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market moves main goal is to lower the entry  barrier for both new investors in the crypto   space and for already experienced investors  and let them invest in a very safe way and   allow them to do to do anything with their funds  what they want you know and not force them not to   hold their funds hostage and basically enable  them to trade safely in a decentralized way   and really help them understand why they invest  in specific tokens and find them new tokens   market move is the last d5 platform you will  ever need if you're on binance smart chain if   you're on ethereum if you're on other layer 1  protocols and you want to reduce your risk in   trading and investing market move might be the  product for you today we're joined by the ceo   and cto to tell us all about market move and  to tell us why it could be of value to the   cryptocurrency trader mike marios how are you  guys doing today thank you very much for the   introduction and uh we are doing pretty well let  me also introduce myself my name is michael novak   i'm the ceo here of market move and we are  together with maurice he's our studio so maurice   say hello hi everyone my name is marius kirsky i'm  the cto of market move nice to meet you nice to   meet you guys now did i get that right market move  helps traders reduce risk is that correct yeah so   basically our goal with the marketing platform you  know uh was to let investors uh invest in a safe   way in crypto you know because as you all know the  crypto market is still not regulated you know uh   there are very you know very many risks uh which  are especially dangerous for new investors uh   so this is our goal uh and as you've mentioned  we've started on bsc you know um since this is   a very popular blockchain at the moment and also  since you know many many scams many bad bad things   are going on uh but we will extend to other  blockchains uh very soon uh so just to sum it   up what is market move what is what are our goals  here you know uh is to let people invest safely uh   is to let people make more informed decisions and  we will jump you know uh into that in more detail   in just a moment to explain to you you know what  exactly are we doing here and i would love and   even before we dive deep into what market move is  i would love to just know your guys's backgrounds   specifically what companies or tech did you  come from and then how you pivoted into crypto   sure so maybe before uh i jump in you know with  regard to my background my experience i will give   the floor to maris because he has in my opinion  very impressive experience from different tech   companies hey i feel and so on so mary's go ahead  all right so so thanks for that so i have started   my career at mozilla then i started sigmoido which  is an ai consulting firm and during all these   years i have been mostly working on products on  the in the financial space that help people make   decisions in the financial industry and then we  have together with mike notice that there is uh   there is a niche there to to fulfill so that's  that's how we that's how i got into crypto   yeah so maybe to add on that to with  regard to to our company sigmoido   uh we we founded this you know six years ago and  uh it was a very successful uh component it still   is we managed to work with fortune 500 clients we  were covered by financial times by bloomberg uh   had a few dedicated interviews you know uh worked  with the finance uh industry mostly but also with   pharma like with companies like novartis some  private equity firms and so on uh and you know uh   the thing the thing is uh that we've seen so many  advanced tools you know for investments on the   stock market you know for investing on you know  uh for like let's say wall street sharks and so on   and when we got into crypto uh we've realized that  you know that the whole space is so early that   people don't really have such tools uh so you know  for the the first thing and the second thing is uh   that you know investing safely in the crypto space  especially on this you know these new blockchains   uh like you know uh finance marching and so on is  is really difficult you know uh so this was this   was the the idea and as for my background you  know uh privately you know so i worked in a few   corporations uh major ones um then you know i've  started to uh i started to look you know to um to   basically start my own business i met marius you  know we started sigmoidos also this aia consulting   firm uh and it really you know uh allowed us  to you know to to understand that you know you   you really can one really can you know make a  difference uh in in the finance industry and why   not take it to the crypto industry you know which  is still so early uh so you know we we've gathered   uh really experienced guys currently apart from  the two of us we also have uh martin he's our   head of ai he was previously a head of ai at  capgemini he's uh he was an intel a ambassador   so you know just to uh just to gather really  experienced guys you know um advisor i we have   an advisor who has been working with chain  link cardano so we know we started this with   let's say a really inexperienced group of people  um yeah and and the project you know we will   discuss this later on but it's very early uh we  launched literally like less than two months ago   we already released the the first feature of  the platform and so on so this is this is the   background but i will you know uh give the floor  back to you guys so yeah thank you very much   so market move is an ai driven uh platform that  obviously like i said reduces risk and you guys   just decided to start with finance smart chain  and finance smart chain since it's so easy to   deploy you know that is ripe with a lot of like  pump and dump type things or a bunch of risk   what exactly like what are the specific things  that market move does to help you reduce that risk   iris i guess this is uh right yeah so so maybe  to to add a bit more on that so as you as we   previously mentioned we have been in the ai  space even longer than in the crypto space   and you might not know that but all  of the pretty much all of the funds   all of the big hedge funds trading money on the  exchanges trading even even private companies   use these tools to reduce the risk every  day they use it to do day trading they even   use it to do high frequency trading so and then  when i saw the crypto it was actually shocked   because i you know came from the world where  everything is polished everything is mature   and there is almost no opportunity for for  everybody to to make a difference without like a   significant huge amount of money and vc funding  because everything is already so so tightly   populated and everyone already has these tools but  then i also have realized together with mike that   the tools that we have been building so  long uh have not been yet discovered in   the crypto realm and it's almost like you know  the the the world like 20 or 15 years ago when   the first sas products out there just have been  just have been starting to dominate the market   and especially especially there is the first  feature that we have already released which   is a contract audit so as you are aware the  way that tokens work on the vsc ethereum and   and most blockchains actually is that they have a  custom code that is a smart contract that decides   pretty much how the funds are distributed what are  the economics of of a coin and so on and so forth   and we have found that it's very difficult  to build a set of rules that can dictate if   a contract is safe or not so we decided to use  ai train that on actual contract that we have   found that we have found safe or not safe and  built a tool that people are already using we have   like a thousand people every day using our tool  completely for free and that allows them to to   make sure if the investment is saved just on  the base of on the contract audit and this   is just the very beginning and the other ai  features to make crypto investments safe is   for example social media trackers so ai can very  very uh precisely identify what is the sentiment   towards uh towards a token or a coin whatever  and the thing is that if you just look at the   chart it's a bit too late because you know if it's  already pumping then you're a bit late to the game   if there is some uncertainty going on if there is  something shady going on with with the team or so   then the people may be selling but then already  you have you have lost a lot of your investment   but thanks to the next features we have in line  which is social media tracker using ai we will be   able to detect this sentiment before people take  pride take action on the price so these are the   let's say tools that will make uh make it safer  to decide or you know to make decisions but   once you have made the decision there is also uh  there is also you know if you want to actually   make the trade there are there are other obstacles  as well so so to so for example in order to   uh to trade if you have like a target like a limit  or stop loss that you want to that you want to   achieve on your investment you currently cannot  do this on most of the coins because the pack   pick swap only allows you to to do a quick you  know swap and that's it and thanks to our platform   you will be able to to trade on that to have  orders like in any major exchange but without   the drawback of actually sending them the funds  so the cool thing and another safety rate i think   is that we don't hold your funds hostage so  you can have like millions of dollars in any   you know any portfolio of coins be it stable  coins be it uh you know some pump and dumps   so-called [ __ ] coins anything you want  or like utility coins that you aim to   make like a thousand necks one day on you can all  hold it in your wallet and you can still have us   trade on that but if you decide to withdraw them  anytime we have no opportunity to just we have no   way to stop you so there are different aspects  on how we actually tackle the safety problem   wow go on mike please yeah thank you  thank you very much mario is very well   well said i would like to add you know to the  last feature so to the description of the last   feature so i guess this will be uh in my opinion  a game changer uh we will release it very soon   in november so in just a few weeks and uh just  as maurice had said so this will allow people to   trade you know starting on binance marching  but then we will expand this you know with   uh basically limit and slow post orders you know  trading stop losses and so on but the important   thing is that first we won't require any kyc uh  because we won't take funds from people we will   just be an intermediary you know between uh let's  say that madame their meta must call it or let's   say they're there you know treasure ledger and so  on and smart contracts so uh this way people will   be able you know to to trade even bitcoin ethereum  pair uh but without the need you know of any kyc   and without us taking those funds and i think  it's really really important because you know   as a trader myself uh you know i use binance  you know i use coinbase kraken and so on and   you probably know it yourself that sometimes you  know uh there you know there is a lot of traffic   uh and you see a message guys uh the network has  been you know has been frozen you can't withdraw   your fund for let's say next 24 hours or you know  the network is congested you you can do anything   it doesn't happen so often uh but it can happen  you know and as smart has said your funds can be   just held hostage with this approach we are you  know going for uh we will enable people to you   know just trade uh just like they want and money  will still uh stay on their wallets um and you   know we can we can dive deeper into the technical  details uh later on but basically uh but basically   um this this is the thing this is like um i think  one of the most important features of the platform   uh but just to sum it up we are building a full  suite of tools to let people invest safely some   for so you know from ai contract audits which are  already live we can screen share this in a moment   to show it how it works uh you know to social  media trackers and uh and the trading platform   yeah and i believe you know that uh this is really  cool from my perspective once i started investing   you know in like smaller market cap coins on  bsc and so on uh you know i had to learn a lot   of things you know what what is slippage you  know how not to get you know scammed you know   what should i look for and with this platform  you will be able to do that uh you know starting   on bsc then we'll expand to e2 and so on but  let's cover this later guys uh thank you sure   sure i mean i'd love to see the product right  now if you have it handy i'd love if you could   show off some of these things that you've  mentioned yeah so so the feature we're   i'm about to show is going to be live in  a in a few weeks from now but nevertheless   let me show you our current design works  and maybe do a quick explanation sure just   take us through everything as long as we'll just  share the screen once and just go through it all   yeah so the feature marius is about to show i  will be live very soon but obviously we want to   make sure you know that everything will be 100  secure because you know we will be uh you know   we'll be using uh or not maybe using but we'll  be the intermediary uh trading people's funds so   this is why at the moment you know for the last  two weeks and you know for the next couple of   weeks we will be running a lot of security tests  but marius go ahead you know you can explain   okay so the feature the feature uh you can see  here uh we call it we call it move trade right now   it looks like it looks like uh an exchange  but it's actually decentralized so we do not   hold your funds but we allow  you to trade in any possible way   so i think you're pretty familiar what all this  is this is our current token the market move   which has the ticker symbol move so  you can see the transactions here   but also you have the order book well these  these values are obviously placeholders   because this is not live yet and you are able to  put lineage orders and market orders just like you   would do and stopless orders just like you would  do on binance on i don't know kraken any other   metro exchange but the funds never leave your  wallet so what you can see here is a token   balance on in the underlying dollar value of a  currently connected metamouse quality so with so   if you compare this to you know a swapping tool  where you can only see like one field where you   can just instantly swap your tokens to to value  we're actually you know changing these tokens into   actual uh let's say coins that you can that you  can trade like it was bitcoin or anything else   and the cool thing is that not only you can trade  low market cap coins or like some up-and-coming   projects but you can also use the same approach  to trade even like bitcoin to to uh to be a usd   to any stable coins and well you could do  this technically everywhere right so so this   does not seem like a differentiator but you  may imagine you have like a couple of million   dollars or even like a couple hundred uh in your  wallet and then you have to send it to an exchange   well there is a saying not not your keys not  your cheese which pretty much means that if   you do not have a private key to your funds  they're technically not yours anymore so things   happen you know people get audited there is some  some additional procedures and even though it's   pretty much unlikely that you will lose your funds  on any of the major exchanges though unfortunately   it does happen and i think we we can all uh  remind of some of some examples like anti-gox   a couple of years ago which is a pretty huge huge  thing the newcomers may not remember it anymore   and people have lost millions and millions  of dollars and i don't remember how much so   thanks to this approach you no longer have to  do this like the money is still on your wallet   in your chain it can be a bsc or a team right now  then we will expand and you can trade it like you   were on a centralized exchange so you have both  the the best of the both worlds out of all the   suite of tools you guys are providing like what  are you most proud of or whatever you think has   the most value add to this space is it the trading  is the smart contract audits i would say this is   like a process that we're guiding you through so  first of all you use our smart contract to decide   if you want to invest in the first place then you  use our platform to do an investment and not only   you know do the first trade but actually  set some limit and stop those orders so   so that you can uh so that you can you know buy  more or close on the price you want during the   all the time you are in the process you can keep  looking at the social media social media and   tracker to make sure that nothing wrong is going  on with your portfolio or maybe even less maybe   even more than that maybe there is a you know  a very uh very significant pump action going on   like some positivity on the on the charts on the  social media before even the the price reflects   that so i would say it's like it's like something  that guides you all the way to you know starting   starting your investment all the way to to to  its exit so i cannot really tell what's the most   important one i think the decentralized exchange  is very very significant but all of the tools make   for a proper investment experience that we all are  lacking right now in the bsc and the entire crypto   yes yes um so where is the sentiment social media  sentiment tracker and like the being able to   to detect whether it's a honeypot  where are some of those features   so the sentiment tracker is on the roadmap uh  it's coming in in a few months from now uh as   far as for the contract audit let me actually show  you so this is uh the interface is a bit different   because we're right now unifying the interface uh  but this is already a live feature you can test it   out on any contract you want for example this is  statement it's a well-known token uh you can see   how how well it fares in different different  categories like decentralization security   and what's the overall score and if you actually  want to look a bit deeper you can see for example   what the owners of the contract are entitled to so  even though safemon is a well-known contract that   that you know that that was pretty safe that a  lot of people liked and made some significant   profit off you i think you should be aware that  the owners have certain rights so for example   they can change the taxi they can exclude certain  wallets from receiving for example reflections   and even though you don't need to go through  all this because we will show you the most   like if something is for example a honeypot you  will be able to see it right here so that you   know instantly that you should not invest in that  because a lot of coins right now where would you   see that you'd see that in the warnings uh it  would be it would be right here where you where   you see this course okay yeah actually you know  uh the tool i think that for the ai contract audit   this is uh one very important feature uh that you  can just you know type a name of the of the token   of or you know basically pays the contract and  if it's a honeypot you will just get a big red   warning what is a honeypot honeypot is basically  a situation where uh the tax is so high that you   cannot sell you know for example uh the buy tax is  zero percent and the sale tax is 100 so obviously   if you were to sell you would lose everything you  know another uh another approach you know people   unfortunately take uh scammers is that people for  example blacklist everyone you know apart from uh   you know wallace of developers and people keep  investing you know so uh let's say new investors   not really experienced investors go you know  go to a token see oh man it's you know it's   going up you know like 3x 5x and so on uh so all  you know the huge green uh candle and the thing   is that oftentimes unfortunately this is a harry  potter meaning that it's going up because you know   people cannot sell this token and so on and with  our tool uh you are able to basically face the   contract and if it's a harry potter we just get  you know we just get a big red warning uh you   know because what we what we are doing here is uh  we are simula simulating a trade you know in in   the close environment so you get instant results  uh if you can sell of or if you cannot sell so   actually you know we've gotten a really good  feedback from the community from from like   new people to the community that guys this really  saved me from being scammed on bsc and i'm really   thankful uh you know be this honeypot detector or  just you know functions in the contract which are   really important maybe we can just jump back for  a moment and maybe uh show that we can click you   know at the specific warning and actually uh  help people understand what it means because   it's not like you know this is the score and  that's that's all all right just give me a second   and in the meantime you can keep talking for a  while i have a question if i'll take your time please educate me if i don't understand ai  as much it's not my main core competency   but is an ai driven smart contract audit would  that be better than like a certic or are these   companies that offer audits right now or is it  worse or is it the same or how does it compare   you know actually let me answer this  because it's like it's kind of both   because uh there is there is a significant  strength in the in the human audit that the team   can respond and you know justify some of their  decisions and sometimes it makes perfect sense   and without this conversation sometimes you just  cannot you know be able to audit the contract that   being said with the problem with the human-made  audits is that once it's done it's done and and   for some certain you know a center sent certain  contracts with a high degree of of centralization   the problem is that something may become a  honeypot after it starts trading and this   is something that you will not really see in  an audit so they may be like warning you that   okay you know they can change the fee or whatever  but what if it actually becomes the honeycomb and   you want to invest in that you because you know  what's the the the problem with the honeypots   because nobody can sell everybody's buying so you  have like a mooning chart that looks like you know   you're you're missing out on something amazing  so that's that's the biggest that's maybe that's   how why they called it the honeypot because you  know it looks like pure honey but well it's not   so um so so then if you just you know if you look  at this certico auditor like any other company's   audit which may be great you will not see that  it has become one but if you go to our platform   because it updates real time what's what's going  on and if you can if you can still work on it if   you can still invest in it uh it will show you  that it has become a honeypot and why it works   because every time we audit the contract we also  simulate a trade so we try to buy and sell the   the token obviously like in let's say not for  real but we try to run like a test transaction   let's say and if it doesn't go through then  we show that this is honeyput let me ask you   something because i noticed that when we looked  at safe moon it got a relatively good score   obviously people in crypto know that safe moon is  kind of like a meme coin like a game type coin um   but like what your system is identifying as like  straight up scams is that a good way to think   about it what's what a safe one no it doesn't it's  not the identifiers come it's all right i know we   just i'm saying safe mode is kind of like just uh  you know it's known for like being a meme coin or   like a game coin right it's like i i would think  if safe moon gets a you know pretty decent score   like something like bitcoin and ethereum would get  like a perfect score uh so bitcoin and ethereum   are not smart contracts they're not you know  tokens on the bc so we cannot really uh judge   them this way of course let me maybe let me maybe  add a few things here so uh once you know what's   the advantage this just maybe to make it clear  this is like only one feature of the platform the   the the very first one which is already live uh it  was you know let's say the most requested feature   for uh you know from our community but uh what is  the advantage basically you can have uh an audit   of any contract on demand so even if you just you  know learn about new projects which is coming out   today you can just pay the contract and you have  the audit you can see for example uh what exactly   what owners are uh you know uh allowed to do and  so on and for safe and like you know here to be   specific this is uh just analyzing their contract  it's it's going a pretty well score but it still   shows some uh warning and some you know things  you should be careful about so like here you can   basically first of all just click on uh detected  line of code and see what it means so for example   here you know uh owner entitled to change tax  fee what i should do you should you know consult   the debt team why they have such function in the  contract for example sometimes people can you know   start with higher taxes than when they get listed  on some exchanges they need to reduce it to you   know to zero percent so this is totally fine but  you know for some coins these can be used you know   to scan people and so on but you know so so just  just to be clear like it's it doesn't mean that   it's necessarily a wrong thing but it's something  that you should be aware of when you're making the   decision so for example it may be good to ask the  dev team why there is such an such a thing or if   if there is for example an action plan based on  that like like what's what's the idea behind this   and if you cannot get a satisfactory response  maybe it's better to stay away from this token   yeah exactly but uh you know but basically the  thing is we've started with this uh based on   the community feedback uh and if you check the  volume you know for bsc contracts you know uh so   many projects coming out every day you know  for pancakes for other exchanges and so on   uh we are talking about billions of dollars you  know and uh truth to be told you know those are   meme coins but you know you have dogecoin you  have shiba inu and so on and you know currently   they are you know they are training um you know  elon musk for example on bsc there were like   two tokens uh i believe it was baby dogecoin  and me doge uh and you know elon musk tweeted   about that then you know they started pumping  and with our tool for example you could just go   to aftermarket move ai you know pay the contract  see if it's really safe you know despite ellen   mcqueen about this you know uh understand why are  you investing in it uh in the first place you know   with the social media tracker you can say uh you  know uh what are people talking about this what   caused this pump and so on and you will be able  to uh you know to let's say if you want to jump in   jump in uh in the you know in the very beginning  of this pump if you uh decides not to join so you   will be able to understand what's going on behind  the scenes of this token and then you know uh you   want to trade it so on bsc currently uh you don't  really have so many features which you know uh so   many tools which allow you know to uh to trade  in the decentralized way not taking your funds   um so very very safe university way placing limit  orders and so on so you know that's that's the   that's the goal uh but ultimately uh we will  expand the tool uh to other blockchains we   plan to you know expand this to ethereum  uh in in december um and you know there are   many many new projects on ethereum as well coming  out so you know people will just be uh able to   really understand what they invest in uh you know  if they should invest in in it in the first place   and you know just uh just sleep peacefully not  having to worry about you know a centralized   exchange uh freezing you know withdrawals or so  on so that's that's the idea yeah for example   right now there are a couple of problems with the  bsc network which is why we could not you know uh   show you an actual honeypot uh because because you  know they're just just like if you see even like   fucoin and other tools just just work work kind  of spotty right now but but it is there again   so you mentioned that in december this is right  now on bsc binance smart chain in december   or around there you're bridging to ethereum um  could you kind of explain how bsc and ethereum   prices or liquidity cools will be pools will  be related or linked once that bridge is there   maybe it's better to you know even start with  explaining why we want to do this in the first   place so there are a couple of reasons why we have  a lot of interesting and interested people that   want to trade us on the ethereum we obviously need  to have our utility coin to be able to expand on   the ethereum blockchain but even more importantly  uh we will be raising a 10 million private sale   of the of the of the token on the ethereum running  from angel investment and institutional investors   so there will be a bridge which is uh let's say a  additional layer that makes sure that the price uh   the prices are are the same or very close  so that people do not have any like price   advantage or decent disadvantage or on any of the  blockchains and we will also provide additional   liquidity on the ethereum side so everything  will be as smooth as possible along with a   simple way to exchange bst and ethereum and all  of the and the other way tokens for everybody cool cool that makes sense i guess i say final few  questions for market move then i want to jump into   more bigger picture cryptocurrency questions  but for market move what's the use case of the   market move token you kind of mentioned  it but why is it needed in this platform   so basically you need market moves to pay for  our services so some of our services are free   for both way for both reasons  that we want to help people   invest safer regardless of their wallet but if  you want to place orders on our exchange you will   have to pay with move which is a pretty similar  business model to to what blindness currently has   the other products will also require to spend  or hold moves uh to be able to access that so   this is a utility coin which serves as  an internal currency in our application   this is it's also required if you want to receive  staking rewards with with the move but it will be   introduced in a couple of months yeah very well  said and uh let me add on top of that so basically   you know currently for example for binance uh you  you know for binance martian you use bnb to pay   for gas fees and so on so this is a very similar  business model to you know use move to pay with   move for uh some commission fees so you want to  trade without any kyc you know even for bitcoin   ethereum pair uh in a decentralized way you're you  know so using smart contracts your funds stay on   your wallet so the only thing you need to do is  to pay us you know a very small small percentage   with we've moved so that's the use case and you  know that's the that's the buying pressure so i   believe mary's uh just because i think it's really  important maybe it's interesting to mention that   uh you know bnb started with like 15  million market cap or something like this   uh and you know you you can see where it's now uh  we are also now uh thinking about ethereum because   there is you know attune to 2.0 coming uh you know  some some other you know some other important and   they very i think very interesting projects are  coming out in the following months uh so once we   you know let's say jump to to the bigger picture  uh we'll be happy to to talk about this but you   know there are some projects in progress which may  allow people to you know move from this layer one   to layer zero and trade you know uh crypto on  every every possible blockchain but let's cover   this in a moment um yeah but just to sum it up uh  you know on our end so market moves main you know   goal is to lower the entry barrier for both new  investors in the crypto space and you know for   already experienced investors and let them invest  in a very safe way uh and allow them to do you   know with that to do anything with their funds  what they want you know and not force them not to   hold their funds hostage uh you know and um and  basically you know enable them to trade safely   in a decentralized way you know and uh really help  them understand um why they invest in specific   tokens and find them new tokens you know um which  are worthwhile final thoughts about market move or   anything we didn't cover yeah maybe you know  just uh just to highlight this just you know   um to mention it once again uh is that we are  going for some funding rounds in december we are   already talking with a few angel investors from  our network you know from the other business uh   and the ethereum bridge will be coming in december  so i guess you know at this point we are on vsc   it's still very early um you know and once we  reach to ethereum you know and get the funding   ground we will have you know basically 10 million  dollars for marketing and development so this will   be a totally different thing uh and the price on  ethereum and bsc will be the same you know due to   the process to the error indeed the arbitrage  process in place so i guess that if you know   if anyone's uh if anyone wants to you know learn  more about the project uh invest in bsc so he can   do this right away you know if uh people want to  wait for the ethereum bridge this is also uh this   is also fine but you know big things are coming  uh this is a continuous development so in november   we'll be heavily promoting the the upcoming  features so you know this let's say decentralized   exchange um you know on bsc then expand it to  other blockchains so yeah thank you very much   exciting all right uh you mentioned that later  this year like right now you're in finance   marching later this year you will be bridging to  ethereum in the future i believe i read somewhere   cardano and also you talked about layer twos  on ethereum and just mentioned all blockchains   in general for talking about big picture outlook  for the cryptocurrency market right now it seems   that ethereum is the leader i mean even finance  smart chain is ethereum virtual machine compatible   are you an ethereum bull do you think ethereum  will maintain its you know market share and   leadership or how do you think about ethereum  are you bullish i think i can take this one   okay uh then i can give the floor to marius  to express his thoughts as well i'm really   bullish with regard to ethereum uh you know  especially with the new protocol coming   because you know many people have been you know  let's say uh reluctant to to be really bullish on   it due to let's say high gas fees you know that  uh that there are no new tokens coming out and   so on but i believe that with this new protocol  uh if it's implemented carefully and you know   successfully so this will really uh be the  standard and i think that another important thing   is that you know there are many new players coming  like cardano and so on uh but the team is already   let's say an established brand and uh you know  institutions started have started investing into   it you know you can read some goldman sachs uh  reports you know we can uh read some other reports   from you know from big players uh it's already  being used so uh personally you know i'm really   bullish with regard to ethereum especially with  the new protocol i've seen uh you know many many   people you know statistics uh staking you know  for this youtube 2.0 yeah so i'm bullish and   i i think that even for this year we might see a  new all-time high for ethereum and maris what are   your thoughts yeah yeah this pretty much covers it  up so there is uh so so there are obvious paints   with the ethereum like right now the very high gas  fees long transaction times but but i believe that   this will be solved with what you might mention  which is which is called plasma protocol which   is a layer 2 protocol which basically means that  you can you can expand without losing all of the   compatibility with the current chain which  is ethereum it has a very strong ecosystem   well it was first out there so definitely there  are some legacies but i believe that it has   actually believed that it's way bigger than  bitcoin even though that the market cap does   not necessarily reflect that but bitcoin doesn't  have that much of it utility besides just you   know storing value and ethereum can i think  will surprise us with a lot of stuff to come   so i'm very bullish well not financial advice i'm  i'm holding uh some a lot of ethereum okay as a   percentage of my portfolio uh that being said i  also see a lot of potential in new up-and-coming   chains like for example solana it's performing  very well i but not necessarily just because of   the technical stuff but i see a lot of adoption of  solana like uh like on the different platforms as and also like new projects that  are launched on on this very   chain so ethereum to flip bitcoin is that  a thesis of yours in the next five years   i wouldn't go that far because you know frankly  i i just don't know i'm am i more of a tech guy   i just see a lot of potential so if there is a lot  of let's say if the adoption of the defy protocols   will be as growing as right now that might be  possible but ultimately this is this depends   on the markets on the big guys out there so  can't really tell bitcoin remains uh let's say   uh dominant dominant cryptocurrency right now i  think it's it's uh it's wise that people start   with it it will probably remain for some time  now that being said the future belongs to the to   the to the blockchains that can do much much more  because that's how they can really integrate and   change the world besides just you know value with  with trading the coin and using it as a payment   so ethereum this cycle do you think it's  possible ethereum can hit ten thousand dollars   is that a possibility is that realistic  or is that just uh too bullish   well i definitely think it's realistic yeah  personally i think it could hit something around   8k maybe 99k uh but i'm pretty bullish you know  especially with regard to the whole crypto market   you know uh there is inflation going on  you know in so many countries including   you know including the us um you know and uh and  western europe and you know all around the world   so bitcoin as a store of value uh you know we  probably keep increasing in price you know people   uh in my opinion are um you know let's say too  easy to manipulate with regard to you know some   china far you know and events like this so  uh personally you know i i've been holding   uh bitcoin for uh for you know for a significant  time now uh i wasn't you know let's say moved by   uh you know by some events like my may i think  may 19th and so on when it dropped and you know   another drop because people you know beat um well  well established projects and you know and crypto   like bitcoin at gm so people really need to look  for fundamentals you know bitcoin for example   uh with as i mentioned with the inflation going  on uh it has uh this cap of you know 21 million   um so it's a very good store of value ethereum on  the other hand is a let's say utility uh utility   uh project uh so i'm bullish on both of those and  uh i am bullish on a tune you know answering your   question with regard to the you know to the  price maybe like eight nine k maybe even 10k   you know um because uh currently you know  there's strong bitcoin dominance but as you know   if bitcoin goes up you know the whole market is  bullish on altcoins uh so there that's definitely   possible and uh yeah you know let's let's uh look  forward to to the next five years let's say i'm   watching a stock to flow model as well carefully  uh i don't you know want to say that it's perfect   but i think you know with the current economic  situation around the world with the financial   system crypto will be you know will become more  and more popular like just to maybe add one small   thing it's it's cool because you know even uh last  time i met with friends uh i you know i've heard   some guys let's say six years old seven years  old talking and uh they were you know discussing   so now should i invest in real estate because i've  heard about bitcoin from you know from my daughter   and i'm i'm really you know uh i'm really  curious what do you think about this so   the word is slowly getting out there not only  you know to to regular people retail investors uh   but also like you know in this situation even for  older people but also you know to institutions to   etfs and so on so i'm really really bullish yeah  just uh just to add on that if i might so this   is definitely a spot on and you know instead of  looking at any particular coins that may you know   make a significant profit i'm actually more  happy to see growth in the adoption of the   crypto whatsoever not necessarily just just  reflected in the value of the coins this or   this on this like which blockchain will be the  best but what i really want to see and this is   this has been grown this has grown especially in  the 2020 and now 21 is the adoption understanding   of this of this particular let's say industry and  what what it can really bring to the world and i   think that the governments are actually doing a  very good job promoting crypto through screwing   up all of the financial systems they're running  sky high inflation in pretty much all over the   world so i'm pretty thankful to them because  they are making that possible they are making   people look into alternative investments and  then slowly you know getting curious and even   passionate about about blockchain i also hope that  with our platform people will not get you know get   screwed by the by the scam artist out there and  you know do not get discouraged because it's so   easy to you know get discouraged because if you  if you know get get into crypto and you see the   first let's say coin they will lure you with  their marketing and you're going to lose your   funds you will you may never go back and say  that all of the crypto is come and you want to   get rid of that we want to make sure that  everybody is welcome everybody has an opportunity   to participate to invest and and see how it  really works you know to play with it as well final question is this um this is a fun question  so a sort of big picture just opinions and i   really wanted to ask you guys because you guys  come from the tech slash developer background   if i give you a thousand dollars today and you can  only invest in the layer one protocols the the dap   platform smart contract platforms so for example  eth2 eth2 solana cardano polka dot finance   maybe add in whatever you want but it's  not so much about the money uh in terms   of an investment but how would you divvy up  that one thousand dollars uh that you would   think would have success success in a long-term  hold you know into the future for dap platforms maurice you want to take this i i can you know so  uh basically only layer one yeah protocols and so   on and we can only invest in one thing right no no  just divvy up that thousand dollars how how do you   kind of rank them to have a good allocation what  you think would be a successful portfolio from   a developer point of view there's eagle there's  cosmos there's algorithms you know all of those   yeah yeah yeah uh so actually  maybe this might be controversial   but i think you know first of all  it depends on your goals you know so   if you are going for like you know safe  investment uh let's maybe you know you want   our returns in let's say five year come on  this is fun let's roll the dice yeah it's yeah exactly so so i mean if it's fun um be real  with it be real with it for sure yeah so of course   to be honest you know i i would definitely take  like 100 dollars from this maybe uh even 200   uh invest in uh you know some smaller  market cap coins which you know   you you which you know people  might not really be aware of   and you know make make a bigger profit so  i think if you even if you lose this 100   you know uh this is not such a big deal you still  have 900 left and you know i i'm talking about   this because for example on bsc uh i think that  it's really possible if you do a good research   good due diligence and so on it's like very very  possible to do you know 2x 3x on new launches so   i would go for that you know just to have some fun  uh but as for like uh long-term huddle and so on   uh i would go probably maybe for if it's like  player one yeah so i would go for argon maybe   uh some some part of it would go to ethereum some  part of it would go uh two there's uh there are   two projects right now uh avalanche uh this is  like one thing and luna uh so uh so so those two   projects and with the rest of the money probably  like the boring thing maybe just to have something   uh in in ethereum and bitcoin but to have some  fun uh a part of it to go to like bsc new project   very small market cup because you actually can  do a lot of profit there even if it's only hype   if you do it right you can do what you know  10x 100x and so on this is very short-term   then i would you know use this money to invest in  actual let's say use case-based coins and so on   let me maybe add one thing uh this is not a  financial advice you know another promotion   but there will be a cool project coming out uh  called player zero day we start on bsc and uh   they want to accomplish a very cool thing so you  know allowing uh people to let's say take this one   step uh lower and trade crypto on every possible  blockchain there are currently some projects which   aim to do that but i think that this might be a  game changer um so definitely i would save you   know uh some part of this money or profits to  also invest in it so this is like my let's say   uh potential portfolio yeah and uh and i would  definitely try to have some fun you know because   obviously you can you know put everything in  bitcoin possibly according to stock to flow model   get like you know 20x from five years from now  but i would definitely try to make some you know   short-term profits as well yeah so that's just  you know my point of view yeah yeah yeah yeah   that sounds pretty solid so let me start with what  i would not like to invest so bitcoin is safe but   you know i'm not really a fan of it that  much like it's pretty boring to be honest   i'm also not investing in anything that  doesn't have a utility for the you know   wider adoption of the of the blockchain  right now so i would put my safe let's say   safe basket in luna solana and ethereum and also  layer 0 but because i see a huge potential for   for well for for adoption of that because what  we're really missing out on right now is that   there are so many blockchains out there coming  out every day and you know you can really release   you can only release your your platform your defy  app whatever on one of them at the same time or   if you're lucky and you have like compatible  chains like bsc and ethereum then you can kind   of try to tackle both with with the same code  but if you want to really expand beyond that   then you're going to have to spend a lot of time  and you know consolidating everything like that   so i think layer zero and any any well layer  zero uh related platforms that are you know   beyond the blockchains in trying to unify the  different disconnected chains is something that   we need to make sure that the platforms are  interoperable and can work with each other so   so i'm looking forward to to seeing this happen  i really hope that this project will work out   or a very similar project with display within  this space because frankly because i need it   i need something even like in our forthcoming  bridge to a tv i need a solid mechanism to be   able to connect that so you can either develop  it but ideally if there would be a solution   out of the box that you can only that  you only need to tweak to make it work   then we can so much easier expand to other  blockchains which is something that we need   because why should we write code to all of the  other chains so yeah there's zero for me as well   and i'll be also looking for a for for change that  solves problems like for example not being able to   store large files but yeah i'm right now thinking  as more of a technical person so not necessary to   generate a return but for the projects i really  want to see happen so that's that's kind of my   my way of looking looking at it appreciate that  and you guys are early investors in layer zero   so uh not yet uh so basically it's like players  here that network we just know a guy uh who works   with them and you know we see a really big  potential so uh there are some projects as   i mentioned which try to accomplish that but  i like the technical approach you know uh so   so yeah we we plan to invest uh in it in like  november uh and potentially you know uh we will be   aiming to basically let you know take market moves  to other blockchains apart from ethereum and so on   so this could come in handy yeah the  next solana the next solana you're saying   let's let's possibly they're technically another  chain but yeah oh okay i'll have to look into it   anyway gentlemen thank you so much for being on  today i encourage everybody from our audience use   the links in the description to find out more  information and check this out for yourself uh   this service the software uh this ai smart  contract allows you to reduce your risk on   the finance smart chain bridging to ethereum  later this year and then multiple blockchains and   layer twos in the future uh check that out in the  description uh thank you guys very much for being   on today yeah thank you very much you know um  this was really interesting also you know to cover   to discuss the big picture of crypto because uh  we you know we are really we are really you know   looking forward to what's to come especially  you know coming from this tech background you   know seeing a lot of advanced you know systems  being developed for corporations and now you know   we can take this to retail investors as well  yeah so thank you very much guys yeah thank   you very much it was a great it was great talking  to you and thanks for the invitation thanks guys

2021-11-01 21:51

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