Prime Minister's Questions: 18 July 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 18 July 2018

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Questions. To the Prime Minister. Allisyn's, unis. The. Prime Minister, Thank, You mr. speaker mr.. Speaker today marks. 100, years since the birth of Nelson. Mandela I'm. Sure that the whole house will want to join me in paying tribute to his. Extraordinary, life and, will agree with me that its message of forgiveness peace, and reconciliation is. As relevant today as it ever has been. Mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings, later today Alison, Thewlis Thank You mr. speaker mr. speaker I'm proud of Nelson Mandela, police in my constituency. Well. Mr.. Speaker the remain hundred and thirty-four drug related deaths in Scotland, last year each one of those days is, a tragedy, and a preventable, one of that drug. Laws are reserved to Westminster. How, many more families is the Prime Minister Wellington devastates, before, she will allow Glasgow to go on with the work of building a drug consumption, room to save lives. Lady. But I agree with her the deaths that are due to drugs the each one of these is a tragedy, and I'm sure every member of this house will have known people in their own constituency, who, have gone through that terrible, suffering, when, they've lost members of their family, there, is no legal framework for the provision of drug consumption rooms in the UK and, we have no plans to introduce them a range. Of offences is likely to be committed. In the operation of drug consumption rooms now it's for local police force to import forces, to enforce the law in such circumstances. And we would expect them to do so but, our approach, to, drugs were on drugs remains, very clear, we, must prevent, drug, use in our communities, support. People dependent, on drugs. And recovery. Andrea, Jenkin. Thank. You mr. speaker, could, the Prime Minister inform the house at. What point it was decided, that bricks it means remain. Can I say. Absolutely. No point because brexit, continues, to mean brexit. I can say my honourable friend I know that she wants us to talk about the positives, of brexit, and I, agree with Flo we should be talking about the positive future, for this country I understand. She's also criticized, me for looking for a solution that is workable, I have to say I disagree with her on that I think, what we need is a solution, that is going to work for the United Kingdom ensure, we leave the European Union and embrace. That right future that we both agree. Thank. You mr. speaker, I to, pay, tribute to Nelson Mandela's, centenary, of his birth the. People of South Africa stood. Up against, the most vile injustice, of apartheid, their, solidarity, and the Solidarity of people around the world freed, him and and. Ended, the scourge of apartheid we should pay tribute to all of them on this day. Mr.. Speaker. People. Are losing trust in this government. The. Transport, secretary the, international, trade secretary. And. Now the brexit, secretary, were, all members of the vote leave campaign committee. The. Environment. Secretary was, the co-chair they've. Been referred to. The police by the Electoral, Commission, having, refused. To. Cooperate with. The Electoral, Commission, will. The Prime Minister, guarantee. That, her cabinet, ministers, will, fully cooperate, with, the police investigation. Actually. Questioned. The, way in which he put his question. Mr.. Speaker he has made an accusation in this house against. Members of this, house. Oh. The. Question was heard and, the, Prime Minister's answer, must, be heard the, Prime Minister Mr. Speaker the right honourable gentleman has made an accusation in this house against. Individual. Members, of this, house and of the government and, I suggest, that when he stands up he reflects. On the whether or not it, was correct to, do so. The, election the Electoral, Commission, is an independent, regulator. Accountable, to Parliament not, to the government they. Have taken. Steps they have as we know taken steps in relation to the vote leave campaign and. I. Would expect, I would expect, that all those involved. And required to do so will. Give. The evidence that is that, is required and give the risk.

And Respond appropriately to. Any, questions. That are raised, with them but, I say again to the right honourable gentleman I think, he should stand up think. Very carefully about making, accusations. Or. Dare or dare. People, can rant from a sedentary position, for as long as they like it won't change the way proceedings. Are conducted, in this session the, Prime Minister's answers, will be heard and the questions, from the right honourable gentleman, will be heard and no, amount of orchestrated. Bera king will change that fact this day or any other Jeremy. Corbyn, thank you Thank You mr. speaker, I stated, the fact that, the, Electoral Commission, has made that reference that's, what I said I asked the prime minister for a guarantee, that her ministers, will cooperate with, the police on any investigations. They may make that, is not judgemental that is a guarantee, they will cooperate. Those. These are serious, issues that current cabinet ministers were indeed central, to the vote leave campaign. After. Two years of dither and delay the, government, has sunk into a mire, of chaos, and division, the. Agreement, that was supposed to unite the cabinet, led, to the cabinet falling apart within 48. Hours and, on. Monday the government u-turn to make their own white paper proposals. Unlawful. Given. That the proposals, in the white paper are now obsolete, when. Will the, new white paper be, published. But. What I heard from his first question was that he said that members of the government had failed to cooperate with the electoral commission investigation. And, I say. To him again he should withdraw he. Should withdraw that as, I say. Nobody. There's, it's, very important in this country that politicians, don't interfere with peace investigations. And the police are allowed to do their investigation. As one but, everyone, is innocent and, innocent. Until proven, guilty in, a court of law and I say to the right honourable gentleman he made I still contend, he made accusations against, individual, members of this government that were unjustified. And, you should withdraw. He, came on them to the question of the amendments, that the government accepted, in the customs, bill on Monday night let me explain to the house what the position is when, we look at all. We're. Less than a third of the way through possibly, significantly. Less than a third of the way through and, people, are becoming overexcited. They must calm themselves and we must hear the Prime Minister the Prime Minister, and I the. The Honourable lady sitting next to the leader opposition, says this will be interesting, I'm going to go through each of the amendments, in turn. 72. Related, to parliamentary, scrutiny on, plans under Clause 31, to form a customs union with the EU we are going to leave the customs union. We. Accepted that enhanced parliamentary, scrutiny amendment. 73, related, to regulations, on the application, of the 80 in certain circumstances, such, an arrangement is not part of the white paper and the checkers agreement we were able to accept that two new. Clause 37. Was, to prevent a customs, border down the Irish Sea that, is government, policy, a.

Neutrals. 36. Related. To reciprocity in accounting for tariffs, collected, and that concept, is in the white paper. No. Checkers agreement, the white paper are the basis for our negotiation. With the European, Union and we've already started those, negotiations. Well. This is bigger that's all very interesting but, just could you explain why, the, defense minister, had, to rebel, against the government in order to support the cabinet's position, of a few days before, this, is a government in complete chaos the, centerpiece, of the white paper was something, called and I, quote the facilitated. Customs, arrangement. Having. Spent a week trying to convince their own MPs, that this cobbled. Together mishmash, was, worth defending they, abandoned, it so, what is their plan now for. Customs. We. Have not abandoned, associated, customs agreement we're discussing it with the European Union. Is. She seriously, expecting. That 27. Member states of, the EU are. Going to establish their own bureaucratic, tariff. Collection, infrastructure. Just, to satisfy the. Wall within the Conservative, Party in Britain on, Monday. Evening the, new brexit, secretary, was starting, the next round of brexit negotiations. No, wonder he didn't turn up he. Doesn't know what he's supposed to be negotiating. Two. Years on from the referendum, 16. Months on from triggering, article, 50 isn't, the case that, the government has no serious. Negotiating. Strategy, whatsoever. He's. Just plain wrong on his interpretations, what's happening I have a copy, of the white paper I'm very happy to ensure that he gets. After, this bmq, sand is able perhaps to read, it and understand. What the government is doing and, the base is young but I say to the I say to the leader of the Opposition there are indeed differences, between, us on this issue I will, end free movement he wants to keep it I want us out at the customs union he, wants us in I want, us out of the single market he, wants us in I want. Us to sign our own trade, deals he wants to hand them over to Brussels, I've. Ruled out a second, referendum he. Won't. There's no doubt which one of us is respecting, the will of the British people and delivering. On the vote isn't. Him. Mr.. Speaker were 11 days on from the so called checkers agreement. And the white paper didn't even survive contact with the cabinets, or the Tauri back benches and hasn't yet even, been discussed with the EU, mr.. Speaker the brexit white paper does state and I quote the UK, is committed. To membership, of the European Convention on, Human Rights. Is the, new brexit, secretary signed up to that. We. Are signed up to that that was in our manifesto. But. Also. Say to the right honourable gentleman he is stood up and asked, virtually the same question, and obviously, hasn't listened, to any of the answers. The, whole point of this the point, of this is not that you just read out the question you thought off on Tuesday morning, but. You actually listens, to the answers, that the Prime Minister gives. He, said the, checkers, agreement, stands the whitepaper stands, he, said we had not even discussed, it with the European Union I think I've told him in at least two if not three answers. We are already discussing, it with the European Union Jeremy. Corbyn, she. Obviously forgot, mr., speaker, the question I just asked. Her. Which. Was about. The brexit, secretary, support, or otherwise for. The European, Convention on Human Rights because, he's on record of saying I, don't.

Support The Human Rights Act and I don't believe in economic and, social rights. He, is obviously, backsliding. To keep his job or that, is the new policy, of the government, with. Only three months to go until the final, withdrawal agreement. Is due, to be signed the brexit, secretaries resigned, the, white papers, in tatters, the, new brexit, secretary skipping negotiations. Two, years of negotiations, with themselves and they wanted to shut down Parliament, for five days they. If they've even given up on negotiating. With each other isn't. The case mr. speaker, that, the government, is failing to negotiate, brexit, failing. To meet the needs of this order, order, order you. Know I know what the attempt is and it's not going to work the right honourable order the, right honourable gentleman will complete, his question, he will not be shouted, down not, today and not any day learn, it it's quite simple Jeremy Corbyn Thank, You mr. speaker, after, two years negotiating. With themselves they, then wanted to shut down Parliament. Five days early. They've, even given, up on negotiating. With each other isn't. A case that the government is failing to negotiate, brexit. Failing. To meet the needs of the country because. They, are too busy far. Too busy fighting, each, other. Let. Me let. Me tell the right honorable gentleman what I've been doing over the last week. And, let me let. Me also look, at, what the right honourable, gentleman has, been doing over the last week. While. I was, agreeing the future of NATO with, President, Trump. Garlic mr., Lewis you are a very over excitable, Dennison, of this house you, are not as well-behaved, as your little baby daughter, Prime. Minister well. I was agreeing the future of nature, with president truck. He. Was joining a protest, march against, him I was. Well. I was delivering, a plan for our future trade, with the EU he was delivering a plan to teach children how. To go on strike. Well. I was negotiating, our future, security, relationship. With Europe, he. Was, renegotiating. The definition, of anti-semitism. Hee, hee, protests. I deliver. There, will indeed be more Helen, Wheatley. Thank. You mr. speaker. Thirty-one. Member countries, of the international. Holocaust, Remembrance, Alliance. Have, an agreed definition, of, anti-semitism. Does. My right honourable friend agree, that. All, political. Parties should. Adopt this definition, and, it's, examples. Without. Amendments. Or omission. Can. I say to my honourable friend that I agree that all political parties should do just that, the Conservative, Party has done that but sadly the Labour Party does not. The. Neighbor party is trying to redefine anti-semitism. To allow people to say that Israel is a racist, endeavor, the. Chief rabbi says, that what the labor party is doing is sending, an unprecedented. Message. Of contempt. For British Jews, even. Some of his own MPs, are saying this is anti-semitic. Anti-semitism. Is, racism. The, Labour Party, should accept, that the right honourable gentleman should accept that and we should all sign up as the Conservative, Party has done to the definition, of the international, Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. And all, its annexes. We, should all welcome, the hundredth, anniversary of, the birth of Nelson. Mandela, those, of us in Scotland. Are very proud that the city of Glasgow, was the first city in the world to, give the freedom obesity. He. In turn was also further mr. speaker, this. Week the Prime Minister, caved into her right wing brexit, ears undermining. Our, negotiating, position with. The EU and her. Attempt, to hold together her fractured, party, and she's managed, to unite the country against. This government playing. Fast and loose with. Her own position makes. The UK a laughingstock, with. Our negotiating partners the. Prime Minister, has, preferred narrow party, interest before, that of the country it. Is it not the case that the. Events of this week making. No deal much, more likely. Gentlemen. That as I explained, in answers to the questions. From the leader of the Opposition we are negotiating with, the European Union on the basis of the checkers agreement, and the white paper and, that has been conductors, Nick those discussions, have been started, this week and have been continuing, this, week but, can I say to him also he talks about putting. A political.

Party's Interest before that of the country I think the SNP, should really think about what they are doing when, they promote the independence, of Scotland, which is clearly against the in with their country. Ian. Blackford. Mr.. Speaker the reality, is that this is the Prime Minister that has lost control of. Prime, Minister who is in office but. Not in power a parliament, which, is so divided that. It simply, cannot function, mr.. Speaker to use a good, girl it worked, it is a Buddha, we. Cannot, price out of the EU without the deal we need to think of the next generation. Who will be a price for this folly they, will see lost opportunities. And lost, job did, the Prime Minister come. Into Parliament, to have this as a legacy, will, she know face up to the reality an extend. Article. 50. He, pronounced, there. Mr. Davey TC, Davis. The. Prime Minister's, proposals. Offer a practical, and reasoned, way to, deliver brexit. She'll. Agree with me that it's high time that Labour, MPs, and yes some, conservatives. Stop, the PM elevate behind. Their country, support, the Prime Minister as she leads us out of the European Union. Can. I can I say to my honourable friends that I know that there are there are strong feelings around the whole house on this issue but, what we need is a deal that's credible that's workable the protects jobs that protects our precious union, and delivers. On the result of the referendum that's, exactly. What, we're doing with the checkers agreement it allows, the UK to leave the European Union to, take back control of our money laws and borders that's what our plans delivers, and as, he says let's work together and deliver for the British people rosy. Cooper. Thank. You mr. speaker, if, I may in relation, to ongoing matters. This. Will be order this is extremely, serious and it will be heard, Brizzy Cooper Thank. You mr. speaker in relation, to ongoing matters, may I on a personal, note thank. The prime minister, thank, the leader of the Opposition and every. Single member of this house for, the. Kindness they've shown me I. Am. Delighted. To be in my place to be able to ask the price. So. To. The question. To. Business what, the Prime Minister agree that as part of the government's, attempt to expand, capacity in, the NHS, that existing. Sites such as old Kirk Hospital in my constituency, where, there would be capacity, to build an extra floor she'll. Be prioritized. For, expansion, ahead of building simply, a new hospital, and a much greater cost and deprive, the NHS, of the, much-needed investment, which, should go into. Patients. And staffing. First. Of all say to the, Honourable lady how very very, good it is to see her in her place. And, I know from from, the response that is the view that is shared across the whole of this house now. She has raised an, issue of, the, NHS in Ormskirk Hospital. Obviously. As she will know we are putting that extra extra, funding into the National Health Service 20. Billion a year in real terms by 2023, 24. We. Will pair of funding, available not just to build sites but as she says to improve current and existing facilities. Across, the country as regards. Ormskirk Hospital I understand, that there has been a report, by the northern England Clinical Center that has made proposals around, the provision of emergency services there, no. Decisions have been made that's, a matter of course for the NHS, but as we look for the long term plan what I want the NHS clinicians, to do is to come forward proposals that, are the best proposals, for patients, and to take account of the local interest such as she has raised thank you Chris felt. Thank. You thank you mr. speaker around. The world Christians. Are facing, a rising tide, of persecution. And violence. Does. The Prime Minister share my concern. At this trend and at, particular cases, like those of Sunil Salim, a Christian man who was beaten to death at, a hospital in Lahore, in Pakistan or, 33. Women in Eritrea. Who, were imprisoned, simply, for, praying in this, country, we quite rightly protect. Religious, freedoms will, her government step up efforts to get other countries to similarly. Respect. Religious freedoms Minister. As. A government, we stand with persecuted, Christians all over the world and we will continue to support them I think, it's hard, to, comprehend.

Almost Today that, we still see people being attacked and murdered because of their Christianity, but we must reaffirm our determination, to stand up for the freedom of people of all religions, and beliefs in. And for them to be able to practice their beliefs in peace and security I'm, very pleased that I've been able to appoint the, noble Lord Lord Ahmed as the government's special envoy on freedom of religion or belief and, I, think we should he will be certainly doing what my all my friend has said working with other countries to encourage them to recognize, the of allowing people to have the freedom, to practice their religion practice. Their beliefs in peace and security dr., David rhew. Thank You mr. speaker, in, view of the fact that schools in the Stroud constituency. Are telling, me that they are forced, to, use core, funding, to, make, up for the additional. Requirements. Of special educational, needs and, that, special, schools also, in the constituency, are, having. To meet considerable. Rising. Costs, will. The Prime Minister, look at the national funding formula. With, an aim to helping, those schools to, make sure that they are fully inclusive, and that, we help those who, are most vulnerable because. Of their special needs. I. Have long championed, the the the need for those children with special needs to, be able to be provided for in the setting which is most appropriate for them some that will be in a mainstream school for, some that will be in a special needs school, we, have of course changed the national funding formula, to make it a fairer fairer, distribution across. The country I, recognise. The the. Need. As I say to ensure, that those children with special needs are being provided for in the most appropriate setting, Luke Graham, thank. You very much. Mr.. Speaker the establishment, of a spaceport in Scotland, will give the UK the capability, to launch satellites from, British, soil for the first time ever, considering. The opportunities, presented by space, and aerospace, will the Prime Minister meet with me to discuss more investment, for Scotland in particular the Kinross aerospace, Center my constituency, that is being proposed as part of the tasty steel. Raising. This issue it's, absolutely, right of him to highlight the opportunities, that our announcement, on space ports gives us and we've awarded grants, worth thirty, one and a half million to enable satellites, to be launched from the UK soil, for the first time and. That's worth the potential 3.8. Billion over the next decade to the UK economy it. Is the start of a new space age in the UK it's a huge, boost to our world-leading space, sector making the UK a one-stop, shop for, new satellite, services, can, I say to my humble friend he has made a bid put a bid in for his own constituency. In relation to this I'm sure my right honourable friend the business secretary will be happy to meet him and discuss that mrs., Sharon, Hodgson. Bunny. Hill and Washington. Urgent Care Center in my constituency. And Horton. Urgent Care Center in my neighboring constituency. Are under threat of closure by Sunland, say CJ, mr.. Speaker it is not good enough for the prime minister just to say today that these are simply local, decisions, as local, people certainly, don't want these closures so, what does she say to my constituents.

Who Wish to rely on these vital, urgent, care centers, and to, the staff at Sun and Roy any, who, are gonna have to deal with the aftermath of these closures. Prime. Minister, the, Honourable lady she, complains, to me that we want decisions, to be taken at a local level by the NHS, but, I believe it is absolutely right that decisions are taken at that local level and when, the NHS takes these decisions, the important thing is that they put the interests, of patients and the safety of patients and the treatment of patients first. She. Has raised this particular issue but, I continue, to believe that it is right not, for politicians, here. To make a decision like that but for actual, record, clinicians, and others working in the National Health Service mr. Marcus Jones. The Speaker I, celebrated. The 70th, birthday, of our NHS. With. Patients, and the fabulous staff of the Oakwood Day, mental, health hospital. In Eaton. Mental, health has always, been. The Cinderella, of the NHS, will, my right honourable friend, join me in, thanking, our. Doctors. And nurses who work in mental health and. Will she say what more we can do to improve mental health and what resources that this government will put to it Prime Minister, can, I first of all join my honourable friend in. Thanking. And commending. The work that is done actually by all our dedicated staff in the National Health Service and. They continue, to do that wonderful work with considerable. Commitment, and dedication, he. Is right that mental health is important, mental, health has been overlooked, for too long that's, why this government, has been putting a focus on mental. Health there, is what we have been doing more but there is more to be done we're putting more money in we've, announced a new package of measures backs. Path backed by six million in funding which includes rapid access to mental health services and support. For children and their whole families, where. There is a dependent, drinker about, spending overall on mental health issues is as record levels and growing, and that's a planned record. 11.8, six billion for, 2017-18. Increasing. By a further billion by 2020. 21, it's, right that we put this important, focus on mental health and I thank my humble friend for raising it John Woodcock. My. Extraordinary. Constituents. Help, keep the nation's lights on they keep us safe by building, the world Navy sub wins and they deserve, a train. Service, which is worthy, of the name so, will the Prime Minister get a personal. Grip on this. Fiasco which just, this weekend, has seen. 170. Services. Canceled. Across, the northern Network because, there was a World Cup game on. Can. I say to the, honorable gentleman that like. Him I believe that constituents. Deserve a, rail service, that does actually provide for them and provide for their needs and I recognize the problems that have been experienced. On Northern and of, course on go via Thameslink, as well. We. Have given, unprecedented, powers. To, transport, for the north and funding, to transport, for the north but. The issue that he the issue that he raises in relation to the World Cup was, one that affected other train services, as well because of the way many services, operate. On their requirements for drivers, and relying on volunteers to. Turn, up at at, weekends, and I think this experience may very well be one which of the trains that train operators, will want to look at to ensure that in future they can provide the services that constituents, need mr.. David, Davis. Thank. You sir because as the Prime Minister is aware the Department for exiting the European Union carried out a study of, all, of the previous. Free, trade deals that the European Union had done in, order to create a free, trade deal draft. Free trade deal which was based solely on, European, precedent, the, department. Was, until. I left at least was, carrying, out a legal. Text. Of creating a legal text, of such, a draft treaty as a, as one fallback, option in the event of in.

The Current negotiation, would she agree to publish that, text, when it completed. I. Say, to first. Of all first, of all now I say to my right honourable friend I would like to take. This opportunity to. Thank him, for the work that he did. Secondly. As as. He knows we have we, have published, the proposals, that we have for the trade relationship with the European Union in the future of, course as we look through those negotiations, we, will be looking to see where the European Union has entered. Into certain agreements, with others in the in the past very, often the European, Commission will say X can't be done only for us to be able to say that X was done with another country and therefore it's possible for it to be done with us but, what I want to see is not just an amalgam, of those free-trade agreements, but actually, an, ambitious, plan which I believe is what we have produced which, will protect jobs, in this country deliver, on the referendum result and crucially. Ensure that we have no hard border between North Ireland and Ireland. The. Largest. Apprenticeship. Provider, in. Southampton. Has reported, to me recently, that. Since the introduction of the levy based apprenticeship. System he. Has suffered a 70 percent drop, in apprenticeships. On his books that of course with other providers, figures in my area and means, that hundreds, of young people will now not get the apprenticeships, they need what. Is the Prime Minister doing to get this disastrous. Levy based apprenticeship, rollout back, on the road. What. We have seen since, the apprenticeship, levy was introduced, is actually, a. Change. In the numbers of people doing apprenticeships, but actually oh an, increase. In the quality of the apprenticeships, that are being undertaken the. Government is now looking at how that levy is operating, to ensure that we can do, what I want to do which, is ensure that every young person, has the opportunity of, pursuing. The course bit, of educational training that, is right for them and that is going to give them the best start in their life Keith Simpson. My right. Horrible friends should be commended, for her sang, part a week. Ago in. Dealing with a a giant, ego somebody, who believes that truth, is, fake, news. Leaks. Continually. And I'm not referring here, to the right honourable gentleman for Oxbridge, I'm of course. Referring. To President Trump. He. Has acted, in a very bizarre way, over, intelligence. I know my right honourable friend, has, to work with him but is she not alarmed. At, the way in which he, refused, a challenge President. Putin over, the Russian activity, which, resulted, recently. In the death of a, young born here, in Salisbury. Can. I say to my humble friend I understand, that there have been some clarifications. Excuse. Me of some of the, same. As the president Trump aid I, think. I think. I did raise the incident. In Salisbury what happened in Salisbury in the fact that we have seen somebody. Here, in the UK died as, a result of contact with a nerve agent I did, raise, that with President Trump of course at the time that we took immediate. Action after. The Salisbury attack when, we had been able to attribute. That to Russia the. United States stood alongside us, as did many other nations across the world and took, action against, Russia, which showed a united, international front. That, would that we gave a very clear message we will not accept this behavior this, is not behavior. That Russia can conduct with impunity and we will continue to watch together dan, Cardin. Thank. You mr. speaker, Karelian forecast, an 83, million pound loss on the new liverpool, royal hospital and now, physical. Cracks exist, in the structures, concrete. Beams, 60. Months late over-budget. Structurally. Unsound. The, answer to my question last, week in her absence offered. No solutions. Will. She now take responsibility. For finishing, and opening the new royal and guarantee. The, spiraling, costs will, fall to the hospital trust which, in reality would, cut the budget for patient care in Liverpool, for decades to come. Obviously. He raised this in my absence last, week as he will know therefore we are supporting, the war Liverpool in broad green University, Hospitals NHS trusts in the work that they're doing in, relation to this and we do want to see the new hospital built as quickly as possible and so.

As Securing, best value for money in doing that the, government and the trust are continue, to be in active discussions on this with. The existing, private sector funders to see if there's a way forward to complete the remaining work on the hospital it has, taken longer dude, and this is issues, there were issues that were uncovered during the process further issues that were uncovered I think, the right way to. Ensure that we're clear with what we're dealing is the way that we are approaching, it we want to make the right decisions, and it's right that those discussions continue Steve. Baker. Mr.. Speaker it is in the national, interest that, we should have and have implemented. Contingency. Plans for the unwanted, eventualities, of, exiting, the European Union with nothing agreed, now. That there is collective agreement. To accelerate, delivery, of our clouds more, my right honourable friend, please, give instructions, that every communication related, to No Deal, serves, to bolster our negotiating, position and. Reinforcing. The credibility, and the feasibility of those contingency. Plans. Friend. For the work that he was doing in the department and particularly. For the work that he was doing is related, to this issue he's, absolutely right we, do need to make sure that we have those needs No Deal preparations, in place while, we negotiate, with the European Union on a deal because we need to ensure that we have made contingency, arrangements, for every. Eventuality. But. Also the European Union, needs to be in no doubt that we are making those preparations and, ensuring, that should, that be the, outcomes, that we are prepared. Andy. McLean amazed, the service post an online company, we, buy any of those quickly :. He agreed a pledge then sought out by more than 20%. Of the day concise, but to be exchanged, and after they get him carved a fortune in deposit, legal another cost associated, with his new house purchase well. She has taught ministers, to, bring forward regulations. So that people like my constituents. Can be protected, in this kind of ripoff companies, and got cowboy tactics. That. He's raised a very specific issue and I were happy, to ensure that ministers, responsible will look at the issue that he is raised so. Hugo's. Wire. For. Any Minister. To be able to do their job relies. On them, getting impartial. Sand. And honest advice from, their civil servants and when that sacrosanct, relationship, is broken there needs to be a full and proper investigation. My. Right honourable friend will be aware that the home of Home Affairs Select Committee. Have called for. The full open, and transparent, publication. On the Windrush report that's Alex Allen commissioned, would. My right honourable friend, therefore. Put, her stamp authority as prime minister and insist we can get to the bottom of this and see who was told what and when in order, that it doesn't look like another, cover-up.

I. Think, it is important, as and Alex Allen himself has made clear that it's important, that proper consideration, is given to the publication of information which. Involves, personal, information, in relation to individuals, but. I know that my Rhydon will friend the Home Secretary is considering, this matter very carefully mr.. Nigel Dobbs, speaker. Can. I commend the work of, the Charlie shine, and SPH Scotland. For the work they do in assisting, people affected, by spina, bifida and. Other. Conditions like. That they. Public. Health authorities. Scientists. And others all agree, on the need to reduce. Pregnancies. That have neural tube defects, by. The mandatory fortification of. Flour with folic acid, USA. And other countries do this already will she look at, bringing the UK in the line and introduces. Very very important, public health preventative, action, can. I say to the right honourable gentleman that he's raised an important, issue he's and I joined, him in commending the work of the charity that, he referred to and and the excellent, work that they are doing on this particular issue, we. All want mums to be to have healthy pregnancies and, of course there is NHS, guidance, in, relation, to the, supplements. That women, planning a pregnancy should take of folic, acid before conception, and indeed, onto the 12th week of pregnancy and, recommend. Eating more folate rich foods during during, pregnancy, but this is an issue that I think we will continue to, to look at to ensure that the advice and the action that is taken is the. Absolutely, right to ensure that moms to be do have those healthy pregnancies, and, a super, e. Mr.. Speaker I'm sure the whole house would join me in congratulating. Sir. Cliff Richard on, his successful, action, against the BBC, who, behaved, atrociously. In. Their illegal. Invasion. Of his privacy what. My right olive offender Prime Minister, look. Again, now at changing. The law so. That a suspect, is not named, by the media, except in exceptional cases, until. Such time as they're charged. I put. Forward a private, member's bill I know I'm off the Prime Minister's Christmas, cards. It's. A bill that commands. Cross-party, and I think widespread. Support I'm, more than happy to call it clips law but, can she please, agree. To at least look at it because, so. Cliff is not alone, and it's not confined, to sexual, offences, suspects. Should not be named by the media. Until such time as they're charged, Prime, Minister. Can. I can I say to my to my right honourable friend she's, obviously raised what is a very important, issue she's, raised it in the specific case of Sir Cliff Richards but as she said it. Is the, case that this is not just does not just relate to somebody who is well-known and in the public eye this. Is a difficult issue it does have to be dealt with sensitively, it is something that I looked at when I was Home Secretary, because. The the, the, may well be cases, where. Actually. The publication, of a name, enables. Other victims, to come forward and. Therefore. To strengthen, the case against, an individual, so, this is I have to say I think there's not a either you do all of one or all of another this, is an, issue for careful, judgment but, in exercising. That careful judgment the police have to recognize their responsibilities. And the media need to recognize their responsibilities. As well it's, good to welcome the Honorable lady back to the house Nazz sharp. Thank. You mr. speaker, this, Saturday marked, the International. Day of Remembrance for, victims, of Honor abuse this, friday marks. The second, year of the, grip and murder of my constituent. Sonya Shaheed who was lured to Pakistan, will. Be the last I found colleagues, in the house for showing solidarity to. The hashtag honor her campaign, today and a particularly dur of my own party will, the Prime Minister, once, again reiterate, our commitment to, eradicate, violence against, women and girls but. Also urged. The Pakistani, authorities to. Give justice, to Sonia Shaheed two years later we're still waiting, for a trial. Well. Could I say to the honourable lady that I will ensure that the, Foreign Office is aware of the particular case and the. Issue that she has raised in relation, to the Pakistani authorities but. I'm very happy to reconfirm. Our absolute, commitment to work to, eradicate violence against, women and the. The the term honour violence, is such a misnomer this. Is this is a appalling. Crime of violence, against, women and we should all be working to ensure that we eradicated. Hugh. Merriman. Thank You mr. speaker. Neuroblastoma. It's an aggressive form of cancer that. Impacts, a hundred children each year most, of whom are under five thanks. To a campaign. Involving. My constituents. The jeffries families many honourable members across this, house nice, have now approved. A drug which may extend, lives tragically. For my five-year-old constituent.

Jack, Jeffries this has come too late and he is now with, his family at his bedside undergoing. Palliative, care for his legacy and for all of those other children who could lead longer lives class the Prime Minister's to ensure that the NHS now commissioned, and used this drug. Can. I say to my own eye. I'm, sure the whole house will, will extend. Our thoughts and prayers to Jack's, family at what is must be a terribly, terribly difficult and tragic time for them as, my, honorable friend has indicated I understand that nice has recommended, the, drug that he refers to for use in children that. Was in draft guidance that they recently issued I, understand. The drug is now available, across the NHS through, the cancer drugs fund and lice we'll be publishing their final guidance in August, and I'm sure the drug will be rolled out swiftly, to ensure that as many people as possible are, able to benefit from it as swiftly, as possible three. Days after she became the proud grandmother. Of Holly I call. The mother of the House Harriet, Harman. Last. Night's shambles, over the vote of the Honourable member for East Dunbartonshire, should, put it beyond doubt that, pairing, is not the answer for MPs having babies we, are elected, as MPs, to vote in this house and MPs having babies shouldn't lose that right will. She give the house the opportunity to vote on the procedure, committee, draft motion, on proxy. Voting for, baby leave with, more parliamentary. Babies in the pipeline and, this one right here and, more crucial. Votes coming up it's, time to sort, this out this one is overdue. First. Of all can I say to the right honourable lady that the breaking of the pair, was. Done in error it wasn't good enough it, will not be repeated. My, right honourable friends my right honorable friend the neighbor member, for Great Yarmouth and the Chief Whip have apologized, directly, to, the Member freestone Barton sure because we take we take caring, very seriously, and we recognize, its, value to Parliament, and will continue, to.

Guarantee, A pair for MPS that. A currently pregnant or have a newborn baby, but the issue she raises refers. Also, to this question of proxy voting the report that procedure committee has has brought out we, are looking very carefully at, that issue we. Want to ensure that we can facilitate parental. Leave in this, place but, we also obviously, have to ensure there's a proper consultation and, we're looking at the interests of individuals but also the, interests of the whole house.

2018-07-19 22:52

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