She's a Bombshell ft. Susie Mitchell

She's a Bombshell ft. Susie Mitchell

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I am so so excited i'm feeling super  blessed today because we have the beautiful   Susie Mitchell joining us susie welcome hello so  excited i cannot wait for everyone to hear from   you susie for those of you that don't know is part  of our gorgeous bombshells family her official   title is director of training and development but  really i just like to think of her as our absolute   mama bear she is such a pillar of strength and  pillar of inspiration for all of our bombshell   babes and all of our bombshells family and i know  that everyone is going to be so so excited to hear   from you sues and hear about your 30 years plus  of experience in personal development in coaching   and in the social selling field there's so much  for us to dive into i think what people don't   get to hear too often from you and i'd love to  start there is you have had such a colorful career   and i'd love us to go back to the start i'd love  us to you know kind of fill everyone in because i   know the story but i know a lot of people don't  on being a single mama really trying to get   your foot in the door with your career really  trying to find your path and what kept you so   motivated to work so hard can you take  us that back to that period and really   walk us through that of course i can and first  of all i'm delighted and honored to be on here   because you say i have a different role within bb  but now i'm in the spotlight and it's a little bit   and it's good for people to know who are behind  the scenes i agree with yourself you know and   everybody has a back story everybody has a back  story the challenges the good times everything and   i think you're absolutely right as a single mom  that was probably one of my challenging moments   you know before that obviously i was a nurse um i  had fun i was a single person and everything and   then got married and had a lovely baby boy who  a lot of people know and having that single mom   becoming a single mum when your marriage breaks  down is not an easy time it really felt very alone   and my parents lived in italy so i had no help  in the uk so i was on my own living in the north   of england and it's very hard when you know your  marriage is over and you've got this little being   that you are responsible for and i had to put  him into nursery from a very young age because   i had to go back to work and i think one of the  biggest things that it taught me was resilience   at a very young age as a mother you know because  we are responsible being but you have to dig   deep with all that challenging time i went through  and i didn't have any help until he was about four   four and a half so it you really you know i never  went out i had to drop him off at nursery i went   to work i picked him up for three and a half  years i had no social life and that's tough   not having friends i lived in the north of england  i didn't have anybody because i was from the south   and it was a tough tough time so if it really  was it really was but it it taught me some   life lessons and that's what we have to learn  resilience is one of them you know i mean going   before that i was luckily i had that strength in  me because i was sent away to boarding school at   a young age of nine i grew up in malaysia and  my parents lived there and before italy like i   mentioned earlier and when you're sent away to  boarding school at the age of nine again that   teaches you something that keeps with you that  you it's you've got to do things on your own   and i only saw my parents twice a year for the  next nine years so that's hard and then when i   became a mama and especially a single mom i knew  that the bond that you have with your children   is amazing but you've got to realize it's  your life your path and you've got to dig deep   yeah wow i didn't know all of that story and  that's just so powerful i think it's so easy when   you look at successful people such as yourself  and you just kind of see the tip of the iceberg   like we all just see the icing on the cake of you  of this successful business woman with all this   experience and working alongside tony robbins and  just just so so successful in your career such an   incredible parent as well and and it's really  interesting when you dig deep and you kind of   go back a little bit and it's like actually you  had all the excuses in the world to not give it   everything and to really lean into that and allow  being a single parent to become an excuse but in   instead you really chose to allow it to motivate  you and it's an absolute credit to you and to   simon as well who of course everyone knows so i  love that let's fast forward a little bit and you   ended up in the social selling field you  actually were an ambassador yourself you   were very successful franchisee and then you  worked in corporate and there's just so much   in there but i'd love to hear from you what are  some of your biggest lessons that you feel you   learn from that time period that can really  add value to those vapes that are listening   yeah like you mentioned earlier i do work  alongside people like tony robbins which   i'm very blessed to be an elite trainer for him  and and that goes back almost 30 years as well   um i got into that arena before i became a mum  and basically what i learned in that arena tony   teaches a lot of lessons about financial  security and always having savings pot the   spending pot a fun pot you know and we learned  a lot of financial lessons which as a young   girl if you like i didn't really understand  money and understand that and a great mentor   of mine i met in that arena and she introduced  me to the world of network marketing social   selling and she um she got me into the business  if you like and the reason why i approached it   social selling was going back to what i've just  said the financial ways that tony robbins had   taught us was to have a variety of income streams  you know so you can have a traditional job but   what happens if you lose your job what happens  you know and i was a single mom and i knew that   um i had to start having different income streams  and i think that was the first thing that hooked   me into social selling was and i had started  my own coaching consultancy which i don't know   a couple of years i've had by that stage and um  i knew that i could have no clients so i had to   start something and luckily social selling world  opened up and i started doing it very part-time   and only did it for seven years in the field and  loved it but it was it literally i think one of my   biggest strengths is work ethic i knew that if  i was going to be successful in social selling   as well as my own corporate consultancy i had had  to work hard i had only literally two hours a day   to work on the social selling and it's the same  with mamas who've got kids you've got to find time   in between that to do it and i just worked  my little socks off and you know i had that   expression shake your booty and i learned very on  one of the expressions if it's to be it's up to me   and that is one of my mantras that i have to take  self-responsibility for everything that i do and   i literally just put one foot in front of the  other and built to the top of that company   you know in social selling and what i loved about  that before i went into the corporate world and   i'll give you my take on that in a minute was that  the income stream that i created there obviously   was good money but when after i left it i was able  to buy three houses with the money that i'd made   over a 10 11 year period but now i get a rental  income from so social selling and the income   stream doesn't just give you a second instrument  it gives you opportunities for life into the   future and i think whatever age we are whether in  our early 20s 30s 40s whatever we've got to start   thinking about financial longevity and how we can  do the savings pot as well as having fun along the   way with spending so i did that for seven years  and i was asked to go onto the corporate side   of social selling and that opened up a whole new  world for me where i got the absolute privilege   of working with hundreds of teens hundreds of  teams so i learned the psychology of people even   more even though by trade i'm a psychologist um  but it taught me how teams interact it taught me   how you've got to build the best team the joyous  team the fun team the community and everything   to really support people and yet that didn't  always happen at the company i was out for   lots of different reasons and i left there  after three years on the corporate side and   jumped back into my corporate consultancy and then  obviously along comes the star in the south world   that you put a proposition to me which i love um  but i'm a bit of a variety junkie i love um you   know doing different things and so when you asked  me to come and do some of the leadership side of   it and i went absolutely if that's you know what  better way to work with my son and work with you   Soph who i knew by that stage anyway from Bali and  our old company et cetera et cetera yeah love it   there's so much in there i want to dig a little  bit deeper because i think it's really useful and   there's so much wisdom in the fact that you were  in the field for 11 years and you were able to   then go and buy three houses that's incredible and  i see leaders all too often and in honesty i've   been in that position myself where you're a young  leader and this is your first experience making   real money and there's definitely a lot of that  going on in bombshells you know we've got a lot of   base learning big five figure checks very early  on what would be your advice to to those girls   because you clearly nailed it yourself and you  were able to you know go and buy three properties   that's absolutely incredible what would you what  did you do during that period that just kept you   focused does that make sense does that kind of  yeah yeah yeah it does i think um some of the   qualities first i think you really have to work  on not nobody comes into any job be it the world   of social selling with 100 skills in all areas  nobody does nobody does but one thing that we all   believe in this company certainly is getting this  mindset right you know growing ourselves to be   the best person before we're the best leader  first and that means practicing your skills you   know you've got to be willing and committed  to wanting to make this business a success   and that means if you have to listen to podcasts  to get more confident if you have to read books to   get more inspiration or learning about leadership  you've got to do it you've got to be willing to do   and grow your skill sets and i think what on  the financial to go back to the financial side   you know there's only so many clothes so many  handbags all that so many things that you've   got and you must have treats when you um reach  certain promotions and things you should have   little treats yourself and so many of the mummers  who i work for say well i don't know what to treat   myself when they get to the big promotions they  just want to do it for their family and i say okay   if you've got everything you want  start saving it's so important to have   you know different buckets is one you spend bucket  one your savings one your holiday but really for   the future because it sadly and i think i do say  sadly most people live in the now lots of people   don't think about the future and that's why um  visioning your success is so important about   you know one of the biggest things and gifts  i think i got myself you know and i constantly   strive to be a student of life every single day  still at my age is to literally do a visualization   exercise regularly every month where do i see  myself in one year two years five years really get   that embodied into your business if i work hard  if i'm committed if i'm going to do what it takes   i'm going to use this business as the best  vehicle because it's definitely fun and   you know the community that you guys have built  is next to none and you raise people up and they   have a voice and everything but you have to really  really take self-responsibility for your life it's   your life nobody else is going to live it do you  know nobody is going to live it you have to say   right i want my even if you've got a partner and  he or she might be successful you've got to own   your own money make your own money save for the  future and then you can pay off a mortgage you can   buy a house you can literally have savings and  this is why i was blessed to find some financial   arenas early on i it really helps you to  feel secure it gives you that security   which most human beings need i love it and i  think it's such a beautiful direction for for this   podcast to go in because it's such a great lesson  that i think young women women of all ages need   to hear that you have to have your own financial  security you don't know what the future holds and   no one ever thinks they're going to get divorced  no one ever thinks that their relationship's   going to fall apart or financial hardship is  going to strike them but if you've got that   security then you're just you're just in such a  bad spot and it is just there's so much wisdom in   there i love it so much but just before you  move on you have to know i have been there   with no money yeah no money when my marriage  broke up i couldn't even get a bottle of milk   you know i had no money and when you have no money  and so many people who will hear this have been in   that situation i'm not unique you have to start  getting savvy with it you have to think right   even if i earn 500 pounds a month put 100 pounds  away build up a little kitty because it actually   teaches you the life lessons to save so you're not  stressed ever when bill time comes or when you're   paying rent or mortgage get those savvy lessons  business lessons and life lessons as early as you   can yeah and i think as well it's so beautiful to  hear you be so honest about that because we always   put people on a pedestal and we never think that  people have been through difficulties and yet it's   so it's so important to understand that everyone  has a story and everyone has a journey and   actually people have been through things that  you can't even imagine but if you put them on   a pedestal and you think that their whole  life has been perfect it kind of allows you   to make excuses as to why you don't go and create  success and you've got to move into a space and   like you said earlier if it is to be it's up  to me you know i i have to do this for myself   let's talk a little bit about leadership now  within bombshells you work with all our beautiful   leaders they are so so blessed to have you and  it's something that i absolutely love that as a   company we're able to offer because it's something  that when i've been in the field previously i've   really needed and it's been such a big gap  for me and i think it's it's so special that   our leaders have access to you and get to have  that beautiful relationship with you you have as   you said worked with hundreds and hundreds of  leaders so you must see patterns you must see   characteristics in people that you think makes a  good leader what would you say some of those are   great questions though great question so firstly i  think there's two things you've got to be willing   and you've got to be committed to work hard you  know whether you've just started the business or   been in the business for five months because  obviously we're still in pre-launch you know   everything goes up and down you don't want a flat  line like this in the business because if we have   a flat line we could be out of it you know life  the heartbeat of ourselves is up and down and the   heartbeat of a business is up and down so you need  to have the qualities i think that the best so far   willingness and a commitment to actually stay  focused stay in your lane you know we hear often   things like a comparison game how some people  just come into this business and explode   never play the comparison game but my  suggestion is i've got a different take on it   my suggestion is it should drive you it should  absolutely inspire you to say you know what even   though that's their lane and i'm going to stay  in my lane i'm going to shake my booty and i'm   going to get to work and be even more focused and  deep even more action points each and every day   so that's one chunk the other one is i think take  absolute self responsibility for everything you do   own it don't put play the blame game own it you  know i listen to leaders i work with the leaders   and some of them say oh my team are coming on  the phone to me saying oh they're blaming this   or they're blaming the company or they're blaming  the pro you know never play the play game take   self-responsibility fully 150 own it that would  be the second thing i would absolutely say and   the third thing would be you've just gotta play  out play full out play fallout have fun join the   team get on team calls get on your podcast get  on your tuesday night calls with sign get on mine   live it's not about us it's about we help people  to have that inspiration to kick start it for   that particular day and we all have moods we all  have emotions that play ups and downs sometimes   so sometimes you need the podcast or the podcast  needs you we've heard that expression but i hope   those little fine distinctions help massively and  i think there's so much that we talk about when   we talk about leadership and what makes a good  leader and some of it can almost feel a little bit   repetitive it's like when we talk in the industry  about consistency and things like that and they   almost become these buzz phrases that like start  to feel a little bit boring but it's because it's   the truth and i think everyone wants this secret  recipe as to what does it make to be a good leader   and actually it is the most simple characteristics  in the world as you talk about and i think having   that willingness to show up for yourself and  having that willingness to commit to your business   and lead your team from the front is absolutely  crucial i like to think that at bombshells we   do things a little bit differently and i know  you're probably slightly biased given that it's me   and your beautiful son but i would love to  hear your take on it you know you have been   in the industry as an ambassador you have  been incorporated you have been around so many   different companies over um you know over a real  period of time and i'd love to hear your take on   what you think makes bombshells different well  first of all i have to say bombshells is different   is different i've not just worked at one other  company i'm very blessed in the past i've worked   with lots of other social selling and direct sales  companies they ask me because of the level of   coach that i am they asked me to come and inspire  and motivate their team and i have as you exactly   said i look at patterns and they have got so many  things that we have not got you know you guys have   created a platform where i think number one is  the what i call the pink community i love pink   and it is the community it is the community that  gives people a place to grow a place to thrive a   place to absolutely be their authentic self again  another call i've had with a leader this week said   you know as soon as i started becoming me on  my socials and showing up with my word ology   my fun my passion my energy suddenly she  recruited loads more people because we   must stop being somebody else we must be real  and people you'll find your tribe you'll find   people who are attracted to that so i think  what you set up is that community you allow   people to have that voice you know and i think  there is an energy about bb that is so different   so different and energy means passion fun all the  things there's a sub heading but it is definitely   i feel and i feel i'm the as you said the mama  bear and i'm one of the oldest person in bb but i   don't feel it you know no i'm i'm swept away with  the energy and the fun and everything and i think   as well as the products are absolutely gorgeous i  take all the products use all the products and i   love them and you know i'm not saying i'm my age  but i think my skin shows up and it looks better   i could go on and be beautiful i could go on and  on yeah and i think that's it isn't it whenever   whenever i ask anyone that question it is always  i could go on and on but i love hearing your take   on it because you are so personally connected to  it but i think energy is spot on that's certainly   what we strive for we certainly strive to have  that energy of giving women a place to belong   and a community and every decision we make comes  from that space and i think you can't fake that   that has to be genuine if you try and fake that  it doesn't work let's flip it back to you and   i'm just going to ask you a real like here we  go question what is your greatest achievement   this is an interesting one um i believe my  greatest achievement because you have to again   look in the mirror i think it's i still  choose to be a student of life i still   choose to listen to podcasts read books learn grow  myself because if i'm working alongside you guys   i want to be the best i can be every single  working day and personal day of my life you   know a lot of mothers would say their son and i  i absolutely adore how psy works with you and who   he's become but he he takes self-responsibility  for that he's become his greatest achievement you   know i'm proud to be his mum i'm proud to be his  mum but my grade student is i never ever ever ever   until i go six foot under gonna say i know it all  i'm still learning a different angle a different   way how to be a people to help people grow and  that i have to be the first one that looks in the   mirror and say i need to keep growing and that's  probably my greatest achievement and that that has   to be the reason that you are still so successful  and still striving and still making so many waves   within your own career because i think the minute  you think you know it all or the minute you think   you're done and it doesn't matter if you're 19 or  99 the minute you think that you're above it and   you don't need to learn anymore is you know it's  it's never a great space to get to so i love that   it's so sick i mean it isn't you bring wisdom  and experience with age i mean i've got to do a   a radio show later would you believe yeah um i was  privileged to be asked and i said how do i need to   prep and the guy who said you don't need to prep  because you have all the skill sets inside of you   and he's right you know with age comes wisdom and  experience so i know i can turn up on because i've   done i'm again i'm blessed to have been on bbc  radio lots of other radio giving my ways i will   show up so but i still want to prep and i still  want to deliver the best information that i can   you and i know we never know when one thing might  be the pivoting thing that somebody gets in their   mind and that they go stratospheric you know  so i'm just always be a student always listen   and learn respect other people's opinion and  just keeping being you always be a student and   you're so grateful i just love it so much we are  coming towards the end which i'm devastated about   because i could honestly just listen to you all  day you have so much to give and so much to share   and i think when you speak everyone listens  and there's a reason for that so thank you   so much for all of the value that you've  given us so far what would be your final   perl of wisdom i know a lot of people listen to  the podcast because they are on the edge of kind   of jumping in on the edge of giving it their  all maybe there's a bit of self-doubt maybe   questioning what their future career looks  like and just generally not playing full out   what would you say to those people who are just  kind of dipping their toe into their careers to   life what would your advice be to those people  that is a really really it's a deep question so   if you think about it i think goes back to what i  said earlier you have to and if you're listening   to this podcast for the first time today do this  exercise today close your eyes and i want you to   visualize where you believe you will see yourself  in two three years time in your mind's eye   it's i want you to be there i want you to think  about and breathe in all the success the financial   success the material success the relationships  that you're going to have all those kind of things   and i want you to get it that if you don't  work now you will live your life with regret   because guess what so time goes so quick  so quick that you know we're five months in   and i remember us talking about it this time  last year time is just going fast especially if   you get older you know and i think don't live  your life with regret absolutely decide today   that you are going to step into your greatness  to become the best person that you want to be   not just for your family but for you so that you  can stand there loud and proud in any virtual   arena in person event and you can be proud of what  you've absolutely worked hard to achieve so that   would be it don't live with regret i love it i i  literally it makes me emotional listening to you   because i just i'm so in awe of the journey that  you've been on and everything that you've shared   with us i'm so so grateful for your time i'm so  grateful for your wisdom and i'm just so grateful   that you have such a massive heart and you are  such an integral part of our bombshells family   and we are just so so blessed to have you so thank  you so so much suze not as much as i think that   i love being with the younger generation and you  guys obviously simon's my son but you are dear you   know you're like my adopted daughter and we all  play together i like the three s's so from soon   and we've got a great bb hq team behind who  i work with and you obviously do and they   are they are so there to help each and every  one of the wonderful bombshell babes you know   have the success so you're building an amazing  company so if i'm blessed to be part of it   and you know here's to an incredible future but  it's it's up to everybody to go and grab it i love   it thank you so so much seuss there is so much  love in the air tonight thank you bye my darling

2021-03-08 18:58

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