Pompeo delivers speech on communist China and the future of the world

Pompeo delivers speech on communist China and the future of the world

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Good afternoon. I'm christopher nixon cox grandson. And on behalf, of my family. And the board of directors, of the nixon foundation. I want to welcome you, to another, important event. Here at the richard nixon library, birthplace. And museum, the first. Place. Today we are honored. To have secretary, of state mike pompeo. To have chosen. The nixon, library. To make a major, speech. About u.s china relations. Like we do so often in the library. We're going to begin our program. With a prayer. Would you please remain, standing. And welcome, greg. The senior, pastor. And harvest. Christian, fellowship. For an. Invocation. Father we're so thankful to live in this country the united, states of america. And one thing we treasure so greatly is the freedom we have from you to pursue, life. Liberty. And happiness. We have the freedom to speak our minds to the freedom to worship. And the freedom to proclaim, the message that jesus, christ died for our sins and rose. From the dead can give the personal, life, liberty, and happiness. If we will put our trust in him. But we have other brothers and sisters in other countries that don't have this freedom. We think of those suffering, under the tyranny of china, including, our own persecuted. Church. We pray for them that you will strengthen, them and help them. Thank you for president, trump who wants to lead us courageously. In the right way, and we thank you for secretary. Pompeo. Who is the champion, of these rights we, pray for secretary. Pompeo, as your servant. As he travels, around the world, to help spread this freedom that we enjoy. We commit this meeting the speech, and most importantly, our nation to you, we ask you to protect. Guide, to bless, the united, states, of america. In jesus name we pray amen. Thank you pastor. Let's remain standing. As we salute, our country. Pleased with the presentation, of colors. And the. Nationalism. Oh. Say. Can. You. Last, week. We. Watched. Give. Hello. The. Brave. Thank you and you may be seated. And. Please, join me in thanking, the air force, blue eagles honor guard, and senior.

My Grandfather's. Vision and courage. Made the united states opening to china possible. When he and my grandmother. Went there, almost 50 years ago. In 1972.. He called that. The week, that changed the world. And he understood. That the world. Is always, changing. Secretary, pompeo, is on the front line of america's, foreign policy. And it's fitting that he is here. At the nixon presidential, library, birthplace. To discuss the relationship. Between our two countries, today. It is my privilege, now to introduce, a distinguished, statesman. A mayor. A senator. A governor. And an old, and close friend. Of my family the nixon family. Who will introduce, secretary, pompeo. In fact, my family asked this old and dear friend to eulogize. Both, my grandmother. And my grandfather. In this exact, location. 26, and 27, years ago today. Seven. Ladies and gentlemen. Please join me in welcoming. Governor. Well thank you very much chris. Most generous. I'm not sure your grandfather, would have recognized, me. I have the great pleasure, in addition, to. Welcoming, all of you. To the nixon birthplace. And library. I have the great pleasure. Of, introducing. To you. An extraordinary. American. Who is here. At an extraordinary. Time. But the fun of it is. In introducing. Our. Honored guest. I also, am welcoming. Him not just to the nixon, library. But i'm welcoming, him. Welcoming, him, back home. To orange, county. That's right. Mike pompeo, was born in orange. He attended, los amigos, high school, in fountain valley. Where he was an outstanding. Student, and athlete. In fact i have it on good authority. That among the fans. Of glory, days. Of global, basketball. A reverend, hush descends. Upon, the crowd, whenever, the name pompeo. Is mentioned. The secretary. Was first, in his class, at west point. He won the award, as the most distinguished. Cadet. He won another award. For the highest, achievement, in engineering. Management. He spent his active duty years. His army years. In west germany, and as he put it. Patrolling. The iron, curtain. Before. And before the fall, of, the very land wall. In. 1988. Excuse me. Retiring, with the rank of the captain. He went on to harvard law school. Where he was an editor, of the law review. In 1988. He returned, to his mother's, home, state of kansas. And began a stunningly, successful. Business. Career. He was elected, to the house of representatives. From kansas, in 2011. Where he soon gained, great respect. For a reputation. As one of the most diligent, in the suit members. Of the house arms. Arms, excuse me the house intelligence, committee. In 2017. President, trump. Nominated, him to be the director. Of. And in 2018. He was confirmed. As our 70th. Secretary, of state. You have to admit. That's quite an impressive. Resume. So it said there's. Only one thing missing. Prevents it from being perfect. Only mike had been a. Marine. Don't worry you'll get even. Mike pompeo. Is a man devoted, to his family. He is a man of faith. The greatest patriotism. And a highest principle. One of the, most important, initiatives, at the state department. Has been the creation. Of a commission. On unalienable. Rights. Where academicians. Philosophers. And ethicists, advise, him. On human rights grounded, in america's, founding, principles. And the principles, of the 1948. Universal. Declaration. Of rights. He is here today, for, a very. Special, reason. The epitaph. On president, nixon's, grace. Is a sentence, from his first inaugural, address.

It Says. Quote. The greatest, honor. History, can bestow. Is the title of peacemaker. Richard nixon, received, that title. He won that honor. Not only because. He was acknowledged, even by his critics. To be a brilliant, foreign policy, strategist. But it was far more because. He earned it. He learned, as, congressman. Senator. President. And every day thereafter. As a private, citizen, ambassador. That peace. Is not achieved, by, signing, documents. And declaring, the job, done. To the contrary. He knew that peace. Is always, a work in progress. He knew that peace. Must be fought for, and one anew. In every generation. It was president, nixon's, vision. Determination. And courage. That opened, china. To america. And to the western, world. As president. And for the rest of his life. Richard nixon, worked to build a relationship. With china. Based, upon. Mutual, benefits. And obligations. That respected. America's. Bedrock. National. Interests. Today. We in america. Are obliged. To assess. Whether or not. President, nixon's. Labors. And his hopes. For such a. Relationship. Have been met. Or whether they are being, undermined. That's why it is of such great significance. That our honored guest, secretary, pompeo. Has chosen the nixon library. From which to deliver. A major, china, policy, statement. It will i promise. You. Be a statement. Of complete, clarity. Delivered, with force. And with belief. Because. It is of critical. Importance. Ladies and gentlemen. It is my great, honor and pleasure. To welcome to this podium, and to this audience. Our honored guest. The secretary, of state of the united, states of america. The honorable. And really quite remarkable. Honorable. Michael. R. Pompeo. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, governor for that very very generous introduction it is true when you walk in that gym. And you say the name papillon, there is a whisper i had a brother mark who was really good. Really good basketball, player. Uh. And how about another round of applause for the blue eagles honor guard and senior airman kayla hi smith and her wonderful. National, anthem. Thank you to to pastor laurie, uh, for that moving prayer. And i want to thank uh, hugh hewitt, nixon foundation. Uh for your invitation to speak at this, important, american, institution, it's great to be. Sung too by an, air force person. Introduced by a marine and they left the army guy in front of the navy guy's house. It's all good. Uh it's an honor to be here in europe linda where. Nixon's father built the house in which he was born and raised to all the nixon center board and staff who made today possible it's difficult, in these times. Thanks for making this day possible, for. Me and for my team we are, blessed to have some incredibly, special people in the audience including. Chris, who i've gotten to know chris, nixon. I also want to thank tricia nixon and julie nixon eisenhower for their support. Of this visit as well. I want to recognize several courageous, chinese dissidents, who have joined us here today and made a long trip. And to all the other distinguished, guests. To all the other distinguished, guests thank you for being here for those of you got under the tent you must have paid extra. And those of you watching live thank you for tuning in, uh and finally, as. Uh. As the governor mentioned i was born here in santa not very far from here, i've got my sister and her husband in the audience today thank you all for coming out i bet you never thought, that i'd be standing up. Here. My remarks, today. Are the fourth, set of remarks in a series, of china species that i asked national security adviser, robert o'brien. Fbi director chris wray and. The attorney general. Barr to deliver alongside, me. We had a very, clear purpose a real mission was to explain the different facets of america's, relationship, with china. The massive, imbalances. In that relationship, that have built up over decades. And the chinese communist party's designs. For hegemony. Our, goal, was to make clear that the, threats, to americans, that president trump's china policy aims to address. Are clear and our strategy. For securing, those freedoms. Established. You know. Ambassador, bryan spoke about ideology. Fbi director ray talked about espionage, attorney general parr spoke about. Economics. And now my goal today is to put it all together for the american people in detail what the china threat means for our economy. For our liberty. And need for the, future. Of free democracies.

Around The. World. Next year. Marks, half a century. Since dr kissinger's, secret mission to china, and the 50th anniversary, of president, nixon's, trip. Isn't too far away in 2022. You know the world was much different than. We imagined. Engagement, with china would produce a future with a bright promise, accommodating, cooperation. But today. Today we're all still wearing masks and watching the pandemic's, body count rise because the ccp, failed, in its promises, to the world. We're reading. Every morning new headlines. Of repression, in hong kong. And initiative. We're seeing a staggering statistic, of chinese trade abuses to cost american jobs and strike, enormous, flows to economies, all across america including. Here in southern california. And we're watching a chinese military that grows stronger. And stronger. And indeed more. Massive. I'll echo the questions bringing the hearts and minds of americans from here in california, to my home state of kansas, and beyond. What do the american people have to show now 50 years on. From engagement, with. China. Did the theories, of our leaders that proposed. Chinese evolution towards freedom, and democracy, proved to be. True. Is this china's definition. Of a win-win. Situation. And indeed centrally. From, the secretary of state's perspective is america safer. Do we have a greater likelihood of peace for ourselves, peace, for the generations, which will follow us. But we have to. Won't get it done. We must not continue it. We must not return to it. President trump. Has made very clear we need a strategy that protects the american economy and indeed our way of life. Through a free world must try. Over. This new tyranny. Now before i seem too eager to tear, down president nixon's legacy i want to be clear, that he did what he would believe was passed through the american people at the. Time. A fierce cold warrior. And a tremendous admirer of the chinese people. Just as i think we all are. He deserves, enormous, credit. For realizing, that china was too important, to be ignored. Even when the nation was weakened because of its own, self-inflicted. Communist, brutality. In 1967. In a very famous report of, iran's. Future. The world cannot be safe until china. Changes. Our goal should be, to induce. Change. And i think that's the key phrase from the entire article to induce change so, with that historic, trip to. Kicked off, our engagement, strategy. He normally, sought, a freer. And safer world he hoped. That the chinese communist, party. Would return that commitment. As time went on, american policy makers increasingly, presumed, that as china became more prosperous, it would, open up it would become a free at home, and indeed present less of a threat abroad. It'd be friendlier. It all seemed. I'm sure so. Inevitable. But. That age of inevitability. Is over. The kind of engagement, we've been pursuing has not brought the kind of change. Inside of china that president nixon had hoped to induce. The truth is that our policies, and those other free nations. Resurrected, china's failing economy, only to see. They should bite the international, hands that were feeding it. We opened our arms to chinese citizens only to see the chinese communist party deployed our free, and opening society. China sent propagandists, into our press conferences, our research centers, our high schools, our colleges.

And Even into our pta meetings. We marginalized. Our friends in taiwan which later blossomed, into a vigorous, democracy. We gave the chinese, communist, party. And the regime itself special economic, treatment. Only to see the ccp, insist. On silence over human rights abuses. As the price of admission. For western companies, entering, china. Ambassador. A few examples just the other day. Marriott, american airlines delta, united all removed references, to taiwan, from their corporate website, so is not to anger beijing. And hollywood, not too far from here the epic center of american creative freedom. Self-afforded, arbiters, of social justice. Self-censors. Even the most mildly, unfavorable. Reference. To china. This corporate, acquiescence. To the ccp, happens, all over the world too. And, how has this corporate felt, worked. Is it's planner we rewarded. I'll give you a quote from the speech the general power game. In a speech last week he said that the ultimate ambition. Of china's rulers, isn't to trade, with the united states is to raid, the united states. Ripped off our priced intellectual, property and trades with causing. Millions, of jobs. All across america. It sucked supply chains away from america. And then added a widget. Made of slave labor. It made the world's key waterways. Less safe for international, commerce. President nixon once said, he feared he had created, a frankenstein. By opening the world, to the ccp. And here we are. Now people of good faith can debate why free nations allowed these, bad things to happen for all these years. Perhaps we were naive, about china's virulence, of communism. Or triumphalis. After our victory, in the cold war. Or cravenly capitalist, or hoodwink by beijing sacco, a peaceful, rise. Whatever the reason, whatever the reason, today, china is increasingly, authoritarian, at home and more aggressive in its hostility, to freedom, everywhere, else. President, trump has said. Enough. I don't think many people. On either side of the aisle dispute. The facts that i've laid out today. But even now some are insisting, that we. Preserve, the model of dialogue for dialogue. Now to be clear we'll keep on talking uh. But the conversations, are different these days. I traveled to honolulu, now just a few weeks back. To meet with young. It was the same old story. Plenty of words. But literally. No offer, to change any of the behaviors. And promises. Because frankly this is what too many. Prior administrations. Have done. I didn't and president trump will not either. As ambassador o'brien explained, so well. We have to keep in mind, that the ccp, regime is a marxist, leninist, regime. General secretary. Is a true believer. In a bankrupt, totalitarian. Ideology. It's this ideology, is this ideology, that reforms its decades-long, desire for global hegemony. Of chinese communism. America can no longer ignore the fundamental, political, and ideological, differences between our countries just as the ccp. Has never, ignored them. My experience, in the house intelligence, committee. And as director of the central intelligence, agency, and my, now two plus years, as. America's, secretary of state have led me to this central understanding. That the only way the only way to truly change. Communist, china. Is to act not on the basis of what chinese leaders say. But how they behave. And you can see american, policy. Responding, to this conclusion. President reagan said that he drove the soviet union on the basis of trust but. Verified. When it comes to the ccp. I. We the. Freedom-loving. Nations of the world must induce china to. Change, president, nixon, wanted, we must, try to change. The more creative and assertive ways because of beijing's, actions threaten our people. And our prosperity. Let's start by changing our people and our partner to perceive, the chinese communist party we have to tell the truth. We can't treat this incarnation, of china as a normal country just like any other. We know that trading with china is not like trading with a normal law-abiding. Nation. Beijing threatens international, agreements and treats international, suggestions. Are agreements, as suggestions. As conduits, for global dominance. By insisting, on fair terms as our trade representative, did when he secured, our phase one trade deal, we could force china to reckon, with its intellectual, property, that the policies, that harmed american workers. We know too. That doing business with the ccp, back company is not the same, business.

Would Say a canadian, company. They don't have. Boards. Many of them are state sponsored and so have no need to pursue profits. A good example, is huawei. We stopped pretending huawei is an innocent telecommunications. Company. To make sure you can talk to your friends. We've called it what it is. A true national security threat. And we've taken action accordingly. We know too. That if our companies, invest in china they may witness or unwittingly, support the communist party's gross human rights. Violations. Our department of treasury congress has sanctioned blacklisted, chinese leaders and entities. That are harming and abusing. The most basic rights, for people all across the world. Several agencies have worked together on a business advice to make certain that rcc, uh ceos. Are informed. Of how their supply chains are behaving. Inside, of china. We know too. Too that not all chinese students and employees, are just normal students and workers that are coming here to make a little bit of money to, garner themselves, some knowledge. Too many of them come here. To steal our intellectual, property. And to take this back, to their, country. The department of justice and other agencies, have vigorously pursued punishment, for these crimes. We know that the people's liberation, army is not a normal army, its purpose is to uphold the absolute, rule of the chinese communist party elites. And expand the chinese empire. Not to protect, the chinese people. And so our department of defense has ramped up its efforts, freedom of navigation, operations, out throughout the east and south china seas. And in the taiwan street as well. We've created a space force. To help deter china from aggression, on that final frontier. And so too frankly, we built out a new set of policies, at the same time. Dealing with china. Pushing, president, trump's goals, for fairness. And reciprocity. To rewrite. The imbalances, that have grown over decades. Just this week we announced the closure, of the chinese council in houston. Because it was a hub of spying. And intellectual. Property. We rehearsed. Two weeks ago. Eight years, of chief tournament. With respect. To international, law in the south china sea. We've called china to conform its nuclear capabilities, to the strategic, realities. Of our time. And the state department at every level all across the world, has engaged with our chinese counterparts. Simply to demand. Fairness. And reciprocity. But our approach can't just be about getting tough that's unlikely, to achieve, the outcome that we desire. We must also engage and empower the chinese people and dynamic, freedom-loving, people who are completely, distinct. From the chinese communist, party. That begins. With in-person, diplomacy. I've met chinese men and women of great talent and diligence, wherever, i, go, i've met with weapons and ethnic cosmics who escaped shenzhou's, concentration. Camps. I've talked with hong kong's democracy, leaders, from cardinal's, end, to jimmy ly. Two days ago. In london, i met with hong kong freedom fighter nathan law. And last month. In my office i heard the stories of tiananmen square, survivors. One of them is here today.

Wong Don was a key student, who has never stopped fighting for freedom, for the. Chinese. Also with us today, is the father of the chinese democracy, woman. He spent decades, in chinese labor camps for his advocacy. Mr where will you please stand. You know i grew up and served my time in the army, during the cold war there's one thing i learned communists, almost always lie. The biggest lie, that they tell. Is to think that they speak for 1.4, billion people who are surveilled, oppressed, and scared to speak out. Quite the contrary the ccp, fears. The chinese people's honest opinions, more than, any foe. And save for losing their own grip on power they have reason no reason to. Just think how much better off the world would be. Not to mention the people inside of china. If we, had been able to hear from the doctors. And they've been allowed to raise the alarm about the outbreak, of a new and novel virus. For too many decades our leaders have ignored downplayed, the words of brave chinese citizens and warned us about the nature of the regime we're facing. And we can't ignore it any longer. They know as well as anyone that we can never go back to the status quo. But. Changing, the ccp's. Behavior cannot be the mission. Have faith because the ccp, is repeating some of the same mistakes. That the soviet union made. Alienating, potential, allies breaking trust at home and abroad. Rejecting, property, rights and predictable, rule of law. I have faith i faith because of the awakening, i see among other nations that know we can't go back to the past. In the same way that we do here in america. I've heard this from brussels, to sydney. To hanoi. And most of all i have faith we can defend freedom because of the sweet appeal of freedom itself. Look at it look at the hong kongers. Clamoring, to immigrate abroad as the ccp, titans, grip on that, proud city. They wave american flags. It's true. There are differences unlike the soviet union china is deeply, integrated, into the global economy. But beijing, is more dependent, on us than we are under. Them. I, reject. The notion, that we're living in an age of inevitability. That some. Trap. Is preordained. That, ccp. Supremacy. Is the. Future. Our approach. Isn't destined to fail because america, is in decline. As i. Said in munich earlier this year. The free world is still winning. We just need to believe it, and know it and be proud of it people from all over the world still want to come to open societies, they come here to study, they come here to work they come to build a life for their families. They're not desperate, to settle. In china. It's time. It's great to be here today the timing is, perfect. It's time for free nations to act not every nation will approach china in the same way nor should they. Every nation will have to come to its own understanding, of how to protect, its own. Sovereignty. How to protect its own economic, prosperity, and. How to protect its ideals from the tentacles, of the chinese communist, party. But i call on. Every, leader, of every nation. To start by doing what america has done. To simply insist on reciprocity. To assist on transparency, and accountability. From the chinese communist party. It's a category of rulers that are far from homogeneous. And these simple and powerful, standards. Will achieve a great deal. For too long we let the ccp, set the terms of engagement. But no longer. Three nations must set the tone we must operate on the same principles. We have to draw common, lines in the sand that cannot be washed away by the ccp's, bargains. Or their blandishments.

Indeed This is what the united states did recently when we rejected, china's unlawful, claims in the south china sea once and for all, as we urge countries, to become clean countries. So that their citizens, private information. Doesn't end up in the hand, of the chinese communist, party. We did it by setting standards. Now it's true it's difficult, it's difficult for some small countries, they fear being picked off. Some of them for that reason simply don't have the ability the courage to stand with us for the moment. Indeed we have a nato ally of ours. That hasn't stood up in the way that it needs to with respect to hong kong because they fear beijing will, restrict, access to china's, market. This is the kind of timidity. That will lead to historic, failure. And we can't repeat it we cannot, repeat. The mistakes, of these past years. The challenge. The challenge of china demands. Exertion. Energy. From democracies, those in europe those in africa, and south america especially those in the indo-pacific. Region. And if we don't act now ultimately the ccp, will erode our freedoms and subvert. The rules-based. Order. That our societies, have worked, so hard to build. If we bend the knee, now. Our children's, children. May be at the mercy of the chinese communist, party. Whose actions are the primary, challenge today. In the free world. General secretary, xi, is not destined to tyrannize, inside and outside of china forever. Unless we allow it. Now this isn't about containment. Don't buy that. It's about a complex, new challenge that we've never faced before. The ussr. Was closed off, from the free world. Communist, china. Is already within our borders. So we can't face this challenge alone. The united nations nato. G7, countries the g20. Are combined, economic. Diplomatic. And military, power is surely. Enough. To meet this challenge if we direct it, clearly. And with great courage. Maybe it's time, for a new grouping of like-minded, nations a new alliance, of democracies. We have the tools. I know we can do it, now we need the will. To quote scripture. I ask is our spill it willing, spirit willing, but our flesh weak. If the free world. Doesn't. Change. Doesn't change communist, china, will surely, change us. There can't be a return to the past practices, because they're comfortable, or because they're convenient. Securing, our freedoms. From the chinese communist party is the mission of our time. And america, is perfectly, positioned, to lead because our founding principles. Give us that, opportunity. As i explained, in philadelphia. Last week. Standing. Staring at independence, hall. Our nation was founded on the premise that all human beings possess certain, rights, that are unalienable. And it's our government's, job to secure. Those rights. It is a simple and powerful, truth. It's made us a bigot of freedom for people all around the world including people inside of china. Indeed richard nixon was right when he wrote in 1967. That the world cannot be safe. Until china, changes. Now it's up to us to heed his words. Today, the danger is clear. And today the awakening, is happening. Today the free world must respond. We can never go back to the past. May god bless each of you, may god bless the chinese people, and may god, god bless. The people of the united states of america. Thank you. Please be. Seated um, i'm hugh hewitt the president of the library, and secretary, pompeo. Graciously, invited some questions, as i was listening. Uh thank you for joining us mr secretary, at the nixon library. My first question has to do with the context, of the president's visit in 1972. You mentioned the soviet union. Was isolated, but it was dangerous. He went to. The people's republic of china in 1972. To try and ally, and combine, interest with them, against the soviet union it was successful. Does russia. Present an opportunity. Now to the united, states. To coax them into the battle to be relentlessly.

Candid. About. The chinese communist party. So i do think there's that opportunity. That opportunity, is born of the relationship. The natural relationship, between, russia and china. And we can do something as well. There are places where we need to work with russia. Today, or tomorrow i guess it is our teams will be on the ground with the russians working on a strategic, dialogue, to hopefully create the next generation of arms control agreements like reagan did. Uh, it's in our interests, in russia's interests we've asked the chinese to participate, they've declined, today. We hope they'll change their mind, it's these kind of things these, these proliferation. Issues these big strategic, challenges that if we work alongside. Russia. I'm convinced, we can make the world safer and so there i think there is a place for us to work, with the russians. To achieve a more, likely, outcome of peace, not only for the united states but for the world. President nixon also put quite a lot of story in, personal. Relationships. Over many years with individuals. Uh, that can lead wrong president, bush. Famously. Misjudged, vladimir, putin and said so, afterwards. Uh you have met president, xi, often. Is the general secretary. Of the chinese communist, party someone with whom we can deal. On a transparent. And reliable, basis, in your opinion, based on your personal diplomacy, with it. So the meetings that i've had and the meeting that the president we've had. They've been good frank, conversations. He is the most powerful leader of china since mao. Uh he has also, in many ways. De-institutionalized. The chinese communist, party. Uh thus giving him even more capacity, and more power. But, i think the way to think about it is how i spoke about this today. It's about actions. And so. How one evaluates. One's counterpart, sitting across the table from them, uh is important to think about how you can. Find common understandings, and make progress. But in the end, it's not about what someone says or the agreement that they sign but are they prepared to, to, lead to do the things that they committed to are they, uh prepared to fulfill their promises.

And We've watched. We've watched this china walk away, for the promises, of the world at hong kong we walked there. General secretary xi promised, president obama in the rose garden in 2015. That he. Wouldn't militarize, the south china sea. Google. Google the south china sea and arms you'll see, another promise, broken so in the end, uh from my perspective. Uh it's much important to watch. How leaders behave and how they lead than. What it is you think when you have a chance to talk to them on the phone or meet them in person. Mr secretary said this is not containment. I heard that very clearly. I have read the three previous speeches, by, ambassador, o'brien. Director ray attorney general bar and now listen to you very closely. It isn't containment, but it is a fairly comprehensive. Multi-dimensional. Relentlessly. Objective, candor. Is that dangerous. In a world that's not used to speaking, clearly about delicate, subjects. You know my experience. And i think president trump's experience, too is life as a businessman. Is the best policy, is always, true candor. Identifying, the places that you have a red line identifying, places, that you have a real interest. Making clear there's places where you don't there's things that you can work on alongside, each other. I think the real danger comes from misunderstandings. And miscommunication. And the failure. To be honest about the things that, matter to you because. Others will move into that space and then, and then conflict, arises i i think. I think the world is a heck of a lot safer when you have leaders. Who are prepared to be honest about the things that matter, and prepare to talk about the things their nation is prepared to do to secure, those, interests. And. You can reduce, risk, by these conversations. So long as you're honest about it so i no i don't think it's dangerous i think it's just the opposite of that, you also said, and i'm sure the speech will be known as the distrust, but verify, speech. Um. When you distrust, but verify. That still premises, verification, is possible, it is still possible. To do agreements. And to verify them correct, it is. Yeah, you can still do it. Each nation's got to be prepared. For a certain amount of intrusiveness, connected to that. And it is not in the nature of communist, regimes, to allow transparency. Inside, of, their country and so. It's been done before, we found we had arms controls agreements with the soviet union that we got, verification, that was sufficient, to ensure that we protected, american interests. I believe we can do it again i i hope that we can do this on these. The chinese communist party has, several hundred, nuclear warheads. This is a. Serious global power, and to the extent we can find common ground a common set of understandings, to reduce, risk, that there's ever a really bad day for the world, we ought to do it and it's going to require, agreement, and verification. Ambassador. Richard haas who is now chairman of the council on foreign relations. Said. Very recently, it may have been yesterday it might have been this morning, i saw it this morning preparing. Quote secretary, pompeo, doesn't speak of china but of the chinese communist, party. If there is a china as if there were a china apart from the party, this is meant to antagonize. And make diplomacy, impossible. Quite a stance for america's, chief diplomat, to take, unless his goal is to ensure, diplomacy. Fails. Is that your goal. Ah. Goodness. I uh. Where to begin. You know uh here's where i'll begin, it's a bit patronizing. To the people of china. To make such an assertion. That they're not free thinking beings that they're not rational, people who were given. Uh i mean they too were made in the image of god right there. They have all the capacity. That anybody in the world does so to somehow think. Uh, that we ought to ignore, the voices. Of. The people of china. Seems to me. The wrong approach. It is true the chinese communist, party. Uh, is a one-party. Rule. Uh and so we will deal with the chinese communist party as the head of state for, china. And we need to and we need to engage in dialogue, but it seems to me we would dishonor. Ourselves. And the people of china, if we ignore them. Now, ambassador, o'brien whose speech you. Referenced. Put heavy emphasis, on the ideology, of marxist, leninism, it was almost quaint to hear that conversation.

Again. It's gone from our vocabulary. Does the american, people and especially the american media need to reacquaint, itself, with what marxist leninist, believed because the ccp, genuinely, does believe it. You know i was getting trouble with you when i comment on the media. So i'll say this much. Um. For those of us who have lived and seen and observed their other marxist londoners, nations today, as well. And have seen, they believe, they have an understanding, a central understanding, of. How, people interact, and how societies, ought to interact. And it is certainly the case today that the leadership, in china believes that we should acknowledge, that. And we should. Make sure that we. Don't for a moment think that they don't believe it, that's what ambassador, brian's speech was about it was the fact it was acknowledged, that they believe it and recognizing, that we have to respond in a way, that reflects, our understanding. Of the way they view the world let's not talk about the american media i want to talk about the chinese media for a moment. They are. Aggressive. To say the least and right now they are aggressively, defending, for example, tick-tock. Uh a small question within a large question. Is tick-tock, capable, of being weaponized, is that an example of what's going on, and generally. Chinese, media has become, far more aggressive, than i've seen in, in 30 years since i was at the library the first time of watching it is that something you've noticed as well. Yes they're they're very aggressive. Uh. Two pieces to this. One you hit upon, one is i'll describe, as their uh, their, technology, media. Without singling out any particular, business, our view of these companies, is, uh. We're neither for or against the company, we're about making sure that we protect, the. Information, that belongs to each of you your health records. Your, uh face if it's a facial recognition, software.

Uh Your address, all the things that you care that you want to make sure the chinese communist party doesn't have, we have a responsibility, to make sure that, the systems that you're using. Don't give them access to that so whether. It's the efforts we made against while we're the work that we're doing on, other software firms. The american task is to protect the american people and their information. The second piece of this has to do with, uh their. What i'll call the state-sponsored. Media of china and their disinformation. Uh you you should know this is this is where i uh, i am concerned about the american media too. These are these are state-sponsored. Media organizations. That take their messaging, for the chinese communist, party each day. When american. Institutions. Pick up those story lines and carry them forward they are in fact propagating. Chinese, propaganda. And we all ought to be wise that there was an editorial, in the new york times yesterday. Uh. By someone who had a clear view that was antithetical, to the american way of life the new york times ran it, uh straight up without comment. Uh, forwarding. Although albeit, in the opinion, section. But uh, propagating, chinese propaganda, that is, that is certainly not instructive, when they're telling senators from arkansas they can't. Simply talk about american, american freedom in that same. Media outlet. You mentioned, that a lot of corporate america, and you mentioned specifically, hollywood. Have got deep, intertwinement. With the chinese, economy, so i don't want to talk about sapphire i want to talk about software, easement. One of my favorite, sports figures lebron james falls silent when china comes up, in the new top gun movie the taiwan, and japanese, patches, are taken off maverick's. Jacket, they're not going to be in top gun too they were the top gun one, what do you say not to those individuals, but to everyone. Who has, an american, spotlight. About their responsibility. To be candid. About. The people's republic of china. Here's our ask. Or ask is. If you claim that you care about human rights or social justice, or, these things if you make that part of your corporate. Theology. Then you ought to be consistent. And you can't be consistent, if you're operating there in china without talking about and acknowledging. What the chinese communist, party is doing in certain parts of their, country the oppression that's taking place.

Look Every business leader, has got to make decisions, for themselves. They've got to be able to live with the decisions, that they make you highlighted, a few. Um, i'd simply, ask this. If you run an entity and the united states government were to tell you you couldn't do something. Put a particular, symbol in your movie or. Put a particular, name on your menu, if we were to tell you that you'd. You'd say no that's not appropriate and it of course would not be appropriate. It seems to me that if you permit the chinese communist party to limit you in that way. It's got to be difficult for you to go home at night. Two more questions mr, secretary. Because it is hot. And, it is warm and everyone out here has been in the sun for a while, uh you're a west point graduate, and as governor wilson noted number one, so this might be tough for you but, we are in. Like athens, was a naval power america, is a naval power and it's like sparta, is china is a land power. Uh. Do we not have to change how we approach, defense spending. To put more emphasis. On our naval resources, than in our army resources. Oh that's tough for an army guy to say no that's just. You kill you're killing me, uh look i'll leave to secretary, esper the details of this. But i i can. Here's what i can say, when president trump set out our national security, strategy, early on in the administration, for the first time, we identified, china in a way that was fundamentally, different than we had done. This isn't partisan for for decades. That was important. Because that was a signal to all of us whether it's the state department or the defense department that we need to reoriented. Our reorient, our assets. And so yes you've seen the department of defense to begin to do that these are uh. These are big things to turn these budgets are multi-year. It takes a while but if you look, at how secretary esper and president trump are. Positioning. Our military, capabilities. Not just the. Tactical. Operational, strategic capabilities, but our cyber capabilities, our space capabilities. If you look at how we're thinking about this and spending resources, in year, two three four and five, i think you'll see that our focus has shifted, pretty dramatically, it's not to say, that our efforts to protect america from terrorism, are behind us we still have work to do there, but i think this great power challenge that presents itself is something that we have recognized, we begin to make sure that we allocate your money, our taxpayer, resources, that we have. To the appropriate, ends to achieve american security. My last question has to do with a former secretary, of state who is also an army man george marshall. He gave a speech in 1947. At your alma mater harvard. In which he called on. All the nations of the world to recognize, that the world was in crisis. And to choose a side. And. He assured them in that famous address that if you chose the american, side in asserting europe. You could count on america. So as you make the appeal you did today. Not just, to europe where it's relatively. Easy. To be, outspoken. Norway has found it not to be outspoken. But to taiwan, and japan. And vietnam. And. All of the australia. All of the, nations, of that region. Can they rely. On america, in the way that. People opposing the soviet union could rely on george marshall's assurance in 1947. Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly. The uh. The the only thing i'll say is uh. When, i this language of pick a side does make sense to me, but i think about picking a site differently, than, picking america, or picking china, i think besides, the division. Uh the shirts and skins if you will, is between freedom and tyranny. I i think that's the decision. That we're.

Asking Each of these nations to make. And uh, and here's here's the good news of this the good news is, um it does take american leadership, often in these cases to your point they need to know that america will be there for them. Uh. I've seen the tide turn and just, in just these three and a half years of our administration, i've watched other nations. Uh have less timidity. Become more prepared. To stand up for their freedoms and for the freedoms of their people we don't ask them to do this for america. We ask them to do it for their country and for their nation the freedom, and the independence, and to protect the rights of their people and when we do that and we tell them that america will be there, i'm very confident, in the end. That this is a world that with the hard work applied. Will become one that is governed by a rules-based, order, and the freedom of the american people will be secured. Mr secretary, thank you for joining us here today. Thank. You. All. Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending this historic, address. With secretary, of state mike pompeo. We'd like to invite you to relax. Refresh. And cool off, in the first ladies, rose garden, and under the eaves of the colonnade. Please follow the ladies, in red jackets, they will show you the way, thank. You.

2020-08-01 04:45

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