PeopleMetrics Turns 20! 3 BUSINESS LESSONS From Customer Experience Entrepreneur Sean McDade PhD

PeopleMetrics Turns 20! 3 BUSINESS LESSONS From Customer Experience Entrepreneur Sean McDade PhD

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i just want to thank every employee who's ever  partnered with me at peoplemetrics and every   client it's been my greatest privilege next to  having children this is my the greatest honor   of my life is to work with you and serve you  as clients and help you it's been 20 years i   never could have imagined it here's to 20 more  hi everyone welcome to peoplemetrics live today   is peoplemetrics 20th anniversary to celebrate  our founder and ceo cx entrepreneur sean mcdade   will be taking us on a journey through time to  talk about business lessons he's learned over the   last two decades and we'll be joined by several  members of the peoplemetrics team here to reflect   on how the cx industry has evolved over the years  and talk about what we see on the horizon for the   future if you've got questions for our team please  drop them in the comments below and we'll be sure   to answer them so before we dive in let's just do  some quick introductions my name is madeline and i   am the marketing manager here at peoplemetrics  and i joined the team in 2017 uh just about   four years ago and our panelists today are of  course sean mcdade our founder and ceo and then   kirk lohbauer audrey squareskyi and ripal patel  from the team here at peoplemetrics so why don't   we go around and have you all introduce yourselves  to everyone and say what what year you joined the   team all right i'll kick it off hi everybody sean  mcdade founder and ceo i joined in 2001 when i   started the company on january 26 2001 so it's 20  years today the company was founded and i'm really   happy to be here today and uh hopefully this will  be a fun peoplemetrics live i'm audrey squaresky   uh i'm the director of customer experience here  at peoplemetrics i joined in 2017 the same year   madeline joined so about four years here hi my  name is ripal patel i joined peoplemetrics in 2011   so i'll hit 10 years milestone at peoplemetrics  very soon and i'm really happy about it i join   as a system analyst and currently i'm working as a  security professional as well as the developer of   the peoplemetrics hi everybody i'm kirk lohbauer  i joined in 2012 and i first started as an intern   and then as an analyst on our projects then as  a project manager on our projects and now i'm   on the business development team so i'm here to  talk about everything we do all right so sean   you have been here from the very very beginning in  2001 why don't you kick off our celebration today   yeah i mean this will be a little bit of a  different peoplemetrics live i'm going to be   sort of more of the emcee today and i'll take us  through some different key events in peoplemetrics   history and we're going to we're going to do some  visuals today which we usually don't do although   every once in a while we do this but it's 20 years  and so much has changed in both the world and the   customer experience employee experience  industry since 2001 so we thought we'd   we'd sprinkle in some some kind of nostalgic  pictures of peoplemetrics um with some of the   great people that have been at the company and you  know that's the first business lesson i'll share   with everybody whether you're an entrepreneur or  whether you know you're you're heading a team for   cx or ex like people are really everything with  the business um having great people and there's   there's four of my colleagues on the line here  with me in the zoom call which are incredibly   great talented people but i think the  first entrepreneurial lesson i learned   and i started this with nobody like it was just me  in an office and i think we have a couple pictures   of that office yeah that was the first office on  12th street uh that was me in our first office   uh that's when i had hair you know back in the day  but you know you can't do everything yourself if   you're an entrepreneur and i think entrepreneurs  grow when they start oh you know allowing great   people to do their job and you encourage them you  give them goals you help them whenever possible   but at the end of the day that's the key to  any business and that's that's believing in   your people recruiting good people keeping them  keeping them challenged keeping them engaged and   you know that's just not things we say to our  clients around employee experience and engagement   that's something we live at the company every day  um here's some pictures of our first office on   12th street um that's me again there's deanna  which was the first employee at peoplemetrics   um sanjeev who's who is a long-term time employee  at peoplemetrics and uh now is at our uh sister   company reason research um that broke off from  people's metrics five or six years ago and does   custom market research work and pharmaceutical  industry and we're still you know friends with all   of them there and say hello to all of them they're  they're watching this today um so in the beginning   starting this company it was it was very  different than today you know i came for more of   a traditional market research background um you  know when we did a study for a client it would   you know there'd be a lot of good design work in  terms of questionnaire design we'd put it out in   the field it was telephone interviewing it took  a while to get the interviews done you know weeks   and then once we get the data back you know  we had people creating crosstabs and then   i'd get the data back and i would you know look  through all these crosstabs and write up a report   you'd probably be six weeks after the study  fielded that the client would get any results and   and you know i started peoplemetrics because i  felt like that was probably going to be too long   and the world was going to converge in terms of  real-time data and insights um that was our first   website that we have here and that that's what  we were doing like we were doing i thought really   really good market research as good in terms of  design and analysis as anyone but we were getting   the preliminary results to clients in real  time like as soon as they responded hit submit   we would get the results to our to our  uh to our client and at the time that   was really really different and now that's kind  of expected a lot in a lot of ways um but it's   certainly gone that was the beginning of what  some of the things that we can do today in cx   is based on like when we talk about  operationalizing you know customer   experience feedback and getting it to every  member of the organization it started there when   we were just able to figure out okay we can get  results to people in real time now we're getting   you know granular results to specific people  in the organization based on their data in real   time every single day so it's really it's it's  evolved as an industry and it's obviously become   much more technology driven and we've certainly  followed that and invested a lot in technology   um here was our first kind of landing page for  folks we called it e-survey and we had you know   we had a qualitative offer um but it's really but  what hasn't changed i think and it's what what our   clients i think value still and and i think many  clients do is you know how do we ask the right   what are the right questions to ask to the right  people at the right time so we can get this great   you know operationalized cx data to all of our our  people and they can take action on it that still   hasn't gone away although it's been de-emphasized  and i think you know it's not as i think it's   something that i i still always found my fist  on like hey you have to be able to design good   studies even if technology is carrying a lot of  the heavy weight these days right then we evolved   to 1600 market street this is kind of a journey  in time and nobody here on the on the uh zoom   meeting has been at peoplemetrics yet so  i'll take this one um here are some folks who   who were with the team then and uh there's  another recent research person heather um we've   got sanjeev who was one of our long-term employees  and now is at vanguard and it's really rewarding   by the way to see people who you helped uh you  hired as very like entry-level people and see them   grow and evolve into incredible professionals and  you know in in some cases like doing unbelievable   work um beyond what the work i'm doing it's just  it's it's very very rewarding to see that happen   it's and it's the most rewarding part of this job  for sure is to see people develop and whatever   path they take is fine and it's great and i'm  really happy for all the people we're seeing here   hi it's madeline thanks for joining us for  peoplemetrics live if this is your first   time watching peoplemetrics live is a weekly  live webinar session where experts from our   team answer your questions about customer employee  and patient experience measurement and management   we've been doing this for two decades now and  this is a great way for us to share our knowledge   with you you can sign up for upcoming sessions  of peoplemetrics live at   events and bring a friend this was our one of  our first uh looks at the reporting that we   had in the application um if current clients know  that it looks a lot different now um it certainly   was something that was good back then but uh  it sure does look dated today doesn't it folks   yeah that old internet explorer is uh ancient our  application only worked on internet explorer for   a long time okay then then we actually went to  to art street it was a long long journey and a   couple of you have joined me on this journey right  kirk and ripple were both in that office right   so um there's there's murley again we go keep  going there's a bunch of people there's gary and   kate two of my favorite people uh gary runs recent  research kate is is heading culture diversity and   other things at lincoln financial group incredible  people incredible talent we would not be here   today without both of them that's for sure um and  just an amazing group of people in these pictures   as well so i'm going to ask you guys a question  so i'll start with you kirk you know you joined   peoplemetrics in what 2012 you said 2012 yeah  what when you when you joined the company and   you were getting into this industry of you know  customer experience employee experience and some   market research that we were doing back then what  what did you expect it to be and then what has it   what has it evolved into yeah well i'm not quite  sure i had any expectations coming into it i think   you know at the time when i started my only  understanding of customer feedback was as a   customer of i i take a survey and then at the  time my only thinking of it was this goes into   a void and then i don't know what happens with it  starting peoplemetrics was learning what happens   with it if you're actually serious  about it so i think the biggest   change in my understanding and what i learned the  most was how much work goes into you know those   three things that you just said of uh asking the  right questions to the right people and kind of   getting it in front of the right hands to take  action on it and uh you know when i started   kind of a lot of what i did was reading through  individual comments kind of doing some of that   really heavy work and analysis that then builds  up into larger and larger reports and that was   something that you know i think that i understand  now today after all that time and work is that   what the best companies do is spend a lot of  that time understand your customer feedback and   then put it back out there that i read it i made  changes and here's what we did because that's the   thing that's me prior to getting customer feedback  i didn't fully understand you know one other thing   that i'll say that's dramatically changed since  i started in this industry just building all what   you said kirk is you know technology definitely  has changed the whole industry without a doubt   but the acceptance i would call it of individual  feedback individual customer feedback being   revealed not anonymous and followed up on is a  huge change like when we first started doing this   like you know my market research friends were  telling me that i was i was like violating every   every single like you know standard of market  research of of respondent anonymity and i was   arguing back then that as long as we had the  permission of the customer to have a follow-up   that we're doing the customer a service and this  is not market research what we're doing this is   customer experience management we're measuring  after a touch point hopefully a moment of truth   we're identifying what that moment of truth is  when we're empowering the client to understand   how that moment of truth is going and following  up on customers who have had a poor experience   and not just following up managing it through  a specific process that we call case management   that we've always had in our in our product that's  that was radically different and i had i had like   debates with people for the first 10 years of  the company even while we were at arch street   even in this phase that that's you can't do  that i'm like well people are are now you know   social that's back when myspace and some the  initial social media was going and then we had   twitter and facebook and people were sharing  what they had for lunch and everything else   and i'm like you really don't think people want to  want to follow up when they have a poor experience   i think they do and now that is not i don't even  think that's controversial anymore right team like   we don't we don't have conversations about whether  that's something that can happen that just happens   um so i just want to point that out that this was  still going on in this phase of of the industry   yeah and and one last thing i'd piggyback on that  that you mentioned as far as just awareness you   know at the time you know when i first joined we  were having a lot more conversations with clients   about customer experience is not customer service  and that's that's much better understood now just   generally folks understand that experience extends  across every it is the experience it's everything   that we provide to customers it's not just when  something goes wrong how do i fix it and that's uh   that was a mindset mindset shift that  that's that's been a long time coming   so and there's a you know here's a shameless plug  in in my book listen or die there's a chapter that   is specifically called the difference between  customer experience and customer service that i   think madeline's one of the more popular chapters  in the book and something we've gotten a lot of   good comments on yeah yeah we'll definitely link  here to the uh we actually did a peoplemetrics   live all about this too um so we'll link to that  so you can watch it too ripple i have a question   for you ripple you joined right around and now  it's 2021 10 years later how what what was the   this and i've said that that customer experience  world has become more and more technology driven   what are some of the changes you've seen since you  got you first got to peoplemetrics in terms of our   product compared to what it is today um shall  i say that during my tenure at peoplemetrics   the most important lesson which i learned is that  the technology is accelerating at such a speed   that we have to keep up to date with our product  as well as ourselves so there are many to keep   up to date with changes and some of them are like  you can be a part of the community membership or   podcast books training courses and all that stuff  the reason i talked about keeping ourselves up to   date first then the product is if we keep up to  date up to date with the technology trend then   we direct the product in the right direction and  that's what exactly we did at the peoplemetrics   as we are seeing through the slides previously  we used to use like asps and darkness and that   all kind of technologies instead of that nowadays  we are using like cloud services and the newer   technologies which which like exactly matches the  current trends and that's what making our product   successful i mean audrey i want to get you in the  conversation like you joined you know in 2000 in   our current current office which we no longer  are at by the way we are remote because of kofi   but this is where our office is um you've seen the  product come a long way right from the from the   days that you came in versus today what what are  your insights on that yeah even in just the last   four years there um has been so much evolution of  the product um and and features added so it's been   pretty exciting to be a part of but yeah when i  started even my knowledge of customer experience   was pretty limited i i was familiar with surveys  but more on the market research side of things and   i knew about focus groups but i hadn't i didn't  know about e-focus groups things that we do here   so um it's been a great learning experience to  kind of get up to speed on customer experience   and how everything works and um and and really i  work directly with our clients so i have a lot of   you know knowledge from from things they've done  and how the programs have impacted their bottom   line and and changed things um at their companies  which is really exciting to see and be a part of   did you know that you can watch past sessions  of peoplemetrics live right here on our youtube   channel by simply clicking the link above be  sure to check them out for answers to dozens   of questions along with stories tips and best  practices from our team of experts you can click   the bottom right corner of this video to subscribe  to our channel so you never miss an update   yeah and i'd say that this phase of the the the  customer experience world has really shifted into   you know text analytics machine learning you  know analytics on the fly within the platform   like those are things like we've invested  in and a lot of the industries invested in   and you know it would it would have been unheard  of 10 years ago or or longer to be able to   see open-ended comments that could be at least  made sense of in real time by a machine not as   good as a person right it's not what it's meant  for but at 80 85 percent of what a person can do   and identify trends at scale it's just it's really  amazing really what what things like that can do   and the fact now it's really easy to see show  statistical significance within for instance   our platform where before we would have to shift  it into you know spss or sas and run run it and   then get it back to the client it's like there's  so much more that you can do now on the fly than   you ever could previously and audrey you've seen  that right even involved over the last few years   yeah i mean the big thing with text analytics  is being able to do it at scale um you know   most of our clients have analysts who can read  comments but nobody can read them in real time   at scale we have um clients get that get thousands  of responses a day and our text analytics   um allows them to to kind of pinpoint what is  important and then be able to focus on that   rather than just trying to comb through comments  um and same thing with the statistics uh feature   that we have they can easily see if changes and  numbers are statistically significant or not   uh without having to pull the data out and do  a ton of analysis so i think our platform has   really helped people streamline um get things  done more quickly and then get to the heart   of what's important in their data without a doubt  madeline you joined here around in this time right   up there's some pictures of some folks what what  were your expectations when you were entering this   industry and and how are they different than kind  of what what actually happened i would say my my   um thoughts about customer experience or similar  to kirk's i didn't really have any expectations   coming in i of course knew like you know you  could take surveys on the bottom of a receipt or   you know that kind of thing um but this was for  me learning about customer experience and um   survey feedback and closed loop  processes and all that kind of stuff   really it suddenly like put words to experiences  that i have been having my whole life and continue   to have as a consumer um that i didn't i i kind  of was able to put um vocabulary words in and and   with things that happened to me all the time so  um you know able to see oh when i i had a bad   experience at that restaurant and here i am saying  telling all of my friends that it was terrible   and and learning about how that is you know  word of mouth and how you want to prevent that   and how that can be prevented by following up  with a customer after they indicate that they've   had a negative experience just all those kinds of  things i think similar to kirk i didn't have the   um i didn't know that there was such a  process behind survey feedback that actually   is operationalized and used to improve the  experience so that you're avoiding those   kinds of conversations happening um on the  consumer end and you are getting more of the   opposite which is people going to their friends  and saying oh my gosh the customer service person   i just talked to like was so cool and they solved  my problem and i feel like we're friends and   you know the kinds of experiences that that you  remember when you've had a great great experience   with a brand i just didn't know that all that  stuff was uh was behind surveys and i think   yeah to this day i just continued to experience  that myself just as a consumer so that was   i love it yeah i think the cool thing about you  know customer experience management or experience   management in general is you know it still has  the good parts about what market research does   and that's identify systemic issues that a company  needs to focus on and fix in order to have a wide   impact among all of their customers and that's  you know a really great thing about what market   research does but it also allows companies to  understand what madeline's personal experience   was understand if it was poor you could follow up  on it right away and that provides kind of a dual   benefit that i think this has that you know a lot  of other types of research just does not have and   it's i think it's a it's it's an amazing business  benefit and it's why it's become a category   you know fort forester gartner for courser  gartner are covering this there it's a category   and there's reasons for that because companies  are getting a lot of value out of these programs   definitely i think the other side that i didn't  realize either was the employee experience side   of it and how tied great employee performance  is tied to great customer experiences um and and   being able to you know hear almost immediately  or immediately that you have delivered a great   experience and here's why um that's so that's  just great to hear as an employee and you're able   to continue delivering great experiences like  that and um yeah that was a part that i didn't   have vision into until coming here there's  a good picture of our launch official launch   of the new platform um you know i'm sure  some people probably don't know this but we   we have rebuilt our product from the ground up um  we had a we had a what we call a legacy product um   that had a little bit of old technology which  ripple was talking about in a moment ago and   we decided to rebuild it with a modern technology  stack and that that uh picture on the bottom left   of the blue shirts was when we launched that  product officially and that's really been the   spark in terms of where we are today with great  team and this is our this is our website today   where we're helping you know companies improve  the customer employee and we have a really   you know specific focus on pharma cx we call  it which is helping pharmaceutical companies   improve the experiences of their customers which  our patients hcps you know caregivers and other   stakeholders so you know we're super excited to  have focused on the experience economy we think   that companies don't launch products anymore they  launch experiences no matter what industry you're   in experiences are about the only thing that  differentiates companies these days for the most   part unless you have some sort of monopoly power  over over customers and you know it's everything   and and measuring those and managing those and  improving those is is kind of what we do this is   the product now it looks very different than some  of those pictures we had in the past right ripple   it's a it's like a completely different thing  yeah it's it's completely different it's a new   of the peoplemetrics as well as i will say that  it's a more real time than the previous product   we had you know like you get the real-time  analysis you can dynamically create a matrix   you can response immediately to any alerts over  there so no it's it's a really great product   yeah and it's a privilege to get this data in the  hands of our clients and their people every day   to see their data so they can make better  decisions on behalf of their customers clients   patients um whomever their their key stakeholders  are and that's really what it's all about this   is all done to help our clients do a better  job for their customers and ultimately that   makes the world i think a better place to live  and certainly a better place to do business in   and that's that's some of the current team today  we did a holiday video for some of our some of   our clients all of our clients i guess and uh  that's us waving at that point all right so we're   at uh about five minutes left should we madeline  should we tackle some of the future stuff now   sure yeah um let's let's just go around and  and sean i'll start with you on on what do you   think you know we just spent this this half hour  looking back at the past 20 years and how things   have changed obviously change is accelerating as  we go into the future so what do what do you think   will be um trends for the next 20 years i'll  throw out a cup i'll throw in a couple um and   this one is counter intuitive maybe given all the  emphasis on technology in the space but i think   i think highly specialized vertical knowledge is  going to become more and more valuable so i think   you know pharmaceutical companies are going to  want to buy from companies that know that industry   and telecommunications companies are going to want  to buy from somebody who knows that industry and   the reason is is at the end of the day you know  maybe somebody's technology's a little better or   looks nicer than another but if you're not asking  the right questions to the right people to get the   results that you can act on in a language that  your customers can understand and relate to then   the technology doesn't matter right so i think  that's a huge trend that's going to continue and   i think we're seeing that already i think highly  specialized vertical knowledge is absolutely key   our founder and ceo sean wrote an amazing  book about customer experience measurement   called listen or die 40 lessons that turn  customer feedback into gold it's a deep dive   into best practices for cx measurement based  off of his years of experience in the space   and you can easily read it front to back on an  airplane ride you can pick up your copy today it's   available now on amazon i think we're going to see  more and more non-survey data get attached to the   products so operational data whatever you want to  call it i think you're going to start seeing true   360 views of customers with with data not just on  their survey what they said on the survey but sort   of how they've behaved over time from data that  the client has collected so i think those are two   things that i would point to that that will shape  the industry going forward audrey kirk ripple what   do you guys all think kirk you want to kick it off  yeah i'm happy to kick it off and i'll say kind of   one for me that we've been seeing in in recent  years and i think will continue to develop is   more and more industries understanding that  they need to to to measure and define their   customer experience and i think you know back when  i started in 2012 you really just have these core   industries that said you know i'm hospitality  i'm a restaurant i need to measure the customer   experience since then that's really grown into  everyone understands if if my product is getting   to an end customer which every product is i need  to have some understanding of the experience   throughout that uh you know specifically i i  spend more my time now working with pharmaceutical   companies where their understanding they need to  make it as easy as possible for their patients to   get access to their medication that was never  something that was a defined uh understanding for   them before and it's even growing to just how our  clinical trials going not just how what is your   experience with medication so i i would suspect  and if you're on this call as a cx operator today   that's something that you need to be mindful  of for the future is am i collecting the full   range of customer experience because probably  you're not thinking with the full lens of   how the customer gets to your end product so  that's that's where you should be thinking ahead   how about you audrey what are you thinking about  the future um i think that we're going to continue   to see more and more people with access to this  data within um companies that are collecting it   i think probably the history of it was that it  went to a core team of people who analyzed it and   and worked with it but um you know something  that we've done at peoplemetrics is is allow   unlimited user licenses to access our platform  so that everybody is able to see this data and   understand what's going on um so i do think you  have to have a targeted um loop closing process   and and know what you're doing with it but i think  the more people that have access to it within an   organization the better off you are um even you  know the call center rep should should see what   customers are saying that the site leader should  know um and so i think we're going to continue   to see that trend with more people looking at  the data and understanding why it's important   would you ripple anything you want to you want  to add to what we were talking about definitely   i'll say that the text analytics or we can call  it a machine learning that's a really important   part going forward as it's going to analyze the  results of the feedback very quickly in real time   that's really going to help out to understand  the whole 360 view of the of the experience definitely and i i would add  to that that that is certainly   because the present and future um and it's  it's something that that will only get more   sophisticated in terms of identifying  you know themes from open-ended comments   as well as you know identifying trends even  from quantitative data that's coming in so madeleine we're a little bit over i think we  have one question shall we try it yeah definitely   um so the question here is how do you start a  customer experience business in a culture that   has serious issues with customer experience and  service that's a great question first of all and   in fact it's such a great question it was number  one chapter in my book listen or die and that was   titled everybody wants to be customer-centric but  nobody knows what that means or how to do that   uh so here here it and i would recommend reading  that chapter for sure in the book um but the way   companies turn around an organization that may not  be performing the way they want to with regard to   customer experience is they need to take a step  back leadership it's really important to start   there has to believe that the customer experience  is important if they believe that's important   then that solves a lot of issues and then the next  step always in my opinion is to set up a listening   program around a key moment of truth or a touch  point that matters a lot to your customers and   that data that customer feedback doesn't sit in  a silo it sits across the organization everybody   has visibility to it the data gets put in the  hands of people who can change the experience for   those customers or clients and you systematically  work up there's there's no like magic bullet on   this but there the magic bullet really is if there  isn't one it's identify that number one moment of   truth start listening and start following up and  acting on that feedback and then things will start   to slowly change you'll start delivering better  customer experiences you'll have less problems   people will start seeing wow this part of the  organization is really performing well and it   can make a difference and then that's kind of  that that will spread across the organization   um but audrey kirk i'd love to hear your thoughts  on that one as well yeah i i think what i'd add to   that i think that that that is a great question uh  as far as sean's right we need you need to start   with leadership buy-in i think it's it's that's  also i think a very easy place to start because   you can there are so much information out there  about how customer satisfaction relates to   customer return it relates to customer  spend it relates to loyalty so making   that that case is very clear because we could  say we need to know this we need to improve it   and also i would suspect if you have a bad or use  if you suspect there's a poor customer experience   or poor customer service today you've probably  heard some of that from customers you probably   have an email or some feedback from customers  or you can say this is why customer satisfaction   matters xyz and also we're hearing kind of  nuance or aspects of this from customers today   so we need to measure it and then from there you  go into that point where you show and prove you   start with a program at a key touch point  show how then you know where our scores are   improving we've identified items and we're taking  action and that's that's how you grow from there   yeah the first thing i thought it was  identifying a moment of truth that really   impacts your business uh and i think using  that to get leadership by and will help you   if you can like kirk said figure out where people  have already provided some sort of feedback and   said there's a problem um and and go to your  leadership with a solution with a suggestion   for how to improve it you know you're already  part of the way there yeah and i would say that   building an roi case based on that moment of  truth or even beforehand is huge in terms of   getting leadership i am so that's probably  the first thing i would do is i didn't and   you know there's a bunch of data and listen or  die and you can you can listen or you can go on   the internet and find stuff too on terms of roi  data in terms of listening and taking action but   you know it's nothing like doing it yourself  and showing an roi right so there's probably two   levels to it but that roi case is is absolutely  huge and that's that's certainly where i begin   all right well this has been such a fun session  going and looking back at where we've been and and   uh looking ahead at where we're heading just want  to thank every employee who's ever partnered with   me at peoplemetrics and every client it's been my  greatest privilege next to having children this   is my the greatest honor in my life is to work  with you and serve you as clients and help you   it's been 20 years i never could have imagined  it here's to 20 more and on behalf of everyone   here at peoplemetrics thank you for joining us  for peoplemetrics live if you liked this video   make sure to subscribe right here so you never  miss an update and have you checked out other   sessions of peoplemetrics live yet you can click  right here to watch them all i'll see you there

2021-01-31 05:06

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