Prime Minister's Questions: 17 October 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 17 October 2018

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Order. Questions, to, the Prime Minister. Mrs. Cheryl, Marie. Thank. You Thank. You mr. speaker this, morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings, later today, mrs.. Cheryl, Murray. In. The public interest will my right honourable friend the prime minister publish. In full all of the government's, European, Union exit, modeling. Can. I can. I reassure my honourable friends that we have confirmed, that when we bring forward the vote on the final deal will ensure that Parliament, is presented, with, the appropriate, analysis, to make an informed decision, now, with negotiations. Ongoing. It, would not be practical or sensible, to set out the details of exactly how, the government, will analyze the final deal but, we will set out our assumptions, of methodology, when, we present this analysis, to Parliament, and the public any. Korban. Thank, You mr. speaker, I hope, the whole house will join me in paying tribute to Patricia Hollis Baroness. Hollis of Higham who died earlier this week she was a tireless, campaigner, for social justice played. A pivotal role in defeating the cuts to tax, credits this government was imposing, on low paid workers and we on this side will miss her dearly. Given. The prime minister did not once mention. Checkers, either in a conference, speech or in a statement to Parliament on Monday does. This mean the checkers plan is now dead. Can. I can I first of all say, to the right honourable gentleman that I joined him and I'm sure the whole hamis joins him in expressing. Our sincere condolences to, the family of Baroness, Hollis she wasn't outstanding, parliamentarian. And I'm. Sure members from all sides of house will remember how she was a, dedicated. Champion. For the poorest and most disadvantaged. In our society, he, asked me if the, checkers plan was dead the answer is no. Interesting. Because the. The. International, Development Secretary in the work and Pensions Secretary of both, refused, to say that they back, the checkers plan maybe she could share a pizza with them and, then see if that can sort it out I.

Could. The Prime, Minister, confirm, the. Treasury, legal, advice given, to cabinet, that the inventor in the event of No Deal the government, would still have to pay the EU, a divorce bill of 30 billion pounds. We've. Been very clear throughout, the negotiations in. Relation to the financial, settlement, that led to the figure of around 39, billion, that appeared at, following the December joint report but, this is a country, that honors its legal, obligations and. We will do exactly, that. But, I would also remind members, of this house that we have been very clear, very. Clear as have the EU that nothing is agreed until everything is, a brilliant Toby, last. Week mr. speaker 63, Conservative, MPs wrote the chants of the complain that Treasury, forecast based on brexit negotiations. Are too negative, I'm just, waiting to write to say that legal advice is too negative, as well. December, the Prime Minister, signed an agreement, in. December Mr, Speaker the Prime Minister signed an agreement of the EU which stated, and I quote in, the, absence, of agreed solutions, the, United Kingdom will maintain full. Alignment, with. Those rules of the internal, market and the customs, union will. She confirm, that, this agreement, still stands, and that she signed up to it without any. Time. Limit. Gentlemen. That if he reads the December joint report, he, will see very clearly that the first way of dealing with the issue of the border in Northern Ireland between. Northern Ireland and Ireland is through. The future relationship, as I said to this house on Monday, we have made good progress on. The, aspects. Of the future relationship, including a. Number, of aspects, based. On the plan that we had put forward in July, we. Then said that there could be some Northern Ireland specific, solutions, there. Are already Northern, Ireland specific, arrangements, that take place and, that. Failing, that we would look at those UK wide solutions. We were clear then and we are clear now the purpose of the backstop, the purpose. Of the backstop is to bridge the gap between, the. End of the implementation, period and. Ensuring. That the future relationship, is in place and as we have said that, I expect, the future relationship, and intend to work for the future relationship, to be in place by, the 1st of January 2021. Speak. Of my question, was that she signed an agreement that had no time, limits attached to it does, she stand by, that or not. Mr.. Speaker. Mrs.. We. Don't need we don't need echoing from either side. It's. Not in keeping with good order and demonstrations. Of respect, from. Whichever side it hails Jeremy, Corbyn Baker, it's very strange the way a member, every week hides behind the gallery there in order to shout and are abuse. Mr., speaker. Mr.. Speaker, the car industry, I. Never. See it every week said again and the questions will be heard and the, answers. Will, be heard that, is, the situation Jeremy, Corbyn speaker, the. Car industry, is clear, that it needs a new customs, union, in order to secure investment, in British manufacturing. Vauxhall. Recently, said they would continue, to invest, but there are limits, those. Limits, our customs, barriers, jobs. Are at risk why, won't the Prime Minister back a customs, union supported. Not only by labour and trade unions but by businesses, and I suspect a majority, in this house to, protect those jobs can. I. Say to the right honourable gentleman what the automotive industry and indeed other industries, such as aerospace have, said is that they want to see frictionless, trade across, the borders, frictionless. Trade across our borders, is exactly, what lies at the heart of the, free trade deal that is proposed and the, government's, plan put forward after the checkers meeting, in July, that's. What we are working to deliver for, people in this country we want to deliver a brexit, that delivers, on the vote of the British people and that ensures we protect jobs and security. And what would labour deliver they, Havering, around they think free movement could still continue that won't deliver on the vote of the British people they, now want a second, referendum to go back to the British people and say, are we terribly sorry we think you've got it wrong there, will be no second referendum the people voted and this government will deliver. Mr.. Speaker my question was about investment. In British industry, Jaguar. Land Rover is holding, off investment. Until it knows the terms of a deal, jobs, are at risk and, manufacturers. And skilled workers have little, confidence in this government because, it cannot even agree amongst. Itself. Last. Week feet. Last. Week the, Public, Accounts Committee reported. That, the Department, of Health could not assure us of, its, plan to safeguard.

The, Supply of medicines after the UK's exit of the European, Union does, the Prime Minister dispute, their assessment. The. Department, of Health is working I think the right honorable gentleman talking about the position in relation, to a No Deal situation, the Department, of Health is working as our other government departments to, ensure that we have the plans in place should, it be the case that we end up in the position that we have no deal with the European Union we continue, to work for a good deal with the European Union as I say a deal that delivers on the brexit vote but, also a deal that protects jobs and livelihoods and, crucially, that, protects, the precious union of the United Kingdom. Here. We go in the. BMA, were, said the NHS, is woefully unprepared, for. This and this. Week the, pharmaceutical. Company Astra Zeneca has suspended investments. In Britain due to lack of clarity over the future mr.. Speaker the Conservative. Party has spent. Two years arguing. With, itself, instead, of negotiating. A deal in, the public interest and, now. Just, days before the, deadline they're, still, bickering, amongst, themselves. The, Prime Minister, and her governments, are too weak and too divided. To, protect. People's, jobs our economy. Or, ensure. There is no hard, border, in Northern, Ireland, so. Poor. Order, members. A little over excitable, just calm down Jeremy, Corbyn. Mr.. Speaker, the. Prime Minister, no garments, are clearly too, weak and too divided. To, retake people's jobs or our, economy or. Ensure, there, is no hard border, in Northern Ireland so. The Prime Minister, has a choice, she could, continue, to put the, Tory party's, interest, first or. She, could listen to unions. Businesses. And put, the interests, of the people of Britain, first which, is it to me. The. Right honourable gentleman has spoken in the number of his questions, about protecting, jobs I note that, he has said nothing about. The unemployment figures. So let me tell him let me tell him let, me tell him overall, what this government is delivering, for the people of this country, scrapping. The council's borrowing, cap so they can build more homes. And end to austerity so people's, hard work pays, off. Freezing. Fuel, duty for a ninth year, so there's more money. Unemployment. Lower. Than the last 40, years. Youth. Unemployment, half, under. This government. And wages. Wages. Rising. Faster. Than they have done for a decade. Neighbor, can, play politics. The Conservatives, deliver for the people of. There, will be more and, it will be from mr. Tim Loughton. Thank. You mr. speaker the Prime, Minister is very familiar with my five-year campaign to extend civil partnerships, to all couples and my private member's bill, having completed its committee stages. So I welcome, her recent announcement, that he is now government, policy, albeit. Without a time ballot line and, albeit with me having to find out about it by reading the press so will, she now support, amendments. To my bill at report stage in nine, days time, as the, quickest way to make equal partnerships, equals, civil partnerships, a reality, to the many thousands, who want her to get on with it. Can. I say to my, honourable, friend that I'm pleased that we are actually supporting, the proposal, that he has put forward in relation to civil partnerships, we are working with him on his private, member's bill and we will be supporting that I understand. I, understand. I, understand. There are some smaller members required, some. Amendments, required, and officials will be discussing those with him in, Blackford. Thank You mr. speaker it is in all our interests, for, jobs in particular that, the Prime Minister comes, back from Brussels, with, the right view we will act as a constructive. Opposition the enemy, is. Behind. Yesterday. The former. Conservative. Prime Minister. John Major said. That brexit, would leave the UK a purer and weaker.

Country, Previously. Another Conservative. Party leader told the BBC, the, people's jobs would be put at risk as, a, result of brexit, does. The Prime Minister, agree with these statements. The. Right, honourable gentleman knows the plan that we have put forward for our future relationship with, the European Union is one that protects jobs and livelihoods in this country but also enables, us not, just to get that good trading relationship, with the European Union but, to get good trading relationships, around the rest of the world as well blackford. Mr.. Speaker, people's. Jobs would. Be put at risk the words of this Prime Minister and June. 2016. Mr.. Speaker no Prime Minister, should negotiate, a deal that, threatens, jobs the, Prime Minister, must, accept, responsibility. Avoid. An economic, catastrophe. Prime. Minister go, to Brussels, and act, in the interest of all citizens across. The UK and negotiate. To keep us in the, single market and customs union. Will command. The majority, in the House of Commons does. The Prime Minister, not understand, that. Staying in the single market and the, customs, union is the only, deal that will get through this, house. As. I have explained, in this chamber on a number of occasions and, will continue to do the, proposal, that we have put forward is one that delivers on the referendum vote but. Also ensures, that we protect jobs and protect, jobs and livelihoods across. The, United, Kingdom. But if the right honourable gentleman is interested in ensuring that the interests of everybody in Scotland, are taken into account in the in. The. Negotiations. That we undertake then, he should join with us in recognising the importance, of leaving, the Common Fisheries Policy, Patrick. The. Vast majority of people in the United Kingdom will. Wish the Prime Minister very well in the very tricky negotiations. That she has to undertake. Something. Which no other Prime Minister's have to do in our history, will, she ensure that. The outcome. Of these negotiations. Will. Ensure that, we still continue, to get the levels of him with the investment, that we've attacked attracted. In this country, which, has seen unemployment for.

In The, last six, years by, over 1 million. People. My. Friend, is absolutely, right and I thank, him for raising this the inward investment into the UK is important, in terms of supporting jobs here in the, UK and what. We want to do is ensure that we remain an attractive, place for that inward investment we also want to encourage that inward investment through the deals that we are doing with, countries, around the world and free trade deals being greater choice I mean lower prices for British consumers, and more export opportunities, for British businesses, and increased, investment, here in the UK and that's, why our open are leaving. The European Union, gives us an opportunity to, forge even better relationships. Even better connections, around the rest of the world to encourage that inward investment and to bring yet more jobs here to the UK. Mr.. Speaker I'm sure even the Prime Minister's, fiercest, critics, of leave she has a few but, even our fiercest, critics must be full of admiration for. The way she. Manages, her diabetic. Condition, and who saying such a tough and demanding job. I understand. She benefits, from a freestyle, libre glucose. Monitoring, system, wouldn't. It be nice if she would do something to make that available to, the half-million people who are denied, our benefit, because, of any chance rationing. Perhaps, we could call it help for the many not the few. Can. I say to the. Honourable gentleman first of all I thank him for his for, his comments, the. Priest I do use a freestyle Libre, it. Is now available on the National Health Service it is it is but, I would say the honourable gentleman it is not the only means of that continuous, glucose monitoring, that is available on the NHS and. There are other means that available in fact I saw a letter from a young girl yesterday, from a child who, had written in to say she'd started on the freestyle Libre but then because of the high post that she was having she's, actually moved on to a different Blue Coast monitoring. System so it isn't the case that there's only one system, that is the right one for everybody what's, important. Is that those systems are now available on the NHS. Scheme. For seasonal, agricultural workers. Has been warmly, welcomed, by fruit. And vegetable farmers in Cornwall and indeed across the country however this, sector is not the only sector that relies heavily on. Seasonal. Migrant, workers the tourism, and hospitality sector. Is very concerned, that they will be able to continue to access the, seasonal. Workforce they need once, we leave the EU can. The mo can the Prime Minister confirm what, action the government's taking to ensure this, important, sector for our economy, continue, spurred to access, the workforce it will need somewhere she consider.

Seasonal. Workers being poor the tourism sector. Well. Can I say to my honourable friend I thank, you for highlighting the seasonal workers pilot that we've introduced, because the horticultural, sector is a particular British success story, that we've seen a significant, growth over the last 20 years in soft fruit production over 130, percent increase. We. Have been clear that we're piloting and looking at this seasonal worker scheme and we'll assess how that has worked and we'll obviously be bringing. The further details of the overall immigration, policy, that we have that. We have proposed but when ensure that we are recognizing the needs of British economy Alex Norris, Thank You mr. speaker, yesterday Nassim citizens, published their report into, hate crime in our schools this, highlighted hate crime is a growing issue but, I was particularly struck by the children's surveys lack, of awareness of what actually constitutes a, hate crime we have failed them by not yet properly arming, them with the knowledge and skills to, thrive in this challenging, world with, the Prime Minister meet, with me and a delegation of young people from my city to discuss how to change this. He's. Raised a very important, issue about hate crime obviously we've been taking a number of steps over the, the recent, years in relation to this issue of hate crime I own one right, on will friend the Home Secretary, has published an updated, action. Plan on this and I would suggest that the Honorable gentlemen meet and indeed, with those young people meets with the Home Secretary to discuss how that action plan can, help to address the issues that have been raised I mean a Hollen rate Thank, You mr. speaker our joint, health and local government Select Committee inquiry, in the future funding about, social, care recommended. A, social. Insurance system of the type that has been so successful in Germany. With. The Prime Minister give, this solution her fullest consideration. Which, would mean that everyone is, protected, for the potentially, catastrophic, costs. Of care. Would. Like to thank him and the health and local government Select, Committee for their work on this important, issue and it is important, that we get social, care on a sustainable, footing for the future and alleviate.

The Short-term pressures which come on both the social care and the health systems. Obviously. We've given more money to councils but we will be publishing a green paper later. This year setting out proposals for reform it will look across, the board at a number of proposals that have been put forward in this area and we'll certainly consider those to be put forward by the committee emc. Lucas. Pensioners. Over, 75, faced, having to find an extra 150, pounds. 50 every year if current, proposals. To take away free, TV, licences, come to fruition. Will, the Prime Minister, take responsibility. For this, policy, speak. To the BBC and, find. A solution, that doesn't pickpocket. Pensioners. Knows. The arrangements, in relation to the, three licenses, changed. Was part of the last BBC, settlement, the, monies being made available to, the BBC and they will take decisions about how they operations, mr.. Simon. It. Is extraordinary that the party opposite has nothing to say about the good news of the fall in unemployment, falling. By, 50,000. Now the lowest, rates in, my, lifetime, more, important, I'd suggest that wages, are also. Growing. And that's particularly good news in a constituency, like North Dorset, where. Incomes, are below, the national average does she agree with me that, this now means that thousands, of families across our country are. Benefitting, from the security, of a regular, pay packet, and our, balanced, Tory approach to the economy. When. I say to my honourable friend he's absolutely, right to, highlight the excellent news that we've seen in relation to employment employment. Is near record high unemployment, at, its lowest rate since the 1970s. As I said earlier youth, unemployment, part under this government at a new record low and real wages rising as, my honourable friend says what that means is more people with the security, of a job more, people with the regular salary more, people able to support their families, were only able to ensure, that that takes place by having a balanced, approach to the economy and that's the conservative way Alistair, Carmichael. Thank You mr. speaker the, Bedouin, community of, carnal Armour in the occupied, Palestinian territories. Faces. Imminent, demolition. And is currently being swamped, with sewage, from the nearby settlement, of kebab our weenie just. This morning, Israeli. Forces of, tasered, and paper, paper speed activists. Here well. The Prime Minister make it clear to the Prime Minister of Israel that, this is occupied, territory, that, these are refugees. Protected. People whose, forcible, removal. Would. Be as the United, Nations, has stated constitute. A war plane. To. Gentlemen. That my right honourable friend the Minister for the Middle East met the Israeli ambassador on, the 11th 11th, of October, he made clear the deep concerns of the UK has a barrel, Israel's planned demolition of, the village of canal Omar it's. Demolition would, be a major blow for the prospects for a two-state solution with Jerusalem. As a shared capital, and, I once. Again call, on the Israeli, government not to go ahead with its plan to demolish the village including including. At school and displace, its residents, mrs. Kimmy badenov, thank. You. My. Constituent, Elliot Peters died earlier this year from hypomania, at, aged just 14. His, parents, Holly and Auntie story are understandably, devastated. Elliot's, condition, was not diagnosed, early enough by the time he was placed on dialysis, it was too late, will, the Prime Minister meet with me and Elliot's, parents to discuss raising, awareness of the condition and adding, hyper Armenia. To A&E departments, when the patient presents symptoms, I. Say. To my honourable friend this, is an extremely tragic case and I would like to offer my sincere condolences. To Elliot's family, and friends, I understand. That this is a condition that's associated with an inherited, metabolic condition. Some of which are very rare and staff. Aren't always on the lookout for the symptoms, of such rare conditions. But we are committed to making sure that the NHS always seeks to learn when things go wrong to ensure that such tragic. Events can be prevented for future parents and I'm sure that, a minister from the Department of Health and Social Care would be very happy to meet with my own little friend and only its parents, to discuss this people, shot, in. The face of clear, breaches, of electro long live the war relief campaign, make just a fitted as way, to victory the police refused. To undertake a criminal, investigation, because, of what they see is political, sensitivities. This comes on top of all, the issues of unaccounted dark, money sustaining. The Scottish Conservative. Caucus. And what, will she past early due to sheer, that our democracy, is defended.

From Rules that would seek to circumvent, it. He. Will know the electric Commission is, an independent regulator. Accountable. To Parliament and not to the government and there's a very important. Constitutional, principle, in this country that politicians. Do not interfere with police investigations. And everyone, is innocent if and until proven guilty in, a court of law but, we, will be considering wider implications, for government policy we'll review very carefully, the electric Commission's recent report on digital campaigning, the. Information, Commissioner's, recommendations, on the use of data in politics, and of, course the DCMS Select Committee is conducting, the inquiry and will look at their recommendations. When. They can conclude. But, as regards the vote are, in relation to the referendum I must, remind, the Honourable gentleman that 17 point four million people voted to leave the EU on a turnout, of three-quarters of the electorate and it, is up to this, Parliament. This government, to deliver on, that mandate. Thank. You mr. speaker I welcome the government sector defunding for NHS, come my vitamin. Will fail ensure that some of this new money is used to improve, and, upgrade NHS, technology, which can both save more lives and improve, patient care. First. Of all thank my, honourable, friend report, on the use of technology, in the NHS, we, are dedicated, to using this new funding to support tech technology, transformation. And modernization. There's, capital funding, that is being provided to the NHS, to upgrade equipment to construct new buildings to, refurbish existing ones, in, the 10-year plan we want to see the NHS embracing, the opportunities, of technology so we can not just improve, patient, care but save more lives and deliver, healthcare more efficiently, McDonough. Mr.. Speaker, in, mitchum, and modern brexit, means that, the Wilson Hospital will not reopen after, funders. Pulled out due to economic, uncertainty. Goodness. Knows how many communities. Are now going to lose their health centers, and GP, surgeries, we, must have missed that brexit, bus, well, the Prime Minister give Mitchum and Morgan at people's, vote on grexit so, that we can save our Hospital or, will she today guarantee. The reopening, of the Wilson. What. Can I say to the, Honourable lady that. Was, we announced earlier this year we, have asked the NHS to produce a ten year plan we will be providing, a multi-year funding settlement. For the NHS, and and. Within, that we are able to provide extra money to the NHS, as a result of not. Spent bending not sending, vast, amounts of money to the European, Union every year when we leave the European Union that, is an advantage of, brexit, on how. What. The Prime Minister join me in acknowledging the, tremendous, amount of hard work from. The team remembers, project, in my constituency. 300. People have travelled a hundred and fifty thousand miles to, commemorate, all the, two hundred and twelve who lost their lives in various conflicts. I'm. Very happy to, join within in commending, all those who have undertaken, those, journeys and ensured that that remembrance containers, it is very important, that we are able to recognize. The contributions, that people have made in conflict a Jamie. Stone yeah, Mr Speaker the Prime Minister will be only too well aware that people, living in the remote Highlands and Islands are being penalised, by extra, charges. The delivery of goods and utilities. Indeed. I would say it is a wholly unfair, geography, tax on my constituents, can. I therefore mr. speaker appealed the Prime Minister to consider, and look favorably, upon the, proposal, that a Royal Commission be set up to, look into these extra charges and how, they could be eliminated, I, say. To the, Honourable gentleman that we, have taken the price of parcel. Surcharges, including, from more remote constituencies. Seriously. That's what we are we've set up the, Consumer Protection Partnership. To look at this very issue and that, brings various consumer, bodies together from the advice and enforcement, world to look at the transparency, and accuracy, of pricing of delivery charges as well as the level and fairness of charges, but I am sure that the relevant minister the Department for business energy and industrial strategy will be happy to meet the Honorable gentleness further. Steve Baker mr.. Speaker could I ask my right honourable friend to impress upon our European, friends, two, points which I hope the house will think, reasonable, and practical.

First That the EU may not break apart the union of the, United Kingdom, and second, that after we have left the European, Union the EU may, not direct how we regulate our economy, and govern ourselves. Can. I say to my honourable. Friend but, that, certainly, I'm, very clear that when we have left the European, Union we will be taking decisions, here in the United Kingdom on, a all. Those issues that previously, have been taken. A decisions of me taken in the European, Union so we will be taking control of our laws would also take control of our money and take control of our borders and on the first point II has. Made I made, it clear earlier this year have, continued, to make it clear and will carry on making, it clear that we will not accept any proposals. Which would effectively, break up the United Kingdom Dajjal dogs given. That nothing, is agreed until everything is, agreed does, the Prime Minister, accept, that. It would be very very difficult for the house to be asked to confirm, a. Withdrawal. Agreement. Which is legally binding without. Having, pretty, clear assurances. And some precision, about the details of the future trade in relationship, yes. Can I say to the right honourable gentleman that, I agree and as I've always said that at the time when we bring the withdrawal agreement back there the package, if you like back to this house it's, important, not only that the people at eight that our members are able to look at their withdrawal agreement, but also have sufficient, detail about the future relationship, in all its aspects, the trading relationship, which he's referred to is important, but obviously our future security relationship. Both internal, security and external security and other issues are also of, importance, and it's also important. To me that there is a linkage, between that future relationship, and the withdrawal agreement, the. Julian night. Not. Long ago we had the horror of three pigs heads being left outside a Muslim community center in Solihull, then. The EDL folks came to my proud multicultural. Town and we turned our backs on them in, this light will the Prime Minister join me in condemning. Italy, the actions of a surly old green councillor has reported, in the Birmingham mail who, has written a guide on, how to attract, and trick, BMP. Voters, there, is no place for pandering.

To Racism, in my town or in our politics. Can. I say smile on my friend I absolutely, agree with him there is no place, in our society for, pandering to racism of any sort, and we should send a very clear message, of. That from the whole of this house can. I also say he, references, what, happened at one of his local mosques, and, the. Home, Secretary, has been pleased to make extra, money available for, the security, of places of worship because sadly we do see places of worship of different faiths or too often being subject, to attack but my honorable friends key point that there is no place for racism, in our society is absolutely. Right. Mr.. Speaker the work and pensions Select, Committee heard evidence that. Showed that. By not having automatic, split. Payments for universal, credit women. Are being trapped, in abusive, relationships, mr.. Speaker this absolutely. Disgusts me how, does it make them prime minister feel what. Can I can I say to be. Honourable lady that we take the issue of domestic violence and abusive relationships, very seriously, indeed. I think, the issue is split payments obviously, are available. Where that is the right thing to do in relation, to in, relation to couples where. That is the right thing to do in relation to couples but I think what needs to be done is that we take a sensitive, approach, to these cases on, that individual, basis we, all want, to ensure that women who are abusive relationships. Are getting, the support that they need and we should send a message, of clear condemnation of, that abuse I come, across this house. Dr., Julian Lewis. Next. Time shroud, waving. EU, negotiators claim. That a hard, border, is necessary. On the island, of Ireland, will. She kindly. Ask, them, who would actually construct. It, the Irish certainly, won't. The British, certainly, won't so, unless the EU, army, plans to march in and build it it surely, can never happen. We. Are all working, to ensure that there will be no hard border between North Ireland and, Ireland that is the clear commitment, of the United Kingdom, government and if that was as, agreed by the European, Union when we signed, the December joint report the. Ben Bradshaw. My. Constituent. Matthew hedges, a young PhD student. Has been held in a jail in the united arab emirates for more than five months and was this week charged, with spying.

Will. The prime minister ensure her government makes quite clear to the UAE that. Matt was in their country, doing. Academic, research and nothing, more, and when she also ensure, that he receives full consular, and legal. Support. A fair, trial and could return to his wife dany in, england as soon as possible. This. Is a very difficult and distressing time, for, mr. hedges and for his family, Foreign, Office officials, are supporting, mr. hedges and his family and have, raised the case with the Emiratis, at the very highest, levels, my, Rajan will friend the Foreign Secretary's personally, raised his case with, his emirati counterparts. We. Are in regular contact with the Emiratis regarding mr. hedges health. And well-being and we're continuing, to push for consular, access to ensure that he is given the support that he needs John, Baron, in. Welcoming, the Japanese, Prime Minister suggestion. That we could join the trans-pacific partnership when. We leave the EU and, in wishing, her well in the future negotiations that. Upcoming could. She please, confirm. That. Our. Participating. Joining, and fully participating. In the TTP, will. Not be, hindered, by the common, rule, book of the checkers agreement, the whole of the United Kingdom will benefit. Can. I say 12 offend I've been pleased to discuss the matter of our potential, membership of the TPP with the former Australian, Prime Minister and, with the Japanese Prime Minister I'm very pleased that they are the, Australian government and the Japanese government are welcoming. To us in joining that and one. Of the issues that we looked at when we put forward our proposals, for our future trade in relationship, with the European, Union was, precisely whether it would mean. That we could not join the CP TPP, and I'm happy to reassure my honourable friend that, we would be able to join the CP TPP, with, the relationship, that we've put forward in the government's planet, Teresa Pierce. My. Constituent, came to see me earlier this year about being sexually harassed at work by. A co-worker. Despite. Many months, of meetings, with her HR, and line management she's. Being treated like the, problem, rather than the victim could. The promise reminds me what I can do to help my constituent, return, to work and feel safe when, her employer is this house. Can. I say to the Honourable lady Verte, it is. Important, that everybody, is treated with dignity and respect in their workplace, there. Is no place for bullying, for sexual harassment, or abuse in any workplace and, that includes, in this, Parliament. I'm, sure we're all very concerned at the report that Dame Laura Cox has brought forward we, have been working on this issue here in this house and I. Would particularly commend my right honourable friend the leader of the house who, has been working tirelessly on this issue to try and change our culture and practices, here in this, house I hope, that, there, will be a very serious a very full.

Response. And a proper response to Dame Laura Cox's, report, this should worry all of us and what, I want to see is a situation, where, my. Honor the Honourable lady is constituent. Is able, to ensure that she can come to work in this house be treated with dignity and, respect and not, be subject to bullying harassment, or, abuse. Mr.. Speaker the UK agriculture, bill is currently before this house Wales, England and Northern Ireland a part of it but due to the SNP Scotland. Is excluded, and isolated. Will, my right honoring friend commit this government, to working with all parties, to deliver an agriculture, bill that will guarantee Scotland. And my constituents are not left behind. Can, I say to my, humble friend he raises a very important, point I'm very happy to give him that assurance that but we will work with parties in this house to ensure that Scotland, is not left behind and then we have an agricultural, bill that actually works for all, of us and for all our agricultural. Sector finally. Today Ivan Lewis, the. Prime Minister has an admirable sense of duty. So we'll should be honest about grexit, there, is now only one viable, option in the short term which, can reconcile, the referendum, results, with the interests of all parts of the United Kingdom, the genuine concerns, of many members on all sides about the impact of a flawed Deal or No Deal and our, communities, as well, as Labour's, tests, we, should join Ethne and the EE a and C, EU agreement, to remain in the customs, union for. A specified, period from, the date that we leave making. It clear that on joining the EA we, will exercise our right to put. An emergency brake, on free, movement of labour it, may not be the perfect option. Consideration. Now should, be the national, interest. The Prime Minister, we've. Got the drift and we're grateful the Prime Minister the, the, considerate. The only consideration for this government is the national interest that is why we have put forward a proposal that, delivers. On the vote of the referendum, that ensures, that we leave the European Union, on the 29th, of March 2019. That, we will no longer send vast sums of money annually, to the European, Union that we will take control of our lost control, of our borders that, there will not be the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the company's country the free movement will end but that also protects, jobs and, livelihoods and protects, the Union of the United, Kingdom, that is, in the national interest and that is what the government has prepared Thank, You order.

2018-10-21 16:51

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