Pierce College Business Degree Pathways

Pierce College Business Degree Pathways

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Hello. I'm professor Vasily, booth thank. You for joining me in this, video session I will go over the different business degree pathways, you, may choose from as, you move forward with your education, plan here. At Pierce College, while. This session will be generally, for those who are pursuing business you. May also find that if you are still exploring which pathway, to choose, there. Will be elements here, that will be useful to you if, you do not already have a pen, and notepad, I invite, you to go find some now so, that you can take some notes and that, you will be ready with questions, to, sit down and ask your. Advisor so, that you can make an informed decision. Let's. Go ahead and get, started, we. Will begin this discussion with. The end in mind where. I will go over the purpose of this session and then, go into some disclaimers, and just some reminders on some things that are just good for you to do I will, then go into some definitions. So, that we can clarify the differences, among the, various Disney degree pathways, as, well as for, you to have the language you need in order, to be a partner, in crafting. An education. Plan with, your advisor, I will, then end with some considerations. On how. You go forward with a decision making process. By. The end of this session you. Will be able to, distinguish. The differences, among the various business. Pathways. Understand. The intent of each pathway. Conduct. A cost-benefit. Analysis, to determine the best pathway for, you and become. A partner in crafting. An education, plan with, your advisor by. Being informed about your journey the, goal is to minimize surprises. And facilitate. An efficient. Completion, of your desired, degree. Although. This session will, go through quite a bit of information it is, not intended. To take the place of, researching. Program requirements, which you will have to do yourself or meeting. With your advisor a, program. Navigator, to, explore options, and craft. An education, plan. Or updating. Your advisor or program navigator should your interests, or plans change, please. Be, sure to partner, with your, advisor a program raveh gator throughout, your journey at the college we, want to help you succeed. Also. I want to be clear that this session does not go into program, specifics, that will be something you will need to do as part of your research. Now. One of the good things to do is, to reflect on your goals in a context, of industry. Trends so you can make an informed decision one. Of these. Sites, is called BLS. Gov, or the Bureau of Labor Statistics and. It houses a lot of good. Information that, will help you learn about the occupations. That you may be interested in and whether. Or not these jobs are in demand or, in decline and what. To expect in terms of pay or even. The kind of education, that it requires for example in the, fourth tab called publication. Is an area called Occupational. Outlook Handbook, and when. You go there you, can start researching, particular. Occupations. For example, I click, human, resource. Specialist, and it. Gives me a summary of, pay. You. Know the number of jobs expected, in a certain time it, also will give me information about, what they do in the work environment how. To become one and so on so there's a lot of good information at. BLS, gov another. Site is called, Ola online, dot org it also gives you a lot of information about occupations. And what to expect on a day to day basis, the kinds of skills and knowledge are required for a particular kind of job another. Side is wo. Is. Org, it, will give you similar, information, and, also other information that, you may find at BLS, or at. Annette online. Now, at wo, is, that org you, can dive into the site up to a degree in. Order to go deeper, into the site you will need to get a passcode, that's, available to you through, a college. Success instructor. Or through your advisor as. You learn more about your occupations. Industry. Trends. As well as the. Degrees you may be considering.

Please. Be sure to consider some, of the questions that I had, placed here there are others of course and these, will become irrelevant, later. On when we conduct a cost-benefit. Analysis. Another. Good to do is to, explore, and become knowledgeable. About program, specifics. Very early, on you. Don't want to be surprised, about the kinds of courses, you need to take and, the kinds of requirements, that are being asked of you in order to fulfill, your, degree it's. Also important, to discuss or update your education, plan with, your advisor and not to do this yourself, that. Is because, you, may not be aware of some programmatic changes. And or, aware of the most efficient, way to move, forward so please be sure that. You connect with your advisor from, time to, time to. Make sure that you are still on the best path forward. Now. Let's go over some definitions. And if. These are already familiar. To you please go ahead and skip this section and go to, about. Halfway into, this video where. I go over the. Different, business. Degree pathways. The. First of these terms is pathway, and just like it sounds it's a way to achieve a, specific. Or desired, result or a course, of action and a, pathway can, lead you towards, earning an associate, or a bachelor's degree and for. Each of these pathways they'll, have program, or programs, and this is a specific. Area of study with. A set of plan courses, to complete so, for example, in, a degree plan there will be a set of planned courses, and their requirements, to earn a degree and, the, requirements, can be something like you'll. Have to earn a 2.0. Grade. Minimum. In order for a class to count towards, your degree, and then. This degree plans can, be like an associate, degree and, that. Is an academic, degree that. Is usually fulfilled. In the first two years of college and they usually represent, classes, that begin. With, 100. Or 200, so, for example, English. 101 or. Math 207. And each. Of these associate, degrees will. Have different, kinds of credits, and one, of the credits, is a ger, or, a general, education requirement and those, are foundational. Courses in say, for example, communications. Humanities. Natural Sciences. And Social Sciences and they're, meant to prepare students, to have, transferable. Well-rounded. And basic, skills the. Balance of those credits. Then are going to be GTEs, or, general, transfer, electives, that, can. Satisfy degree. Requirements. Or, will, be able to transfer, to another institution, but. May or may not necessarily, satisfy. Specific. Bachelor, degree requirements, now. Some of these associate, degrees will end with the letters d ta which, stands for direct, transfer, agreement, and sometimes, also with the letters m RP which. Stands for major related, program which I'll discuss here in a moment these, are inter. Institutional, agreement, between, a community college and a university which. Outlines, the. Specific, courses, a student must. Take in order to, be eligible for transfer it does not actually guarantee. Admission but, it allows you to be competitive, in the transfer. Process. Now. An MRP is based on the DTA and, this. Helps student is prepared to transfer, into, high demand, bachelor's degree programs, and again, it has specific. Courses. For. You to take in order to, have, to, be eligible for transfer, let. Me now go over the, different kinds, of bachelor's degrees you, will likely encounter, as a business, major one, of which is The Bachelor of Arts, which is generally, awarded, for an undergraduate, program, in the liberal arts or sciences, and a, business of Arts and Business Administration will. Fall under this category. Another. Degree is that at the Bachelor of Science, and like, its, cousin, Bachelor, of Arts, it is also an undergraduate, program, and in, this case in a specialized, field of study, which, requires more math and science. So, for example, if you. Can get a Bachelor, of Science in, supply. Chain management, because.

It May require more math and science, than, a general, Bachelor, of Arts another. Degree is that at The Bachelor, of Applied Science. This is also an undergraduate, award, given. To those studying, in a professional, or technical fields. And it, focuses on practical, application, of theories, and knowledge, to solve problems, it is, designed, to bridge non DTA associate, degrees towards. A bachelor's degree so, that students, who have this kind of an associate degree do, not necessarily have to start all over again to, gain their, baccalaureate and students. Will typically take their, two academic years of upper level coursework, those are courses. That begin, with 300, and 400, at the, community, or technical colleges that have been authorized, to issue this. Degree there are other universities. Like Central Washington University, who. Also, have, been authorized, to issue the, bas, now. That we have the definitions, out of the way we. Can start talking about the different pathways and your journey to making a decision. On which pathway. To, choose when. You first enter, Pierce, College as a person, interested in business you. Will declare a business intent and your. First three to six classes, you will start with foundational, courses in English math. College. Success, on perhaps, an elective, like business 101. Ideally. By the first quarter and no later than the second quarter you will either affirm, your. Business intent that you started with or. Clarify. Your path given. The three different pathways that are before you, these. Pathways are, an aadt, a MRP. Which. Intends, to transfer, directly to, a specific, University. Or. An, AAS, which. Intends, to prepare, students, to have competitive, workforce skills, or an, AAA dash T which. Also prepares students to have workforce, skills. Have enough credits to transfer, to select universities, and colleges, to a particular, kind of baccalaureate. Because. Each of these pathways, has a different, intent each, will then have a different, mix of ger. And GTE, courses. Regardless. Of the program, all. Of them will have a minimum, of 90, credits some, will have more, you. May also graduate. With more credits. Than the program, requires, and why, it's so important, for you to have your business intent clarified, in the first, two quarters so. That you don't have excess, credits, for. Those of you who intend, to get a baccalaureate, degree it's. Important, to note that, you. Will need about, 60, gr, credits. To, gain a bachelor's, degree and that. Most if not all, are expected. To be gained at the, AAA level. Now. Let's look at these associate, degrees more closely so. That we can see the mix of how ger, and GT, credits, are, constructed. To serve their intent well. Call pathway, a the. A a and, D ta MRP. Which. Is designed to transfer to four-year universities. Pathway. Be the, AAS, which, is designed to develop skills, now for median employment, and pathway. C which, is also designed for immediate, employment as, well, as to transfer to select colleges, and universities. You. Can see here, that, the distribution, of ger, and GTE. Credits, are designed, to serve each or the pathway intense, for. Example, in Lane, a you'll, see that most of the ger credits, will have been fulfilled by the time one gets that aadt, a that. Is because business, courses will then be taken at the University the. AAS. Is not, intended to transfer, but, instead prepares.

For Needed employment after receiving, the degree, therefore. Most, of its credits, focus, on developing, relevant. Industry, skills and positioning. Its graduates, to be competitive in, the marketplace in Lane, C, you. Can see splits, the difference between a and B it is, a significant. Number of skills based courses to. Prepare graduates. For employment, after two years while, having enough ger, credits, to transfer to, select colleges, and universities. Please. Keep in mind that the number of credits, you see here, may vary depending on, your education, plan on our, subject to change, however, the distribution are, generally, representative. Of what, to expect. Let. Me go ahead and pan out to the bigger picture so. We can see the pathways, to the full length as you, can see here Lane a leads, towards, a BA or, a BS in. Business and. Lane, B leads. Towards, work an Lane, C leads. Towards. A bas. And a specialized, field of business, and that, each of these baccalaureates. Our undergraduate. Programs. And have. Very specific program, requirements. To, fulfill I just. Want to make sure this is clear however that, if, you are going down, Lane B it does not mean you cannot then gain you Bachelor, of Arts or you, Bachelor of Science, or your BA yes at some point it just means that you will have to fulfill some. Credits that you did not get while. Pursuing, this particular, Lane you, will just have to make those up, now. Let's take a look at what a Bachelor, of Applied Science, in a specialized, field a business might look like here. You can see a select set for. Example, CWU. Offers. The bas, and information. Technology, and administrative. Management this. Is in contrast, to say a BA in Business Administration, which. Is a broad field of study in business, other, ones are like the bas and applied management. Operations. Management, applied. Accounting, data, analytics. Organizational. Management. International. Business, marketing, and entrepreneurship, and there many others if you're. Wondering, which of these is more broad than, others it, would be arguably, the bas in Applied Management, which, is offered across several colleges, in the state now. Since, all baccalaureate. Degrees are different, it is important, for you to carefully, research the requirements, of the program you, wish to enter and, to speak directly with an advisor from. Your program of interest, just because, you have an AAS, Dashti, does not mean that all courses, within that particular a a s - t will, transfer, to all bas, programs, just. Be sure to work with your advisor or. Program, navigator an account. For programmatic. Requirements, early this, will minimize frustration. Later and facilitate. An efficient, degree completion, towards. Your intended pathway. Now. That you have a good sense of what each pathway, entails. Let's. Talk, about how to make a good decision, ideally. You will have made your decision by the first, or second quarter so, that you can immediately. Fulfill. A program. Requirement. And graduate. Efficiently. And in. Order to do that you. Will have had to consider certain factors, and you, can answer some of these questions that, you see here or other questions that may come up but. I want, to focus now on is.

How To conduct, a general cost-benefit, analysis. So, that you can weigh your options and, how they may serve you best in order. To proceed with your analysis. You are going to need some information. Particularly. Around the costs, and those are the things that you give up and the. Benefits, and those are the things you hope to gain, gained, like, salary, over time and your, ability, to enter. A profession. Or progress, within that profession and the kinds of other choices you may be able to gain and then, you will organize, information. According. To each pathway so, for example, in Lane a you. Will put. All the costs on one side and the, benefits, on the others you see here and you don't do the same for choice B and, choice. C as, you, can see here some of these elements, will have actual, numbers in them and, I'll just plug them in right, and other, things are going to be more subjective and, go. Ahead and just write them down for you and it can be a sentence, or a phrase and this. Is an iterative process, meaning, the, first time you put this on may, be a little bit more, you know Messi say, for example but then you will organize, them and order them according, to how you value, each, once. You have organized. Your. Important. Decision, factors and only the most important, would need to be, in underneath, each. Of these columns. You, will then need to evaluate, them, across, in, a, meaningful way and one, way to do that is to, assign them a scale so, for example, in choice a you would, from, a scale of 1 to 10, evaluate. Each of these factors and, how. Meaningful. They are to you so for, example the, cost parts, might, be a little bit more objective because you might be able to find that information a little bit more easily so. In terms of time how. Much something would cost over, the length of the program all, the way say for example from an associate degree all the way to bachelor's degree don't want to make sure you add that all up and the, rest of it right and then in the benefit, some of these are going to be a lot you, know more objective. In so, for example you can find out what an annual salary might, be and, you. Know how meaningful that is to you to scale of 1 to 10 and then, politics, the. Idea there is to, be, in a position of responsibility, it's. Like a manager, and to what degree the. Credential, will allow you to. Be in that position and then you'll just add them all up and you lose the same for choice B and choice. C and this. Process, should. Yield you some numbers and then, you lease it back and say you know what are you willing to give up for.

The Benefits. Now. This process is imperfect, but, it is far better than. Going. By the, seat of your pants or by your gut this, is an informed, decision, making process, and it. Can be further informed. By talking. With your advisors, and others who, may have already gone through this journey. Let's. Go ahead and summarize, in. Order to make a good decision about, which. Pathway, to choose. You. Will need to learn about each of these pathways and, also. Reflect. On, your goals particularly. In the context, of industry, trends you. Will then conduct a. Cost-benefit. Analysis, that, will help determine to, you which of this pathways, best serves, your needs and, that. You do this in concert. And in partnership with your, advisor. This. Brings us at the end of this video session thank, you so much for listening I hope you found some good information here as you. Move forward on your education, pathway, to, success thank. You again and good. Luck.

2018-09-20 08:03

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