Are you, super. Overwhelmed. With your never-ending. To-do list. And you have all these things that need your attention, yet there's just not enough time in a day. You can have it all but you, cannot. Do it all. And. I'm going to teach you, exactly. How to get started with hiring, help virtually. For as little, as four to five dollars, an hour. So you can keep your sanity, you can crush it in your business. And you can be omnipresent. On social media, and, completely. Rock your business and rock your life, coming. Up. Hey nadia melton here, and this is your very first time, watching, this channel. My husband, john and i we teach, entrepreneurs. And network marketers. How to take their online, business, their social media, their lifestyle. And, their happiness, to that next level, and i'm telling you outsourcing. Has been such. A big, piece, to creating. A multi-million. Dollar, empire. That we run today so inside this training, i'm really really happy to showcase. My whole, system for you, now disclaimer. It is pretty analytical. It's very tactical. And i talk to you about the mindset, so if you do have those. I call them loser, thoughts, about maybe you're not ready to outsource, or it's too expensive. Or. If i want it to be done i want to do it myself, model. Mindset, thinking. Then this training is going to be super valuable. I actually, just wrapped it up, it was a powerpoint. Type of training, so i'm going to go ahead, and scooch, over there so i'll see, you. Behind, my screen, and i'm so psyched that you're here, let's help you elevate. Your business. Your life and your happiness, level to that next level. Your, team, will make you time, and money, it's all about your bandwidth. And a lot of times, we, try to, you know take on too much without, recognizing. The fact. That our bandwidth. Can't support, it, and i think for me. Once, i got. Once i got that that you know what if i want to go after this here if i want to put this on my to-do list, some things have to. Be taken, off my to-do list right and we start to look at it logically, like that, everything is gonna shift for you all right so, i love this quote here by brian, dyson. Former, ceo of coca-cola, and he says, imagine. Life, as a game in which, you're juggling, some five balls in the air, you name them work family, health friends and spirit. And you're keeping, all of these in the air, you will soon, understand. That work. Is a rubber ball, if you drop it it will bounce back, but the other four balls, family. Health friends and spirit, are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably. Scarfed. Marked, nicked, damaged, or even, shattered they will never be the same, you must understand, that and strive, for balance. In, your. Life. That gives me chills, that's so good that yes, your business. It is a rubber ball but, all the other different areas, of our lives. We must. Run, in such a way that we're not dropping, those, balls.
Now Why outsource. Well first of all, you are the visionary. Of your business. You are it you're the visionary, you got to take care of you. Some of you may need to hear that message, yes, you're the visionary, you need to take care of you, and in order for you to reach that next level of success. That is reserved. For the elite in your field you have to retrain your brain, and elevate. Your. Energy. So ask yourself. How can this, get done, with the least amount of effort, and energy, on, my. Part. Now. Let me make a discernment. Right here. Now when we talk about outsourcing. I'm gonna talk to you about activities. That, specifically. Uh, drain your energy. Or, activities, that don't make you money, and activities, that don't, bring you any, joy. That is what we need to outsource. We can never outsource, activities, that are your, income, producing, activities, like, in network marketing, that would be your prospecting. Activities that would be you connecting. With your prospect. Following, up right, doing your videos, that stuff you can't outsource, but everything, that leads, up to. Those activities. Absolutely, and i'm gonna give you, some more discernment. As we go through the training. Is what you're doing daily making the, biggest. Impact. You, can, make i want you to answer that question honestly, for yourself, right now. Is every day are you spending, your day on activities. That are bringing you joy, activities, that are making the biggest, impact, the activities, that move the needle, in, your, business. How do we gain clarity. On, exactly. What you're doing every day so let's run through this, really, quick, okay. You want to sit down, and budget maybe 30 minutes. And make a list of everything, that you do on a weekly basis, so think, monday morning through sunday, night and you want to write everything, down okay from doing laundry. To, uh, cooking, to you know picking up the kids. Doing your prospecting. Whatever, write, everything, down. Then, the second step you're gonna do is you're gonna highlight. Your top two to three, income producing, activities. And i would also. Uh maybe highlight. Different, color highlighter. Highlight, two to three activities. Or more, that you do with your kids with your husband with your friends, that brings you so. Much, joy. Oh my gosh, that brings you so much joy. So let's highlight that. And then number, three. We're going to now, take the rest of the activities, that you're doing and our goal. Is to either a, outsource. It to somebody, else, or to something else there's people, and then there's systems, that we can outsource, to. Or. We can we need to come in and increase, competency. In the area, what are those activities, that you're doing right now that are sucking, your energy, there, they need to come, off, your to-do list, does that make sense. All right, so let's talk, strategically. On what, that could look like now. Don't get overwhelmed, because you cannot, hire, all these people. All at once. I'm going to talk to you about, if i were you. And i was starting, from, scratch, if you will if i haven't, outsourced. Anything, just yet, i'll talk about priority, where i would start if i were you but. A good rule of thumb would be, once you make that list, and you identify, your number one anxiety. Then you gotta lean into that, first and you're gonna troubleshoot. That first, three, types of outsourcers. All right, number one we got ongoing. So example, could be your virtual assistant. Your bookkeeper. Landscaper. Meaning you have somebody, that now you interviewed, you love this person. And they're helping, you on an ongoing. Basis. Number two, is we have project, based. Example, could be graphic designer, so it's not somebody, that you know is on like a weekly retainer, monthly retain or whatever, but as you have worked for this person, to do. They're gonna do it. Number three, we got. Uh systems. Or, automated. Software. So this could be things like uh creating a system for your social media. Where there's auto posting, so i'm going to share with you a couple of tools that we use we love in our business. Because again, you can be, everywhere. Like your presence, can be omnipresent. But you don't have to do it right there's a system that you can create, for that, so this is kind of how i want you to think through. As we begin to put your different activities, that we need to give to somebody, else, is it going to be an ongoing, project, based or some kind of system. Or software, that can help you. Two types of jobs, we have offline, jobs, and online, jobs, offline, is anything, where proximity.
Geographical. Proximity. Plays an important factor. And, online, jobs, you'll notice, it's way cheaper, to outsource. When you, do virtually, i'm going to show you how to do that and what's beautiful, is you can now hire talent. Anywhere. In the world, and because, there are countries, like philippines. And, other countries, where their cost of living, is so much cheaper. Than here in the united, states. Or whatever you're watching, right we can bring, virtual, help. Cheaper. For us, right but for them it's still, incredible. Income, which is really really cool, okay. Let me give you. A couple of really, awesome resources. Okay. Offline. Let's talk that housekeeper. So this is something, probably that's not going to be your very, first. Job but for some of you, you do need someone to come and maybe once a week, a couple times a month, to either do laundry. Help you with, you know cleaning the house or whatever, because, if it doesn't bring you joy. And, you can, especially, if you have very little, time. I want to encourage, you to, to outsource, those, those things, so the best website, that i found for housekeeping, is Recently. We, uh i went on a hunt, to find as a housekeeper. And i, didn't have a whole lot of success, on that website. I don't know if it's because of the area, that we live in but, i actually reached out to a couple of people, that i knew, and i got a recommendation. So i'm always going to maybe recommend, for somebody that's going to be in your house, maybe you do go with, a referral. Type. Um, to find yourself, a really, good one okay but, if you don't know anybody, now second thing. Meal, kid delivery. Services. You know maybe you're not as good as planning your meals ahead of time or you need some help or you work from home, you guys your health you got to take care of that stuff, right, and you do have to be proactive. And think through okay what am i gonna feed my family. So, for me what i found, is our step, one as we made that transition. Was we wanted to increase our palate, when it came to that way of eating. I found after trying a couple different companies. That v store is my favorite but there is purple carrot hello fresh. And there's different ways that it works, where either a chef, preps a meal for you. And all you got to do is warm it up, or, they send you ingredients. And like a recipe, and then you cook i found that to be too tedious, for me you can get your groceries, delivered, think about how long it takes to go to the grocery store, to pick the stuff out to bring it home to unpack, da da da. That takes some time, right. So a lot of these local grocery, stores now have ways, where you can deliver, that. Now another. Tool, oh my goodness i'm gonna get extra excited it's called tackle. So this. Service, is really awesome, it's an app that you download, it's kind of like a lift. But for, anything, like candy. Lawn. Pet care, anything, like handy in the house cleaning, even housekeeping. Is on there anything, assembly. So, that's an awesome, awesome resource. Angie's, list is pretty cool so. You know, for some of us, if you're handy. And you doing things like that brings you joy. Then do it but for most of us these activities. I mean they snack out energy. Right, they just they just don't bring us joy, and and. As an entrepreneur. Ceo. A visionary, of your business. I need you to calculate, how much you're worth per hour. I need you to calculate, that because, for your average, entrepreneur. Dude it's like 500, dash a thousand, dollars. Per hour is what you're worth, so should you be doing things like that. Probably not, all right now virtual, team, blueprint. Moving. Right along, okay. So. When we now talk about, building, your virtual, business, and hiring. Virtual. Help. How can we do it in such a way where everybody. Can work effectively.
Well, The first thing we gotta do is we gotta get your virtual life organized. I'm gonna, talk about that number two. We need to now secure. Your online. Assets. Meaning, when you hire a virtual assistant, to help you with social media. You never want to give your assistant. Actual, username. And password, to your website. Not because. You don't trust them but because, what if they log. In. To work. On, an unsecured. Internet connection. Right and there's there's people out there i don't know if you know this but there are hackers, out there, their full-time. Job is to hack, into. Your social media, or any, other asset. So if you haven't, done this piece, i want to i want to really really really, encourage, you to take some time. Take some time. And get it organized, and then secure it then. Step three, is where we go to interview, hire, and manage. The team number four put systems, in place. To maximize. Your effectiveness. And your omnipresent. Presence, factor. And number five, we live the dream and the goal is here, and you guys here became. Let me help you with this. Number one initiative, became. How can we create. A life. Where we, love what we do. We only do activities, that we truly enjoy. We outsource, everything, else. And i want to do less, but i want to make more, how can we do that well, that's the formula, okay. Next. Virtual, outsourcing. I'm going to go through, remember we talked about the three types of outsources. We have, ongoing. We have, per project. And then we have like tools. And, resources. And software, so we can utilize. The first one that i love, is Something, like, 90. Of people. Watch, videos. Without, sound, on okay, so if you're especially. Interested. In increasing, your video, views. If you just add, captions, to your videos, it's going to get more views on your videos, most people are just scrolling, through, and if they see subtext, on your video, they're gonna, see if it makes sense and then they'll stop and they'll watch, Is what we do. For captions for transcriptions. Now meet, Is a service that we use, every 30 days you can identify. What are your best, posts. That did that got a lot of attention, right, and you can take those posts, and you can essentially, create, buckets, of evergreen. Content. And then, you can set those buckets, to auto post to different platforms. And we optimized, that so we have, probably.
Close To 600. Pieces, of content. That are evergreen, that are set in a way, to out of post, in different areas, now plan, p l a p-l-a-n-n. Is an app, that you can also. Work together. With your team, on. And you can plan, out your instagram, content, so you can upload, let's call it 15 to 30 images. Into the feed on plan. Your team can help you with creating, captions, or loading captions. And then you can drag rare wrench. Really cool i don't want to do a plan tutorial, right now but essentially, you can plan, out your instagram, content. For weeks in advance, a month in advance. And then, you could see exactly what your grid would look like, really cool one of my favorite tools. That we love to use. All right let me talk to those of you guys, that, have. That control, freak, type. Mentality, like where you want to be in control, all the time and the idea of outsourcing. Just scares, the heck out of you. Is an easy, easy way. To get your feet. Like, get your feet in the pool if you will, so you can go to the website, and you can hire, for easy, tasks, so this would be project, based, let's say you need a graphic, a new cover photo. For facebook. You can go and hire somebody for as little as five dollars a task, on, that website. Super, awesome. Make sure you check out reviews. Right check out reviews, check out the person's, work to ensure, that, their type of work like fits your, kind of design, and whatnot. You can also, hire video, editing, on Is what we use, for ninety percent, of my team. And, essentially. Is a website, that brings. People, that need work with people who do work. And they serve as a middleman. And what's really awesome, is that, when, you hire, somebody, on The person. Has to log, into, To work on your tasks. And their website, takes, random, screenshots. So it gives you like a word diary, so for those of us that go man, if i hire somebody in philippines, how do i know they're actually working, well, Takes that small tiny, percentage, of your hourly, fee that you're going to pay the person right. And then, they're going to just, provide that security. For you, they're going to be the middle, man, for payment between you and the person, they give you the word diary, really awesome, you're gonna see.
A Big range, of. Hourly, rates, on upwork, because you'll see people there from all different countries. So for example. For virtual, assistant, you can hire somebody, that can help you for as little as four to five six dollars an hour. In philippines, but if you were to try to hire that same person, like, in america, it's gonna be three four five, times, that, right, which i always, want to encourage you philippines. Is, the best. And you guys know my team i got kyle on, bam is a part of our team both of mighty, who's our new hire. All of these guys and philippines, we love them they've become like part of our family it's pretty awesome so We love. Is the number one, marketplace. For graphic design. Actually, i found, my graphic designer, wait now actually we have two. Graphic designers. That i found, on that, website. And i go to them, when we need graphics. That's it so this would be project, based. Outsourcers. Right. And, um what's really cool about 99, designs. If you need like a logo, or you need like, ebook. Cover design, you can create a contest. And then you have, all of these designers. That, basically. Bid for the job, and then you can pick your favorite design. And voila. Now optimize, your productivity. A couple of different tools to help you. You know get organized, and become productive. The first one i want to touch on is dropbox. So, what we had to do i had to a couple years ago i took a couple of days, and, i essentially, created, a system. Inside, our dropbox. Where all of our assets, were organized. So we had you know photos. All about documents. All the videos, and it created a system, for that the cool thing, is, once you create, a workflow, for this, once you have a system, and once you start bringing, people on and everybody, kind of knows. Where to find stuff. Like where, you know, finished, product goes. How it all works together. Then it's like the dream come true right. Gene is cool, well essentially you can capture your screen but now i know you can do it with shift command, four if you have mac and then you can take a screenshot, right. Uh skype, asana. Is what we use, to help, um like keep us organized, with our project. With, the team, remember, when you're feeling the overwhelm, you guys the beautiful, thing is, right. Is, you're gonna continue, to build, out your workflows. And your systems. As time goes on so what i want you to zoom in on is remember, what is your number one anxiety. And let's troubleshoot, that, don't limit your genius, meaning, when if you have right now outdated, cell phone, or your computer. Is so. Slow. A, it's. Still in your energy, b. It's like wasting. So much, time. So i want to encourage, you to take a look at your devices, to ensure that you're set, up, for success. Your digital, assets, are way too valuable, to be limited, by storage. Or by slow computer. Or phone from, 1995.. Now the next step, and this is a really big one, you guys a really big one. This is huge for your, business. Stuff but this is also huge for like your banking, things. How many of you have ever been hacked, essentially, what you want to do is use one password, or last pass, right. One password, or last. Pass and what you could do we use lastpass, that's what we love, all of my virtual, team, um, they create. A lastpass, account if they don't have one, and then what we're able to do on our end is we create, a vault of passwords. That i would then assign. To my team member. So they, now can log into. You know instagram, or facebook, or whatever website. I want them to be able to access. But they never see the username, or password. Does that make sense, so this is protection, for you it's protection. For, you know your teammates. Right, uh and also this is really cool because lastpass, i have that app. On my phone as well so i can log into, everything. I need to log into, and each password. Is super intense, super complicated. And you can essentially, create one master password. And then, the website, stores, all the other stuff, and either, like a chrome extension. You have on your computer, let you log in or the app on the phone. You can um log in, so. Like i told you before. My first recommendation. For you would be to hire a bookkeeper. If you don't have one. But. If you do. Or you go nadia i do my own bookkeeping. It brings me so much joy, don't worry about that. Then let me talk to you about the next.
Person. And i want you to gauge, the next person, based on again your number one anxiety. Does that make sense that's kind of how i want you to lean into. Who should be the first or second or third person to outsource. To. So here's what fiverr looks like, fiverr. Cool website, great place to get started and as you can see, when you go to that marketplace. Look at all of these, cool things, that you can hire, experts, to help you do, for very inexpensive. Now upwork. Let me show you, this is an actual, ad. That, we placed. For a virtual assistant. Remember, when you do that exercise. Where you do a brain dump, and you list everything you do from monday, morning, until sunday night. I then want you to zoom in on activities. That, i either research. Or admin, or customer, service, so then once you do once you get the clarity, on what those things are see how i legitimately. Listed. Things that i wanted to be outsourced. For, generic. Virtual, assistant. You can expect to hire somebody, for five, to six dollars an hour. In philippines. Would be my goal so when you go to post that job, it's really simple you're just gonna walk through the steps, right, you're gonna identify. Like how many hours a week, you know how long do you think, do you are you looking for somebody, right now. Or what kind of level, of expertise, you're looking for i always go for intermediate. And i look for. You know good attitude, i look for attention, to detail, i look for great, english. Enthusiasm. Things like that quick responses, okay, all right you guys, so thank you so much for being here i, admire, you so much for sticking, with me until the very end, and for more training just like this. My, lifestyle. Is our hub this is where we. Curate. Our very best. Nuggets, our very best trainings. To help you take your home business, your online marketing, your social media, and your lifestyle. To that next level. And until next time go crush it. Love ya. See you soon. Bye.
2020-03-16 05:32