Picking a business brand that will make you millions

Picking a business brand that will make you millions

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like we do every tuesday and thursday we come to you we talk to you about life and business from the black perspective from the melanin perspective i am one of your co-hosts lennae javette i am lenny vette and i am joined by keisha at we inspire bran uh faye bishop at miss faye bishop and teddy ewing at the real teddy talks today we're talking about what's in a name can you or facebook because facebook's reinventing them trying to anyways can you or facebook reinvent yourself and should you if you have not heard facebook has uh is undergoing a name change a brand overhaul they are uh changing who they are as a business and how they're represented to you um i'm not as verse on the metaverse as teddy is so maybe she can help us uh understand what that is and what that means more um but along with facebook we have kanye who's changed his name to uh yay or yi we haven't decided which one it is yet um but there's just a lot of stuff happening from the rebrand renaming space and we want to talk about it is it right should you do it can you do it what does it mean i've rebranded um but let's let's start with facebook let's start with facebook because this is huge for a major social media platform to go through not only a rebranding but an actual name change teddy what is what what's your take on this and what is the metaverse that that was the first thing that threw me like what the hell is it so this is deep y'all like those of you that aren't in the digital space you're not into artificial intelligence you're not into virtual reality the metaverse is blowing up okay so the fact that facebook wants to be synonymous with the metaverse tells you this is where we're going right because they are like market leaders so the metaverse is basically a digital a digital world i don't say a fake digital world but a digital world if any of you have seen that movie ready player one it takes place like in 2045 and everybody's in their virtual reality world every day all day except for to sleep eat and go to the bathroom if you remember there's a movie in the early 2000s called surrogates with bruce willis where everybody was an avatar so everybody was at home but their avatars were walking around so imagine like you can buy land in this world you can buy real estate you can spend money you can play sims sims is a perfect example of a metaverse only imagine if you could live in the sims and not just play the game so when you put your glasses on you feel like you're there you're doing that thing so i think mark zucker zuckerberg said this was going to be a 10-year like outlook a 10-year plan to make the new facebook whatever it's going to be to be synonymous with the metaverse and i think they're making this rebranding number one because of the um whistleblower that just came out i'm sure it was something that was in the works but the whistleblower thing that blew up the last couple weeks is probably forcing them to say let's detract from that and let's change up on this thing let alone the fact that cryptocurrencies blowing up facebook purchased a company called oculus and they have the virtual virtual reality i want to say glasses but it's not glasses right it's a whole world you go in there you're playing tennis you're looking around people's living rooms if i'm having a zoom meeting with you i can actually see where you're sitting and you can see where i'm sitting so it's that whole living and and and breathing in this whole alternate reality so to answer the question that's posed what's in a name i think i think a lot to the name i don't want to say everything but when you want to be something new why not change your name i mean i think it's a great idea it's a great branding strategy i would love to see how facebook is going to do this because it'll be a definite um example for those of you that want to rebrand i would take a look and see what's going to play out over the next couple years and see how they do their rebranding and we don't know the new name yet do we no we don't i don't they fade beyond it though so maybe yeah right apparently the announcement they said is going to be made uh this week about what the name will be uh um can you hear me yeah i was just gonna say i have a question but is it they're they're changing their company name or they're changing the name of the social media platform honestly because facebook is in the in the middle of a pr nightmare honestly they have been in the middle of a pr nightmare ever since the privacy issue um the breach that took place about four years ago and it's just been non-stop ever since ever since that 2016 cambridge analytica scandal i believe it was they have just been trying very hard to figure out a way to rebrand themselves initially what i and this is just from personal observation they changed their interface interface up i don't know if anyone noticed that they changed the the the outlet outline um the outlet i'm sorry they changed the the layout of how the facebook feed looks then they shifted things around with the algorithm then they call themselves adding a news feed and then they took a news they just took it away last year and i think because those things did not work out primarily because of the fact i think what really drove facebook into an even bigger pr nightmare was their them pretty much coming on board with taking political stance with the 2016 election as well i don't believe any of that helped them as well as the election um from 2019 i just don't believe any that made things worse in my opinion um so fundamentally i think what they've decided is to just fully transition into the meta metaverse story to hopefully save the company at this point i don't even think it's them so much trying to save their image and rebrand their image so much as it is them trying to re-brand their company all overall and it is a genius and classic move when it comes to you know the wonderful world of branding strategy right um it could help save facebook initially but ultimately i don't think it may be enough to save the company's reputation overall so it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out but what's in a name you know in terms of rebranding yourself names are the most important um element to your company regardless of how big or small you are it's also critical to your image because it's contingent upon how it's going to resonate with your users your audience your buyers your purchasers and whomever else like um kanye west has been calling himself yi before he announced an official change i believe it was sweetheart who just did an interview about her deciding to keep her name as well and i'm saying this because what i noticed about the both of them as opposed to facebook is they were already kind of creating this visual communication with their names um which set up kind of like this identifier before they actually announced anything tori hart was always known as tory hart even if she decided to call herself by her maiden name how would that resonate with her followers how would that resonate with the brand that she's been building same thing with kanye he's been calling himself ye forever so one of the things about a name change i say go for it but i want everybody to understand that it's never as straightforward as people think you can't just wake up one day and say okay this is what i'm gonna do and then everybody is supposed to latch on just like that it has to do with planting a seed so if you decide you want to rebrand yourself change your name you have to plant seeds facebook had started planting seeds a couple years ago when they got in on the crypto when they announced that they were doing their own crypto like i said they started changing things you know little by little before making this announcement kanye west started calling himself ye planting a seed before he initially made an announcement that he's not going to that he's officially going to change it so it starts with planning it starts with you know planting a seed and you just have to be consistent with it um and make that a part of your strategy make being consistent with it a part of your strategy so yes go for it if you think you can do it plant your seed now it must make sense um uh changing your name and or your brand uh should definitely make sense right so um my first business was called closed sire it's what i led with it's how people knew me people knew my business name before they knew me when i stepped into your room they were like you're that cool sire girl huh and i'm like yeah my name is um and then i started branding myself as the mogul so then people recognize me as the mogu mogul in the making mow this smoke with that that people understood it they knew what it was um but the mogul piece of my business wasn't as fulfilling as the cosire piece and so i was like you know what i'm going to close both of these businesses down and create a different business and so i shut down cosigner i shut down um the mobile brand and now i have upscale in a war which is a combination of the two and the work that it's taking to make to bring upscale into war to the same brand recognition as i have with cole sire and i have the mobile business it's it's um more tedious than i anticipated shall i say um people get it they understand it but because they already knew me as these two different brands now they're like well why do you change the brand and once i talk about it and i explain it what cosi was to empower black people and to you know make sure that who we are and how we want to be represented is important people understood that they grasp that and the mobile brand is to help entrepreneurs and black owned businesses be moguls in their field they get that well upscaling the war is the com is the culmination of both of those things it's upscaling black people whether you're a business owner an entrepreneur or you're just a person who not just but a individual that has a job that wants to get to the next scale so if you change your name just make sure it makes sense make sure that you can relate it back to your business make sure that people understand what why you want to change your name and or change your brand for mark zuckerberg specifically based on this article this is the first time that a corporation has gone a tech company so this would be the first time that a tech company has attempted to rebrand at the corporate level that's already going to be interesting so nobody's done this type of a thing before um zuckerberg is doing this well effectively to transition from people seeing them as primarily only a social media company um to being a metaverse company and the new name demonstrates facebook's focus on building the members so exactly to what they said they want to get out of the social media game right so this name whatever this new name is is going to be super crucial and play into whatever it is that they're going to do facebook we realize with that we know what that is though it's an online book for people faces and you engage so it would be interesting to see what this new name is and how it ties into how they want to be seen and known going forward definitely and i want to say i know keisha i'll let you clock i'm sorry but i want to say for those i'm going to switch to the business side because us ladies were having a backstage conversation a couple of days ago when you're trying to find the next big thing like when i discovered crypto i was like this is the next big thing there are little seeds and little things that are dropped there's little whispers this is this is more than a whisper y'all like this is huge facebook who owns instagram who else do they own they own a lot of apps oh my gosh this is huge so if you don't know what the metaverse is you need to know you need to be googling and researching as soon as you're watching this video and figure out what it is come to the black business school and there's a cryptocurrency um club we have a black crypto club come there go to um at the real teddy talks on instagram i have a link on my bio come to my website therealteddytalks.com we talk about this in the black crypto club because i want you guys to be on the front end of this and not missing what's the next big thing so learn about it then decide what you're going to do with it go ahead keisha i'm sorry no it's fine it's fine and i think i think it's important for us to learn from these companies right because like you said teddy like they're following what's the next big thing and that's what we need to be doing like okay like this is what's gonna pop so let me jump on this before you know before it pops so that i could be on the train and i could be making my money right so this is what we need to do and like you lenay i changed my name but it was at the beginning stages of my business so i started out as we inspire teas because i was only selling t-shirts i was selling apparel and then i went into the coaching space so in the coaching space i said well i can't just be me inspired teams like i'm doing more than just selling t-shirts i'm doing more than just selling apparel so how can i change my name to reflect everything that i'm doing so i switched it to we inspire brand so now it's we inspire it's the entire brand it's the apparel it's the coaching it's everything that i'm doing in one shot so like you guys said like i did plant those little nuggets right i was talking about what was coming up or what i was doing but the teas it just didn't make sense anymore and for me i think that you can change your name how many times did did he change his name right like some people from city some people call him puffy some people call him puff daddy like whatever generation you and you call him by a different name right but he is still him right he is still doing what he's always done being a mogul like whatever he's doing but he's always he's doing what he's always done and i think that when you are serving people as long as you continue to serve them as long as you continue to solve those problems you will be successful so you could change your name you could change your colors you could do whatever you want but as long as you are serving them you're solving the problem you're providing that great customer service you're going to keep them coming back i agree wholeheartedly with that i um say bishop is a brand all its own uh just my name uh it is something that was established um way way way back during the myspace days um when i was doing radio briefly um i have to share this story uh i went by my government name um initially because i was working in business i was working at that time um um in the financial industry in corporate america i had heavy ties with bank of america right but i wanted to go back to my major which was tv and radio because i did industry work briefly well i was told by a radio this jockey a popular radio disc jockey at the time that name is not going to work it's too common you got to change that girl instead of going by my government name i went by my middle name faye then i kept my marital name which was bishop which ironically is also tied to a very very pop my favorite popular movie villain which is tupac's character in the movie juice so i decided to keep that going forward primarily because not only is it relative to my online personality it's relative to the businesses i run online and i actually have so many online businesses but i tend to keep the anonymous approach um only because the brands are actually their own entity and faye bishop is also her own entity however they are attached and i'm saying that to say it's interesting that in this scope of um this name change that facebook is going through we have donald trump who like myself although i'm nowhere near as big as this guy is whose own name is a brand he has hotels he has golf courses he has real estate but the donald trump name itself sells itself it sells itself so much that he too and it's crazy facebook make their announcement about their name change donald trump makes his announcement about his own social media platform that is scheduled to debut um february of 2022. and a lot of people may not believe that it's going to be big but it is why because donald trump the brand name has his own following whether it's in the political um stratosphere whether it's in the real estate stratosphere anything the name itself carries it's a brand so it's very very important to remember that everything is in a name you just have to stick with it you have to plant seeds and you have to be consistent i was going to reference um tina turner right when tina turner walked out of her marriage the thing she's like keep it all right i told you my name i worked for this day for me and i was getting married in the future but i don't which i don't think is that far from from now for me um the that name the fake bishop part that's like has been its own thing it's when people google me i come up i come up my socials come up and every single thing that i'm attached to including articles that i wrote years and years and years ago are attached to that name so it's like i can't change that i don't use my full government name because i live a whole i lived a whole life before now right and i started off wanting to be a different brand i don't want to be associated necessary like i'm proud of my history but this is a whole new thing a whole new direction so the people that know me in my real life don't really know teddy ewing and i like it that way but the people that are closest to me and like not even that close like my associates they'll know this side of me but you'll be surprised how many people in my everyday life have no idea that this is happening right the teddy ewing is even happening and she's pretty damn big right teddy you ain't got it going on and i like that it's like i get to live like an alter ego i get to be like catwoman or somebody and i love that and also in my profession in the military a lot of times you're building your career this probably happened in corporate america as well when you're building your career and you run into people you meet people you encounter people you have mentors they know you by your name so just say you do go through a divorce or you get married and for women especially and there's an opportunity to change your name you want that person you met five years ago to be able to find you and give you that bang and job offer that banging opportunity five years from now and they don't know who teddy mcgee is right they they don't know who that person is so i gotta be teddy ewing so i used to be very kind of judgmental about women who didn't change their last name so i'm like you're a unit you're a whole you want to be a brand together you want to be a united front you should change your name then i own the business and i'm like okay i get it everything's attached to that name you built yourself up in your corporation in your job this is you and you're not going to give that up to be pc or to be to appear some kind of way if you love your spouse you love them you don't have to give them you don't have to take their name or you take their name but you keep your brand like faye said this is your brand this is your business is your llc but it won't have to be when you submit your check it's your it's your real name your government name right so there's options when it comes to rebranding and people want entertainment we know she's gabrielle union way but her social media still says gary bill union i think uh jada pinkett smith she added smith to the end yeah um but do you see that if you started with a brand name before getting married a lot of times they'll keep that name you know they're married but they'll keep that name beyond even when uh beyonce and jay-z got married she was still beyonce knows for a very long time before she started putting nose carter um my name is i use my first middle name and i remember when i first started my business my dad was not happy he was like how come you don't use your last name i was like well it's not as crisp and cute and sexy as my first middle name you know and it's cool because i never have to change nobody even when i get when i get married i'll still be a little bit because that's my first middle name so the brand says a lot or the name says a lot it's attached to your brand um so let's talk about tory hart um from the married perspective um she has she's created a brand of story heart right which is what we're talking about she's created a brand of story heart if she was to change her name to tori mcgee if we will the example people would be like who the hell is tori mcgee if she went on tour if she tried to write a book people would be like we don't know who troy mcgee is so sometimes like there there is so much attached to a name and so let me ask you this let me ask you guys this is the brand what makes the name or is the name what makes the brand and the reason why i ask this is because you have a kanye who can change his name to yay or ye we still don't know the exact phrase you have a prince who can change his name to a symbol right these are brands who change their names can a person who just just is a name with no brand change their name if they don't have a brand attached to it i think it worked regularly like a regular person like or like i think i mean think about people that are trying to leave something behind they want to they want a new start whether their name is attached like just say they come from a small town they i know plenty of people have leave a small town a smaller town and go to l.a go to and they are you know whoever they have some extraordinary name but why not why not like what's what's in a name right so in the it's like the opposite now because it's like you are not your name per se and where i live in a muslim country where every name actually means something in no shade to anyone's name who you can't look it up in something and say what it means but these are real words in in the dictionary in the arabic dictionary they all mean something when someone hears your name they know exactly what it means because it's a word that's attached to something um so that their name means more to them per se than someone whose name was just what your mama came up with and no shade to your mama but it don't it didn't mean nothing when your grandpa's name she just was drinking coca-cola that day she named you coca-cola coca-cola no we're all number six we all know lexus we all know blessed you know blessed we all know these people and that's fine but if you ever want to reinvent yourself just change your name and go where nobody knows you and then you are a whole new person so you reinvent yourself and then you brand yourself and you can reinvent you can rename yourself and reinvent through a new brand 20 years ago i won't say i was nobody's birthday girl unknown around the internet stratosphere um years and years ago um because i put tina which is my first name in front of the fae uh and then the radio disc jockey said tina fey like saturday night live you gotta think it's something else because uh somebody already got that and we're talking about the brand name because when you hear tina fey that's what you're thinking of you're thinking of the actress from who did snl and all of that you wouldn't think of me and then that's when i my family and everybody calls me tina but i dropped that in faye and faye bishop was born in 06 honey because i had thousands and thousands of followers on my space i was working in theater at that time and living in new york city never forget why i was living in brooklyn flatbush shout out to flatbush um at that point i began to brand that name on every single thing that i touched every single thing i knew regardless of what kind of work i was doing and with who i was doing it with be it a corporation or a group of people or a certain organization i made sure that you were going to know and the world was going to know faye bishop like i was going to be you the world was going to know me yeah and i think teddy said something important too she said if you're just like this regular person and you change your name go where somebody doesn't know you go where people don't know you because you could change your name and you could stay in the same space but as teddy said as well you are not your name you are you so you could change your name five times a year and you you and people are gonna be like okay i still don't like him [Laughter] i don't care whatever i know i remember this you've got to leave it you got to like see and i think that this is why uh donald trump doesn't care this is why i think donald trump tends to have like this cavalier attitude regardless of what he's doing whether he's president of the united states he's appearing in a macy's commercial or he's you know advertising his hotels um donald trump the name because it is a brand and because he has developed such a following when you develop such a following the way that the donald trumps and the kanye west of the world have you can change your name and diddy too you can change your name to virtual anything virtually anything and as long as you're consistent with that your audience is going to follow that's why i've been warning people that you could try to sleep on truth social all you want to because you and your feelings there we go with them emotions again you got to get out the emotions jesus christ or you can get on board and figure out where this is going to go because people slept on mark zuckerberg and facebook many many years ago and here we are you know and that's why i've been kind of encouraging a lot of people right now even if you have no intention on being a user on truth social sign up for it see what's happening with it and what in addition to that pay attention to what's going on to do with digital world acquisition corp um this is a company that merged with donald trump's social media company um to build the network and the stock started out at 9.95 just two weeks ago when it opened

upon his announcement it opened at 45.50 as of this conversation just yesterday friday the stock closed at and 48 cents you know and i think that's why you can't just when it comes to brand when it you have to put your emotions aside and say hmm donald trump is attached today kanye west is attached to that they generate a lot of money right it's a lot of money right there make some money with this you know so it's very important to pay attention to those little things you can't just think oh donald trump the president oh i can't stand him he was a racist this is the screw that right no that to be honest put some emotions out the window and really really look into that because the creator a brand name with the right buy with the right kind of outlook can develop companies that can be profitable in the end that's what you want to look to and that's the whole point of when you're building a brand in the first place right you want to be profitable you want to be profitable money don't money don't see color at all they still want to make money and they still make money move so you follow the money even if it's somebody who you don't like yeah all y'all out there the nfl the nba whatever it is there's a lot of these coaches coming out showing their true colors you only throw the jersey away y'all ain't throw them season tickets away so you can't be so attached to the person you know in that whole money's root of all evil thing like i think i think that was meant to spoil to keep people from money by saying crazy stuff like that so i move with the profit motive at all times and another twist to this is think about social media now so think we are in 2021 almost 2022. if i just say i went through a whole bunch of mess my name was attached to nothing but mess all right what do i do to escape the mess i change my name and then i blow that brand up then when you google truth social or you google my new name teddy mcgee you're gonna get the new teddy mcgee you're gonna get the 2021 october teddy mcgee on you're not going to get who i was before when i was in all that mess so it's still online google can still find it but the newer generations don't know who that person is how many times do you mention somebody from the 90s and younger people don't even know who that is and you're like or they know them they know them by their new name but they don't know who they were in the 80s and i don't even think of a good example but they'd be like oh so and so from this like brand new movie we're like no this is like a superstar from the 80s like this thing about this new thing you know so you're just crazy today versus literally doing that because they're doing all these old school battles yeah i forget who it was i wish i remember who did the battle but their stock went up like glass knight and paddy lebel yeah they're at 300 sales and older rappers are being reintroduced to this new generation because they never heard of them before but that's literally exactly what you're saying teddy yeah the internet opens you up to a whole new world of old school new school but you have to know what you're looking for and not this information will start but still but this information was there these rappers were there yeah this content was there people's histories are there but you have to know what you're looking for you gotta know that old name is never to be found so this is a great strategy it's a great strategy to erase the past and start and start brand new because generations are moving life is moving forward time is moving forward so everybody just looking backward y'all got to stop doing that because there's nothing back there for you that rear view mirror is only meant to distract you look forward look ahead look how you gonna make some money look how you can be on the next big thing look how you make a brand yourself and become who you've always wanted to be don't be afraid to leave behind the old and go to the new your mama grandma in the house gonna still be there like you can go back anytime or not you know what i'm saying make them come buy them a ticket to come visit you in your new city with your new name like it's your world don't be restricted don't be restricted you know i didn't realize how many of us weren't using our full names i don't think any of us even madame president is not using her full name i just think that's so cool because i don't like i'm known as keisha ravenel but my full name is not keisha right keisha is a part of my name so i just think it's it's so cool and just listening to you guys i'm like me by my legal name like my legit name and when i post on my on my page like sometimes i'll get a certificate or or um like uh my bachelor's degree or my master's degree they be like who's that and i'm like that's me who is it that's me bowling that's me how are you that was in the navy back he is bowling oh okay this is the funniest thing i went out of okay so i'll tell you a little something before we get out i went on a date last night oh yeah i'm ready now today he calls me juvette he was like i like linda but i like to do that more so whenever i he calls or answers the phone he's like hey jebet i'm like you need to make sure you know what my first name is because if we're out in public and you call me that people are going to be like y'all familiar okay when people call you how you're recognized it's important the brand is important you want to make sure that the name that you use and the brand that you associate with that they match you want to make sure that the name that you choose and how you're represented that that matches your brand you want to make sure that the brand and the emotion that you put out into the world that that matches your name these things are synonymous they should go together you don't want to call yourself a high quality top-notch business and then the name of your business is low-budget fines together your name and your brand they go together you want to make sure that how you represented in the world here's the last thing um before we go around the room and close out is doesn't matter if you're a business owner or not you have a brand your name is a brand how you mom that's a name that's a brand how your children see you how they think about you how they speak about you when you go to work and you show up if you show up late all the time you come in dressed crazy that's your brand your brand is is late and lazy and crazy it doesn't matter if you're a business owner or not you have a brand when you show up at church you dress to the nines and your hat is to the side you have a brand like people expect to see you a certain kind of way you don't have to be a business owner to be a brand you don't have to be a business owner to have a name that means something you can be a leader in the community because every time young boys um see you you stop and you talk to them and you impart some wisdom on them but that's a brand so i just want to make sure that everybody who watched this video today you know that you don't have to be a business owner or a major corporation or major business out here to be a brand just who you are in your everyday life how you speak how you talk how you move how you treat people how you show up that is a brand and that is synonymous with your name whatever that name is whoever you got it from however you use it your name is a brand you can use it for good you can use it to be to influence you can use it to be a leader um or not but i pray and hope that all of us like all of us are using our names for to be good to be positive to be influential um to be leaders to help to share to empower to motivate and to lead um i'll go around the room with our final comments and then we're gonna close out for today okay i'll start off i guess so uh just to pick you back off of you lynnae i feel like that was like a mic drop right like that it was just so beautifully said because you're small right like you don't have to be a business uh to be a brand like everyone is their own brand um and just for me i want people to know me as keisha ravenel owner of the inspire brand he empowers and inspires the black community she helps black women to build their own businesses and she helps them to reclaim their confidence right like that's what i want to be known as and you know like i see that like that's my purpose for my business but i feel like i've never set like put it out there like this is what i want to be known for right um like i said just empowering my people inspiring my people to do more to go forward and i also wanted to mention that if you do it right it doesn't matter if you and i know it's different with like fey like you said like tina fey right that's a little bit different but for me my signature piece right and with my apparel is i am enough and i know that there's plenty of apparel out there that says i am enough there's plenty of people that saying that selling t-shirts and hoodies that say i am enough but my people when they see i am enough they're sending me something so my mom she just bought me like this beautiful piece she saw it in michael's and said i am enough right and she said i had to get this for you because like this this saying makes me think of you and i have my followers and friends and family anytime they see i am enough they're sending me it so whether it's a bracelet or someone else's hoodie they're like did you see this hoodie it has your saying and i'm like don't fret it's okay like that but you know you're following that's your people so you just have to make sure you know like i said earlier in the conversation you're continuing to serve your people you're continuing to solve the problems of your people to keep them coming back yeah that's good brand new that's good brandon go ahead and say if i can add to that i just want to say and piggyback off akisha who piggybacked off lynette um what i am enough is a seed it's a seed it speaks to what i said earlier in the conversation what you have done is set up this visual communication that tends to extend itself as like this identifier of who you are and what your brand is and what your brand represents and it starts with planting seeds it doesn't even have to be a saying it could be like i said what my name is i began planting seeds about 15 16 years ago this is even before this was at the early stages of the smartphone like i said this is going all the way to my face okay and what most people started getting used to was just me talking me speaking to certain people and me coaching and me giving my finance tips and me giving everybody those entrepreneur tips and i'm because i'm not long-winded although i'm long-winded on camera when i'm on youtube because i just kind of shorten it and get to the point people love that in fact they love it so much that even when i'm not online even when i'm not making a video they're in my dms not asking for my phone number not trying to holla not trying to say what's up but they're like i need a faison what's up i need a picture it gets me going i need a faison when you're going to post videos again it's all about see for me say bishop is about resonating in the minds of people i need you thinking of me we're not on left and room and that's what's important to keep in mind like with i am enough people are because they already identify that with you keisha they're going to be thinking of it in their sleep they're going to think of you when you're not in the room and that's what's key it's about planting seeds which sets up like this visual communication and just being consistent with it that's all you have to do with your brand think of that every single day as you're building on your brand building on your business and you will be in the minds of people and all over the internet for ever you will be like a donald trump someone you're either going to be someone who everybody loves or someone everybody hates which is what he is yeah that's it and i would say the only ad to that is you can be whoever who's ever you want to be but just know that when someone says your name or your brand make sure they're speaking of you the way you want to be spoken about and that's going to be in your everyday image and you can reinvent yourself at any time but you have to do it the right way and you have to be prepared to leave the old you behind and go into this new phase you can honestly be whoever you want to be but you need to be that person at all times when you're representing yourself and when you're representing your brand so whatever that is however you want people to talk about you once you've left the room that is who you need to be when you're in front of those people in the room and thank you everybody for my co-host right thank you to keisha at we inspire brand teddy ewing at the real teddy talks uh miss faye bishop atmosphere bishop myself um my hand was i am lynne duvett and our girl chanel walker madam president who is not with us today at one madam president with the z first of all thank you all for just showing up but thank you to our audience for tuning in every tuesday and thursday at two o'clock p.m eastern as we uh do our melanie air hour where we just take the hour to air um our life conversations about business relative to melanin experiences so we love you we thank you and we will see you next time peace

2021-11-09 23:22

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