Power BI | Unifying Modern and Enterprise BI

Power BI | Unifying Modern and Enterprise BI

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So. BCI and enterprise. Bi. And. You know as I said power, bi origins. Are you, know if you use how many of you use barbie actually over, you good yeah so. You know you, go to power bi desktop you, go and. You. You built, your get data from everywhere you create, the model you, create, your report visualization. All you can do that if your, business analysts, can do that everybody, can do that this is self-service, bi this, is that, that ease of use debate your load the free desktop is what made power bi as popular, as it is today. But. As, I said IT once, more I think wants, to be able to go and not just do this small. You. Know fun but small. Bi, models, they want to go big they want to put the full breadth. Of semantic, models into, the, into. Power bi and that sneak requires, much. More complex models more measures more table more scale, much, more data. Well. We are lucky power. Bi foundation. Is built on top of decades. Of IP, that we have in Microsoft, I've been working at the. Sequel server organization, for almost two decades building. Sequel, Server analysis services and, this is how many of you have abused analysis, services before yeah. So. You know what they talk about this is the work force of the BI industry, this is what you, really democratize, bi, and. Bring, it to every company because we just lower the cost of BI servers, and, you know what the kind of how we have there it is it is the backbone of power bi today and what we're doing is open the full power of analysis, services, into. The power bi users we kind of focus on making it simple for the bi users, for the data analysts but no more we're, really going to open up all the floodgates, to get all the features all the api's all utilities working. With, that analysis, services that is that, is the bedrock, of our bi how. Many of you using reporting, services, sequel, sorry yes that's. The other other, big, engine, that we have that, one is also coming to power bi we're bringing enterprise reporting to power bi which means you can get paginating, reports, with header, with fooders you can have it you know not, just the fonts light side. Reporter. Do you have it power bi but really multi page that you can have product catalogs and orders and invoices and, an, inventory list and everything that you are used to from reporting, services, all of that is coming to power bi and you will be able to schedule it and to send it to maple people's, mailboxes with, personalized, slices, and under certain conditions, all the stuff that we need in order to really get, enterprise. Reporting into the enterprise and. That's. That's not all. Of it because, when you ask the guys in IT what, they really, really care about what makes them. Not. Fall asleep at night it's, all about. Governance. Security. Stuff. That the. Thing that could go wrong and. We're. Putting a massive, effort around, the. Whole notion of enterprise, governance, management, and control in this year so we're going to work on things like, you. Know multi geo deployment, if you are if, you came from around the world you know that there are a lot of regulations where the data can be it can be stored here in Germany the data has to be stay, in German if you come from China it has to stay in China we now allow you to deploy power bi and in, a way that the data will reside, in the region that you it needs to reside in to make it sure that's compliant, so part bi is a single system image we. Have one power bi system global, around the world but it's made out of multiple data centers and you can actually his IT configure. With which data center the data will reside still collaboration, is there is no silos you can collaborate everybody, from any regions can access the data if they have permission but. You, can meet the compliance requirement. Of the regulators lineage. And impact analysis, a lot, of other team work that we are doing a lot.

Of Work that we're doing around 35. Data sets and around, the, application, lifecycle manager, so let's just focus on the last two for a moment certified, data set this is you know everybody. Can create data but some data is better than other data we know that there is data that people work to clean to enrich to verify, to validate, and what, we're going to provide is for that data that you guys have created their IT blest data you, can go and certify, it and when, you certify, that data you put that if I tagged on it whenever, your business uses go to create. New reports, say, I want to connect the data connected, data the first data set of who show up floating to the top will, be you certify data sets they know which data is best it will have certain, special tagging, special, way for them to know that, this is better than, the other data so, encourage, them to find it the, system will help them find it help them make sure that they use it and you'll know what they're using and you can see that, they're using the right set of data certified, data you can see the slider there very. Very simple just create the data certified, and we just share all your users that have permissions, it will float to the top of their list. Alm. You. Know we build those big systems you, know we have we have today so it's kind of stunning how in, the last year. We, move from enterprise. Start to adopt it more and more we, move to the we. Move to the state where if a report, is down or bi. Application, is down for, an hour we. Get a call from the CIO saying, how dare you I have thousands, of people who are relying on us to report to, to, run their business you. Know VI becomes, mission-critical, which is something, I've never seen before in decades I've been working in the beer industry bi is now becoming mission-critical, when the system, is not up when, the system is showing wrong data when the system is slow, the. CIA CIA, knows about it this is the organization, is disrupted. So. We need to start managing those, application, the same way that we manage any other mission critical, application, it means also a proper, application lifecycle management, system, it means that there is going to be a developing environment it's gonna be a test environment, don't be able to deployment. Environment, and you'll, be able to move that. The artifacts. That you are developing from, one environment to the other in a controlled manner you, can do this to see the differences, you can decide which measures, you want to move in which measures you haven't finished developing and keep them in the other side all that is coming this is application is is going to show up in the next couple. Of weeks when. We have we. Have the another. Thing that is coming which is of, course the api's, XML. For analysis API. That is a, API, of analysis services, that is allowing, us to connect to all the, sequel. Service, management. Studio sequel server profile, all this stuff is going to work with power bi as well the whole wealth of the, enterprise, stack, is going, to work with power bi and. To. Demonstrate some of that I want, to try to invite. Christian Wade to the stage on, the SIBO Enterprise reporting and enterprise. Model. Alright. Hello. Everyone very. Happy, to be here let me just get. So. I'm going to start with, complex. Models, you, know with announced services, and AD services has been around for 20 years, as a mere said and it's. Really the, enterprise. Business intelligence, workhorse. Of the industry, and whether those services, it's, not uncommon, to have models. With, over. A hundred tables. In a, single, model so, we. Are introducing. A new diagram. View and. Just. Sorry. Just one second here. Alright. We're introducing, a new diagram, view that, will scale to hundreds.

Of Tables, and allow. Users. To break out these models, by, subject. Area and. It. Just allows the, management of these much, larger, models. You just have to excuse, me here we would just. One second all. Right. Sorry. Just. Getting loaded here wasn't expecting, this. Okay. Here we go this model as you can see just loaded, in a few seconds it's got, almost. A hundred tables. All. Right we can break it out by subject, area and. There. You can see and so here, we have a separate, subject area and, another. One here and we. Can create new layouts. And. I'm. Going to find, a. Table. We, can add related tables. So. As you can see we've got a nice new diagram. View for. Power bi desktop this, will be shipping very. Soon and it. Really allows us it. Allows the business professor, in business intelligence professional. Make makes the life, of the business intelligence professional, much easier, we, can also multi select, objects, and set common properties, in one go so, in this case I'm you can see I have three columns selected, I'm going to set the display folder. And. Display. Folders, are a feature, from. Analysis. Services what the, zooming. Isn't working well excuse, me so display. Folders is a feature from Benares Services has been around for over a decade and it's precisely to, allow consumers. Of these, complex, models to find what they're looking for much more easily ok so we, have these large models, there's a lot of complexity there's a lot, of interdependence. II and, what. We have these techniques, to make them easily, consumed, right. Ok, so that's, the new diagram view. The. Next thing I'd like to talk about is, that. We recently, introduced. A feature called. Composite. Models. And this is really a game changer in terms of. What. You can do with directquery in in many different ways so for. This particular table if I even. Though the zooming, isn't working very well but let me try so, you can see here. This. Table, is a direct, query table and it's getting data from HDI. Spark right. And traditionally. Direct. Query which will federate, the queries to the data source on the, fly as the users interact with the visuals traditionally. Direct query was. Only. For a single data source whereas now we can have multiple. Direct. Query data. Sources in the, same data, set which opens up lots and lots of new scenarios. That were not possible before, and. Additionally. We, also, can. Now have. Import. And directquery. Combined. In the, same data, sets right this is really, a game changer, whereas, before the whole data set had to be imports, you can now pick, and choose the, individual, tables to. Cache to, get that blazing-fast performance. For your users, where, it really counts all right you get much bigger. Bang, for your buck in terms of the resource. Usage and memory consumption, that, is. Used by caching. The data into, memory ok so we this, is composite, models multiple. Direct, query sources, and combining. Imports. And direct, query in the data that same data set right this is this is huge, we've just, delivered, this in preview, alright. Now. What. I'm going to show now is a, feature that, builds. On top of composite. Models and this feature is. If. Truly. I don't know if you've seen this because. The, demos kind of gone viral but that this feature is truly, a game changer in, terms of, scalability, right, this is actually. Probably the biggest scalability. Feature we've, pretty, much you could argue that we've ever delivered, I mean this one is absolutely huge, so, I'm going to switch over to. Here. And, so. This data set is data. For, a crowd-sourced. Courier. Service. Where. A smartphone. App emits. The drivers, locations. Right. And as. You can imagine they it. Generates, a ton of data so, this measure as you can see here not, sure whether I said there you can see here this measure is simply giving, us the count of all the rows in the table right so, let's.

Find Out how many rows we have in this table so. I'm gonna drag this onto the canvas and just to put this into context, I did, a keynote at a conference last year and I had one of the biggest agile, announce services, SKUs with 400. Gigabytes of memory and, over 25 calls just. A huge data set and that thing was 10 billion, rows and that was really pushing the boundaries. In terms, of what you could scale. To in terms of an enterprise, Business Intelligence Platform. Right. Well this data set is. Actually a, trillion, right this this kind of defies the laws, of physics as we know them in terms of, what. What is enabled, for interactive, and as you do you notice I just got instant, response. Times on this data right this is a trillion rows of data this, is actually quarter of a petabyte, of, data from. HDI, SPARC this, is something that you, know if you've ever watched these big data demos is this, is this is the first time that, I'm aware of at least that anyone can can have this kind of interactive. Analysis. Over, such a large data, set alright so this is a trillion rows I'm going, to go with this. Measure travel, distance, I'm going to break it out by date I'm gonna make it nice and big I'm, gonna make it a bar chart I'm gonna break it out by the miles. Per job and I'm just getting instant. Response, time just clicky clicky draggy Java data analysis, over this massive, data. Set right it's just instant, response, times instant. Gratification right. And I'm. Now going to filter, this data just, by the drivers. Who left. The, organization, right and I'm. Now going to, generate. Another visual, here and. Make. It a table and, I'm. Going to filter this just by December. 23rd. Face. Selected, here and. Now I'm gonna bring, over the, driver. Name to this visual so. I've, just like that I've created a. List. Of users, who, worked on December, 23rd, subsequently. Left the company perform, jobs of over 50 miles over quarter of a petabyte of data how is this physically, possible, right so. With. Power bi we achieved this blazing, fast performance by, caching data, into, memory right, now. That's why these ads are now service excuse have so much memory now even, with our compression, ratios, quarter, of a petabyte is quite a lot of data so what we're doing here is we're caching, the data at the aggregated, level which, unlocks, these massive, dead sets in a way that was physically impossible before, and you. Will find that you should get very high cache hit rates because the, percentage of business intelligence queries. That are at the aggregated, level are very very. High, probably in nineteen ninety five percent and if, the user happens, to drill down to the detail level where there is no cache so, in this case I'm gonna drill through to Abigail Johnson. We're. Now going to switch over to this, other report, so this is going to take a little bit longer because, this is going to plot the, individual. Locations. For abigail Johnson, on December. 23rd, right, so it's now going to select a few hundred rows from the trillion, row table so, there, is no aggregation.

Happening, Here so it's not hitting the, aggregated, cache so what's it going to do it's just going to because of now we have this hybrid. Direct. Query and import, combined. In the same data set it's just submitting a direct query to in this, case HDI, Spock and this. Will work on HDI. SPARC on data bricks of work there's an address equal data warehouse and many, many other direct. Query sources. That we support. Right. So we can see this query is, running. Here for. Abigail. Johnson, and, obviously. This is a trillion. Browser demo rows. Of data this is a twenty. Three node HDI. Spot cluster, you know it's quarter of a petabyte of data it still takes a little while but you'll find that generally. Speaking, the, data warehouses, and these big data systems, tend, to handle these non aggregated. Filtered, queries, much. Quite. Well right, and you're using power bi for what it's really good at which is these aggregated, queries and you're using the data warehouse or the big data system for what they're better at which is the non aggregated, filtered queries so, here we can see Abigail Johnson, drove, all the way across Memphis, just before the holidays, she had multiple jobs she got frustrated she left the company maybe, she started her own company she's doing very well now the point being we, unlock core of a petabyte of data we. Enabled. Interactive. Clicky, clicky dragon drop restyle interactive. Analysis, over quarter of a petabyte of data in a way that was physically, impossible, before. Okay this is a real gamechanger, this truly, will transform, interactive, analysis over Big Joe thank, you very much thank. You so much all, right now. There's. More there's, more there's, more so. Another. Thing that we're gonna do that this is a brand-new, demo. No one's seen this dimmer this demo didn't exist until just like very. Very recently, I'm gonna say ten minutes ago this, is a brand new hot off the press feature I'm about to show so this, year, we'll, be opening, up V, as Amir described, the ex-mla, endpoint. For, power bi so. What, XML endpoints, will allow is the open, platform. Connectivity. That we have with analysis services right so as Amir, said the nancial Services has been a market, Dominator, for 20. Years every year basically, every, other major bi vendor, on the planet, supports. Connectivity. To analysis services once, we open up the XML a endpoint on, power, bi. You. Will be able to connect, to a power bi data set as though. It were an analysis. Services, database, all, right so our. Competitor. Bi products, will be able to connect to them to have, that reusable. Semantic, model in an enterprise organization. Obviously, we be we believe that, the, power. Bi should be used for visualizations, but it is an open platform. Connectivity. And. I'm, at this mic. I'm, not gonna shut up, you. Hear me now okay. I don't, know what happened okay so you can have all the data being power bi have you to blow users connect, to the data set that I power bi tableau already supports, it because supports analysis, services power, bi looks like analysis, services to tableau so, you, can have the enterprise model store there you can have all the most of your users use their dashboards, and reports in power bi but those diehard tableau, users there. You know you can serve them you can still support them because it will work yeah, it will work with tableau it will work with any other bi tool that supports XML, a which is the vast majority of the tools in the industry absolutely, that's that really allows you to really create that Center. Grout. The center of gravity data. Well where, everything, is in one place managed, in one place, you know govern. In one place. Collaborated. In there but feel don't leave those employers, out of the loop, and. Another. Example of this is for. The, management, tools, right, so we have lots of, intellectual. Property for. Ni services, in terms of management like soup server management studio so, you'll serve a profiler. Simple, Server data tools for, authoring, these, models, and. Here. I have. A. Sequel. Server management studio that. Is connected. To let. Me just, open this up here this is connected to actual, you can see it better over here if I try and zoom in this, is actually connected. To a power bi workspace. Right. This is not connected to an animation services, server this is connected to a power bi workspace. This, is listing, all of the data sets. In the power bi workspace, in, fact I have, a. Copy, of it here so this is the same workspace, with the same data sets right so I can now, connect. From 6-7, management studio I can manage these data sets I. Can, set security, I, can perform scripting.

Operations, I can perform, administrative. Operations, I, can perform, fine-grain. Data, refresh, operations. All right so here, I have this. Data set and. I'm gonna go to this table and I'm, gonna look at that in fact I think I already have this window open these, are the partitions. For. This table right so, we, introduced, a feature. Recently. Called incremental, refresh, which, is, also a significant. Scalability. Feature that, allows you to not. Have to refresh, all 10, years and 10 billion rows of data every time you do a refresh right you can just refresh, only. The data that has changed which is much more efficient, much, quicker and much more, reliable and doesn't depend on volatile, connections, to data sources etc now, the way that incremental, refresh works and for the analysis services practitioners, among you you will probably be fully aware of this the, way that incremental. Refresh works and and, for power bi by the way it's very simple you just set it up in power bi desktop right, but, then when you define that incremental refresh policy, in power bi desktop and, you perform a refresh in the power, bi service the. Way that incremental refresh works is it generates. Good. Old traditional, and managed services partitions. Right, so and it uses partitions. To only refresh, the data that has changed based, off the incremental. Refresh policy, so I can now for, the first time connect, from super server management studio to a power bi workspace I can see the data set I can break out the tables and I can even see the partitions. Generated. By the power bi incremental. Refresh, feature, right. And so, here I have. Certainly. Good about to move to the next recording, because we already yeah absolutely so I'll. Just quickly say that you know you can script this out and, you. You can refresh historical. Partitions. Okay. And so. That's actually the end points it's. Also a bunch of community. Tools we'll also be able to connect. To the, power bi workspace now, the last thing I'm going to show you is, well. A couple of things first, off this is the new homepage right, that we just, launched and this. Allows. Business. Users, to find what they're looking for very, easily right. It, lists, the dashboards. And reports. And workspaces. That, they they. Are most, interested in based on their usage and what they've have. Flagged. As favorites, we have a nice search capability. Here, so. Again. I can find apps and workspaces, etc, and. In.

This Case I'm going, to. Go. To this report, so as you can see this is just a report but it's because it's a special, type, of report. Which. Is. It's. Actually a reporting. Services, report this is still not. Yet, released. This is, still. On Iran a on, a private. Workspace. So. This. Is a reporting, services report as. You well know there are countless, masses. Of reporting services artifacts, on-premises, today they, will all be able to mass migrate, to, power. Bi so that organizations, can co-locate. Their, business intelligence, artifacts, in a single, easily, accessible location the, power bi workspace, this, is. Excuse. Me this is pixel-perfect. Paginating. Reports, we. Can export, to a variety. Of. Formats. And as. A mayor said we'll be able to have, scheduled, delivery etc, so reporting services and analysis. Services, are coming to power bi we're bringing the full enterprise. Capability. To. Power bi as a single, all-inclusive. Platform. For enterprise, and self-service, thank you very much thank you Christian. You.

2018-10-12 09:35

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