Pokemon Buffs YOU Want

Pokemon Buffs YOU Want

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yo what's up guys you got pokeaim here and today  we're going to be going through pokemon buffs that   you wanted so i asked on twitter the other day  actually it's the same day as when i'm recording   this not even that many hours ago but i asked on  twitter uh what are some pokemon that you think   need buffs and let me know their buffs and why you  want them now normally this type of video i will   edit and i'll make it a lot shorter but because  it's got way more replies than what i originally   thought i'm just gonna go through as many of  them as possible in about an hour's time and   get my thoughts on them probably laugh at you know  some of them that are just outrageous and just   have a good time so if you guys do like this type  of video feel free to subscribe leave a like i'm   on my way to 300 000 subscribers that's my end of  the year goal and of course follow me on twitter   because i'll probably be doing this a little bit  more frequently and it's always cool to see um   other people's opinions especially on pokemon so i  mean let's just scroll down i'll be going through   some quote tweets as well so james says reggie  leckie and reggie drago better move pull would   be more available so i'm gonna i'll just i'm gonna  stop that right there i think that reggie leckie   and reggie drago have broken abilities uh just  the immediate boost in dragon moves as well as   legislative attacks and specifically in reggie  leckie's uh case it has some incredible speed to   it so i think it'd be broken if it had let's  just say ice beam let's throw ice beam right   there so imagine bolt being coverage and even  with only base 100 special attack i think it's   still just too much for that pokemon i feel like  and say that with reddy drago like dragon energy   not to mention it's uh amazing hp uh good speed  tier and whatnot as well so i feel like they   are kind of perfect the way they are but that's  just my personal opinion last year better speed   tier base 100 heavy duty boots would be nice hell  yeah that'd be broken too that might hella broke   dragonfall poulter guys dd so my buddy james  here kind of just wanted to make all the mods   really really busted i don't mind uh dd all  right so i don't mind poltergeist on dragon   ball but i feel like it'd be just way too much  specifically in like dynamax meta games as well   frost moth at base 100 speed i think will be  manageable as long as it doesn't have roof still   a luxury with more speed sure honestly  luxury in general just needs this huge buff   regardless right maybe like something like uh dark  typing added to it so it could abuse crunch or   shoot give it wicked blow i don't care justin says  give umbriel follow me in a little bit more speed   so this is uh more so for the vgc  air i don't really have too much like   say about that but i do think in vgc in general  um brown just takes so many hits so and i know   it has helped him as well dioxx's attack  form i don't know how but this sucks maybe   give deox's magic guard as a new ability dioxis  playable ubers but it was never really insane   damn that dude had an opinion on this  mod but it was never really insane i mean   again i think it's just that's more so a  case of the meta game changing because the   ox is still annoying right cycle boost ice beam  superpowers great coverage i'm sure they want to   give it flamethrower though lantern not really too  much like on there so i'm not gonna say too much   on that but uh i guess if i had to say lantern  too i think that energy ball would be really   cool when it came to lantern um kind of you know  something to differentiate it i love its typing   but there's not too many reasons why i use lantern  over something like a rodent wash for instance   but energy ball would be really cool too because  you'd be able to deal with opposing pokemon that   stop your typing which is actually like size and  tone and gastrons i kind of like that jump love   give it solar power instead of chlorophyll and  give it air slash okay see i kind of like this too   because i'm not mistaken jump bluff learns growth  so if you already have the annoying sub seat right   you already have the annoying sub seat and then  jump off already has good speed right a base 110   it actually has terrible special attack as well  so it would need something like does it even learn   growth um yeah it does it does not learn growth  okay well i'd add that to that list too because   this mod just sucks but i mean with solar power  in life for maybe with like giga drain or solar   beam and air slash you could actually do ah this  mod suck bro how does showful favorite pokemon   toxicity deserves a speed bump i want to  see him annoy you ah i can agree with it   a little bit maybe a little bit too  busted too because it'd be like what fast   explode basically at that point give him  a jump kick or at least submission it will   still suck but at least give it a fighting  recoil move good for his reckless ability   give the political line goliath spot size and  total empoleon flip turn that i can hella agree   with man that i can hella agree with specifically  i think empoleon glycopod and um maybe not so much   seismitoad because i think seismitoad already  has too much uh going for in terms of utilities   stealth rock knockoff scald obviously it's  one of the few it can run toxic excuse me   as well um and obviously the water absorbed  too and of course for politico that'd be   game changing as well because the other note  pelipper is not really that good of a pokemon   um but we use it in ou because it has the rain  and also it has access to u-turn those are like   the big things but if poly toe could just go for  flip turn whatever it felt like it then that's   great obviously the roost is the big difference  between the two but make discharge lava plume tms   and give it to all electric and fire types like  skull hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah i'm with it   i'm with it i'm tired of dealing with just zapdos  and toxic effects shoot and he trained with a lot   of plumes i'm trying to get lava plume by a blaze  again or this yeah hell yeah give valerian birds   roost a hundred percent the pokemon that needs  the most boston source your battle timer it's   a ghost type pokemon that billy that makes you  fake you don't finish your battle in 20 minutes   leadership will soon strike to have an extra 10  base speed is too weak get out of here it'd be   size until needs a move pull buff uh samurai needs  a better hidden ability sam i said seismitoad but   samurai needs a move pool buff ceremony needs  a better hidden ability samurai needs a shell   smash samurai needs more speed i feel like all  of this could just be summarized like let's say   they gave samarat the fighting type right so if  it was water and fighting i mean it makes sense   look at the way samurai looks it actually just  straight up looks like it should be uh it's it's   a samurai so it already has secrets or it's  movable it has swords it's it has liquidation   it has aqua jet has knocked off it as mega  horn has superpower like it doesn't really need   a stronger move pull and even on the special  side it has hydroponic grass not ice beam so like   it basically has everything it needs at that point  i don't know if well shell smash might actually be   nasty because it basically be stronger blastoise  at that point it just be stronger than blastoise   that can run really really good but i didn't  think that they gave it that fighting typing it'd   actually be a lot better just as a pokemon i do  agree with the more speed as well though if they   didn't change anything about it at least base 80  man base 70 is not it man give it something above   give buffalo a better speed set quags out  and gash it on rocks straight beyond regular   spikes as well as gun tank so when it comes  to quagsire and gastrodon i kind of like them   the way they are in a sense i think that the cool  thing about the water ground mods is they they're   really different from each other right you use  quagsire as your physical unaware wall use gastron   as your special or physical sponge depending on  how you do it with recover and storm drain whereas   seismitoad can do that too but doesn't have the  recovery but can go for knock off and and usually   can be offensive in rain as well and then you have  swamper which can do all uh the defensive part   but also can tank moves but can also flip turns  i kind of like that they differentiate from each   other draping on regular spikes i'm with that too  skunk tank i think skuntech in general could use   any type of like hazard i think that worked  for it doesn't unfortunately get toxic spike   which really sucks because i think that skunk  takes poison dart i mean poison dark is just   amazing coverage right there is something you  definitely it gets free turned it definitely   has free turns and a poison type that can 100  toxic you but also instead of spikes i love it   would be cool melody could start the battle in a  pirouette form i think it'd also be cool if that   when mellowetta becomes a pirouette form it stays  that form after doing it and not having to click   relic song every single time make masquerade part  water 100 with it water and bug is great offensive   typing look at arachnid and look at glycopod  obviously i have some stuff going for them too   like first impression and of course iraq when it  has three abilities in one which is ridiculous but   water bubble is such a crazy ability right like  your your fire type attacks are weakened right   on top of that you can't be burnt on top of that  your po your water power is two times like what   it's too much but yeah i like that especially  with quiver dance it has hydro bumper ready to   move pool bug buzz doesn't really need too much  ice beam as well so yeah air slash if it wants   it doesn't have to worry if it's a part water  you're definitely keeping the bug typing i think   buff wishy-washy stats across the board give it  a better move for like adding recover fighting   moves and other physical moves damn all right  so wishiwashi is a really really bulky mod and   obviously the drawback is it's low base hp and the  fact that if it gets under 25 percent it becomes   the one wishy washington of the school form i do  think close combat would be really nice for it i   like close combat u-turn liquidation um i think  recovery it might be going a little bit too far   um and it kind of just gets rid  of the point of it but uh i think   fighting moves for sure would be a big one  like close combat torres will to get not its physical moves available what  facade and giga impact and retaliate   some trash they got rid of return and  frustration that one is just straight up   they can't do anything it's garbage they should  just switch the stats move point ability of tan   girlfriend rectus because miracus looks cooler  that's so disrespectful that is so disrespectful   also i think miraculous makes more sense  to have storm drain than tango does   crows just work like scrappy for steel types yes  or give them a freeze dry ass move yes i'm just   tired of every poison type being consistently bad  every jedi outside of gengar and talk specs i mean   there's you know there's some a few other options  as well like you you have wow it's not coming to   mind you have needle king which is really good  because it's poison type and you have gallery   and slow king and whatnot but they're like they're  not going for they have other options as well like   they have amazing move pools so they're kind  of going for their own thing outside of that   whiz cash needs a buff switzerland over hydration  okay based out overall keeping it 468 pool it has   110 hp attack 90 74 defense 74's but def 60  speed this way can be built a little more   offensively and be a reign sweeper i mean so  if we look at current whiz cash jesus christ 78 base attack this is not it yeah yeah i'm good  with you bro hell yeah and which cash is so it's   so lackluster man you know it's the water ground  that sucks like it's probably the worst i got let   me look at let me look at water ground as a typing  because i already named a few before right you   have water and you have ground so water right here  and then just to put the ground as well i'm pretty   sure i uh i put them all before but yep swampert  quagsire seismitoad gastron and then freaking whiz   cash are you kidding me dude there's there's a  hierarchy of these but like at least all of them   have so when i think about my ability obviously  i'm talking about like high tiers like oh you   or something right or um even at least vgc in  a sense like or a battle stadium right swapper   can do like yawn stuff protect uh susan token  swift swim sweep quagsire can still be great   for stalling and gastrodon can do very similar  but whiz cash bro what the hell happened to you   mit who stepped on you like and just destroyed all  your stats like even the others like quagsire and   gastron don't really have great offensive stats  but it's more it's better distributed for sure   fobby flygon it has all the tools it needs to be  amazing but the base stats betray him give him a   flat 20 points buff in either special attack  thus making special sets viable or usable or   10 points in attacking speed bandit sets will do  menacing or just give it a thousand arrow cheese   okay we can't give a thousand arrows we can't  give a thousand arrows that's too broken of a move   but i do agree i think that pokemon from gen four  and down all need some type of buff because as   you saw from gen five and up the power creep  is kind of like been like smacking us right   gen five had some of the craziest pokemon yeah  like tarakion and ferrothorn hydra we had so   many ou from when it came to gen five as well and  you go even farther right look at cartana in gen 7   freaking 10 million attack my favorite pokemon  give it drop plus 11 at speed 11 in special   attack or bring back megas and give it one okay  they're talking about typhlosion um i do think   the gen 2 starters as well kind of got shafted  competitively they're probably among the worst   um yeah because at least the gen five starter  superior m boar and the freaking why can i   remember the watch samurai we're just talking  about it at least they have superior with contrary   right so that actually gave it something  but like for the gen two starters meganium   yeah it's probably one of the worst starters  competitively ever uh typhlosion is only known   for choice scar for choice specs eruption which  i think drought would be nasty for it and then   foreign obviously is good with shear force and  dragon is not in the game but these are the ones   that really got like nothing out of it right  gen 1 got a lot gen 3 got megas right uh gen 4   starters were some of the best starter i mean in  poland and infernape were amazing right we already   know that gen uh gen five stars as well as in sick  uh we talked about in five and we have doing six   or seven tonight obviously we have like you know  gren going with all that stuff too and cinderella   was nasty uh and especially with intimidating  one of that primary is amazing like at least   offensively so yeah so they have like a lot going  on with this i definitely i don't know if 11 more   in speed would do it but definitely over base  100 i mean they just gave it charizard stats   but the thing is they gave charizard  everything they didn't give tyler's anything   and then he's a better move pull no cap ah so  like what could you give in tate obviously the   first one is earthquake right so when you think  of entei right i think immediately you think of   pokemon that can't like that can't do earthquakes  so entei cannot do earthquake right the best thing   you can do is like bulldoze or anything like that  but then if you go to like baby pokemon and just   keep going more and more like like a freaking  man time man tinkling earthquake that it's not   even on the earth it's in the water i mean it's  on the earth but you know what i mean like it's   it's it's it's in the water right why is that  thing earthquaking right but why can't entei   do it i'm okay how can corsola earthquake it's a  rock that doesn't move just gets eaten by toxipex   that's crazy bro yeah that's actually insane  like i'm looking at like bronzor can earthquake slowpoke an earthquake get out of here why  can't whooper earthquake i mean it's ground   but why can't say so i think earthquake is  good obviously sacrifice flare but it's a   good extreme speed is fine um i don't know uh  earthquake would be the big one i'm trying to   think of like something else like you can't give  a leaf blade right doesn't make sense for that   solar blade makes a little bit of sense i suppose  that's solid get metagross it's mega back they   change the steel type hurt it pretty bad yeah i  mean metagross probably just needs close combat   too telephoning the best smuggling bird needs to  be unearthed facts but unfortunately in vgc this   model is broken so we uh we can't really do too  much about that i do think that anything above 50   though like if you have 51 or more should give  you the priority at least just for that like   you don't have to nerf it completely that  make it be a max hp bro you won't have any   boots dude i only got like one turn let's  see what they have on the quarter tweets give lopani bigger hips all right let's get out  of the uh let's get out of the quarter tweets real   quick that's that's dangerous that's that's some  dangerous we'll go back to that later that's some   dangerous opinions i've always loved filing design  especially using special attack but the special   attack is so weak yep we already talked about  with that one lamar tinted lens makes a lot of   sense quiver dance too it already has boom burst  as well a boom burst plus tinted lens would be   pretty nice uh as well as just like flamethrower  earth power and basically it just sucks the minion   with quiver dance and moonlight please and  maybe some stats while you're feeling generous   a lot of people agree with sam  there uh lumineon needs like that money is an overhaul too that's another  model you forget i mean i think the big thing   about luminion is it's a u-turner that can default  so like it's pretty unique for a pure water type   then you have like pelipper who doesn't care even  on the special side what does the minion have ice   beam surf yup standard standard dot standard dot  water nothing else but i guess if you use ice beam   and surf plus quiver roost roof quest quiver  moonlight that could work couldn't abuse it   and uh couldn't abuse it in rain though because of  moonlights give opportunity to help it break stall   maybe increase its speed a bit change typing so  is it quality to fighting oh yeah make it always   create a dart type move oh thank you sleepy for  uh for naming your shield from there chances again   triage has been it's been seeing the anime as an  a to nurse joyce so give it the priority healing   bro imagine chansey with the ability  to heal yo but it's draining type moves   though so if i actually look at triage as  a move itself i don't think soft boiled   qualifies effective moves draining kiss floral  healing giga drain rest synthesis absorb   softball does clarify uh glorify softball uh does  qualify no you will not do or priority dude chance   he also has healing wish hell no and that's  priority wish too no no you stop this right now   no let me just give it just give it  a boost without holding the violin   too so we can run heavy duty boots on it as  well bro imagine chansey going for priority   healing wish like is that one hp and you got a  hella fast bowl let's say the fastest mod you   got right there you got a ninja plus six speed  for whatever reason you're using that and you're   fighting a chansey and it's at one hp and it  goes for healing wish and it brings out like   steelix so ninjas ain't never beating  it that'd be nasty you crazy likable   literally the pokedex says that crosses for us  at very high speed and then 43 base speed i'm   not asking like 120 but 90s more or less should  be perfect hold up 43 base speed if we if we uh   if we think that as miles per hour 43 miles per  hour is pretty freaking fast bro i just think all   the pokemon they're just sprinters out there yeah  but like at least 90 90 maybe um for this pokemon   uh if you if you look at megabolts stats right  it's kind of really good uh bugging electric is   really good with levitate right bug electrics  are really good with levitate and has some   good natural resistances because of that base 90  defense based 75 average special defense average   hp at 77. yeah i mean with base but is giving  something with base 145 it's uh special attack   with bug buzz energy ball right it already has  bug bites that energy ball it's thunderbolt   uh it has access to sticky web as well they  buffed it with sticky web but that was about it   i think it might be a little bit too much but i  think like even base 80 might be a little bit too   much but at least base 60 i think goes a long  way uh it'd be able to out speed things like   defensive landers without caring that's a big  one without like like very little investment   things like cradle and stuff like that so i  would like that feature i think 90 is a little   bit too much for a base 145 special attack mod  but then again we have spectria who has base 1   million special attack and high speed give be a  nice leave out ability actually as benefit like   technician oh my god technician plus uh freaking  triple x so that's a v create man not to mention   there's stab on that too so it'd be stronger  than a v create from victini on three hits   i am with it let's just make everything broken  that's that seems to be the common trend here   everybody wants anything but i wish scrappy was  better i think it's a good reliable i wish scrafty   okay i gotta say scrappy is really good i think it  needs a good reliable recovery move or more attack   uh i was thinking like scrafty pulls up its pants  and i was thinking of like shore up but it could   be like pull up so it would be like a a fighting  type uh healing move i'd be okay with that   it'd have to be pretty low pp though like  not 16 not 32 obviously like back in the day   but something like 8 pp i think could be  work for fighting types you don't have   to give it to everything just fighting types  that wear pants or shirts or whatever right um   but that could work uh i think that'd be more  than enough for scratchy as well like dragon   dance like bulky sets could do that dragon could  have benefited from some sort of recovery or   a better base defense to make use of rough skin  better uh dragon has an amazing move pull too but   yeah 90 base defense i would love if they gave  dreddagon the uh the como treatment where had   110 attack 125 defense because drutagon like como  looks like jordan got with scales but dragon also   it looks like it should be able to take multiple  hits i mean being pure dragon you have some great   defensive typing anyway right the base 90 across  but yeah based on under a base like more so like   uh como but the como is the pseudo legendary so i  guess they couldn't do that but they can do that   without buffing the rest of the stats they could  at least give a base 100 a base 110 defense runner   frost give rotom access to hidden ability  based on the form and give it a refrigerate   with hybrid i love that does slightly better  if you didn't know rotom is a refrigerator   oh does slightly less damage than blizzard while  ensuring no misses it makes it up for debate it   has an immunity or a weakness to ground i like  that i like that a lot you can just run with   boots i like that i like that like plus bolt  beam is like already really good coverage um   yeah ice ice and electric is incredible coverage  that's why a lot of pokemon if they can run it   they will uh run it and we have our zone and  run frost for that so butterfield with more   special and accurate moves to compliment compound  eyes and his special attacks that huh all right   well we give him butterfree we'll give him a zap  cannon his gem one you're giving his zap cannon i   feel like we give it a zap can i feel like that's  what we're doing we already have hurricane uh with   tinted lens we don't really care we have bug buzz  as well but this is not we have giga drain yeah   yeah yeah give us hot cannon shoot i feel like  it's it makes sense because bug gets that like   golden knees shallow sneak and more speed in  general the focus says it flies at mock speed   jesus scrapping needs sucker punch i can  like that i like that especially on like   supports crafty especially like a vgc or  like fake out soccer puncher even in general really because there's anything that  hits dark types that isn't uh focus miss   if you wanted to make this and you wanted to  make it like not broken you'd probably have to   make it like weak dazzling gleam or something  i feel i feel that would be or draining kiss   no jordan kiss makes everything nasty actually  no give it draining kiss because it's very weak   it gives a recovery but it's like the price is  super weak i don't even think it'd be broken   like it's broken on fairy types because it gets  stabbed but it's not broken with that i'm okay   with shadow snake i feel like if god actually  flies in much the pokedex is a damn lie though   septal needs more offensive power than  freaking among us so does that look like   dark chief who needs buffs like at least 20 more  baseball hey stop it deciduous some cool design   that's pretty unique and usability just make it  faster so it's usable i think that's the thing   with ghost types man like it's the 70 again is  just not enough for this pokemon it needs to be   it needs to be in a sense that like there's dark  types above it it needs to be like hitmonlee speed   i feel right just him only speed still plenty  of mods faster than it it has great offensive   coverage because ghost is amazing physical like  and uh this is an amazing stat period right and   grass is such great stab too yeah give it him  only speed so it can still be beaten by bird   so it's not broken and obviously faster dark  types like a dragon and obstacle and whatnot   but it'd be better give my voter ran more  speed at least 150 to 120 also i want a new   dude i also want to do bug movement this is 80 80  damage with a 20 chance to flinch call it bullet   bite this is bullet with rock slide iron head  and hustler it would be the ultimate hack smart   stop it i mean it's not gonna be the ultimate  hacks mod anyway because it's just gonna miss   most of the time but 115 to 120 is too  much for durant i think it's speed tier   if we're going to do anything to the right and  we're going to put it above like the base 110s   you need to make it like base 111 or something  random like that so it's just above ladies but   not like crazy like 115 120. crazy watch out  very useless would be fun to see it actually   use but how would you do it dude let's throw that  pokemon out just don't allow it in the next game   give me mickey it's always the scott it's old  disguise ability so i mean i think the reason   they did this as well is because mimikyu was  basically a guaranteed trick room uh because   it gets disguised now i had a lot of purpose in  what bgc and battle stadium or battle spot singles   whatever it was called um perhaps we can make the  gmax evie you have you get have the star uv stats   same with pikachu oh you want let's go pikachu and  eevee in it i actually do wish that they were um   transferred into the game as well obviously  in pikachu's case they might have to complex   ban that with light ball and they wouldn't  complex bandit but evie it's fine i'm trying   to use baddie bad bro on pokemon sword and  shield give that gennady dark types knock off   oh you want her she food again knockoff i think uh  i think even if your shifu had knock off it still   click wicked blow like 100 of the time i don't  think that would make a huge difference for it   but unless they're talking about like gennady  pokemon they're in the game that can't have it   but you can only transfer for it but these mozzie  buff by let's see garchomp get dragons as well as   dragonite and solomon get dragon ascent okay so  i used to be on the the bandwagon of garchomp   getting dragon discs but then i'll realize  how good scale shot is it yes when you need   it to get more than two hits you will always get  two hits because that is the way pokemon is but   but i think that the swords dance scale shot like  there's so much the difference between clicking a   button to set up and then um being able to attack  while setting up is so huge that's why mods like   hacksters got banned from lower tiers and that's  why guard chomp is high to your high tier oh you   because swords and stones earthquake cl shot  is beautiful you can set up and you can make   it so scarface can't revenge kill you i think  that it actually is but i argue i'd argue   that it is better now with swords and scale shot  than it would be with dragon dance three attacks   mainly because you're able to still boost  plus two and you get your speed boost   that's my that's my personal opinion  dragon asylum is bro you crazy   absolutely i wish you got a fairy type or whatever  when he megan i do wish his move po was a little   more in depth as well i mean they got close cop  and knock off iron tail player off like it doesn't   really need a lot on the physical in my opinion  but i also agree it should have been dark fairy   look all i'm saying is deliberate deserve better  bro it it for sure it needs to evolve into santa   or something plasma fits for electrifier if  you're feeling generous an additional 10 to 15   in speed and now we're looking at a potential you  you threat uh i think 10 to 15 speed is a big one   more so than even plasma fist at 317 that bass  90 speed ain't too much but bass 100 bass uh   what is that bass 105 i like i like bass 105  as well i like the fact that you're faster   than um like a dragon and and stuff like  that i think bass 100 would do it for you too   yeah baseball is good especially because it's  one of the few electro types right now that has   an ice move right i'm not talking about archers  i'm not talking about like weatherball rifle or   skull why the hell they give riku skull but  i being able to like throw in something like   landorus defensively like plasmaphysis would  be pretty cool honestly there's so much art of   electrifier even the tcgr that looks like it's  just using plasma this one of the first things   that comes to mind is giving settle a physical  attacks that all of its good moves are physical   game freezing so forget it as his base 85 attack  set yo fact against swords ants as earthquake and   drain punches leaf blade as rock slide um i guess  dragon claw too if you want to look at that you   definitely should give it a better physical  attack side i don't know how to do this but   then again it hasn't burned so maybe too much as  well lantern give it an evolution demise raises   defensive stats i feel like that makes a lot of  sense when it comes for del mar's too because   it's the anchor it's supposed to hold you down  bro it should definitely have bigger defenses   even though it already has three typings because  of its ability and also physical exercise we need   an ability similar to sam force for hell yes i  need some ice breakers or something like that bro   lustre would be okay with 10 base speed and  a better move pull to take advantage of its   physical attack and intimidate um so when  it comes to luxury let's think of like the   gut set right you got like super power you have  facade you have wild charge and i guess a fang   uh not a lot you can give it physical  that makes a lot of sense for what it is   flare blitz maybe because i don't even know  because it's guts and it's on fire that'd be cool   right if you can hold a flame or we can just have  a fire movement breaking the whole limitation of   the pokemon think you should have a hundred attack  106 speed to access poles against that that's it   it would be even better with these changes or at  least buff shadow also goes from 790 make shadow   call 80 in my opinion shadow claw should be 80.  i know has a high crate ratio but damn man ghost  

types got shafted i think the reason i didn't give  mimikyu poultry guys is because it'll be broken   especially in dynamics about a game man uh  luckily it has shadow club but pulsar guys   is already strong in high as it is the  same reason i didn't give a dragon ball   they made they already knew they made ghost ties  better bro that's about better ability to use   like tough claws it can be difficult to use with  the emergence it works well as an offensive wall   spike center buff step top give it better coverage  i just have shafted hard held up great get more   coverage or make hell teams work so tough claws  makes sense it has claws it's a tough pokemon   it's a really strong pokemon it'd be a high tier  pokemon spike's offensive you could actually   make use of its storage dance and bulk upsets  what i think would be really cool especially   when it has recovery it'd kind of be similar  to um a buzzwole in a sense but uh water bug   which is amazing offensive coverage especially  with everything it has that's poison dab and stuff   like that too for me i would say it's a viper  boosted speed to 90 bst increases attack and   special attack stat to 95 or 100 so so viper has  a interesting move pool um like it has earthquake   and it has like flame thrower and obviously sludge  bomb and and switcheroo which is really cool when   it comes to survive i really like snake pokemon  i really i really do and that's like coil as   well so you can do like coil sucker punch type  of thing hell yeah man make his tag better   this mod is so cool i think survivor's one of the  coolest mods and like maybe it's not even the um   yeah it's mainly the speed that needs it base65  just does not cut it for this pokemon at all   i don't think it's shed skin as well so it reminds  me of arbok obviously it was supposed to replace   uh jessie's arbok but i love it it gets short  dance too dude like swords that's earthquake   knock-off sucker or swords dance uh was it  poison yeah poison jab earthquake sucker punch   i might use this what corona with scorching sand  stop that's just banned rapid striker shifu with   flip turn i think you turn a little bit better  just because it stops like doesn't stop water   absorb but i mean flip turn is good for coverage  dark type of a strong draw gear to the rivalry   more speed okay buff the watts attacking speeds  100 so i can use it without a pumping i think we   know curry's favorite pokemon curry pastry i love  i love that name too typhlosion would expand on   the moose by giving more special attacks that are  viable at high level play uh so like giga drain or   ice beam i mean it's a fire type it has focus  blast it has its fire move as well um it also has   does it really need much else like i'm trying  to think like it's just it stats me better   like eruption and fire if you need and focus  blast i guess because hidden power is gone   giving it grass not would make a difference when  it came to this pokemon yeah i think grass knot   would be like the easiest way to uh to not break  it but to give it something charizard needs a   new phone to make it suck less i want to make  a fire rice to counter fine steel and dragons yeah yeah i really hate yeah i'd  really be sarcastic about charizard   these are an aerodynamics could both use  some buffs to their speed oh aerials for sure   dude that mod is so cool as well i i feel like  erdos is such a cool yeah i remember pokemon   heroes it's one of my favorite movies erados is  one of the coolest mods the way it looks looks   the way it attacked in that game and it really  has a good move pull as well it got like sneaky   as swords and stomping tan strong got sucker  punched got poison job got mega horn but it also   has base 40 speed and only base 90 attack give it  a little bit more beedrill i got it's mega so i'm   not going to talk a comment about that too much  how should we get a federal physical move or buff   to a special attack i feel like brave bird sucker  punch um brave bird sucker punch superpower are   great maybe just knock off overnight slash slides  that could use a buff to with special attack   does it base 110 is good based on 11 excuse  me is good and it has nasty plot now too   maybe to its like actual set but even then that's  good coverage all around jeddah get busted both   attackers defense i think defense for sure it's  gonna take it's already a very good mom but giving   it some physical fire move and skill link with a  multi-poise and hitting move oh i love the idea   of a multi-poison hidden move i do like if we're  gonna give skunk something maybe like firelash   i kind of like the idea like behind it  because it has like paws my logic is flawless   turn into character even after sean's master's  talks but by every scarf and every pokemon with   a decent speaker so they want to make it faster  alternator it's a little bit disappointing to   me because it's not restaurant also like i said  guys i'm kind of just going through this one but i   in the future i'm going to pick like maybe like  15 minutes 20 minutes worth of some that stand   out to me and kind of expand on them and i'll be  editing and i'll be putting like little things   like i said i got ridiculous amount of replies i  got a ridiculous amount of replies to this like   a thousand plus reply so i want to try and get  through as many i can so i appreciate you guys uh   obviously listening and watching  if you're at the point if you enjoy   the video so far feel free to subscribe and  leave some comments on what you want buffed   uh but yeah terminator specifically  is a big one give it earth power too   gujarat other pseudo-legendaries are better in  singles even in doubles it's good or average   depending on the meta it's either it needs either  better ability or reliable recovery or boosting   dragon's equivalents i think just a recovery  would make sense for this pokemon not soft boiled   just can't recover just straight up give it  recover it looks like the type or uh some   version of it like some sort of plasma recover  or something it just looks like a pokemon it's   gooey right it melts just give it recovery give it  uh to freaking swallow it too and muck even mock   recovery as well toy uh clay doll wider move pull  increases both special defense and defense lower   speed maybe for more effectiveness so actually  claytol has an amazing move pool i don't know   if yaga is new um the thing about kl that makes it  trash is its stats that's such a [ __ ] like it's   it's 60 base hp makes it trash um and in fact  it doesn't need more defense or special defense   because 105 and 120 it just needs more hp  like make it base 80 or base 85 or something   because it's special moveful is really good  like i'll read some good special moves it has   dazzling gleam earth power  expanding force grass not ice beam   uh scorching sands shadow ball stored  power like it has good moves it just sucks   lethal just throw some more points in speed and  attack give it some more good physical moves   and that's all really you probably won't earn  earthquake on leafy and i'm assuming everybody   just wants to make everything broken and i'm all  for a metagame like that means nothing's broken or   everything is broken and we ban everything give a  girl sucker punch would be cool with stabbing iron   fist especially since it's not tanky or fast give  more mons spikes ground types like flygon mods   like talking tomorrow actually spikes tone them  off specifically i think need spikes and rabbits   as well although raichu search surface should  work on any terrain not just electric i agree   it has surge surfer and they're all called grassy  surge psychic search benjamin you out here bro   pyro it's not in sword and shield but  it's my favorite pokemon it's upsetting   that i guess moxie was attacked and it's  attack stats suck facts facts pyro is   garbage power is your straight up guard how you  gonna give it 68 you're gonna give it rivalry   unnerving moxie and all this stats just suck  bro bro it gets flare blitz it gets wild charged that's this month sucks holy crap give it  something man make it not let it compete with   arcanine and sit on the physical side grass not  reggie lucky bro dwayne no still likes because   he's my favorite pokemon give him a new mega or  regional form that makes him go fast i like vegas   original form of ceilings is interesting though  given teleon focus blast and psychic also changes   him ability to drizzle he got the least before  him ability cinderella is anything he wants to   be enrolled with a super great grass type so  be fair to making tyler on a super water type yo you're not giving a teleon with the stupid  focus energy plus that drizzle to get another   boost as well you crazy but um might as well  just make greninja at that point i think   focus blast i'd be okay with um this focus blast  because like being able to hit pharaoh is a pretty   big one as ice beam dark pulses are options  i've already talked about uh jump love tell   go and frost because i love air frost i wanted to  make things with my boy i mean it should have got   tail glow i mean the literal thing is it glows  its tail and helps the the people at sea find   their way because of the the lighthouse that's the  lore behind it so for sure she'll tell them also   tell should be back in the game go to the needs  to be city typing it's embarrassing that hasn't   happened i thought they didn't do that though just  because gen 1 had a lot of broken water psychics   right you got starmie you got slow bro so like gen  1 had a lot and psychic was also incredibly busted   in gen 1 as well so all the psychics  are like basically oh you and yeah like   i mean it'd be competing with those  when it comes to it uh though i mean   it's weird because it's slower than starmie but  it has calm mind which would be the difference but   even in gen 1 didn't i wasn't it wasn't running  back so because i don't believe it was a move   so um i'm pretty sure we got that engine 3 from  the what is it tate and lisa was that their names   i give joey on dragon rush because he needs a stab  boosted by sheer force i always thought that snail   shots would be boosted by shear force too but it  doesn't really have a secondary ability like it   lowers your defense and razor speed yeah i mean  yeah yeah dragon rush is fine i mean it's not   anything over broken so i need something like  swords or flare blitz hell yeah flair bits i'm   see flammability are fire lash i'm going like i  mean it stinks it's all fire i mean it makes it   it make it it makes your eyes water  hell yeah make it give you flarewoods a buff to gen 5 stars would be cool and  which i love them they can be underwhelming   and competitive i think every mom but superior  should be touched megan's new abilities would   be nice and ideal at least so you want megan's  back or beggars of them with new abilities for   example an ability for somebody that buffs slash  and sword type moves would include razor shot oh   so you could use sacred sword plus razor shell and  sora's dance and actually i like that i like that   i like that i like that a lot light ball should  be a three times boost on two sizes damn mask i   can have something a little ridiculous like that  hey hey yo hey hey danny danny bro bro it's okay   it's all bro just playing let's go pikachu leave  me man without making pictures of that brother   say anaconda either give him more bass  hp for more book and give him more speed   i love santa connors like the thing i love about  anaconda it's it's well it's a snake so i really   love snake tech pokemon but i love that it's  unique like in the fact that's the you know ground   type that goes for coil i love that a lot i love  the shed skin on it i mean a lot of the snakes   do that so it makes sense that this one would  be able to too yeah they got like our blocking   against the viper but a little bit more speed  probably wouldn't be anything pushing for it i   think the biggest thing that it just needs more hp  everything and from this kind of last generation   just so not bulky bro why they make their hp stats  so pathetic give guarantee a dragon it's much   it'll be much more dangerous bro i already have  to fight stupid dynamaxx poltergeist home claws   dual wing beat guaranteeing a rambass dude i ain't  trying to see this thing dragging this in my face   she's ready to slow start doesn't reset upon  switch or lower the amount of turns from from five   to three reasons this is not balancing it's just  crippling as usable levels and singles release   i'd be okay with either of those i think  that the three is um i think the the the   it doesn't reset upon switching is more manageable  especially because if you stated with five turns   of reggie giggs you should be able to use it power  more special attack more hp given intimidating a   better move will make it more special oriented  arcanine i mean it doesn't really have yeah in   terms of movement doesn't really have much like  hyper voicing fire blast uh you'd probably have   to give it i don't even know like or sphere  even then like why why would you give it oyster   duns bars one 1 000 great movies but needs a  small overall buff base stats are pretty rough   i use one for my playthrough and ultra moon and  it has the potential to be absolutely amazing   which is slightly buff i think dunsmart actually  has the potential to be incredibly annoying like   think of a jirachi that can use coil and roost  right so uh i actually leveled up one of my   dunce bars to level 100 and fire red because i was  waiting for it to evolve to gligar i moving on um   yeah base 70 is just sucky man gen 2  stats are again anything gen 4 and down   uh specifically probably gen 3 and down mainly  but a lot of the gen 4 and down mons don't have   the best stats that's why they constantly buff gen  1 mods and jen uh well not really gen two too much   but gen one mods because they're the ones with  the original stats they didn't know how high up   pokemon was gonna be or how crazy pokemon were  gonna be and there's a pokemon with 504 attack   everyone needs a dragon type yeah without mega  i see that all right i'm not reading that silver   snowman you ain't buffing charizard not today  trophies stats move full abilities typing all   this bad except for design which is incredible  could be buffed several ways abilities don't do   it many favorites so they can be swapped out and  give it some great coverage and viable offensive   stats or even more hp and defenses uh ground it  would just need i think it just needs better um it   needs better flying coverage i feel first for its  physical set right like if you use dragon dance   earth earthquake leaf blade you need a better  flying attack for sure you need something like   i don't know if dual wing beat is it but they  definitely need something for that make a   regional variant of parasite maybe a pokemon's  first grass fire type buff and change around   his base that's around 460 range current base  that's 405 and give it good signature ability   maybe give parasect the ability because it's  like the spore pokemon to either if it's out   on the field for too long to like naturally just  confuse an opponent or enlighten them depending on   what you're doing with those spores but uh  like something like that like i think that'd   be really cool i like grass fire as well  especially because we have heavy-duty boots   it has leech seed it has a leech like oh the chef  wouldn't even matter but i like grass five i guess   star wars 20 points buff and stats like they  did with mankind supposedly rival corbett is   30 points above ah it's already too bulky also  give dripline thunderous some type of special   flying coverage either hurricane or slash i  think air slash is less broken hurricane is   amazing on thunders that'd be crazy but yeah air  slash i'd be okay with i love like a bolt which   doesn't seem defensive ability to really hold  its own and move pulls a bit lack luckily uh   lackluster i think that levitate is still amazing  for that one though here maybe two coverage moves   a boost in hp and maybe defenses are given ability  besides levitate maybe drop at speed too wait   wait so you want to make it slower but fatter  okay great shot just another common move would   be amazing though changing attendant belly  from my spine snowboarding giving aurora   would work too now if they did that if they  did that would they have to change all the evs   and umbreons would they poorly have to have  drizzle would flareon have to have drought   would joltan have to have electric terrain  uh gracious leafy on these grassy surge right umbreon makes it dark out like what are we what  do we do with umbreon it has to be on what was it   what is this beyond i don't even know that they  have to give us some more things with that but   i like that xbox obviously i like uh search but  hold on brown b what'd you even do for umbreon   what's hyping it would be like  makes accuracy lower because   it's nighttime or something give my boy  letting way more attacking some speed   facts bro lenny has such a cool design i don't  care what anybody says the punching freaking   lightning bug uh lightning bug ladybug i  love it napoleon please the penguin just   it does nothing but roost and waddle seriously  though yeah i guess the recovery from paul that   would be great i agree it was such an amazing  defensive pokemon and like even like back in the   last generation with z moves i had to use protect  and stuff for leftovers for recovery get a roost trying to lower the power keep cool that's all  right but then the reach is all boogerman's   name faster monsters go like outside typing  goldilock already has a solid and wide roof   pull but it's being amount of water really  that's it's down sally adding psychic type   to it and giving him more staff choices  and really make a decision wouldn't it   be a major overkill about for it i agree not  anything crazy for uh for gold duck at all   it just gives it a way of dealing with packs and  everybody loves pokemon to deal with packs don't   they when pokemon used to mega evolve they change  their abilities but ashley greninja didn't so once   it changes its form then give it protein and when  it reverts back of course it'll be bad oh my god   well wait a second does that even matter  you use dark pulse hydro pump and water   shuriken period on ash greninja the only other  option is either ice beam or spikes and most   opted for spikes so that way they could dark pulse  flinch assault vest tango later dart balls be   toxic later i feel like protein wouldn't be  anything nasty on that set either they got okay   dial that back i just said spike so you could beat  tango and it also has extra sensory and spikes   so it can be talks about we're not giving you the  pokemon 399 400 405 what special attack 45 special   attack something like that stab extra sensory  with a choice specs never mind nope nope nope nope   nope lady 962 is attacked hell yeah absolutes  great attacks that means nothing with bad speed   and paper thin defenses give it fluffy over  justified fluffy i don't think it's that fluffy   with pokemon it would have mega balls i'll have  to stay longer and give it a better speed tier to   be a niche a glass cannon otherwise absolutely  could benefit from secondary typing of fairy   well the doctor would have access to earthquake  and hurricane could be interesting but less   ridiculous i think that's a really good uh  this is a really good thought process it's   also disaster pokemon having access to earthquake  and hurricane it's true when absolute appearance   that means disaster follows these are really  good i like that as well i really like that this   is this is this criminal is smart great design  was too frown faster to make it way take your   way faster faster would probably be the biggest  thing i mean they did that with mega apps although   i just wanted to get levitate again honestly i  feel like a lot of people say this but i really   like gengar with cursed body not only is it  game changing there's plenty of times where   i've been cursed bodied in tournaments as  well as on the ladder where i've just um where i've just uh like basically lost because  of it but also it being able to uh to just absorb   the the toxic spike i think it's game-changing  the metagame where we have pokemon toxic spikes   so it gives them some utility outside of that  and the thing about being immune to ground is   that doesn't help you beat most ground types  anyway guard talk about stone edge and scale   shot leonardo says knock off and stonewater  still does a lot um you have extra drill uh   as well that can load breaker or iron  head which does a ton so like it's not   really doing it too much only it's like for her  pattern even though they could potentially run   rockstar just whirling you out so i feel like  it doesn't really give that much to gengar but   then again in vgc where you can earthquake  next to landorus that makes a big difference   basically any pokemon with the leafguard ability  would be better off with a new ability also   okay first of all that's facts that is facts  every pokemon leafguard give it chlorophyll   or give it solar power facts facts only as a rude  oh don't get me started bro that boy should have   tough claws and maybe give ice types a definite  buff in hell like rock our defense buff excuse me   uh buffing the hail like rock time's gonna be that  bump and hill hell's easily the worst weather and   ice could use some helping i was thinking um that  as well as a special attack investment as well   uh i really i really like that i think  the defense buff could be pretty cool too   uh it's not like it makes too much of a  difference but alolan knight says having   plus defense and then setting aurora vale  i kind of like that kinda like that a lot   sheninja gave it first impression and put all  of his defense and special attack into attack okay let me let me look at this real  quick let me look at your ninja real quick   this ball has 90 base attack so you want to put  45 hold up what do we say here put all of his   defense and special attack into attack all of  his defenses and special attacks so let's just   let's just add this all together real quick not  at speed though all of its defenses and special   attacks so it has 90 right we do 90 plus 45 plus  30 plus 30. so we want shidinja to have 195 base   attack now if we look at the calp we can actually  look at what that is let me just see what that   is let's put it on a problem let me add them in  nature as well so let's make this thing 195. oh yeah it's not so bad nothing like  537 attack on my shiddinja bro you   that's wild flower gift should be an omni boost  to cherum yes yes yes yes it's a gift of flowers   forget helping your teammates and stuff like  that except for vgc it doesn't matter and single   make it be an omniboost give it something  give clint like higher power that's really   all it needs to be somewhat useful uh maybe  bulldoze instead of high horsepower uh power   i feel like bulldoze makes more sense than  howard's power just barely but i think it does   actually he's a buff we really read luxury frost  nothing he's decision move or an additional effect   on its ability something that fixes  the shallow move pull or the speed   ideally so would you want ice scales to uh not  only buff your special defense but maybe when   you're boosted like you have a boosted it actually  doubles your speed imagine going for equivalence   and having like 600 speed and just one turn  magikarp blizzy it's the only answer all right i feel like oricorio in all its forms is a really  good concept but without the stats to back them up   maybe an increase in speed would do it good but it  wouldn't feel right to make it bulky considering   the small and light designs i like the idea of  speed um i love orico i love the way it dances i   love its dancer ability i think it's it's very fun  to like bring it in on like when it was around in   lower tiers uh to like bring it ligand going for  quiver dance and just immediately copy and cover   dance back parasite pumpkin jungle gave us nothing  on this cold fish is much solid but it could be so   much better i would give it 15 more attack five  more speed and more its defenses they've done   stuff like this before and quite frankly for  corporate drivers it would still be far from   crazy but it will be way better okay thank you  puffer um hopefully should have an evolution if   i'm if we're gonna do anything to quote fish i  think i think i think you just have an evolution   uh because again it's a gen two month and again  it suffers from you know gen 2 syndrome it's a   it came out in a generation where power creep was  not as crazy as it is right now so it should for   sure for sure have a sort of buff so that's how i  like please get my dudes more social attacks yeah   we already did that i agree here's how they  get megan right rob but didn't get a t-ball   because the christmas tree interesting i don't  know how that makes sense but like the lights are   on the christmas tree maybe from samurai i know  they're not all stars are created equal but they   should be a bit more equal than they are give it  an actual good hidden ability like to find give it   access to fake out and or shell smash then maybe  it could at least have a niche so fake out i   think it's more so obviously vgc but defiant is  really cool i like i love priority mods like like   bisharp that i could come in and deter uh  default and also have orange master sources   and it already has like sacred super power that's  good coverage or decent coverage so i like that   tough claws we already talked about this  with moxie boosted 100 should have that   pick a nice type ice weaknesses and  races as a whole need a roof factor   do you guys think that ice should resist  water or um i feel like that would be a   really big buff to it or should they  just give every ice type freeze dry   so they could actually touch everything started by  the headset is like broken so i taped it together i don't follow a keyboard the pokemon  madness posts it's only a setup appreciation   darker when it comes back give him original dark  voice facts okay so they when they uh nerfed dark   void they said only darker i can use it but then  they were like hey wait let's uh let's make it   also 50 accurate that's dumb 80 was fine and the  only reason they nerfed dark void is because uh   smeargle was broken with it right but if you make  it so only darker can use it spiral can't use it   and you're good i feel like it definitely  needs to boost some more special attack   more power there's a special tag we're talking  about water i would love zero solution ability   to get a buff when moves gain extra damage  but illusion is still active kind of like   a replica sneak attack backstab damage and  dungeons and dragons playing as a rogue also   ferry coverage would have been nice so uh i i kind  of like that uh you know how ditto gets stabbed   because it transforms into the literal pokemon  so of course you're gonna get stabbed if we make   uh holy crap my mic is completely falling off at  this point if we make illusion give zoroarx stab   that could be nasty but zoroark only has uh  dark moves and you know grass not flamethrower   sludge bomb but if it becomes a heat train it  actually does damage like snap damn you won't   even be able to figure out which one it is  that might actually be crazy maybe it can't   be stabbed but maybe like a lifeboard boost  like a 1.3 times boost or even 1.2 times boost ah so they want the let's go  pikachu and eve casper means   a sand form as well as just snap boost in general   it needs to be given a weather-based evolution  with the evolving mechanic based on the weather   it leveled up in i do think that cast form needs  better stats as well i think it's a cool concept   of a pokemon but they never really did it pokemon  changes with the weather but can't really abuse it   he has a great move full of thunder fire blast  blizzard i'm just like naming what i got hit   with in the pokemon was that actually on darkness  or coliseum i don't remember which one uh i think   it was actually darkness but yeah it definitely  needs some it was like it was like i think it was   actually darkness and it was in that uh that rom  thing where you were doing like the cd-rom stuff   kramer maybe brave special tactile 100 because it  could be amazing and did you see what storm drain   also more pico but nothing to drastic or wheels  are already highly good finally giving pheasant   more physical attacks i don't even like it i just  kin

2021-01-16 19:03

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