Riding a Bear Wave? | Trading a Smaller Account

Riding a Bear Wave? | Trading a Smaller Account

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all right good morning everyone welcome to trading a smaller account the bell has rung the last trading day of the week has begun and we are together to see how we might with our small account take advantage of what's going on in the market today and a lot of people there's been a lot of ringing of hands a lot of gnashing of teeth um over what's going on in the markets but one thing that can be considered to be a positive thing about a downtrend and yes there can be positive things about a downtrend is that it tends to move quickly and so if we are using options and we want to do a short term trade sometimes we can get in and out of those trades very quickly before the market changes because when we see a market like this sometimes the down days are quite spectacular but then it can rally quite spectacularly also and so um you know we are looking at how we can ride this bear trade this trend and take advantage of it with an account of any size and in particular in this class we're looking at a small account so that's what's on the menu for today i want to thank all of you for making this such a vibrant community and being here like half an hour before the class even starts to start you know trading ideas and greeting one another in the chat hello to jules and juanita two ladies first in the chat today three ladies and lucy uh lucy and marcy so like women power this morning um for getting here early uh and to debra and larry and michael and ap 514 and mansoor and jeff and todd and the rest of the gang love that you are all here it makes the class feel so much more dynamic so thank you for that also thank you to for ken rose for being here he always comes in early also and and start sharing things with all of you so thank you to ken for lending his expertise to help make this webcast strong if you've got questions type them into the chat um and ken and i will do our best to answer them if you're one of the many watching this in the archives you can type them into the comment section i typically look at those at the beginning of every trading day now next week my friends after this webcast i am heading for the airport so um i am going home to my hometown north of toronto um so i may be a little um not quite as fast in responding to the comments but i'm bringing my whole set up so that i can still teach this class next friday so i'll be coming to you live from the motherland from canada next week and looking forward to it okay so oh sorry um this is not a mini session this is the full session i forgot that i had um uh it changed that so you know my bad on that but the trade mini the trade management mini session a review about eight trades is up you can go to the playlist and how do you get there um or you can go to twitter so if we come out here and come to twitter um this is the eight trades that have hit targets including the four that we placed last week and then um we did uh i did a session on short put verticals gone wrong and that's been posted also the links are here on twitter so if you're not following me on twitter you're doing yourself a disservice at the armstrong underscore tda um ken rose also pause post lots of fantastic content just look for some crazy gift gif and then you'll know that there's a new trade management mini session in the house you can also come out and just come to youtube and type in trader talks and it'll say trader trucks from td ameritrade yep that's the one we want and then you're going to come to playlists and when you come to playlists you want to come down and look for trading a smaller account which is in row number four and hit view full playlist and then you'll see here here's the first trade management mini session and here's the second one and then here's last week's um here's last week's uh class so if you missed it it was a killer um you know you'll want to watch that okay so that's that okay so back to our regular programming just if you're wondering where to find those because i do get those questions a lot um know that everything we cover in this class is for education and informational purposes only none of it to be construed as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade all myself options are not suitable for all investors there are special risks inherent to options trading that can lead to potentially rapid and substantial losses in this class this year um and you know this is our third year on this but time flies when you're having fun doesn't it um we've done a lot of spreads so i want to talk to you a bit about spreads today um or you know credit spreads and and debit spreads um and and this year we've had a lot more um debit spreads or long put verticals and um long call verticals on the menu um than the previous years where we tended to focus more on on short put verticals or credit spreads um but know that that there are special considerations that we have to take into account we use the thinkorswim paper money platform here in this class it looks like smells like acts like real money but there are a few differences one if you own a stock that pays a dividend it'll show that it pays a dividend but you don't actually get a paper money dividend in that account also short options are never assigned early in paper money um and that can happen in your real account and you have to be ready for that because the first time it happened to me it kind of freaked me out you know it was a short put vertical i had no intention of buying you know several hundred shares of that stock and it got put to me and um it was like so we want to be aware of what our risks really are and what can happen and how to manage that um know that all investing involves risk including the potential risk of loss okay so for today's menu uh just let me move this down well something's filling um we're going to have a quick look at the markets and then we are going to place some new example trades and we're going to do very little trade management today because um the four trades we placed last week were reviewed in the last mini session but i will give you a close note summary on those so let's get out to the platform okay and one of the challenges with this class is that you know the market is open it um you know when we meet just open so it's hard for me to get a sense of you know direction on a particular stock ahead of time but if anyone is brand new to this class um please type a greeting into the chat so that we can uh welcome you also know that in this class we started the year with twenty thousand dollars um and you know some might say well i wish i had 20 000 and others might say really how come it's so small it's like well the clock class is called trading a smaller account and if you only have 10 000 well then just cut the numbers maybe in half for your paper money trades um we said our max risk per trade at the beginning of the year was 400 we've now moved at 4 to 500 because our account has grown and you know we've done a lot of very short term what we call base hit trades and um just let me hear okay my drawing tools have not woken up yet for the morning okay let's try one last time yeah so we're at thirty thousand now we started with twenty thousand so we're up about fifty percent and then our max position size here is five thousand and you may say back the truck up like you started with uh 20 000 and had that as a position size well it allows us to buy a hundred shares of something that costs fifty dollars or less and maybe use a buy right strategy or you know a buy and hold strategy most of this year most of our money has been sitting in cash we've done a lot of short-term trading strategies and have very seldom had even half of you know our portfolio invested okay so so yeah this has worked out well does it always work out this way no this has been an exceptional year the last two years by the end of the year we were up about 50 40 50 and that doesn't always happen either but we're we're trying our goal in this class it has by and large to be a short term trading so it's a very active trading style and we're doing a lot of short-term trades and we're looking for what i call base hits okay so we're looking for base hits and i'm going to talk more about that in a minute but we're trying not to be greedy we're trying to be consistent and you know sometimes it's tough because like those four trades that we placed last friday we got out of on monday and had we stayed in them would we have made more money well on tuesday or wednesday it might have looked like wish we'd gotten out and then yesterday you know we would have been further ahead but we went base hit do it again base hit do it again base it do it again so that's kind of been the strategy now when the market was going up last year was that our strategy not necessarily we did a lot more trades that we were in much longer periods of time as in weeks as opposed to days so your your trading strategy is going to be heavily influenced or can be heavily influenced by one what your goals are and two um what's going on in the market right it's like not all children are the same you can't treat them all exactly the same because each child will respond differently and so each market responds differently if you will can you tell i'm a mother okay so let's have a quick look at what's cooking in the markets and we can compress this so our s p 500 and are we surprised to see this i mean we had a spectacular down day yesterday and and so far today it's trying to recover but we're early in the day um you know but it this is a three-month chart let's go to our our handy-dandy year-to-date so i mean well no one can argue now i mean we're we're down 23 on the s p year-to-date that is officially set it stamped it bear market and you know when we look at this we had a bit of a sideways trend but overall this is you know been a downtrending year and in fact i posted something on twitter yesterday from i just reposted it from someone else that this is the second worst start to a year since the s p was founded you know um 1932 was worse so you know this isn't just yeah we're not having a great start i mean this is spectacularly bearish um and you know when we look at the nasdaq you know down 32 percent and and you know pretty similar right when you know we look at it it's below every major moving average it's below the 10 below the 30. yeah you'd need binoculars you know or maybe even a telescope to see the 200 from where we are now and you know it it looked like it was trying to rally um and then we had like four really big down days in a row and and the downtrend is continuing and so you know this target here this potential target of 10.50 was based on and you know every everybody reads the charts differently right it's like a big rorschach test but we kind of looked at it and said hey it was kind of trading in a bit of a sideways range here right and when it broke out you know a technician would say well whatever this amount was about 2500 if we're expecting that it to go down how far about 2500 that would get us into that neighborhood of this 10-500 and you know what we're not all that that far away okay okay i'm just having a look yeah okay so there's the nasdaq how about our russell the small caps well this one you know and again i i just find the technicals kind of fascinating um you know we had this range here you know where it kept coming down and most of last year i mean this what became the floor was the ceiling for almost a year and then it broke down and we said okay well whatever this range is we're expecting it to come down and it not only came down but it broke below that target so it's certainly and that target was around 1670 well yesterday it hit 1641 and it's right around that 1670 level so the question is will this establish a new support level because some might have been expecting that this 17 15 kind of support level might have held and it's like yeah no jk just kidding not holding away we go so then what might the next target be you know who knows draw a new line and the dow and so the dow you know year to date it's been trading in kind of this downward trending range right and so and then it broke below that this week pretty spectacularly and so if we look at that and we say well what might a new target it be if we you know just measure this the width of this range and say well i could see it coming down to around here that would be around that 280 ish level you know and i'm putting an ish on that because you know these targets aren't you know it's not really 279 39 it's like 280 ish you know and this is why when we put our targets in sometimes we need to look at them so yesterday we had a trade on amd that we exited that we had put in in long options on monday and there won't be a long options this monday my friends because um td ameritrade is closed for juneteenth in recognition of june 18th so you know a worthy reason to have a day off so there will be no long options monday so i will cover that trade in class today okay and how does the vix look well it's pulling back a bit but you know when we look at year-to-date where the vix has been it's still at the very top end of the range isn't it you know i think i can get rid of this line it's still at the top end of the range and you know some might say we get rid of this line and we draw a diagonal line kind of setting up a pennant pattern and really i don't worry so much about technicals on the vix vex it's really just a response to fear in the markets it's a response to fear in the markets okay so i believe the markets are open on monday you'd have to check i got vacation brain going on um to be honest with you okay so that's the vix if we wanted to come out and just say hey what's happening scepter action wise we could come in here or we could bring up a watch list also but we could come in here and just say okay what's happening today who's who's hot and who's not everything except materials and energy as a net is up today real estate and consumer discretionary up the most yesterday there wasn't a single sector that that wasn't strong and actually energy was the worst performing sector yesterday okay so we've got we've got a bounce happening so the question is you know is this a trend reversal or you know are we setting up another bull flag or bear flag okay so the stock market is closed on monday okay so so we all have a three-day weekend from trading which is kind of exciting isn't it okay so when we look at this and we say well does this mean we should be trading bullishly yeah no no no not at all but what this means is today if we wanted to play some trades there might be a little more work involved so what do i mean by that well what i mean by that is um you know if we're still wanting to trade bearishly because we see that the trend direction is bearish in the markets overall then we're going to be putting in conditional orders to say hey if on tuesday when the market opens this stock goes down then let's do a long put vertical or a long put okay so you know that's going to be our strategy today okay so let's come back here and i know that i had said that i would do um new trades first but we're going to come and just have a quick look amd um we closed out of and if i come back say eight days so we got into this trade on monday for 4 35 we ended up out of it yesterday and this was a bearish trade and if we come out and we look at amd so monday was the 13th so we got into it on this day kind of early in the day that's at noon eastern and we got out of it yesterday so we weren't in it very long were we and it was a profitable trade so we'd throw a little gold on the screen there if you just want to you know mark your trades this is you know the second time you know in the last month or so we've done a trade on amd and then there are those who might argue that it's setting up because it broke below this support level quite handily yesterday it's still below it so could we set up a conditional order to say hey if this goes below 80 64 might we expect it to go down one atr okay so we are going to set up a trade on amd okay and but just to review how that last trade played out and and i review this ad nauseam in the two um trade management mini sessions that we did but we just say okay we got into this for 435 we got out of this for 690 and today it's it's bouncing so we might just be glad we got out of this right um and so how much were we up by we were up by um 255.

so 690 minus 345 so we were up by 255 on an investment of what well how much could we have lost on this trade we could have lost 435 dollars so our return on our investment or we could call it return on risk is we did one contract because we can't risk more than 500 that's why we did one 255 divided by 435 you do the math with me because we all know that my math skills are not always fabulous divided by 435 that's a almost a 59 return 58.6 percent return on a trade we were in for you know three or four days so base hit now on the uh trades that we did last friday we did two trades on expedia so if i bring up expedia and we kind of thought about it and said hey you know um might with increasing fuel prices and if you watch some of my other classes i talked about a friend who called she was thinking of going to paris in august she called a month ago flights were a thousand dollars and she had very specific dates she called two weeks ago flights were fifteen hundred dollars she called last sunday um or looked at it last sunday flights twenty five hundred dollars same date same airline same destination she is not now not going to paris so might that be having a negative impact on companies like expedia etc and so these two trades and i'm not going to do the math or go over them in any detail but nice base hits and again we got in on friday out on monday the long put we were out with about a 300 gain we did one of those and these and it was interesting because we made very close to the same amount 210 you know we were up like 160 on each of these and there were two of them [Music] um so you know base hit base hit and and you know i went over the details in that other uh in the trade management mini session and then we also did two trades on it was rcl okay let me get rid of those and it just turned out that all of these you know worked out profitably is that the way it always happens um no oh red solo cup that's good to know i'm going to call my friend and let her know that so this one here um on rcl again we did two trades we were going to compare and contrast and because we got out of them so quickly there wasn't as much of a variation as there could sometimes be but uh in and out pretty quickly on this one we did three contracts because we could um and manage our risk parameters on rcl on the long put and then you know we got in and out very quickly because we put a target in like the most we can make when we do a long put vertical and the the difference in the strikes is five dollars our max gain could have been five dollars but in order to see that kind of gain we'd have to have stayed in it much longer because this doesn't expire until july 15th so we said you know what um we've started going with if it goes up by about 50 percent we put in an exit at about 50 percent so we took our 240 we multiplied it by 1.5 that gave gave us 360. um and this may have been a bit of a paper money fill but you know we got out of this one with a nice gain also so and this was one of my things when i first started trading long verticals i thought well why wouldn't i go for the max gain that's crazy i'm so over that um you know because as a strategy you then have to stay in it much longer so this year we've decided to just kind of work with this in paper money and see how it works if we say hey rather than going for that hundred percent gain or close to it um you know because at 240 the max gain on this was potentially 260 so over a hundred percent and we said you know what how about you know we'd be okay with a 50 gain and then instead of being in it for weeks we were in it for you know one trading day and so that's was the thought behind that but again we made between two and 300 on each of those so you know base hit base hit well you get four base hits in a row that starts to feel like a home run you know so in total those four trades totaled over a thousand dollars i think it was around 1200 which you know for our little account right you know we we now have 30 500 in it but 1200 that's a big what that's a big whoop so you know 1200 on our original account if i took 1200 and divided that by our original account balance we switch our gadget and bring up our calculator divided by twenty thousand that's a six percent return on our entire initial account balance with four trades where our risk was no more than four to five hundred per trade now i say that it's a theoretical risk so we're going to look at placing some new trades but i want to talk for a minute about verticals and why we want to get out so let's set up our first trade and then we'll talk about managing it so with a we were going to do amd so and and why amd well we've seen it come down it's in the tech sector it's been getting badly pummeled it's broken below a support level trying to rally but we're early in the day yet so this could indicate a trend change so if we said if we wanted to be a little more aggressive we could say hey if it goes below today's low of 81.28 we want to get in

or we could say hey if it goes below 80 64 and sets up a new low we want to get in and and you can set it up either way in fact if you wanted to do two trades in your paper money account you could set up two trades and just see how they work out but if we want to err on the side of being conservative and we said okay we want this to be on amd a conditional entry and say if it goes below 80 64 our one atr which is about the amount that amd moves in an average day or has moved in an average day over the last 14 days so i'd take 80 64 and i'm really suck with this calculator so 80 64 and i subtract 553 75 11 would be our target now can we afford an amd put so nicole sometimes we'll put on if we're moving really quickly four or five or six trades um and so if we did let's say six trades we're risking twenty four hundred dollars which is less than 10 of the account value so even if every trade went against us we still it's not like we've blown up the account we've given back some of the profit we've made um but hopefully we wouldn't have six um you know six go against us all at the same time so yeah somebody is saying this could be a bullish harami but by the end of the day you know because we're so early in the day that seems to keep moving you know back and forth right but we're saying you know if this turns out that it is continuing the downtrend then we'll get in if it's not if it doesn't go below 80 64 we won't get into this trade and yesterday in portfolio management basics we had placed conditional orders on three different stocks to say hey if this looks like it's going in going up if it goes up get us in and they were on energy stocks and of course none of those stocks went up and so we cancelled all of those orders yesterday and so a conditional order you know when you're saying hey i'm going on vacation or i've got a busy day if this comes down i don't want to miss it but if it goes up i don't want to be in a bearish trade inappropriately because i'd rather not lose money right the idea here is that we want to make money so if we come to the trade tab and we come out to july why 28 days because we we're hoping if we get in the plan is to be out in a few days it's a short-term trade if on average amd moves about five dollars and 53 cents in a day we're not saying three atr's we're saying if it moves one you know we want to get out so and thank you for double checking my math ap 514 i appreciate it so here we if we did the 80 strike it's trading at 82 right now we'd only want to get in if it goes below 80 64 by let's say 20 cents so we would want to buy a single and we only want to buy it if amd goes at or below 80 44. 80 44. and then given that it goes below 80 44 then we'd say okay then our target we're going to create an opposite order make it good till canceled and you're going to get this little here's my little red message i thought it would come up if it goes not below 80 44 we want it to go to 75 11. 11. save okay now we haven't put in uh but what if the trade rallies and goes against us and we do want to put something in there because even though we're risking you know between 450 and 500 dollars we really don't want to lose that amount so we could say if it goes above this candle or we could say if it goes above today's candle which is a little unusual for us but if we say okay today's high is 82.94 if it goes above that by 553 so 8294 and you see like now it's a bearish candle so now you could say well we could just put that trade in and this is the thing with it being um you know we're live in the market so 8294 plus 553 88 47 okay 88.47

and so now the game has changed so we could just say you know what we'd like to just put that trade in now and we could do that and so you know what i like to run a democratic process who would like to just go ahead and enter the trade now who wants to wait until it goes below 80 64 now that we have a red candle so go ahead type it into the chat well i put in our exit of 88.47 now if we're putting the trade in now we could say well today's low is 81.28 so 8128 minus yeah 553.

so we'd have a new target then 81 28 553 now it's going to be 75.75 enter now trade now wait okay so more people are saying um enter now okay so you know what we're going to do we're going to put in two trades we'll put in one that because i've already teed it up where we're waiting and then we'll put in one and we'll do it now okay so monitor top or sorry our trade top we've got this keyed up what we wanted to add here was our exit in the event that the trade rallies and goes against us 88.47 and we're not going to leave it at this 88.47 um you know we're going to snug that up if it doesn't go down and hit the target because we're trying to manage the damage right yeah okay so here's the first one where we're waiting we don't want to get in unless it goes below 80 44. our target on this is 75 11 we want it to go at or below 75 11 does that make sense it's trading at 81 yep or if it goes above 8847 which is one atr above today's high so this is our long put with a conditional order and it's a one atr target just so we know what our thought process was check my conditional entry at or below 80 44. i think that was right yes 80 64 less 20 cents okay okay so fire in the hole now for those who said like hey so we're not going to hear the pain or the ding we're going to do another one where we want to buy and we're going to say okay we want to buy right now it's trading at 440 we're going to put in our exits our exits are going to be a little different because we just wanted to go down one atr from where it is right now and thank you to those who double check my math already so and this you see this market order must have daytime and force that comes up until we put in the condition and so because it's a market order without a stipulation until we do this bit so we're saying hey if it goes below 75.75 we want out so the target's a

little bit higher and if it goes above 8847 we want out 88 47. so one of the advantages of the conditional order is that if it didn't fill till monday or tuesday then we don't have that three days of time decay um but if we feel now and it moves quickly um you know we you know the profit we make could be more than that time decay so you know there's a yin and a yang to everything right 75 75 and 88.47 confirm and send this number is below that number's above we're just going to place our trade it's a long put and we have a one atr target you could choose uh larry is asking you know do you always choose the high and low for atr or can you choose the current price there are some traders that would always go with what the current price is and other traders who would take the high and low of the day um but with this trading strategy many will then manage it on a daily basis so yesterday i was looking at amd and it kept coming to within a hair of our stop like within six cents eight cents and i thought if it's half an hour before the market closes and it hasn't hit that target i'm going to exit that position because we don't want to be like bob right like we've talked about that before where you know something gets really close to our target and we saw that happen on was it marvel we've seen that happen where it came to within 15 cents of hitting our target and then it rallied and we managed to snatch a profitable trade and turn it into a loss just because we weren't watching okay so these are not set it and forget it's like oh i've got my target and i've got my exit yeah new we are still going to manage and be watching and if it gets close to the target it's close to the end of the day who knows what can happen the next day so you know don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory okay okay so let's look for another example and my guess is there's probably quite a few of them um you know we looked at a b and uh b last week we could do something similar you know here we have this downward trend it's now broken below that um and you know it came down and you know it looks like it's rallying today but could we put a conditional order in we could so if one wanted to do another practice and say hmm is that going to hold not sure and so if you're not sure you know you can look at that and say okay well if it goes below 9209 then i'd like to get in now this one's up 2.6 so the odds of it continuing down today might not be as high okay so i'm just going to yeah you know i'm getting my highlighter out because with the day that i have a head i might forget so we'll all put that one in afterwards because that one is perhaps less likely to fill today and this is one where you know can you put in trades when the market is closed sure but we'd have to look at this and say is this one a little rich for our blood well the 95 strike out in july is at 670. you're kind of going well you know what we've been here's a conversation you've probably never had this conversation in your head but you might know of someone who has and it might go something like this you know what we are crushing it this year like obviously we are brilliant and um you know this whole position sizing thing you know it really it should apply to most people but obviously we are on a roll and there's no way we are going to fail be terrified if you think that thought because no sooner will you think that thought then you'll have five or six trades in a row go wrong and you'll be laying on your bed curled up in the fetal position sucking your thumb so our rule is um you know that we you know can't risk more than 500 and this would be 670 so we can't do this trade but could we turn it into a long put vertical we could and so we could turn it into a long put vertical and say in fact i wonder if we could get enough premium to do the 100 and the 95 and we're almost there but let's do the 95 and we would be buying a vertical and how would we do this we do it the same way and we'd say well we'd like to get in at the market order if it goes below and so again you're just going to do this the same way and then if you get in let's assume you'd be paying around maybe 250 for it say when it gets to four bucks you get out okay so we're going to do that one that's your mission should you decide to accept it it's not let me be really clear it's not a recommendation but it's an interesting one that we could practice right practice in paper money okay so let's look at another chart and the fun continues okay expedia oh look at that could that be the same thing now you might be saying barb bullish harami and i could say yeah but bob downtrend continuing this is just like a little breather you know when you're skiing and your legs get tired just stop for a sec and then you go continue on down the hill so could we do the same kind of thing and what's what do you have to say to yourself next is can i afford 525 odds no the answer is is is this number bigger than 500 then your answer is no you know but could we do a long put vertical we could do we want to put it on today no we don't we'd want to make we could put the order in today but it would be conditional right conditional on what on the downtrend continuing nine going below 95.65 so that would be another long put vertical that we could practice on and these are both in the travel industry so if we wanted to come back and look at okay adobe had earnings last night they beat on both the top and bottom line and it looks like they're trying to rally so given they're trying to rally we'd rather see just a plain red candle here but a lot of analysts are now um you know dropping their targets on this stock even though they're still you know bullish on the company okay how about datadog while it's holding on that support level so you know again you know could you do a practice here if it went below that 8112 um yeah we could maybe but you might want something just a little more um you know if this is sitting on that support level you might look for something that's more clearly broken below like rcl which is down again today and this one you know we could afford and i'm now out of time so i have to wrap but this one at a dollar 43 or 330 and we would do the 330 because it's closest to where it's trading we could do a long put with a one atr target so i'll put this one in after the class ends this is rcl we're going to do just a long put and with a one atr target um and so that's a wrap for today okay oh well that was probably for the other class um you know we had a an energy stock okay so guys i really appreciate you being here we've covered what we intended to cover today i didn't get to go over the verticals but you know what we'll talk about that perhaps next week um because it's an important thing to understand one of the reasons we really like to be in and out of these quickly is that even though we have on the long put verticals we're placing these practice trades on a hypothetical max loss if we take it into expiration there are ways we can lose more and so we want to be sure we understand exactly what we're doing and i have some stories to tell you from my own experience and trust me there are some lessons you get hit hard enough you only have to get burnt once and you learn and you never make them that mistake again so my friends thank you so much for joining us i believe there was a survey today um ken if there was a survey yeah there is a survey so here's my ask of you if you wouldn't mind filling this out i'm just going to repost it if you wouldn't mind filling this survey out you just you know one means you hated it and you're never coming back to me at 10 means you loved it and um you're a lifer um and and then there's everything in between but you can also put some comments in so let me know what you love let me know what you'd like to see more of what you'd like to see less of are the trade management mini sessions working for you um this is your chance to tell me um what you'd like to see in these classes because man ken and i we are here and you know we're doing it all for you just like the mcdonald's jingle um so there you have it so um hit the like button don't forget to follow ken and i in the land of twitterville um i think you'll be glad you did and um have a really great long weekend everyone i'm gone next week but i am taking my whole setup with me so i can still teach this class next friday i've got people filling in for me on the long options class on tuesday we'll be doing short call verticals connie will be covering that and mike fairborne will be covering my portfolio management basics on a thursday so know everything we do in this class is for education and informational purposes only none of it's to be construed as a recommendation if you scroll up in the chat marcy you will see the survey you guys are just such big chatters here i'll repost it and then i have to go because i'm going to be gone so um that's it so guys thank you thank you have a great week talk to you soon bye

2022-06-19 03:41

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