Secure by Design | Getting Our Customers Back to Business

Secure by Design | Getting Our Customers Back to Business

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good evening or good morning good afternoon wherever it is you are welcome to this webcast solarwinds secure by design getting our customers back to business my name is thomas lorock i'm a head geek here at solarwinds i want to introduce my ceo sue docker ramakrishna sudakur could you introduce yourself say a little bit about you yourself uh thank you tom and welcome everyone to this webinar we are very excited today to be joined by our partners uh to highlight some of our joint activities and what we're doing for our joint customers my name is sudakur ramakrishna as tom mentioned and i joined the company sullivan's on january 4th so it is two months in your time zone uh at this point if i look at it from that perspective and these two months have been uh incredibly exciting to say the least but i've also used this as an opportunity for us to really take heed of what customers are looking for what we need to do for them and drive our secure by design initiatives of which uh today is one significant milestone to come out to you with our partners um bill and greg so tom with that i'll pass it back to you sure uh so next up on the list here greg featherhoff greg could you please introduce yourself tell us a little bit about yourself and also tell us a little bit about your company monolithic sure yep so i'm greg federhoff i'm the vp uh and general manager of monolithic i've been with the company for about six plus years now um previously we were generated out of a different company for which was called atlantic digital which was kind of a two pillar uh you know engineering along with professional services for various network monitoring solutions and uh about somewhere in there about five years in we quickly realized that solarwinds was a front-runner for basically being a market changer for network monitoring for its customers so we decided to go all in and create monolithic which is monitoring analytics which is 100 professional services for solarwinds so it started back in 2018 so all in we're looking at 13 years of solarwinds professional services experience between the two companies wow that is that's quite a lot uh so next up bill fitzpatrick bill tell us a little bit about yourself and also a little bit about your company loop one thanks thomas appreciate it uh thank you sadaqa for the invitation it's a pleasure to be here with you thanks greg it's great to share the stage with you and uh thank you to all of you that have died that have uh attended that are attending uh cross apj good morning and good afternoon my name is bill fitzpatrick and i am the ceo for loop one we are a solarwinds professional services company and uh have been doing so for since about 2009. uh personally i've actually been using the solarwinds solutions going back to 2000. i first encountered the solarwinds engineers tool set when i was working as a network engineer and data security engineer for a telecom company shortly after i left microsoft where i had worked on products like windows 2000 and systems management server so a little brief tidbit on me i i consider myself a bit of an accidental ceo i'm an engineer at heart but i ended up a ceo of the organization and uh it's been a pleasure being a solarwinds partner i'm happy to be on the call today thank you all right thanks thanks for everybody for making time to attend including the attendees as well we do appreciate your time uh so uh i'm going to talk to you we'll review a little bit of our last webcast and we'll mention the secure by design resource center i then will go into the overview of the orion assistance program we will then spend some time on how our partners are involved we will go back through greg and bill and how monolith and loop one are engaging with customers through the orion assistance program there will be a timeline of an oap engagement we will spend some time going through customer experiences again bill and greg will be sharing those stories then will be time for a q a and we will wrap up from there so first this you should understand is part of a series of webcasts that we call it secure by design the first two webcasts i believe were three weeks ago if you go to this link or if you go to this url it'll bring you to our secure by design resource center you'll get a recap of the first webcast and you'll get an idea and the understanding of how since the compromise in december prioritizing our customers has been our number one priority and you can see that by us we are making every resource available we can in order to help our customers get back to business so you can find all of that information at the secure by design resource center so a few words about the orion assistance program and i'll have sue docker speak to it a little bit as well but uh this is something that was created specifically as a result of the incident and it's a way for us to help our customers be back up and running and as much as i could talk to i think sue docker is going to be able to explain a little bit more so would you mind spending some time on that to docker uh definitely um tom um as you mentioned um since uh the sunburst attacks uh our first priority has been the safety and the security of our customers so our internal teams have done a tremendous amount of job providing remediations and software upgrades and updates to our teams i should say to our customers but in many cases we've also have seen customers have a need for technical resources time support for upgrades and other activities to ensure their safety and security so that's how we created the orion assistant program where we work hand in hand with our partners such as the two that we have here on this call today and help our customers essentially locally providing technical support upgrade assistance at no cost to the customers these are customers who are part of active maintenance contracts with us who are going through this uh situation of having to upgrade at a time where they may not have otherwise upgraded but because we are providing remediations we are going um a step beyond normal so to speak to work with them the other advantage i see out of this is that by being a truly customer success oriented organization and working with our partners together we can become more strategic and more relevant to our customers even though as i'd like to describe it priority number one to ten is to ensure the safety and security of the customers um it is with the belief system that do everything that a customer needs and wants and continue focusing on the right things and good things will happen from the partnership well absolutely do the right things and good things follow i believe that as well let's spend some time we'll come gonna come back to the partners uh greg and bill here and talk a little bit about uh their companies what they do and the partnership that they have with solarwinds but first sue docker if i understand correctly your background is with channel focused companies i believe and i thought you might want to speak to that a little bit focusing on the ands not the ore yeah definitely tom um i have um had the pleasure i would say of working with channel partners almost throughout my career so last five and a half years at pulse secure prior to that at citrix previous to that at polycom and then way back when at three come and as many of you know 3com is a pioneer in the channel program similar to how solomon's is a pioneer in the high velocity uh model that we've established from a go to market standpoint and the way i look at the evolution is that much like products and services are becoming more and more hybrid meaning cloud and premises partnerships also will have to evolve so while we continue the high velocity model that we have it's critically important for us to build a focused set of partnerships where partners such as loop one and monolithic and others are extensions of solomon's as it relates to servicing customer needs and we therefore are extensions of them so building some very focused and targeted two-way relationships and that's where we come up with the notion of and as opposed to an r um with regards to how we go to market that's excellent that is a great point as i've come across companies that they do kind of treat you more like an ore like what is it you can do for us and i love the idea that we focus on the and like what can we do to help each other uh that's wonderful to hear so let's switch a little bit uh greg if you could talk a little bit maybe a high level view of monolithic its relationship with solarwinds but also maybe compare and contrast how your relationship with solarwinds compares to other vendors you've worked with in similar circumstances sure so um you know as i mentioned earlier we've been providing subject matter expert grade professional services for the better part of 12 13 years now of that a large portion of it has been within the federal markets uh both domestic and uh and abroad um three letter agencies you know department of defense uh public sector basically along with uh on the tail end of the past previous years the commercial enterprise and at a certain point uh that's largely attributed to at a certain point the customer base basically evolved with solar winds solarwinds started expanding its product portfolios bolting everything on to its orion core and the enterprise level commercial customers basically started investing in the brand and in the solution the same way that the federal government does which is you know when it's vetted and when it's approved and when it's trusted they buy in um and so we started to see you know fortune 500s and and you know the more the logo customers really invest in solarwinds and so what that basically did was level the playing field from an architectural standpoint a uh a usage of solar winds across both of those markets between federal and commercial enterprise um and so we kind of had a natural cross-pollination between supporting deep fed uh in you know state and local organizations and that of healthcare institutions and that of financial institutions so solarwinds really started to change its wings if you will if you use the you know the butterfly analogy about five years ago and we caught on to that really quickly it was a natural evolution for us to again go all in create monolithic um and just kind of keep the static out of the way and invest ourselves in a brand that we trust as a services provider so that the customer feels the same experience whenever we interface with them they're they're pleased with the brand of solarwinds what it does what it offers them from a business value and from a security value and it's easy for us to go to work on all day long from a service perspective it's wonderful to hear so same questions to you bill a high level view of loop one your relationship with solarwinds and again how how does that relationship compare and contrast with other vendors sure thanks tom so for for me the journey with solar winds as i mentioned a few minutes ago has been one that's covered the span of about 20 years in 2008 i went to work for solarwinds as a sales engineer on their latin american sales team and in 2009 i was fortunate enough to be able to co-found loop one over the course of the history of loop one and solarwinds working together we learned very quickly that their audience was worldwide in 2010 i was spearheading our first orion courses that we taught here at loop one instructor-led classroom-based courses that included hands-on lab servers and at that point in time there wasn't a lot in the marketplace available to end users for solarwinds training and we had the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world i worked with people from india from malaysia from australia from africa and it reinforced the idea that there were opportunities for partners with solar winds around the globe and so through the 2017 i became sole owner and ceo of loop one and from that moment forward i've really focused on expanding our global footprint not only because of the clients that we've been fortunate enough to work with across the world but also because of the clients that we work with in north america we know that across the 4 000 or so clients that we've worked with since inception many of them are global conglomerate organizations they have operations in shanghai they have operations in frankfurt they have operations in india and other parts of the world and so we knew that and i knew that there was an opportunity to serve those clients from within loop one around the globe so i've been really really proud of the growth that we've had putting loop loopsters on the ground in these places so we've got an office in australia that is about 25 people strong and we we operate out of both melbourne and sydney we have an office in sri lanka that's about 30 people strong and includes the heart of our 24 7 knock and of course we're also operating in singapore i was fortunate enough last year to spend time in bangkok at kind of an abbreviated partner summit and really had a chance to meet some clients in the region as well as meet other partners i'm just excited to be a part of that region it's an incredibly diverse and culturally rich part of the world to be to be active in and i'm really really pleased to be there in terms of the experience with other vendors i'm sad to say while we are also a cisco partner i've been dealing in the world of solarwinds for so long i i don't have a lot to draw on except to say that you can see from the outside in how businesses react to times like these and i couldn't be more proud to be part of an organization that's reacted the way solarwinds has and be partnered with an organization like them with secure by design with the message that seductor has delivered and with the way clients have responded to it it's been a terrific experience despite the challenges well thank you for the feedback bill i'm sure that his music sues to dockers ears right now thank you so uh let's spend a couple of minutes just briefly high-level overview of what an orion assistance program engagement looks like i want to call attention to the first part of the timeline over in the left where you see solarwinds active maintenance customer right contacts solo and sales support renewals our customer success so many different ways for you to get engaged with solarwinds with this oap but i want to point out active maintenance right so if you are up to date if it is active maintenance you should take part in this because it is free it is of no cost to you to be get into an oap engagement with our partners in order to help you remediate as a result of the incident uh so bill when you look at this timeline and i know it's not going to be the same for everybody can you give us a range of how long a typically a typical engagement may last like what's the shortest what's the longest tell us a little bit more about the length of time sure a couple of comments i can make about the oap engagement process one this isn't the first time that solarwinds has begun to engage with clients this way they have if you're familiar with the smart start program run by cal smith and his team it's a program that's been in place for a couple of years it's a program that includes partners and so we were able to build on that strength in the implementation of the oap we already had the relationships for communication for execution and for connecting with clients and so what we've seen through this process is some engagements are as short as a couple of hours and we're able to do upgrades or patches in that time depending on the client environment and others have gone as long as 24 hours due to complexities in their environment or even just making sure we can accommodate clients maintenance windows so greg with your experience with the oip engagements uh with regards that timeline is there any advice you would give to one of our customers like how can they shorten the time frame something that they could do maybe is a a prerequisite before they get in contact sure i would say the only variable um that's able to be manipulated if you will because a lot of times there's infrastructure there's uh you know engineering tasks that have to be accomplished that aren't necessarily able to be condensed but one thing that that really is at the um the benefit of the customer when engaging in the oap program is having critical stakeholders ready to go i know that's difficult it wasn't something that customers were planning on having to do but if they can have the right stakeholders who have the right access to the systems along with the leadership involved to help expedite the program as it goes through and as bill alluded a lot of these customers because of their vast investment in solar winds they need to do it during an authorized outage because when you're talking healthcare or or the finance industry or defense they can't be offline there's residual impact so having the critical stakeholders available during the times when the oap is actually going to be executed is is far and beyond the most important aspect of what a customer can do to enable themselves to have a successful and seamless oap experience so greg we're going to stay with you as we talk through some user uh stories here and i think what the first one we want to lead with is a an example from say the federal size like can you give us an idea of maybe an overview of a customer the impacts and considerations things like how did you get them on the path back to business sure um it probably goes without saying right that the federal government specifically based along with your commercial enterprise customers even if this was a series that we talked about uh success and an award ceremony they likely would not come forward and say i'm that customer right so without being able to identify the individual customers within the federal market specifically there's different rollout periods that have occurred since the actual cyber attack and your public sector and your civilian agencies have really kind of been the first ones to go back online after a few weeks and so within that um kind of post impact time frame we quickly identified the key federal government customers ones that were already impacted by the actual attack itself and then others that were more residual you know running on the non-compliant versions and such but we really wanted to reach out get in contact with those agencies in the federal market who were directly impacted by the breach and in doing so we were able to quickly get them back on track to the latest version at the time and then obviously when we had the the additional um 2022.4 release come out we really stuck with them evolved through the problem right that that's you you fortify those relationships in the trenches i'm a former marine a veteran-owned business we we stick by our customers as does solarwinds and they really proved it during this endeavor that when we hit the trenches we stuck with these critical customers in the federal market got them back to business to at least an operating capacity and then we're able to level set them and say okay sustain here while still getting value from solarwinds and more importantly feeling secure with the with the solution itself we've had a handful of federal government customers that have gone that route and each one of them have not only been successful but they're borderline use cases for an example of what a vendor and a partner can accomplish when they when they show up to the fight you know immediately after an event like this so it's been it's been a challenging series of events but on the back end of it the customers we've interfaced with in the federal market that have been a part of the oap have been much better because of it i i i like hearing all that because it really reinforces what sudakur said earlier about the partnership being more of an and it's it's how can we help each other right so bill for you same same overview but maybe for a commercial example sure greg is spot on in his observations right and what i would add to that is what we've seen in the commercial space and i've got two examples here that i'll mention is one is a from healthcare a healthcare provider large healthcare provider the other one is an energy company and so the reason i mentioned both of them is because they both had a similar experience they both brought similar feedback and the first was their reaction to the new way that solarwinds is engaging the client success approach that's available to them the fact that they're able to connect with more parts of solarwinds leadership than they have been able to before and that was something that was uh really unexpected for clients based on their history and the way solarwinds had approached them in the past and they were really pleased with that the other thing was that these two clients one was an upgrade and one was a fresh install one took a little bit longer than the other as you might imagine but they were both really excited for what was going to be in place when we finished and as we finished and what they had once we did finish and so they were looking at new features new capabilities and they were coming back to us saying you know now that we have this i see this capability over here can you can we spend some time on that and so whether through smart start or whether through follow-on services it has been a really great experience to see clients both enjoying this new characteristic of the relationship to solarwinds and with partners as well as the features that they're gaining by being on current releases i would i would also mention just briefly i'm thrilled that it's monolithic and loop one on this this uh conversation today but there are partners around the world that are a part of this program and and so it's possible that you you might work with a partner another partner in your region uh if you go through the oap program obviously loop one is around the world as well so we look forward to working with those of you that work with us but there are more than just two partners involved that is a good point thank you for mentioning that bill we we do have uh uh more partners than than just two so let's go back to greg and how about an overview say uh of an enterprise example sure um so most notably again refraining from from mentioning client names as bill alluded to the healthcare industry was really priority number one we've we worked with healthcare providers that were truly enterprise level customers their their facilities spanned the better part of double-digit states within america and and so that impact really resonates farther than my network is down my or i have a risk about a server or something we're talking about physical patients that are in beds or utilizing facilities so to be able to provide a program back to such a critical vertical such as healthcare and and finance it it just became a program that was bigger than than us it became a program that was bigger than solarwinds um to be able to help those ironically in a period where healthcare is is viewed as the most um critical elements of covet 19 going on right now to be able to get their their security back online and get them back to doing what they're supposed to be doing so that you know it takes care of their patients and their customers we had nothing but success and again just fostering a relationship and and brand notoriety with solarwinds and uh and how they were able to take care of these enterprise level customers through this program awesome uh last example that we have here is an international one bill that's going to fall to you and do you think maybe you could do it in espanol espanol um yes thank you i do speak spanish but not as much as i wish i could so uh yeah in this last example uh we're gonna look at a chilean i.t company that we worked with and what i really love about this example is it was an opportunity for us to partner with a client in the way they needed us to through our global team so this client due to their maintenance windows and due to the complexity of their environment is about a 24-hour process to get them through the oap and we worked with them 24 hours straight a lot like solarwinds has a follow the sun model for their support teams and they deliver world-class support around the world 24 7.

we were able to complement that in our oap offering working not only with our north american team but also our uk team and of course our australian team handing off between each team and ensuring that the oap was successful and accommodating those clients needs and their maintenance window so it was really nice you know from an international perspective to be able to support them uh through their through their uh oap process so now you you both have worked on more than a handful i would imagine at this point of oap engagements i'm looking for customer experiences reactions at a very high level what are some of the reactions that the customers participating in the oap program have had and greg we'll just start with you just share some thoughts if you can no names but just general ideas and reactions i mean nothing but positive to be honest with you obviously the conversations initially um took a a level of maturity to be able to discuss with a customer and and sedocker was on many of these calls with senior level stakeholders within all the markets you know conversations were difficult we got them past that stage of feeling at risk to in the program through the program having an actual uh platform at the end to discuss where are they going to go on their next investment stage in solarwinds and at the end of the day it just became a seamless seamless process to where they felt as if solarwinds truly understood them just by way of a simple program of you know a marriage between an oem and a partner base as a unified front um to the customer base that's wonderful to hear so same question to you bill uh any any reactions that you want to share with us yeah uh i think it's been as greg mentioned it's been an outstanding experience clients are really pleased with the way solarwinds has approached this as a partner it's been a pleasurable experience to be a part of i think one of the heightened experiences that we had in this was the adherence to best practices and clients really wanting to ensure that the way that we're redeploying is going to be even more secure and as solarwinds tagline now says secure by design and in that we had an opportunity to really look at the way we address least privilege and so least privilege can be complicated in microsoft environments especially and so we looked at the way that we teach we've updated all of our curriculum to make sure that we're emphasizing least privileges least privileged methodologies and then we're also looking at the way that we train and the way that our engineers approach the problem and we have terrific resources available from solarwinds directly though solar those resources are available at the online community and and i know that it's a part of this larger effort from solarwinds to raise the standard of how you develop software securely and not just develop secure software yeah right so tom that's a very good point that bill reinforced and it's not just about the environment but also about how the products themselves are delivered from their capability standpoint so least privileged access is a construct that even the products will start embedding because ultimately what we need to do together as customers partners and us as software developers is not only reduce the attack surface but actually reduce the attack window itself by ensuring that many of these techniques are implemented um at which point threat actors will find it difficult if not impossible to penetrate through customer environments so sue docker i'm going to ask you to share tell us do you have a customer experience a reaction from the oap that maybe is your your favorite today i know you haven't been here very long but just is there a thing something you would like to share with the audience yeah i would say tom every customer interaction has been my favorite one i've had i've had two just uh earlier today and and some fairly large customers at that to me it is less about the size of the customer as much as every customer is significant and i've always believed in the notion of one dissatisfied customer is one too many one dissatisfied employee is one too many that's really kind of how i'm wired i mean is that always possible is that always practical probably not but every effort that i expand is towards those two goals of employees and customers while i've been here two months i can probably say that i've at least had a hundred customer conversations if not more uh different um segments um like greg was mentioning in the federal sector in the commercial sector oftentimes three or four different conversations across cios csus etc and what that has enabled me to do in particular is that not only do we share with them what has happened and what we are doing in the concept of secure by design but we also get to learn from them what their aspirations what their goals are and my favorite interactions are those and this may sound a little surprising to you favorite examples are those that do not involve a solarwinds product specific issue as much as a customer their environment and many of them are software developers themselves our customers build software for their customers so they like to understand okay how what does least privileged access mean from their standpoint how could secure by design be used uh in their environment and so that's how we become more relevant to those customers and that's how partnerships are built for the long run so those have been my favorite without naming a specific customer wonderful thank you for sharing that so this brings us to the q a portion uh before i start with some questions for each of you i do want to remind the audience that we have more secure by design webcasts coming in in the coming weeks i've forgotten now but maybe next week or the week after but soon we will have do another round uh you should look for those and again check out the secure by design resource center where you can stay up to date on all of the materials that we will be providing you some links are being shown right now again you'll get the slides we hope starting friday so you can see the links in there right at the top the orion assistance program and then the secure by design resource center that i've been mentioning along with a handful of others and uh we have a second page of those that we can get to after so let's get into the questions for now and uh i'm going to stay with you sid docker and we're going to start with uh kind of an easy one it's not really a question it was a comment and the comment was i suppose you will start your presentation with lessons learned i would like to hear that and i'm asking you or giving you this statement because i'm want to know the secure by design resource center i think is meant to be that lessons learned is that correct absolutely right and um one thing we have pledged not just for the benefit of our customers and partners but the broader software community is that as we learn and iterate we will continue to support the the broader community so for instance some of the things that we're doing with regards to evolving from software development life cycles to secure development life cycles as bill even alluded to those are all in in quality in a different world and time people would consider those things to be proprietary to them we are looking at it as what impacted solarwinds can apply broadly to anybody and that's not what we want to inflict upon our customers and so we're going to continue sharing those so the the resource center that you pointed out tom will be a living breathing resource center that people should look to from time to time thank you for that so the next question i'm going to stay with you sir docker and i have another question for you here and it's one that i've been wanting to ask you for a while as well can you explain what happened with the solarwinds 123 password um sure tom i think you've asked me that question twice today already and putting me on the spot on that one and um so in a sense um it's not something that we should be proud of uh solomon's 123 is a weak password as opposed to a strong password which is generally speaking our i.t policy this was a password that was set up on a server that resided on a third-party infrastructure that was hosted on a third-party infrastructure in other words this particular server had no linkage to solarwinds corporate i.t using this password or any of credentials associated with this account you could not access surveillance it and in a sense it was a call it a shadow ip construct and um but it was unfortunate once we knew about it we cleaned it up uh i would also like to emphasize that it had nothing to do with any of the sunburst activity using those credentials you cannot access our applications or our source code control systems however it belonged to a server that sat on a third-party hosted service thank you for that answer and uh i appreciate your efforts last week as well trying to get that message and unfortunately i'm not sure that you you were allowed the time so i'm really glad that i was here to be able to give you that time tonight much appreciated uh greg i'm going to go to you with this next one uh they're asking if solarwinds will create a security best practice resource and i think we're part of the secure by design will have some of that with it but for monolithic will you also be you know looking to help with our uh customers to follow this security best practice resources uh i'm i'm imagining the answer is just yes i was wondering if you could speak to how how you want to make that happen yeah so uh a large part again of our core business is the actual federal government's um for america so when we're talking about security it doesn't get much more secure than that so we've had several roundtables with the regulatory bodies from the civilian agency side to the dod side um really just hashing out what does the way forward look like um and while that conversation changes day by day as we learn more about what happened and who the key players were in that what's going to come out of this you know the silver lining if you will is solar winds is is being put through this methodic process of vetting security testing retesting the likes of which i've really never been seen um what that's going to mean is in the next few months you know two to six months once the storm clouds clear solar winds is literally going to be the benchmark for a network monitoring solution every other vendor out there is going to have to start their process of where solarwinds already is in its pillar or pedestal if you will at that time of being a infinitely secure solution so those best practices are real time we're learning them really being at the table with the most secure stakeholders there are in the world at this point so um trying to get those extracted and into a a tangible document and process that we can deliver to the rest of our customers at large it's going to be the evolving task load but absolutely um it's going to get there and and again just to reiterate solar winds is going to be that horse in the front here in relatively near future thank you for that last question for you bill there's one more here that has to talk about solarwinds have we apparently have customers that wish to move their core solarwinds instances to the cloud is that something that loop one is is uh helping our customers get done yeah thanks thomas it's a really great question the cloud is everywhere right we live in a hybrid world and it's foolish to think that applications like solarwinds won't be cloud hosted and the reality is in a lot of cases they already are we work with clients that run their solarwinds platform in azure in amazon in oracle in google cloud and so what we're doing as a partner is we are working on our own partnerships with data centers as well as cloud providers where we can help to ensure that if you're going to operate in a cloud environment you know what the best practices are you know what your footprint needs to look like with real i laugh because i think of the old school you know recommended hardware was never good enough right today we want to make sure that when we recommend the the specs for a cloud environment that it's going to support the platform as it should uh and then also the best practices for connectivity uh secure knocks secure vpns and all of the different ways that we go to cloud and from cloud with all the multi-protocol demands of a monitoring system so yeah absolutely the platform works well in the cloud there are new hosting options that loop one is working on in partnership with solarwinds and we look forward to being able to bring more of those to the market in the near future wonderful thank you for that that brings us to the end again i want to thank all of our uh guests here bill and greg and sue docker thank you for your time and thank you to the audience again for taking your time today to join us uh again the key resources are being shown we have uh besides the first slide this is the second slide where we have a handful of blogs uh the webcast that we had done earlier and uh uh our pod uh techpod where you can listen to us and talk about the plan for safer solarwinds as well again uh for solarwinds my name is thomas lorock and i want to thank you and you guys want to say thanks as well thank you all thank you all thank you tom for hosting us thank you sir doctor it's a pleasure to be here thank you thomas thank you greg my pleasure to share the stage with you thanks everybody for attending thank you bill thank you great thanks all

2021-03-09 13:41

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