RAIDING THE RACISTS' STACKED FARM BASE (Unturned Vanilla Survival) 2/2

RAIDING THE RACISTS' STACKED FARM BASE (Unturned Vanilla Survival) 2/2

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today's video is part two of how i became  the richest player on the server if you for   whatever reason haven't watched the first one  yet i highly recommend to do so as everything   is going to make much more sense also 70 %  of you guys watching this video right now   are not subscribed to my channel yet if you  enjoy my content and want me to upload more   of these videos please make sure to subscribe and  leave a like on the video now without further ado   let's get right into this video after the random  viewer i met on a server barry and i teamed up in   the last part we decided to advance our base  not only would that help us against raiders   trying to yoink our loot but also have more  storage that we spread all around the base   i put on a claim flag added a second floor and  with it roof access after spending about 30   minutes on that base alone we thought it was yet  a good time for some pvp oh there's people here   oh that's nykorev question mark  shooting towards seattle okay i see kill the full geared another one uh cover me  for a sec just stay there just cover me oh my   god dude okay we might have to go back to base  really quick again actually do you have anything   what the how yo grab as much as you  can go go grab i'm running already ah green guy just spawned here, killed him  like why do you have like 30 magazines in   your inventory like you could possibly not shoot  that much especially these raw explosives are so   good yeah i think from now on we can just uh  not pick up magazines because literally like   we have too many unless we have storage  we can put in there oh okay let's go it's the green guys it's the green guys we  have the trees uh they know where our base   is by the way i think that wasn't a good  idea the other guys still be on the tree   i'm pretty sure behind that middle  tree is he behind the middle tree okay nice oh my god after we killed a bunch of people pretty close  to our base the two greenskins from the first   part offered us to help raiding that team of  four with the racist guy in they told us that   the base i'm looking for is at shelton farm and  even offered to give us a dragon fang they've   just found at first i was very skeptical and  didn't know if i can or should trust them but   after killing them over and over again prior  to their request i figured that talking to   them might not be a bad idea since we both  followed the same goal at the end of the day   there's someone at the convoy don't kill him don't  kill him that's one of them i think yo is that you   yes hello uh sorry about that wait i  got some yeah i got some of your stuff that good okay thanks uh do you want  to come with us okay was it also you   that we killed earlier with the aug and nykorev   is that your friend behind you yes yes yes  yes okay okay okay wait you can have your   stuff back if you want it's every everything is  in our uh lockers so where's their base my base that's what came in that was  my friend oh my god barry oh is it in oh it's in oh that's what that's what  they meant it's in shelton it's actually shelton this zombie is raiding wait is  this area claimed probably not   oh yeah the area is claimed uh we  gotta stay away from the zombie so   it will continue raiding whatever  is after you guys have an umbrella there are lockers here oh there's an apc between  the two yeah there was a pc i saw it once but   they had to get second to uh i mean yeah  we can break in this really easy we have   like tons of grizzlies uh you guys got a  dragonfang right yes do you want to bring it are we just gonna wait and  try zombie raid the rest oh my god we have temporarily teamed up with  the green skins and went to the base at shelton   together to plan the raid we weren't careful  enough and got wiped by a team of two that was   probably spectating us for a while now luckily we  didn't bring our raiding stuff yet so it wasn't   that big of a deal i spawned back in my base  grabbed the gun and made my way back to the   shelton farm my plan was to get there quick enough  to at least see where they would head towards when   i went up the hill they were just about to leave  the area and i managed to catch one of them by   surprise killed one unfortunately i wasn't careful  enough so i died to the other one right after time i didn't spawn in my base and again tried to  run straight back to that hill i died on since i   really wanted to know where their base was now i  wasn't quite sure if they even had one yet but if   they did then it would probably have been built  around scorpion seven since that's what they ran   towards once they got all our loot we then heard  shots close to everett then scorpion 7 and step   for step they exposed their location and after a  few minutes i was finally able to spot one of them   all the way behind scorpion 7. i see them i think  they're in their base right now unless they're   walking around no no they're walking around  they're going uphill they're going behind in   the seattle uh seattle.. scorpion and corner yeah  towards the corner let's find a gun like vipers   or something oh [ __ ] okay oh yeah there's the  base that has to be theirs that must be theirs   i swear it has to be sneak up on it yeah sure  sure one guy looked off well there's no point   in sneaking right now we need the riding gear yeah  in here and here and here and here he looked off   locked off bruh killed us went to his  base quickly locked off i mean all he   all they got really is um a guns and ammo and  dressings i mean nothing nothing important   didn't get anything good hello there okay guys  i have something for real oh [ __ ] oh with ammo   my man yeah i don't have a weapon but we can use  this my man oh i'm just gonna go through the hatch no ladder look out oh wait  it's uh it's unclaimed right there you go everything on the floor i can have  one tactical light actually i mean uh it's not   the greatest should we get the lockers i don't  know if there are something to go so we can go find some base oh there you go this base had better loot wait  before we leave this place we gotta decorate it   yes just to make sure they can't  use this anymore uh well i think   that's that's good enough since the counter  raiders were now also gone it was time to   continue raiding their farm base on the way  there we stumbled upon this wooden one by one and   well yeah this loot was  decent for a base that size oh damn yo that's a full dragonfang oh [ __ ]  more high kill yo how's that base so stacked   one of the green skins had to get off the sun  started to appear again and so did the team   luckily two of the team members looked in and  one of them which i wanted to raid from the   very beginning on so here i was now played on  the server for hours killed dozens of players   built myself a base and obtained more loot than i  could lose the only thing left to do here was to   raid this base and whilst this base doesn't look  the best from the outside oh boy were they stacked   would they have a tank no oh [ __ ] let's see  what's up with these guys hello guys we're here did you miss us oh thanks for  the steely that was very nice got him all right i think it's best  if we try to go through something here there we go it's hard to climb  up right now because of my skills   so i gotta go through this here oh dear oh my yo what the [ __ ] holy [ __  ] jesus christ oh he spawned he spawned dude what the [ __ ] is this no way yo drop  everything on the ground so one of the green   skins were talking to me in game while i was  looting so i didn't even hear it at the time   only noticed now while some editing that one of  the base owners yelled the n-word like eight times   in three seconds in game out of respect to you  guys i don't want to play it in this video but i   will still upload the clip separately onto a new  youtube channel and link it in the description   just for context and proof reasons yeah yeah we  have charges don't worry uh this is sick this is   holy okay um guys i'm on the discord channel  on your discord hello hello hi i i will   tell on the start that my speaking english is  not that good as my right writing english so   sorry no don't worry man it's good it's good i  can understand you uh barry there's more rails   here there's a missile here i have a steely hold  on can you drop me the missile i have an idea right side right side right  side that's okay that's okay yeah nice kind of gotta steal that really quick   okay yeah we killed him  hopefully i hit if not then rip wait i did hit but it didn't do too much is  this you oh there's someone coming there's   someone coming let me talk to him he's in the  field hello dude put your gun away put your gun   away let me talk to you bro put your gun away  you really think you can do this huh all right and there's another one on  the hill i'm on the flank almost dead is he dead oh nice there's some okay more stuff here some rails okay where's their they need to  have a detonator come here come here oh no they get stuck uh more metal but nothing  else oh yeah there's so much outside there's a guy i see him got him got him  uh do you think that you can hold the position i   can go back or barry would probably hold that's  the best oh there's someone else again who's   there who's there man why why why you racist  man come on all right just just go for it man oh [ __ ] okay barry do you think you can stay  here and do nothing but protecting the entrance   uh we both both like we can just go and get all  the stuff done oh i wish i would have used that   stealy on the apc so we could drive wait you're  here oh barry has a steely let's go let's go wait   is one guy's here hello man why are you coming  back just get off the server already oh thanks for   the sportsshot man because you know we don't need  people like you get off okay can i see my base no oh someone destroyed my tire [ __ ] do you  need any guns wait we have good guns here   nice nice nice oh here's all the high  cal actually i think there was more stuff   up here oh augewehr yo i kind of want to take  that one player on the guns ayeah i saw that hello   hello we don't want to kill you just uh put your  gun away yo yo put your gun away put your gun away oh that's okay that's okay good luck okay yes go so what did you find so  far zombies doing some work   oh that's nice i'm not sure if they can destroy  these lockers up here okay one charge two   three five six so damn seven okay and i had three  or four already actually so we get even more um   all right then let's go for the first one here i  guess yep right there i'll just use one and now oh   damn two missiles yeah okay and wait was that a  yeah almost full dragonfang box oh there's some   high cal that dropped here yo these guys were  stacked all right ready for the second one uh more oh and another stealy more  raw oh [ __ ] oh boy oh yes   oh yes sir yes that feels good i'm  gonna go for the dragonfang for the rest uh more raw how do they have so much on washington  raw explosives is another one more high cal   on washington raw explosive is more rare than  grenades i'm surprised yeah more more high jesus   did they log off with all their nades or  something or where's their own raw explosives   oh there's glue here we found some uh oh grenades  grizzly detonator cool more raw uh yo this is this   is the best vanilla raid i've had in a while  i'm gonna crack a cold one and explode the rest   um uh more raw of course i bet there's gonna be  a raw on every single one from now on okay what   i ca oh devil's bone uh take everything you can  like everything that is any useful just store   in your inventory i guess for now yeah others i  mean probably you know destroy yep two more raws   uh matamorez oh cool i haven't  seen this is good i like matamorez there's some more rails yeah matamorez is nice a  rocket launcher another steely oh yeah there's a   bunch of attachments here there's a good one or we  can make a wooden oh wait there is chargers here   yo oh what the hell yo it's serious  oh yes there's like like six charges uh of course more high cal uh grizzly oh of course yep uh that is unusual though look out raw uh another missile by the way okay okay uh there's a military drum i'm gonna take  that actually and kill the zombies now   i guess we don't need them anymore so we're gonna go for this one nothing  special yeah and here i bet like this because   there were some hidden in here and there's  charges in there i bet there's more here and there's a bed here we've never seen that  oh that's your bed oh [ __ ] okay nevermind huh nope nothing special okay we ready yeah we  are ready we can go a very nice race eh raid   yeah in so you know this this wasn't uh really  based this was just you know some kind of role   play base but the bas.. the loot wasn't a role  play at all i know we have successfully raided  

the base and secured most of the good loot we  then went back to my bases or all of that loot   in the wardrobes and lockers on the apc made  it easy for us to transfer everything over yeah you guys are too fat before we went off the  server however our polish comrade mentioned an   underwater base close to his base we went over  to that base and it was indeed not raided yet okay uh wait uh could you drop the detonator   probably gonna break through here this  side i feel like this is our best bet two i just wish i had more diving skilled all right just gonna use a third one uh okay i can see something already it's an oxy please maybe  there's an oxy oh come on man no oxy yeah there's lockers a few okay okay  okay please be worth it we're investing in you oh wait what a lot of stuff all right let me see   the tonight some real [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo that  was hella profit so many grenade yo we what we   missing is grenades we have so many um explosives  no grenades though oh okay i see then these ones three detonators high cal four grenades high  cal steely matamorez drum uh   okay yeah i think i'm should  i go for it is it worth it something useful nah pretty useless i don't know  if going for the last locker's worth it with two   charges i feel like we should just save them yeah  that was my first underwater base raid in a long   time and it was also the last base we raided in  this video unless do you guys remember this base   from part one i actually completely forgot about  it until the very end of the gaming session so   we went back to that base in seattle and it was  surprisingly not traded yet oh we good we good this is what i found earlier what is  this the right one okay that's enough   okay let's rub everything on the ground oh yeah  this is what i expected oh yeah detonator okay   oh a charge oh damn more grenades there's  a chest hidden here four grenades more ammo good yeah ah it's sticky more  nades like two more grizzly oh boy oh my two more charges a bunch of more  nades um okay yeah we can leave this again   but um after we've done raiding everything  i need to find more glue because   i want to grab as many charges as possible  with all the grenades and explosives they have   i really hope you guys did enjoy the  second part of how i became the richest   player on the server every base was raided  and the toxic team got what they've deserved   if you enjoy both parts make sure to leave a like  and subscribe if you haven't done it yet it would   honestly help me out a lot thanks again so much  for watching and i'll see you next time peace out

2021-08-25 17:39

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