Prime Minister's Questions: 5 September 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 5 September 2018

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Order. Questions. To, the prime minister to, let Sydney. Thank. You Thank You mr. speaker and I am sure that members, from all sides of the house would like to join me in congratulating, both, the English and the Scottish women's football teams. Performance. In qualifying, for next year's World Cup mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings, later today, tulips. Sydney Thank. You mr. speaker mr., speaker my constituent. Nathalie was a Gauri Radcliffe, was released, temporarily, for three days last, month before, being hauled back to prison in, Iran, worse. Still when, she wasn't a furlough she was contacted, by the Iranian. Revolutionary, Guard saying. That, if she attempted, to contact the British Embassy her. Family, would be harmed, I find. It deeply troubling. That, a British, citizen was, threatened, against. Contacting, her, own Embassy does. The Prime Minister share my concern, and will, she raised this specific issue, with President rouhani when. She next speaks to him perhaps, in New York later this month. Can. I say to the Honourable lady that I share the concerns that she has expressed and our, thoughts I know across. The whole house remain, with Nazarene cigar arackliffe during, this difficult time and with her family, and her, friends who have been campaigning tirelessly obviously. For her release the, Honourable lady will know as this is her constituent. But one of the difficulties, is the question of whether or not the Iranian government. Recognizes, dual nationality, which they do not and they're not obliged to under, international law she, asked me to raise this matter with president rouhani I regularly, do, whenever I speak to President rouhani it's, an issue also that foreign secretary, foreign office other ministers, consistently. Raised with, the Iranian government and. We will continue to do so Maggy. Through. Anti-semitism. Has, no place in British, public life. My. Friends, assure the house that. She, will always work to make sure that this remains the case. Can. I say to my honourable friend Jewish, people living in this country should, feel safe and secure, and, not. Have to worry about their futures, in their own country, there, is no place for racial, hatred, in our, society, and it's important, that we take every step to, tackle, it that's why as a government, we were the first country in the world to adopt the definition, of anti-semitism, set, out by, the international, Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. We've, been taking steps providing, funding, to ensure security measures can be taken in Jewish, faith schools and synagogues, and we've provided funding, to the Holocaust Memorial Day trust to run events the, Holocaust Memorial Day I believe. That we should all be united. In our determination to. Tackle anti-semitism. So. When the leader of the Labour Party stands, up he. Should apologize for, saying that Jewish people who, have lived in this country their whole lives do. Not understand, English irony. Mr.. Speaker, there. Is no place for racism. In any form within our society, on that we're all agreed, and we should tackle it wherever it arises in, our own parties, as well and that includes, the Conservative, Party. By, enjoying, I joined, the prime minister in congratulating the, English and Scottish women's teams on their, qualification.

For The World Cup and I look, forward to them doing extremely, well mr.. Speaker the international, trade secretary, said the likelihood, of a, No Deal is now, 6040. Which in betting parlance means it's a pretty, good chance there won't be a deal which, means more likely than not so, Prime Minister is he right. We. Are continuing to, do what we've always been doing which is working to get a good deal with, the European Union for our future relationship once. We have left the European, Union but it is entirely right, and proper, that, we should prepare for all eventualities, because. We haven't come to the end of the negotiations that. Means that it's right that we are preparing, for No Deal as indeed, the, European, Union have been doing, sending out notices, in relation, to No Deal so, we have been publishing technical, notices, so that businesses and citizens would know where they stand and how to prepare in the event of no deal we've. Published over 20 so far the, total, of final total is likely to be around 70. We, are making those preparations, but crucially, what, this government is doing is working. For a good deal, preparing. For every eventuality and. Preparing. To ensure that this country, makes success, of leaving, the EU regardless. Of the outcome of the negotiations so. Mr. Speaker the, international, trade secretary, says he's unfazed. By No Deal the, new foreign secretary, was here this morning, says. That over, the summer that are No Deal BRICS it would be a huge geostrategic. Mistake. And the. Chancellor, sitting next to her, writtens, the Treasury, select committee. Stating. That a No Deal brexit, would slash, GDP. By, almost 8%. Comparable. With the global financial crash. Which. Assessment, does she agree with. The. Director of the World Trade Organization. Said. That No Deal would not be a walk in the park, but, it wouldn't be the end of the world the. Government is right. The, government, is right to make the necessary preparations, for, no deal while, at the same time we are working for, a good deal to ensure that we deliver on the vote of the British people that. We come out of the European Union on the 29th, of March 2019. That, we do so in a way that protects jobs and livelihoods ensures. No hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland and maintains, the precious union of our, United, Kingdom, and on one thing I'm clear, we're. Working, for that outcome, and we will not have a second, referendum. We. Should stand up and wrote out a second, referendum. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister, says no deal is better than a bad deal the Chancellor, says no deal would cause a catastrophic, collapse, of our economy, and yesterday. The, brexit secretary waded into said say, that there were countervailing. Opportunities. To a No Deal brexit, could, the prime minister in lightness what these countervailing. Opportunities. Actually, our. First. Question, this government, is working to ensure that whatever the outcome of the negotiations, this, government, this country, makes success, of. Coming out of the European Union if we see that global, Britain on a brighter future for people, here in this country but interestingly I. Suggested. To the right honourable gentleman yet again as I have done on other occasions that, he stand, up and categorically. Rule out a second, referendum he, refused to do so so, I'll give him another opportunity to, do it now. Mr.. Speaker a majority, of people might have voted to leave but they expected, the negotiations. To be handled, competently. And, they certainly are not and. I. Didn't. Hear a single, I, didn't hear a single one of these, countervailing. Opportunities. I say to the prime minister quite simply this she can't keep dancing. Around all the issues. And it seems that. It seems mr.. It. Seems mr. speaker, that. Panasonic. Have taken the cue and have greet decided. To dance off altogether they're, relocating out, of this country, could, the Prime Minister tell the house how, many other. Companies. Have been in touch with her or her ministerial. Team and told, her privately, that, they intend, to relocate in, the absence of a serious, sensible. Deal with, the European Union. What. We have seen is businesses showing confidence in our economy in August, Dyson announced 200 million pounds of investment in their electric, vehicle, testing, facility, in Wiltshire, to sister's food group Bernhard Mathews have one major new contracts, with supermarkets. Underpinning. 600, new jobs the. Hot group of plants 200, new, tech jobs in Salford we. Welcome 230. Million of foreign direct investment, in our automotive, sector, from four companies, in July generating, around 500. New jobs what we're doing is negotiating, a. Brexit deal that would deliver for this country, deliver on the wrote of the British people and then we'll ensure we do so protecting, jobs maintaining.

Our Union and ensuring, no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland and what we get from the right honourable gentleman from. The right honourable gentleman said that he wanted to do new trade deals now he wants to be in the customs union at. One stage the right honourable gentleman was asked, about his view. On free movement he said, labour. Is not wedded to freedom, of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle but. Nor do we rule it out so he won't even agree with himself, on his own position. I'm. Not quite sure who. The Prime Minister is listening, to but she may have heard. She. May have heard from the National, Farmers, Union that. Says it would be an Armageddon. Scenario. The. Tea you see says. Note and No Deal brexit would be devastating. For working, people the --use, chief negotiator. And president, macron both, seem to have categorically. Ruled out the Prime Minister's checkers, proposals, so, we're now at a critical point can. The Prime Minister tell. The house if she believes a deal will be reached by. The agreed, deadline, of October that's, October. 2018. Not. Any other one. We. Are working for, a good deal we're still working as are the European Union, for the time tables, were set of October, because we're leaving the European Union, on the 29th, of March 2019. We, will need to pass legislation in, this house prior, to our leaving the. European Union, but he talks about no deal that he talks about a deal I'll tell him what would be bad for this country, that we'll be signing up to deal at any price whatsoever. Which is the position of the Labour Party that, would destroy jobs that, would be bad for the British people. Yesterday. The brexit secretary, admitted there'd been some, slippage. Today. Lord King condemned, the incompetence. Of the preparation. Saying, it beggars belief that. The sixth biggest economy, in the world should get itself into that, position, the, Prime Minister has repeatedly, said that no deal is better than a, bad deal but, no deal is a bad, deal and everyone, from the CBI to the tea you see to her own chancellor, are telling her the same thing the checkers proposal, is dead already, ripped apart by our own MPs, when. Will the Prime Minister, publish a real, plan that, survives contact, with her cabinet, and with. Reality. Those. Are, of, course two very, separate, concepts, when. Will we get proposals. That put jobs and the economy ahead. Of a survival. Of herself and our own government. We. Have we, have published a plan that, we are discussing with the European Union that, ensures that we deliver on the vote of the British people that, ensures that we bring an end to free movement that we come out of the sea aap come out of the Common Fisheries Policy no, longer send vast amounts of money to the EU every year no longer have the jurisdiction, of the European Court of Justice here. In this country, that we don't have a hard border between northern ireland's Milan and we don't have a border between Northern Ireland and Great, Britain what. I'm doing is negotiating a, brexit deal for, Britain I'm, making, sure that the economy, works for everyone I'm, building, a stronger fairer. What. What, is the right honourable gentleman doing he's. Trying he's. Trying to, change his party, so. Anti-semites. Can call the creation, of Israel racist. And. He should be ashamed of, himself. Thank. You mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister will read of the campaign, to extend the borders railway from tweed Bank to hike Newcastle, sonoran to coal oil this will provide a huge boost to the local economy and, will help demonstrate what, Scotland's two governments, can do from my region it's what would the plain Minister do to ensure the sufficient, resort resource and the borderlands, growth deal to their this project, to move forward. I. Understand, the, importance. Of two partners across the region, of the, campaign, and the proposal, that he has referred to I'm sure he understands, this is a devolved transport, issue but, I would certainly encourage all parties, that are involved to come to a workable, solution and to ensure the best outcome for the entire region, because, this can bring great, benefits and, in. Addition to the point he made about the Borderlands growth deal can I assure him that the UK and Scottish governments, will continue to work in partnership to. Deliver that deal in, blackford. Thank. You mr. speaker and can I congratulate, Scotland. And England and qualifying, for the World Cup with all. Of us in Scotland, and immensely proud of our Scottish.

Women's, Team, mr.. Speaker when, the Tories, introduced. Thatcher's, port acts in the 1980s. Scotland. Was used as a guinea pig. The, Scottish Tories, paid a price for the, folly they're, waked off a political map of Scotland the Prime. Minister's, checkers, plan is. Even, more unpopular, than, the poll tax why. Is the Prime Minister, gambling. With Scotland's, future by taking us out of the EU against. Her will with, a disastrous. Checkers, plan. The. Only people who are gambling, with Scotland's, future the Scottish National, Party wants, take Scotland, out of the United Kingdom. That. Was no answer, to the question it had remained the Prime Minister its Prime Minister's, question, mr., speaker, Michelle Barnea, has said that the checkers plan is, not acceptable, Mervyn. King has, called the government's, preparations. Incompetent. Prime Minister, your, checkers, plan is as dead as a dodo with, the clock ticking down. Well the Prime Minister now finally, conceded, that, back in the single market and customs, union is the only option to, protect jobs, to. Protect the cuddly, to. Protect they, could find agreement. Can. I say to the, can I say to the right honourable gentleman that, the we have put forward a proposal and, the checkers plan that protects jobs that, protects livelihoods that, ensures that we deliver on the road vote of the British people that, ensures that we deliver on no hard border between Northern Ireland, and maintain. The Union of the United. Kingdom, Michel, Barnier has, put forward a another. Proposal, which, keeps Northern Ireland in the customs union and the, single, market which is a free, trade agreement only for Great Britain which creates a border, down the Irish Sea I have, said and I've said that I doubt that it is unacceptable to me as Prime Minister I believe, there is no British, Prime Minister who would find that deal, acceptable. But is being proposed, there we're negotiating on the checkers deal it delivers for the United Kingdom, it delivers for the people of the whole of the United Kingdom Eddie Hughes, mr.. Speaker Warsaw manor hospital. As many of my constituents and, it desperately needs, a new and extended, ane Department with, other hospitals, in the Black Country supporting. Their bid can the Prime Minister assure me there's some of the twenty billion pound additional, funding for the NHS, he's coming to Warsaw to improve, a any provision. Say. To my honourable friend that, we are committed, to providing local NHS with the funding they need we, we have as he knows announced, over three point nine billion of new, additional capital funding, for the NHS up to twenty twenty two twenty three announced, that last year the, majority support. The implementation of, plans from, local, communities, I understand. The the warsaw, healthcare. NHS, trusts have resubmitted, an application, for, the thirty six point two million of funding in July for, the Walsall, Manor hospital, emergency department.

The Department Health and Social Care Care, expect, the successful, schemes to be announced in the autumn but my right honourable friend the health secretary were pleased to meet my honourable friend to discuss his campaign Brenda, Navarro. Little. Scotland, including, my Argyll and Bute constituency. Is facing, a depopulation. Cletus a places it will be exacerbated by. Brexit, last, week Clarence Denton the chief executive of Argyll and Bute Council, I did, his name to those calling for a more flexible devolved. And regional, immigration, policy, and offered. A Galen Bute as a case case and a pilot area to test us will, the Prime Minister agreed to meet with myself, and the chief executive of Argyll and Bute to, discuss, the merits of such a proposal. Can. I welcome the Honorable gentleman to asking a question. Here at the PM queues but can I say to him he's, asked a question about a regional, immigration, policy, which is actually something which. The migration, Advisory Committee, knocked, out a while back and made, very clear, that this was not a situation they, felt the government should accept because, of the practical problem a partly because of the practical problems in implementing, that when, we put. Forward our proposals, for the. Immigration, policy for people coming from the European Union we will be ensuring that we put forward proposals that, are right to the whole of the United Kingdom. From. PNR, these are all EU wide databases. A lot of which the UK helped to shape which, keep us safe, while, there is much debate here, about the type of trading, arrangement, we will have with the EU can, I ask the prime minister for reassurance that, there will still be the highest, level of security, arrangement. With, the EU as we leave the European Union because any reduction. In that is completely, unacceptable to the people of the UK. Say. To my right honourable friend that she's absolutely right to highlight the importance of our security relationship with the EU I remember, the discussions, the debates that led to the establishment of, the of the PNR directive, the, white, paper does provide a comprehensive, and, ambitious vision. For that future security relationship.

And That's, why we're proposing that, security, partnership, to protect our shared law enforcement, and criminal justice capabilities. Facilitate. Continued, cooperation and, support our joint working on security, issues such, as counterterrorism. And, Michel, Barnier has, recognised the progress, made in our discussions, on security, so, our focus should be on trying to obtain obtain. And define that ambitious. And, unprecedented. Partnership which. Will help to keep not, just people here safe but people across the whole of the EU safe as law. The. Opening, of the VNA Museum of the same next week in my city of Dundee is, already attracting worldwide, attention expected. Of us to half a million visitors and so Sierra will, drive new is apparent, the local economy the. Prime Minister will also be aware that announcement, to confirm funding for the T cities deal is imminent, and that improved, connectivity, is key to driving the prosperity of the T City region therefore. As an air link to Dundee was part of he threw a successful, bid for the third runway while the Prime Minister today explained, firm commitment, for the introduction, of a new direct, deal service to dundee by, 2021. And the associated, investment, required to, secure this. He's. Right to bring. To the attention of the House the, both the decide deal and the, as he says the opening of the VNA in Dundee, these, are important, ways in which the UK government, is working to ensure that, support, for Scotland, and that those opportunities, in relation, to the Scottish economy another, one of those is the, fact that this is the government that has taken the decision to enable a third one way to go ahead at Keith row and we do expect when that happens that we will see better into better connectivity, within the United Kingdom in. Resmii. Speaker. This September. Is blood, cancer, awareness month and therefore I'm delighted that. Yesterday, it was announced the NHS, will be providing, innovative, car, T cell immune, therapy, to under, 25s, the. First health system anywhere. In Europe to do so can I seek assurances. From my right and more friend the Prime Minister, that a focus, on blood. Cancer, awareness and, diagnosis. And prevention, will, continue into the future. Can. I first of all commend, my honourable friend for the work that he has done to champion the cause of blood, cancer and raising. A much greater awareness of, this, issue and I can assure him that this will continue to, be an issue that we want to to, press on and continue to raise awareness of and like. Him, pleased, that the government's been able to make that the decision has been able to be made as he referred to was an was announced yesterday but, once again I congratulate, my humble friend because he has personally, campaigned. On this and championed this cause dr.. Ruja, Thank, You mr. speaker, the Prime Minister and I both have seats around ether Airport, and both, campaigned for years against, its damaging, effects on our constituents. And its expansion but, when it came to the third runway vote she shifted. If, I can understand, her change of heart because new facts emerge and it wasn't the same proposal, as it was years, ago can, she not apply the same logic and. Apply and allow the, electorate, the final, say on the final brick city. Can, I say to the. But. I say it's the Honourable lady an ingenious attempt. To raise that like. That brexit, issue, this. This. Parliament. This, Parliament, gay. Overwhelmingly. Gave, the. Decision, to the British people as to whether to remain. Or, leave the, European Union the, British people voted, it is, now up to this government and I believe politicians. Across the whole house to, show our faith with the British people and deliver, on their vote. And. When this has will inevitably be. Spending a lot of time discussing, brexit, I think, it's important we should concentrate on. Other issues and for many families their, own children's, future, is a, very immediate, concern, with, that in mind does the Prime Minister agree that, making sure as many children as possible grow. Up in a household, where someone, is working is not only the best way to provide a secure economic background. For children but also the, best way of ensuring, that future generations are. Prepared, to play a full productive, role in society. Can. I say I absolutely agree, with my right honourable friend work, is the best route out of poverty but I think it's also important. For the. Example. It gives two children in households. When they see a, parent. Or parents working. I'm pleased. To say that we now see that. The levels in relation, to children being, brought up in worklets households, is at the lowest level, that we've seen this is very, important. We, know that three-quarters, of children, move out of poverty when, their parents go into full-time work for, the example, it shows for the benefit it brings to those children for the benefit it brings to the family and the benefits for our society, as a whole, ensuring.

That We provide that the jobs are provided, so those people, can be in work for, the future of their children is important. Surendra. Sharma. Will. The Prime Minister commit, to, securing, and simplifying. The future, for people up and down the UK and pledge, to, protect the pensions, dashboard. Can. I say to the, honourable gentleman that I believe that the responsible, minister has, made an announcement about, the fact that the pensions dashboard, will be going ahead and I think will be some piloting and, consultation. On looking at that John. Hayes. This, mr. speak that the promise their appreciates, the, flights of the poorest Britons who. When, they've loved the last struggle. To be able to afford to provide, a dignified and decent funeral because, she establish the children's we were all father nevertheless. The, grant, available to the poorest people for. This purpose has been frozen at 700 pounds since, 2003. And. 30. Percent of people get nothing at all the. Right honourable birkenhead Select, Committee. Recommended. Changes. In 2016. Will she meet me and him and others it's. Not just our task or our duty, it's our mission to, help to heal the, brokenhearted. Can. I say to my. Right wonder friend that obviously he has raised an important. And sensitive issue and none. Of us want to see a situation where, people are not able to afford to do that what. Is a terrible. Task in that they have seen a loved one die but to be able to give them a proper funeral and. Is important. To families and to individuals, as he. Will know the funeral expenses payments. Do, continue, to cover the necessary cost involved with funerals and coronations. And up to 700 pounds for other funeral expenses and some changes have been made to, ensure that other contributions, are not, deducted. From the funeral expenses payments so that there was no change. To that can, I suggest to my right honourable friend that. The position. That he's put forward sounds, to me like a budget submission, which, he, might wish to put forward to my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer me. Helia. Mr.. Speaker because, of funding pressures many, schools, are cutting short, the school week so. What's the Prime Minister's message to parents whose. Children will, be out of school for half a day a week. Can. I say to the. Honourable. Lady first of all first, of all I think we should all pay tribute to the work that our teachers and head teachers do across the country, and. I'm pleased I'm, pleased that 1.9. Million, more children are now in good or outstanding schools. We're. Backing, we're, backing schools with an extra 1.3, billion over the next two years, per. Pupil funding being, protected, in real terms, but. We're doing more than that the Department, for Education is, working with schools to help reduce their non staffing, cuts that, costs, that, includes, up to 1 billion pounds through better the kurma. That. Means that teachers are be able to do what they do best which, is carry on teacher. That's. Funding in Solihull the lives of a mother and daughter colossal. Eamon renewed, a were, brought to an end after a double stabbing outside that home I have.

Met With Cola a Renee's family seen, firsthand their quiet dignity clear, love for one another and desire, to see something good come, from their loss would. The promise to join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to, Cola, and renews, family, and thanking, our emergency, services police. Liaison, officers, and the, wider community of surley Hall which, is showing great stoicism. And heartfelt. Concern as, this tragedy has unfolded. What. Can I say to my wonderful friend I think the whole house will want to join me in sending, our deepest sympathies to the families, and loved ones of coda, Salim and renamed Judah this. Is a terrible, tragedy, I'm, sure my little friend understands, I can't comment on the ongoing investigation that, is taking place but he is right to, draw attention to the work of the emergency, services and indeed. I will join him in paying tribute not, only to our emergency services but also to. The local community. For, the support that they have shown, at this very difficult time, Tanya, Antony at sea. Thank. You mr. speaker, according, to the patients, group endo a pain there has been a near total refusal. Of NHS, trusts, to back applications. For, medical, cannabis, the Home Secretary has, only paid lip service to two high-profile. Cases and not, proposed, a workable, solution for, the desperate children, and adults across the UK, now. The Prime Minister could show real, leadership and. Solve, this for hundreds, of families but, will she. Deepest. Sympathies to those who are suffering severe, conditions. Where other treatments, have not been effective, and that is cannabis based medicinal, products have the potential to help that's. Why the Home Secretary, has, announced that the law will be changed so specialist, clinicians, will be able to prescribe legally. Prescribed cannabis, based medicinal, products to patients with an exceptional, clinical, need now, while that change is taking place the, expert panel has been established an expert panel of commissioned clinicians, as an, interim to ensure that treatment is safe and effective so. We're not just waiting for the legislation, to change we will change the law but we've also put in place a procedure, to ensure that those cases can be considered properly openly. Oh thank, you mr. speaker on. Monday on. Herbal and right on role members from across the house will join the people of Gibraltar, and celebrating. Their National Day on the 10th of September, well. My right on working friend, confirmed that it's her majesty's, government's 4 resolved, that Gibraltar and its people will be fully included, in all, aspects, of their withdrawal negotiations. And future, Rangers and that no other party, will have any veto on that. Very. Happy to give him that reassurance. And that commitment from on behalf of this government, and can I say that I send best wishes to the people of Gibraltar, for their celebrations, on the 10th of September I see Thank. You mr. speaker, last year Bedford maternity unit closes, doors six times due. To. And stopping issues. This, is disgraceful, will, she admit now that starving. Over NHS, of funds has had very. Devastating. Consequences. And will she now reinstate. The nursing. Bursaries. To, address the shameful, national. Shortage of. 3500. Midwives and fund, our NHS, properly, I. Simply. Point out to the Honourable gentleman that, health, funding in his area will be 1.5 billion, this year and thanks. To our funding commitments this is an increase, of over 60, million pounds on the previous, year a cash, increase, of. 4.2%. The. Bedford, Clinical, Commissioning group, will. Receive a cash increase of four point three four percent, on, last, year, we, are putting extra money into the National Health Service but more than that we, have committed, future. Funding a five-year, funding program, and a 10-year plan for the National Health Service to, deliver the, services, that patients, need Steve.

Baker. With. Exit day fast approaching, will my right honourable friend now give instructions, to the whole of governments that the first the, first priority. Of every, department must, be domestic. Preparedness whether, we leave the EU with, a with a deal or without yeah. Well. Can I first of all commend my, honourable friend for the work that he did when he was minister on this particular issue and, I assure him can. I assure him that the, brexit, Department the Department, for exiting the European Union is indeed, has, indeed steps up the, work on preparations, we. Have. 6,400. Civil servants, working on au exit there's an additional eighteen hundred, and fifty recruited. In the pipeline so we can accelerate preparations. As necessary. We've, passed necessary, laws such as the EU withdrawal Act and historic, act passed, in this house obviously. There are other pieces of legislations, like the sanctions, act the nuclear safeguards bill. We're, publishing the technical notices on No Deal preparations. We, are ensuring that our preparations. Are being made and our preparations, are made for every eventuality we're. Working for a good deal we prepare for every eventuality elsewhere. Thank You mr. speaker because, the Prime Minister agree with the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, when, he says after losing, 2,000, offices in eight years that the public have to accept that without more resources, it's impossible. For the police to respond to crimes like car break-ins, anti-social. Behaviour even property, theft is, that just the reality of policing under this government or, will the Prime Minister commit to give our police the funding they need. To, the honorable gentleman but obviously we understand, the. Demand on policing that is changing, it is becoming increasingly complex, and that's, why after speaking to forces, in England Wales we provided, a comprehensive funding, settlement, that will increase total, investment, in the police system by over four hundred and sixty million pounds, in this, year 2018. 19 and. He. Might like to note that the force has a higher number of officers per head of population than. The England and Wales average, berto, caster, Thank. You mr., speaker earlier this morning my daughter Sophie. On. Her own merit, along. With thousands, of other school, children, attended. Her first day in grammar. School, what. Message, does the Prime Minister have for my daughter Sophie. And the thousands, of other children who. Is a see on their own merit. Secured. A place like Grammar School. First. I would say well done to his daughter Sophie and. Secondly. I would say, secondly. I would say to, Sophie and others, this. Is a country where how far you get on in life should. Depend on how hard you work and George Hansen develops a. Good. A good education. Is crucial, to that so. I would say enjoy. Your time at school make. The best of your time at school because, education is. The key that unlocks the door to your future. Mr.. Speaker. 25,000. Jobs and 30 million passengers, depend upon Muenster Airport in my constituency. But. With no world trade organization, fallback, position, after brexit, can, the Prime Minister explain. Why the government, has downgraded, the, possibility. Of an aviation sector, deal I. Can. Say to the, I can say to the Honourable gentleman not, only are we of course making sure that, the arrangements, in relation to aviation, will, be what they should be when we leave the European Union but, we are have been working, with the aerospace, sector generally. And with aviation, to ensure that as we've been put in place our modern industrial strategy, we, see the jobs being not just maintained, but also created, across. The country that provide those high high. Skilled. And well-paid, jobs for people in these important, sectors and aviation is an important sector for the UK and Rhea Jenkins. Thank, You mr. speaker, and this year's local election, we elected my first Conservative, councillor in the constituency, a wonderful. Lady called Nick but since her election she's, been subjected to, the most awful, abuse by labour and momentum, activists. Several. Times they, have, hung around a home late at night one. Has allegedly, trolled, her via, his dead wife social, media account a special. Needs son is now too scared, to leave the house, would the Prime Minister, join, me in condemning, this abhorrent intimidation, of elected officials is. This supposed to be the kind of gentler politics, of the Labour Party. Can. I can, i first, of all say to, my little friends that I congratulate, these men who, has been for, her election can, I say I'm sorry that she has been subjected to, this appalling, series, of attacks of various, sorts since, that election.

Across. Our democracy. We, have different, opinions about what. We want to achieve sometimes. About how we achieve what, we want to achieve but. It is right that we are able to put those opinions forward. The, democratic, process means we put our views to the public and the public choose, as they, have chosen my, honorable friends constituent, to represent, them on the council, and she, should be able to get on with that job of representing. Her constituents. Free, of hatred, and, free, of the abuse that she appears to be getting and I say that this should be condemned, on all sides of this house. Thank. You mr. speaker. It has been reported this morning that, the Treasury and number 10 are blocking plans, for legally, binding, three-year tenant seeds for private renters, this, is of great concern to private renters in my constituency, including. Many families, sending, their children back to school this week not, knowing where they will be living this time next year will, the Prime Minister make a clear promise to private tenants, that they will be entitled to three-year, tenancies, in law. We. Are keen to support tenants, to access, longer more secure tendencies whilst, also ensuring obviously landlords, are able to recover. Their property when needed, the consultation. On overcoming the barriers to longer tendencies, in the private rented sector closed on the 26th, of August it considered, the various barriers, longer tendencies on how to overcome them it did, propose the new three-year tenancy model with a six month break clause we, asked for views on a viability, on or how that could be implemented we are now analyzing those responses, and will provide information on the next steps once we have done that oh yeah warden ah Thank. You mr. speaker, I know, my right humble friend will be as concerned as me and as I'm sure the whole house to, hear of and see, the carcasses. Of nearly, 90 elephants. Near, a Wildlife, Sanctuary in Botswana, this. Coincides. With Botswana's. Anti, poaching unit, being disarmed. Will she do more to tackle, the scourge including. Through our aid budget to, fund more Rangers and more training through the mo d, can. I say to my other friend that the whole issue of the illegal wildlife trade, is a very important, one it, was an issue that i Don when, I was, in South, Africa in fact in the presence of and, there was a minister from Botswana there, at the time we, are holding a major conference later this year on the illegal wildlife trade, and because, we see it is important, and we are bringing people together across the international, community to consider how we can further deal with this. Rain. Mr.. Speaker prominent, Torre Beretta tears promised, that whales would not lose out on funding, if it, voted to lose at leave the, EU, whales. Has received 5.3. Billion, pound in European, structural funds since, 2000. The highest level in the UK and Europe, will, the Prime Minister guarantee. Here, and now that Wales will, not lose out on these fundings, should, the UK leave, the EU. First. Of all can I say to the Honorable Japanese so should the UK me for you UK. Is leaving, the Europe and. That will happen on the 29th, of March next, year what, we will be doing is what we are doing is reassessing, looking. At the structural funds that have come from the European Union in the past we are setting up the shared prosperity, fund. That will ensure that we're looking at disparities within. Regions, and between and. Within nations and between the, nations of the United Kingdom and we are working to ensure that we have a system and a, deal with the European Union for the future that works for the whole of the United Kingdom Julian, Keegan.

Like, My right honourable friend I have also recently returned, from Africa where I visited a refugee camp in Tanzania, with plan, witnessing. The transformative. Impact of, UK aid protecting. Women from sexual violence, and giving children access to education. With, the UN General Assembly fast, approaching, can the Prime Minister outline what preparations she, has made for, the Global Compact on refugees, I, say. To my. Honourable friend that yes we are looking, at their leave it's not just us, looking at what is being, proposed in terms of the Global Compact for Refugees we have actually been part of the discussions, about what should be in that Global, Compact for Refugees and this, partly reflects, the speech that I gave, one. Of the speech that I gave when I was younger in 2016. Shortly after I became prime minister about. The need for us to look at as internationally. How we deal with migration, and refugees, and I want to see a better ability to. Differentiate. Between illegal. Economic migrants, and refugees because. I think that by, doing that we will be able to ensure that we're providing the, support necessary for, refugees the, Vincent cable. Come. The Prime Minister explained, why the process. By which European. Nationals, acquire. Settle, status, requires. 59. Pages, of guidance isn't. This simply providing, 59, ways of saying no in a continued, hostile, environment. The. Right honorable gentleman, that the the system has he will know was was launched not, that long ago it's, very clear it's an online system it's a simple system we guarantee that that would be what we're, you provides and this is what we have delivered, Stephen. Kerr. Thank, You mr. speaker. Is. A Central. Scotland department. Store and over the years has become something of an institution, in Starling and it recently announced, that it was too close. Well, the Scottish, government, continued, to delete any changes, to the business rate system in Scotland, which is killing our high street can, the Prime Minister, assure me that there will be some action, to level the playing field between high-speed, businesses, and online sellers. Can. I say to my. Honourable friend that he's right to highlight the importance, of, using. The tax system in a responsible, way this, is very important, businesses. It's right the businesses make a contribution to their local area through the business rates but this should be as fair as possible that's, why we've improved the system and make.

Change Is worth over 10 billion pounds, to businesses, including. Taking six hundred thousand, small businesses out of paying business rates all together because. Britain's, retailers, be they high street shops or, independent, traders, are a crucial, part of our economy they create jobs they, inject billions into our economy and I think all those responsible, to these tax system should, deal with them responsibly, and recognize the impact that the decisions they make have I think we should wrap up with a new young member seeking to make an early mark, mr., Geoffrey Robinson. September. We, have the committee stage for. My private member's bill, over. Donations, Eva consent, I wish. To thank her personally, for the tremendous support that she has given and of course my right on my. Rifle and friend the leader of the Opposition, her, support, and the government time and the gun and the minister support has been vital, cause, she assures you can sustain that support. Now through. Committee stage in which case we can have it through the Commons, procedures. By the end of the year and have an act on the, statute, book early in the new year and, actually I think the whole house would be pleased to see and actually, souls purpose mr. speaker, is to, save. Preserve. Enhance. Lives. The. Honourable gentleman that this is an important, this, is an important, piece of legislation as, he says it will make a difference to people's lives and, we. Have as he said given it our backing we will continue, to give this legislation, are, backing precisely, because of the importance, and the impact it will have on people, thank. You.

2018-09-07 13:15

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