we're going to put that in now what if you're saying geez but i'm really bullish on car and maybe you're not and i'm just saying this i'm not saying that we are super bullish but if we thought that it did have a good chance of continuing to go up could we look at maybe the hundreds strike and you're saying barb if we bought a call at a hundred you know it that's 700 that's a little too rich it's out of our snack bracket but what if we did a long call vertical and said well we just wanted if it goes up to 105 we'd be happy what's our expectation well remember our our expectation here was if we had this 16 move that in fact it might go up from 94 to 1 110 so we if it gets to 105 so three dollars well two dollars higher than what it's hit today already in the next month we'd have our max gain yeah well you know sometimes we wish things were tighter like this if this was apple it would be pennies apart but it's not it's 40 cents apart but 40 cents on a seven dollar option is about five percent and so either we're okay with the market maker taking a little bit more because there are you know fewer contracts um you know but so if we look at that and say okay if we were to buy a vertical here at 100 and 105 what are we going to pay for that 255 dollars how much could we lose on this trade 255 dollars how much could we make the difference between the strikes are five dollars minus the 255. so here what's our potential return well we could make 245 and we're risking 255. so we've like that's almost a hundred percent okay i did something wrong there 245 divided by 255 that's 96 percent is the potential return almost doubling our money so you know and are we gonna wait for it to expire we might but we might also if we have if a car goes up a lot in the next week or the next two weeks we might say you know what um i'm okay with taking a 50 gain or an 80 percent gain but what has to happen in order for this trade to be profitable it has to go up 3.25 for us to get our max gain with the short put vertical it could go a whole lot of nowhere and we'd still have our max gain okay okay so we can compare and contrast so if you have a trading buddy who's saying like oh you need to you know do this kind of trade well you know you might want to do that and you might not or it might not be possible but if you do your homework and say i agree this is a bullish strategy this is a stock that is moving bullishly you know there are other ways that we can trade something within a smaller account somebody's saying does it matter if this isn't really uh if my account isn't really small um no i think a lot of people that come to this class in fact you know their accounts aren't necessarily small but what they want to gain is an understanding of how they can trade and maybe generate income or grow their account and they might be position sizing differently or maybe they have a large account but in the beginning they just want to trade a small part of it until they're sure that they really understand this and we're looking at short put verticals today so if if you're saying but you know barb what if on this short put vertical it ends up closing in between the strikes i just reposted last night something on twitter and so if we come to twitter i posted and and i put this in the chat i just thought this would be bigger what happens if you miss managing something and it gets to expiration and it hasn't hit that 20 cent that we wanted to buy it back at and in fact you know it reaches expiration and we don't close out the trade well three things can happen if it closes above both strikes it would expire worthless join the land dancing in the streets if it closes below both strikes max loss is incurred and and your broker will exercise both sides of the the trade you know now when it closes in between the strikes this is when people start having heart palpitations because when i have sold a put what does that mean it means i'm agreeing to buy the stock well we have a short put on tesla tesla's trading over 700 a share that would be in fact it's around 750 so that would be a 75000 position and if it's closing in between the strikes it would exercise the short put but then it wouldn't sell it and you might be thinking i've just like ruined my life i've just blown up my account no you haven't so there are things you can do you can call your broker um your broker if we have a twenty thousand dollar account we obviously don't have the money to buy seventy five thousand dollars worth of tesla so you know what we we would have to do is then sell the stock now if tesla moved up on monday we might be able to sell it for a profit and end up out of that trade at a profit if it goes down though we could end up incurring a much bigger loss than than the 350 bucks we were expecting you know so come to twitter and and check this out um you know i just posted that 14 hours ago i posted that last night so you know both pat and i post kind of helpful tips news you can use um you know on on this twitter platform it's a way for us to be able to deliver content to you okay so i was looking to add one more trade and we have just a couple of minutes left so would you guys like to see one more okay so let's go back to crocs so today we're focusing on the letter c yesterday i did a class and we did a trade on i think it was moderna and marvel and you know yesterday we were focusing on the letter m but if we come back to crocs we just closed out our trade on crocs but if we look at the chart and we say okay we think it could come back now we may want to wait for it to come back um you know so we could just kind of hang on but it could we sell something at that 145 and so we could come and look at this 145 strike um out in october we've got 837 contracts a 20 cent wide bid ask spread we have only a 22 percent chance that that might end up in the money and then so a 78 chance of it expiring worthless um sell vertical and i'm going to do this today so this is a dollar so it's a 25 return on our wrist for 28 days so it's maybe a little thin but we're going to come and we're going to say hey if we can't get a dollar for this then we don't want to take the trade um and we can make that good till cancelled but we're then going to look at it next week and if it's pulled back we'll look at this same strike again and say you know could we have exercised patience and waited for it to pull back and how much more might we have received and again first trigger sequence right click opposite order and we might say ah we you know we'd like to get out when it's worth 90 you know just and and i'm making that 90 not because i think you should change your mind from one trade to another but just to say it it doesn't always you know your rule might be 90 you know um michael's rule might be and 80 percent and a reef's rule might be 75 and there is no one right answer yeah so confirm and send and we're going to just let that one percolate and you know see if that one gets filled okay so guys it's 8 15.

oh well that took a long time yeah so we got that one okay so we are out of time i really enjoyed teaching this class i know we're not supposed to have favorites but this is certainly one of mine i really appreciate each and every one of you for being here i think we've done what we set out to do we had a quick look at the market we reviewed some of our current positions we talked about you know what to do if you can't you look at a setup and say oh that looks like it's got potential um but it breaks our rules and and our rules or guidelines are there to help protect us from blowing up our account right right so you know there's a reason we implement rules you know as as children we have to follow rules that are imposed by others but it behooves us as traders to have a set of guidelines that we trade within um you know we placed our own trades so you know keep in mind this is for education and informational purposes only none of this was to be construed to be a recommendation to trade any particular security or index or stock in any particular way know that options carry a certain set of risks with them we need to understand what those risk risks are before we pull the trigger and know that all investing involves risk including the risk of loss so with that i would like to say have a really awesome weekend everyone best of success with your trading i believe there was a survey in the chat so if pat if you wouldn't mind reposting that so here's my ask of you is if you will take 20 seconds and fill that out let me know what you loved let me know what you'd like to see more of if there's something i haven't covered that you've been hoping i would talk about let me know what it is because this class is for you and i can only do what you want if i know what that is so click on that link let me know um next up will be getting started with stock investing with connie hill so and smash that like button hit subscribe if you don't already already subscribe to this channel and with that huge thank you to pat for being so great in the chat and i will see you in a webcast coming up soon take care everyone bye for now [Music] you

2021-09-19 11:44

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