Profit Ideal Para Scalper || Ideal Profit for Scalpers

Profit Ideal Para Scalper || Ideal Profit for Scalpers

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|| PREVIEW || Any question? For scalping, it's too small to use TP If we use 4 digit broker, then we take around 10-15 If we use 5 digit broker, I used to take small ones, around 5-10 It means 50-100 in the 5 digit broker I'll give you an overview Since we take small pips. If we use standard market, EURUSD, we take around 10-15 pips It's too small to place TP and SL if we're scalping We better use the manual one. If the lot is 0.01 we close when we get 0.1, 0.15, or 0.20 If we take 15 with 0.1, then it's 1.5 dollars, close it Scalping is taking small profits If we're not careful, what we collect can run out in a transaction That's why I don't like scalping One, it takes lots of energy and time, but the result is small We already experienced these kinds of condition So, now we change from scalper to sniper Sniper reads more chance that's "valid" Then, we enter with bigger lot Bigger lot is relative. Big for me doesn't mean big for you But, the profit taking is not always the same, depends on the market condition There are times we take bigger profit and standard ones Standard means adjusting it to the pair Why? Because each pair has different characters In XAU, we can get 100 pips quickly My basic is 5 digit, so if you use 4 digit, it's 10 pips This target is easy to achieve because the movement is very fast Different with EU, we can't take that high EU is around 30-60 It means we can achieve these targets quickly except if the condition is crowded and has huge fluctuation It's at 7-10 p.m

It's easy to get 200 pips in XAU. If in EU, it's more than 70 If we play in EU and the target is 100 pips, it'd be hard. You may try it Try to take 100 pips in EU. Pair has effect too It's not always the same pips. Depends on the pair Hope that answers the question Any more question? -"Thank you, sir" "I want to ask about determining support and resistance" "We use H1. Then, say, we use M5 for the order" "When it's near the resistance and stopped, we order sell" "Can it be used?" -It can, but it'd be harder If we use M5, then find the support and resistance in M5 If we use H1, find the support and resistance in H1 If D1, then find the support and resistance in D1 I'll give an example. If we mix it, it'd be hard to find it

Each time frame has its own character For example, I use this as the resistance in H1 I draw a line there. Then, the support is here Then, if we use M5, it'd be too far In M5, the closest one is here This is the support in M5. This is the resistance There's resistance, unable to breakout and it goes back down When it goes down, it'll be tested on this support because there are many rejections here. This is the closest from the running

There are rejections. So this is the closest support in M5 It's very different. Let's zoom out So, determine the support and resistance based on the time frame Even in D1, it's really different In D1, the support and resistance are different too There's resistance above. Then, the support is not there the closest support is an area that has many rejections, here This the support, there's rejection here, here, and here It's very different. Each time frame is different

So, if we use H1, find it in H1 What if we use M5? M5 is just for comparison It's for knowing the direction. This long red says it's going down It's for seeing the details. And the red is strong We'll be able to know that the H1 is going to go down That's the answer Adjust the support and resistance based on time frame because time frame affects our reading way It's very different and will affect the result too Any more question? "I'd like to ask about sideways" "But, when a price goes sideways" "Indirectly, it tells that it's a key level for our future trading" Sideways means the market is confused, no domination It means buyer and seller are still waiting waiting for dominating Generally, sideways always goes ups and downs and back In determining where it's going, we don't know before it's out of that price Consolidation means the price is agreed If we want to know the stronger one, one of them must dominate It must breakout and exit that zone, either buyer or seller If sideways, we can't determine it. But, in a short time, it'll explode Explode means it can continue trend or reversal after the breakout The breakout is still small from this consolidation area It's a big consolidation. If it goes up to the half, it doesn't mean it'll continue It'll be strong if it breakouts like this When? We don't know, but there's chance Surely there'll be a long one this week We know it because the last few days went sideways It's also approaching news of NFP, Non-Farm Payroll A fundamental that's released once per month on the first Friday It informs the labors of non-farm which will change a price in a very quick time And there's also labor information from US It'll affect the price movement, which will be pretty significant If the news effect is long, it could breakout and buyer continuing Not because of the news, but the dominant trend is formed breakout from the consolidation area Surely there'll be a strong up or down this week You may prove it. The sideways goes for days here It almost fulfilled the standard requirements so when the time is near the NFP, there'll be a domination Up or down, what matters is follow the steps of...

...the closest support and resistance that got breakout We'll be able to find. So, the process takes a pretty long time Sideways can't inform that it'll go up or down We can know it when there's dominating one The main trend was going down It also has the chance to go down strong because usually it continues the trend after the sideways Let's see the previous one. It's a down trend Long down trend, then goes up a bit, then consolidation here The ups and downs are the same or almost the same Don't fight the trend. Strong down trend, then goes up

The retracement area is at this half It's still below the retracement It's still below the retracement and consolidation here When it breakouts on one side, it'll continue. In this case, it's down Another example, I'll show you when the trend is strong It's starting to breakout. It goes down, then it goes up then it goes down again, and starting to crawl up strong When it's here, it goes up stronger After that, it goes consolidation We don't know that it'll go up or down when it's still consolidation Although there's small breakout, but it goes back up stronger This is consolidation When it breakouts here, red it continues to go down, up again, then down again After it can't go further, it's still not reaching half of the strong trend This green goes up strong It goes down to the retracement area, correction area While it can't breakout from the retracement and go back up be careful when it breakouts here When it starts to breakout, it'll continue to go up The structure is almost repeated It's always repeated although not fully copied At least there's codes that are almost the same. If we're sharp we'll always see the chance We'll always be able to see the moment It's starting to breakout up, then it'll go up stronger There's an area with many rejections here It becomes the psychology area If it's rejected a lot, like this, then it breakouts strong don't oppose it, because it'll go very strong Hope this adds our knowledge Turns out it's still far. So, we need lots of training and understanding Keep learning, because nothing is certain in trading We must be sharp in seeing and able to control the risk Able to read the maximum probability of the move That's it. We'll continue that next time

We'll continue the discussion. The lesson is still long Know it all first, then you can practice it Take notes of what we said, then practice and test it If you find difficulties, we'll discuss it Practice hones our skills and make our psychology calmer Any question? "We learned this yesterday, determining the trading system, budget" "If it's consolidation like this, should we wait for a chance or become a scalper?" "For example, our profit target is 100 a day" "Turns out it's hard to get it because of the chart" If there's no chance, we must wait and see Don't do it randomly, we won't understand the system If we already understood it and have a specific note when the condition is sideways, we can't use our usual weapons nothing wrong in trying new technique, follow the market condition Then, we'll make a note again When the market is consolidation and not moving significantly and only moves around that area hard to achieve our target, we can try the new technique to apply it there but we must reduce our profit target Don't take the same target, it won't be achieved That's the importance of adjusting and correction because the market isn't always the same We must follow the condition here If we're afraid, we better wait and see But, when we try and see the chance there no problem even if it's small What matters is decrease the target per transaction Do that so we can achieve it faster If we put it the same as normal condition, it'd be hard That's the answer, try it later Nothing wrong in trying. If we learn various techniques and able to apply it in various condition, it'd be better So, we must have many weapons If we want to go fishing, when a bait can't be used if we keep waiting, we won't get the fish. We must find another way

maybe we can use net or other way to get fish Hope it helps. Any more question? "For example, we don't do sniper method" "The condition is sideways and we're going to do scalping" "What technique should we use?" -When the price is running, sir When it's running, wait for the correction It tends to go green. The previous one is also green Follow the dominant, which is green Wait for a correction, then order buy It's risky because it's near a resistance When it's at a resistance, it'll go back down. So, we must be quick Quick means when we get the profit, we must exit soon Why? Because we buy and it's near the resistance, it'll go back down We order buy here. When it reaches the edge, the profit is not much But, it's better to secure it than being dragged down You may prove it later. It'll go up, then go down again

The same goes if we want to order sell If the position is thick like this, we can order sell When there's no correction, we can order sell when it's up But, when there's correction, like this, we can order buy The target, at least, is this edge. Don't aim too far Let's measure it, it's 170 pips Why we must exit there? Because it's around the resistance It's consolidation, There's resistance here and a support here We don't order sell because the closest to running is dominated by green and the running is green, no stronger seller yet Except that it becomes red, we focus on sell This condition is dangerous. If we don't learn about this condition we only know the standard one, then we'd order buy when it's thick above After we buy, the market goes down and we'd be nervous Same as if we buy below here, turns out the market goes down further Remember, it's still sideways, so it's hard to take big profit chance We must realize it if we don't want to be trapped If we force ourselves, it'd be worse Watch, there'll be an explosion this week, either up or down If we're dragged in plus, it's fine The problem is, if it's minus and we just pray for it and don't do any action, we'd be dragged further If there's no question, we'll end tonight's class Hope it's useful. Keep your learning spirit high and try to find the easy way by learning and practicing Thank you. Good night and Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

2021-07-04 20:37

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