Prime Minister's Questions: 27 June 2018
![Prime Minister's Questions: 27 June 2018 Prime Minister's Questions: 27 June 2018](/pic/prime_minister_s_questions_27_june_2018/U2x3VmFwQ3h3cHc_.jpeg)
Order, questions, to, the Prime Minister, Helen. Goodman, a. Minister. Thank, You mr. speaker mr., speaker this week is Armed, Forces week, and I know that on. I know, that on Saturday members, from across the house will be attending, events to celebrate Armed, Forces Day this. Will provide an opportunity to. Recognize the, source of pride and inspiration, that our serving, men and women are to us today. Is also reserves day and I would like to pay tribute to reservists. Including, members of this house. For. The integral, and vital role, that they play in maintaining this country's security here, and overseas, balancing. Their civilian, lives alongside their, military careers mr.. Speaker this morning I had minused meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings later today Ellen, Goodman the. Prime. Ministry, is quite, right we all celebrate. The huge, contribution. Our armed forces and, reserves, made. Last. Year the Prime Minister promised, that, no school. Would, see a cut in its budget. Yet. Half, the schools in Bishop Auckland, continue. To face real, cuts. Some. Of over. A thousand, pounds per child doesn't. She understand, the damage this. Prime Minister. Cry. Safe the Honourable lady as she, knows we. Are putting extra funding into the schools we're making extra, money, we. Are making extra, money available, for. Schools and our, national fair and the fairer funding, formula, that we have introduced, is ensuring, that some of the schools that have previously been among the worst funded in this country are seeing increases. In their funding to help to address that balance. Mr.. Speaker that former chairman of the northern armed affairs committee and given, the unresolved, issues which remain. In Northern Ireland as the Prime Minister have any plans to visit the province in the near future, Prime. Minister my, honourable friend but, obviously there. Are a number of issues that, we, are considering in relation to Northern Ireland at Mon both in the brexit context, but also in the issue, of the devolved administration, and our hope that that and the assembly will get back up and running and I can say to my honourable friend that, I hope to be visiting Northern, Ireland in the next few weeks Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker I joined, the prime minister in paying tribute to Armed, Forces Day in reserves day and I hope. And, I hope that we also recognize we. Need to do far more for.
Veterans, In their housing, and health needs as well I. Would. Also like mr. speaker to pay tribute to, the firefighters tackling. The blaze on Saddleworth Moor I'm sure all our thoughts are with the firefighters, and their community, and families and the member of the study bridge in Hyde is there today to support them on. Brexit, mr. speaker the, business secretary, believes that business, is entitled. To be listened to with respect, I'm. Sorry, to see the foreign secretary is not here today with us. He. Takes a very different, view using. An anglo-saxon term. To make his points, which, is the Prime Minister's view. This. Party, in this government has, always been, a party, little bat business, a moment. And, we back business because, it is businesses. That. Create millions, of, jobs for people in our country, that provide. Billions, of pounds in, tax that we can spend on our public, services, it is businesses, that are the backbone of our prosperity, and. Can I say to the, right honourable gentleman if he wants to start standing up and talking, in favorable. Terms about business, he's got a decision to make he can either bat business, or he can want to overthrow capitalism he, can't do both. Mr.. Speaker I I, take. The Prime Minister's responses, or thumbs down to the foreign secretary. In. Recent, days there, have been unprecedented. Concerns. Raised, by trade, unions business. And even some cabinet, ministers, today, the, CBI director general. Said facts, ignored, today means, jobs lost, tomorrow. Airbus. Airbus. Supports. A hundred. And ten thousand. Jobs in the, UK supply, chain many, of them very highly skilled well-paid. And unionized, jobs the, company says no deal. Would, force Airbus, to reconsider, its footprint, in the country, its investments. And its dependency, in the UK can. The Prime Minister, reassure. Thousands. Of workers, today, and take, the phony threat, of no, deal off the negotiating, table. He. Has raised the question of Airbus, well. If he is so concerned, about our aerospace, and aviation industry. Why, did he not back the expansion, of Heathrow. They. Order mr., Snell, calm. Yourself. Acquire the quality, of an aspiring States, person. The. Question has been asked, the answer from the prime minister must and, will. Be, heard the Prime Minister. Mr.. Speaker mr. speaker I have to say. I say. To members, of this as I don't normally, agree. With, the secretary-general, of, unite, but. On this occasion I, actually do, agree with him because, he says that, backing the expansion, the third runway at Heathrow would. Ensure our country, remains a world leader in aviation. Well. Mr., speaker the foreign secretary didn't back you either but.
In His own way he was helping the aviation, industry by. Spending, 14, hours in a flat and a plane for a 10-minute meeting in Afghanistan. Mr.. Speaker the government, is not threatening the EU with this ridiculous, position it's, threatening, skilled jobs in this country, but. At least there's one government, minister, that understands. This that's the Honourable member for aberconway. He. Asks, I think. About the health and I think it's about the health and foreign secretaries do, the Tory leadership, aspirations, of multimillionaires. Trump, the need to, listen to the employers, and employees, of this country, well apparently, they do, the. Head of BMW. Directly. Employing over 8,000. Workers in this country. 8,000. Jobs in this country said. They need to know the, government's, plans for customs, and said. If we don't get clarity, in the next couple of months. We'll have to start making. Contingency. Plans, order. Order apologize, the, Prime, Minister, was heard, no. Concerted. Attempt, from either side, of this house to, shout a member, down will, ever. Succeed. However long it takes the, Prime Minister will be heard and the, leader of the Opposition, will, be heard get. The, message, Jeremy. Corbyn, the. Noise of people hiding, behind the gallery is interesting, mr. speaker. Mr.. Speaker I'm, asking, the Prime Minister. How. Many more firms, are, telling, the Prime Minister in private. What, Airbus, and BMW. Are now saying very, very publicly. We. We. Have been meeting with business we are listening to business that's why we're, very clear, on, our customs arrangement, that we want to ensure not, just that we deliver on our commitment, in Northern Ireland but also as frictionless trade as possible but also that we can trade around, the rest of the world but, if we're talking, about plans, for government, for business it is this government that has brought the deficit down it is this government that is seeing employment, at record, levels, what would Labour's three-point, plan for business be a seven percent rise in corporation. Tax nationalization. Without compensation. And a run on the pound, that's not backing business, it's a plan to break. Mr.. Speaker it's very interesting, that even those brexit, ears who may brexit, their life's work are. Concerned, about their own financial. Interests. The, Honourable, member for North East Somerset for, example. Is. Relocating. His hedge fund to, the euro zone the. Honourable member for Wokingham, is advising, his clients, to disinvest. In britain meanwhile. In the real world, andrew, who works for. Andrew. Who works for honda in Swindon wrote. To me and said I. Wouldn't. Laugh if I was you these are real people with real jobs and real concern and. He, writes, I've.
Seen, Nothing that gives me confidence the, government is going to deliver a trade agreement allowing. The seamless, flow of goods through, Europe's borders my. Job along, with many others in manufacturing. Suppliers and supply chains hang, on this so. Will the Prime Minister, ignore, her foreign secretary. Listen. To workers, and secure. An agreement that safeguards. Jobs in this country. We. Are putting jobs at the heart of what we do in relations. At. The heart of what we do as a government through our modern industrial strategy. And we are ensuring, that when we deliver brexit, we will be delivering, a brexit that is good for our economy good, for jobs and good for people up and down this country but, the right honourable, gentleman the right honourable gentleman I think through most of his through, most of his career has, actually, been rather a bricks a tear himself. Is it then that at every stage, here in the Labour Party are trying to trust straight brexit in this house. In. The. Labor Party's, priorities, defending, jobs in this country. Mr., speaker I doubt. That I doubt, that Andrew. From Swindon is alone among skilled workers, when he goes on to say I will. Hold the Prime Minister and her party culpable. If my, job and those of my colleagues at Honda end up, being under threat the. Cabinet, was split into two apparently. To, look at options for a future customs, arrangements, with the with the EU the, Prime Minister's, preferred option, was the customs partnership, we've. Had no official feedback, on that working party, so. Did the leader of the house speak for the government, when she said on Monday, I think, the customs, partnership, looks quite bureaucratic. And unwieldy, is that option, now ruled out as well. Number. Of occasions in this house we are looking at both options in relations to customs because, we want to ensure that what we deliver is that, frictionless, trade as possible as frictionless trade as possible with the European Union and an ability for us to negotiate trade, deals around the rest of the world that's. What we should be looking for it's what we're doing as a government, as a Labour Party, he, says the labour party labor a Labour Party's, interest, is in, delivering.
Jobs Why, is it then that every Labour, government. Leaves office, with, more people out of work that when they went. Coming. Coming. From a prime minister who, presides. Over an economy, where a million people are on zero hours contract, that is very rich. She. Rules, out a customs, union, mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister rules out a customs, union the, leader of the house rules out the Prime Minister's preferred option, and reality. Rules out a maximum, facilitation. Model that, only leaves, No, Deal, which he refuses, to rule out she. Is putting jobs at risk sadly. It's, not those of the warring, egos, in her cabinet. Because. They've now been rewarded, with an invite to a pajama party at, checkers. Meanwhile. Thousands. Of skilled, manufacturing, jobs. And the, future, of whole industries, in Britain are at stake the. Prime Minister, continues, to promote the fallacy, that no, deal is better than, a bad deal no. Deal is a bad, deal but. Isn't the truth that. Real jobs. Order. Order I apologize the rattle gentlemen I'll say it again there. Is unlimited time, has put order. There. Is unlimited, time as far as I'm concerned. The, quit order, the. Questions. Will, be heard and, the, order, and the answers, will. Be heard and nothing. And no, one will, stop, that happening it's a simple, and. Unmistakable. And clear, as. That Jeremy. Corbyn Thank. You mr. speaker, No. Deal is a bad, deal but, isn't the truth that, the real risk to jobs in our country is a prime, minister who, is having to negotiate round. The clock with, their own cabinet, to stop it falling apart rather. Than, negotiating. To defend jobs of workers, in this country. Prime, Minister Zelda. Right honourable gentleman what I on this government are delivering we're delivering a successor, to try to stamp, duty slash for first-time, buyers a modern, industrial strategy, for, jobs and growth action. On childhood, obesity, 1.9. Million more children in good or outstanding schools. Fairer schools funding, new technical, education, improved, mental health services. Record. Levels. Of employment. Falling. Borrowing, rising. Real wages, we've. Triggered article, 50 we've agreed and implementation. Period we, passed the EU, withdraw bill a Britain, fit for the future and leaving, the European Union, on the 29th, of March 2019. Thank, You mr. speaker last weekend, I attended, celebrations. Marking 70, years of production of the great British Land Rover.
When. The Prime Minister join me in congratulating the workers are solely hold I've committed. Securing, post brexit, global, trade deals and recognized. That new clean, diesel, engines, have a role to play for, years to come. What, can I first of all congratulate. All the workers at British Land Rover for 70 years of production. And, my honourable friend is absolutely. Right as we, look at leaving the European Union it gives us an opportunity to be in a position to conduct our own trade, policy. To sign our own trade agreements, with countries around the world. My, Ronald friend raised a specific, point about cleaner diesel, engines this can play an important, part in reducing co2, emissions from, Road Transport and could, reduce, co2 emissions further. Whilst meeting ever more stringent, air quality, standards, during, the transition, to zero emission, vehicles, this country is leading, on this issue of zero emission vehicles, and bland. Rover are playing their part Ian, Blackford. Thank, You mr. speaker can I commend the Armed Forces and, our reservists, for the fine job they do for our country mr. speaker Airbus. Honda. BMW. The. CBI. The. T you see the. Society, of motor, manufacturers. Mr.. Government this speaker, has, completely, failed, to listen to business has, insulted, the business community, and, left companies. In the dark from. The prime minister till the house by. A hundred, eighty six thousand, car, manufacturing. Jobs are disposable. To. Minister. We. Have been consistently, listening, to business throughout the negotiations so, far business. Said they wanted us to give priority to citizens. EU, citizens rights, here in the UK we did just that business. Said they wanted an implementation. Period so the wasn't a cliff edge next March we, have negotiated an, implementation. Period so, that there will be a smooth and orderly brexit, business, say that they want as frictionless trade as possible, so we are putting forward proposals to, ensure that we provide that frictionless, trade with, the European Union but, alongside that, we, will be developing a global Britain, looking out around the world signing, trade deals around the world and if he thinks trade and business is so important, why didn't he support, Heathrow expansion. Mr.. Speaker look. For the first flame it's a prime minister that field to answer the question, and the course heads that, investment, has been turned off and Britain by a government, that refuses to listen mr.. Speaker more, than a year ago the Scottish, government presented a plan for, the United Kingdom to the remain in the single market and, the customs union to, give certainty. To business, just. This week, Scotland's. First Minister took a trade delegation from. Scotland, to Berlin every step, of the way the, Scottish government has been seeking to protect jobs and, our economic, interests, two, years on from the EU referendum and, with the clock ticking down the, Prime Minister, has done nothing but increase. Uncertainty. Has, the Prime Minister, completed. Any economic, analysis, when the jobs in the economy were, the UK to stay in the single market in the customs union and if not why, not. He. Talked about investment, into, the United Kingdom last, year the United Kingdom remained the preferred. Investment. Country for investment, foreign direct, investment, in, Europe, it's the preferred country, in Europe that foreign direct investment, we saw last year. 76,000. Jobs being created as. A result of foreign investment, here in the United Kingdom more, jobs being created through.
Foreign Investment, than in the previous year and if, he wants to talk about further. Confidence from business just look at the fact that this month we've, seen 2.3. Billion pounds, of investment being, announced by the text industry, as part of London tech week creating, another 1600, jobs and the more examples, I could give him if he, wants to listen to business though he should listen to Scottish business because. Their message is very clear stay. In the United, Kingdom. Thank. You Thank You mr. speaker Thank You mr. brush, from my success, of managing, to stagger over the line in the recent London Marathon I. Will. Be running a 10k Road, race as part of the Black Country fun, run this Sunday inhales oh this. Is an event which has raised thousands, of pounds for local, charities in my constituency, so would the Prime Minister thank the organisers, in particular Allen, bowler and the Hales own and Rowley Regis, Rotary, Club for the organization, they put into this event and would she offer her congratulations to. Those who are participating, in this race on. I. First of all take, this chance to congratulate, my honourable friend for, completing, the London Marathon earlier. This year and I, know raising, money for a very worthy local, cause and, I'm very happy to join him in wishing. Allen bowler the Hales Owen and Rowley Regis Rotary Club all of those who are taking part in Sunday's fun run the very best of luck they're doing this for good causes we, congratulate, them and wish them well. The. Prime Minister will know that every, nucleus submarined of all Navy has ever had we still have there, are 13 old nuclear submarines tied up in Devonport 7 in Versailles and little room for the ones coming out of service soon will. The Prime Minister agreed to meet with me, the member for Copeland and the member for a site, further. To our letter to her fortnight, ago to, discuss how we can extend civil nuclear, decommissioning, to, these nuclear submarines to ensure that we recycle, them creating jobs in Plymouth Scotland and West Cambria. First. Of all that we take this issue that he is raised of the safe storage and disposal of nuclear submarines. Very seriously, indeed there, is capacity for, safely storing or remaining operational, to follow to class submarines. At Devonport following, their decommissioning. And work has started on dismantling the first submarine Swift. Shaw with, over 50 tons of radioactive waste, removed, by the end of May but I know that, I believe the honourable gentleman and other members of the House have written to me on this particular issue, I will respond in further detail, to, him in further detail in due course and, I'll ask the relevant minister. To meet with him to discuss this issue further faster thank. You. Last, week I met three students, at the spires college in Turkey, who have been working on the semi friend to school campaign, to make school safe can, the Prime Minister therefore confirm what action the UK will be taking to ensure the safe schools declaration, makes a real difference to children weather-wise might not be able to access education, okay, I. Think my own boyfriend for raising this important, issue because we know that, conflict, is a key driver of educational, exclusion, our, education, in emergencies, work does support greater community, awareness, of how to protect children in education. Teaching. Students, aunty and teachers about peace building and strategies for conflict resolution and. We, view compliance, with international humanitarian law, as the primary basis, to, protect schools and educational, facilities we're, also encouraging. International, partners to endorse the declaration, and most, recently Germany, who signed, up last month, this, is an issue that we take very seriously we are acting. On that we're supporting the work of the United Nations and we're. I'm pleased to say the largest, single financial contributor. To, the Secretary General's Special. Representative for children armed conflicts, office. Mr.. Speaker West Wales and the valleys remains, one of the poorest, areas in Western Europe and yet since 2015, we've, seen the UK government renege on manifesto, promises, to electrify the main line to Swansea the North Wales line and more recently the development, of the Swansea Bay tidal, lagoon will. The Prime Minister, commit to ensuring that the West the Mid Wales growth deal does not suffer from a similar fate or is it a government's assessment that, Wales is simply not worth the investment.
Minister. Gently, raises an important point about mid-wales, growth steel as he knows we've, already signed I was happy to sign the swansea city growth. Deal the city, deal for the Cardiff region and one for North Wales as well and I understand, for my right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Wales that were in discussion, on the Mid Wales deal and we'll be involving the honourable gentleman on that follow. Me, Thank. You mr., speaker. Could, my right honorable friend set, out what the government's, plans are to, improve the education, educational. Provision for, children with special educational needs, and, that she also congratulate. Garant Edwards head teacher of the primary school in Hitchin for, the brilliant and inspirational. Work that, he does in this regard. To. Congratulate. Grant Edwards on the excellent work he's doing as head teacher of the Priory school we, are committed to helping those children, who have special educational. Needs to. Achieve well in their education, find employment and obviously lead, happy, and fulfilled, lives so, we're implementing the biggest changes to the special educational, needs and disability, system in a generation, to, improve these children's, lives and we're investing 391. Million pounds to support these reforms, yeah I've gone. Three. Weeks have passed since, the Muslim Council, of Britain wrote to the chair of the Conservative Party to raise concerns about Slama, phobia, in the party and they, are yet to receive a reply he, has also failed, to respond to my letter of 16th of June following, the report so what looked like an attempt by Tory, headquarter, to cover up allegations, against. One of her Conservative, Party vice-chair the, Honourable member for Mansfield versus, the Prime Minister agree with bonsoir see and the conservative, Muslim forum that the Conservative, Party is in denial about, Islamophobia, in, its ranks. Oh gentle. Anji Muslim, discrimination, is wrong there, is no place rich in our society, that's, why that's, why when I was Home Secretary when. I was Home Secretary I introduced. I required, the police to, specifically, record. Anti-muslim. Hate, crime so that we could understand, better what was happening and and, better tackle the history, the the issue, now we've within, the party we've introduced a new code of conduct, I understand. That my honorable write on her friend the chairman of the party has met tell mama we aren't we investigate, any allegations. Any allegations. Of Islamophobia, that are made relating. To members of the party that are made to the party, those, are, investigated. Action is taken and in some cases members, have been suspended or expelled from, the party as a result. Thank you very much mr. speaker, recently my right honourable friend visited my constituency. Of Earth Kerrigan camlock where, she announced the area growth deal the. She agreed the deal has the potential to transform the local economy and may, I ask what. Steps the government are taking to drive the matter forward, I. Was. Very happy to visit, my honorable friends constituency. And to highlight the opportunities. That the air share growth deal does give us it which, is as he says it is important, locally regionally and I think nationally in terms of the economic benefit that it can bring, negotiations. Have now commenced, between both governments, and the Asha councils, on how to implement the deal I understand. Officials met on Monday this week to, discuss aerospace. And proposals, for preswick and the work is ongoing across, airshow so the work is continuing and, I can assure my honourable, friend that we recognize.
The Importance, of the airshow dres deal Mary Craig. Will. The prime minister join me in congratulating, the, foreign secretary, for, expressing, so pithily, what. Her heart breaks it will do to British jobs and British businesses. Can. I say can I say to the honourable lady as, I have said many times in, this, we. Are pursuing we are pursuing a grexit that will be a good deal for the UK a good, deal for business a good, deal for citizens, a good, deal for jobs, we. Will achieve that big, I believe we will achieve that because it will be good not only for the United, Kingdom but also for, the European Union, so Peter ultimately. After. The tragedy. Of the grateful fire can. I put to the Prime Minister the. People left being, asked, to pay for the cost of removing cladding, and replacing, it other. Private, lease holders, in private, high-rise blocks can't, you try to make sure that the owners the freeholders, have, put to them the, points well known to the old party group to, charity. Lease on those partnerships, particularly Martin Boyd and Sylvester Kelly but as the situation was intolerable. And needs to be solved properly. My. Honourable friend will be aware of the action that we have taken as a government, in relation to, the. Social sector and local authorities, but, we are calling on building owners in the private sector to follow the example set by the social sector in, taking action to remove unsafe. Cladding, some, in the sector, I could name pirate developments, legal in general and Taylor Wimpey are, doing, the right thing and taking responsibility but. We want others to follow their lead and we will continue to encourage them to do so they, must do the right thing and if they don't we're not ruling anything out at this stage I know cheering Thank. You mr., speaker, Radford barracks, has stood proudly for over a hundred years in Scotland's capital city, yet, this governments, are threatening its closure with, an adverse impact on both service, personnel, and the, local community, my. Constituents, have been waiting for months for an, update on the better defensive, state plan it, being, Armed Forces week, will, she help me get an answer from the Secretary of State for Defence and, will, she tell him that, rather than concentrating on, his plans to replace her as Prime Minister he. Should halt the, destruction of the defence estate in Scotland. Mr., decisions, are being made about the defensive state which, will ensure that we have the defense estate that is right for our future, capabilities, and our future requirements, have ensure that the point that the honorable lady has made about, not, receiving, replies so far from the Minister of Defense is brought to, the Ministry, of Defense's attention, break patterns. Mr., speaker we all need, to keep our election, pledges and that. Mr. speaker applies, whether we made those pledges, one year ago or, nine, years ago.
So. Can I ask the prime minister to update, us on our conservative. Manifesto election. Pledges to, lead the single market to, leave the customs union and to, pursue an independent. Trade policy. First, of all can I thank my, right honourable friend for the service, that he has given to government over the last seven years most. Recently, of course in, an important, role in on, the very topic that he has just raised as Minister of State at the Department for international, trade but, also for his time as Minister for London, all, of these shops he conducted, with great ability and distinction, and, I'd like to thank him for that for the work that he has done it, is right that we do want to ensure that we can negotiate our, independent, trade deals around the rest of the world and we, will be leaving the single market and leaving the customs union and enabling. Us to do exactly that to ensure that we can have an independent trade, policy, and negotiate, our own trade deals with the rest of the world. Almost. Two weeks after the significant, fire at Glasgow School of Art and the OTA ABC, neighboring constituents. And businesses are still over their properties, many. Are struggling to get their insurance companies, to provide adequate support as their own property has not been damaged will, the Prime Minister do old heart power to push insurance, companies to provide the maximum support, to my constituents, and businesses. As possible. Minister. I say to the Honourable lady that, I mean this was a terrible, fire and it's, obviously, that damage it did to one of Rosco's, iconic, landmarks. I which. Is was rightly regarded as, one of great architectural, significance has, been yes. I'm coming on to the issue that, the Honourable lady is is raising, I. Just. Wanted to have this opportunity to, give my heartfelt thanks to the work of the emergency, services who did their best in addressing, the father took place now obviously oh she's raised a very specific issue about. The insurance and about ensuring, that others can return to, their buildings closeby I'm an insurer that Secretary of State for Scotland is aware of that question and we will look at to see what can be done Heidi, Alan, thank. You very much mr. speaker, Prime. Minister at 6:49, my constituency, James Whitcroft emailed, me I'm, currently standing at Sheppard station 640, has just arrived the 538, and 6/10 725. All cancelled this is the only train to London for 810 this morning. Five. People the platform, waited for an over now they've missed their Eurostar, connections, a station car parks empty they're going home. 729. Our chains are broken down and other trains arrive there's not enough room for everyone. 759. The, rest of us had to get to train back north and there, wasn't room from a prefers on that either people have simply, decided to go home please.
Prime Minister assurances, from GTR, are not enough we need a task force to micromanage. Those, contracts, back to performance, please we should commit to that. Can. I say to my humble friend I recognize, I recognize, the concerns that, she's expressed, the. Performance. That has been provided, for passengers, is has, been unacceptable this, is an issue which the Department, of Transport has been working on with GTR, they, have been, providing, are working to provide a new, timetable, which will provide more capacity on, the, on the services, but not the same timetable is originally being introduced in May but, the Department of Transport will continue, to work to ensure that the rail company, is providing, the performance, that passengers, rightly, expect and deserve sir. Vincent cable. On. Saturday, around. 100,000. People gathered. In Parliament, Square outside. To, demand a people's. Vote on the final brexit, deal I, didn't. See the Prime Minister amongst the many conservatives. In the crowd and the. Leader, of the Opposition, was in the Middle East avoiding. The many labor supporters, but, since the. Since. The Prime Minister, has. Has. Such confidence. Since, the Prime Minister has such confidence that, she will produce a, good, breakfast evening why is she so afraid of, allowing, the final safe of the public to endorse it. Can. I say to the right honourable gentleman the Liberal Democrats in the past have, argued that we should have a referendum to give people the choice as to whether to stay in the European Union or not we, gave the people a choice they have voted and we will deliver on. Prime. Minister confirms to the House today that she's absolutely committed. To this country, retaining its 201 military. Status, that she is equally, open to the idea that increased, threats require increased, resources, but, she is also committed to reform in that department, so that we end this narrative of constant, decline of UK, military capability. When the truth is in fact, the complete reverse. Absolutely. Committed this country remaining, a leading military power there, is no question, that the government will, do what it needs to do to ensure that we are a leading military. Power but. Can I say to my honourable friend we do need to ensure that we look at the, threats that we are now facing and the capabilities, we need as these. Threats change, that's, what modernizing, defence program is about but my humble friend also makes an important point it is also about making sure that our Ministry of Defence is operating, as cost-effectively. As it can so that, we ensure that we are providing for our brave men and women our armed forces but we are also addressing, the needs of the future what, is the defence of the. 2030, what do we need the ministry of defence and our armed forces to look like in 2030 that, is the question but we're committed to remaining a leading, military power analyzer. Dodds. Speaker, on, Saturday, I was at BMW Cowley. With 15,000. People all, of them BMW. Workers, and their, families just. Two days later we, had the starkest, warning, yet from BMW about. The damage, of a, chaotic deal, on brexit, for customs, processes. Very, well heard government, ditch, the ideology. And end fighting and prioritize. Reaching, a workable, deal on customs. Lady. We are doing exactly that we are putting. We, are putting forward proposals to. Ensure that we can have as frictionless our trade with the, European Union as possible. That, is the aim of this government, that is what we are working on and that is what I am sure we will deliver on mr. Nicolas Bo's, Thank.
You Mr.. Speaker, across the country, people are taking great pride in the discipline performance, of Gareth. Southgate young. And diverse, team with. My right honourable friend, signal. Herb government, support, for, their campaign, during, the playoffs, by asking, public, buildings, across England, and stuff lies st., George's. Cross. And. Which, he also offer, his, special, help to the Honourable member for Islington, South in, raising, her own son George's Cross to, support our world. Can, I say. Can, I say to my honourable friend on the issue of the flying of flags actually if I'm sure he'll appreciate we. Are currently at number 10 flying the Armed Forces flag, this week but, I do want, to join him in congratulating, the, England team in making it through to the next round in, the World Cup and I can assure my honourable friend that number 10 will be flying the England flag on the day of, matches. From now on and will be encouraging other government, departments, to do the same but. Can I also say to all my friends that I'm going to go further than, my predecessors. Next. Year we will do the same for the Women's World Cup. The. Country, have been paid less than the minimum wage as, a result of incorrect, government, government, guidance, we, are repeatedly. Told the, government is in talks with the EU to resolve this issue why, are the tours take you so long and will she do the right thing and commit to paying the workers what, they are owed, directly. Through HR, mercy, scheme. Minister. Can. I say to the, honourable lady she raises an issue about people being paid the, minimum wage and being paid and obviously there, are rules. In place to ensure that exactly, that exactly, that happens, and. And. And. We. Are aware of the, issue that, the Honourable lady has raised there, have been discussions taking place in relation to that we have been working to ensure that, this matter can be dealt with not, just in the interest obviously of those who are working in a social care sector but, also by having a care with the impact that it will have on those charities, that, are working in that sector just fish. In. Matters, relating to my constituency.
Education. Defense. And, local. Government, are all in need of more funding. Can can she assure me that the, very welcome, allocation, of more money to the, NHS, doesn't, crowd everything, else out in a stir. Can. I say to my honourable friend that, as all the members of this house do he's right to stand up and speak on behalf of his constituents, and their interests, but also, say to him that as I made clear when I made the announcement about the NHS funding, it, will be a for the spending review for. Other departments budgets to be considered, and those will all be considered in the spending review DNR, Stan Thank, You mr.. Speaker mr. speaker everyone. Knows, everyone. Knows that black country Brewers brew, the best beer in Britain called. Amy's. Holdings. In Dudley had, been bottling, beer continuously. For. 75, units even through the war but. Along with other producers they've, had to cease production this, week because. Of the European co2. Shortage. What's. The government doing to sort this out, so, that we can all enjoy a beer during, the World Cup. Obviously. He'll be aware this is predominantly a commercial, matter the company's affected, the producers and suppliers I'm, aware of the reports of shortages across Europe and I know that industry, is working on the solution, but although it's an issue for industry, the government is, in regular contact with the UK producer, distribution, and consuming. Companies and consumer. Companies and trade associations including. Those within the food and drink sector, but he's raised his point well and I'm sure all those involved we working hard to ensure that his aim can be achieved. - speaker this morning the Supreme Court ruled that the government had, created inequality, in not extending, civil partnerships, back in 2014, when it passed the equal. Marriage legislation and, that this, discrimination. Needs, to be addressed urgently so, will she now, support. An amendment to my civil. Partner ivett member's bill when it goes into committee next month as the quickest way to resolve, this illegal, inequality. And extend. Civil partnerships, to everything. To, my, humble friend that the we're very well aware of our, legal obligations, will obviously need to consider the judgment from the Supreme Court with great care but, we also recognize a very sensitive and personal issues, that are involved in this, case and we acknowledge the. Genuine convictions, of the couple involved, he refers to his, private. Member's bill as he will know we've committed to undertake a full review of the operation of civil partnerships, I know there's been a lot of discussion, with him about his bill but we are supporting, this as a.
Private. Member's bill he is bringing forward which would enshrine this commitment in norms. Square. Miles, in, my constituency, and also in the constituency, of my little friend the members daily bridge in Hyde well, the prime minister join me in commending. Members. Of their great emotions of fire and rescue services GMP, and many others who have volunteered, and contribution, to to, bring, fires under control and will she also commit, to, allocate contingency. Funds to. Those authorities affected, a recognition, of this major incident, and the huge impact, on their resources Prime. Minister can, I say to the Honourable lady that. Our sympathies, I'm sure across this whole house with everyone affected by this. Fire and I would join her in commending, the emergency, services, and all those volunteers and others who have been working, to, to deal with this far and to fight this fire for. Her reassurance, the Home Office is monitoring. The situation closely, with, the national resilience assurance. Team so, far no, request for government support has been made from Manchester, Fire and Rescue but, we are keeping is under constant review. And operational. Policy arrangements are in place to provide support, if required. Jillian. Teigen. Motorcars. An iconic, global brand on me my constituency, at Chester every. Day 150. Trucks arrived from Europe to supply BMW, plants, and 120. Trucks needs, the UK headed for Europe we, are the only serious, party, of business so can the Prime Minister give some certainty, and confidence to, the largest employer in my constituency and, businesses, up and down the country that, they can continue their seamless operating, model as we leave. Can, I say to my, honourable friend that, she's absolutely right to raise this issue it's obviously, rolls-royce plays. A very important, role in her constituency, but also in our for our country, it is an iconic brand for, our country we, do want to have the greatest possible, tariff free and frictionless. Transcriptionist. Trade as possible with the European Union that, is what we are working on as but, at the same time we do want to be able to ensure that we can negotiate on the trade deals around, the rest of the world we, want UK, companies, to have maximum freedom to be able to continue to trade with, and, operate within European, markets and let European businesses do the same here in the UK but also encourage our excellent, iconic, businesses, to, have better opportunities, to trade around the rest of the world dr. Paul Williams Thank. You mr. speaker to, select, committees, the. Housing. Communities local government and the Health and Social Care of, today released a joint report. Describing. A vision, of a social care system where quality personal, care is delivered, free, at the point of need, separated. From the ability to pay and how, to achieve that vision, the, committee's citizens, jury, said, this was a system they were prepared, to pay for does. The Prime Minister share this, vision. Very. Carefully at reports that have been produced by select committees of this of this house we. Are committed to producing a social care green, paper in the autumn.
Thank. You.
2018-07-04 00:40