QuantConnect Open Algorithmic Trading Meet-Up #6

QuantConnect Open Algorithmic Trading Meet-Up #6

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all right um i think we can get started hi  everyone my name is lexie and i'm with the   marketing and pr department at quant connect thank  you to everyone for joining today welcome if it's   your first time and welcome back if you're  returning this is our sixth monthly meetup   we hold them on the last thursday of the month  at alternating times to accommodate our friends   from around the globe the schedule for today will  begin with one of our quants giving a presentation   on his research into the value and momentum  everywhere strategy we hope you enjoyed the   presentation and if it sparks any research ideas  or trading hypotheses we hope you'll join us on   quantconnect.com if you're not joined already  so with that um i will let derek take the wheel hello everyone thanks lexie so my name is derek  melchin i've been a quantitative developer at   quantconnect for 10 months (video outage)  to the community forum uh directly after   this presentation is done so i recommend looking  for those i've organized this presentation to be   sort of beginner-friendly uh there is gonna be  a lot of code that we're going to go through   i'll go through it as slow as  i can and as clear as i can   um but again reference to the files that i  upload afterwards to get a better understanding   um if at any point um any of these slides are  confusing feel free to unmute yourself and ask   a question uh but i would like to save the bulk  of the discussion for after the slides are done   uh the slides will only take about 25 minutes  to get through um so let's get started um so this is the research paper of the  strategy that we're going to be looking at today   it's called value momentum everywhere one of the  authors is clifford from aqr capital management   the objectives of the strategy are to capture  both value and momentum anomalies the cool thing   about these two factors is in the research  paper they show that both factors have been   shown to be profitable over the past  and they're both negatively correlated   so when you put them together you get a nice  smooth equity curve in theory we're also   with the strategy minimizing selection bias  and we're doing that by using commonly used   factor measures to define these factor  values so for instance the value factor   we're going to be using the book to  market ratio which is very commonly used   in the literature and for momentum we're defining  it as the return over the last year excluding   the most recent month which is a again a very  common definition for the momentum factor   with this strategy um we're able to diversify   across asset classes and also maintain  a dollar neutral portfolios having   our portfolio long and half short is there a  question Member: yeah derek uh thank you for   letting me ask a question first should i wait  or should i ask my question during this time   um if it's related directly related to the slides  you can go ahead now but uh we will have a large   block of time after the slides to have an open  discussion Lexie: Derek are you meaning to share   a presentation Derek: sorry did i not share  my screen Member: yeah that's the first thing   i was going to ask about Lexie: sorry i meant to  jump in Derek: sorry let me just uh fix that here Derek: there how's that Member: yeah  that's better perfect okay Member: and um   also in your presentation will you show the  mappings between momentum and the definitions   that you have Derek: yeah yeah we'll be  going through that for sure so this is the   slide that i was showing just a moment ago  this is the research paper and the objectives   uh this is the roadmap so i've broke  this up into four different parts   we're going to build up the strategy incrementally  so first we'll apply the value factor to   u.s equities we'll then adjust it to have uh  just the momentum factor on u.s equities and   then we'll combine the factors together to see  how they perform and then as a part 4 i've kind   of left it as a take-home exercise it's going  to be applying both of the factor values to   a collection of universes  instead of just us equities   so part one where we're applying the value factor  to the u.s equities the main idea is each month   we're going to be selecting the  largest most liquid u.s stocks   that are above a dollar we then rank all  of those securities by their book to market   ratio which is our value factor i've included  the formula for the book to market ratio here   it's just the book value per share divided  by the market value of those shares once we've ranked all of our securities we  invest in all of the securities in the universe   and we're going to be longing securities with  a high value factor and shorting those with a   relatively low value factor and we're doing this  on a monthly basis so we're just going to hold   from the beginning of the month until the  beginning of the next month so how do we go   about implementing this in quantconnect if we jump  over to our ide here is kind of the high level   overview of the algorithm class we've got our  initialize method which is where execution starts   um i've removed the boilerplate code but uh we're  starting with adding a universe selection model   and we are creating a custom universe selection  model which i've called large liquid us equities   we'll look at the definition of that on the next  slide but on this slide the idea is that whenever   a security enters or leaves our universe  this method on securities change is called   and what we're doing when securities uh  come to or leave our universe is we're   just creating a symbol data object and saving  it into a dictionary so we can use it for later this is the definition of the large  liquid us equities class in the   initialize function at the very top we can  see that we're specifying a minimum price   of a dollar and we're setting a month to  be negative one that we can know one month   the month changes that we can refresh our universe   the universe selection starts with the select  coarse method if we're in the current month we   just return the same universe that we've had that  we selected before but if it's a new month what   we do is we select all the securities that have  fundamental data and have a price above a dollar   we sort all those securities by dollar volume and  we return the top 500 based on dollar volumes so   the most liquid us stocks once we've got those  500 securities this select fine method is called in here we are following the  research paper and we're restricting   our securities to just common stock securities   and we're removing any adrs reits and companies in  the financial services sector once we've removed   all of those securities from our universe we  sort by market cap and return the largest 50.   um you can increase this universe size as  you like i just chose 50 so that we can have   the algorithm complete in a reasonable  amount of time but ideally the larger   the universe with the strategy the better so  that we can diversify across more securities   so that's the definition of our universe selection  model um what we're now going to do is take a look   at the definition of this symbol data class these  are the objects that we're creating for each   security that's in our universe and when it comes  to the value factor it's pretty straightforward   uh the symbol data class just needs to return our  value factor which again is the book to market   ratio so we're taking the inverse  of the price to book ratio that's   that's the equivalent we just don't have the  book to market ratio in our morning star data so that's the definition  of simple data and this is   kind of the overview of adding securities  to the universe and removing them   so this point we've got our universe defined  and we've created simple data objects for each   security let's just switch gears for a moment to  review how we go about rebalancing our portfolio   we're going to do this with tables first and  then we'll look at how it's done in the code for the value factor the first step  is to create a table where we have uh   the book to market ratios for  each security in our universe once we've got that we can then rank the value  factor and we're doing it with a positive linear   ranking so that the higher the value factor the  higher the ranking so we can see for example   symbol d has a value factor of 0.4 and it  has the highest ranking in the table below

so if we move this table up  here we can uh then subtract   the mean ranking and this is what makes the  portfolio dollar neutral the idea here is   to shift all the rankings so that they center  around zero we can see here that the symbol c   in the above table has the middle-ranking three  and in the table below it's changed to a zero now if we move this up here we can then  remove the leverage so that our portfolio   has half of um or is long half of the portfolio  is long and half of the portfolio is short as far as the code for the rebalancing  goes here it is here so in our   algorithm class again at the very top during  our initialize method we are creating a   scheduled event and this is just going to call the  rebalance function at the beginning of each month   and when this method is called we're just  going to be gathering the value factors   ranking them ranking the securities by their value  factors weighting them making them dollar neutral   this is all stuff we saw and just on the table or  in the tables before we scale down the portfolio   to stay within the leverage constraints and  at the very bottom once we've done all that   and we've got our portfolio weights for  each symbol we can then place the trades it's a pretty straightforward algorithm as far as  performance go i did actually not perform as well   as it was shown in the research paper but keep in  mind that the research paper was published in 2012   um and we're testing here from 2016 to the  current day so it is out of sample data and uh this back test of  this chart will be included   uh in the community forum post that  is made after this presentation so uh interesting note is that if you switch the  way that we rank so instead of having the positive   linear relationship so the higher the value  factor the higher the ranking if we flip it so   the higher the value of the factor the lower the  ranking we then essentially flip the equity curve   however we're not going to exploit this finding  we're going to maintain the definition that was   made in the research paper so we're going to  stick with this component as our value factor we'll now move on to part two so now we're  going to be instead of applying the value   factor to us equities we're going to be using  the momentum factor the main idea here is each   month we select the same universe the largest most  actively traded u.s stocks that are above a dollar we then rank securities by their 12-month  trailing return that's our momentum factor   and we're just excluding the most recent month  from that calculation that's something that's   done in the research paper and commonly  done in other research papers as well   again we're going to invest in the entire universe  long securities with a high momentum factor   and shorting those with a  relatively low momentum factor   once we placed our trades we  just hold until the next month so as far as the code goes not much  changes this is our initial algorithm class   with our addition of the universe selection model  and the management of the symbol data objects the   only difference here is that when a security  leaves our universe we need to dispose of the   consolidators that are attached to that security  the consolidators we'll see on the next slide here   what they do is they just keep  the technical indicators updated this is the new definition of the symbol data  class if we are using the momentum indicator   for the momentum factor when we initialize it  we are specifying that the momentum look back   should be 12 months and we have a delay of one  month so that we can exclude the most recent month   we set up the consolidators and indicators the  indicators we use are rate of change and delay and yeah the consolidators  um what they do is they just   update these indicators as new  data is provided for each security after we've set up the consolidators  and indicators we then warm up the   indicators by using the history method and then at the bottom here we can see  that we have a new property called momentum   which is just returning the  value of the momentum indicator   we set up an is ready property to return if the  momentum indicator is ready and then our dispose   method is at the bottom which is removing the  consolidator when the security leaves the universe   so that's the definition of our symbol  data class when using the momentum factor   when rebalancing again not much changes  we're just adjusting from value to momentum   so just changing that one word there  all of the rebalancing logic is the same and here's the performance of that momentum  factor portfolio uh it does underperform   the s&p 500 over the same back test  period but it is profitable nonetheless so we'll now go on to part three  this is where we're going to be   combining both of the factors the value and  momentum factor the main idea we select the same   liquid us stocks but now we're ranking them by  two factors ranking it by the book to market ratio   and the 12 month return and to get both of  these factors into one factor that we can   use we're just going to take the mean ranking of  both of those factors once we have that composite   factor ranking we can then invest in the entire  universe once again along the series with a high   composite factor ranking ensuring those with the  lower ranking and holding until the next month our algorithm code stays mostly the same   with the universe selection model and  the management of the symbol data objects   we just need to change the symbol data class  that we have both of the factors included inside so we've merged the two symbol data  classes that we've seen already   so just as we had with the momentum fact we're  setting up the consolidators and the indicators   and we're warming them up we've got both the value  property and the momentum property included here so now that we've got two factors our rebalancing  logic needs to be updated to accommodate for this   uh let's now review how it is done with  a table and then we'll look at the code   so here we've got a table of  five symbols in our universe   and we've gathered their book to market  ratios and their 12 month trailing return   just as before we rank them all  with a positive linear relationship once we've got the ranking for each factor we can  then subtract the mean ranking of each factor this   is going to make it dollar neutral so we're just  shifting all these values to center around zero   and then we can combine the two  columns together taking the mean   and that is going to give us a composite factor  ranking taking into account both of those factors   and just as before we remove leverage by dividing  by the absolute thumb of the entire column   so now we see half our portfolio  is long half of it is short   now with two columns in this table  there's one case to note if the original   rankings are ever looking like this where  we have one column in increasing order in   one column in decreasing order then we don't  actually want to hold any of those securities so what does this look like in code  here is our rebalancing function   it's the same as before where we're gathering  the value and momentum factor values   um and then we are we've added our  logic here to create the composite   factor ranking and that's the code that we  just saw in these slides with the tables here's the result of combining  both of the factors together and now for part four the main idea is  to apply the algorithm we just reviewed   of using both of the factors but instead  of applying it to a single universe   we can apply the same strategy to multiple  universes and the way this works is we just   apply a portion say half of our portfolio to one  asset class or one universe and we apply another   portion to another asset class or universe doing  this requires multiple universe collection models and the actual implementation of doing this  um again i'll share it on the community forum   after we wrap up here today uh one thing to note  is that the book to market ratio which is our   value factor that isn't included for every  security on quantconnect for example these   global equity etfs don't have any fundamental  data when that is the case we can replace   the book to market ratio with the negative five  year trailing return and in the paper that i   showed earlier we're able to do this replacement  because the two factors closely correlate together so as far as next steps what i  recommend doing is taking the   algorithm code that is going to be published  into the research or into the community forum   uh you can then come increase diversification  by adding more securities or adding more asset   classes you can test other methods of  computing the value and momentum factors   you can also test other factors as well you can  swap them in and out as you please uh and another   approach which was kind of interesting those in  the research paper is when you're applying the   strategy to multiple universes or asset classes  what you can do is instead of applying an equal   portion of the portfolio to each asset class  something that's interesting to look into is to   scale the allocation of the portfolio based on the  trailing volatility of each individual asset class   the research paper showed when  they did it there wasn't a huge   benefit of doing so but it's something fun to  try and look into and see where it takes you so that's all the slides i have for you today   i'll now be happy to take any questions and  we can kind of open this up to open discussion Member:   derek is it okay if i ask some questions now  Derek: of course Member: first i want to thank you   for your presentation it is uh it's interesting  this and i appreciate it especially the way that   you built up starting with the paper and then you  talked about how each of them you followed the   same pattern and so that was more easily to follow  so thanks for that so let me just start with   the biggest picture i can because i'm so i've  i've done some trading but not algorithmic trading   so the first question i have is how did  all that you did perform against the s&p   state like and when i say that when someone  says how does your algorithm perform against   the s&p i'm understanding that to be that there  was i guess it's overall it's somewhere between   eight and ten percent per year is what you get  the s&p and when someone says that at first is   that correct and what does that mean i want to  make sure the definitions are correct here Derek:   yeah that sounds about right eight to ten percent  is is probably about the average return for the   s&p Member: so but when someone says that does  that mean the top 30 stocks you just randomly pick   or you pick the best performing s&p or what does  it mean to say that s&p is it across all 500 or   what's that meanderek: i see so um the way i do it  is i just take the standard poor's index the spy   and then um yeah that just tracks the index itself  so you can calculate the returns just based on   that index okay and the index is is an average of  all 500 Derek: uh it's it's market cap weighted so   uh the larger the company is the larger it's  proportion in Member: oh i see okay but somewhere   between eight and ten percent and now comes along  your your uh algorithm based on all that with   those research papers and you said it performed  better than the s&p 500 but now how much better   is in terms of is this like like it was 11% is  this per annum or when you said it performed   better what what did that mean and what percentage  was that Derek: so i started sorry if i misspoke   but it actually performed worse than the s&p 500.  um if i just go back to the slide here so this is   um the back test when we have both  the value and momentum factors and   typically the way that we compare the performance  of the strategy is by using the sharpe ratio so   i've included on the left here this one's a little  bit negative actually because the return over the   uh the five year back test is actually  negative um but the s&p 500 sharpe ratio   over this period is about 0.6 or 0.7 but yeah you  can just run a quick back test on quantconnect   of buy and hold the spy and that will tell you the  sharpe ratio at the current time Member: okay so   as an example you're just showing us a a paper  that somebody did some research and what was the   paper's return versus your return Derek: so the  the papers return uh did outperform the s&p 500   but again that was tested on data that  was in the past so that the paper was   published in 2012 right so there is some  decay in the strategy once a strategy   is published because there's other traders  that are that are using it Member: i see so then it begs the question up forgive me if i'm  missing something but why would i want to use   that if it performed worse Derek: so this specific  implementation um looking at this back test you   probably wouldn't want to trade this live if it  hasn't performed well just over the last five   years but the framework that is included in this  strategy of having uh two factors you can define   you can define them however you like but being  able to rank securities by two factors um and   then create a composite ranking and then allocate  your your portfolio in a dollar neutral fashion   that is diversified across multiple assets and  asset classes that's the beneficial part of the   strategy the actual performance of the specific  uh implementation we have here um you know this   underperforms the s&p 500 so you could adjust  this strategy and that's something that i invite   everybody to do for example you could adjust as we  showed in the uh the further research slide here   these are all ideas on how you could boost the  performance of the trading strategy but the main   idea to take away from this implementation is  just the framework on how everything is laid   out so that you can customize it yourself and  begin to research your own strategies Member:   so that's an interesting question to me and if i'm  taking up too much time just tell me to stop this   this is basically you introducing  a framework now when it comes to   you know the world i'm used to which is web  development there are web development frameworks   there's um .net has its own framework and you  know um there's javascript frameworks like um   for example angular or react and is there  such an analogy in the trading world Derek: um i'm not too familiar with the frameworks  you're referring to but i mean the entire uh lean   back testing engine i guess you could you could  look at as a framework like that's all we're using   here right is just we're using uh the lean api  and the quantconnect data to build our algorithms   but by framework i just mean how we've  laid out the components of the strategy   of having you know the universe selection model  and then creating our symbol data objects which   have uh their their factor values included in  them and then having a portfolio construction   rebalancing logic which just updates  the portfolio every month Member:   that makes perfect sense because what you've said  the value of this is is the framework not so much   the definition of momentum right exactly Derek:  yeah the idea that i'm trying to go for here is to   kind of uh get you on the right path so you can do  your own research further down the line you know   right there wouldn't be much benefit to me coming  here oh here's here's a new strategy uh run and   run with it and start trading it i kind of see  it as it's it's more valuable to teach somebody   how to fish and kind of you know give them their  first fishing rod rather than giving them a bunch   of fish Member: right i that makes sense to me so  the framework's there and i go in and i define my   things like momentum the way i think that they  will work and then i back test isn't it that   all makes sense to me and but one of the things  i need to back up even further derek and say i'm   asking myself if i i even want to do this like to  me option like and let me give you an example that   um so warren buffett uh made a 10 year bet with  some of the best market traders that just a simple   basically a a simple uh index was very low  low um uh why can't i think of the word   the amount that you have to put in to be part  of it low something Derek: low fees Member: low   fees maybe that's it there was another word  i can't think of it um very low fees and he   he basically said look i'll beat your uh   all your fancy algorithms and he put a million  dollars on it and he won and Jared: hey nick hey nick can um can can you hear me yeah cool  yeah um i i just uh last meet up you were asking   a very similar train of questions and um  derek and colton didn't have the answers   and so i talked to the team that derek wasn't  in that stand-up meeting so he missed the answer   so your root question that you asked last  week last stand up as well uh sorry last   uh meetup as well was about algo training and  whether it's profitable so it's not that simple   so firstly all businesses have different goals  so you've got to start with that what is your   goal and so for example some investors are looking  for short-term returns and others are looking for   long-term returns some for example are measuring  their investment in terms of sharpe ratio   or the risk adjusted returns not just the  percentage benchmark so for example if you've   got a massive drawdown of 60 like the s&p does  then you're exposed to a 60 percent loss and who   knows if that would ever recover versus a lot  of time algorithmic traders are looking for a   better risk adjusted return at the cost of the  absolute return so maybe they'll accept say five   or six or seven percent per year but if that  means that i'm not losing 60 then it's a win   so it's all about what your goals are but then  despite that and regardless of people's goals the   the the absolute question of whether or not our  community is making money is one that we actually   measure as an internal company kpi we measure  um the percentage of the community absolute   net profit of the community so we want to know  that our community members are profitable and   that their algorithms are making money and so  we actually we measure that and we publish on   the dashboard inside in the company and it's about  um 95 percent of the days are profitable for the   community versus the broader market where that's  about um 55 percent of days are profitable for   the broader market so that's how we just that's  how we judge our success Member: well thank you   so much for sharing that so it's so good to hear  that there's a measurement of a kpi so you said   95 percent of days is that what you said Jared:  yes so that's a that's how we're benchmarking   it is the sum of all the communities profits  every day so it's an aggregate number we don't   know that 95 of the community members are  profitable but in aggregate the community is   net to profitable Member: okay but Jared: just  to just to give more space to talk more about   algorithmic trading specifically um i'll be  happy to answer this offline but i don't know   if it's really relevant to derek's presentation  so maybe we could just you know leave it there and   if you'd like i'm happy to answer more of those  questions Member: oh absolutely i don't want to uh   i don't want to sound um confrontational or and  i completely understand that you're saying what's   your goal if your goal is to minimize your risk  and yes i asked but and so yeah making money yep   so yeah i'll take it offline and i'll i don't know  how to get a hold of you or should i just do it in   the community or Jared: yeah i'll send through my  email in the chat yeah for sure i'm very easy to   reach easy to reach Member: okay thank you great  pleasure MemberL all right Derek uh thanks for   presenting um i just had a quick question i may  have missed it at the beginning uh you said you   filtered out financials um why did you filter  out financials in the universe selection Derek:   the main reason for that is that's just what the  um research paper did i just followed the the   universe as it was defined in the research paper  Derek: well yeah that's that's very interesting um maybe since you know like you said once  we strategies are kind of published   they tend to not perform as well it may be  interesting to kind of find that maybe the   strategy only works on a very specific sector  and then apply it to that um yeah that's just   food for further thought i guess Derek:  yeah that's interesting uh one thing that's   been changed with uh the universe selection in in  this implementation is that in the research paper   the strategy is actually applied  to 90 of the total market cap   so we can take you know the sum of of the  market cap of all the securities and then take   the largest until we're at 90 percent but that's  that universe size is just extremely large um   so in this implementation you know we filtered it  to 500 and of coarse universe selection and then   we filtered it just to 50 um in fine universe  selection so you could increase the size of the   universe it just kind of slows the algorithm down  a little bit uh i thought 50 was kind of you know   it's small enough to keep the the universe  the program fast um but large enough to kind   of give us a good idea on how the strategy would  perform but yeah increasing the universe would be   a good direction to go if you want to diversify  even larger Jovad: yeah thanks Derek: for sure Member:   i have a question Derek: for sure that's okay  Member: thanks um i was just wondering it's just   so cool you're introducing this strategy and um  i was wondering what are some um other strategies   out there like just to build a framework of the  various strategies and if these strategies vary   based on the computational complexity Derek: yeah  so um a lot of the strategies that i've created   for the strategy library they're all sourced just  from research papers published online and there's   you know tens to hundreds of thousands  of different research papers that outline   different strategies so you can come  across you know many different types   for example there's momentum as we've seen value  there's arbitrage uh mean reversion um one of some   of my favorite strategies to look into is using  alternative data so for example on quantconnect we   have tiingo news so you can get the news releases  of specific securities and then you can parse the   news releases with natural language processing  to determine if it's positive or negative   sentiment and then place your your orders that  way um but yeah there's many other examples   some uh big traders use weather data to kind  of track different patterns that are happening   throughout the world and are able to place trades  that way but yeah i'd recommend you know just kind   of surfing the internet and there's you'll come  across many different ideas possibilities are   endless Member: thank you so much and since the  algorithm requires ongoing um refinement is that   something we have to keep up ourselves or like  personally Derek: what exactly do you mean by   ongoing refinement Member: um just um continuous  improvement Derek: okay yeah i mean you could uh   adjust the strategy as you go as it's live trading  um but there are some drawbacks to that you could   make your adjustments to just be overfitting  on the data that you've already seen so that's   that's a little bit dangerous um another approach  is a walk forward optimization which just does   your adjustments um automatically so a simple  example would be you know we we use the last   year or the last few years and we we find out  what were the best parameters for our trading   strategy over the last few years and then we apply  those parameters to the following year we trade   for that year and then we get to the very  end we do the same thing what were the best   parameters over the last few years and apply that  to the next year so that's just the way you can   do it automatically but yeah you definitely  can change it by hand if you'd like Member: thank you so much Derek: you're welcome  Lexie: um also somebody asked if you could track   reddit sentiment um Jovad if you're still in here  didn't you just do a strategy um on reddit Jovad:   yeah um i did one of the versions is posted in  the community if you just go to the community   forums and you look up reddit um i do have a live  version of it it's basically the exact same thing   but just some minor tweaks um i just haven't had  the chance to post that yet it's been a while   um but you know hopefully sometime this week  i'll find some time to post in the community but   um yeah using alternative data is very interesting  it's kind of what i like to do um you know i think   derek mentioned that in the strategy library  and within the documentation there are some very   great examples of using alternative data that  quantconnect does provide um but yeah you know   if you're if you're looking to learn more about  how to build those strategies the way i learned   was just kind of going through the community and  finding strategies and playing around with them Lexie: um and derek looks like there is another  question that asks about some good resources   to learn more about algorithmic trading and  strategies for a newcomer Derek: sure um well   we have a lot of educational resources directly  on the quantconnect platform that's where i'd   recommend to start we have boot camp lessons  which you know they give you instructions on how   to build your algorithm and then they actually  allow you to uh write the code yourselves just   in a step-by-step manner we've got tons of uh  introductory tutorials just to using python in   a financial or quantitative trading environment  that's a very useful tutorial to go through   uh we've got probably 50 or 60 strategy library  tutorials which just walk you through how to go   about building your own strategy from scratch  the research to production tutorials are very   interesting as well it teaches you how to research  your strategy in the research environment and then   translate it into the back tester um so that's  that's where i would start um and then there's   tons of other resources  online whenever i come into   a problem while developing you know i just  throw the error in google if i need to and then   some sort of resource usually pops up that  allows you to get over the error message Member:   that's really exciting so does that  mean um with the tools from quantconnect   basically all of us even me like i could start  Derek: exactly anybody can start that's that's   our core mission is democratize finance and  allow retail investors to have access to   institutional-grade data and  back testing and research tools   so yeah we have tons we have tons of resources to  walk you through how to actually use our software   and we have an active community that is  always sharing different strategies and   you know helping each other fix bugs and whatnot  so yeah we've got everything you need to get on   the right foot Member: thank you you're welcome  Lexie: does anybody have any other questions Member:   no but this is very interesting Derek: thanks  for coming everybody Member: wait wait wait   i've got a question Derek: for sure Member: um  so you said you use many journal articles right   uh what journals you know provide the highest  quality uh papers because what has happened in   the past years that i've implemented quite a  few papers and then they just don't work out   like this is an example of one of them so what  journals would you recommend Derek: so the ones   that i usually go to i just go to ssrn.com on  there you know all the or most of the research   papers are actually uh free to view i don't have  any premium subscription to any uh individual   journal itself um but yeah my recommendation is  to just look at as many different research papers   as you can um but i think maybe the the real  benefit of of using these research papers is   to just walk you through how to build a strategy  i think you'll probably end up finding your best   strategies just by doing your own research and  coming up with your own ideas um but i think   getting uh started with the research papers  is definitely a good idea and for that i use ssrn.com Member: yeah personally research papers  give you like a a good idea of what is available  

so for example pair trading right so if you  don't know that there's a correlation between   let's say the canadian dollar versus uh  you know the u.s dollar and wood prices   um that's new information right and you can  use that to trade um so that's what i use   it for Derek: that's a great point yeah get get  your you know your ideas from the research papers   but then you know go and do your own  research and see what works for you that's Member:   i was wondering sorry i was wondering if there's   time for another question Derek: yeah  of course Member: thank you just really   excited to get started um going through all the  tools on quantconnect and i was just wondering   if you might be able to outline just like any  major technical backgrounds that i need to   get started or does uh or all the tools just like  will help me and i just need to get started yeah   so um i'd say the biggest tool that you need is  you need to be able to learn or you need to be   able to program in python um and then you need to  be able to know how to navigate our documentation   as soon as you've got those two skills um you  know you can basically take the ideas from the   documentation and write your own algorithm with  it um but yeah i would i would recommend starting   with the bootcamp lessons um instead of you  know just diving straight into documentation   the bootcamp lessons are a good way to  get your feet going at the very beginning Member:thank you so much Derek:  you're welcome i love the excitement Lexie:   does anybody have any last questions they would  like to ask derek or anybody else Member: uh   i've actually got a question i'm curious if you  if you're familiar with any trading strategies   based around like relative computational  complexity and entropy and entropy based   modeling for signal detection Derek: i'm  not familiar with with those concepts now   okay great means there might be opportunities  there thank you thank you Member: i have uh one   last question here Derek: of course  Member: so if you have tons of data   and you're looking for all kinds of correlations  just like a blind squirrel can find a nut   every once in a while you'll find correlations  that aren't really genuinely uh you know to   because obviously there's a difference between  causation and correlation how do you weed out   the correlations that are bogus Derek: so the  idea there is to test not only on in-sample   data but reserve a portion of your data to test  your model on after your model's been trained   um a great example of this is to train your model  you know you could train your model in all the   data you have available right now and then you  could just run the algorithm for the next six   months and that would be unseen data and uh if the  performance degrades through that out of sample   period you know that perhaps the correlations that  you identified earlier don't hold going forward that's me Member: thank you Derek: you're welcome Lexie: all right well i think with that um we can  go ahead and wrap it up for today thanks derek for   presenting with us and to all of you for joining  us as a reminder we hold these meetups on the last   thursday of the month we hope to see you all again  next month to develop and deploy your strategies   please visit quantconnect.com and to stay up  to date on new events be sure to follow us on   twitter at quantconnect everybody have a great day  and thank you guys again so much for joining us   thanks for coming everybody you

2021-03-02 12:39

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